Myers briggs personality type compatibility
Compatibility of INFP with ESTP in Relationships
As an Intuitive Feeling type, you seek deep, meaningful connection in your relationships. You want to truly understand what drives the people you care about and help them to be their best selves. You are drawn to people who seem to be sensitive, thoughtful, and idealistic, and prefer relationships that help you to grow and develop.
Your counterpart is a Sensing Perceiver type, which means their core focus is enjoying the moment. In relationships, this means that they look for people that they have an easy synergy with, and often prioritize one thing: FUN. As an SP type, your counterpart doesn't think too hard about whether they connect with other people on a deep level. They're simply looking for companions to keep them company on this crazy ride called life.
At first glance, it may seem as though the two of you have nothing in common—and in fact, you do have very different ways of seeing the world and thinking about things. The first time you meet this person, unless you discover a shared interest, it may seem that you have nothing to talk about.
You tend to be idealistic, sensitive, and empathetic. You feel things deeply and take your values seriously. You are very much in tune with the state of the world and the feelings of the people in it, and you are always thinking about how to make the world a better place. Because you are so idealistic, you sometimes you get caught up in your imagination and lose track of real life.
In contrast, your counterpart is all about action. They live in the moment, not in their head, and like to get things done. They have little interest in fantasy, and like to stay firmly grounded in reality. They spend very little time wondering how the world could be different; they're too busy enjoying it as it is.
So what might draw you together? Plenty. For one thing, this might be just the relationship you need to get you out of your dreams and idealized visions and into the present moment. If you struggle to stay grounded, this person can bring you down to earth.
Plus, if you stick with it, you might find that you have more fun with this person than anyone else in your life. They tend to be spontaneous, hedonistic, and even a bit of a daredevil, and they may inspire you to take chances that you wouldn't otherwise risk.
This person likely has a higher energy level than you do, and you may find their enthusiasm overwhelming at times. You may find it important to set boundaries and let them know when you need space and quiet.
You have a different style of communication from this person, and you’ll need to make some accommodations if this relationship is to reach its full potential.
You tend to communicate in an abstract, theoretical way. You focus on making connections and interpreting meaning, exploring the "why" of the thing in question. Much of what you communicate is your idea, theory, or interpretation of what you see, rather than a direct observation.
When making plans, you are inclined to spend a lot of time talking about the overall goal or theme of the plan—without having much interest in the details of exactly what will happen or how.
In contrast, your counterpart tends to communicate in a straightforward, concrete way, focusing on facts, details, history, and real-life experiences. They focus on the "what" when discussing something, and convey information that they observed directly or can back up with real-life evidence. When making plans, they tend to focus on the specific steps that will occur. And generally, they're interested in talking about real things, not ideas or theories.
While it may sound like you are speaking different languages, the truth is that although you have different comfort zones when it comes to communication, you are well able to get out of those comfort zones to meet halfway—and you'll both be the better for it. You can help your partner to stretch to look beyond the obvious of things and explore the deeper meaning. And in turn, they can help you to come back down to earth and discuss the details and facts of a situation, not just the big idea.
When talking with this person, you may fall into the role of listener by default. Because they are more extraverted than you are, they'll tend to naturally speak more quickly and have more to say. You tend to be a bit more quiet and reserved, and are often more comfortable letting others have the floor. You may leave conversations with this person feeling like you actually didn't say much at all.
This can be a comfortable dynamic sometimes. Many introverts like having friends and associates who are dynamic and chatty and keep the conversation moving. Other times, it can be frustrating. Extraverts sometimes assume that because Introverts are a bit slower to get going, they have nothing to say. Your Extravert friends may chatter on, thinking that if they don't fill the silence, no one will. In fact, you might appreciate them slowing down a bit, asking more questions, and giving you the time and space to express yourself. You may not have a talk-show-host personality, but that doesn't mean you have nothing to share.
Consider the dynamic between the two of you and ask yourself if it works for you. Does your Extraverted counterpart make space for you to share your thoughts and feelings? Or do you feel like you're being steamrolled? If you never feel you get to express yourself with this person, it's time to let them know that your relationship needs some tweaking.
