Loving yourself word
SELF-LOVING Synonyms: 62 Synonyms & Antonyms for SELF-LOVING
See definition of self-loving on Dictionary.com
- as inegocentric
- as inindividualistic
- as innarcissistic
synonyms for self-loving
- individualistic
- narcissistic
- pompous
- self-absorbed
- self-centered
- self-serving
- selfish
- egoistic
- egoistical
- individualist
- megalomaniac
- conceited
- egomaniacal
- egotistic
- egotistical
- self-concerned
- self-indulgent
- self-interested
- stuck-up
- vainglorious
- wrapped up in oneself
- self-absorbed
- selfish
- conceited
- egoistic
- egoistical
- egomaniacal
- egotistic
- egotistical
- individualist
- megalomaniac
- narcissistic
- pompous
- self-centered
- self-concerned
- self-indulgent
- self-interested
- self-serving
- stuck-up
- vainglorious
- wrapped up in oneself
- self-centered
- self-involved
- conceited
- egotistic
- egotistical
- stuck-up
- vain
- vainglorious
antonyms for self-loving
- unselfish
- altruistic
- humble
- modest
- reserved
- selfless
- shy
- submissive
- timid
- unassuming
- outgoing
- sacrificing
- unselfish
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
This Quiz On Money Slang Just Makes Cents!
START THE QUIZHow to use self-loving in a sentence
Let the thought of self pass in, and the beauty of great action is gone, like the bloom from a soiled flower.
Now this setting up of an orderly law-abiding self seems to me to imply that there are impulses which make for order.
At present, Louis was too self-absorbed by the struggles within him, to look deep into what was passing around him.
But to wave this discourse of Heathens, how many self-contradicting principles are there held among Christians?
Jean grinned and dribbled self-consciously, and showed his two little teeth to the proudest father in the world.
These evidences of an impulse to look on correction as a quite proper thing are corroborated by stories of self-punishment.
The world may end, the heavens fall, yet loving voices would still find an echo in the ruins of the universe.
As guileless, though as self-reliant, gentlewomen as sequestered England could produce.
I must aspire to the agitating transports of self-devotion, in scenes of sacrifice and peril!
Her glance wandered from his face away toward the Gulf, whose sonorous murmur reached her like a loving but imperative entreaty.
- conceited
- egoistic
- egoistical
- egomaniacal
- egotistic
- egotistical
- individualist
- individualistic
- megalomaniac
- narcissistic
- pompous
- self-absorbed
- self-centered
- self-concerned
- self-indulgent
- self-interested
- self-loving
- self-serving
- selfish
- stuck-up
- vainglorious
- wrapped up in oneself
- conceited
- egoistic
- egoistical
- egomaniacal
- egotistic
- egotistical
- individualist
- megalomaniac
- narcissistic
- pompous
- self-absorbed
- self-centered
- self-concerned
- self-indulgent
- self-interested
- self-loving
- self-serving
- selfish
- stuck-up
- vainglorious
- wrapped up in oneself
- conceited
- egotistic
- egotistical
- self-centered
- self-involved
- self-loving
- stuck-up
- vain
- vainglorious
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
SELF-LOVE Synonyms: 5 Synonyms & Antonyms for SELF-LOVE
See definition of self-love on Dictionary.com
- noun egotism
synonyms for self-love
- conceit
- narcissism
- vainglory
- vanity
See also synonyms for: self-loving
antonyms for self-love
- modesty
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
This Quiz On Money Slang Just Makes Cents!
START THE QUIZHow to use self-love in a sentence
In this case, I suspect, there was co-operant a strongly marked childish characteristic, the love of producing an effect.
Let the thought of self pass in, and the beauty of great action is gone, like the bloom from a soiled flower.
The well-known "cock and bull" stories of small children are inspired by this love of strong effect.
Now this setting up of an orderly law-abiding self seems to me to imply that there are impulses which make for order.
At present, Louis was too self-absorbed by the struggles within him, to look deep into what was passing around him.
Women generally consider consequences in love, seldom in resentment.
