Prompt of the day

Daily Writing Prompts

As always, The Teacher's Corner is looking for ways to make your life easier. We hope that our newest addition, “Daily Writing Prompts,” does just that. On as many days as possible, we have selected an event from our monthly event calendars to be the focus of the writing prompt. These writing prompts can be used in a number of ways:

  • Daily warm-up activity
  • Practice in prompt writing for state assessments
  • Daily/weekly writing prompt
  • “Anytime” activity
  • Student work center
  • “When You’re Done” activity
  • Substitute teacher activity

One added advantage to TTC’s “Daily Writing Prompt” is that they can easily be displayed through an LCD projector in your classroom. This eliminates time you would have to spend at the copy machine. All of the prompts can easily be printed as well. Be sure to look over the different options we provide you for printing.

You will find that our prompts are written for different grade levels. We hope to continue to adding new creative writing prompts that will meet the needs of both primary and intermediate students. You may find that some of them don’t explicitly state that days event. You may want to refer back to the monthly events calendar for this information in order to share it with your students.

January Writing Prompts - Writing Prompts include: author J.R.R. Tolkien, Benjamin Franklin, Home computers, and much more.

February Writing Prompts - Writing topics include: Groundhog Day, the Super Bowl, Valentine's Day, The Pony Express vs. email, and more.

March Writing Prompts - Writing Prompts include: Yellowstone National Park, Mardi Gras, Harriet Tubman Day, St. Patrick's Day, Poetry and more.

April Writing Prompts - Including April Fools Day, signing of the Civil Rights Act, Lincoln's Assassination, Earth Day, Arbor Day and more.

May Writing Prompts - Teacher Appreciation, Cinco de Mayo, Lewis & Clark, World No Tobacco Day, and more.

June Writing Prompts - Donut Day, Henry Ford and the first car, Donald Duck, Anne Frank, the 'Happy Birthday' song, and more.

July Writing Prompts - Prompts include: the first Zeppelin, U.S. Independence Day, Apollo 11 and living on the moon, Sesame Street, Fingerprints, patents and more.

August Writing Prompts - Writing prompt topics include: signing of the Declaration of Independence, National Joke Day, Amelia Earhart, I Have a Dream Speech, and much more.

September Writing Prompts - Topics include: National Book Month, the introduction of the color T.V., the Treaty of Paris, September 11th Day of Remembrance, Rosh Hashanah, Good Neighbor Day and more.

October Writing Prompts - Writing prompts include: Comic Strips, Fast Food, Earthquakes, International Red Cross, the Stock Market Crash of '29. and more.

November Writing Prompts - Prompts include: Daniel Boone, Elections, Basketball, the invention of the X-Ray, Women's Rights, Mickey Mouse's Birthday, the Gettysburg Address, and more.

December Writing Prompts - Writing prompt topics include: Rosa Parks, the phonograph and CD's, Human Rights Day, Snow and the first day of winter, and more.

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"101 Best Websites for Writers"
(2008 & 2011)

Additionally, Writer's Digest:
15 Creativity Boosting Websites

Don't miss our other Monthly Activities, Lesson Plans, and Resources.

We are looking for feedback on this new feature, so please EMAIL any comments.

52 Simple Daily Journal Prompts


    Boy writing journal using prompt


    South_agency / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Journaling is a wonderfully meditative practice. It helps you reflect on your day, plan for the future, and get creative juices flowing for more directed writing. If you need specific topics to inspire you, keep reading for a collection of daily journal prompts.

Reflective Journal Prompts

Sometimes it feels like we had a bad day, but we can’t figure out why. Reflective journaling at the end of the day can help you make sense of what went wrong – and what went right! Try out these prompts to finish your day reflectively.

  • What was the most peaceful moment during the day?
  • Describe something you learned today that you didn’t know before.
  • Would you change any of the decisions you made today?
  • How were your meals today? Do you feel nourished?
  • What frightened you today?
  • Who do you wish you had talked to today? How do they improve your life?
  • Describe the moments of frustration you felt today. How would your day have changed if those moments were different?
  • If you’d had another hour during the day, how would you have spent it?
  • Did something (or someone) empower you today?
  • Did you stop yourself from doing something you enjoy today? Why or why not?
  • Reflect on how your body feels. Where are you storing your stress? What put it there?
  • Who helped you the most today? Who did you help the most?
  • Describe your day from another person’s perspective. Is it different from yours?

