Psychological questions about personality
15 psychological questions that reveal someone's true personality
Whether you’re interested in starting a romantic relationship or interviewing candidates for a job opening, getting to know someone is crucial.
The problem is sometimes, that process can take a long time. Too long.
And there’s always the fear that, after months of interaction, they turn out not to be a great fit for you.
What a waste of time.
So what can you do instead?
It all starts with asking the right questions.
With the right questions, you can learn about a person’s true personality, worldview, values, and their outlook on life.
The best part?
You don’t need a psychology background to ask them.
So if you want to learn more about someone within a matter of minutes, here are 15 psychologically revealing questions to ask them.
1. Who Are Your Role Models in Life?
Role models are people we aspire to be.
They have qualities that we want ourselves to have.
That’s why who one admires tells you what someone wants to become, and even how they structure their views on life.
On your first meeting with them, they seem like very kind and gentle people.
But if you ask them who they admire and they reply with well-known dictators or infamous convicted murderers, those already might signal wild red flags.
In contrast, if they’re aggressive but they admire someone like Gandhi, that might also give you an insight into their personality.
2. What Do You Think is The Meaning of Life?
If you ask 5 different people what they think the meaning of life is, you might receive 5 distinct answers.
That’s because how someone sees meaning in life is personal.
One might say the meaning is to live in the moment and enjoy.
That tells you they’re a more relaxed, easy-going individual.
On the other hand, if they say the meaning is to chase your dreams and make them come true, it’s a different story.
It could mean they’re ambitious and hustle hard towards their goals.
3. What has been Your Greatest Accomplishment So Far?
Everyone has a different metric for what they consider to be a success or a failure.
To someone whose family has not been able to complete college, graduating could be their greatest accomplishment; they might value education and making their family proud.
If it’s to buy a car with their own money, it could mean they value their independence and hard work.
4. What Did You Want to Be When You Were A Child?
Some of us wished to be firefighters, police officers, or astronauts.
The dream jobs we had as a child can give some insight into a person’s personality.
Contrasting the answer and their current job as an adult can already be the start of a good “getting to know you” conversation.
If they work as an accountant now but dreamt of being an artist before, that already tells you there’s a creative side to them.
It also means there’s an entire story in between that you can explore as your conversation goes on.
5. What Was The Most Difficult Thing You’ve Had to Go Through?
A study suggests that traumatic events can have positive effects on the way someone develops their identity.
For instance, if the person had to struggle through years of hardships, whether it be at a job they don’t enjoy or with people that don’t treat them well, it could help develop resilience within them.
This is why understanding what they had to go through will help you get a clearer picture of who they really are.
But this isn’t always easy; people aren’t often open to sharing their past traumas with people they’ve just met.
So this question is best saved once you’ve gotten to know each other better.
6. How Would Others Describe You?
Asking this question is a test to gauge their self-awareness and how they interact with others.
If they say other people tell them they’re a good friend, but they themselves don’t feel that way, it could mean they’re being humble.
If others describe them as being blunt, but they only think they’re telling the truth and doing the right thing, it might cause miscommunication problems down the line.
7. Would You Want to Know When You Were Going to Die?
This question might be a little morbid for some; people don’t often want to talk about dying.
How they react to the question already tells you about their personality.
If they’re shocked, it might mean they aren’t prepared for it and still figuring things out.
If they aren’t, it might mean they’ve proactively planned their life and are motivated to keep moving forward.
8. If Someone Stole Bread to Feed Their Family, Would You Consider Them A Bad Person?
The classic Robin Hood question; do the ends justify the means?
There is no objectively right or wrong answer, only different perspectives. Asking this question will reveal to you the person’s moral stance.
A study suggested that how one views topics of morality, justice, and fairness has an impact on their psychology.
This will then tell you more about who this person is, whether they’re strict or relaxed, for instance. It may also show you what they value in others.
9. What Would You Want To Change In Yourself?
Since some people may not be comfortable sharing their weaknesses (or they don’t realize that a trait they’re proud of is even a weakness), this question is a way to get around that.
You aren’t exactly asking them what their flaws are – just the parts of themselves they wish were better.
Maybe it’s their height.
In that case, they might be conscious about their appearance. Maybe it’s their time management.
That might mean their work ethic may need improvement but they understand the value of working hard.
10. If You Had The Chance To Change The World, What Would You Do?
Asking this question will let you know what they value and what they first see as a problem in the world.
Maybe there are social injustices being committed in remote countries that haven’t made the news, but they’d want to do something about it.