And as she hesitated between obedience to one and duty toward the other, her life, her love and future was in the balance.
But to wave this discourse of Heathens, how many self-contradicting principles are there held among Christians?
Nothing but an extreme love of truth could have hindered me from concealing this part of my story.
Y was a Youth, that did not love school; Z was a Zany, a poor harmless fool.
- conceit
- good opinion of oneself
- self-esteem
- self-love
- vanity
- airs
- aloofness
- audacity
- bluster
- braggadocio
- brass
- cheek
- chutzpah
- conceit
- conceitedness
- contemptuousness
- crust
- disdain
- disdainfulness
- ego
- egotism
- gall
- haughtiness
- hauteur
- high-handedness
- hubris
- imperiousness
- insolence
- loftiness
- nerve
- ostentation
- overbearance
- pomposity
- pompousness
- presumption
- pretension
- pretentiousness
- pride
- priggishness
- scornfulness
- self-importance
- self-love
- smugness
- superciliousness
- swagger
- vanity
- amour-propre
- arrogance
- complacence
- complacency
- consequence
- immodesty
- narcissism
- outrecuidance
- pomposity
- pride
- self-admiration
- self-conceit
- self-exaltation
- self-importance
- self-love
- self-regard
- smugness
- snottiness
- stuffiness
- swagger
- swelled head
- vainglory
- vainness
- vanity
- egocentrism
- egomania
- narcissism
- self-absorption
- self-centeredness
- self-importance
- self-love
- selfishness
- egocentricity
- egomania
- narcissism
- self-absorption
- self-centeredness
- self-importance
- self-love
- selfishness
- arrogance
- assurance
- boastfulness
- boasting
- bragging
- conceit
- conceitedness
- egocentricity
- egomania
- egotism
- gasconade
- haughtiness
- insolence
- megalomania
- narcissism
- ostentation
- overconfidence
- presumption
- pride
- self-absorption
- self-admiration
- self-confidence
- self-importance
- self-interest
- self-love
- self-possession
- self-regard
- self-worship
- selfishness
- superiority
- swellheadedness
- vainglory
- vanity
- vaunting
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Loving yourself: what does it mean
We all heard how important it is to love yourself, but what does it really mean? We eat because we know we need nourishment—it's instinct. With self-love, everything is much more complicated. Sadly, many are desperately fighting for success, recognition and happiness, but they do not understand that everything begins with self-love.
We cannot truly love someone until we learn to love ourselves unconditionally. It's simple: you can't give someone else what you don't have yourself. The perception of such love is laid down in childhood and is most often formed unconsciously: we learn it by observing those who educate us. nine0003
Loving yourself is more than wearing fancy clothes and expensive cosmetics. This is a broad concept, which combines many meanings, material and spiritual. There are many well-groomed and beautifully dressed people in the world who have no idea what true self-love means. There is no selfishness in it - only a manifestation of kindness to others, because the one who loves himself does not shift his problems onto others.
Such love is made up of four aspects: self-awareness, self-esteem, self-respect and self-care. If at least one falls out, it means that we do not love ourselves very much. The path to this love lies through opposition to the inner "demons". This is not easy: not everyone dares to have a frank conversation with themselves. Dependence on others and habits forces us to compromise - to exchange an unconditional feeling for short-term pleasures. That is why it is so difficult to love ourselves: we have to get rid of certain tendencies and even people. nine0003
Let's take a closer look at the four components of self-love.
It's about the ability to control the psyche: to be aware of how thoughts affect emotions and how emotions affect actions. Can you identify what thoughts trigger anger and make you act impulsively? Where did they come from and how are they explained? Why did you do this and not otherwise? The same goes for joyful feelings. Why are you having fun? This means looking at yourself from the outside in order to understand your condition. nine0003
Self-awareness is the key to emotional intelligence. Determining the cause of your anger doesn't mean you stop being angry, but it can help you respond smarter or not respond at all. People with high emotional intelligence have the same emotions as everyone else, but they know how to manage them. Including avoiding situations that cause unwanted feelings and reactions. When it is not possible to smooth out the conflict or avoid it at all, self-awareness allows you to redirect negative energy in a constructive direction. One way to develop self-awareness is to keep a diary of thoughts, emotions, and actions. nine0003
Since the world is constantly experiencing misfortune, we involuntarily focus on bad news and transfer all the negativity onto ourselves, unwittingly. We are born with unlimited potential that lasts a lifetime. Everyone has it, only some use it, while others do not notice it. Self-esteem is our attitude towards ourselves, and very often it is far from the best. The reason for this is the past bad experience that we lived, but failed to let go.
