Piccolo personality type
Myers-Briggs® of Dragon Ball Z Heroes
By Will Harris
We're not all like Goku, find out which hero you're most similar to here!
There is arguably no more iconic anime in history than Dragon Ball Z. Most of its fans grew up on the show and are still die-hard fans into their twenties and thirties. We lived and breathed these characters through our high school years. Even nowadays many of us will face a difficult situation and whisper quietly to ourselves: what would Goku do? But perhaps it’s not Goku who is best to turn to, depending on what kind of person you are. Perhaps you would be better off asking yourself what Vegeta or Piccolo or Android 18 would do. So, let’s examine what makes these characters as beloved to us as they are through the science of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®.
10. Goku: The Entertainer (ESFP-A)
The protagonist of our show is, ironically, not The Protagonist, but instead a man who entertains. This is what makes him a man so dear to our hearts. As the perfect anime "strong man," he's a man who doesn’t bleed hyper-masculinity. Instead, he's a good father, an inspiration, and a role model for his children (and the children who grew up with his screams and shouts echoing from their TVs every evening after school).
Goku, at his heart, is a happy, jolly, smiling, Santa Claus kind of guy. He's all jokes and no angst. His personality may well be the secret ingredient that makes this show stand tall in a sea of angry shonen teenage anguish.
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9. Vegeta: The Commander (ENTJ, -A/-T)
Fittingly, Vegeta has the personality most suited for a man who could lead an army (or, perhaps, a planet that shares his name). The fan-favorite villain-turned-hero might have a bit of an inferiority complex as he always walks in Kakarot’s shadow. Time and time again, however, Vegeta takes charge and bites the bullet; he's far more dependable than our protagonist.
Vegeta is the kind of commander who, when no door presents itself, he makes one — using nothing more than a solid brick wall and one of his closed fists. He may not be everyone’s ideal commander, but he has almost always gotten the job done.

Following in your father’s footsteps is a daunting task for a normal boy inheriting, say, the family business. Imagine if your family business was saving the world–sometimes the galaxy–from villains of ever-escalating power levels; you’d likely not wish that on many sons. But Gohan is a defender; a boy with a personality tailor-made for the job. He's far more than that of his dear ol’ dad, which is why, at the climax of the Cell Saga, Gohan proves his defender status at the eleventh hour with pomp and splendor. Defender of all, big or small, Gohan is more Superman than his Superman dad (who could probably beat Superman).
NEXT: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: Ranking Goku’s Power-Ups
7. Krillin: The Consul (ESFJ)
As Consul to not only Goku, but all of the Z Fighters (except, perhaps, Vegeta), Krillin is very much a voice of reason first and a warrior second. Although this doesn’t mean he can’t hold his own in a fight, especially in the anime’s earlier sagas.
Ever since the original Dragon Ball, Krillin has existed as Goku’s shoulder angel. On close inspection, Krillin and Gohan share a lot of personalities. This is darn good writing; as Goku gets older and stronger, the responsibility of keeping him in check switches from his best friend to his son. That’s clever
6. Piccolo: The Architect (INTJ, -A/-T)
The original bad-guy-turned-good; the man who stole away Gohan to train him to be a fighter like his dad is very much the architect of the ensemble. He’s the cold calculator to Vegeta’s hot-headed aggression; the realistic strategist to Goku’s impulsive recklessness. Piccolo’s power begins to fall behind as the Saiyans get super, but his mind is never less than essential when the odds are stacked even further against them. While Goku was content with letting his son enjoy his childhood (wild ape transformation and all), Piccolo took charge and became the architect of his future.
NEXT: Every Dragon Ball Saga Ever, Ranked From Worst To Best

Only so many characters have the privilege of becoming a meme; A meme which has helped keep his legacy alive, no less. Originally a bandit, briefly a villain, and then a lifelong friend to Goku, Yamcha is one with perhaps the most similar personality to Goku. In the original Dragon Ball, the witty banter of young Goku and Yamcha gave the manga a brisk pace. Quick-witted and tough to pin down, Yamcha is a simple, lovelorn fighter with a heart of gold. Plus, his best friend is a floating cat, bringing his personality’s power level up far beyond 9,000 (sorry, not sorry).