That might mean they’re sensitive to social issues and have strong advocates.
Maybe they want to improve the way we connect online.
That could mean they’re interested in technical innovation and human connections.
11. What’s Your Dream Job?
They might be working in a bank now, but secretly dream of being a writer.
They might work at a corporate job, but wish to live a simple life on the farm.
This question reveals to you where their passions lie, and what kind of person they actually want to be. If they want to write, it might mean they’re more creative than you first thought.
Or if they want to work on a farm, it might mean they want to move their body more and get their hands dirty.
12. What’s The Best Book You Read Recently?
The book they tell you will give you much insight into their personality.
If it’s a book about physics and astronomy, that might tell you they are curious individuals.
If it’s a book about theology that teaches good morals, that may let you know that they are deeply connected with their spirituality.
13. What Do You Do To Relax?
If they answer that they like to have a drink with their friends, that might tell you that they can build strong relationships with others, or they’re more extroverted.
If they say they’d rather spend the evening with a good book, it could mean they’re more introverted and prefer their own solitude.
14. Who Knows You The Most?
This is a gauge to see how they form relationships with others.
If they say it’s their mother and siblings, it could mean that family is very important to them.
If it’s their spouse, that could tell you they value loyalty and honesty in their relationships.
If it’s their friends, it could mean they’re more extroverted and can connect with different groups of people.
15. What Do You Wish You Could Redo?
It could be a relationship they knew should’ve worked if they were only a better listener.
Or their college life, if they had only said yes to their studies more and to parties less.
A study found that what a person regrets the most reflects the parts of their life where they see potential for growth, change and improvement.
Besides that, sharing their regrets and being vulnerable allows you both to connect with each other in a deeper way.
Moving Forward with The Relationship
These may not be your typical small talk questions, but that’s the point.
They’re meant to reveal a deeper side of someone, of who they are, not what they do.
Knowing who someone truly is will help you both form a better relationship with one another.
If you’re a hiring manager and you’ve realized they’re very collaborative, you now know it might be ideal to give them solo assignments
. If you’re looking for a romantic partner and you learn they’re ambitious, it could help you feel secure knowing they actually have plans for their life, and they aren’t being aimless.
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These 20 questions reveal everything about someone’s personality
We can all agree that meeting new people is one of the greatest thrills in life. Every single friend, lover, coworker, neighbor, acquaintance was once a stranger.
What if you knew which psychological questions to ask them to determine whether they were compatible with you or not?
While it’s difficult to learn ALL you need to know about someone the first time you meet them, there are certain questions you can ask that give you a deeper insight into the nature of their character, according to psychologists.
And let’s be honest, simple questions like, “How is your day?” or “What’s on for the rest of the week”, aren’t exactly going to give you insight into who they truly are.
But the following questions are different.
They’re designed to give you a more accurate and deeper insight into a stranger you’ve just met so you can work out whether you two will get along in the future.
1) How would you describe yourself?
This question might seem like it’s nothing special in particular, but its ambiguous nature will reveal a lot about their personality.
Because you can answer this question in many different ways. They might talk about their personality, their job, their family. Whatever they answer will generally show their priorities in life.
For instance, if someone identified first as a dancer, then a singer, and lastly as a librarian, then you know that to this particular individual, being a librarian is just a job, while being a dancer and singer holds more significance.
If someone self-described as a world traveler, then you know this is a person that is serious about traveling.
Also pay attention to the type of words they use. If they use words like “observant” or “recreational” they’re more likely to be humble, whereas if they use words like “smart” or “athletic” they might be extroverted.
2) What is your biggest accomplishment?
This will give a critical insight into a person’s past, and will also reveal two subtle things about their personality.
Once again, it shows where a person’s interests lie as it’s an ambiguous question. Is it a sporting accomplishment? Professional? Personal? You will then see what areas in their life that they take pride in.
It will also give you key insights into how this person thinks of their spiritual journey and evolution, which is something many of us get stuck on.
Also, how long did it take them to come up with this accomplishment? If it was a long time, it could be they have lots of accomplishments or few. You’ll have to use your sixth sense to find out.
3) Have you read any good books?
This is a great question and the answers will vary wildly. You will quickly be able to see whether you share the same interests.
First, you’ll easily be able to work out the non-readers from the readers. Some will be honest and say “they don’t read”. Other non-readers will take ages to work out what their last book was. This also shows they’re trying to impress you by searching for a book to say.