Truth be told, the two of you probably don't have a lot in common when it comes to what you value. While you may share some commonalities in religion, political orientation, or other affiliations, the way you think about the world and what is important is fundamentally different. If you agree on matters of morals and ethics, it's probably for very different reasons.
Your values system is based on a deep empathy and compassion for others. You can't watch the news without feeling the pain of starving children; those commercials with sad kitties at the pound were made for people just like you. Because compassion is such a big part of who you are, it motivates your biggest decisions in life. Your career was probably chosen because it is consistent with your values and the changes you want to make in the world. Your friends are probably people who feel the way you feel about the issues that are dear to your heart.
In contrast, your counterpart is deeply practical and logical. It's not that they don't care about others; they just don't spend quite as much time and energy caring as you do. And when they are concerned with other people, they typically feel that a pragmatic solution is the best one. They might spend an afternoon helping a needy friend fix a broken window, or donate money to a local school. But typically their instinct to help is out of a sense of dutiful social responsibility, rather than the empathetic heartache that's more familiar to you. And usually, once they've helped, they move on with their day. Caring for others is unlikely to be as central to their lives as it is to yours.
You may find yourself deeply hurt by your counterpart's approach when discussing values that are important to you. You are deeply idealistic and easily imagine how the world could be a better place. They, on the other hand, don't visualize quite so easily, and they often don't see a big problem with how the world is now. They tend to be suspicious of new ideas and blunt in their communication, which in practice means that they'll often unceremoniously shoot down your suggestions with "That would never work in the real world" or "What planet are you on?!"
On the other hand, because you are so different, you have the opportunity to introduce one another to new ways of thinking. Your counterpart tends to value tradition and the wisdom of experience much more than you do, and they can help you to see the merit in looking to the old ways. And if you're willing to stick with them, you have the ability to help them become softer, gentler, and more emotionally in tune.
You take a similarly unstructured approach to life and are fairly relaxed about schedules, plans and household systems. If you share space, it’s likely that neither of you will be motivated to take on household responsibilities. You both prefer to play first and work later, and there may need to be some discussion about getting the chores done.
Since neither of you want things to be fully planned and predictable, you’re rarely overwhelmed by disorganization. You both enjoy leaving room for creativity, and enjoy setting a pace together that will allow you to do things on the fly.
Finding harmony in your life together may take some effort because you see and communicate different things. While you look for patterns and metaphors in every interaction, your counterpart takes things at face value. For them, daily life is for living through their body and their senses. For you, it’s a springboard for testing out ideas.
In your mind, life exists to feed your curiosity and help you learn new things. Discovering new ideas is a lifelong pursuit and you take it very seriously. You tend to read widely, take classes for fun and pursue activities that allow you to explore the ‘yet to be discovered. ’
The reverse is true for your counterpart. They are one of life’s ‘doers’ and they believe that actions speak louder than words. They tend to choose activities that will stimulate their senses or their body in some way—whether that’s cooking, bungee jumping or arts and crafts. There are plenty of hobbies here that you could both be interested in, but it can cause rifts between couples who can’t agree on what they want to do in their spare time.
Routines can be another area of conflict. While you dream of adventure to keep things interesting, your counterpart has a low tolerance for shaking things up for the sake of it. Instead of seeing this as a source of conflict, understand that you have much to offer each other here. You can focus on the big picture and offer up the angles and possibilities that give your partner a broader understanding of the world. They can focus on the details, on the present moment, and remind you what is important right now. As long as you’re communicating effectively, it’s a wonderful win-win.
Communicating your needs is crucial, as you both have a different tolerance for stimulation and social activities. You are energized by alone time and need regular periods of solitude to recharge your batteries. Your partner, by contrast, is energized by activity and probably makes plenty of room for friends, family, and social events. They won’t appreciate you refusing to socialize with them, leaving them alone and lonely, just as you won’t appreciate them overbooking the social calendar.
Communication is another challenge, since your partner prefers to deal with issues immediately while you may try to sweep problems under the rug. You need time to think something through before having an important conversation, and can feel backed into a corner if your partner gets all pushy and naggy. On the flip side, your partner knows how to speak their mind and defend their position, and it can be frustrating for them if they’re constantly having to drag a conversation out of you.