Aspirational Journal Prompts

Putting your dreams and wishes on paper probably won’t make them real. But using them as journal prompts can help you learn more about yourself, and help get your pencil moving. Check out these ideas for aspirational journal prompts:

  • If you were in charge, what would you forbid immediately?
  • What needs to change in your job for you to feel fulfilled?
  • Write about a hobby that you’d like to pick up.
  • If you could relive any day of your life and change nothing, what day would you choose?
  • How would you like your life to be different in a year? How would you like it to be the same?
  • If you had to live in another country, where would you live?
  • How could you change your life to become a hero to someone else?
  • What was something you desperately wanted as a child? What do you desperately want now?
  • If you could take any college course you wanted, what would you take?
  • Describe your ideal weekend. What would it include? What wouldn’t it include?
  • Rewrite a conversation you’ve had in the way you wish it had gone.

What Would You Do? Journal Prompts

It may seem like you can respond to these questions in one sentence. But if you really think about each answer, and what happens next, you’ll find that the answers aren’t quite so simple. Put some hypotheticals into your writing with these prompts that ask you “What would you do?”

  • What would you do if you found a puppy in the street?
  • What would you do with a million dollars if you had to spend it in one hour?
  • What would you do if you needed to change your career or major?
  • What would you do if you could suddenly read minds?
  • What would you do if you were locked out of your house?
  • What would you do if your loved one were accused of a crime?
  • What would you do if you were stranded on a desert island with someone you dislike?
  • What would do if you lost all your possessions? What would you replace? What wouldn’t you replace?
  • What would you do if you lost one of your senses? Which would be the most difficult one to lose?

Letter Journal Prompts

Have you ever wanted to tell someone what you really thought? Use these journaling prompts to write letters to people who know, people you’ve never met – and even yourself. When you’re done, you can keep them safe in your journal, or send them to their intended recipients.

  • Write a note to a teacher who inspired you. How have you used their lessons in your current life?
  • What would you say to a childhood bully if you could?
  • Write a letter to your teenage self.
  • Put yourself 20 years in the future. Write a letter to your future self with questions and predictions.
  • Write a thank you letter to someone after they gave you a terrible gift.
  • Craft a breakup letter to a bad habit.
  • Think about your first crush or love. Write them the letter you wish you’d sent.
  • Write a letter from someone else to you. What do you need to hear from them?
  • Look at your last few text messages. Rewrite one of them into a longer letter as if you were in the eighteenth century.
  • Write a letter to someone you’ve lost.

Memory Journal Prompts

Memories can be fun to write about. Other memories can be more painful. But when we write about our memories, we can process moments in a very concrete way. Try out these prompts to write about your warm, exciting, or difficult memories.

  • What was your best age so far?
  • Do you have a memory that should be happy, but instead makes you sad? What about the other way around?
  • When is a time in your life that you felt successful?
  • Think about your best friend in childhood. What did you like to do together?
  • Write about a trip you took where something (or everything!) didn’t go according to plan.
  • Think about a lesson your parents taught you either by doing something well or not doing it well.
  • When in your life have you felt brave?
  • What book made you fall in love with reading?
  • How old were you when you first felt like an adult?

The Power of Journaling

These 52 prompts are a great place to start if you’re in the mood to write. You can adapt any of them into personal essays, or keep them as a type of literary time capsule. To bring journaling into the classroom, check out an article with tips for teaching students how to journal.

advice of the day for today, tips of the Guardian Angel

Dec 2022
Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31


  • 2022

    March22 April22
    May22 June 222222222222222222222222 9000 9000 000 August 22222222 20004 October22
    November22 December22

    1234 56789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930

    of your page -->

Your advice for today

Behind each of us there are certain Forces that lead us through life, not giving us the opportunity to turn off our Path.

These Forces have no possibility to speak to us except through sensations, signs, events. There is nothing random in the flow of our life. Every event, pleasant or unpleasant, illnesses, seemingly random coincidences, people that we meet in our lives, come exactly when they were supposed to come. Very often, it is precisely in order to explain something to us, to give a sign, to help us understand something important.

If we do everything right, fulfill our life tasks, do not violate the Laws of this World, then our life is smooth, full of pleasant events and positive emotions. If we make mistakes, turn off our Path, break the Laws that govern this World, then discomfort, troubles, illnesses appear...

First of all, we must learn to listen to ourselves, our heart, trust our intuition. Indeed, very often our emotions, whether it be fear, or joy, or doubt, or something else, are nothing more than a hint from the Higher Forces, our Guardian Angel.

