Ptsd then and now

Ptsd then and now
PTSD Then and Now | Danielle Rousseau“PTSD Then and Now”   By: Stephen Blais Module 3 contained some of the most interesting topic of our studies throughout this course, in my opinion. While reading t...

Obsessing over the past

Obsessing over the past
Can't Stop Thinking About Past Mistakes? This May Be WhyThinking about the past is natural. But what happens if you just can’t stop? Rumination may be upsetting, but there are ways to stop it.Memories...

Ocd schizophrenia fear

Ocd schizophrenia fear
Fear of Schizophrenia | NOCDWhat is Schizophrenia OCD?If you’re experiencing unwanted thoughts about losing your mind, becoming psychotic, or developing schizophrenia, it may be a sign of schizophreni...

Does anxiety raise body temperature

Does anxiety raise body temperature
Can Anxiety Raise Body Temperature?Anxiety is a natural response to a threat you perceive. It starts with a physiological reaction in your brain that affects the rest of your body.When you perceive a...

How to live in pain

How to live in pain
My chronic pain journey would have been easier knowing 5 things % STAT I’ve been living with chronic pain for more than a decade. It began in 2009 with nerve damage after emergency groin surgery. Four...

Affirmations for healing a broken heart

Affirmations for healing a broken heart
Positive Affirmations To Heal Your Broken Heart After A BreakupBreakups can be devastating and can take a toll on your self-confidence and even your mental health. It’s really hard to manage all the e...

Diaphragmatic breathing script

Diaphragmatic breathing script
How to do Diaphragmatic Breathing: 7 Simple Exercises [with Script in PDF]For most people, belly breathing is very easy to learn.  Diaphragmatic breathing, on the other side, requires a bit more pract...

Gaba supplement review

Gaba supplement review
Effectiveness, Ease of Use, and SatisfactionShow ratings &...

Physical and emotional pain

Physical and emotional pain
The Key to Treating Physical and Emotional Pain – New Harbinger Publications, Inc August 15, 2019 | hilarycollins | Clinicians Corner By Rachel Zoffness, author of The Chronic Pain and Illness Workb...

Attachment and substance abuse

Attachment and substance abuse
Attachment and Substance Use Disorders—Theoretical Models, Empirical Evidence, and Implications for Treatment1. Schindler A, Thomasius R, Sack PM, Gemeinhardt B, Küstner UJ, Eckert J. Attachment and s...