What does envidia mean
What does “tener envidia” mean?
Easy we can use it in different context and it can go along with different verbs but the translation on “envidia” is the same “envy”, I know I know, if you are an English speaker probably you think this is a bit too much as in English you would just say “I am so jealous”, but since in Spanish jealous- “celoso” has a slightly different meaning as most of the times has a romantic implication, you can be jealous of someone, like when your partner talk to another person or spend a lot of time with someone else…but this is not the case we are talking in today’s post. We are focusing on the day a day conversations you have.
So as let’s recap, “tener envidia” equals “ to be jealous” or more literal “to have envy” , so far so good…
Let’s have a look of the several verbs can go with “envidia”
-tener envidia,this is the most common verbs to go with If someone is telling you is travelling for a few months around the word, and after that she or he will still have their job, you probably want to kill them 😛 but first you would shout, and yes I literally mean shout here 😉
-!No me lo puedo creer!Tengo mucha envidia!Leevame contigo-“I can’t believe it, I am so jealous, take me with you” 🙂
To make it shorther most of the time we say !Qué envidia!-“I am so jealous!”-simpler 🙂
-dar envidia,
ok a tricky one, as it can be in a good or bad way
Bad one-if someone you know is always trying to make people jealous with his things, even when it does not work.
Jaime siempre trata de dar envidia con las cosas que hace, pero no me parecen intersantes para nada- “Jaime is always trying to make us jealous with the things he does, but I do not think they are interesting at all.”
Good way-If your friends are telling you their plans for the summer and you have made your own ones but theirs look much more fun, I think we all have been there…like my friend going to Thailand and me going home for a wedding :S –anyway you can always say
Deja de darme envidia-“Stop making me jealous”
#important-So in a few words “tener envidia” is “to have envy” which as I promise makes sense, does not it?
Now let’s see some interesting and useful variants,
-morirse de envidia,
It is not quite literal like dying from envy, but it is a bad thing to have,so this one is often used with a bad way, I mean we use it to refer someone we know is a bit envious,
If your friend is talking about a promotion and all of your friends are happy for them except for one, then you will talk to your friend, yeah probably behind his back-bad thing to do guys, but great for my example
¿Has visto Jorge?No te ha dicho nada, está muerto de envidia-“Have you seen Jorge? He has not said a word, he is green with envy”
-envidia cochina,when the envy is quite extreme, pig or sow envy, most of the time is used in a funny way as well, as nobody is sick of envy, or if they are they do not express it out loud.
And it is the person who is doing the good thing who say it to shut the people talking up.
Ok let’s explain this better with an example.
If you are talking about going somewhere during the weekend and someone says,
“He estado alli, y no te va a gustar, no es tan bonito y dos días son demasiados, además normalmente hace mal tiempo”-“I have been there, you are not going to like it, it is not so good, two days is too long to stay there and it is usually bad weather”
You can say
Lo que pasa es que tienes envidia cochina que voy de viaje y tú no-“what happenes is that you are green with envy that I am going away and you don’t.”
That would make them to be quiet 🙂 #trick
-envidia sana,
no..such a thing does not exit even when people try to justify it, envy is envy, and it is always bad 🙂 but it is quite popular in Spanish use this when someone you know and like is doing really good or have a really good chance
Imagine your cousin has got a job and she is going to be travelling a few countries with her job, you will be happy for you and you will congratulate her saying
“!Enhorabuena! Tienes muchisima suerte, no sabes la envidia que me das, envidia sana, claro 😛 “-“Congratulations! You are so lucky, I am really jealous, but in a good way”
This sentences can also have double sense as we can say we are so happy for someone but what we really think is not that, example,
You might meet a friend who has won the new psp on a raffle and you want that psp but you havent mannage to save enough to get it yet so when your friend comes to you saying.
-Mira lo que he ganado-“look what I have won”
You will say
!Qué envidia! Pero de la sana ¿eh?- “Oh I am so jealous, but in the good way..”
But you are actually thinking espero que no le funcione –”I hope it does not work”
#extra an today you also get an idiom which use “envidia” –si la envidia fuera tiña cuantos tiñosos habría” literally is “if envy were ringworm lot of people would suffer from it”, kind of, or which is the same “the word is full of envious people”.
we normally use this sentences in a funny way like if your colleague at work is picking on you, joking, obviously 🙂 because you are on holidays next week, which is supposed to be very busy, you could say
“Si la envidia fuera tiña cuantos tiñosos habría”, letting him know that you know he is picking on you because “tiene envidia” –he is jealous
You also can leave the sentences unfinished like “si la envidia fuera tiña…” everybody knows how it goes 🙂
#note-I know more of the examples are related to travel, but it is the thing that really makes me jealous-me da mucha envidia, but of course if can apply to everything.
Homework-Practice makes perfection, so give this sentences a chance, leave a comment below with a sentences using “tener envidia”, I promise it will stick in your brain, and if you repeat that same sentences for a couple of times each day for 3 days, you will get it!You will be a step ahead in your Spanish learning journey, and next time you have the chance to use it in conversation with your Spanish friends their jaws will drop J, seriously, try it!
