Are women sociopaths
6 Traits Of Female Sociopaths
Female sociopaths and narcissists are dangerous precisely because their manipulation often flies under the radar. Although there is an ongoing debate about the definition of “sociopath” versus “narcissist,” it’s safe to say that both types exhibit the following:
?A callous lack of empathy.
?A tendency to manipulate and con others for their own gain.
?A sense of egocentrism and excessive entitlement along with blatant disregard for the rights, needs, and feelings of others.
Sociopaths and narcissists on the high end of the spectrum take it one step further. Those who meet the criteria for the Dark Triad (narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism) often lack remorse for their destructive actions. They use cognitive empathy to assess their target’s vulnerabilities but they lack the affective empathy to truly care about the welfare of others. They are often sadistic in provoking and deceiving others, feeling pleasure at the sight of another’s pain.
Studies show that these toxic types experience positive feelings when seeing sad faces (Wai & Tiliopoulos, 2012).
The reality of their malice becomes darker when we consider that females are socialized by our society to be covertly aggressive. As a result, they are more likely to bully others through underhanded methods such as relational aggression abuse through sabotage of someone’s social relationships and reputation – all while mastering the guise of a sweet exterior.
Here are six signs you are dealing with a female sociopath or narcissist on the high end of the spectrum:
1. They mirror and love-bomb you in order to get information.When a female sociopath first meets you, they are on a mission to collect as much information about you as possible. The female sociopath is assessing whether youd make a good target. As her unsuspecting victim, she zooms in on you with an excessive amount of attention. Her warm and nurturing faade helps to facilitate her covert machinations. On the outside, she is friendly and inviting, but within, she is vindictive, ruthless and cunning. Yet in the beginning, it’ll appear as if you both have so much in common.
Shell play to your sympathy and pity by pretending she has similar life experiences as you. Shell claim she has similar interests, hobbies, passions, life goals and values. Little do you know, this is a cold and calculating gesture used to find out as much as possible about your strengths and weaknesses so she can exploit both to her advantage. Under her hawk-like gaze, the female sociopath mirrors you to win your trust and to make you disclose personal information that she plans to use against you.
In the initial stage, she will build for you a beautiful pedestal so that youre tempted to buy into her con. Once youve sufficiently invested in her false mask, she has no problem using you and your resources for her own gain. Whether its sex, money, a place to live, status, reputation, fame, or even just the duping delight of one-upping someone it is all about power.
Much like a male sociopath, a female sociopaths projected kindness rarely meets her eyes. She is reptilian in her demeanor and you might notice a flash of her envy, anger or greed from time to time when the mask slips. Otherwise, she is eerily calm and lacks a startle response even in situations that warrant fear or anxiety (Lykken, 1957). She might exaggerate her speech patterns, expressing more enthusiasm and joy than she actually feels. She may slip up and into a condescending and contemptuous tone of voice which may reveal her true intentions.
Yet her charm, while superficial and glib, can be just as convincing, if not more, as a male sociopaths. This is because as a society we are conditioned to see females as the gentler sex, incapable of violence. Yet the violence a female sociopath can inflict can be just as psychologically destructive and dangerous as her male counterpart.
The aggression of a female sociopath is unprecedented, yet it is carefully hidden beneath multiple layers of constructed traits that one can mistake for sincerity. Remember that narcissists and sociopaths are chameleons, adapting to social situations based on what they suspect will bode well and will best suit their hunt for victims. So, they present a very alluring and charitable image, especially to those who can benefit them. However, to those they have no use for or those who evoke their narcissistic rage and envy, they reveal more of their true selves.
Much of the female sociopath’s manipulation is channeled through relational aggression, which involves damaging someone’s social relationships or reputation to destroy ones sense of self. In the realm of female friendships, female narcissists especially are always looking to protect themselves against outside threats that may overtake their “Queen Bee” status in the cliques they create.
That is why they underhandedly bully their chosen victims (usually those they perceive to have something they covet) by excluding them from social groups, pitting people against them, accusing them of things they did not do, spreading rumors or gossip, slandering or smearing them and also creating rivalries among people. That way, their victims are unable to gain validation or support for the abuse they’re experiencing.
4. They demonstrate little to no remorse in harming others to get what they want – and they exhibit internalized misogyny.Whoever is in a female narcissist or sociopaths way will pay dearly even the ones who pose the slightest threat. The female sociopath harbors a sense of entitlement to everything and anything. They are especially threatened by other women who possess what they cannot.