4. Android 18: The Executive (ESTJ, -A/-T)
As you make your way down this list, you might be surprised by how many villains become friends to Goku. Perhaps they’re simply won over by his entertainer personality? Though this is less true for 18, who is (for reasons nobody can comprehend) far more taken with Krillin than Goku. Her cold, sarcastic personality is exactly what Krillin doesn’t need, given his consul personality, but the heart wants what the heart wants.
The dark, dry humor of Android 18 proves irresistible to the sweetest of the Z Fighters. Cold as her circuits, 18’s lack of emotion is a true asset to this motley crew of loud, hot-headed manly men.
MORE: Dragon Ball: 10 Things Better In The English Dub (And 10 That Are Better In the Japanese Original)
3. Trunks: The Protagonist (ENFJ, -A/-T)
Yes, you’re right, Trunks’ introduction was the best in shonen anime history. Nobody will disagree with you, there. And from this epic introduction to his character, we have a future Trunks who is stoic, strong, pragmatic, and powerful. We also have a young Trunks who is ambitious, bright, savvy, funny, and already so strong. This long list of adjectives perfectly encapsulates our ideal protagonist. As a fighter, friend, and foe, Trunks is all but perfect. Unfortunately, an actual protagonist with this much angst and style just doesn’t have the charm of our Goku. But a fan-favorite he certainly is.

We know two Gotens: the son of Goku and brother of Gohan. This one is a sweet boy, wide-eyed, and curious. Then there’s the friend of Trunks, the other half of the fusion Gotenks. This Goten is the yang to Trunks’ yin. For every crazy scheme Trunks hatches; for every dangerous mission Trunks drags Goten along on, Goten is always the pragmatist. It’s easy to see, in fact, the impact that Goten has on Trunks, as Trunks from the future shares so much of that pragmatism with Goten. Once again, this is some gosh darn good writing right here.
1. Videl: The Logician (INTP, -A/-T)
Videl is the all-purpose voice of reason. When her partner, Gohan, needs a strong jolt of confidence, Videl is there to provide. When her father, Hercule, is being reckless and careless, Videl is there to keep him safe and offer some words of care. Arguably the smartest member of the Dragon Ball family, Videl has a kind of wonderful emotional logic. She is a logician, to be sure, but one so emotionally invested in everyone around her; from her father who, despite his ridiculous arrogance, is still the world’s strongest man, to her boyfriend and his eccentric family who are, each of them, mad as a hatter.
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Dragon Ball Series: Piccolo (INTJ)
“This is ridiculous. I won’t be kept in the dark any longer!”
“No, Piccolo would never fight unprepared. He always senses out his opponents strength…Don’t you get it? I’m saying he wouldn’t do this unless he already knew he would win. ”
“I’m glad one of us is relaxed. A pair of glorified tin cans ought to be child’s play. I can’t shake this feeling we’re somehow in over our heads.”
Piccolo shows a clear preference for planning before action throughout Dragon Ball. While other characters like Goku want to launch straight into battle, Piccolo likes to observe his enemies and form a strategy before engaging in combat. You frequently see him carefully paying attention and narrating his observations to the others while the others are battling. He is also far more cautious than some of the other Z fighters. His preference for developing strategy is something that he taught to Gohan as well.
While Piccolo does have a tendency to narrate his immediate observations while others are fighting, when it comes to more long term recollections, he has a tendency to explain things in a more vague fashion. When going to check out the androids with Goku, he expresses concern over their appearance. He declares that, for some reason he can’t explain, he feels they are in over their heads. Later in the show during the Buu saga, Piccolo gets similar bad feelings about the Supreme Kai when he has to face him the in world martial arts tournament, opting to resign his match rather than fight a battle he wasn’t prepared for. These moments, where Piccolo seems to recognize a pattern that leads to a bad conclusion, seem to more closely align with Ni than Si, since he is unable to explain how he knows because of the absence of retained details to fall back on and only the pattern and conclusion available to him.
