Is he worth it quiz
Is Your Boyfriend Good for You?
Image: Thanasis Zovoilis / Moment / Getty Images
Relationships are confusing. Guys can be too. When you meet a guy and things start to click, the next step is thinking about a relationship, That might consist of going out on a bunch of dates, then down the road maybe living together, then who knows, maybe even getting engaged and walking down the aisle.
But love is complicated: sometimes things that feel really good can turn into something that isn't so great. You might get caught up in passion, in romance, maybe even in not being alone, and pick a guy who really isn't good for you. Because after all, that is what relationships are all about.
You want someone you can trust, who you can rely on, who is there for you when no one else is, who supports you when you are going through a hard time. Someone who accepts you for exactly who you are and never tries to change you, but who is willing to tell you when he sees you doing something that is harmful to yourself or to your relationship.
What all this really comes down to is whether your boyfriend good for you. You might want to take this quiz and find out for sure.
Is he kind, not only to you, but to everyone in his life?
No, he thinks of that as a sign of weakness.
He tries to be.
Just about always.
Yes, all the time.
When he is wrong, will he admit that he made a mistake?
No, he never will.
After a while, maybe.
He usually does.
Yes, he's very good at that.
Does he know all the little things about you that others don't?
Not that I can tell.
Maybe some of them.
Most of them, yes.
Yes, he knows me completely.
Does he often talk about building a future with you?
No, that has never happened.
He has, but then he drops the subject.
He does quite often.
Yes, all the time.
Do you feel that he looks at you as an equal?
No, he is a true alpha.
I think he does sometimes.
I hope so.
For sure.
Will he willingly run errands for you and does he do them well?
No, he would never do that.
If he is in the mood.
Yes, but he often screws them up.
Yes, and he does them perfectly.
Does he ever question you about where you've been or go through your phone?
Yes, but that's normal.
Sometimes, but not often.
He used to.
Of course not.
Is he inspiring to you to be the best person that you can possibly be?
No, I don't think of him that way.
No, but I do look up to him in some ways.
Sometimes he does.
For sure.
Will he ever stay out all night and you don't know where he is?
Yes, that's a regular thing.
He did once.
No, but he does stay out really late sometimes.
Friends are important. Do you get along with all of his friends?
I've never met them.
No, I can't stand them.
Most of them.
Yes, I love them.
Does he encourage you to achieve all of your career goals?
No, he thinks mine are silly.
No, but he doesn't put me down either.
He does a lot.
How often does he compliment your looks?
Pretty much never.
He will if I ask him too.
He does it a lot.
All the time.
When you're just kicking around the house with him in your sweats, do you feel comfortable?
We never do that together.
I'm working on it.
Most of the time.
Yes, always.
Is he always willing to be your plus-one in any social situation?
No, he hates doing things like that.
If it is something he wants to do.
He might grumble a bit, but yes.
Yes, he is great at that.
If you text him with a question, how long does it usually take for him to reply?
He might not reply all day.
A few hours
An hour
A few minutes
Does he still talk to his exes a lot?
Yes, and it drives me crazy.
I have no idea.
Yes, but I don't mind because he is friends with them.
Does he respect a feminist point of view?
No, he hates equality.
I haven't really talked to him about that.
He seems to.
He does for sure.
Does he have a wild side?
Yes, and it's huge.
Yes, but it doesn't come out that often.
Not at all.
Yes, but I do too.
How do he and his mother get along?
They don't.
He doesn't spend any time with his mother.
They get along pretty well.
They get along great.
Does he get along well with your family?
They don't get along well at all.
He hasn't met my family.
They do pretty well.
They love each other.
Does he do little romantic things for you from time to time?
Not that I notice.
Yes, very little.
He does sometimes.
All the time.
How often have you caught him lying to you?
Too many times to count.
Quite a few times.
Not often.
Do you two have the same values?
No, they're quite different.
I think so.
For the most part.
Yes, in just about all ways.
Could you two cut it in a long-distance relationship?
No way, I wouldn't trust him.
I don't know.
I think we could.
I would miss him, but yes.
Does he mind if you go out with your friends sometimes?
Yes, he hates that.
He says he doesn't, but I can tell he does.