Female narcissists and sociopaths exhibit internalized misogyny: they despise other women getting ahead or posing a threat to their grandiose ego.
To see another woman achieving in a way that she is unable to do, or to get the attention she feels she must have, is a threat to her very sense of self and sense of entitlement. That is why the female sociopath is notorious for belittling her more successful or attractive female friends, covertly sabotaging and bullying those she is jealous of and having affairs with men who are already in committed relationships (with their friends nonetheless!). Her life motto is It is all about me, and if it isnt, I must make it so.
5. They are sadistic and enjoy inflicting pain.Female sociopaths and narcissists enjoy seeing people squirm, just for the hell of it. There is nothing they love more than to take down an innocent, good-natured person who was nave enough to believe in them. Thats why they make lofty, false promises they fail to carry through just to delight in anothers sense of disappointment and depletion. Thats why they deprive their most threatening victims of attention and affection, just to lather other, more loyal cronies with excessive praise.
Thats why they set up scenarios where they know their victims are bound to fail. Thats why they manufacture chaos out of thin air, to create a blend of crazymaking and love-bombing that leaves onlookers confused, on edge and constantly walking on eggshells.
6. They thrive off of male attention (or female attention, depending on their sexual orientation).Female sociopaths and narcissists enjoy being the center of attention because it gives them power and a harem from which they can derive endless amounts of narcissistic supply in the form of praise, sex, and resources. Sociopaths enjoy this because it gives them a power trip, the ability to control others at a whim and play everyone like puppets. Narcissists enjoy it because it feeds their inflated ego and gives them validation.
Female predators are not opposed to using their bodies to get what they want; they have no qualms using their appearance and sexuality to climb the corporate ladder, to take advantage of a doting boyfriend or to seduce a stranger, so long as it benefits them. They get off on the power and control – and their thirst for new victims is insatiable. They are notorious for having extramarital affairs, engaging in numerous flirtations and indiscretions and constantly surrounding themselves with admirers (everything from exes to potential replacements).
They can lie, manipulate and con their way into people’s hearts and lives, pulling the wool over your eyes quite easily while they pursue their own agenda. Yet once they are done with you and you are no longer useful, they will rarely give you the same amount of attention, respect or affection you’ve grown accustomed to. They will discard you without blinking twice. To them, you are merely an object to suit their purposes, nothing more.
The Big Picture
If you have encountered a female malignant narcissist or sociopath, take heart in the fact that their behavior is not your fault. Many have been bamboozled by these toxic types because of how convincing they are. Rather than blaming yourself, examine the ways in which you’ve been manipulated to resolve the cognitive dissonance that might arise. You may still be reeling from the discrepancy between their true self and their false self.
It’s common for survivors of sociopaths to doubt themselves and their experiences. It’s important to close that gap by documenting what you’ve experienced, seeking validating professional support and engaging in self-care healing modalities which will enable you to rise above their malice and move forward into a future without their toxicity.
6 Traits Of Female Sociopaths
Female sociopaths and narcissists are dangerous precisely because their manipulation often flies under the radar. Although there is an ongoing debate about the definition of “sociopath” versus “narcissist,” it’s safe to say that both types exhibit the following:
?A callous lack of empathy.
?A tendency to manipulate and con others for their own gain.
?A sense of egocentrism and excessive entitlement along with blatant disregard for the rights, needs, and feelings of others.
Sociopaths and narcissists on the high end of the spectrum take it one step further. Those who meet the criteria for the Dark Triad (narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism) often lack remorse for their destructive actions. They use cognitive empathy to assess their target’s vulnerabilities but they lack the affective empathy to truly care about the welfare of others. They are often sadistic in provoking and deceiving others, feeling pleasure at the sight of another’s pain.Studies show that these toxic types experience positive feelings when seeing sad faces (Wai & Tiliopoulos, 2012).
The reality of their malice becomes darker when we consider that females are socialized by our society to be covertly aggressive. As a result, they are more likely to bully others through underhanded methods such as relational aggression abuse through sabotage of someone’s social relationships and reputation – all while mastering the guise of a sweet exterior.