Now it is your turn– I would love to hear from you, leave a comment below, I am curious about…
-did you know what “tener envidia” meant before this blog?
-did you hear “tener envidia”before?
– Have you ever use it?
And lastly share the blog if you like it and help me to spread the Spanish language 🙂
As usual I hope you enjoyed the blog, and I will write to you again pronto
Envidia | Spanish to English Translation
Possible Results:
See the entry forenvidia.
-he/she envies
,you envy
Presentél/ella/ustedconjugation ofenvidiar.
Affirmative imperativetúconjugation ofenvidiar.
A feminine noun is almost always used with feminine articles and adjectives (e.g. la mujer bonita, la luna llena).
feminine noun
1. (emotion)
a. envy
Cristina nunca ha podido sobreponerse a la envidia que experimenta al ver a su hermana tan feliz. Cristina has never been able to overcome the envy she feels seeing her sister so happy.
b. jealousy
Me corroe la envidia cada vez que la veo con su novio.I'm eaten up with jealousy every time I see her with her boyfriend.
2. (object of envy)
a. envy
Seré la envidia de la oficina gracias a mi ascenso.I'll be the envy of the office thanks to my promotion.
Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc.
A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).
1. (general)
a. envy
tener envidia deto envy
Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited
envy; jealousy
es pura envidia it's sheer o pure envy o jealousy; he's just jealous; con este vestido serás la envidia de todas tus amigas with that dress you'll be the envy of all your friends; ¡qué envidia me da verte tan contenta! I'm so envious o jealous seeing you so happy!; dar envidia a algn to make sb envious o jealous; tener envidia a algn to envy sb; be jealous of sb
carcomerle o corroerle a algn la envidia to be eaten up with envy o jealousy
estar muerto de envidia to be green with envy
si la envidia fuera tiña (cuántos tiñosos habría) the world's full of envious people
Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
tener envidia | to be jealous |
qué envidia | I'm green with envy |
la envidia mata | envy kills |
Machine Translators
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See Machine Translations
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What do the letters and numbers mean in the name of the video card from NVIDIA
All for iPad / Offtopic In the modern computer hardware market, you can find models of video cards from NVIDIA of several generations. It can be both separate computer components and video cards built into laptops.
What the letters in the name mean
GT is the most minimal level of performance that is not intended for gaming PCs. It is used most often in "general use" computers.
GTX - Medium to high performance, suitable for gaming PCs.
Quadro is a professional performance indicator designed for complex 3D applications and various computational simulations.
RTX is a 2018 generation that brings photorealistic graphics to games. Highlights, reflections and shadows are calculated in real time, resulting in realistic lighting levels and graphics in general.
What do the numbers in the name mean? The very first number (for example, 7xx, 10xx) indicates the generation of the video card, and the higher it is, the newer the video card.

What do different postscripts mean in the name
NVIDIA manufacturers mark their product in addition to numbers by adding combinations of letters to the name. LE, for example, says that the cost of the video card is cheaper, since it comes with reduced performance. OC (overclocked) and Ti (Titanium) - versions with overclocked accelerator.
Having familiarized yourself with the decoding of the designations in the names of NVIDIA video cards, you can easily find a model that will fully satisfy your needs. Also, when buying, you should also pay attention to the type and frequency of video memory. For example, GDDR3 is found only in budget versions of models with minimal performance indicators, but GDDR5 is installed on new models of video cards that are characterized by high cost and speed.

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Nvidia | it's... What is Nvidia?
NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ: NVDA ) is an American company, one of the largest developers of graphics accelerators and processors for them, as well as chipsets. In the market, the company's products are known under such trademarks as GeForce, nForce, Quadro, Tesla, ION and Tegra. The name of the company is based on a play on words: envidia means "envy" in Spanish.
The company was founded in 1993 year. As of August 2006, the corporation had more than 6,000 employees working in 16 offices around the world. The company's headquarters is located in Santa Clara, California (USA). The main competitors are AMD (ATI), Intel.
History of the company
Highlights in the history of the company:
- 1993 - Jen-Hsun Huang, Curtis Prem and Chris Malachowski founded the company.
- 1995 - release of NV1 - the first product of the company.
- 1998 - The company moves to Santa Clara.
- 1999 -
- Introduction of Nvidia Quadro, the world's first workstation GPU.
- in January, the company held an IPO on the NASDAQ exchange.
- 2000 -
- the company acquired most of the bankrupt 3dfx Interactive.
- Microsoft has chosen NVIDIA as the GPU supplier for its Xbox game console.
- 2001 - the company's shares were included in the calculation of the S&P 500 stock index.
- 2002 -
- GeForce 4 release.
- has delivered more than 100 million processors since its inception.
- 2003 - Acquisition of Media Q, a leading provider of graphics and multimedia technology for wireless devices.
- 2004 - delivery of the 300 millionth processor.