Not if I don't do it that often.
No, he thinks it's healthy for us to do our own thing sometimes.
Does he listen to you talk about your day?
Ha, not even.
Well, he pretends to.
He tries.
Yes, he does for sure.
Does he have any bad habits he tries to get you to join him in?
Yes, all the time.
Sometimes he does.
No, he keeps those to himself.
No, he is self-aware.
Do you feel silly when you cry in front of him?
I sure do.
Not any more than when I cry in front of anyone else.
No, I am fine with it.
Does he have passion for life?
No, he is pretty bummed about a lot of things.
Not that I notice.
He does most of the time.
Yes, and it's inspiring.
Does he do something for work or in school that he cares about?
No, he hates what he does.
No, but he is looking for something else.
Yes, but he doesn't love it.
Yes, he loves what he does.
You Got:
Am I Ready For A Relationship Quiz (+FREE Worksheets)
This post contains “Am I ready for a relationship quiz” along with helpful dating tips to get ready for a relationship.
Am I Ready For A Relationship QuizResults
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#1. Do you agree that no one is perfect?

No#3. Do you have enough time to dedicate to someone else?
No#4. Have you gotten over your ex?
No#5. Are you comfortable are you being yourself?
No#6. Have you learned how to compromise?

No#8. Are you attracting like-minded partners?
No#9. Are you comfortable with the idea of being with someone else other than your friends and family?
No#10. Are you confident with yourself because you know your worth and you are not willing to settle for less?
No#11. Do you know what you want and do not want in a relationship?
We will not sell your information. All results are kept confidential.
This quiz is for informational purposes only. It is not meant as a diagnostic or assessment tool.
ResultsThe more Yeses you answered the more ready you are to be in a relationship.
The questions should draw your attention to any areas that needs more work. For example, if you don’t feel like you’ve gotten over your ex yet, you may need to work more on that first.
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Getting Ready For A Relationship: Best Dating Tips For WomenWe all make relationship mistakes, especially during the first few weeks of dating.
Women often, do things that make a man become distant and lose interest before a serious relationship has a chance to develop.
Here are the 5 top dating Do’s and Don’ts to keep him always coming back for more.
5 Dating Don’ts1. Don’t Be Too AccessibleMen quickly tire of that which is easily obtained. So don’t be too available before a serious relationship develops.
In fact, men’s brains are wired to solve problems, this is why a challenging, attractive woman, presents a man with a healthy problem that is worth solving.
This will force him to find creative ways to not lose the attention of such a woman.
Being not too available, really means that you should have an exciting life of your own. A life that a man doesn’t feel like he has to save you from, but that which is going to add value to his own life.
In other terms, you’re already happy in your singlehood. This communicates self-confidence and high-value.
Related: Learning To Love Yourself : 21 Day Self-Love Challenge
2. Don’t Be, Predominantly, The First One To Initiate The ContactIf you find yourself in a position where you’re usually the first to text, call or make plans, then you’re probably making him lazy. Men only value the things they’ve worked for.
Another down-side for being the initiator in the relationship, is that you won’t be able to know if he’s really into you or not. Especially when your contact initiations aren’t being reciprocated.
Related: How to Get More Affection from Your Relationships?
3. Don’t Speak Ill Of Your ExesThe way you’re treating other men and speaking of them, especially your exes, tells the guy you’re dating a lot. In fact, a guy who barely knows you isn’t ready yet to take your side.
This is why he might start making judgments. He might wonder what is it about you that attracts players and time wasters, or worse, he might feel like a loser himself since you seem to attract these kinds of people.
Either that or he might feel that your baggage is more than he can bear.
Another downside to talking about your unlucky past on the first weeks of dating is the fact that you might sound like a victim, someone who’s desperate for pity rather than taking responsibility for her own mistakes.
If the guy’s interest in you is obviously waning, don’t force him to take interest in you again. Don’t fight, nag, or complain. It’ll only make you appear less dignified to him and to anyone who might learn about it.
More importantly, it’ll affect your self-esteem. However difficult it might seem, you’ll never regret it, walk away and take your business elsewhere.
This is why the tactic of withdrawing from a man who’s not showing much interest in you, is the best way to know whether or not he’s worth your time.