Among readers, you’ll find people who either prefer business or self-help books, or novels or science. Perhaps you can find someone who shares an interest in books about mindfulness.
4) What is your dream job?
Another ambiguous question that will reveal a lot.
Some will show they’re the creative type by highlighting creative pursuits. Some will try to be funny and describe jobs that don’t exist like “beer taster” or “puppy cuddler”.
Whatever they respond with, it will reveal whether they’ve thought about this question a lot or not at all.
Interestingly, this question gets asked a lot in real life job interviews.
[Buddhism can teach us an incredible amount about developing better relationships with people. In my new eBook, I use iconic Buddhist teachings to provide no-nonsense suggestions for living a better life. Check it out here].
5) Who is your personal hero?
Quite a meaningful question to ask. You’ll find some will describe a family member, while others will describe an athlete or pop culture celebrity. You’ll learn a lot about their values here. You can probe these questions by asking “what is it that makes this ‘hero’ stand out?”
Usually they’ll mention traits and characteristics that they aspire to have in themselves.
Do they look up to the civil rights activist, Martin Luther King Jr.? Or do they look up to Donald Trump? The answer to this question can send warning signals.
Here are 5 more questions whose answers will be truly revealing:
6) Do you have a life philosophy that you live by?
Although this question masquerades as a casual question, it is actually quite a personal one. The answer to this question will help you learn about this person’s perspective on life, their world view, and the values that they hope to adhere to. You will also be able to get a glimpse into what their morals are, or whether they have any.
For example, if someone says that their life philosophy is to make as much money as possible, you will know that their priority is making money, at any cost. Knowing their life philosophy soon after meeting them can save you a lot of time if their philosophy is incongruent with yours.
Many of us are tied to toxic beliefs and spiritual teachings that hurt us far more than we realize.
In this eye-opening video, the shaman Rudá Iandé explains how so many of us fall into the toxic spirituality trap. He himself went through a similar experience at the start of his journey.
Never underestimate the power of a personal philosophy!
7) What do you like most about yourself?
Image credit: Shutterstock – By denrzHere, you will see this person reveal what their values and priorities are. Of course, it is all very subtle. If you see a person bragging, you will know that this person is either very insecure, or they may even have a narcissistic personality disorder. No one likes a braggart, so if you see this, the suggestion is that you move on from there.
A lot of the time, it is what they don’t reveal that tells you a lot. If their answer seems insincere and contrived, they could be manipulating you to like them. Trust your intuition.
8) If you could change the world, what would you change?
For most of us, our everyday lives are so individually focused, so it is not often that we think about how the world can change for the better. The answer to this question will reveal not only how much a person pays attention to current events, politics, and policies, but also the person’s values.
Is their answer selfish, or do they show a genuine concern for the well being of others and the planet?
We’re all on a spiritual journey, it just depends what we’re trying to accomplish with it!
9) What do you think is the meaning of life?
Here you will see whether this person has a religion or a particular spiritual view. You can also get a hint at what their values are here too. If they believe that the meaning of life is to learn as much as possible while on this planet, then you know that learning is a high priority in their life.
The answers to this question will be extremely interesting, and it is always nice when a potential friend shares similar religious or spiritual views.
10) Do you prefer working alone, or do you like working with others?
Some people work better alone. Others thrive when working with a group. If this potential friend is a co-worker or could be a potential partner, this question can give you a hint as to whether they can play nice with others. If they prefer to work alone, it could be because they don’t cooperate well in a team.
Because we spend so much time online these days, our knack for conversation is kind of going to the wayside. We don’t the chance to have deep, meaningful conversations anymore and when we do, they are usually rushed and high-level conversations.
We miss opportunities to talk about ourselves and ask others about themselves. It’s interesting to see what people miss talking about and this question will help you find out about the person sitting in front of you in a really in-your-face kind of way.
12) What is your deepest belief about life?We all do things, but we rarely stop to think about where those actions or feelings come from. When you ask someone about their deepest belief, you’ll be able to quickly trace back the origin of other responses to other questions based on those beliefs.
For example, if they say that their deepest belief about life is something negative, you might be able to understand why they don’t ask for a raise at work or why they haven’t found love that lasts.
But I get it, letting those feelings out can be hard, especially if you’ve spent so long trying to stay in control of them.
If that’s the case, I highly recommend watching this free breathwork video, created by the shaman, Rudá Iandê.
Rudá isn’t another self-professed life coach. Through shamanism and his own life journey, he’s created a modern-day twist to ancient healing techniques.
