Should i come out quiz
How Should You Come Out? Quiz
Love and Relationship quizzes -» What is my sexuality? -» My sexuality for both genders
14 Questions - Developed by: - Updated on: - 34,606 taken - User Rating: 4.8 of 5 - 18 votes - 49 people like it
This quiz is for anyone who wants to come out as lesbian, gay, bi, trans, pan, ace, or anything else! Also, you can take this quiz for every person you are thinking of coming out to, since your result will probably vary depending on the person. Remember to stay safe, and I hope that coming out goes well for you!:)
Do you know that the person you want to come out to is accepting?
Yes, I’m positive that they will accept and support me!
I don’t know that they’ll be thrilled, but they’ll be OK with it
I have no idea how they will react
They’ve said some homophobic/transphobic things in the past, but I don’t think coming out to them would put me in danger
I know they would definitely not accept or support me.
Coming out to them might put me in a dangerous situation. (If you choose this answer for your parent/guardian, and you are dependent on them, please don’t come out! I know it’s hard, but your safety is the most important thing.)
Another personality question: How creative are you?
Very! I love coming up with new ways to do things
I’m somewhat creative
I’m not completely uncreative, but I’m not super creative, either
Not very. I like to keep things simple
How do you WANT to come out?
I want to do it in the biggest way possible! I’ll hire a plane to write it across the sky!
I’d like to have a little fun with it
I don’t know.
That’s why I’m taking this quiz
I’d rather just say it or write a letter or something
I try not to think about it
What comes to mind when you think of being out?
I think it’ll be cool to be myself and to date whoever I want
I don’t think anything will change
I think some people might dislike me for it, but it’s fine
I’m worried that people would hate me or want to hurt me. (Again, PLEASE STAY SAFE. I LOVE YOU!)
How visibly queer are you right now?
Everyone can already tell I’m not cishet (straight).
It’s pretty obvious. I could wear a pride flag and no one would say anything
Enough that other queer people might be able to recognize it, but most others don’t
I don’t know. I don’t try to make it obvious, but I don’t try to hide it, either
I try a little bit to look cishet
I try hard to appear as cishet as possible
How many people already know?
Almost everyone in my life
Most of my friends, and I tell people if they ask
Some of my close friends know
One or two queer people I know
No one else in the entire world
Here’s another question that won’t affect your score: Choose a queer icon!
Brendon Urie (Mr.
Disco has my entire pansexual heart)
Hayley Kiyoko (LESBIAN JESUS!)
Troye Sivan (A gay icon)
Kovu Kingsrød (I love him, he’s so wholesome and pure)
Jessie Paege (We STAN Jessie Paege in this household!)
Should I Come Out To My Parents? QUIZ
Are you approaching the end of your endurance and can no longer keep the truth about your orientation a secret? The constant pondering of how to tell your parents spends you sleepless nights? Or do you wonder if you should even admit to your parents what orientation you are? If you answered yes to any of the questions, then this 'should I come out to my parents? quiz' is designed perfectly for you!
By solving it, you will find out whether you should admit to your parents about your different sexual orientation at all! The answer is close at hand, and your life may look completely different in a moment!
Start Quiz
If you are wondering at all whether you should announce to your parents that you are of a different orientation, then there must be a problem somewhere. Is the reason your legitimate fear about their reaction to what they will learn from you? Or are you simply taking too long to arrange in your mind what it will look like?
Sometimes analyzing in your mind for too long what hasn't happened yet is quite different from reality. Perhaps in inches, your parents will not react to this news the way you imagine! The best way would be to tell them directly about your orientation and only then wait for the situation to develop. But that, of course, would be too easy. Few people are brave enough to confess something so important to their family without thinking it through first! But don't worry, we'll find a way!
Perhaps you are starting to blame yourself - why are you just such an orientation? Your parents tried to raise you to be a man who will start his own family and have children in the future, and you will not be able to live up to their expectations? Should you then open your true self to them?
Maybe you think it will be better to pretend before them to be a heterosexual person who still hasn't found his other half? I think that would be the worst possible solution. Persisting on a lie for too long could prove to be very troublesome and, worse, lead to serious mental problems! Imagine if you had to lead a double life. No human being would be able to play such a role for a long time without health damage. Are you already slowly beginning to guess what you should do?
On the other hand, if your parents are very religious people, traditionalists, and they look at a homosexual couple passing on the street with distaste, we have the best advice for you! Get them gradually accustomed to the news that is new to them. Try to talk a lot and explain about the relationships of couples, for example, the same sex.
