Jerking off 3 times a day

What Happens if You Masturbate Too Much?

Looking back on the pandemic, when social distancing and stay-at-home orders took IRL sex off the table, you might have started masturbating more than you ever have before. (What else was there to do?) While there are clear benefits to masturbation—you’re not going to get a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or accidentally impregnate your partner—you may now be wondering if you're in the habit of masturbating “too much.”

After all, excessive masturbation doesn’t have the best connotation. When we think of guys who masturbate every day, we think of pubescent boys hiding out in their locked rooms, attempting to break their daily “high record.” We don’t think of successful, grown men in loving relationships.

The truth, however, is there’s really no such “thing” as excessive masturbation. "Some people masturbate more than others," according to the International Society for Sexual Medicine. "There is no 'normal' frequency. Some do it daily, some weekly, and some rarely. Some never do." While 27 percent of 30-to-39-year-old men masturbate once a week to a few times a month, that number varies quite a bit by age, according to a 2009 survey of 2,500 American men.

“However often you masturbate, it’s not a problem until it starts affecting your life in negative ways,” says Dan Drake, MFT, LPCC, a certified sex addiction therapist and clinical counselor.

But that doesn't mean that it can't pose a problem, particularly if it interferes with your everyday life.

So when does a harmless masturbation habit turn into an issue? Here are the physical and psychological signs that you may need to give your boner a bit of a breather.

1) You hurt yourself.

Some guys masturbate so often that they actually hurt themselves, says Tobias Köhler, M.D., a urologist at Southern Illinois University. These injuries could be mild (e.g., skin chafing) or a more serious condition like Peyronie’s disease, or scar tissue buildup in the shaft of your penis that can result from using too much pressure while stroking, Köhler explains.

This may sound obvious, but if you’re masturbating so often that you're hurting yourself, you need to cut back, he warns.

2) Your job suffers.

If you can’t complete a work task because you can’t stop thinking about masturbating, that’s when it becomes an issue. If you’re consistently watching porn at work or are you’re late to a meeting because you were masturbating in the bathroom, then you likely have a problem.

3) Your friendships suffer.

Do you cancel on friends because you'd rather stay home and masturbate? Are they getting annoyed by your constant flakiness? Then your masturbation habits could potentially be an issue.

We want to be clear: There's nothing wrong with reserving a night to get down with yourself. That's all well and good, and in fact, feel free to mark that in the calendar now! The cause for concern is when your need to jerk off has a clear negative effect on your relationships.

4) Your sex life suffers.

Some guys who masturbate a lot use one specific type of stimuli—say, certain categories of porn coupled with specific hand movements. When it comes time for them to actually have sex, they find that they can’t recreate the same type of excitement, Dr. Köhler explains.

Basically, if you watch the same porn or use the same hand motions every time you masturbate, it teaches your brain and body to get off that way and that way alone. If you're having sex with a real-life partner, this could cause serious problems, both in terms of keeping it up and getting erect in the first place. “If that happens, you have a problem that needs to be addressed,” says Köhler.

5) You always think about masturbation.

You wake up wanting to masturbate. At lunch, your mind wanders to your favorite porn scene. Your commute home is almost unbearable, because you just want to sit on the couch with a beer and PornHub.

If any of this sounds familiar, and you often find yourself distracted by thoughts of when or how you’re going to yank it next, that’s a strong indication you have a problem, Drake says.

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If you realize you have a masturbation problem, what should you do about it?

“There’s nothing unhealthy or problematic with masturbating,” Drake says. “But if it becomes detrimental to your life, then you need to treat it like you would any other harmful habit.” That means doing one of two things: a) cutting yourself off cold turkey, at least for the time being; and b) adopting more of a “harm reduction” approach by setting limits for yourself—for example, making a rule to only masturbate at night.

Considering you probably don't want to give up solo orgasms for the rest of your life—masturbation is, after all, an integral part of any healthy sex life—you'll probably want to opt for the latter approach. Set rules for yourself and see if you can adhere to them. If you can't, and you find yourself slipping back into harmful old habits, consider seeing a therapist, as there might be a deeper psychological issue at play.