The exercises in his invigorating video combine years of breathwork experience and ancient shamanic beliefs, designed to help you relax and check in with your body and soul.
After many years of suppressing my emotions, Rudá’s dynamic breathwork flow quite literally revived that connection.
And that’s what you need:
A spark to reconnect you with your feelings so that you can begin focussing on the most important relationship of all – the one you have with yourself.
So if you’re ready to take back control over your mind, body, and soul, if you’re ready to say goodbye to anxiety and stress, check out his genuine advice below.
Here’s a link to the free video again.
13) If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow, where would it be?This is a fun question that will tell you a lot of your conversation partner’s dreams and hopes. People who say things such as “a beach” or something less specific might be secretly telling you they don’t have any ambitions or maybe they don’t want to work.
Or, if they say they would love to wake up in their Grandmother’s house because they haven’t been there since they were a kid, it’s a good sign that they are sentimental and have good reflection skills.
You’ll get all kinds of answers for this question and in fact, you could spend an entire evening talking about this one question.
Everyone has multiple answers and each answer has its own unique backstory that allows for lots of probing and follow-up questions.
15) How do you work on yourself?If this is a question you ask someone you are dating, you want them to give you a good answer such as “go to the gym”, “read a book a week”, or “take classes.” You don’t want to be dating someone who has peaked. Nobody likes people without ambition.
16) What’s the worst thing you’ve ever been through?This is a gut-wrenching question and a lot of people might not like talking about their bad experiences but if you can get someone to open up about their worst experiences, you can trust that they’ll basically tell you anything whenever you ask in the future.
Sometimes, this question elicits interesting answers. Don’t expect everyone to say their mother is the most important person in their life. Not everyone loves their mother.
Some people are going to say they really looked up to a coach or friend or parent of a friend. It’s very telling about the kind of people that influence your conversation partner.
18) What did you discover about yourself when your last relationship ended?A lot of relationships leave people feeling burned and bitter. If your conversations lead you to believe that your partner is feeling this way, you’ll want to ask yourself how they have tried to help themselves get over those feelings.
Are they playing the victim or did they learn to overcome those feelings and get on with their life?
19) How does anger manifest itself in your body?You want to know how people let anger come about in their bodies so you can recognize it if it happens. This isn’t for you, so much as it is to help them figure out when something is bothering them. Some people will get red in the face, others will feel shaky or weak.
We love to talk about ourselves, don’t we? Have you ever been at a party dying for someone to ask you something about yourself? Sure you have. It happens to everyone. Ask someone what kinds of questions they want to answer and then let them talk while you take it all in.
Have Fun With These Questions
Once you spend a little bit of time with someone, these questions are perfect to get to know this person a little (or a lot) better. How they react and how they answer them will reveal a lot about their personality.
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100 interesting questions from psychology to get to know a person better
Author admin Reading 9 min Published
Hello, dear readers of the site! Today I want to bring to your attention questions that will help you get to know a person better.
After all, there are situations when we experience confusion and do not know at all what to ask the interlocutor. Even despite the fact that he is interesting to us and makes us want to get close to him.
- Experiment
- List of questions
- To get closer to the person
- List of questions for awareness
- Psychological issues
- Interesting questions
- Complex friend. At the same time accepting your partner as he is. This is a state that is often referred to as "touching souls."
Agree, it is much more comfortable to be in the company of a person when you can be sincere with him than to communicate with someone, “putting on” a mask and playing the expected role. Is not it?
Psychologist Arthur Aron once asked this question, what exactly helps to form intimacy. Therefore, in 1997, he decided on an experiment, which is known in the world under the name "36 questions".
Its essence was that previously completely unknown people had to ask each other a list of questions provided by Arthur.
Students participated, and couples were not only members of the opposite sex. There were significantly fewer men, so some of the girls communicated with each other.
The questions were divided into three parts, 12 pieces each. Time was limited, only 45 minutes for the entire study cycle.
As a result, it turned out that most of the couples participating in the experiment soon created families.
The girls, deprived of a partner of the opposite sex, remained on friendly terms.
This is how they got to know each other not only better, but also shared information that sometimes even close relatives don't know about. For one simple reason - they were not interested.
List of questions
In Arthur's experiment there were 36 questions, but I offer you a list of 100. You can choose those that arouse more curiosity.
To get close to someone
- What helps you recover when you're tired or under a lot of stress?
- What can delight you, make you happy?
- At what moments and to what people do you usually feel affection?
- What makes you angry and annoying?
- How do you show your interest in another person?