After all, there is nothing worse about two women or two men loving each other if this love is really sincere! With this preparation, it should be easier for them to accept the message you will give them. They will not be shocked by it and will try to understand your decision. After all, you are their beloved child regardless of age, and they certainly want you to be happy whether you are involved with a woman or a man! Just give them some time to get everything figured out. Should you announce your orientation to your parents right now?
It is impossible to predict how your parents will react to this news. So there is no point in dwelling too long on everything, because it may be quite different than you think anyway! Will you soon admit to your parents what orientation you are? Will it come out quite by accident, or will you try to prepare them somehow? Perhaps your other half has the same problem as you and can't get it out of her/himself either? Don't delay any longer, and take this 'should I come out to my parents quiz', and you'll find out if it's already the right time to discover your orientation! The questions will help you come up with your own conclusions about what you should do! Maybe it's just time to start a whole new life?
Our team is made up of creative and knowledgeable individuals who work tirelessly to craft engaging and thought-provoking quizzes for people of all ages and interests. Whether you're a history buff or a pop culture fan, you'll find something for yourself here.
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110+ quiz questions for yourself! Reveal yourself today!
Quiz for yourself ? Wow, that sounds weird. It's necessary?
Hmm... Asking yourself seems like a simple act. But it's only when you take the "correct" test that you will see how much it will affect your life. Don't forget that self-examination is an important key to understanding your true values and how to become a better person every day.
Or, in a fun way, this can also be a little test to see how well others know you.
Let's find out with 110+ quiz questions for yourself!
- Basic Questions - Self Quiz
- Difficult questions - Quiz for yourself
- Yes or no - Test for yourself
- Love - Quiz for yourself
- Career path - Quiz for yourself
- Self-development - Quiz for yourself
- Key Findings
Need more quizzes to unlock yourself?
Essential Questions - Self Quiz
Self Quiz- Is my name named after someone?
- What is my zodiac sign?
- What is my favorite body part?
- What is the first thing I think about when I wake up?
- What is my favorite color?
- What is your favorite sport?
- What kind of clothes do I like to wear?
- My favorite number?
- What is my favorite month of the year?
- What is my favorite food?
- What is my bad sleeping habit?
- What is my favorite song?
- What is my favorite saying?
- A movie I will never see?
- What kind of weather would make me feel uncomfortable?
- What is my current job?
- Am I a disciplined person?
- Do I have tattoos?
- How many people have I loved?
- What are my 4 best friends?
- What is my pet's name?
- How do I go to work?
- How many languages do I know?
- Who is my favorite singer?
- How many countries have I visited?
- Where am I from?
- What is my sexual orientation?
- Do I collect anything?
- Which car do I like?
- What is my favorite salad?
Difficult questions - Quiz for yourself
Quiz for yourself — Image: Freepik- Describe my relationship with my family.
- When was the last time I cried? Why?
- Do I plan to have children?
- If I could be someone else, who would I be?
- Is my current job the same as my dream job?
- When was the last time I got angry? Why? Who am I angry with?
- My most memorable birthday?
- How was my worst breakup?
- What is my most embarrassing story?
- What do I think about friends with benefits?
- When was the biggest fight between me and my parents? Why?
- Do I trust others easily?
- Who was the last person I spoke to on the phone? Who is the person who talks to me the most on the phone?
- What kind of people do I hate the most?
- Who was my first love? Why did we break up?
- What is my biggest fear? Why?
- What makes me most proud of myself?
- If I had one wish, what would it be?
- How comfortable is death for me?
- How do I like others to see me?
- Who is the most important person in my life?
- Who is my ideal type?
- What is true for me no matter what?
- What failure did I turn into my biggest lesson?
- What are my priorities right now?
- Do I believe that fate is predetermined or self-determined?
- If a relationship or job makes me unhappy, do I choose to stay or leave?
- How many scars do I have on my body?
- Was I in a traffic accident?
- What song do I sing alone?
Yes or no - Test for yourself
- Friends with exes?
- Allow someone to view my Google search history?
- Return to the one who was unfaithful to you?
- Ever brought mom or dad to tears?
- Am I a patient person?
- Would you rather stay at home to sleep than go out?
- Still keeping in touch with your school friends?
- Is there a secret no one knows?
- Believe in eternal love?
- Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn't love me back?
- Have you ever wanted to run away from your family?
- Do you want to get married someday?