Something does not stick, breaks down, drags on - it means that the Time has not come yet or we have turned off our Path. We are offended, underestimated, betrayed - we need to figure out what caused these emotions, what lesson they teach us with the help of the one who caused the offense or pain.

There are other signs that our Guardian Angels send us. For some, this is a number or a symbol, for another - a phrase that was accidentally heard, for a third - a dream ... However, very often many of us pass by clues, even despite the strong emotional coloring at the time of the events, supposedly by accident. But you must definitely learn to read the Course of Life!

Very often, when we need to make some important decision, solve something that is not clear, get an answer to some important question, the answer comes in the most unexpected way. The main thing is to clearly articulate what worries us and ask for a clear and unambiguous answer.

Perhaps for someone the phrase written on this page will be another clue that will help you make the right choice or find the answer to an exciting question.

It is important to ask for advice once, clearly formulate your question, or just to get a hint of what exactly you need to be ready for today.

If a person knows the measure, he knows everything.

December 2022




(Flying stars from 07.12.22 to 05.01.23) 9000 9000 9000


, Star of bright events, quick victories and creative inspirations.

Despite the fact that in winter the Fiery nature of the Nine is as weak as possible, let's hope that the support of the Palace and the annual Four will give it the opportunity to show its best qualities. And this means that people who are under the influence of these Stars can expect joyful and bright events, engage in creativity, and seek fame.

As a rule, under the influence of these Stars, children delight with their successes, women become very bright, successful, and poets, writers, creative people become famous and popular.

Therefore, if all of the above is relevant for you, spend as much time as possible here, spend activations here.

This is a great sector for New Year's illuminations!

However! If external feng shui in the southeast is unfavorable, there are bad static stars in the room, you need to carefully keep your secrets and secrets so that they do not cause conversations behind your back. And don't give rise to gossip.




(Flying Star influence from 12/07/22 to 01/05/23)

The southern sector becomes problematic in December.

It is not recommended to use rooms under the influence of a pair of Stars 9-5 for sleep, work and recreation, especially for people with chronic diseases.

If you have the opportunity to escape from the influence of these Stars, use it.

It is very important not to disturb this sector with repairs, not to use household appliances here for a long time that generate light, heat, movement, vibration.

Don't start new big things if you have a combination of 9-5 on your front door. Be prudent and careful, do not get involved in any adventures, do not take risks.

A wind chime or an ordinary metal bell drains the influence of the Five. Hang a bell on the door and periodically ring the room.




(influence of Flying Stars from 07.12.22 to 05.01.23)

Not the most successful combination of Stars.

The main threat from pair 2-7 is fires and fires.

Check which static Stars are hosting here on the natal chart. If there are 5 or 9 living here, check the wiring, be careful with heaters with open flames.

If you are forced to spend a lot of time in a room with this combination of Stars, be tolerant of the women with whom you have to live or work together.

It is better for pregnant women to go for another check-up.

It is also believed that under this combination of Stars, money comes easily and leaves even more easily. As the saying goes: "Money through your fingers."

Try to buy a lottery ticket. So you voluntarily realize the potential of the Seven of the month, which seeks to take something away from our lives, and at the same time give yourself a chance to get easy money.

Only if you win, don't rush to spend everything at once!

If your occupation is related to metaphysics, expect new discoveries, a transition to a new level of understanding the laws of the universe.

The most appropriate accessory in the southwest this month is a vessel of salt water.




(The influence of flying stars from 07. 12.22 to 05.01.23)



Combinations 3-8 are not successful for children and teenagers, but sufficiently sufficient good for wealth and prosperity. Brings quick results, and helps get things off the ground.

This couple can recharge you with a healthy aggressiveness and ability to resist competitors and ill-wishers. Do not avoid this part of your homes and offices if in business you need to show strength and assertiveness, defend your interests, insist on your own.

If there is a children's room here or these Stars on the front door to your house - pay more attention to your children.

The most vulnerable are boys under 15 years of age.

Keep track of what your sons are doing, with whom they communicate, what their mood is. And keep in mind that the energy of the sector can provoke aggressive behavior, conflicts from scratch. Be more tolerant of your children, make concessions, look for compromises.




(the influence of flying stars from 12/07/22 to 05. 01.23)

9000 shores. And then there is the Water Unit in the central sector. Wow, lots of water!

But let's hope that the One will show only his best qualities in December. Moreover, we are already shot sparrows J

2020, the month of the Water Rat in the year of the Rat, we survived! Let's get through this December!

In any case, the nature of the One is to change the quality of negative Stars from minus to plus, to make them friendlier.

So be it!

