Joran van der sloot sociopath
Is Van der Sloot a Psychopath?
I was interviewed on NBC and Fox News about the recent arrest of Joran van der Sloot for the murder of a young woman in Lima, Peru. It is alleged that he killed Stephany Flores on May 30, 2010 in his room at the Hotel Tac in the upscale neighborhood of Miraflores.
Most people recognize the name of van der Sloot, the prime suspect in the disappearance of 18-year-old Natalee Holloway in Aruba on May 30, 2005. Her body was never found, but it is widely suspected that she was killed. Ms. Flores was murdered five years to the day after Natalee Holloway disappeared.
Van der Sloot is legally innocent until proven guilty, but there is overwhelming evidence against him. The hotel video showed him and Ms. Flores entering his hotel room together and him leaving alone. Her body was found a few days later and he was arrested on June 3 in Chile. He was brought back to Lima and interrogated for two days before he gave a full confession.
It was shocking to read excerpts of Van der Sloot's confession. He actually seemed to blame Ms. Flores for his violent attack. "I did not want to do it," La Republica quoted him as saying. "The girl intruded into my private life...she didn't have any right. I went to her and I hit her. She was scared, we argued and she tried to escape. I grabbed her by the neck and hit her" ( 6/8/10).
Van der Sloot's remarks reflect a lack of guilt, the central trait of a psychopath. These individuals can be charming and engaging, but underneath they are callous, deceitful and dangerous. They often break the law and rarely take responsibility for their crimes.
People typically imagine psychopaths to be violent, like serial killer Ted Bundy or Hannibal Lector from Silence of the Lambs. Yet most psychopaths commit nonviolent crimes. A good example is Bernie Madoff: How many people did he injure with his financial Ponzi scheme? Did he ever express genuine remorse?
Before Ms. Flores was killed, Van der Sloot exhibited many signs of psychopathy. The most chilling example was when his attempt to extort money from Ms. Holloway's family. It has been widely reported that he contacted her mother in May and offered information about the location of her daughter's body in exchange for $250,000. She contacted the FBI and a sting operation was conducted.
Many people have criticized the prosecutors in the United States and Aruba for not arresting Van der Sloot for extortion before he had the opportunity to leave Aruba and travel to Peru. He was charged in the U.S. District Court of Northern Alabama on June 3, 2010 with extortion and wire fraud. If he had been arrested earlier, Ms. Flores would still be alive.
Will Van der Sloot finally confess to the killing of Natalee Holloway? General Cesar Guardia, the Lima police chief, informed the press that Van der Sloot told him he knew where Natalee Holloway's body was buried. Van der Sloot has told different stories during the past five years, none of which have led to the discovery of Natalee's body.
We can only hope that he will finally come clean and there will be some peace for her family.
Here is a video of the NBC interview:
What can we learn from Joran van der Sloot a sociopath? | Lovefraud | Escape sociopaths
You are here: Home / Media sociopaths / What can we learn from Joran van der Sloot a sociopath?
// by Liane Leedom, M.D.// 154 Comments
Geraldo Rivera provided his analysis of the ”¦ Natalee Holloway disappearance case. Prime suspect Joran Van Der Sloot has given a series of interviews proclaiming his total innocence. “The lie that he has fastened on,” Rivera pronounced, “is that he took her on the beach but didn’t have sex because he didn’t have a condom, then left her on the there. It’s at odds with the story he told earlier, but as he tells this story he becomes more confident and more glib. I believe there is a pathological aspect to this man.” The Factor concurred that Van Der Sloot seems psychologically unbalanced.
“I can’t figure out why he wants do these interviews because he comes off as a sociopath. If he makes one slip-up he’s done. It looks to me like he’s a danger junkie – he likes this cat-and-mouse game, it’s exciting to him” (source)
Does it matter whether or not Joran van der Sloot is a sociopath/psychopath? Why not just be satisfied that he is a “criminal” and an evil person?
Yes, it does matter, because when dealing with a sociopath the usual rules of human interaction do not apply. Anyone who treats a sociopath as they would a non-disordered person is likely to get burned and to be implicated in the evil that sociopath does. Joran van der Sloot’s story illustrates this principle.
Joran’s father, Paulus, was an attorney many believed knew the truth about what happened to Natalie Halloway, the first young woman Joran was accused of murdering. Paulus strongly supported his son after the murder accusations first arose, and was even charged himself as an accessory after the fact, though the charges were dropped.