- 2006 release of the GeForce 8800GTX, the world's first DirectX 10 graphics card.
- 2007 —
- introduces CUDA technology for GeForce 8 series, Quadro and Tesla graphics cards.
- December acquired mental images, developer of mental ray 9 renderer0096
- introduces CUDA technology for GeForce 8 series, Quadro and Tesla graphics cards.
- 2008 - In February, Ageia Technologies, the developer of the PhysX physics engine, was acquired.
- 2011 - at the Mobile World Congress together with Atmel announced the production of large tablets.
- 2012 - the company joins The Linux Foundation. [2]
Nvidia GeForce 6600GT (manufactured by Gigabyte)
- NV1 is the first graphics card from NVIDIA.
- RIVA 128 and RIVA 128ZX - Supports DirectX 5 and OpenGL 1. The first graphics card from NVIDIA to be compatible with DirectX.
- RIVA TNT, RIVA TNT2 - Supports DirectX 6 and OpenGL 1. This series has made NVIDIA the market leader.
- GeForce (solutions for gamers and home users) -
- GeForce 256 Series - Supports Direct3D 7, OpenGL 1.
- GeForce 2 Series - Supports Direct3D 7, OpenGL 1.
- GeForce 3 Series - Supports Direct3D 8, OpenGL 1.
- GeForce 4 Series - Supports Direct3D 8.1 (partially), OpenGL 1.5.
- GeForce FX Series - Supports Direct3D 9, OpenGL 1.5.
- GeForce 6 Series - Supports Direct3D 9.0c, OpenGL 2.0.
- GeForce 7 Series - Supports Direct3D 9.0c, OpenGL 2.0.
- GeForce 8 Series - Supports Direct3D 10, OpenGL 3.3.
- GeForce 9 Series - Supports Direct3D 10, OpenGL 3.3.
- GeForce 200 Series - Supports Direct3D 10, OpenGL 3.3.
- GeForce 400 Series - Supports Direct3D 11, OpenGL 4.1.
- GeForce 500 Series - Supports Direct3D 11, OpenGL 4.1.
- GeForce 600 Series - Supports Direct3D 11.1, OpenGL 4.2.
- Quadro (solutions for professionals working with 2D and 3D applications) - hardware support for OpenGL and DirectX.
NVidia Riva 128
- Quadro FX 370, Quadro FX570, Quadro FX 1700, Quadro FX 3700, Quadro FX 4800, Quadro FX 5800, Quadro FX 4700X2.
- Quadro NVS 280 PCI, Quadro NVS 290 PCIE 1X and 16X, Quadro NVS 440 PCIE 1X and 16X, Quadro NVS 450 PCIE 16X.
- Quadro Plex 2100 D4 (on 2x Quadro FX 4700X2), 2200 D4 (on 2x Quadro FX 5800), 2100 S4 (server on 4x Quadro FX5600), 2200 S4 (server on 4x Quadro FX5800).
- Quadro CX for Adobe CS4 Software.
- Quadro FX 370, Quadro FX570, Quadro FX 1700, Quadro FX 3700, Quadro FX 4800, Quadro FX 5800, Quadro FX 4700X2.
- GoForce - for PDA and mobile phones.
- Nvidia Tesla - for single and double precision cluster computing.
Motherboard chipsets
- nForce1 - Supports AMD Socket A processors.
- nForce2 - Supports AMD Socket A processors.
- nForce3 - Supports AMD processors on Socket 754, Socket 939, Socket 940 platforms.
- nForce4 and nForce Pro - Supports AMD x86-64 processors.
- nForce5 - Supports AMD Socket AM3 (with BIOS update, probably not always), Socket AM2 (Athlon 64, 64-FX, 64-X2, Sempron 64) and Intel (Core 2, Pentium 4 Prescott, Pentium 4 EE) , Pentium D, Celeron D).
- nForce6 - Supports AMD Socket AM2 (Athlon QuadFX) and Intel (Intel Core 2, Core 2 Extreme, Pentium 4 Prescott, Pentium 4 EE, Pentium 4 D, Celeron D) processors.
- nForce7 - Supports Socket AM2+, Socket AM3 (When updating BIOS) (Sempron LE, Athlon LE, Athlon X2, Athlon 64 FX, Phenom, Phenom II, Athlon II) and Intel processors
- nForce9 - Supports AMD Socket AM2+, Socket AM3 (Phenom II, Athlon II) processors and Dual Channel DDR-III
Board vendors
NVIDIA does not manufacture GPUs itself, nor do graphics cards themselves, they are manufactured by partner companies. NVIDIA is only developing a reference design. However, video adapter manufacturers are not required to strictly follow the specification. The exception is the Quadro series of professional graphics cards, which must fully comply with the NVIDIA specification.
NVIDIA GeForce Partners:
NVIDIA Quadro partners (professional graphics market is divided between three companies):
- PNY Technologies is responsible for the US, EMEA market, including Russia and the CIS.
Learn more