Introvert new book
The 32 Best Books for Introverts (To Read in 2023)
Do you remember that horrible day when your first or second-grade teacher asked you to read aloud? …Yeah…that day!
I don’t remember exactly when that happened, but I do remember exactly what I said and thought.
Instead of reading, I asked questions “Why do I have to do that? The rest of the class does not know how to read? Don’t they have the same book in front?”
Needless to say that no matter how much I protested to perform that useless act, in the end, I had to comply… I was a child.
However, that cost me dearly. To this day, reading aloud is something I dread doing; not because I don’t know how to read, but because always feels like a test.
Our society is pushing us, more and more, to change who we are; if you’re an introvert… “how dare you to be quiet in a loud world?”
Most introverts are seen as rebels because refuse to comply with things that don’t make sense to us.
If you’re an introvert, do you see the point of becoming famous? Especially being famous for being famous? Most probably not.
That doesn’t happen because you’re too shy to be in the spotlight, but because you don’t see the point of it. Is it not?
Introverts are not a minority; studies show they are almost half of the population.
Then, how come being an introvert is viewed as something negative? How come you’re asked to change? How come you’re not allowed to love and accept yourself as you are?
The introverts have a significant contribution to a better society. Introverts are:
- Observant
- Emphatic
- Active listeners
- Cautious
- Creative
- Peacemakers
… And some more
Therefore, don’t change who you are, but become self-disciplined to use being an introvert to make a difference in the world, fearless and deliberately.
You’ll find in this article, the best books for introverts that can help you take advantage of who you are, make your life better, know yourself better.
You’ll not find in this list, books about how to overcome being an introvert because it’s not something you should overcome but celebrate.
Understanding Yourself Better
If you too feel that your environment is asking you to change your nature (being an introvert), the following books can be an eye-opener into the reasons why you are enough as you are, being an introvert can be an advantage, and why you might be (as an introvert) a sunshine for those around you.
Understand yourself better by reading (one or more) of the following books. These books will change your mind and help you give yourself permission to embrace being an introvert.
Table of Contents
- Understanding Yourself Better
- 1. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking – Susan Cain
- 2. The Introvert’s Edge: How the Quiet and Shy Can Outsell Anyone – Matthew Pollard, Derek Lewis
- 3. The Introvert Advantage: How Quiet People Can Thrive in an Extrovert World – Marti Olsen Laney Psy.D.
- 4. The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World (Perigee Book) – Sophia Dembling
- 5.
The Secret Lives of Introverts: Inside Our Hidden World – Jenn Granneman, Adrianne Lee
- 6. Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength – Laurie Helgoe Ph.D.
- 7. The Introvert Entrepreneur: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own Terms – Beth Buelow
- 8. Self-Promotion for Introverts: The Quiet Guide to Getting Ahead – Nancy Ancowitz
- 9. Networking for People Who Hate Networking: A Field Guide for Introverts, the Overwhelmed, and the Underconnected – Devora Zack
- 10. The Genius of Opposites: How Introverts and Extroverts Achieve Extraordinary Results Together – Jennifer B. Kahnweiler
- 11. Introvert Survival Tactics: How to Make Friends, Be More Social, and Be Comfortable In Any Situation (When You’re People’d Out and Just Want to Go Home And Watch TV Alone) – Patrick King
- 12. Predictably Irrational, Revised and Expanded Edition: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions – Dr. Dan Ariely
- 13. The Person You Mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias – Dolly Chugh, Laszlo Bock
- 14.
Barking Up the Wrong Tree: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong – Eric Barker
- 15. Be the Magic of You: Tools to Transform Your Life! – Teri Karjala, Jack Canfield
- 16. Braving the Wilderness: The quest for true belonging and the courage to stand alone – Brene Brown
- The power of observation
- 17. An Anthropologist On Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales – Oliver Sacks
- 18. Look: A Practical Guide for Improving Your Observational Skills – James H. Gilmore
- 19. Think Like Sherlock: Creatively Solve Problems, Think with Clarity, Make Insightful Observations & Deductions, and Develop Quick & Accurate Instincts – Peter Hollins
- Shyness
- 20. Overcoming Shyness: Break Out of Your Shell and Express Your True Self – Erik Myers
- 21. Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate: A User Guide to an Asperger Life – Cynthia Kim
- 22. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 – Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves, Patrick M.
