Most confident personality type
Which Area Each Personality Type is Confident In
Which Area Each Personality Type is Confident InIt can be difficult to gain confidence in life, but sometimes the best way to develop this is by taking notice of something you are already skilled at. Here is what are each personality type is most likely confident in already.
INFJINFJs are extremely skilled observers, and often take notice of things that other people cannot see. They make incredible advice givers, because they can often sense the direction that a situation is going. This makes INFJs excellent with understanding people, especially those that they care for. The INFJ will pay attention to their loved ones, and notice each little change in their personality. This helps them understand when they are in need of help or simply a shoulder to cry on. INFJs ability to see things before they actually happen, comes from their keen observation skills. It may not be noticed by everyone, but it is a powerful asset.
ENFJs are natural jugglers, constantly handling a large amount of tasks at once. ENFJs are confident in their ability to get things done, and to take care of their loved ones. They do what has to be done, and are not afraid to take on new tasks. ENFJs can see the path in front of them, and will find whatever ways they can to accomplish their goals. They are confident in their ability to handle a crisis, without breaking down or falling apart. ENFJs are capable of steadiness themselves, in order to take care of business.
INFPINFPs are the sensitive souls of the world, and because of this they are very connected to their internal morals. They are often confident in their ability to discover what is right and what is wrong. This also makes INFPs great at finding out the truth, especially when it comes to the people around them. They might give people too many chances, but deep down they know who they can trust. INFPs are skilled at feeling compassion, when the rest of the world has shut themselves down.
ENFPs are extremely skilled at taking on new tasks, without fear of what might happen. While some people are fearful of trying something they have never done before, ENFPs are usually excited for the challenge. They often know where their skills lie, and are comfortable diving into something that can showcase their abilities. ENFPs are also extremely charming people, which makes them great at communicating with people. They can often walk up to someone, and find an easy way to get to know them, without being fearful of how it will go.
INTJThere are quite a few things the INTJ is actually confident in, especially if it is something they can research. They are great at understanding situations, and will often prepare themselves before walking into something new. INTJs dislike ignorance, and because of this they strive to learn as much as they can about the world around them. Their intelligence is their greatest gift, one that can truly benefit others if it is shared.
ENTJs are extremely confident when it comes to their ability to lead others. They are intelligent people, who strive to make the most efficient plans possible. When it comes to leading a group into any kind of victory, ENTJs are very comfortable doing this. The ENTJ will not be fearful, but instead will take charge with complete pride and confidence. They know how to handle a group, and will be able to guide them forward.
INTPINTPs have a very active imagination, which they combine with their natural intelligence. They are skilled at understanding new things, and are not afraid to dive into a subject they do not know much about. INTPs are amazing at researching and combining that research with their own personal knowledge. Their logical minds help the INTP become capable of understanding just about everything. INTPs are even great problem solvers, especially when it comes to helping other people. If the INTP is allowed to give advice, they can often help others find solutions to their life problems.
ENTPs are confident in their ability to debate various topics, by backing themselves with facts and knowledge. They enjoy pushing other people buttons, and are extremely skilled at doing this. ENTPs are intelligent individuals, but they desire to continue learning. Debating is just another way to learn and understand the world around them. They realize that it can result in learning from the person you are debating with, but can also help you come to new conclusions about your own knowledge as well. ENTPs are also very skilled at witty responses, which makes them rather charming to most people.
ISTJISTJs are confident in their ability to get things done, since they are so hardworking. They can follow instructions perfectly, and will likely be able to finish their work before anyone else. ISTJs may not be excellent at trying something new, since they want to understand a subject before they dive into it. Once the ISTJ does understand the task at hand though, they will be able to perform it with the utmost efficiency.
They love to learn, and if someone is skilled at teaching the ISTJ, they will be able to master their new task.
ESTJs are excellent at commanding a room, and drawing the attention to whatever direction they desire. They know how to instruct people, and are often excellent at teaching others how to do something more efficiently. ESTJs are the kings and queens of efficiency, and become extremely frustrated if things are not being done to the best of their ability. ESTJs are capable of coming into a situation, and changing it to become much more effective.
ISFJISFJs are great at understanding social settings, and are skilled at finding the best way to operate a room. They desire to make peace, and strive for a harmonious environment. They will often find ways to help others get along, which is actually a great skill to have. This makes ISFJs excellent mediators, especially if they pay attention to the details. ISFJs are confident in their ability to care for their loved ones, and provide for whatever needs they have.