“Tell me what kind of creature you are. Make it quick. Talk or else!”
While not nearly as impatient as Vegeta, Piccolo is one of the more commanding of the Z fighters. He is quick to take charge of the group during the Android arc, coming up with a plan of action and telling the others what to do. His nature is harsh and critical which is pretty common for those with a high thinking function. He is rather blunt with the others, not wasting time when speaking with them. His rigid nature can be seen in the way that he forcibly takes Gohan, after Goku’s death, in order to train him. He drops Gohan on top of a mountain leaving him there to fend for himself and learn how to survive. He only deviates slightly when he realizes how truly pathetic Gohan is, leaving him some apples to eat. He quickly regrets this, however, due to Gohan’s whiny attitude.
As a high Te user, Piccolo is often critical of characters like Goku. He tells Gohan that Goku would make a terrible teacher as Goku lacked the gift to command respect. This shows the importance Piccolo puts on external status (such being respected) and ties those attributes to success.
“Let that human go free. However measly, his life has value.”
“My life is my own. I have no intention of ever merging with Kami.”
“I don’t much like the idea of losing myself.”
Piccolo’s Fi can be most clearly seen in his relationship with Gohan. While he initially acts cold toward the boy, he eventually starts to form a bond with him and care for him. While he is very hard on Gohan, he is not without a certain level of sympathy. As mentioned in the Te section, Piccolo does secretly provide Gohan with some apples toward the beginning of his training out of pity. He cares deeply for Gohan and even acts as a shield to protect him from enemy attack.
As is common for low feeling types, Piccolo frequently keeps his emotions and values to himself and is not quick to share them with others. He is very resistant to the idea of merging with Kami and states as much declaring that his life belongs him. He also states that he doesn’t like the idea of losing himself which aligns with the fixed state of identity common in tertiary Fi users. It is only when he realizes that he cannot defeat the androids at his current level of power, that he finally accepts the fact that he and Kami need to merge. However, he still insists that he will be the one in control and that he merely is going to absorb Kami for his power while maintaining his identity and control of himself. He does soften a bit after his merging with Kami, but still stays largely stoic when it comes to his emotions.
“The peaceful life of my brethren would have bored me out of my skull.”
There are a few places in the series that display Piccolo’s inferior Se. He shows both a lack of it in some instances, failing to act in time. In others, he displays a level of impulse consistent with falling in the grip of the function. For instance, when fighting Cell before he has evolved, Piccolo wastes time trying to probe Cell for information even though he is fully aware that he can defeat him at his current level of power. His plan to gather information ends up back-firing because Cell escapes. Piccolo then regrets his failure to act in the moment and take advantage of the opportunity to defeat Cell.
Another example is in the Buu saga when Piccolo decides to kill Babidi even though he knows that he is the only one who can reseal Buu. He rationalizes that Buu will still rampage regardless of whether Babidi lives or dies, so opts to kill him. This points away from Piccolo having inferior Ne as he is not entertaining any what-if situations in which they may need to keep Babidi alive.
Piccolo also shows some other mild evidences of Se in that he can’t imagine living the peaceful boring life that the rest of the Namekians lived on his home planet, stating it would bore him out of his skull. He also shows a similar thrill for battle as Goku and Vegeta, but it is much more controlled and mild. He, for instance, is excited by the idea of the Tournament of Power in spite of it’s high stakes.
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Characters by Personality Types (Enneagram) Part 2 / Collections
Enneagram - the concept of personality types and relationships between them. She describes nine "deep subconscious" drives "" and their influence on the worldview, mental, emotional and behavioral strategies of nine types of people (the so-called enneatypes). The Enneagram describes nine personality types.