- Which teacher at school did you respect and why?
- What do you like about me? Are there any traits that you would also like to have?
- What do you categorically reject in people?
- What can you never put up with?
- Can you forgive only sincerely, without periodically reminding the offender of his guilt?
- How are you now? What do you feel?
- What do you want at the moment?
- What is your most pleasant and warm moment from childhood? Tell me more about him.
- What kind of music do you like?
- What songs help you cheer up, calm down, or vice versa, have fun?
- What would you like to say to a person whom you lost, but did not have time to say goodbye or confess something?
- What exactly is preventing you from turning your dreams of this vacation into reality?
- Do you think you can be called a happy person?
- Tell us about your closest people. Why do you love them, how did you meet them?
- Do you have any experience of helping a total stranger? If yes, please tell us more about it.
- What do you think the people around you like the most about you?
- Is there a person in your life to whom you could entrust for a while the most valuable thing you have?
- How do you usually react when you are asked for help?
- What should a person do or say so that you immediately understand that you no longer want to see him?
- Do you prefer giving gifts or receiving them? What feelings do you have at such a moment?
Awareness List
- How do you express anger towards another person?
- How do you end a relationship, say goodbye?
- What supports you at the moment of separation from your loved one?
- What kind of people attract you, what is the first thing you pay attention to?
- What qualities must the other person have in order for your relationship to become friendly?
- Remember someone with whom your relationship ended and tell me what instructive and useful things you learned thanks to this person?
- When you're sad, what do you do?
- How do you behave and how do you feel when you receive a compliment?
- What can make you laugh?
- What attracts you to members of the opposite sex?
- What are you best at?
- What are you not good at?
- What do you do when you don't know how to handle a task?
- Can you ask for help?
- How do you get support from close people, strangers?
- What helps you to cheer up when you are sad?
- What can make you laugh no matter what mood you are in?
- Do you sometimes feel stupid, out of place? How do you deal with this condition?
- What would you like to have written on your tombstone after death?
- How do you usually spend your free time? How would you like to?
- How do you most often react and how do you behave when you hear bad news?
- What is your job, and if you don't work, where do you get money for living?
- How do you feel about money? What are they for you? Name the first three words that come to mind.
- What does your dream vacation look like?
- Do you have a secret that you haven't shared with anyone yet? If so, what are your reasons for keeping it?
Psychological questions
- What good, interesting thing happened to you today?
- What did you do useful and pleasant for yourself today?
- What have you learned today, learned something new?
- Is there a place where you can relax, think about something important and recuperate?
- How do you rest?
- How do you like to start your morning so that it is enjoyable?
- Is it better for you to invent or do something?
- What would you like to learn?
- Who can you thank for being the way you are now?
- What are you afraid of?
- What experiences do you think made you stronger?
- What bad habits do you have?
- How do you feel about your bad habits?
- Is there something that you are ashamed of and you just can't forgive yourself, accept?
- If you knew you only had a week left to live, how would you live it? What would you do, who would you talk to?
- Is there anything you are proud of that you would like to tell me about?
- What helps you calm down when you are angry and seem to be losing control of your behavior and words?
- What movie are you willing to watch over and over again? Why?
- Is there a book that helps you restore peace of mind, motivate you to take action?
- What feeling have you experienced most often in the last week? Why do you think?
- Would you like to become immortal? Explain why?
- How old are you according to your inner feelings?
- What exactly do you bring to the concept of love?
- What makes you the most tired?
- How would your friends, family members describe you?
Interesting questions
- What fairy-tale character do you think you look like? And why?
- If you had a million dollars to spend on yourself for one day, what would you buy?
- What wish would you make if a magician suddenly appeared to you and promised to fulfill one dream, of absolutely any complexity?
- If you put aside any restrictions that are stopping you now, what hobby would you like to take up?
- What exactly is stopping you from taking up this hobby?
- What animal do you associate yourself with? Name the qualities that this animal possesses.
- What is the most unusual and beautiful place you have visited?
- If you could be another person for a day, who would you choose?
- Which celebrity would you go to dinner with if you had the opportunity and choice?
- If you had the opportunity to return to the past, in which period, moment would you like to be?
- Would you change something in the past if you had a chance to correct just one mistake? Think well, because it will change the present.
- If you could choose any superpower for a few days, what would it be? And for what exactly?
- Tell us about your favorite childhood toy? Why did you love her so much?
- Have you ever found yourself in ridiculous and interesting situations? Share a funny story from your life.