Paulus van der Sloot died of a sudden cardiac death last February and so did not live to see the result of his enabling of his son. Joran’s mother, Anita, is now alone to deal with the repercussions of the family’s enabling.
The lesson to be learned is that if you have a family member who has been charged with a serious crime, and that family member has psychopathic personality traits, or is diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, DO NOT HELP THAT PERSON IN ANY WAY.
Over and over again, we have said on this website that sociopaths are able to do evil in a large part because they are enabled by family members and various governmental agencies- including the judicial system and law enforcement. Well, law enforcement does it again.
It turns out that the FBI wired Joran $25,000 as part of a “sting” operation, as they were trying to arrest him for shaking down Natalie Halloway’s parents. According to former agent Paul Lindsay, “the FBI formula for extortion stings is, “set ’em up, pay ’em off, get ’em to talk, never let them leave the room without handcuffs on. ” Because the FBI did not understand the psychology of their suspect, they let him leave the room and were out smarted by a sociopath.
The lesson to be learned here is that next time the FBI wants to sting a sociopath they should contact Lovefraud so that Donna and I can tell them not to give a sociopath any money”¦ that is unless they want the sociopath to use the money to kill someone.
One more lesson to be learned from the van der Sloot case is that media psychiatrists should stop confusing people with their false categorical statements. I came across this analysis of van der Sloot by psychiatrist Keith Ablow (who I have criticized before):
“Serial killers whether organized or disorganized are always made, never born. Having interviewed dozens of killers myself, I can tell you that it turns out that evil never appears ”˜out of the womb’.”
Well, I knew Rodney Alcala, and I can tell you that he was born with a disposition to become a serial killer that was present in his early childhood. Serial killers are both born and made. Evil is in the genes of some people but like many other traits it needs the right soil to take root and blossom.
Category: Media sociopaths
The Disappearance of Natalie Holloway premieres August 19 at 7/6c and 9/8c on Oxygen.
The prime suspect in the infamous 2005 disappearance of Natalie Holloway An 18-year-old Alabama teenager who went missing on a school trip to Aruba remains Joran van der Sloot to this day.
10 year old girl killed a child
Joran, a native of Aruba, was the man last seen with Natalie Holloway (along with two other local teenage boys) and most theories implicate him in her disappearance. One of the scariest clues? His murder of Stephanie Flores five years after Natalie's disappearance. Apparently, Van der Sloot brutally beat and strangled Flores to death in a Peruvian hotel room after she discovered Natalie Holloway's files on his computer.
However, the theories about Natalie are just theories. We still don't know what happened to her, and Van der Sloot has never been charged in connection with her disappearance.
Van der Sloot is currently serving a 28-year prison sentence in Peru for the murder of Stephanie Flores. And while he is in prison, after the disappearance of Natalie, a lot has changed in his life.
Here is a quick look at Göran van der Sloot then and now:
Göran van der Sloot brought in for questioning 18 days after 18-year-old Natalie Holloway went missing in Aruba, he was later released due to lack of evidence. Many still believe that Van der Sloot, who was 17 at the time, killed Holloway and either buried her body in the Aruba National Forest or threw it into the sea, but there is still not enough evidence and Holloway's body has not yet been found. .
[Photo: Aruba Police Department]
In 2010, exactly five years after the disappearance of Natalie Holloway, Van der Sloat is accused of murdering Stephanie Flores, whom he met in a casino in Peru. Shortly after Van der Sloot was caught, he confessed to killing Flores, claiming that she had "invaded [his] privacy" after he discovered her reading articles about him online. He later tried to withdraw his confession, but the judge found it valid.
[Photo: Getty Images]
Yoran van der Sloot sentenced to 28 years in a Peruvian prison for the murder of Stephanie Flores Ramirez.
[Photo: Getty Images]
Van der Sloot marries a Peruvian who sold goods in the prison at a prison ceremony. At the time of the wedding, she was seven months pregnant. On September 28, 2014, his wife gave birth to a baby girl.
the fact that Göran van der Sloot is married and has a child .
- Steve Gerken. (@steveggerken) September 26, 2016..
[Photo: YouTube]
Göran van der Sloot remains in prison for the murder of Stephanie Flores. However, Natalie Holloway's father is still working on solving her case, and a new lead makes Joran the prime suspect again.
[Photo: Facebook, YouTube, Getty Images]
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