ESFJs are naturally confident when it comes to understanding people. They strive to care for their loved ones, and might find that this is their greatest strength. They are often good at just about anything they set their mind to, especially the more stubborn ESFJs. They know how to get things done, and will push themselves until they succeed in their goals. These goals are usually set with the desire to please the ones they love, because the ESFJ simply wants to make the world a better place.
ISTPISTPs are natural problem solvers, which makes them great at many different tasks. They are likely good at fixing things, and can often accomplish this completely by themselves. ISTPs can look at something and simply see the best way to fix it, which is rather impressive. ISTPs are perfectly capable of learning something new, and will dive right into something that other people are afraid of.
ESTPESTPs are often good at many things, especially when it comes to communicating with people. ESTPs are rather charming individuals, and know how to make people like them. They often do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals, which is actually pretty impressive. ESTPs are also confident in their ability to have a good time, and will often take their friends on exciting adventures. ESTPs combine their work ethic, and ability to have fun- making them rather well rounded individuals.
ISFPs are extremely moral people, and this is often their greatest asset. They are excellent observers, and are capable of seeing the beauty in the world around them. There are places where others only see darkness, but the ISFP can often see what truly makes it beautiful. This also makes the ISFP good at reading people, and coming to a conclusion about whether they are good or not.
ESFPESFPs are confident in their ability to make other people smile and laugh. They know how to lighten the mood, especially if others people are bringing it down. ESFPs are fun-loving individuals, who truly hate a negative environment. They will do whatever it takes to make others smile, even if they have to be the butt of the joke. ESFPs can often find a way to stay positive, even when the situation seems dim.
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here. Sign up for less than $70/week.Here's How Self-Accepting You Are, Based on Your Personality Type
[convertkit form=726806] Have you ever wondered if certain personality types are more self-accepting than others? Do you ever come across types that just seem more self-doubting or unsure? I decided to find out if there was any connection between type and self-acceptance, and thankfully, there have already been studies done on this!
How Can We Know Which Types Are More Self-Accepting?There are records of case studies done by J.W. Fleenor, 1997, in the book “The Relationship Between the MBTI® and Measures of Personality and Performance in Management Groups”. The results of these studies are recorded in the MBTI® Manual – Third Edition. These studies will form the basis for my article here.
What Are the Signs of High Self-Acceptance?According to the CPI™ tool, high self-acceptance means:
Having a good opinion of self, seeing self as talented, personally attractive, talkative.
According to the CPI™ tool, low self-acceptance means:
Self-doubting, readily assumes blame, often thinks others are better, gives in easily.
Not sure what your personality type is? Take the most accurate online personality indicator here.
The ISTJ and Self-AcceptanceISTJs ranked as having neither high or low levels of self-acceptance. They are known for being down-to-earth, level-headed, and reasonable individuals. For this reason, they’re unlikely to have lofty or low opinions of themselves. On the flip side, ISTJs are known for being self-assured in their opinions and logic. They spend a lot of time analyzing data and facts to make sure that their arguments are valid and logical. This can make them appear very confident and assertive when needed.
Related: What ISTJs Do When They’re Really Stressed Out
The ISFJ and Self-AcceptanceISFJs ranked as having low self-acceptance according to the CPI™ tool. This may be largely because ISFJs are known for being cautious and careful, which may come across as self-doubting at times. ISFJs are also very practical and down-to-earth, and thus may not have very lofty, idealized images of themselves. As extraverted feeling types, ISFJs may appear to give into others if they are trying to reach a win-win compromise or a solution that will best meet everyone’s needs. In some cases, ISFJs can put their own needs last as they try to take care of others first. As they develop and progress through life, however, they often become more thoughtful of their own needs and desires.
Related: Understanding ISFJ Feeling
The ESTJ and Self-AcceptanceESTJs ranked as having high levels of self-acceptance according to the CPI™ tool. This actually makes sense on a scientific level. According to neuroscience expert, Dario Nardi, ESTJs rely heavily on a neocortex region labeled fp1. This region filters out unwanted information, including negative feedback from others. Nardi says that ESTJs “brush off negatives or distractions and point out errors.”