Adequate self-esteem lies in the ability to see your best sides (because there is good in everyone). If you're trying to regain your self-esteem, take an hour to remember all the times you've been successful and the people who thanked you. What if you think you're worthless just because you don't know your worth? Self-esteem has no criteria: you don’t need to achieve something in order to appreciate yourself. You are you. Your virtues, talents, good deeds - all these are confirmations of your worth. nine0003
High self-esteem is the awareness of one's worth, regardless of achievements and outstanding qualities, but self-respect is tied to them. The exercise mentioned above raises self-esteem, but it also works to build self-esteem. When the first rises, the second rises after it.
Self-esteem depends on three factors: how much we were loved as children, what our peers have achieved, and what we ourselves have achieved in comparison with our parents. This also means living at peace with ourselves and being content with who we are, where we are and what we own. If you want to respect yourself, increase your self-esteem. Remind yourself every day that you don't have to answer to anyone for how you live. nine0003
This aspect is more related to the body, although not only to it. Self-care includes everything we do for our health: take a bath, eat a balanced diet, drink enough water, rest and pamper ourselves. It has other forms too: the music we listen to, the movies and programs we watch, the people we interact with. Taking care of yourself is pretty easy. Start with this and you will gradually learn to love yourself.
Ask yourself as often as possible: “What would someone who loves himself do?” Ask this question whenever you need to make a decision, whether simple or complex. This simple exercise comes with one hint and one warning. nine0003
Hint: trust your instincts, your "I" knows what it needs.
Warning: You may not like what your instincts say, and that's okay. But still go on. Good luck!
What does it mean to love yourself? / Pravoslavie.Ru
The modern world has distorted many concepts, and most Perhaps the most important of these is love. What does it mean love yourself? Where is the true answer to the question asked? About Vladyka Daniel reflects on this. nine0048
The apostle Paul wrote: “If our outer man and smolders, the inner one is renewed from day to day” (2 Cor. 4:16). From the moment of the fall into the soul came "old" man and obscured the image of God. Our task is the "old" man belittle so that the inner one is renewed. But it doesn't happen easily. Self-love must be righteous, that is, correct. Let's make such a comparison. Doctors care about health of the human body. They are often included in conflict with their patients. Many people say that you don’t need to go to doctors, they only interfere with living like that, as you want: if you can’t drink, smoke, overeat, why such a life? Doctors advocate a healthy, correct image life. They understand that the person receiving pleasure, catering to his womb, eating chips, "Snickers" and washing them down with cola are waiting sad consequences. Likewise, the clergy, being doctors of human souls, they say to spiritual children: what you feel good now, it's not really useful, it's ruin. nine0003
There is an article in the criminal code for the murder of a human bodies, but unfortunately we have no punishment for murder human soul. Killing another person's soul terrible act. A man with a dead soul becomes an outcast, he cannot build a family, because the extreme selfish and not able to get along with anyone ...
The Lord told His disciples: “If anyone wants to go follow Me, deny yourself, and take up your cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24).
nine0002 According to the interpretation of Saint Macarius the Great, to reject yourself means to reject your "second" soul, the one that sins and passions have formed in us.