If he’s interested, he’ll start chasing you for fear of losing you. If he’s not that into you, then you have your answer.
Related: 11 Emotional Boundaries You Should Set From The First Date
5. Do Not Date A Married ManNo matter how desirable the guy is, never date a married man. It doesn’t matter if he loves you more than he loves his wife.
The legal issues and the living logistics surrounding his marriage gives him a strong excuse to keep you on the side indefinitely until you realize that you’re wasting your time and that he’ll never get a divorce. And even if he did, there will even more issues to deal with.
Related: Dating The Divorced Man 101: Everything You Need To Know About Dating The Divorced Man
5 Dating Do’s1. Prioritize Phone Calls Over TextingThe method of communicating tells you a lot about a man’s level of interest. While nothing is wrong with using smartphones and texting, getting the guy to pick up the phone and call you shows a deeper level of interest.
This is also a way to make sure that he isn’t a player who’s texting multiple women at the same time.
Simply inform him that you’d prefer it if he called to make plans. You can tease him by telling him that you’d love to hear his voice more often.
However, if he keeps on texting instead of making the phone call, don’t waste your precious time on someone who won’t take a simple step to escalate his method of communication.
Related: Are You And Your Partner Romantically Compatible? (Attachment Style Theory)
Show Restraint In Displaying Your InfatuationUntil the relationship gets serious, it would be wiser to show restraint in displaying your infatuation. As we mentioned earlier, a man values the things he had worked for, and winning your interest, is a challenge he’s willing to win.
This is why, unless he makes an effort, any interest you show might not have a positive effect on him you’re aiming for.
An important key to seduction success is reaching a mutual level of interest before displaying your infatuation.
You’ll know that a guy is as interest in you as you are in him from his enthusiasm when he’s with you, how eager he is to spend time with you and how initiative he is when it comes to making contact.
Related: 12 Steps to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You
3. Be Willing To Show Your VulnerabilityIf a man proves to you that he’s invested enough in this relationship, don’t hesitate to show your vulnerability. Baring your soul, when the time is right, will help develop a deep emotional connection with the guy you’re dating.
This gives a room for the man to protect, defend, and love you. It’ll encourage him to show you his vulnerable side too.
Related: How to Have an Intimate Conversation with Your Spouse
4. Know The Difference Between The Right Guy And A Great GuyA guy might be an irresistible catch and yet he might not be ready or willing to give you the commitment you want.
The right man, won’t just possess the qualities you find attractive, he’s also on the same page as you when it comes to commitment and taking things to the next level.
In other words, if a guy is telling you he’s not looking for anything serious, believe him.
More importantly, don’t delude yourself into believing that he’ll change his mind once he gets to know you or builds interest in you.
Related: The Ultimate Guide to Finding The Right Guy For You
5. Date With A Clear Purpose In MindIf you want to avoid dead-end relationships, ensure that you know what you want and resolve not to settle for anything less from a man. Make a list of qualities you want in a man and place it somewhere you can refer to it regularly.
You’ll find it much easier to enforce your boundaries and stop wasting your time on men who have little to no long-term potential.
Keep in mind that merely wanting a boyfriend isn’t an effective strategy if you’re looking for a long-term commitment.
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The Ultimate Formula for Attraction“But isn’t attraction just natural? Do we need a formula?” you may ask.
Just because attraction seems to happen naturally, doesn’t mean that it’s random. It also doesn’t mean that you need to change who you are. Each one of us has different qualities, values, and physical types they’re looking for in people. However, what makes a woman attractive to a man remains the same.
Keep in mind that this formula provides guiding principles only. It should suck all spontaneity and excitement out of your love life.
Deep and Lasting Attraction = Visual Chemistry + Perceived Challenge + Perceived Value + ConnectionVisual chemistryYour looks are responsible for physical desire and what causes someone to want you. But you don’t have to be drop-dead gorgeous with a model figure to attract someone.
People have different preferences and tastes and there’s always someone for everyone.
There are two types of beauty: objective beauty and perceived beauty.