Here are six signs you are dealing with a female sociopath or narcissist on the high end of the spectrum:
When a female sociopath first meets you, they are on a mission to collect as much information about you as possible. The female sociopath is assessing whether youd make a good target. As her unsuspecting victim, she zooms in on you with an excessive amount of attention. Her warm and nurturing faade helps to facilitate her covert machinations. On the outside, she is friendly and inviting, but within, she is vindictive, ruthless and cunning. Yet in the beginning, it’ll appear as if you both have so much in common.
Shell play to your sympathy and pity by pretending she has similar life experiences as you. Shell claim she has similar interests, hobbies, passions, life goals and values. Little do you know, this is a cold and calculating gesture used to find out as much as possible about your strengths and weaknesses so she can exploit both to her advantage. Under her hawk-like gaze, the female sociopath mirrors you to win your trust and to make you disclose personal information that she plans to use against you.
In the initial stage, she will build for you a beautiful pedestal so that youre tempted to buy into her con. Once youve sufficiently invested in her false mask, she has no problem using you and your resources for her own gain. Whether its sex, money, a place to live, status, reputation, fame, or even just the duping delight of one-upping someone it is all about power.
2. They are superficially charming and demonstrate exaggerated speech or gestures which lack authenticity.Much like a male sociopath, a female sociopaths projected kindness rarely meets her eyes. She is reptilian in her demeanor and you might notice a flash of her envy, anger or greed from time to time when the mask slips. Otherwise, she is eerily calm and lacks a startle response even in situations that warrant fear or anxiety (Lykken, 1957). She might exaggerate her speech patterns, expressing more enthusiasm and joy than she actually feels. She may slip up and into a condescending and contemptuous tone of voice which may reveal her true intentions.
Yet her charm, while superficial and glib, can be just as convincing, if not more, as a male sociopaths. This is because as a society we are conditioned to see females as the gentler sex, incapable of violence. Yet the violence a female sociopath can inflict can be just as psychologically destructive and dangerous as her male counterpart.
3. They sabotage you covertly.The aggression of a female sociopath is unprecedented, yet it is carefully hidden beneath multiple layers of constructed traits that one can mistake for sincerity. Remember that narcissists and sociopaths are chameleons, adapting to social situations based on what they suspect will bode well and will best suit their hunt for victims. So, they present a very alluring and charitable image, especially to those who can benefit them. However, to those they have no use for or those who evoke their narcissistic rage and envy, they reveal more of their true selves.
Much of the female sociopath’s manipulation is channeled through relational aggression, which involves damaging someone’s social relationships or reputation to destroy ones sense of self. In the realm of female friendships, female narcissists especially are always looking to protect themselves against outside threats that may overtake their “Queen Bee” status in the cliques they create.
That is why they underhandedly bully their chosen victims (usually those they perceive to have something they covet) by excluding them from social groups, pitting people against them, accusing them of things they did not do, spreading rumors or gossip, slandering or smearing them and also creating rivalries among people. That way, their victims are unable to gain validation or support for the abuse they’re experiencing.
4. They demonstrate little to no remorse in harming others to get what they want – and they exhibit internalized misogyny.Whoever is in a female narcissist or sociopaths way will pay dearly even the ones who pose the slightest threat. The female sociopath harbors a sense of entitlement to everything and anything. They are especially threatened by other women who possess what they cannot.
Female narcissists and sociopaths exhibit internalized misogyny: they despise other women getting ahead or posing a threat to their grandiose ego.
To see another woman achieving in a way that she is unable to do, or to get the attention she feels she must have, is a threat to her very sense of self and sense of entitlement. That is why the female sociopath is notorious for belittling her more successful or attractive female friends, covertly sabotaging and bullying those she is jealous of and having affairs with men who are already in committed relationships (with their friends nonetheless!). Her life motto is It is all about me, and if it isnt, I must make it so.
5. They are sadistic and enjoy inflicting pain.Female sociopaths and narcissists enjoy seeing people squirm, just for the hell of it. There is nothing they love more than to take down an innocent, good-natured person who was nave enough to believe in them. Thats why they make lofty, false promises they fail to carry through just to delight in anothers sense of disappointment and depletion. Thats why they deprive their most threatening victims of attention and affection, just to lather other, more loyal cronies with excessive praise.
Thats why they set up scenarios where they know their victims are bound to fail. Thats why they manufacture chaos out of thin air, to create a blend of crazymaking and love-bombing that leaves onlookers confused, on edge and constantly walking on eggshells.