- Communication and Connecting
- 23. Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What the Most Effective People Do Differently – John C. Maxwell
- 24. The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork: Embrace Them and Empower Your Team – John C. Maxwell
- 25. How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships – Leil Lowndes
- 26. Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging – Sebastian Junger
- Self-discipline
- 27. Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results – Stephen Guise
- 28. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success – Carol S. Dweck
- 29. David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants – Malcolm Gladwell
- 30. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference – Malcolm Gladwell
- 31. Quiet Kids: Help Your Introverted Child Succeed in an Extroverted World – Christine Fonseca
- 32. Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverted Kids – Susan Cain, Gregory Mone, Erica Moroz, Grant Snider
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01/10/2023 11:51 pm GMT
“The highly sensitive [introverted] tend to be philosophical or spiritual in their orientation, rather than materialistic or hedonistic.
They dislike small talk.
They often describe themselves as creative or intuitive.
They dream vividly, and can often recall their dreams the next day.
They love music, nature, art, physical beauty.
They feel exceptionally strong emotions (sometimes acute bouts of joy, but also sorrow, melancholy, and fear).
Highly sensitive people also process information about their environments (both physical and emotional) unusually deeply.
They tend to notice subtleties that others miss (another person’s shift in mood, say, or a lightbulb burning a touch too brightly). ” – Susan Cain
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01/06/2023 03:51 am GMT
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01/08/2023 05:27 am GMT
“Words for Introverts to Live By
Be Playful.
Take breaks
Appreciate your inside world
Be authentic
Enjoy curiosity
Stay in harmony
Revel in solitude
Be grateful
Be you
Remember, let your light shine” – Marti Olsen Laney
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01/03/2023 12:17 am GMT
“It’s not that introverts aren’t good team players. We just don’t need to be in the same room as the rest of the team at all times.
We would much prefer to have part of the project carved out for us to squirrel away with it in our offices, consulting as necessary but working independently.” – Sophia Dembling
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01/03/2023 07:51 pm GMT
“You don’t have to transform yourself into an extrovert to succeed in life or work.
As an introvert, what works for you on the job is going to be different from what works for an extrovert – and that’s okay. Give yourself permission to do things that play to your introvert strengths and needs. You can be dazzling in your own quiet way.” – Jenn Granneman
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01/09/2023 06:37 am GMT
“As an introvert, you can be your own best friend or your worst enemy.
The good news is we generally like our own company, a quality that extroverts often envy. We find comfort in solitude and know how to soothe ourselves.” – Laurie Helgoe
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01/11/2023 08:07 am GMT
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01/04/2023 11:11 pm GMT
“Building points of connectivity with others is a critical component of successful networking.
Discovering links of commonality with others sharpens our receptivity to maintaining connections.
Introverts’ ability to focus and ask well-formed questions means an innate ability to forge real connections. Conversations go deeper, catapulting relationships into a new dimension.” – Devora Zack
Related: 8 Best Networking Books for Introverts
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01/04/2023 12:41 pm GMT
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01/03/2023 06:47 am GMT
The power of observationWisdom comes mainly from observation. As an introvert, most likely, you are a master observer.
The following books can help you improve your power of observation and implicitly your wisdom. You are a natural-born observer; these books help you take advantage of it.
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01/08/2023 04:56 pm GMT
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01/10/2023 05:21 pm GMT
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01/05/2023 07:27 pm GMT
ShynessYes, some of us (introverts) are shy. I am a shy person; I don’t see it as something to be not proud nor ashamed of. It is simply a part of how I am. Because of that, I don’t want to change it.