Wing - each type is influenced by one or two neighboring types. Such an influence is called a "wing" in the Enneagram. For example, the 6th type with the 7th wing will behave more emotionally and have many ideas and plans, and with the 5th wing it will be more restrained and analytical.
!Types with wings will be specified in the collection.
W - Wing
For example: type 5 with wing in 6 type = 5w6.
Brief description of the basic types:
Enneatype 1. Perfectionist
Units - responsible, purposeful, principled, disciplined, attentive to details. Outwardly, people of this type look confident and calm, always control their speech. They firmly believe that if every person on planet Earth strives for the ideal, then the world will become a better place. Between “want” and “need” units will always choose “must”. When they notice imperfection in something, they experience physical discomfort.
Enneatype 2. Helper
Twos are caring, generous, noble, aimed at helping other people. They have a special ability to express empathy (conscious empathy for the current emotional state of another person, regardless of the cause of the origin of this experience). It is very difficult for Twos to understand what they themselves want, while they always know what the people around them need, and are ready to help them with everything they can.
Enneatype 3. Achiever
Threes are purposeful, able-bodied, bright, ready to live for show. They are sure that they are loved for their achievements. Threes believe that nothing is impossible. They believe that life is movement, and "suffocate" without a goal. It is very important for the third ennea type to give the impression of a busy, successful person. Threes are very flexible and can easily adapt to any situation.
Enneatype 4. Individualist
Fours are creative, romantic, impressionable, the focus of their attention is directed to their feelings and experiences. This enneatype has frequent mood swings. Fours like to create for themselves the ideal of work, partner, life, and when reality does not match it, they can become depressed. They sigh often, intonations of their voices full of suffering, their message is "help me." Their faces are very expressive, their eyes are sad, and their gestures are poetic and soft.
Enneatype 5. Thinker
Fives - focused, deep, insightful, observant. They like to spend time only with benefit, prefer loneliness, hide part of their life even from loved ones. Fives are the most erudite and knowledgeable representatives of the enneagram.
Enneatype 6. Skeptic
Representatives of the sixth enneatype are dedicated, security-oriented, consistent, responsible people. There are two types of this enneatype: counterphobic (going against their fear) and phobic (going on about their fear). For these people, safety is extremely important, they rarely trust people, while they are always devoted to their family and loved ones, they value equality. Even a very wealthy six will dress modestly and not stand out so as not to be noticed, as this is dangerous.
Enneatype 7. Enthusiast
Sevens are versatile, fast, confident, spontaneous. This is the most fun, energetic type of enneagram. For them, as if there are no fears, troubles, pain, they always crowd out the negative side of their lives. Sevens are great inspirers who are able to ignite other people, and after that they themselves switch to something new. They tend to idealize people, ideas, concepts, and activities and immerse themselves in everything new. Sevens have an open face, a radiant and indispensable smile. They are mobile and active, give the impression of a light person. Their gaze is often directed upwards, and their eyes are wide open towards new adventures.
Enneatype 8. Boss
Eights are strong, influential, self-confident people who know what they want. They are full of vitality and energy. If something happens against their wishes, they may seem directive. Under shining armor, people of this enneatype have a big heart hidden, they protect others and are very responsible. They are ready to show their vulnerable side, which they usually hide, only if they feel trust in someone.
Enneatype 9. Peacemaker
Nines are friendly, diplomatic, and love comfort. They have a unique ability to create harmony by merging with other people and fully accepting them. In an effort to establish peace and follow the needs of other people, nines sometimes forget about their own desires and needs. Since it is important for the ennea-type 9 personality to avoid conflicts, they can see the situation from different angles and are excellent mediators. It can be difficult for them to complete an important project, as they are distracted by other things that may seem to them as important as the current task.