6. They thrive off of male attention (or female attention, depending on their sexual orientation).Female sociopaths and narcissists enjoy being the center of attention because it gives them power and a harem from which they can derive endless amounts of narcissistic supply in the form of praise, sex, and resources. Sociopaths enjoy this because it gives them a power trip, the ability to control others at a whim and play everyone like puppets. Narcissists enjoy it because it feeds their inflated ego and gives them validation.
Female predators are not opposed to using their bodies to get what they want; they have no qualms using their appearance and sexuality to climb the corporate ladder, to take advantage of a doting boyfriend or to seduce a stranger, so long as it benefits them. They get off on the power and control – and their thirst for new victims is insatiable. They are notorious for having extramarital affairs, engaging in numerous flirtations and indiscretions and constantly surrounding themselves with admirers (everything from exes to potential replacements).
They can lie, manipulate and con their way into people’s hearts and lives, pulling the wool over your eyes quite easily while they pursue their own agenda. Yet once they are done with you and you are no longer useful, they will rarely give you the same amount of attention, respect or affection you’ve grown accustomed to. They will discard you without blinking twice. To them, you are merely an object to suit their purposes, nothing more.
The Big Picture
If you have encountered a female malignant narcissist or sociopath, take heart in the fact that their behavior is not your fault. Many have been bamboozled by these toxic types because of how convincing they are. Rather than blaming yourself, examine the ways in which you’ve been manipulated to resolve the cognitive dissonance that might arise. You may still be reeling from the discrepancy between their true self and their false self.
It’s common for survivors of sociopaths to doubt themselves and their experiences. It’s important to close that gap by documenting what you’ve experienced, seeking validating professional support and engaging in self-care healing modalities which will enable you to rise above their malice and move forward into a future without their toxicity.
6 dark traits of a sociopathic woman, which you will learn about after meeting
A sociopathic woman also acts here in accordance with her feminine nature - she shows her aggression primarily in relations with others and is secretive.
As a bee "queen", she vigilantly guards her status in the kingdom she has created from the slightest threat. She easily manipulates rumors, creates and destroys coalitions, blames people for what they did not do, spreads gossip and rumors, uses slander and maintains rivalry among the people around her - both men and women.
4. They deal with everyone who is better than them in some way
she herself lacks abilities and talent - she will deal with him without regret. A sociopathic woman believes that only she can do whatever she wants.
Her motto is: “It's all about me and for me. And if not, I have to make sure that it is so.”
Sociopathic women hate those who threaten their grandiose egos, those who are more successful or get more attention. They feel threatened by their very essence, their "I".
This is why many sociopathic women spread rumors about their most attractive and successful friends, bully those they envy at work, crack down on those who once helped them achieve career success, and rightfully turn their close attention to strangers. satellites.
5. They feel pleasure in causing pain to others
Yes, it was this category of women who, in one well-known psychological experiment, experienced pleasure in marking pictures with sad and suffering characters.
Nothing gives them more pleasure than to make some kind person who was naive enough to believe them worry. For the same reason, they prudently ignore their companions and immediately pour out streams of flattery and attention on someone from their inner circle.
A scenario is easily formed in their head in which their new gullible victim has already been defeated. They perfectly master the art of creating roller coasters with a difference in heights from immense adoration to cold contempt.
6. They use their attractiveness to achieve their goals
A sociopathic woman loves to be the center of attention. This gives her power and at the same time the power to control others.
Another admirer feeds her with his energy, and it's hard to refuse such a thing. The sociopathic side of her nature enjoys being able to command and control others like puppets, while the narcissistic side gets the validation of her ego.
Sociopathic women have no questions about whether to use their physical attractiveness if they need to achieve some goal. Seduce a stranger or spend a weekend with a powerful person to move up the corporate ladder - both options are equally acceptable. Such women are known for their numerous love adventures, they surround themselves with fans, including former, potential, and current partners. This is their way of life.
They easily lie, manipulate and make promises. As soon as you fall out of their sphere of interest, their manner of communication changes dramatically.
One who has ceased to be useful will never receive the same amount of their attention or simple human interest. For them, you and everyone else is just a tool to achieve goals, no more and no less.
First and foremost, don't take everything personally. Very often, the victims of such women begin to blame themselves for the fact that the relationship broke up. Remember: neither your attractiveness or unattractiveness, nor your character has anything to do with it. So many fall into their trap precisely because a sociopathic woman knows how to be persuasive and present herself.
