Stop being annoyed
Feeling Irritable? 15 Ways to Feel Less IrritableMental health challenges have been on the rise, especially since Covid and all that has transpired since 2020. Even if you’re not struggling with diag...
Find my career test
Career Quiz | The Princeton ReviewIn order for us to estimate your personal Interests and Usual Style, you will first need to answer a series of questions. Read each pair of phrases below and decide w...
American sex men
Sex Habits of American Men: A Symposium on the Kinsey Report | JAMASex Habits of American Men: A Symposium on the Kinsey Report | JAMA | JAMA Network
Warrior personality type
Warrior ArchetypeWarrior individuals are most fulfilled when they can rise to and overcome a challenge. Naturally determined, achievement-oriented, and focused, they enjoy demonstrating a winning atti...
Advocate mentally ill
What Does It Mean to Be a Mental Health Advocate? JUN. 24, 2020 By Kristen Fuller, M.D.Mental health encompasses our emotional health, cognitive health and relationships. It includes taking care of an...
Release from anger
10 Healthy Ways to Release Rage As a health care worker during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’ve probably dealt with some anger over the last few months, as the virus continues to take lives across the Un...
People inspire me
The 23 Most Inspiring People Alive (for me)Read Time: 16 minutes Introducing the 23 most inspiring people alive (for me). Why is this important? For one glaring reason: We’re living in the most amazin...
Do people ever change
Can People Change? When, How, and Why (or Why Not)People can change but only if a few requirements are met, including self-awareness and willpower. There are some exceptions, though.Your personality i...
Doing your own thing quotes
Famous Quotes & Sayings About Do Your Own Thing List of top 100 famous quotes and sayings about do your own thing to read and share with friends on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs. Top 100 Quotes About...
5 stages of change theory
Stages of Change Model | School of MedicineThe Stages of ChangeThe stages of change are:Precontemplation (Not yet acknowledging that there is a problem behavior that needs to be changed) Contemplation...