I recommend placing a plant and symbols of Fire in the center of your houses and apartments. But you don't have to burn candles! It can be some accessories of red, orange, triangular shape.




(influence of Flying Stars from 07.12.22 to 05.01.23)

Seven and Three are an unfriendly pair of Stars, therefore, rooms under their influence do not promise much support for their inhabitants.

Those who spend a lot of time in these sectors of the house or office, or if this pair of Stars are on the front door, are at risk of becoming victims of fraud, theft.

It is better not to take loans, not to plan big purchases, not to borrow money.

Be more attentive to new offers, to new acquaintances.

Make expensive purchases only in reliable stores.

Read all the fine print.

Check that your locks and passwords are secure.

There is also a risk of injury and injury from sharp objects. Eliminate risk and extreme in your life if you are forced to be under the control of these Stars and there is no way to avoid their influence.

Place water here in an open vessel. You can burn candles in sector 3west-2 on good days and hours.




(The influence of flying stars from 07.12.22 to 05/05/23)


The best sector of the year is slightly weakened by four green, so by four green, so how Stars 8 and 4 conflict with each other.

The conflict of the elements can affect the well-being of children and adolescents, so it is not very good if a children's room is located here.

This combination of Stars can provoke isolation, unwillingness to communicate with other people. Circumstances can tie your legs and arms, make you do what you don’t want to.

But there is also a positive side to this pair of Stars.

If you are under the influence of the 8-4 combi (rooms, doors, bed, table), expect good financial prospects. New sources of income, new clients and contracts may appear.

Place accessories here that symbolize the element of fire. Light candles at a good time.

Real fire, elements of red in the interior will help not only to symbolically burn the conflict of the nature of the Stars, but also to benefit from this sector for people associated with business in the industrial field, literary activity, financial management, planning.




(The influence of flying stars from 07. 12.22 to 05.01.23)

The Wonderful situation is formed in which a couple of stars of stars 1-6 arrives.

This combination of Stars is considered very favorable, especially for people with status, fame, power.

If your bedroom is located here, or this combination of Stars on the door to the house or your bedroom - expect favorable situations and opportunities that bring career advancement, academic success and financial well-being.

Here you can make activations using a mobile phone or a fountain to make the energies of the Stars work to the maximum.

The negative side of this combination of Stars is headaches and in general any problems with the head. But this is only if a negative combination of Stars according to the natal chart is initially populated here. Therefore, if you suddenly feel that something is wrong, leave the sector calm - do not put activators.




(Flying Star influence from 07. 12.22 to 05.01.23)

Unfortunately, we are not happy with the northwestern stars this month either.

Two belongs to the category of negative Stars and is associated with laziness, ailments and illnesses.

It is also believed that a pair of Stars 6-2 endows its inhabitants with stinginess and greed, extreme superstition.

On the one hand, it portends enrichment from transactions related to real estate, but on the other hand, it can make us worry about money, save money and reproach loved ones for spending too much.

Sensitive and restless people may be overcome by gloomy thoughts, doubts, dissatisfaction, and may have difficult dreams.

Of course, the topic of health can become relevant if you are under the influence of these Stars.

If possible, move to another room. If this is not possible, place a metal bowl with water here.

  • The choice of a profession on the map . ..
  • Pointers to marriage in the map ...
  • The house of marriage in the ba-tzu map.
  • Dislike Punishment
  • Fire Punishment
  • Earth Punishment
Yang metal Yin metal
Yang water Yin water
Yang wood Yin wood
9000Dragon Turtle


Cash toad


Bagua Mirror

Carps, arrows, any images of fish.

100 Children Painting

  • Feng shui accessories
  • Activation
  • Active water
  • Ba Zi
  • Bajai

full list

Read "The most necessary hints for every day" - Tikhonova Inna - page 1

Inna Tikhonova

The most necessary hints for every day


© AST Publishing House LLC

© PE I-Concept

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

©Electronic version of the book prepared by Litres (

* * *

You are holding the most necessary book with tips for every day in your hands

Open it on any page.

People are like a computer that can be programmed. If we don't program ourselves, those around us will. And information from the outside world can greatly ruin our lives. Therefore, it is necessary to have the correct deep settings. They are the motivators of our life decisions and a reliable filter for negative influence from outside.

Remember that life is not about problems to be solved, but about a mystery that needs to be present. Start each day by visualizing your future!

* * *

A new day creates the conditions for fundamental changes in your life. You can quit a boring job, break off obsolete relationships and say goodbye to bad habits. Do not be afraid of change: everything that is done is for the better.