However, if you think you’re painfully shy and want to tame your shyness, the following books can help you do it.
Remind yourself that being shy is not the problem, but allowing your shyness to stop you be who you want to be, might be an issue.
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01/04/2023 09:46 am GMT
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01/10/2023 12:57 am GMT
Communication and Connecting
Let’s be honest, for us (introverts) communication and connecting with other are not always easy.
Because we like silence, we prefer to communicate mostly through body language. Even though that makes up the most significant part of communication, it’s not enough. Is it?
Because as an introvert you are a master observer you might think that those around you have this power too.
That is not the case. Extroverts rarely take the time to look around…they first act… So, don’t expect people to know what you mean without saying it.
Did you know that one of the secrets to a happy life is being connected? If connecting to other doesn’t come naturally to you, you must learn it.
You must learn how to communicate and connect with others so that you can build your support system, long lasting and meaningful relationships, and how to find the environments that fit you (not struggling to fit in.)
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01/11/2023 07:47 am GMT
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01/06/2023 05:30 pm GMT
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01/02/2023 09:16 am GMT
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01/07/2023 10:57 am GMT
As an introvert, you might have been ostracized and asked (again and again) to change. If you felt inadequate as a consequence of that pressure, you might struggle with self-discipline.
What people don’t understand, either fear, either want to change. Being a reserved person living into a loud world might have made you a target for others to try to impose on you their way of doing things.
Plus, because you’re rarely talking about yourself and your achievements, those around you might think you don’t know “the right way” of doing things. Thus, they barged into your life uninvited offering you unsolicited advice and life lessons.
Because that happens quite often to introverts, we sometimes question ourselves and lose focus on our goals. Self-discipline contains the word “self” not only because it’s about disciplining yourself but also because “the self” should dictate about what you are disciplined and how.
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01/05/2023 11:41 pm GMT
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01/11/2023 05:51 pm GMT
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01/05/2023 03:21 pm GMT
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01/08/2023 08:41 pm GMT
Help Your Introverted Child Be Happy
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01/07/2023 11:37 pm GMT
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01/02/2023 05:51 pm GMT
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Home - Susan Cain
#1 NYT bestselling author. Unlikely award-winning speaker. Seeker of kindred spirits.Welcome to the world of QUIET and BITTERSWEET
An exploration of the power of a bittersweet, melancholic outlook on life, and why our culture has been so blind to its value.
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Acclaim for Bittersweet
Susan Cain’s Bittersweet grabs you by the heart and doesn’t let go. I’ve thought about the depth and beauty in Cain’s research and storytelling every day since I finished the book. I will always be grateful for how much Quiet and Bittersweet have helped me understand myself and how I engage with the world.
– Brené Brown, Ph.D., author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Atlas of the Heart
A decade ago, I found myself inside Quiet. With Bittersweet, Susan Cain has described and validated my existence once again! Her new book reaffirms that my constant, achy awareness of life’s brutiful is a way of being shared across the ages with artists, healers, and anyone who pays deep attention. I’ll place Bittersweet in the hands of all my feely, achy, beautiful friends.
– Glennon Doyle, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Untamed and founder and president of Together Rising
This is the rare book that doesn’t just open your eyes—it touches your heart and sings to your soul. Susan Cain gave a voice to introverts, and now she masterfully paints our heaviest emotions in a light that’s long overdue. Bittersweet is the perfect cure for toxic positivity and a sparkling ode to the beauty of the human condition.
– Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again
Bittersweet is astonishing: one of the most gracefully written, palpably human books I've read in years.
– Daniel H. Pink, #1 New York Times bestselling author of DRIVE
This book is an absolute triumph: it's for anyone who has ever really lived, loved, or lost.
– Greg McKeown, New York Times bestselling author of Effortless
Bittersweet is an incredibly uplifting book—transcendent even.