As extraverts, ESTJs also tend to be more talkative than some types, particularly introverts. They tend to “think out loud” and process their judgments externally. Since being talkative was considered a sign of self-acceptance, it makes sense that they would have scored higher on this scale. ESTJs are also usually very sure of themselves and are able to make quick decisions. They are rarely pushovers or people who give in to others easily, unless they are faced with objective facts and logic. Confidence and strong leadership capabilities are all very common for these types.
The ESFJ and Self-AcceptanceESFJs ranked as having neither high or low levels of self-acceptance. As practical, realistic types they are probably unlikely to have low or lofty views of themselves. When it comes to their values and beliefs, they are usually very self-assured and certain. They are also on the talkative side, and since talkativeness was considered a trait of self-acceptance, this may be why they didn’t score low. According to the MBTI® Manual, ESFJs score high on “seeing self as average person” so this may be why they have relatively average levels of self-acceptance.
ISTPs ranked as having a lower range of self-acceptance according to the CPI™ tool. They aren’t especially talkative, which may be one of the reasons they scored lower, since “talkativeness” was considered a trait of self-acceptance. They also tend to have extremely realistic views of themselves, and maintain a democratic view of people in general, not assuming anyone is better than anyone else. ISTPs ranked lowest of all the 16 personality types in using social coping resources to deal with stress, according to the MBTI® Manual. They are also one of the four types in college reporting the lowest levels of assertiveness. All this may play a part in why they rank lower on self-acceptance.
It’s important, as always, to remember that there are variations from person to person and this analysis certainly doesn’t mean that all ISTPs have low self-acceptance.
Related: 10 Things You Should Never Say to an ISTP
The ISFP and Self-AcceptanceISFPs scored on the lower range of self-acceptance, according to the CPI™ tool. Because ISFPs are often modest individuals, it makes sense that they wouldn’t rank especially high for “seeing self as talented” or “seeing self as personally attractive”. ISFPs are usually very accepting of all kinds of people, and rarely adopt the view that anyone is better or more worthwhile than anyone else. They can have moments of grappling with self-doubt as they try to determine what’s important to them and what their values are. They can also appear to “give in easily” (one of the signs of low self-acceptance) when they try to avoid conflict. That said, if one of their core values is violated they can be very fiery and passionate in defense of their beliefs or cause.
ESTPs ranked high for self-acceptance according to the CPI™ tool. This doesn’t really come as a surprise, since ESTPs are known for being confident, self-assured, and assertive. They tend to believe in themselves and spend very little time “wallowing” or looking down on themselves when they make a mistake. They are usually quick to pick themselves up, shake off the dust, and keep going. All the signs of low self-acceptance, (self-doubting, thinking others are better, giving in easily) are very uncommon traits of the ESTP type. They are usually very sure of themselves and their place in the world, and while they may strive to meet others needs in many cases, they usually have healthy self-esteems.
The ESFP and Self-AcceptanceESFPs ranked neither high or low for self-acceptance according to the CPI™ tool. These level-headed realists don’t usually have idealized views of themselves, but they are unlikely to have especially low views either. They are more focused on action and engaging with the world around them then doubting themselves. They are usually sociable, confident, and aware of where they stand with others and themselves. They aren’t usually prone to long bouts of self-doubt, and they also don’t tend to put themselves on a pedestal. All these things together might explain why they rank very middle-of-the-road when it comes to self-acceptance.
Surprisingly, INTJs ranked as having lower than average levels of self-acceptance on the CPI™ tool. This doesn’t seem to fit with my personal experience in dealing with INTJs, so let’s look at the criteria:
Traits that were associated with high levels of self-acceptance included “having a good opinion of self, seeing self as talented, seeing self as personally attractive, talkative”. As reserved introverts, it’s no wonder that INTJs wouldn’t have appeared especially talkative. In fact, no introverted types scored high for levels of self-acceptance, so there’s probably a correlation there.
INTJs can be very confident of their viewpoints and their logic, but as dominant intuitives, they may also see things from so many perspectives and angles that they have moments of self-doubt and uncertainty. Some INTJs are also highly misunderstood in our society because they are such a rare personality type, making up only 2.1% of the US population. Many INTJs may struggle with being accepted by others, and as a result may have trouble accepting themselves. I’ve definitely seen this in my experience as an MBTI® practitioner, and it’s one of the reasons why a knowledge of personality type can be very comforting for this type.
Related: The Childhood Struggles of INTJs.