Bottom line? Indulging in a little self-love every now and then is fine. It's only when it gets in the way of your actual life—or your actual sex life—that it becomes a problem. But if it’s not negatively interfering with anything, then go ahead and masturbate to your heart’s content!

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Melissa Matthews

Health Writer

Melissa Matthews is the Health Writer at Men's Health, covering the latest in food, nutrition, and health.

Zachary Zane

Zachary Zane is a Brooklyn-based writer, speaker, and activist whose work focuses on lifestyle, sexuality, and culture. He was formerly the digital associate editor at OUT Magazine and currently has a queer cannabis column, Puff Puff YASS, at Civilized.

Is masturbating 3 times a day bad for health and does it cause any problem or illness?????? | Sexual Stimulation Issues discussions | Family Health center


Hi i m 17 year old boy and i have been masturbating 3 times a day and i like to masturbate but recently i have heard excessive masturbation is not good for health and makes impotent or cause other problem like premature ejacuation, is this true?????? ***edited by moderator*** web addresses not allowed they say its not good

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I have heard it can cause erection problems if you do it too much. I certainly find it harder to get a stiffy because i've been masturbating everyday for like 4 years nearly.



i masturbate about 3 to 6 times a day for 4 years never and have never had a problems, you should be fine but if u get any problems see your doctor



Hi Guest:

No, those things are not true.

Masturbation is necessary to satisfy the ongoing male physical need to discharge semen to prevent and relieve pain from overfilled seminal vesicles and prevent “blue balls”. Frequent masturbation prevents wet dreams. Regular ejaculation is associated with better prostate health. Masturbation is a great stress reliever. There is no upper or lower age limit for masturbation. Very young people and elderly people do it.

Masturbation is relaxing, pleasant, enjoyable, harmless, healthy, normal, and contributes to restful sleep if done before going to bed.

One may masturbate as much or as little as one wishes. There is a period (called the refractory period) that one must wait before doing it again. Some teens find they need to do it three times a day. You may do it again whenever you feel ready. Your body will tell you when it has had enough for a while.

One may do it in any place where one has privacy. In bed at night, on the toilet, or in the shower are some favorite places to masturbate.

The internally-lubricated movable nerve-laden, erogenous foreskin and its gliding action is an important aid to masturbation.

Circumcision was introduced into medical practice in the 19th century to unforeskin the penis and make it impossible to masturbate. It did not stop masturbation but it made it harder to do and perhaps less enjoyable.

How one does it depends on whether one has an internally lubricated movable foreskin that glides up and down the shaft or whether you have been unforeskinned.

If you are foreskinned, then all you need to do is glide your foreskin back and forth. The foreskin is internally lubricated with lymphatic fluid and glides without friction. The outer foreskin glides over the inner foreskin. It is not necessary or desirable to retract the foreskin. Foreskinned guys normally do not require additional lubrication. The numerous nerves inside the foreskin are stimulated by the motion and generate pleasurable sensations.

Long and vigorous masturbation can cause the foreskin to become edematous and swollen, which is painless and not a cause for alarm. The edema usually goes down within about 24 hours. Pulling back too hard is apt to stretch the frenulum and may tear it.

If you are unforeskinned and the skin is taut and immovable, then you will need some lubrication and you need to slide your hand up and down the shaft. You will likely injure yourself without lubricant. Friction burns are common when a male without foreskin masturbates without lubricant. Some lubricants are baby oil, vegetable oil, personal lubricant, soapy water, and saliva. Products containing harsh, irritating chemicals should not be used. Shampoo and body wash have been found to be irritating and should not be used.

It is common for an unforeskinned male, who has been deprived of his internally lubricated foreskin, to have friction irritation if
he does not apply external lubricant.

There are many myths about masturbation, which simply are not true.