Objective beauty changes over time. Looks go in and out of fashion constantly. For some time soft and large women with pale skin and thick wavy hair were considered beautiful. Now in the twenty-first century, women with toned abs, tanned skin, and straight hair is the beauty standard.
Perceived beauty, on the other hand, is when one becomes attractive through behavior, and it is what creates visual chemistry.
This type of beauty is perceived through the way you carry yourself, your ability to exude confidence and playful energy, and so on.
While we can’t influence the cultural standards of objective beauty, we have a lot of control over our own perceived beauty. Fortunately, perceived beauty is the only kind of beauty that matters in a relationship.
This is why we can be extremely attracted to someone initially based on their looks, and then after a tedious conversation find them completely unsexy and even become turned off by how boring and superficial they are. Of course, the opposite happens too. You meet someone you don’t feel attracted to and then they say or do something that captures your attention and you find them extremely attractive.
An objectively beautiful woman often finds it harder to find and keep a guy than does a woman of perceived beauty. In fact, because great-looking women are used to getting attention only for their looks, they start relying on that aspect of themselves and leave her character underdeveloped. In other words, their beauty becomes a liability.
Attraction is created by the sum of small behaviors and actions that can be learned and put into action. Attraction is emotional – not logical.
Perceived ChallengeWe appreciate things we had to work for more than the things we were given for free. A woman with high value is attractive to men because she gives them a challenge. Something for which they have to work to earn.
Perceived ValuePerceived value makes a woman more than just a challenge. It’s when a woman of high value successfully conveyed to a guy what she’s all about.
She shows him that being with her is going to enrich his life and give him experiences he could never have alone or even with any other woman. She made herself unique in his eyes.
ConnectionConnection is what makes someone realize he can spend hours on end in his partner’s company. Passion and sexual desire is no substitution for connection.
Connection happens when we feel interested in someone’s life, values, and standards, and are able to understand and relate with that person.
References- Portions of this article were adapted from the book Never Chase Men Again: 38 Dating Secrets to Get the Guy, Keep Him Interested, and Prevent Dead-End Relationships, © 2015 by Bruce Bryans. All rights reserved.
- Portions of this article were adapted from the book Get the Guy, © 2013 by Matthew Hussey. All rights reserved.
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How and when to take a pregnancy test to get an accurate result
November 27, 2018 Likbez Health
Even a perfect test will lie if you break simple rules.
Express pregnancy tests today can be bought at every pharmacy, and even at the supermarket checkout. They are easy to use and reliable: doctors rate their accuracy at 99%. But often such tests lie.
How pregnancy tests work
Absolutely all pregnancy tests check whether urine or blood (if we are talking about a laboratory test) contains a special hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin, abbreviated hCG. It begins to be produced immediately after the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. nine0003
If there is no pregnancy, hCG is nowhere to be found. If it is, hCG will be required.
Normally, the egg is attached to the uterus six days after fertilization. During this period, the test is meaningless: it will not show anything. But then the level of hCG increases rapidly, doubling every 2-3 days.
When to take a pregnancy test
As early as 8 days after ovulation, during which the egg meets its sperm, the level of hCG becomes sufficient so that pregnancy can be detected using a laboratory blood test. nine0003
In a few more days - that is, on the 10-12th day after fertilization - the usual pharmacy tests will also detect pregnancy.
Although the instructions for many of them promise an accurate result already on the first day of delay, doctors advise not to rush. The reason is simple.
If you ovulated on the 10-14th day of the cycle, then by the beginning of the next cycle, at least 13 days will pass from the moment of fertilization. So, the test will signal you with two stripes.
However, ovulation may be delayed. If the egg was released on the 22nd day of the cycle, then by the beginning of the delay, the actual gestational age may be less than 7 days. This means that even ideal tests will most likely not fix anything. nine0003
If your cycle is more or less than 28 days, it's even more confusing.
Therefore, in order to get the most accurate result, it is worth waiting 5-7 days from the start of the delay.