The INFJ and Self-AcceptanceINFJs ranked as having low levels of self-acceptance, according to the CPI™ tool. High signs of self-acceptance included “having a good opinion of self, seeing self as talented, personally attractive, talkative”. INFJs tend to be on the quiet side, which might have impacted their ranking. I think that people can be quiet and self-accepting, however, so I’m not sure how much I agree with that aspect of the tool.
INFJs do often struggle with bouts of self-doubt simply because they see everything from so many different perspectives and vantage points. They can struggle with knowing why they get hunches or make intuitive “leaps” about things. It’s normal for them to have periods of uncertainty before they state their opinions. Intuition isn’t like objective logic, which one can more readily accept as fact. So it seems common for introverted intuitive types to grapple with skepticism of their own hunches and insights. Since “self-doubt” was considered a sign of low self-acceptance, this may be why INFJs ranked lower in this area.
As the rarest personality type, INFJs can also struggle with feeling like the quintessential “square pegs in a round hole”. Many INFJs I’ve spoken with talk of feeling weird, strange, or “not good enough”. Through a knowledge of personality type, many INFJs are able to progress to feeling more accepting, understanding, and sure of themselves.
Related: Understanding INFJ “Grip” Stress
The ENTJ and Self-AcceptanceENTJs are one of the types that ranked highest for self-acceptance on the CPI™ tool. This comes as no surprise as these types are known for being confident, self-assured, and decisive. They are less likely than many types to grapple with self-doubt, and they certainly aren’t the types to give in easily. They enjoy a challenge, a lively debate, or anything that will test their resolve and intellectual prowess. Achievement tends to be important to ENTJs which might also correlate with “seeing self as talented”. After all, ENTJs are the highest-earning Myers-Briggs® personality type in the US.
There also might be a scientific reason why ENTJs have higher levels of self-acceptance. According to neuroscience expert Dario Nardi, ENTJs (along with ESTJs) rely heavily on a neocortex region labeled fp1. This region filters out unwanted information, including negative feedback from others. Nardi says that ENTJs “brush off negatives or distractions and point out errors.”
ENFJs ranked as having high levels of self-acceptance according to the CPI™ tool. These inspirational types often hold tightly to their values and causes, and are usually very self-assured in their vision of what would be best for people. They are also one of the more talkative personality types, and since this is seen as a trait of self-acceptance, this could be another reason why they ranked highly on this scale. ENFJs also ranked highly for being “self-assured, verbally fluent, and versatile” which might help them to feel more confident and capable than many other types.
Related: 10 Things You Should Never Say to an ENFJ
The INTP And Self-AcceptanceINTPs ranked as having a lower range of self-acceptance according to the CPI™ tool. Since talkativeness was considered a trait of self-acceptance, it’s no surprise that they ranked lower here. INTPs aren’t especially talkative, and they are more aware of what’s not true than what is in many cases, which might be why they have moments of self-doubt. INTPs, along with ISTPs, also ranked as having the lowest mean level of coping resources of the 16 types according to the MBTI® Manual. As natural skeptics, they may be slow to settle on a positive self-image, instead always seeing more ways they could improve. As always, there are exceptions from person to person, and this statistic doesn’t imply that all INTPs have low self-acceptance.
Related: The Board Game You Will Dominate, Based on Your Personality Type
The INFP And Self-AcceptanceINFPs ranked as having lower levels of self-acceptance, according to the CPI™ tool. They are known for being modest and reserved, so this could be a large part of why they got the lower ranking. The CPI™ tool looks for things like talkativeness, seeing self as personally attractive or talented, when ranking people. As introverts, INFPs tend to be on the quiet side, and as introverted feelers, they aren’t especially concerned with status or appearances so they may not really care about whether they are “personally attractive”. They also tend to see things from so many different angles and perspectives that they grapple with self-doubt and uncertainty. They also tend to avoid or dissolve conflict unless it’s related to a core value, which may give them the appearance of “giving in easily”. That said, most INFPs are not the types to give in easily when it comes to a core value or personal belief. For these things they can be very passionate and self-assured.