- Imagine you won the lottery, what would you do with that money?
- If you could change your gender for a day, how would you spend it? And what would you do first?
- What do you think the role of which character and from which movie would you be best suited for?
- Do you remember what you spent your first earned money on? What did you feel at that moment?
- What's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten?
- If you were invited to perform in a circus, having previously taught everything necessary, what role would you choose?
- What if there is something in your life that you absolutely cannot do without, even if you know that this thing or product harms you?
- What kind of food would you never share because you love it so much?
- If you were offered to give up alcohol completely for five whole years, promising in return to organize a vacation in any place of your choice, would you agree?
- Which country would you refuse to go to even if you were given a free trip there?
- If you could become invisible for a day, how would you spend it and where would you go first?
And that's all for today, dear readers! Subscribe to site updates and then you will be aware of new interesting articles that we try to upload every day.
Develop, become more conscious, because this allows you to improve the quality of your life. To protect myself from unpleasant experiences that arise due to stress and lack of knowledge about who I am and how I can fulfill my needs.
60 important questions that will help you get to know yourself, friends and loved ones better
49 714
Man among people Know yourself
Truly deep questions and conversations require sincere curiosity and a desire to establish emotional contact. “The shortest route to another person's heart or mind is through meaningful, meaningful dialogue. By asking important and deep questions, you demonstrate sincere interest in the interlocutor and create the prerequisites for further rapprochement, ”explains psychotherapist Holly Richmond.
Here are 60 such questions. Of course, you can add to this list by creating your own.
Questions to ask yourself
- What are my true intentions?
- What are my core values?
- What secret desires and aspirations have I used to ignore?
- Who are those people with whom communication always cheers me up?
- Who, on the contrary, always seems to draw energy out of me?
- At what moments do I most acutely feel alive?
- What do I feel now (anxiety, joyful anticipation, emotional excitement, thirst for action.
..) and why?
- Am I taking good care of myself?
- Do I value myself?
- What am I not paying enough attention to?
- How did my personal growth manifest itself?
What to ask your friends about
- What are you thinking about today?
- What are you most interested in right now?
- Has anything been bothering you lately?
- Do you feel connected to the outside world?
- What is especially important and interesting for you?
- What do you value most in friends?
- What always makes you happy?
- What difficulties are you currently having in life?
- Would you like to talk about something? Perhaps I can offer some advice?
- What do you enjoy now?
- Are you working on something interesting right now?
What to ask your partner about
- What do you feel most often lately?
- Do you think we are close enough?
- Are you satisfied with sex?
- How can we make our relationship even better?
- When do you feel especially loved/loved?
- Is there anything important to you that you would risk your life for?
- How can I become a better partner?
- How/what were you like as a child? What about in adolescence?
- When was the last time you felt alone despite the fact that we were together?
- What are you dreaming about?
- When do you think we are especially close?
- Is there anything that is bothering you that I could help with?
- How do you imagine a truly great relationship?
What to ask relatives
- What are you most interested in today?
- What are you grateful for today?
- What did you miss this week?
- Did you manage to do something this week that you are proud of?
- What do you want to learn in the near future?
- How would you describe our family?
- Do you feel like a full-fledged member of the family, or rather an outsider?
- What family traditions do you try to keep?
- Have you ever done something "forbidden" that was worth it?
- Tell me about our relatives that I don't know?
- What are the strengths of our family?
- Tell us about the best gift you have ever received?
- What are the main values in our family?
- What traditions were you glad to give up?
- How do you imagine our family in 50 years?
A few more philosophical questions to start an interesting conversation
- What is the meaning of life for you?
- What memory do you think of you will remain?
- How long do you think you will be remembered?
- What is the most important thing you have done in your life?
- How did you manage to change the world even a little?
- What is the most important quality for any person?
- What should be more in the world?
- What should become less in the world?
- What do you think will be more valued in 50 years: science or art?
- Why do you think art is important (or vice versa, useless)?
- Do you think the influence of religions will increase or decrease?
- What is happiness?
- Which do you think is more important and why: improving your own life, helping your family, or making the world a better place?
- By what criteria should society be evaluated?
- Is the world changing for the better or for the worse? And why?
- Do you have a motto or main life principle?
- Are moral principles relative or absolute?
- What from the past would be worth keeping?
- How has society changed during your lifetime?
- What do you think caused these changes?
- Is it better to be a realist or an optimist?
“It is always useful to have in your “arsenal” a set of important and interesting questions that can start an interesting dialogue.
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