– Writer’s Digest
In a profound new book set to be as influential as Quiet, Cain ... argues that recognising the value of the “bittersweet”—that is, learning to weather times of pain and loss is powerful and vital.
– The Bookseller
An antidote for our uncertain times and a toolbox for using angst and yearning as a means of transforming pain into creativity, transcendence, and love.
– Oprah Daily
Cain has written a gorgeous, compassionate, companionate book.
—Toronto Star
An original and contrarian thinker, Susan Cain compellingly argues that the messier parts of life might indirectly lead us to the most rewarding parts of it.
–Seattle Times
Bittersweet is a beautiful read in its entirety.
–Maria Popova, The Marginalian
Susan Cain finds what is undervalued, quiet, and precious. In Bittersweet she takes you to a room in your own heart full of treasures that you had forgotten about. This is a book to read, feel, and savor
–Jonathan Haidt
Bittersweet...resists classification, hovering like a butterfly between poetic mysticism and social psychology, as it dips into philosophy and Buddhism in search of the correlation between beauty and sadness.”
–Ian McFarlane, The Canberra Times
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Have you ever wondered why you like sad music? Do you find comfort or inspiration in a rainy day? In this profound, poetic talk, Susan Cain invites you to embrace the feeling of longing—or the place where joy and sorrow meet—as a gateway to creativity, connection, and love. Accompanied by the splendid sounds of violinist Min Kym, Cain meditates on how heartache unexpectedly brings us closer to the sublime beauty of life.
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For kindred spirits who prefer quiet over hubbub, depth over superficiality, and sensitivity over cool. Get the 10 key teachings from Susan’s book, Bittersweet, when you subscribe.
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Is it difficult to be an introvert? - BBC News Ukraine
- Vanessa Burford
- BBC News Magazine
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Who is screaming - is that really it? Often the best ideas don't come from those who talk the most.
Extroverts are said to be more successful in life, but according to a new best-selling book, introverts also have great accomplishments. The book argues that there is a more positive attitude towards extroverts in Western societies. But are introverts really discriminated against? nine0016
Barack Obama, JK Rowling and Steve Wozniak.
It may not immediately occur to you that these people are introverts, but according to Susan Cain, American author of Quiet People: The Power of Introverts in a Continuously Talking World, they are.
That's because, contrary to popular belief, introverts aren't necessarily timid or socially outgoing - they just prefer inactive social environments and draw energy from quiet pastime and reflection. nine0011
"Not everyone who screams is right"
In contrast, extroverts need to be around other people all the time to recharge their life batteries.
Susan Cain argues that although a third of the population are introverts, most institutions - from schools to workplaces - seem to be programmed for extroverts, while introverts are often underestimated or misunderstood.
"Whether it's a job advertisement that uses phrases like "active, close to people and a team player", or realities such as shared offices with an open area, or brainstorming sessions in staff meetings - the ability to present oneself now highly valued." nine0011
"But research shows that there is no connection between the person who talks the most and the best ideas that sound," says Ms. Kane.
A self-described introverted researcher says that this is also the case in schools, where the emphasis is also on having someone active in the classroom, during group work, and adhere to the "show off and talk" principle. !"
She also cites research evidence that most teachers consider extroverts to be good students, and more extroverts are groomed for leadership positions in adulthood as they learn. nine0011
Rehabilitating Introverts
Her book, which aims to rehabilitate introverts, was well received by the readership and provoked discussion among commentators and psychologists, and her interactive presentation was watched by one and a half million viewers.
In the American magazine Wired, Clive Thompson opines that Ms. Kane's book might help introverts improve their reputation. But in The New York Times, introverted author Judith Warner argues that a "quieter argument" for introverts would probably be more appropriate. nine0011 Photo caption,
These introverts prove that extroverts don't always have better luck in life
At the same time, Guardian columnist Jon Ronson expresses surprise, as he came to the conclusion that his entire family is ambivert (Kane portrays them as a mixture of extroverts and introverts) - well, this group of people is hardly mentioned in the book.