Masturbation does NOT cause insanity.
Masturbation does NOT cause memory loss.
Masturbation does NOT cause feeblemindedness.
Masturbation does NOT cause you to go blind.
Masturbation does NOT cause eye problems.
Masturbation does NOT cause blurred vision.
Masturbation does NOT cause sleeplessness.
Masturbation does NOT cause hair to grow in your palms.
Masturbation does NOT change hair color.
Masturbation does NOT cause baldness.
Masturbation does NOT cause impotence.
Masturbation does NOT prevent fathering children.
Masturbation does NOT slow down puberty.
Masturbation does NOT stunt your growth.
Masturbation does NOT affect height.
Masturbation does NOT suck out the nutrients.
Masturbation does NOT lower your testosterone.
Masturbation does NOT raise your testostorone.
Masturbation does NOT cause gynecomastia.
Masturbation does NOT cause pain in the testes.
Masturbation does NOT cause premature ejaculation.
Masturbation does NOT cause penile curvature.
Masturbation does NOT affect penis size.
Masturbation does NOT decrease stamina.
Masturbation does NOT cause knee problems.
Masturbation does NOT cause muscle weakness.
Masturbation does NOT reduce muscle mass.
Masturbation does NOT cause hernia.
Masturbation does NOT cause weight gain.
Masturbation does NOT cause pimples.
Masturbation does NOT cause acne.
Masturbation does NOT cause loss of blood.
Masturbation does NOT cause blood to flow from the urethra.
Masturbation does NOT cause your body to smell like a fish.
Masturbation does NOT make your bones softer.
Masturbation does NOT slow the growth of your penis.
Masturbation does NOT make your penis weak.
Masturbation does NOT make your penis larger.
Masturbation does NOT make your penis smaller.
Masturbation does NOT make your penis wrinkly.
Masturbation does NOT cause penile fracture
Masturbation does NOT release hormones.
Masturbation does NOT make you sexually weak.
Masturbation does NOT cause nerve problems.
Masturbation does NOT cause memory problems.
Masturbation does NOT cause cancer.
Masturbation does NOT cause back pain.
Masturbation does NOT cause stomachache.
Masturbation does NOT cause body aches.
Masturbation does NOT cause headache.
Masturbation does NOT make you thin and skinny.
Masturbation does NOT harm the kidneys.
Masturbation does NOT cause prostate cancer.
Masturbation does NOT cause psoriasis.
Masturbation does NOT cause hair fall.
Masturbation does NOT cause death.
Masturbation does NOT cause infection.

Masturbation for teens

Teens need to masturbate a lot. Some find that once a day is not enough. Three times a day works for many teens.

You may do it in any place where you have privacy.

1. Masturbate when you first awake. Your penis is hard with morning wood and ready to be masturbated. This will help you get through the school day without erections.
2. Masturbate in the afternoon after school. You have gone all day without masturbating and have need of relief.
3. Masturbate before going to sleep. This will prevent wet dreams and aid in restful sleep.
4. You may masturbate more than three times a day if you feel the need.



i used to masterbute 3 times a day morning noon night but recently for 4 to 5 days my pennis is not erecting as hard as it used to i scare i m having ed,i m a taekwondo practisner i do a lot of exercises all day specially a lot of kicks and cardios as well as stretching i m 18 i nvr had sex i don hve any gf i hve a clear face,i m little skinny and little underweight and my height is abt 174 cm



So many mistakes about circumcised penises. ..
"Circumcision was introduced into medical practice in the 19th century to unforeskin the penis and make it impossible to masturbate. It did not stop masturbation but it made it harder to do and perhaps less enjoyable" - not true masturbation without foreskin is the same as with foreskin...

then you will need some lubrication and you need to slide your hand up and down the shaft. You will likely injure yourself without lubricant - very not true.... why are you telling this lies? do you have any experience?

Friction burns are common when a male without foreskin masturbates without lubricant- again this is not true friction burns are very uncommon and if you do experience them you should go see a doctor



Sir, can u please confirm that masturbation doesn't cause lack of concentration?. ........I am asking because in other article about masturbation it is written that it may cause concentration problem because of over production of acetylcholine !!