Follow the advice of psychologists: write down 5 to 10 things for which you are grateful in life every day. And stop complaining about fate: negative thoughts lead to negative results. Every time you feel like complaining, stop yourself and take a positive moment out of your sorrows. Annoying mother-in-law? It's good that you have an example of how you should not behave towards your son's future chosen one! Does your husband want more? Excellent! While your couch potato is sitting on the couch in front of the TV, you are developing as a person and learning to take responsibility for your own life, and this will always come in handy. With your responsibility, you have nothing to fear!

Aphorism for good luck

What can be more useful than learning to live in the best way for yourself?

Somerset Maugham

Affirmation of the day

I can manage myself. I bring my life into balance every day.

* * *

Fortune is on your side. Live one day, do not think about all the worries at once. Do only the most necessary things, important for today, which can not be postponed until later. Make a list of 20 small things you enjoy doing and make sure you do at least one of them a day. Take a walk in the park with your dog in the evening, cross-stitch, draw pictures, go in for sports, write a book for posterity, take care of flowers, breed animals ... Choose a difficult book that you still haven’t decided to read, but you wanted to. Read it cover to cover. Learn something new every day: the capital of a distant country, the name of a flower, a breed of dog, etc. And in the evening, scroll through everything new that you learned over the past day in your head, take out a dictionary and learn at least one new foreign word.

Aphorism for good luck

Life is not a zebra of black and white stripes, but a chessboard. It all depends on your move.

Affirmation of the day

I make intelligent and far-sighted decisions.

* * *

You are ready to find yourself in an extreme situation that tests your psyche for strength. Unforeseen circumstances (whether it be a conflict at home or at work) are not able to unsettle you. A change of scenery, adventure, interesting communication will help restore peace of mind. Trust a true friend - he will dissuade you from a rash step and help you adapt to change.

Do you know why people get angry at each other for a long time? Life is so short! Take courage and write, call, meet with those with whom you quarreled over a trifle.

Accept the work that you have at the moment, realizing and comprehending its function. And if the job function does not match your dream, then start looking for another one.

Stop doing nothing. Stop being silent. Live now. Take risks. Confess your feelings, reveal far-fetched secrets. Do it today. Life is not endless. You will succeed.

Aphorism for good luck

A black cat is not at all interested in what gray mice say about her!

Affirmation of the day

I am not afraid of change. I boldly look to the future.

* * *

Today you stop being afraid. You are not afraid to be happy, enjoy the beautiful, love and believe that you are loved. You think and act like a happy person – and you feel happy.

Stop worrying about what others think. Wear what you want. Say what you want. Listen to the music you like. Go for walks at night. Forget that you have work tomorrow. Stop waiting for Friday - live as you want, today! Every time your desires are stopped by "insurmountable" circumstances, think. But are they worth refusing the gifts of fate? Will you remember what you do every day, in a year, 20 years, on the slope of life? So do what you remember! Happiness is inside, not outside. We are only as happy as we want to be.

Aphorism for good luck

For horseshoes to bring happiness, you need to nail them to your hooves and plow, plow, plow…

Affirmation of the day

I develop harmoniously. I live consciously and boldly.

* * *

You will think about money only when you buy something for it, that is, a few minutes or seconds a day. Or don't think at all if you don't buy anything. In this case, money does not act as an end, but as a means, and begins to work for you.

Here is an interesting story. Homeless American Billy Ray Harris habitually sat at his "workplace" with a mug and begged. They threw him a little that day, and therefore Billy almost immediately noticed an expensive diamond ring in the mug. He realized that the thing came to him by accident, and decided to return it to its owner. This story touched millions of people around the world. They learned about the good deed of the beggar and came to help in any way they could: they helped fix the bike, gave shelter and 100 thousand dollars in donations! The homeless man was reunited with his family and became happy.

The secret of wealth is to give first and then receive. The more people you help (by word, deed, ruble or participation), the richer you become.

Aphorism for good luck

Everything will pass - and the grain of hope will not sprout,

Everything that you have accumulated will be lost for a penny.

If you do not share with a friend in time,

All your property will go to the enemy.

Omar Khayyam

Affirmation of the day

I love money and they love me!

* * *

Engage in the improvement of your soul. This requires you to do three things. Today you must do something nice for someone, but in such a way that no one will know about it. And also do two things that you really don't want to do - just for the sake of exercising the will that you have.

Keep "Morning Pages" - the usual stream of consciousness in the morning, which you write down in a notebook. This should be the first thing you do upon waking up.

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