If you are pregnant, the level of hCG by this point in any case will be such that even the cheapest tests with low sensitivity will unequivocally recognize it
But even if you have met all the deadlines, the test can still mislead you. For example, it will not see a high level of hCG and will show a negative result with an existing pregnancy, or, on the contrary, it will give out two strips, although it does not smell like a pregnancy. In fairness, let's say that this is not so much the fault of the test as you yourself. nine0003
Why express pregnancy tests lie
1. You used an expired or spoiled pregnancy test
Rapid tests contain special highly sensitive substances that react to the level of hCG. It is they who, upon contact with the urine of a pregnant woman, are painted in a bright second stripe or plus sign.
But if the test is out of date or stored incorrectly, the sensitivity of these substances may decrease. As a result, they will give a negative result, which may turn out to be false. nine0003
What to do
Buy tests only in pharmacies, where, unlike supermarkets, they try to ensure the correct storage conditions. When buying, be sure to check the expiration date.
2. You bought a test with low sensitivity
The sensitivity of rapid tests is indicated by numbers - 10, 20, 25, 30. These numbers indicate the concentration of hCG in the urine (in mIU / ml) that they are able to capture. The higher the number, the less accurate the test. The most expensive and accurate options have a sensitivity of 10. But the cheap ones may not catch hCG and deceive you by showing a negative result. nine0003
What to do
When buying a test, be sure to check with the pharmacist how sensitive it is. Also, this information can often be found on the packaging and always in the instructions.
3. You took the test in the afternoon
It is not for nothing that in the instructions for the vast majority of tests, the manufacturer talks about morning urine. It is more concentrated, there is more chorionic gonadotropin in it, which means that the test will be more reliable.
In the afternoon, the content of hCG in the urine is lower. nine0003
What to do
Use the test only in the morning, as directed by the manufacturer.
4. You drank a lot of water before taking the test.
Water dilutes the urine, which lowers the hCG level. A rapid test may not detect the hormone and give a false negative result.
What to do
Try not to eat or drink anything before the test.
5. You looked at the results at the wrong time
The instructions for each test stipulate the rules for its use. For example, like this: “The result can be assessed 4-5 minutes after the test, but no later than 15 minutes.” These minutes are not taken from the ceiling. nine0003
The lower limit indicates the time it takes for the test to react to the hCG level of the sensitive substances contained in it. If you look at the test earlier than the agreed time, the second strip (or the plus sign in the corresponding box) may not yet appear and you will see a false negative result.
If you look at the strip later than the time indicated as the upper limit, you risk getting a false positive result. Evaporated urine may leave a line that is easily confused with a second strip. nine0003
What to do
Before using the test, read the instructions and follow them strictly.
6. You are taking certain medications
Some diuretics and antihistamines affect the composition of urine by diluting it. This reduces the level of hCG, which means there is a risk of getting a false negative result.
Other drugs, on the other hand, may give you two strips when you are not pregnant. Such medicines include:
- certain tranquilizers and sleeping pills;
- anticonvulsants;
- fertility enhancing drugs.
What to do
If you are taking any of the drugs on this list, do not rely on the paper rapid test. To establish pregnancy or its absence, do a laboratory blood test.
7. You are sick
If there is too much blood or protein in the urine, this can also affect the result of the rapid test. But here it is important to note that in itself this situation is extremely unhealthy. Blood in the urine indicates abnormalities in the functioning of the bladder or kidneys, increased protein indicates internal inflammation. nine0003
Therefore, it is most likely that an incorrect two strips on the test will be accompanied by fever and / or discomfort in the genital area and kidneys.
What to do
Do not rely on the rapid test if you have a fever, lower back or abdominal pain. With such ailments, it is necessary to contact a therapist, gynecologist or urologist as soon as possible so as not to miss a serious illness.
8. You develop an ovarian tumor
Some tumors can trick the test into showing two lines.
What to do
If you get a positive result, do not delay your visit to the gynecologist. The doctor will conduct studies during which he will establish the actual gestational age (if any) or send you for additional tests and to specialized specialists.
How to do a pregnancy test
- Read the instructions. And follow it, of course! nine0108
- Remember the rule: if you are healthy and the test is positive, you have a 99% chance of pregnancy. A negative result may be false up to a week after the delay.
- Choose tests with a high level of sensitivity. 10 is ideal.
- Do the test in the morning, not in the afternoon and especially not in the evening.
- Try not to drink at least one hour before the test.