None of these differences is insurmountable and with a little compromise you can easily meet each other’s needs. Your partner’s job is to respect your need for solitude while encouraging you to attend events that are important to them. Compromise is a two-way street, and in return you must be fine with your partner going out and getting the social stimulation they need without resenting them for leaving you alone.
Compatibility of INFJ with ESTP in Relationships
As an Intuitive Feeling type, you seek deep, meaningful connection in your relationships. You want to truly understand what drives the people you care about and help them to be their best selves. You are drawn to people who seem to be sensitive, thoughtful, and idealistic, and prefer relationships that help you to grow and develop.
Your counterpart is a Sensing Perceiver type, which means their core focus is enjoying the moment. In relationships, this means that they look for people that they have an easy synergy with, and often prioritize one thing: FUN. As an SP type, your counterpart doesn't think too hard about whether they connect with other people on a deep level. They're simply looking for companions to keep them company on this crazy ride called life.
At first glance, it may seem as though the two of you have nothing in common—and in fact, you do have very different ways of seeing the world and thinking about things. The first time you meet this person, unless you discover a shared interest, it may seem that you have nothing to talk about.
You tend to be idealistic, sensitive, and empathetic. You feel things deeply and take your values seriously. You are very much in tune with the state of the world and the feelings of the people in it, and you are always thinking about how to make the world a better place. Because you are so idealistic, you sometimes you get caught up in your imagination and lose track of real life.
In contrast, your counterpart is all about action. They live in the moment, not in their head, and like to get things done. They have little interest in fantasy, and like to stay firmly grounded in reality. They spend very little time wondering how the world could be different; they're too busy enjoying it as it is.
So what might draw you together? Plenty. For one thing, this might be just the relationship you need to get you out of your dreams and idealized visions and into the present moment. If you struggle to stay grounded, this person can bring you down to earth.
Plus, if you stick with it, you might find that you have more fun with this person than anyone else in your life. They tend to be spontaneous, hedonistic, and even a bit of a daredevil, and they may inspire you to take chances that you wouldn't otherwise risk.
This person likely has a higher energy level than you do, and you may find their enthusiasm overwhelming at times. You may find it important to set boundaries and let them know when you need space and quiet.
You have a different style of communication from this person, and you’ll need to make some accommodations if this relationship is to reach its full potential.
You tend to communicate in an abstract, theoretical way. You focus on making connections and interpreting meaning, exploring the "why" of the thing in question. Much of what you communicate is your idea, theory, or interpretation of what you see, rather than a direct observation. When making plans, you are inclined to spend a lot of time talking about the overall goal or theme of the plan—without having much interest in the details of exactly what will happen or how.
In contrast, your counterpart tends to communicate in a straightforward, concrete way, focusing on facts, details, history, and real-life experiences. They focus on the "what" when discussing something, and convey information that they observed directly or can back up with real-life evidence. When making plans, they tend to focus on the specific steps that will occur. And generally, they're interested in talking about real things, not ideas or theories.
While it may sound like you are speaking different languages, the truth is that although you have different comfort zones when it comes to communication, you are well able to get out of those comfort zones to meet halfway—and you'll both be the better for it. You can help your partner to stretch to look beyond the obvious of things and explore the deeper meaning. And in turn, they can help you to come back down to earth and discuss the details and facts of a situation, not just the big idea.
When talking with this person, you may fall into the role of listener by default. Because they are more extraverted than you are, they'll tend to naturally speak more quickly and have more to say. You tend to be a bit more quiet and reserved, and are often more comfortable letting others have the floor. You may leave conversations with this person feeling like you actually didn't say much at all.
This can be a comfortable dynamic sometimes. Many introverts like having friends and associates who are dynamic and chatty and keep the conversation moving. Other times, it can be frustrating. Extraverts sometimes assume that because Introverts are a bit slower to get going, they have nothing to say. Your Extravert friends may chatter on, thinking that if they don't fill the silence, no one will. In fact, you might appreciate them slowing down a bit, asking more questions, and giving you the time and space to express yourself. You may not have a talk-show-host personality, but that doesn't mean you have nothing to share.
Consider the dynamic between the two of you and ask yourself if it works for you. Does your Extraverted counterpart make space for you to share your thoughts and feelings? Or do you feel like you're being steamrolled? If you never feel you get to express yourself with this person, it's time to let them know that your relationship needs some tweaking.