Related: 10 Ways to Spark Your Creativity as an INFP
The ENTP and Self-AcceptanceENTPs ranked as having high levels of self-acceptance according to the CPI™ tool. This comes as no surprise, since ENTPs are known for being self-confident and self-assured. They usually have the gusto and self-belief to try things in challenging, innovative ways. They are lively debaters who are able to verbally spar with others without grappling with incessant self-doubt. Giving in, doubting themselves, and hesitating are traits that don’t generally apply to this type on a social level. On their own, they may toss ideas back and forth and see things from so many different angles that they have bouts of uncertainty. However, in most cases, they like to explore the ideas they have with confidence and self-assurance.
ENFPs ranked as having high levels of self-acceptance according to the CPI™ tool. These inspiring, motivational individuals are often able to see situations and themselves in a positive way. While they certainly have moments of self-doubt, they are usually quick to see new possibilities and positive angles to any situation and move forward in life with self-assurance and enthusiasm. As extraverts, they tend to be more talkative than introverted types, which may account for why all the types who scored high on self-acceptance were extraverts. They are usually extremely independent, free-spirited individuals and their ability to see and accept their own talents helps them greatly in life.
As always, there are variations from person to person. There may be some ENFPs who do not fit this mold – statistics are never absolutes!
Related: Discover Your Superpower, Based on Your Personality Type
What Are Your Thoughts?
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Personality type and your special superpower
Based on your MBTI® psychotype
Every person dreams of identifying and realizing their potential. This is a natural desire and desire to live life usefully. You will learn how personal characteristics according to the Myers-Briggs typology are connected with the presence of superpowers from the article.
But first, let me remind you of an important point. Personality type influences our choices and aspirations, but does not limit them.
If you are an INFP, you are most likely looking for work that benefits others and is in line with your inner values. You will strive to fulfill this need in your work and in everything you do.
Being an INFP does not mean being unable to be an organizer, analyzing complex events and phenomena, or not experiencing pleasure from communicating with other people. INFP, with the necessary skills, is able to perfectly cope with tasks that would seem to be inherent in people of the opposite warehouse, but still, his special superpower always lies in natural features.
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MBTI personality types and your Super -Wi
Celebrities among ISTJ: George Washington.
ISTJ - Concentration
These are attentive and thoughtful individuals. They are observant, study the situation in detail and nuances. They act clearly and accurately. ISTJs are often laconic. They are slow to share an observation or assessment. But they are always masters of their craft. Involving such a person in the project, you can be sure that he will make sure that everything works like clockwork.
ESTJ celebrities: Michelle Obama.
ESTJ - Organization
Such people are a godsend in an environment that needs to be put in order. ESTJs are able to soberly assess the situation, prioritize, assess the degree of importance of details and put everything on the shelves. These are leaders who quickly gain authority with their inherent rationalism and practicality. ESTJs are distinguished from the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types by their exceptional ability to use administrative resources.
ISTP celebrities: Michael Jordan.
ISTP - Resourcefulness
Even in the most critical and intractable situations, ISTPs keep a cool mind. They know how to abstract from emotions and focus on choosing the most effective solution. Psychologist David Keirsey calls these people "tool makers." These are fearless people who are not afraid of the complexity of technology, equipment or high demands on the level of skill. The more difficult, the more interesting for them. Such people learn quickly.
ESTP celebrities: Theodore Roosevelt.
ESTP - Agility
Such people can be compared to a self-learning computer program. They quickly plunge into the context of the situation, subject it to mathematical analysis and bring to the surface a ready-made solution. These are crisis managers, dexterous and maneuverable, you can safely rely on them in a critical situation.
ISFJ celebrities: Mother Teresa.
ISFJ - Devotion
ISFJs are compassionate and attentive to the problems of society. Not limited to the superficial notion that someone - humans, animals, the natural world - is suffering. They immerse themselves in the study of the problem in detail and actively participate in its solution. These are people who are devoted in showing concern for others, but meanwhile are not inclined to show their merits.
ESFJ celebrities: Larry King.
ESFJ - Helping Others
These active people actively help others. But at the same time they are far from abstract ideas. Organizers and strategists, ESFJ prefer concrete measures and practical methods in solving problems, making well-thought-out plans for getting out of a crisis situation. They will always make sure that their activities reach everyone who needs care.
ISFP celebrities: Marilyn Monroe.
ISFP - Passion
ISFPs are often outwardly reserved, but those who get to know them better know that they are very sensitive and passionate natures. These are individualists who combine the artistic nature of the artist, practicality and determination. Their passion knows no external obstacles, they persistently go to the goal and remain steadfast and devotion even in difficult circumstances.