- Do not rely on the test if you are taking any of the above medications or if you have fever or abdominal pain. nine0108
- Buy two tests at once to be able to double-check the result.
- If the rapid tests contradict each other, you should not guess what's wrong. Get a laboratory blood test to get a reliable result.
Important! A positive test, even if you have been waiting for it for a long time, is, alas, not a reason to rejoice. An increased level of hCG in the urine can be recorded, including during an ectopic or missed pregnancy. Therefore, having received two strips, go to the gynecologist as soon as possible. nine0003
Read also ➕👩🏻🦰➖
- How to get pregnant quickly and what to do if it doesn't work
- Planning for pregnancy: 12 things the right parents do
- Is it possible to get pregnant if you use protection
When to do a pregnancy test? Maternity hospital Leleka | Blog
Pregnancy in the life of every woman is a significant event and most often unexpected.
But, even if the pregnancy came as a “surprise”, you must definitely confirm your suspicions or refute them. And you can do this with the help of an instant express pregnancy test, in a matter of seconds. nine0003
Express pregnancy test is a very convenient, fast and inexpensive device that determines pregnancy (if any) as accurately as possible. The erroneous result is reduced to a minimum and is only 1%. |
The most informative are digital and tablet tests (the strip is placed on a plastic device with two "windows"). However, strip tests remain the most popular, which means that the price of the test does not affect the result. nine0003
If you have any doubts after the test, make an appointment with a gynecologist.
How the pregnancy test works
Despite the whole range of pregnancy tests, the principle of operation is the same for everyone - to determine the level of hCG (the first hormone of pregnancy) in the urine.
hCG - secreted by the villi of the embryo from the period of attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall. May be detected in the urine and blood of a pregnant woman. |
Pregnancy test procedure
Pregnancy test is performed no earlier than the first day of missed period or approximately 2 weeks after the expected day of conception. Until the zygote attaches to the wall of the uterus, hCG is not released, which means that before ten days of pregnancy, it is not advisable to carry out a test or any other tests.
At the beginning of the test, you should carefully study the instructions for its use. Although the principle of operation is always identical: one part of the test (paper) is immersed in a container with urine, the other (with a chemical indicator) determines the result in the form of red / blue stripes, the symbols “+” / “-” or the words “yes” / “no” ". The result is evaluated after the time specified in the instructions (from 1 to 5 minutes). nine0003
Sometimes there are mini-pipettes for metered distribution of urine in the tests, which are very convenient to use.
But putting the test under the urinary stream is not recommended, since this method can technically disrupt the express screening and give an error.
You cannot rely on the result of a single test; for complete certainty, you need to repeat the express test in 1-3 days. |
When to take a pregnancy test
In order not to be confused by numbers, dates and know exactly when it is appropriate to take a pregnancy test, you need to keep a calendar, control your well-being and know the basic process of how an egg is fertilized .
In every woman with a regular monthly cycle, the egg goes through several physiological stages of development, one of which is called “ovulation”. nine0003
Ovulation is the process where a mature egg is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube to join the sperm. If there is no sperm in the tube, the egg dies and menstruation occurs.
Ovulation lasts approximately 2 days. All this time the egg is active. |
If during ovulation the spermatozoa were inside the female genital organs and conception did occur, the fertilized egg (zygote) begins to "move" into the uterine cavity, with the help of the ciliated epithelium and the muscles of the fallopian tube itself. nine0003
This whole process takes about 1 week.
After a fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity, it attaches there, hCG rises in the blood, cells divide and further development of the fetus occurs.
The level of hCG (the first hormone of pregnancy) rises only after the fixation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. Therefore, a reliable result of the presence of pregnancy can be obtained only on the seventh to tenth day of conception. nine0186 In this case, the result must be supported by a doctor's opinion. |
Some rapid tests can determine the presence of the hormone as early as the fourth day, but it is still better to check after at least 1.5 weeks. Then the level of the hormone becomes high enough to confidently determine the condition of the woman.
Delayed periods do not always indicate pregnancy, but it is better to immediately check the cause and take a test on the first day. |
When is a pregnancy test false?
Two strips on the test do not always cause delight in women, since pregnancy is not a cherished dream for all women, for most it is a surprise.