- I feel happy in my life
- i envy someone
- Money is important to me
Love - Self Quiz
Photo: Freepik- What is my ideal date?
- How would I feel if love didn't have sex?
- Am I satisfied with the intimacy I share?
- Have I ever changed anything for my partner?
- Is it really necessary for my partner to know everything about me?
- What is my attitude towards cheating?
- How do I feel when my partner has to leave for a while because of work or school?
- How about setting boundaries in a relationship to preserve privacy?
- Have I ever thought about leaving my partner and why?
- Does this partner make me forget the pain of my previous relationship?
- What if my parents don't like my partner?
- Have I ever thought about a future with my partner?
- Are there more happy moments than sad ones when you are together?
- Do I feel that my partner accepts me for who I am?
- What was the best moment in my relationship so far?
Career Path Quiz
- Do I like my job?
- Do I feel successful?
- What does success mean to me?
- Am I driven by money or power?
- Do I wake up excited to get this job done? If not, why not?
- What fascinates me about your work?
- How would I describe the work culture? Is this culture right for me?
- Am I clear about what level I want to get in this organization? Does it excite you?
- How important is it for me to love my job?
- Am I willing to risk my career and get out of my comfort zone?
- When making decisions about my career, how often do I consider what other people will think of that decision?
- What advice would I give myself today about where I am in the career I want to be?
- Am I in my dream job? If not, do I know what my dream job is?
- What's stopping me from getting my dream job? What can I do to change?
- Do I believe that with hard work and focus I can do anything I want?
Self Development Quiz
Now on to the important part! Shut up, listen to yourself and answer the following questions!
1/ What are my milestones in the last year?
- This is a question that will help you determine where you are, whether you have improved over the past year, or if you are still “stuck” on your way to achieving your goals.
- When you look back at what you have been through, you will learn from past mistakes and focus on what is right and positive in the present.
2/ What do I want to be?
- The best question you should ask yourself is who do you want to be. This is the question that determines the remaining 16-18 hours of the day, how you will live and how happy you will be.
- Knowing what you want to achieve is good, but if you don't transform yourself to become the "right" version of yourself, it will be difficult for you to achieve what you want.
- For example, if you want to become a good writer, you should spend 2-3 hours daily writing texts and practice the skills that a good writer should have.
- Everything you do will lead you to what you want. That's why you need to know who you want to be, not just what you want.
3/ Do you really live in the present?
- How are you spending your day at the moment? If the answer is yes, then you are doing what you love.
But if the answer is no, you may need to rethink what you are doing.
- Without passion and love for what you do, you will never be the best version of yourself.
4/ Who do you spend the most time with?
- You will become the person you spend the most time with. So if you spend most of your time with positive people or the people you aspire to be, keep up the good work.
5/ What do I think about the most?
- Take a moment and think about this question right now. What do you think about the most? Your career? Are you looking for a new job? Or are you tired of relationships?
6/ What are the 3 mandatory goals I need to work towards in the next 6 months?
- Write down 3 must-haves that you must complete in the next 6 months today in order to focus on these goals, plan, act and not waste time.
7/ If I continue with old habits and old thoughts, will I be able to achieve the life I want in the next 5 years?
- This last question will serve as an assessment to help you see if what you have done in the past is actually helping you achieve your goals and dreams.
And if the results are not what you want, you may need to change or adjust your way of working.
Key Findings
Sometimes we still ask ourselves various questions about feelings of happiness, sadness, harmlessness, or ask for self-criticism, self-reflection, evaluation, and self-awareness. This is why so many successful people ask themselves the question of growth every day.
So hopefully this list of 110+ Quiz Questions for Yourself by AgaSlides will help you find your strengths and weaknesses and live the most meaningful life possible.
After this test, remember to ask yourself: “What did I learn about myself and my status by answering the above questions?