Truth be told, the two of you probably don't have a lot in common when it comes to what you value. While you may share some commonalities in religion, political orientation, or other affiliations, the way you think about the world and what is important is fundamentally different. If you agree on matters of morals and ethics, it's probably for very different reasons.
Your values system is based on a deep empathy and compassion for others. You can't watch the news without feeling the pain of starving children; those commercials with sad kitties at the pound were made for people just like you. Because compassion is such a big part of who you are, it motivates your biggest decisions in life. Your career was probably chosen because it is consistent with your values and the changes you want to make in the world. Your friends are probably people who feel the way you feel about the issues that are dear to your heart.
In contrast, your counterpart is deeply practical and logical. It's not that they don't care about others; they just don't spend quite as much time and energy caring as you do. And when they are concerned with other people, they typically feel that a pragmatic solution is the best one. They might spend an afternoon helping a needy friend fix a broken window, or donate money to a local school. But typically their instinct to help is out of a sense of dutiful social responsibility, rather than the empathetic heartache that's more familiar to you. And usually, once they've helped, they move on with their day. Caring for others is unlikely to be as central to their lives as it is to yours.
You may find yourself deeply hurt by your counterpart's approach when discussing values that are important to you. You are deeply idealistic and easily imagine how the world could be a better place. They, on the other hand, don't visualize quite so easily, and they often don't see a big problem with how the world is now. They tend to be suspicious of new ideas and blunt in their communication, which in practice means that they'll often unceremoniously shoot down your suggestions with "That would never work in the real world" or "What planet are you on?!"
On the other hand, because you are so different, you have the opportunity to introduce one another to new ways of thinking. Your counterpart tends to value tradition and the wisdom of experience much more than you do, and they can help you to see the merit in looking to the old ways. And if you're willing to stick with them, you have the ability to help them become softer, gentler, and more emotionally in tune.
You tend to prize hard work and achievement, in contrast with your counterpart, who puts a higher priority on just enjoying life. While you tend to be serious and goal-oriented, they are more relaxed and content to go with the flow. To you, they may appear unmotivated, flaky, or even lazy. But in truth, they just value freedom and flexibility more than you do, and they're willing to give up a few gold stars in favor of a more laid-back lifestyle. To them, your life may seem overly structured, routine, and just plain dull.
You'll probably experience some conflict over your different approaches to life. You'll want your counterpart to get serious, make plans, and stick with something (for once!). On the other hand, they'll bug you to loosen up, relax, and enjoy life. Although this has the potential to be aggravating for both of you, it's also an opportunity for each of you to discover a new style of living. Your partner can help you to become more spontaneous and ensure you are enjoying all that life has to offer. In turn, you can help them improve their ability to be organized, persistent, and responsible when it matters most.
Organization may be a sticking point between the two of you. While you like to establish structure in schedules, plans, and systems, your counterpart takes a more relaxed approach. You may find that disagreements arise over these fundamental differences.
If you share a physical space, you may disagree over how clean, tidy, and organized it needs to be. You will tend to feel more motivated to keep things in order, while your counterpart will have less of an innate need for organization.
Often, the more organized person in a relationship like yours ends up taking on more responsibilities, simply because they're paying more attention to what needs to be done. This can lead to resentment and imbalance in the relationship. You may feel as if you are the "adult" in the relationship, while your counterpart may feel nagged and harassed.
The best way to approach conflicts in this area is to frame your own desire for organization as just that—something you desire. It is generally unproductive to try to convince your partner that your structured, orderly way of doing things is the "correct" way, but if you approach it as simply stating your own preference, they may be more open to trying to accommodate you.
Scheduling can also be an area of conflict for the two of you, as they like to leave things open-ended, while you prefer things planned and settled. Again, compromise is the key. The first step is to acknowledge that you have different approaches, and that each style has its benefits. Then, try to make sure your time together includes both scheduled events and free time for spontaneity, so you each get a chance to be at your best.
Finding harmony in your life together may take some effort because you see and communicate different things. While you look for patterns and metaphors in every interaction, your counterpart takes things at face value. For them, daily life is for living through their body and their senses. For you, it’s a springboard for testing out ideas.