However, if you really do not plan a child and your test suddenly becomes “striped”, do not rush to panic, since a result error is not ruled out here.
False-positive or false-negative responses can range from a technical failure of a screening test to the identification of serious gynecological pathologies. nine0003
As you can see, pregnancy is not the most “terrible” thing that a test can determine, so we once again emphasize the importance of a gynecological examination.
Gynecologists of the private maternity hospital "Leleka" strongly recommend not to be limited to the results of a rapid test to establish pregnancy.
Since today there is a growing trend of ectopic pregnancies, which lead to serious complications and gynecological pathologies in the future. |
Be that as it may, a positive test result is only the first step towards determining pregnancy. The second step is a visit to the gynecologist, who must confirm / refute the information received. Since there are situations when express screening gives a false positive answer. nine0003
Main causes of a false positive result
A false positive result is a result that indicates the presence of pregnancy, in the absence of it.
1. Incorrect express test.
Incorrect use of the test is the main cause of a false positive response. Therefore, you always need to read the instructions and follow the specified algorithm of actions. The evaluation of the result should be carried out strictly within the specified time range, from 3 to 10 minutes. After this period, a weak second strip may appear on the test (due to evaporation of urine), and the woman will perceive the result as a pregnancy. nine0003
2. Marriage.
A defective test is a very rare occurrence, but no one is immune from such a situation. Knowing this, women buy several tests from different brands and thus the problem is leveled.
3. Postpartum period.
Pregnancy test remains positive throughout pregnancy and 3-4 weeks after delivery. Therefore, if the test after the recent birth of a child shows a positive answer, and you are not planning children of the same age, you should not worry. However, you still need to check with your doctor about the absence of pregnancy. nine0003
4. Miscarriage, abortion.
After a miscarriage, miscarriage or medical abortion, the level of hCG cannot immediately decrease, it takes time. And, as a rule, this process takes from 2 to 4 weeks. Therefore, doing a pregnancy test during this period simply does not make sense, since the result will be false positive.
If in doubt, a blood test for hCG levels or a follow-up ultrasound of the abdomen should be done. nine0186 |
5. Preparation for IVF.
Some women dream of pregnancy so much that they take tests even when they don't have to. As, for example, when preparing for IVF.
During this period, ovulation is stimulated with hormonal preparations, which also increase the level of hCG, although there is no pregnancy itself yet. Therefore, a pregnancy test done during this period can misinform a woman.
6. Oncopathology. nine0347
Sometimes a positive pregnancy test, in its absence, indicates serious pathological processes that increase the level of hCG. These are ovarian tumors, lung, brain, breast or stomach cancer.
To dispel all suspicions and fears, with a positive pregnancy test result, you should immediately contact a gynecologist to exclude ectopic pregnancy and oncopathology. |
Main causes of a false negative test
A false negative is a result that indicates the absence of pregnancy, if any.
- Fertilization occurred before the start of menstruation, and the hCG level did not have time to rise to the desired concentration.
- There is a threat of miscarriage.
- The woman is taking diuretics (diuretics).
- Technical damage to the test.
If a pregnancy test shows a negative result, but the woman has specific pregnancy symptoms (morning sickness, dizziness, frequent urination, pain in the lower abdomen and chest), you need to see a doctor. nine0003
What to do if in doubt?
There are situations that make a woman doubt the correctness of a pregnancy test. For example, different tests give different results, spotting is present (similar to menstruation), screening gave a positive response, and there are no specific symptoms of pregnancy.
What to do in this case?
- Do not look for the cause on your own, but go for a consultation with a gynecologist and approach the solution of the problem in a complex way. nine0108
- Do not dispose of unwanted and unconfirmed pregnancies yourself.
- Find the exact reason why the test showed a false positive result in the absence of pregnancy.
Note! Leading gynecologists of the private maternity center "Leleka" strongly recommend that after passing the test with a positive response, immediately contact a medical institution. nine0186 Even if you do not plan to give birth to a child, pregnancy in any case must be confirmed or denied. You should not rely only on the test result, and in no case should you resort to criminal abortions, buy the “necessary” pills in a pharmacy on your own, use folk methods to terminate a pregnancy. |