Business Letter Quiz "Own Game" | Methodological development (Grade 9):
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Business letter quiz "OWN GAME" Gritsaeva E.R. GBOU No. 46 School "Center RiM" St. Petersburg
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1 round topic questions “I am writing to you…” 10 20 30 50 70 What for what 10 20 30 50 70 Find out by description 10 20 30 50 70 “Confusion” 10 20 30 50 70
9002 Slide 3 1. “I am writing to you…” Question for 10 points. In A.P. Chekhov's story "Vanka", a boy wrote a letter to his grandfather. ... Vanka folded the sheet of paper with writing, put it in an envelope ... After thinking a little, he wrote the address: "To the village of grandfather." Then he added: "Konstantin Makarych." Will this letter get through? Answer: It will not reach, since there is no exact address
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1. “I am writing to you…” Question for 20 points. What is the name of the sign of payment for the letter, in the form of a small piece of paper with a picture and the designation of the price, which is glued to the envelope? Answer: Brand
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1. “I am writing to you…” Question for 30 points. Friend of my harsh days, my decrepit dove! Alone in the wilderness of pine forests For a long, long time you have been waiting for me... To whom did A.S. Pushkin address these words? Answer: To the nanny Arina Rodionovna
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1. “I am writing to you…” Question for 50 points. The Pope receives the most letters in the world. In second place is a fairy-tale character who moves in a sleigh pulled by deer. Who is this fairy tale character? Answer: Santa Claus
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1. “I am writing to you…” Question for 70 points. The author of the shortest letter is the writer Victor Hugo. He sent the publisher his new work and a letter in which only one question mark was written instead of words. The publisher liked the novel. Guess what the publisher wrote in the response letter? Answer: !
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2. What for what Question for 10 points. When writing a business paper, prepositions and conjunctions are not used? Answer: Telegram
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2. What for what Question for 20 points. What is the main paper you need to write in order to be accepted to college? Answer: Application
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2. What for what Question for 30 points. This business paper explains the causes of misconduct, violation of discipline. Answer: Explanatory note
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2. What for what Question for 50 points. This name of the headgear is used to refer to that part of the statement or explanatory note in which they write to whom the business paper is addressed and by whom it was written. Answer: "Hat"
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2. What for what Question for 70 points. After the construction of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, a lot of garbage remained. Then the ad was written. Some time after the publication of this announcement, the area in front of the Winter Palace was completely cleared. What was in that ad? Answer: The ad offered people to pick up whatever they wanted for free
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3. Find out from the description Question for 10 points. State document proving the identity and citizenship of the owner. What is this document? Answer: Passport
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3. Find out from the description Question for 20 points. An official document that contains a written request for something addressed to an organization, enterprise or official. Name this document. Answer: Application
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3. Find out from the description Question for 30 points. What business paper can contain questions on the topics: “Personal data”, “My class”, “Hobby”, “Your family” and others? Answer: Questionnaire
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3. Find out from the description Question for 50 points.
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3. Find out from the description Question for 70 points. A business paper in which a person gives permission to someone to act instead of himself (to receive money, a parcel, some valuables) Answer: Power of attorney
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4. “Confusion” Question for 10 points. Arrange the parts of the plan correctly. What do they write according to the resulting plan? Signature Appeal Wish Date Congratulation Answer: 1. Appeal 2. Congratulations 3. Wish 4. Signature 5. Date
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4. "Confusion" Question for 20 points When entering the college, Petya brought with him an explanatory note, a reference, a medical certificate, a receipt. Did the graduate choose the right documents? Answer: No
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4. "Confusion" Question for 30 points. Correct errors in the design of business paper. Director of School No. 6 Ivanova E.A. Statement. I, Alena Smirnova, didn't go to physical education class because I don't know how to ski. Excuse me! Answer: Another name for business paper. The reason for the offense is irrelevant. Incomplete header data.
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4. "Confusion" Question for 50 points. What is the name of this business paper? Complete it with the missing parts. ________________ (to whom?) ________________ ________________ (from whom?) ________________ __________ I, ________________________________, took computer disks "Electronic Encyclopedia" No. 1 and No. 2 for three days to prepare a quiz. I undertake to return March 20, 2018 March 17, 2018 ___________
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4. "Confusion" Question for 70 points. Position the text of the business paper correctly. What is it called? My address: St. Petersburg, Rustaveli st., 37, k.1, kv.12 I, Ivan Mikhailovich Petrov, was born on April 18, 2000 in St. Petersburg. 29May 2017 My mother, Petrova Irina Nikolaevna, works as a cashier in a grocery store. My father, Mikhail Anatolyevich Petrov, works at a construction site. In 2007, I entered the school and graduated from the 9th grade in 2017. He studied carpentry and became a carpenter. I. Petrov. Question for 70 points. Answer: Autobiography I, Ivan Mikhailovich Petrov, was born on April 18, 2000 in St. Petersburg. My mother, Petrova Irina Nikolaevna, works as a cashier in a grocery store. My father, Mikhail Anatolyevich Petrov, works at a construction site. In 2007 I entered school and graduated from 9classes in 2017. He studied carpentry and became a carpenter. My address: St. Petersburg, Rustaveli st., 37, k.1, kv.12 May 29, 2017 I. Petrov
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? 20 40 60 80 100 What's right? 20 40 60 80 100 Etiquette 20 40 60 80 100
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1. Eloquence Question for 20 points. Read the decree so that everyone stays alive. Where do you put a comma? Execution cannot be pardoned Answer: It is impossible to execute, pardon!