In your mind, life exists to feed your curiosity and help you learn new things. Discovering new ideas is a lifelong pursuit and you take it very seriously. You tend to read widely, take classes for fun and pursue activities that allow you to explore the ‘yet to be discovered.’
The reverse is true for your counterpart. They are one of life’s ‘doers’ and they believe that actions speak louder than words. They tend to choose activities that will stimulate their senses or their body in some way—whether that’s cooking, bungee jumping or arts and crafts. There are plenty of hobbies here that you could both be interested in, but it can cause rifts between couples who can’t agree on what they want to do in their spare time.
Routines can be another area of conflict. While you dream of adventure to keep things interesting, your counterpart has a low tolerance for shaking things up for the sake of it. Instead of seeing this as a source of conflict, understand that you have much to offer each other here. You can focus on the big picture and offer up the angles and possibilities that give your partner a broader understanding of the world. They can focus on the details, on the present moment, and remind you what is important right now. As long as you’re communicating effectively, it’s a wonderful win-win.
Communicating your needs is crucial, as you both have a different tolerance for stimulation and social activities. You are energized by alone time and need regular periods of solitude to recharge your batteries. Your partner, by contrast, is energized by activity and probably makes plenty of room for friends, family, and social events. They won’t appreciate you refusing to socialize with them, leaving them alone and lonely, just as you won’t appreciate them overbooking the social calendar.
Communication is another challenge, since your partner prefers to deal with issues immediately while you may try to sweep problems under the rug. You need time to think something through before having an important conversation, and can feel backed into a corner if your partner gets all pushy and naggy. On the flip side, your partner knows how to speak their mind and defend their position, and it can be frustrating for them if they’re constantly having to drag a conversation out of you.
None of these differences is insurmountable and with a little compromise you can easily meet each other’s needs. Your partner’s job is to respect your need for solitude while encouraging you to attend events that are important to them. Compromise is a two-way street, and in return you must be fine with your partner going out and getting the social stimulation they need without resenting them for leaving you alone.
Myers-Briggs Personality Type Compatibility: What kind of people are meant for each other
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There are many ways to understand who you really are and what kind of people you will be most comfortable communicating with. Some people trust horoscopes and compatibility of zodiac signs, others rely on socionics, others trust only psychology. Any of the ways can be working if you do not perceive it as the only truth: the truth is always in the middle. nine0003
Among the various typologies, Myers-Briggs "characters" have recently gained popularity. This typology was developed by the writer Isabelle Briggs Myers and her mother Katerina Cooks Briggs, based on Jung's typology. Typology became especially popular in the 1940s and became a popular way in the United States and Europe to determine the professional and personal inclinations of a person.
Tests for this typology are currently included in the curriculum of many colleges, despite the fact that academic circles are wary of this classification. Psychologists and psychiatrists accept typology with many reservations and admit that it is more of a fun way to get to know yourself than a working principle worth living by. nine0003
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What types are
We talked about different types of personality in more detail in a separate article. In short, all people have four parameters on the basis of which the division is made: introversion / extraversion, sensory / intuition, thinking / feeling, decisions / perception.
Four parameters multiplied by 4 options - you get 16 different variations. To save time, we will not describe the features of each - it's all on the Internet. Here they are:
ESTJ: Administrator
ESFJ: Teacher
ENFJ: Mentor
ENTJ: Commander
👉 To understand what type you belong to, you must pass the test - short or long -long.
What personality types converge best
The most optimal pairs are obtained from people who have two parameters that match, that is, two letters. This means that these people look at the world in the same way and perceive the surrounding reality. On the other hand, people with a complete match of characteristics will be bored together, and therefore at least 1-2 letters should be different. nine0003
Description: An enthusiastic, creative and sociable mind who never gets bored.
Ideal couple: INFJ and INTJ
The ideal partners for this extroverted type are not the same extroverts at all. ENFP is a rather impulsive type, and therefore he needs someone down to earth and intuitive. In turn, the energy of the “fighters” will not let INFJs and INTJs get bored. nine0003
These people seem to be made for serious long-term relationships: they are responsible, loyal and carefully choose a life partner. Someone completely opposite, like a determined extrovert, will help you enjoy the facets of the relationship that are most dear to them - intimacy, loyalty and depth of feelings.