ESFP celebrities: Richard Branson.
ESFP - Optimism
These people fundamentally disagree with the Chinese proverb: "God forbid we live in an era of change!" Although there is instability around and the future is unknown, the prospect of future changes inspires them. Natural optimism and curiosity allow you to discover new reserves for action in yourself and inspire and support those who are prone to despair and indulge in self-pity.
INTJ celebrities: Isaac Newton.
INTJ - Strategy
These people look to the future. They easily capture trends and needs and form a goal, which they persistently pursue, constantly trying different methods and means. INTJs are result oriented and highly organized towards achieving them.
ENTJ celebrities: Napoleon Bonaparte.
ENTJ - Efficiency
ENTJs are visionary and determined people. Having set a goal, they go to it without hesitation, discarding emotions and not going into unnecessary details and details. These are strong leaders who are alien to doubt and self-doubt.
INTP celebrities: Albert Einstein.
INTP – Analytics
“In everything you want to get to the very essence” - this is how almost every INTP can say about himself. Whether it is a scientific study or a heart drama, they see logic in everything, discover relationships, establish cause and effect. the solution to the problem is original and often unexpected for others. The whole complex thought process INTPs tend to keep in themselves and bring the finished result to the surface.
Notable ENTPs: Benjamin Franklin.
ENTP - Innovation
ENTPs are curious and open-minded individuals. A crisis situation is a new opportunity for them. Each problem and difficult situation is an opportunity to offer a new unique solution. Logic, intuition are successfully combined in them with natural charm and charm.
INFJ celebrities: Mahatma Gandhi.
INFJ - Vision
INFJ have a global vision of the situation in its development and perspective. The nature of human passions is revealed to them at a glance. These are psychologists, writers, philosophers, humanists who show humanity the way to self-improvement.
Famous ENFJs: Martin Luther King.
ENFJ - Empathy
ENFJs are perceptive and perceptive people. They easily convey the mood of the interlocutor and the atmosphere that reigns in the team. They will always give wise advice and find a vector of behavior that satisfies, motivates and unites all participants in the situation.
Celebrities among the INFPs: Princess Diana
INFP - Integrity
In any activity, INFPs are guided by moral values. They will not take on a project in which they will feel ambiguous in terms of honesty and decency. If the work has the values of public good and helping others, then they are enthusiastic to show passion, dedication and ingenuity.
Famous ENFPs: Walt Disney.
ENFP - Imagination
ENFP will keep you busy. They always tend to come up with something original and interesting to make the lives of those around them full, rich, shining with all the colors of the rainbow. With them, even the routine will seem like an amazing adventure.
Elena Lustina
Founder of "Personality Code". Psychologist, Trainer,
MBTI® Certified Practitioner
See also:
Personality type and your special superpower
Based on your MBTI® psychotype
Every person dreams of identifying and realizing their potential. This is a natural desire and desire to live life usefully. You will learn how personal characteristics according to the Myers-Briggs typology are connected with the presence of superpowers from the article.
But first, let me remind you of an important point. Personality type influences our choices and aspirations, but does not limit them.
If you are an INFP, you are most likely looking for work that benefits others and is in line with your inner values. You will strive to fulfill this need in your work and in everything you do.
Being an INFP does not mean being unable to be an organizer, analyzing complex events and phenomena, or not experiencing pleasure from communicating with other people. INFP, with the necessary skills, is able to perfectly cope with tasks that would seem to be inherent in people of the opposite warehouse, but still, his special superpower always lies in natural features.
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MBTI personality types and your Super -Wi
Celebrities among ISTJ: George Washington.
ISTJ - Concentration
These are attentive and thoughtful individuals. They are observant, study the situation in detail and nuances. They act clearly and accurately. ISTJs are often laconic. They are slow to share an observation or assessment. But they are always masters of their craft. Involving such a person in the project, you can be sure that he will make sure that everything works like clockwork.
ESTJ celebrities: Michelle Obama.
ESTJ - Organization
Such people are a godsend in an environment that needs to be put in order. ESTJs are able to soberly assess the situation, prioritize, assess the degree of importance of details and put everything on the shelves. These are leaders who quickly gain authority with their inherent rationalism and practicality. ESTJs are distinguished from the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types by their exceptional ability to use administrative resources.
ISTP celebrities: Michael Jordan.