Instead of worrying and blaming yourself, explore your own past, the ways she manipulated you, and take care of yourself to move forward without this toxic baggage.
Understanding Sociopathic Women - Mental Health
In This Article
- Warning Signs of Sociopathic Women
- Women Sociopaths;
- Sociopathic symptoms in women
- Characteristics of a female sociopath
- How to recognize a woman-sociopathi
- Women-narsis-sociopath
- Narcissism and Narcissism
- Narcissical personality disorder (NPL)
- Characteristics of a female sociopath ACTION-Sociopathician
- How to behave with a woman all
Sociopaths are anti-social individuals who do not respect human rights and people's feelings. People with this disorder may harm someone for personal gain. They are very self-centered and manipulative. We can say that a sociopath is a person without conscience, always thinking about his own interests and having it at any cost.
When we talk about women or female sociopaths, we find that they are more harmful than male psychopaths. They take pleasure in hurting others, especially women. They live a lie, deceive people or harm them. They have very clear strategies to catch their prey. They can do anything to achieve their goals.
Warning signs of female sociopaths
Warning signs should be known to every person so that he can protect himself from a female sociopath.
Sociopathic women;
- Never take care of the rules, norms and laws of society
- Never take care of the rights of other people
- to be able to control people
- Openly and shamelessly violate rules
- Manipulative and dishonest
- usually have a criminal record
- to offend others for their sake own goals and personal gain
Sociopathic symptoms in women
Sociopaths are too smart, quick-witted and playful with others. Avoiding them is not easy. The checklist of female sociopaths below will help you spot a sociopath.
- They do not have sympathy
- , they are cold and egocentric
- violate rights and easily harm people
- They are obsessed with control and need to control
- They risk
- They are deceitful and not faithful to anyone
- do not fulfill
Characteristics of a female sociopath
Sociopaths should not be viewed as normal people. They suffer from a mental disorder. They have certain traits of character or behavior. These traits reflect their habits and their interactions with people, which can help other people recognize them and stay away from them.
How to recognize a female sociopath
Let's look at the personality traits of female sociopaths.
- One of the traits is that they are not aware of their surroundings.
- They are rational and prudent
- Their behavior is a choice
- They do not have the ability to love someone and be loved by someone.
- They never care about people and their feelings because they don't feel empathy
- They don't learn from negative consequences
- They lack a conscience
- They are superficial
A sociopathic female narcissist
Let's see what a narcissist is before discussing a female sociopathic narcissist.
Narcissism and narcissism
The narcissist exhibits extreme selfishness or self-admiration arising from an inability to distinguish oneself from external objects.
Such people lack empathy for others. In society, they are recognized as self-centered or arrogant. They need enduring admiration. So we can call narcissism a mental disorder.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
NPD is a disorder in which a person has a habit of showing off their accomplishments and ignoring others or exaggerating their importance to others. They suffer from a dominance mentality.
People with a narcissistic approach think they are better. This behavior usually manifests itself in adulthood. People suffering from NPL have a habit of exaggerating their work or beauty.
A female narcissistic sociopath can be quite difficult to handle. With all the traits and actions of a narcissist as well as a sociopath, a sociopathic female narcissist can be very harmful to you if you are emotionally attached to her. She wants self-praise and admiration. Sociopaths don't empathize with others either. They lie about themselves and people.
The combination can be disgusting!
Characteristics of a female sociopath
Although they are antisocial individuals, they have incredible social skills. What this actually means is that they have a keen ability to learn social skills in order to pretend to be someone else.
They do it for their own personal benefit and goals. They build relationships, but for their own benefit; there is no feeling or exchange of feelings in them. They are more harmful than male psychopaths.
The actions of a female sociopath
Female sociopaths are too smart. They are quite patient and can hunt their prey longer.
They are very superficial and naturally talented. Lying and breaking promises is not a problem for them. They can betray their partners very easily. As intelligent creatures, they are adept at hiding their true or real identities. They do not show their original personality, as they are very conservative towards others.
Usually female sociopaths prey on women or women as their victims. They love to see people suffer and can easily harm them. They are so selfish and mean that they even use dirty ways to achieve their goals and personal gain.
They want to win every time, and for that they will pay any price.
How to deal with a sociopathic woman
Do not be afraid of a sociopathic woman. Since you know their actions and symptoms, it will be easy for you to deal with female sociopaths.