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The most spontaneous and impulsive of all 16 types is not easy to deal with. In addition, they are also introverts, and therefore all the magic and fireworks of emotions take place inside them. Extroverts will help this type to get out of his "shell", and the ability to plan ahead will save the couple from sudden decisions. nine0003
"Administrator" believes only what he sees with his own eyes. An ideal partner will help him focus not only on facts, but also on his feelings. At the same time, both agree that intuition takes over.
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"Virtuosi" do not seek to start a relationship, cherishing their freedom, but not against common adventures. They get bored easily, but they love making new friends - extroverts fully cover their need for communication. ISTPs are most compatible with ESFJs and ESTJs. nine0003
Description: Poetic, kind and altruistic people, always ready to help.
The perfect couple: ENFJ and ENTJ
"Intermediaries" feel more than they understand, and they need the same intuitions. On the other hand, ENFJs and ENTJs balance them by starting to prepare for problems in advance.
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Perfectionists and rather cold people in life. They need someone more open, extroverted, but also someone who also relies on intuition and can nip problems in the bud.
"Scientists" rarely open up to anyone and generally do not like it when they climb into the soul. Intuitive extroverts will know when it's best to leave this type alone and when to help make a difficult decision.
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who should be found on the basis of your personality Mayers-Briggs / Love
than anyone else, right? However, we are all fascinated by outside labels, looking to them for an understanding of our own personalities. We have fun reading our monthly horoscopes in our favorite magazines. We even have a whole system for how our blood types can shape our personality from the very beginning. However, what better way to judge our personalities than with the Myers-Briggs Personality Test? This test, which many of us may already know, has been scientifically formatted to decide which characteristics dominate our personality. They are not so much judged by when we were born or what type of blood we have, but who we are based on how we answer various questions. We are then told which of sixteen different types we are - and from there we are told what kind of people we are, what careers we should consider, and what other Myers-Briggs personalities we are most compatible with! Exciting, right? So if you want to know more about who your soulmate might be, let's just get right to it! nine0003
(If you don't know your Myers-Briggs personality, in which case there are plenty of free tests on the Internet, so find a good one and then come back!)
16 ENFP - Considered a mastermind
Considered a mastermind, ENFP is very attractive , an affectionate group of people who know how to appreciate life and don't take it for granted. However, ENFPs cannot be in a relationship once things are out of date; after all, the E in ENFP stands for extroverted, and you know how they love interesting things and need constant stimulation. Interestingly, the most compatible partners for this personality type are completely opposite personalities: INFJ and INTJ. Both types are introverts, so they are considered good counter energies to the extroverted side of ENFP. INFJs and INTJs are calm and intuitive, so they will help prevent ENFPs from making impulsive decisions or forgetting to take care of themselves. In turn, ENFPs are warm and honest people who help the introvert to come out of their shell and feel loved, so this is really the perfect relationship. nine0003
15 ISFJ- Introvert and Caring
ISFJs are reserved and nurturing. ISFJs are also traditional, so ISFJs take loyalty and loyalty very seriously. They also go out of their way to ensure the best possible relationship, sometimes putting in more effort than their partners, which is something to look out for. ISFJs, like ENFPs, have two compatible matches when it comes to Myers-Briggs personalities: ESFP and ESTP. Again, opposites are somewhat attractive here. The extraverted side of ESFP and ESTP compensates for the introverted side of ISFJ. On this they have a P for perception, which works opposite a J for evaluation. P means they are more flexible, which gives ISFJs the freedom to manage the roles they like, including organizing, planning, and caring for others. After all, parenting needs to be nourishing, right? nine0003
14 ISFP - Always looking for your soul mates
ISFPs are affectionate artists who are always looking for their soul mates! And they are considered the most impulsive of the sixteen personality types, which should boost their already high sex appeal! Even though ISFPs are spontaneous, they are still introverted types, and quite private at that. This is why, again, extraverted counterparts are considered the most suitable for ISFPs, especially for ESTJs and ESFJs. There are opposing forces not only in me and E, but also in P and J. These two types are good for bringing out the inner emotions and thoughts of an ISFP who is otherwise a mom, and they share the ISFP's deep appreciation for beauty as well as being able to take care of more vague ISFPs. nine0003
13 ISTJ - serious and withdrawn