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1. Eloquence Question for 40 points. The whole room is illuminated with amber brilliance. Cheerful crackling The flooded stove cracks. It's nice to think by the couch. But you know: shouldn't you order the Brown Filly to the sled?
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1. Eloquence Question for 60 points. A very, very strange sight: A river outside the window, someone's house is on fire, a dog wags its tail, a boy shoots from a gun, a cat almost ate a mouse, an old grandfather reads a book with glasses, a sparrow grabbed grain and screamed flying away: - That's what means a comma!
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1. Eloquence Question for 80 marks. … Kissel is cooked there. Tires are made from rubber. They burn bricks from clay. Curd is made from milk. Glass is melted from sand. Dams are built from concrete. From the cardboard cover there. Steel is made from cast iron. Shirts are cut from linen. Dishes are made from plastic. Cutlets are cooked from meat. They make wax out of soot. Threads are spun from yarn. Suits are sewn from cloth...
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1. Eloquence Question for 100 points. There are fish in the river. A cow is mooing on a hillock. The dog is barking in the kennel. A tit sings on the fence. Children play in the hallway. There is a picture on the wall. Frost patterns on the window. Firewood is burning in the stove. In the hands of a girl there is an elegant doll. In a cage, a manual goldfinch sings. There are napkins on the table. Skates are prepared for the winter there. The glasses are for grandma. Notebooks are always kept in order.
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2. What does it mean? Question for 20 points. What business paper does the poster refer to? Answer: Announcement
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2. What does it mean? Physical education for 40 points. Show with gestures ( without words) professions: painter, cook, carpenter, seamstress.
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2. What does it mean? Question for 60 points. What is the Greek word for "I write my own life"? Answer: Autobiography
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2. What does it mean? Question for 80 points. This word came to us from the French language and is translated - "to guide." In Russian, this is the name of the location of the object. Answer: Address
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2. What does it mean? Question for 100 points. What is a post office? In St. Petersburg, the post office is located on Pochtamtskaya street, house 9 Answer: The post office is the main post office of the city.
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3. Which is correct? Question for 20 points. What is the letter that should be inserted in these words? B_ography, certificate, elector. Answer: A letter and
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3. Which is correct? Question for 40 points. Ko__ega, committee, profession, industry. What should be remembered in the spelling of these words? Answer: double consonant
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3. Which is correct? Question for 60 points. What is the name of a person who has reached the age of eighteen? Answer: Adult
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3. Which is correct? Question for 80 points. Read the words with the correct emphasis: directory, call, extraction, dry. Answer: Catalog, call, extraction, dry
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3. What is the right way? Question for 100 points Put the words in the genitive plural: boots - no (what?) ... socks - no ... tomatoes - five ... oranges - five ... Answer: Boots - no boots, socks - no socks. Five tomatoes, five oranges.
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4. Etiquette Question for 20 points. Vitya offended the kid, But in front of the school in the ranks, Vitya asks: "Sorry, I admit a mistake." The teacher came to the lesson, put a magazine on the table, followed by Vitya: "Sorry, I'm a little late." The dispute has been going on in the class for a long time. Is Vitya polite or not? Understand this dispute And tell me the answer.
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4. Etiquette Question for 40 points. Two boys collided in a narrow corridor and cannot disperse. Which of them should give way if one is 15 and the other is 16? Answer options: One who is 15 years old. The one who is 16 years old. The one who is more polite. It is not necessary to give way. Answer: The one who is more polite.
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4. Etiquette Question for 60 points. The boy and girl approached the wardrobe at the same time. Who should go first? A boy and a girl get off the bus, who should get off first? Answer: Girl. The young man should go out first and give a hand to the girl.
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4. Etiquette Question for 80 points. If friends come to your house and you want to introduce them to your parents, who should you represent? Answer: Friends to parents.
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4. Etiquette Question for 100 points. Solve the problem. Two passers-by walked along the street: an old man and a boy of 8 years old. The old man had 5 items in his hands: a briefcase, 3 books and a large bundle.