One introvert who supports Ms. Kane's efforts is Mark Dyckman, a Canadian computer analyst. He is 42 years old and has written a number of blogs about introverts. He agrees that introverts have certain advantages, but in general they have a harder time in life. nine0011
"At university there was a lot of encouragement and pressure to be socially active with other people. I didn't have a problem with it for a while, but there came a point where it became very tiring for me."
"It was only when I started my career and went through a certain drill - only then did I begin to understand the difference between introverts and extroverts. It opened my eyes to how I looked at certain situations, and it gave me a certain comfort as well," says Mark Dyckman. nine0011
He adds that at the beginning of his career it was difficult for him to express his opinion during meetings, but later he realized that he still had to speak publicly and express his vision.
"I've learned how to act like an extrovert. I think a lot of people are learning the rules of how a team works and thus learning how to behave," says Dijkman. "It might be a little tricky, but everyone can contribute ( to the discussion.) I think that anyone who is not very comfortable in public, as if learning the basics of introversion. nine0011
Today an introvert, tomorrow an extrovert
Psychologist Felicity Lee says that introverts can act like extroverts, but they get a little tired of it.
American and Canadian cultures tend to be more extroverted than other cultures. But Ms Lee argues that there is also a certain prejudice against extroversion in the workplace and in society at large in, say, the UK.
But, she says, just because someone is an extrovert doesn't mean that person is a "good extrovert".
"Someone can be an extrovert or an introvert, they can do well socially. Extraversion has nothing to do with emotional intelligence or competence," says the psychologist.
Ms. Li points out that regardless of psychological nuances, most people just want to be extroverts.
"B 9In the early 1900s, the Myers-Briggs special psychological test was tested in the UK and Europe. And then 92% of people said that it was better to be an extrovert - even though extroverts then made up only half of society," says Lee. - then they will say that it is better to be an extrovert, that is, easy to communicate with and have many friends, says the psychologist
Who is in the psychology of politics?0026
Professor Joe Sylvester of Cass Business School isn't surprised that there's such a widespread belief that it's better to be an extrovert. Most recruiters seek out extroverts, believing they make better leaders. However, adds Ms. Sylvester, extroverts do not necessarily excel in some areas, as it may seem.
"Politicians, let's say, are much more introverted. In politics, you don't have to show all your cards at once. And it is the introverts who can step back a little, listen to others and take more time to think about decisions." nine0011
"People may think that extroverts do better in trading because they deal with many people all the time," says Ms. Sylvester, adding, however, that if the buyer is an introvert, he prefers the type of seller that he is. psychology himself. In particular, this applies to pharmacies.
However, according to Richard Dodd of the British Trade Association, the very approach to dividing people into extroverts and introverts is too simplistic and in reality there are many more types and subtypes of people by character. nine0011
In his opinion, people gravitate more to those jobs that better suit their psychological type and then they give their best at the workplace.
As Mr. Dodd says, successful teams are those in which there is an association of people with different qualities and characteristics.
"In most teams, there are opportunities to present yourself and make sure your talents are recognized - and this is easier for certain types of people. But I think successful companies should look deeper than the - at times artificial - first impression, when selecting management." "- he says. nine0011
"They need to make sure people's contributions are noticed and acknowledged - even though someone might be standing on the roof and yelling to prove their point."