Serious and reserved, ISTJs are known for doing their jobs. Since they are quite conservative, they do not like public displays of affection and prefer partners who are not too different from themselves. The most compatible personalities with ISTJs are ESTPs and ESFPs. These two personality types will be the most adept at uncovering and reflecting on the ILI. They are also much more calm and patient, and this receptivity to new things will make them great listeners for ISTJs who love to learn and then pass on what they have learned. This laid-back trait in both types is very useful, because ISTJs are stubborn and don't like to be challenged - they feel like they have to win arguments. The ESTP and ESFP won't care too much about the debate, they're happy to just let the MNTB run its course and think they've won. nine0003
12 ISTP- Live Now
ISTP, or mechanics, is the epitome of Carpe Diem! Not investing in thinking about the future, rather living in the present, ISTPs are not that romantic. They're not as obsessed with finding a soul mate or life partner, and they definitely don't want to put a lot of work into a relationship, so long distance relationships aren't necessary. Easily boring and hard to come by, ISTPs are most compatible with ESFJs and ESTJs. Since they are very sociable and friendly, they are always entertaining ISTPs. When paired, ISTPs with ESFJs or ESTJs are always up for something together, preferring to be active companions who embark on new adventures. While ISTPs may not care about saving things for the future, ESFJs and ESTJs will cover this for them. nine0003
11 INFP- Very Intuitive
Idealistic INFPs are usually simple and super intuitive. Most of the time they are lost in their own world, dreamers who constantly love each other. However, since they are so wrapped up in their fantasies, they can sometimes let their imaginations get the better of them, see things that aren't there, and not quite interpret things correctly. This is the type that goes all in, making sure his partner is happy without realizing that the partner might not return the favor. The best for INFPs are ENFJ and ENTJ. They are very intuitive when it comes to understanding INFPs and their extraverted side means they will be able to act in their relationship. Other introverts paired with INFPs can lead to stagnant relationships. nine0003
10 INTJ- Complete perfectionists
Complete perfectionists who are obsessed with rules, guidelines, and organization, people who are INTJs are far from spontaneous. They are also very independent, not caring about social norms or what is going on around them. It's all about how they want to plan their life for themselves. Because of this disregard for the environment and culture around them, they can be quite awkward when it comes to romance. However, they still have compatible partners, especially in ENTP and ENFP! As INTJs will have a hard time on social media, ENTPs and ENFPs will take over smoothly. Since they are also very cold, there will be no tension in the relationship with the INTJ, which is constantly trying to control. nine0003
9 INTP - Don't open up easily
According to the 'thinkers', INTP is not easy to open up about your feelings. This may make them seem like introverted people, but they are still quite open and laid-back. However, their insular side still requires them to have enough time to recover and be happy. The ideal types for INTPs are ENTJ and ENFJ. They understand that INTPs need to be alone sometimes, so they will readily give them space. And because they're so social themselves, they already have a dedicated group of friends they can turn to when it's time to leave INTPs alone. The only possible problem is that ENFJs can let their feelings get the best of them, which can be a burden on INTPs. As long as ENFJs are fairly good at handling their emotions, they make great partners for INTPs! nine0003
8 ESTP impulsiveness and rash
Cheerful and fashionable, but also impulsive and reckless, ESTPs are considered "doers". They are a lot of fun to be in a relationship with and like for their sense of humor as well as their loyalty and loving personality. Adorable to boot, ESTPs will find great happiness when paired with ISFJs and ISTJs. These two types compensate for the impulsiveness of ESTPs who are not thorough in their thought process. Although they are different in this regard, they are similar in that they are not as sensitive. Since their feelings aren't easily hurt, and all three types can be oblivious to other people's emotions, this means they're on at least the same page. If one person casually says something hurtful, the other won't mind. nine0003
7 ENTP - great for brainstorming
The "seers", ENTPs, are knowledgeable and good with brains. These two traits, however, also make them argumentative, because there's nothing they like more than a good, heated debate that can get annoying... Otherwise, they're calm, easy to talk to, and have a sense of humor. While most personalities have only had two compatible personalities so far, ENTPs suddenly have not two, but five compatible personalities! Wow! ENTPs can essentially get along well with ESFJs, ENFJs, and ISFJs, but they do best with INTJs and INFJs. Like ENTPs, these two types are smart and love to engage in conversation, which will lead to long, interesting conversations that go on forever (which are the best!), and they are similar in levels of confidence and perfectionism..