ISTP - Resourcefulness
Even in the most critical and intractable situations, ISTPs keep a cool mind. They know how to abstract from emotions and focus on choosing the most effective solution. Psychologist David Keirsey calls these people "tool makers." These are fearless people who are not afraid of the complexity of technology, equipment or high demands on the level of skill. The more difficult, the more interesting for them. Such people learn quickly.
ESTP celebrities: Theodore Roosevelt.
ESTP - Agility
Such people can be compared to a self-learning computer program. They quickly plunge into the context of the situation, subject it to mathematical analysis and bring to the surface a ready-made solution. These are crisis managers, dexterous and maneuverable, you can safely rely on them in a critical situation.
ISFJ celebrities: Mother Teresa.
ISFJ - Devotion
ISFJs are compassionate and attentive to the problems of society. Not limited to the superficial notion that someone - humans, animals, the natural world - is suffering. They immerse themselves in the study of the problem in detail and actively participate in its solution. These are people who are devoted in showing concern for others, but meanwhile are not inclined to show their merits.
ESFJ celebrities: Larry King.
ESFJ - Helping Others
These active people actively help others. But at the same time they are far from abstract ideas. Organizers and strategists, ESFJ prefer concrete measures and practical methods in solving problems, making well-thought-out plans for getting out of a crisis situation. They will always make sure that their activities reach everyone who needs care.
ISFP celebrities: Marilyn Monroe.
ISFP - Passion
ISFPs are often outwardly reserved, but those who get to know them better know that they are very sensitive and passionate natures. These are individualists who combine the artistic nature of the artist, practicality and determination. Their passion knows no external obstacles, they persistently go to the goal and remain steadfast and devotion even in difficult circumstances.
ESFP celebrities: Richard Branson.
ESFP - Optimism
These people fundamentally disagree with the Chinese proverb: "God forbid we live in an era of change!" Although there is instability around and the future is unknown, the prospect of future changes inspires them. Natural optimism and curiosity allow you to discover new reserves for action in yourself and inspire and support those who are prone to despair and indulge in self-pity.
INTJ celebrities: Isaac Newton.
INTJ - Strategy
These people look to the future. They easily capture trends and needs and form a goal, which they persistently pursue, constantly trying different methods and means. INTJs are result oriented and highly organized towards achieving them.
ENTJ celebrities: Napoleon Bonaparte.
ENTJ - Efficiency
ENTJs are visionary and determined people. Having set a goal, they go to it without hesitation, discarding emotions and not going into unnecessary details and details. These are strong leaders who are alien to doubt and self-doubt.
INTP celebrities: Albert Einstein.
INTP – Analytics
“In everything you want to get to the very essence” - this is how almost every INTP can say about himself. Whether it is a scientific study or a heart drama, they see logic in everything, discover relationships, establish cause and effect. the solution to the problem is original and often unexpected for others. The whole complex thought process INTPs tend to keep in themselves and bring the finished result to the surface.
Notable ENTPs: Benjamin Franklin.
ENTP - Innovation
ENTPs are curious and open-minded individuals. A crisis situation is a new opportunity for them. Each problem and difficult situation is an opportunity to offer a new unique solution. Logic, intuition are successfully combined in them with natural charm and charm.
INFJ celebrities: Mahatma Gandhi.
INFJ - Vision
INFJ have a global vision of the situation in its development and perspective. The nature of human passions is revealed to them at a glance. These are psychologists, writers, philosophers, humanists who show humanity the way to self-improvement.
Famous ENFJs: Martin Luther King.
ENFJ - Empathy
ENFJs are perceptive and perceptive people. They easily convey the mood of the interlocutor and the atmosphere that reigns in the team. They will always give wise advice and find a vector of behavior that satisfies, motivates and unites all participants in the situation.
Celebrities among the INFPs: Princess Diana
INFP - Integrity
In any activity, INFPs are guided by moral values. They will not take on a project in which they will feel ambiguous in terms of honesty and decency. If the work has the values of public good and helping others, then they are enthusiastic to show passion, dedication and ingenuity.
Famous ENFPs: Walt Disney.
ENFP - Imagination
ENFP will keep you busy. They always tend to come up with something original and interesting to make the lives of those around them full, rich, shining with all the colors of the rainbow. With them, even the routine will seem like an amazing adventure.
Elena Lustina
Founder of "Personality Code".