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And to all the quiet ones who declare themselves decisively and boldly, despite the fact that their voice is not so loud
© 2019 by Jane Finkle
© © Publication in Russian, design LLC Publishing house "Peter", 2020
© Series "Your own psychologist", 2020
Introduction. Just like us
I am an introvert. This became clear in childhood. Mom gave me a pot, spoons, ladles, put me on the tiled floor in the kitchen, and I played for hours by myself. But my older brother was not so self-absorbed. He could easily talk to a stranger and constantly tugged at his mother. Therefore, when I appeared, my mother was amazed at how different my brother and I were. She liked that I could entertain myself with the simplest objects and did not really need to communicate with other people. Of course, I was not the first introvert in our family - rather, I am the continuer of this long family tradition. My grandmother's entrepreneurial spirit was supported by my quiet immigrant grandfather, who was happy with second roles. And my shy father constantly complained about the need to attend various meetings, although, despite his reticence, he enjoyed them. nine0011
In early childhood, while the tiles on the floor were turning yellow little by little, and life went on as usual, measured activity calmed me down. Creativity and reading perfectly balanced the emotionally rich school and social events. My calm and reserved manner of communication did not prevent me from making friends. Not wanting to be flamboyant and bold only helped that. Their stories, which I enjoyed listening to, were like reading a good book to me, and I was glad to come up with ways to solve their problems. What I enjoyed most was helping my friends rewrite the chapters of their lives so that they lead to a happy ending. In retrospect, it's no surprise that my form of introversion helped me succeed in career counseling. nine0011
Extraversion or introversion
The nature of extraversion and introversion is still a lively debate: why people behave so differently. You may have already taken one of the online tests or the official Myers-Briggs Test (MBTI) to determine your type. The MBTI score is a psychometric questionnaire that helps determine how a person sees the world and on the basis of which he makes decisions. MBTI, developed by Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabelle Myers, is based on Carl Jung's personality typology. According to CPP Inc., which owns and distributes the rights to the MBTI, it is "the most widely used personality assessment tool in the world." nine0011
It is natural to want to fall into a category that would give us an identity, especially if that identity provides a better understanding of ourselves and those around us, and also explains the nature of interactions. But be careful when trying to type yourself. Try to better think of extroversion and introversion as natural preferences, and not as hard, casual labels.
Where did all this noise about introversion and extraversion come from? Carl Jung developed a theory known as "Jungian typology" that characterizes people according to their personality patterns. According to Jung, extraversion and introversion are two patterns of how a person manifests his energy. Extroverts are more energetic when they have access to a wide variety of opportunities from the outside world. Their energy seethes when they are in the company of other people and are engaged in active activities. The energy of introverts, on the other hand, is deeply connected to their inner world. Less showy and outspoken, they enjoy a life of solitude and are therefore able to explore feelings and ideas from within and bring them into their lives unhindered. nine0011
The myth of introversion
An introvert is often portrayed as a person who lacks social skills, as someone who prefers to be behind the scenes, being content with the role of a spectator. But extroverts, by all accounts, are like social butterflies, sure to bask in the rays of glory, because they are destined for a place on the stage. And while the whirlpool of social life in which we are all involved may reflect our personality type, this general perception is not entirely accurate. The difference between introversion and extraversion is much more about how we express and channel our energy. nine0011
Contrary to popular belief, introverts are not necessarily always shy or asocial. They are often excellent observers and good at listening. Not prone to intervene at the start of a meeting or meeting, introverts are more likely to remain calm and slightly thoughtful while more energetic extroverts go out of their way to speak up. Initially possessing developed listening skills, introverts prefer to get all the information possible before expressing their point of view, and often surprise the audience with their adequate and thoughtful position. nine0011
Are you an introvert?
Answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if your personality type is truly introverted:
a. I love to chat with people.
b. I hate idle chatter and love to talk about business.
a. I'm more interested in what's happening around.
b. I am more interested in my own thoughts and feelings.
a. I am often described as energetic and active.
b. I am often described as calm and reserved. nine0011
a. I like to work in a group more than on my own.
b. I can work in a group, but I am very happy to be able to work alone.
a. I'm usually one of the first to answer an unexpected question.
b. I hope that someone else will react to a sudden question before me.
a. I say what I see.
b. I keep my thoughts to myself.
a. I tend to think out loud.
b. I think first, then I speak. nine0011
a. I easily start a conversation by attending various social events.
b. I like to listen to those people whom I meet for the first time at any event.
a. I like spending time with friends or family on weekends.
b. I prefer to stay at home with a good book or watch a movie on a Sunday evening.
a. I usually have only a general idea of what I will be talking about in a meeting.
b. I think in advance what exactly I am going to say at the meeting. nine0011
a. At a good party, I can stay to the bitter end.
b. In a few hours, I'm ready to leave the party.