Hi there,

I am circumcised and believe it or not, I often get friction burns. They are not bad burns, about 3-4mm in diameter but often enough to make the act of masturbation pleasurable. The burns typically appear in the front, slightly below the circumcision scare and they go away after 3-4 days.



lage raho bhai kuch nahi hota

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I wish I could explain the pain I gone through the years coz of excessive masturbation god forgive me and help you all from this bad habit Pls don't be decieved by Internet this fake world they saying masturbing is not bad coz they didn't experienced anything even if they did they want you to repeat same and go through pains and destruction of your life so choice is yours smart people masturbate more if you want to ruin your life but avoid it if you want to have a healthy life god bless you all how foolish are those who believe in everyone word evem without observing it at once with their own god damned minds .



Pls pls don't burn your life and yourself by doing masturbation please I beg you

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this thread went to total spasmodia.



I am a rather elderly lady and sometimes I mastrebate for hours,I live alone. I love it. I stuff a phalic rock into my vagina, I can also do it with sucking movements up in my V. I'm doing it now. I would like to do it with a man, it's been so long



my man your beliefs are your beliefs but don't come into a chat about masturbation and say all this sh*t when specifically proven it is harmless so please go and believe in your imaginary friend.



Oh shut up you f*****g Christian bastard you should burn on the cross, masturbation is good for your health


I can't stop masturbating I'm 21 years old practically but I masturbate from 3 to 10 p... - Psychology

I just had such a situation in my life as soon as I moved to my parents and at that time he drank almost every day, naturally there were conflicts every day and so the first time I took off this psychological burden I liked it and I continued 1 time a week, then several times a day, and now it has come to the point that from 3 to 10 times a day I do this to the body, constantly exhausted, the inner world is broken. in this way, I relieve myself of depression and the heavy psychological burden that I received over 2.5 years of living with my parents who were drunkards. When after each time I do this, I feel like a heavy load is thrown off myself and it’s easier for me to become, but I understand that this is drug addiction, but there was nothing I could do … nine0018

The best answer according to the author

Nikulin Mikhail Sergeevich


Trying to justify your behavior by the behavior of your parents, you exonerate yourself of the fact that you have never been with a girl, and realizing that this is not normal at 21, you masturbate presenting everyone and everything as an object of sexual desire, from underage schoolgirls to grandmothers, this is disgusting to you because you consider yourself normal, but the inner fear that you have grown for so many years eats you from the inside and constantly asks for a handjob. Since you did not serve in the army, you are afraid not only of girls but also of male communication, you do not know what to talk about with any of them. There is always a way out, firstly, you need to be bolder and go on the attack without being afraid to squander, meet girls, be gallant and sociable right away, it won’t work right away, but the one who doesn’t do anything is not mistaken, don’t be afraid even if the girl has a guy who will beat you a little because you pester his girlfriend, you need to be bolder and you will find the only one that you will satisfy 10 times a day and then you will already be Apollo, and not a quiet ananyuga! Better to burn like a candle than smolder like manure! Good luck! nine0018

06/26/15 nine0004
The best answer according to the author

Other answers

Find within yourself the strength to direct your efforts in a different direction, into work, into something. Otherwise, you go around in circles, describing your situation, the desire to fix it, and then you immediately sign in advance that you are powerless to change it. It's like the planets in orbit, while in equilibrium, nothing will change, but one sufficient momentum is enough to change the orbit forever. nine0018


Good evening. Judging by your report, you have unconditionally excessive masturbation (several masturbation acts per day), when moderate masturbation is no more than 2-3 times a week, conditionally excessive masturbation is periods of daily but single masturbation, etc.
I think you will find the articles on porn addiction useful here: (this is the expert's profile) - at the very bottom of the page, find "New expert blogs" - click next to "Total ... blogs" - start reading from page 2.
a specialist will help you solve the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible.


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Masturbation several times a day? | Onanism Club

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