Part 1 - /collections/7582-personazhi-po-tipam-lichnosti-enneagramma
Part 2 - /collections/7590-personazhi-po-tipam-lichnosti-enneagramma-2-chast
Part 3 - /collections/7591- personazhi-po-tipam-lichnosti-enneagramma-3-chast
Characters by Personality Types (Enneagram) Part 3 / Collections
Enneagram - the concept of personality types and relationships between them. She describes nine "deep subconscious" drives "" and their influence on the worldview, mental, emotional and behavioral strategies of nine types of people (the so-called enneatypes). The Enneagram describes nine personality types.
Wing - each type is influenced by one or two neighboring types. Such an influence is called a "wing" in the Enneagram. For example, the 6th type with the 7th wing will behave more emotionally and have many ideas and plans, and with the 5th wing it will be more restrained and analytical.
!Types with wings will be indicated in the collection.
W - Wing
For example: type 5 with wing in 6 type = 5w6.
Brief description of basic types:
Enneatype 1. Perfectionist
Units - responsible, purposeful, principled, disciplined, attentive to details. Outwardly, people of this type look confident and calm, always control their speech. They firmly believe that if every person on planet Earth strives for the ideal, then the world will become a better place. Between “want” and “need” units will always choose “must”. When they notice imperfection in something, they experience physical discomfort.
Enneatype 2. Assistant
Twos are caring, generous, noble, aimed at helping other people. They have a special ability to express empathy (conscious empathy for the current emotional state of another person, regardless of the cause of the origin of this experience). It is very difficult for Twos to understand what they themselves want, while they always know what the people around them need, and are ready to help them with everything they can.
Enneatype 3. Achiever
Threes are purposeful, able-bodied, bright, ready to live for show. They are sure that they are loved for their achievements. Threes believe that nothing is impossible. They believe that life is movement, and "suffocate" without a goal. It is very important for the third ennea type to give the impression of a busy, successful person. Threes are very flexible and can easily adapt to any situation.
Enneatype 4. Individualist
Fours are creative, romantic, impressionable, the focus of their attention is directed to their feelings and experiences. This enneatype has frequent mood swings. Fours like to create for themselves the ideal of work, partner, life, and when reality does not match it, they can become depressed. They sigh often, intonations of their voices full of suffering, their message is "help me." Their faces are very expressive, their eyes are sad, and their gestures are poetic and soft.
Enneatype 5. Thinker
Fives - focused, deep, insightful, observant. They like to spend time only with benefit, prefer loneliness, hide part of their life even from loved ones. Fives are the most erudite and knowledgeable representatives of the enneagram.
Enneatype 6. Skeptic
Representatives of the sixth enneatype are dedicated, security-oriented, consistent, responsible people. There are two types of this enneatype: counterphobic (going against their fear) and phobic (going on about their fear). For these people, safety is extremely important, they rarely trust people, while they are always devoted to their family and loved ones, they value equality. Even a very wealthy six will dress modestly and not stand out so as not to be noticed, as this is dangerous.
Enneatype 7. Enthusiast
Sevens are versatile, fast, confident, spontaneous. This is the most fun, energetic type of enneagram. For them, as if there are no fears, troubles, pain, they always crowd out the negative side of their lives. Sevens are great inspirers who are able to ignite other people, and after that they themselves switch to something new. They tend to idealize people, ideas, concepts, and activities and immerse themselves in everything new. Sevens have an open face, a radiant and indispensable smile. They are mobile and active, give the impression of a light person. Their gaze is often directed upwards, and their eyes are wide open towards new adventures.
Enneatype 8. Boss
Eights are strong, influential, self-confident people who know what they want. They are full of vitality and energy. If something happens against their wishes, they may seem directive. Under shining armor, people of this enneatype have a big heart hidden, they protect others and are very responsible. They are ready to show their vulnerable side, which they usually hide, only if they feel trust in someone.
Enneatype 9. Peacemaker
Nines are friendly, diplomatic, and love comfort. They have a unique ability to create harmony by merging with other people and fully accepting them. In an effort to establish peace and follow the needs of other people, nines sometimes forget about their own desires and needs. Since it is important for the ennea-type 9 personality to avoid conflicts, they can see the situation from different angles and are excellent mediators.