Is he selfish or am i needy

Is he selfish or am i needy
Beware! 15 Top Signs Of A Selfish BoyfriendSpread the loveAs humans, it goes without saying that we are selfish to a certain extent, but if you feel like your boyfriend is always putting himself first...

Wanking makes you blind

Wanking makes you blind
Masturbating Causing Blindness: Debunking the MythNo, masturbating doesn’t cause blindness. Let’s debunk this myth and highlight some other common misconceptions about masturbation.Masturbation is oft...

What personality type is best for sales

What personality type is best for sales
What Kind of Sales Personality Do You Want? (According to the Myers Briggs Test)Salespeople are not all created equal...

How to stop yourself eating

How to stop yourself eating
How to Stop Overeating: A Dietitian's 10 Tips ...

Logic vs rationality

Logic vs rationality
Logical vs Rational Thinking: What’s the Difference?Is there a difference between logical and rational thinking? Yes.And one problem even worse than not knowing the difference is this:People often use...

Grieving the loss of a friendship

Grieving the loss of a friendship
How to Get Over a Friendship BreakupIt’s never easy when friendships end.You might have been the one to decide to end it, or maybe your former friend decided to end it. The friendship might have been...

Mental illness lack of empathy

Mental illness lack of empathy
A neurological basis for the lack of empathy image: This is response in the right amygdala across groups of low (L), medium (M) and high (H) psychopathy participants, when they adopted an imagine-self...

How to move on from a cheater

How to move on from a cheater
How to cope with being cheated onBeing cheated on sucks. It’s as simple as that – but the feelings that come with it are hardly ever simple. You feel betrayed, angry, embarrassed and completely heartb...

Narcissistic mother codependent father

Narcissistic mother codependent father
The Narcissistic Parent | What Is Codependency?A narcissistic parent behaves as they imagine themselves to be—the king or queen of the family, or someone whose activities are more important than being...

Sensorimotor obsessions treatment

Sensorimotor obsessions treatment
CBT for Sensorimotor OCD in Sevenoaks and London | CBT for Body SensationsWe provide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Sensorimotor OCD from our offices in London as well as from over 100 plus locatio...