The main diseases of the soul are pride and vanity, that is desire for vain, empty glory, when we constantly think how we look, what they will think about us, they will say. The man is looking to glorify him. And then even higher - pride when the person despises others. He is great, on his throne the main place is occupied by his "I". I know one family, a husband and wife over fifty years old and they refused the birth of children, because it is very strong "loved each other. Wife afraid to lose form, because her husband loved her just like that. Woman consciously did not become a mother, because she was afraid of changes in her body, so loved by her. This is the wrong kind of love yourself. Or another example. Instead of getting up in the morning early, exercise, go for a run, man yourself "loves": he sleeps longer, eats better. But again, this is not self-love. nine0003
We must fight against everything wrong. Deny yourself, in other words, cut yourself off from everything impure, sinful, diabolical. Then man ascends to the cross, and suffering, self-crucifixion become Purgatory, cleansing. righteous love - love for oneself as for the image of God, for oneself such, How did you come out of the hands of God? That is, you need to love original. In the Assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra somehow opened an ancient icon, and under it was even more an ancient and more valuable image, the restorers left it. Now there is a technology where you can remove and save both images, but we must keep the original. into the Soviet time on the boards on which the icons were written, depicted well-fed, portly tractor drivers, with a grin, not to say that life is bad in the USSR. And here is such bad taste was painted in place of the icon. We understand, that it is superficial, remove it and return to the original. Man came out of the hands of God wonderful, perfect, but sin corrupted him. nine0003
We must love everyone, this is the highest point. But how much man reached her? I heard this: here, my neighbor is in the temple walks, but does not love me. But they go to the temple just for that, to learn this love. And learning doesn't happen in three days, and not in three months, and not in three years. Lots of love steps to reach the highest, it takes many years. We know the given direction and in this direction we are moving. The Lord, as we read in the Gospel of Luke, said: “If anyone comes after me and does not hate his soul, cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:26). will hate not the soul that He created, but the image that is brought the sin of a passionate, selfish, vile person. We must supplant him and raise a man capable of sacrifice, for good deeds, words. Where does it begin? Of course, I want to immediately jump to the hundredth floor. But we have There is no elevator, there is a staircase on which we walk with our legs. It is possible to climb to the last floor only gradually, and it starts with a good thought. This is where it starts our salvation: to force ourselves to think differently. We should feel sorry for the other person. If parents are constantly quarrel, scandal, what kind of child will they have? There is sayings in this regard: “from the fox, the fox, from the pig piglet”, “apple from apple tree” and so Further. And so he grew up so miserable, and it’s harder for him than to others, to be kind, it is harder to bear your cross. Means, you need to pity the person, say: “Lord, help him, and I will not notice that he was rude, I will answer him in a good way.
" nine0003
What kind of people are we comfortable with? With those who are ready to bear our infirmities, the infirmities of our character - today I not in the spirit, but they withstood me, I am grateful to them. Exactly among such people we want to live. And if I have a spark, from neighbor - another spark, what then? Even with medical point of view is the way to the grave, premature, because that the pressure rises, psychoses, despondency appear, health is shattered. Medicine forbids to live like this. AND if we say about the scandalous: “Lord, help him," let's pray for him, so we won't go the same way. I repeat, everything starts with good thoughts, and then kind words will go, followed by small deeds that will gradually become large. When a person starts get used to this, he is uncomfortable if he does not something good. And vice versa happens until a person unleashes dogs on someone, he is uncomfortable. Well, too a sacrifice, but which is brought not to God, but to a demon. nine0003
A person should not only look after appearance, but also follow your thoughts, heart wishes, words. What is in my heart? dislike, irritability, anger, envy. What to do with it, is whether the medicine is in the pharmacy? No, and to the best professor you come, will not write out the prescription. But it turns out the cure eat. It's in the church, that's why people go there. Is not just a pharmacy, but a whole hospital where they treat. After all, the heart You can't change on your own. often do what is bad, conscience gnaws, and what to do? Refer to God. When? Right here. There is no way to go directly to the temple now, immediately turn to God: “It has skidded I did wrong, Lord, forgive and help. One's heart must be washed, cleansed, changed, and thus inspire in a way. nine0003
This is what it means to love yourself - to look after yourself, to purify yourself with prayer and repentance. And you need to feel sorry for yourself. committed something unseemly, you can put your hands down, or you can to regret, that is, quickly heal yourself: get up, do not lie down in the sinful mud, force yourself to take a step.