6 ESFJ- Very Thoughtful
There's a reason ESFJs are called "trustees"! Unlike some of the other people on the list who live permanently in a fantasy land, ESFJs are very down to earth and don't add any flourish to what's going on around them. ESFJs are thoughtful and warm people, so they can seem like ideal companions, but this desire to be around other people and be recognized can come at a cost to the needy, which is the only downside. The most compatible with ESFJ are ISFP and ISTP. ESFJs are having fun trying to open ISFPs and ISTPs. With ISFPs, they share feelings and feelings in common, so they lean on each other to make personal decisions. On the other hand, the thinking sides of the ISTP offer something innovative in dealing with the ESFJ..
5 ESFP - full of charm
ESFP "Variety Artists" are well known for their charisma and charm, but that only makes them good in the short term! It turns out that ESFPs don't like long-term relationships and have a certain fear of commitment. They are stereotypical extroverts in that their attention is always switched to whatever is fun at the moment. In addition, they think little about the future and may deny current problems. For these reasons, ISTJs and ISFJs are two personality types that are considered the most suitable because they are so closed off and it is difficult for them to understand that they will hold the attention of an ESFP for quite some time. ISTJs are deep thinkers, so they balance ESFP's focus on the current and ignore the consequences. ISFJs are somewhat similar to the impulsiveness of ESFPs, so they can understand and even appreciate how ESFPs operate..
4 ESTJ- Natural Leaders
ESTJs are considered "guardians" - they are natural leaders and get along with the people around them. Unlike ESFPs, ESTJs take relationships very seriously, so you don't have to worry about it, just being fake! Because they are quite loyal, they are eventually referred to as "guardians", they get along with quite a few personality types. They could make it work with any of them, really, but the two that are considered the best are ISTP and ISFP. They both work well with ESTJs when it comes to rules. However, ISTPs could be a little better because they share the ESTJ's desire to feel appreciated but aversion to public displays of affection. ISFPs can be a bit more needed than ISTPs in a relationship, but are still a good choice for ESTJs. nine0003
3 ENTJ- Always think about the future
The E for ENTJ should stand for "leadership"! They are very careful and observant, they like to make plans for the future. If you want to date an ENTJ, you will definitely be ready for the commitment because ENTJs take all relationships very seriously. After all, they are very focused on the future, as mentioned earlier. And so two types well suited for ENTJs are INTP and INFP! These two are the perfect intellectual problem-solving companions for ENTJs - and they themselves are mysteries that ENTJs would love to deal with for the rest of their lives. They also don't mind letting ENTJs take over the dominance, but INFPs should beware of the fact that ENTJs might be too busy to pay so much attention at times..
2 ENFJ- Fun and fellowship
ENFJs always give and give, those who always make sure that their friends, family and loved ones are happy and taken care of. Generous and friendly, ENFJs are not only beloved partners because of their attentiveness, but they are also very funny with their departing people, who often impress those around them with inspiration and energy. ENFJs are best suited for INFPs and INTPs. ENFJs will be happy to meet similarly intuitive people. Because ENFJs can sometimes be too selfless, both INFP and INTP perceptive traits ensure that ENFJs are cared for as well. They will also notice when ENFJs need or want something without their explicit expression. They will also be flexible, readily agreeing to last-minute plans with ENFJs. nine0003
1 INFJ- Very protective
Protective types, INFJs are extremely observant and empathic. However, this does not mean that there are no disadvantages. INFJs' problem in any relationship is that they rely heavily on their own judgment and instincts to the point that they stubbornly dismiss what anyone else might think of a situation. This is why INFJs prefer to work alone and don't like to feel like their values or thoughts are being challenged by others. However, INFJs are considered great spouses when they meet the right person, and they also make great parents. There are four personalities that are most compatible: ENFP, ENTP, INTJ, and other INFJs.