If you basically agreed with option "b", it is likely that you tend to be introverted. However, if you're still not sure if you're an introvert or an extrovert, go through the list of characteristics below and tick the ones that best describe you. This will allow you to understand what is intuitively closer to you.
If you selected eight or more characteristics from the Introvert column, then this is most likely your personality type. nine0011
Are you an ambivert?
If you filled out the questionnaire and found yourself somewhere in between the two types, or found yourself identifying with both columns in the table above, you may be what I like to call an "introextrovert" or an ambivert. As I mentioned earlier, personality types are not set in stone and are therefore influenced by different factors. For example, the environment can enhance a personality type. Even if you consider yourself an introvert, you may find yourself in situations that require you to be extroverted. By developing these skills, you can reach a more comfortable level for you by shifting the scale of your individual personality type closer to extraversion. nine0011
When I worked at the University of Pennsylvania, it was important to involve students, faculty, and staff across departments in program development. Equally important was building relationships with decision makers. Despite the fact that I considered myself an absolute introvert, I had to use the rudiments of my extroversion. And while it didn't feel natural or comfortable at first, having to train new "muscles" boosted my confidence and ended up being a pleasant surprise. Over time, I have found that I enjoy interacting with people in person or online and building personal and professional networks. However, even today my personality combines these two types. Despite the fact that I feel uplifted in situations that are difficult for an ordinary introvert, I have to admit that I still get very excited on the eve of big events that require active interaction with other people. nine0011
Cultural differences
When determining your level of introversion, also consider that introversion itself may be characteristic of your culture. A recent study of thirty-six different cultures by psychologist Robert McCray found that Asian and some African cultures are more introverted. This is likely the result of their focus on tradition, conservatism, and adherence to rules. At the same time, the prevalence of introversion in no way prevents success. In contrast, a recent nationwide survey by the Pew Research Center found that Asian Americans are the most educated, earn the highest incomes, and are the fastest growing ethnic group in the US. American culture supports extraversion. The initiative is rewarded, the expression of one's opinion is welcome, as well as vigorous activity. Unfortunately, such a reality can leave an introvert in the shadow of an extrovert. To lead a happy and successful life in this culture, an introvert must first recognize and accept their personal worth, and then balance introversion with the addition of extraverted skills. nine0011
In my work with introverted clients, I have often found that no matter the circumstances—whether it's a highly successful work meeting, a job search, or a new opportunity—many of them question their worth and ability to compete in a rapidly changing marketplace. By summing up the experience of my clients and my own, I knew that I had to explore and tell the world ways in which introverts can take advantage of strengths and confidently compete. These discoveries have helped me create the tools to help my clients of all backgrounds and skill levels succeed in their careers. And this, in turn, inspired me to write a book that would pass on this knowledge to other introverts, helping them to accept themselves and finally blossom. nine0011
Age of Acceleration
You have probably noticed the changes that have taken place in the labor market in recent years. A stable job that seemed to be going nowhere and in which you will constantly climb the career ladder until the very retirement - all this is a thing of the past. With all our mobile gadgets at our disposal, we spend hours at and outside of work chatting, replying to messages and emails. New York Times columnist Tom Friedman calls this phenomenon the "Age of Acceleration." Trying to keep up with technological advances and cope with the unstoppable pressures of globalization, we turn into driven horses. nine0011
These tendencies make the field of work unstable and uncertain. Artificial intelligence and automation have replaced humans in many traditional professions. And while new jobs continue to be created, employers are trying to rationalize costs by hiring outsourcers or freelancers, rather than inflate their own staff. The new reality has given rise to the gig economy (when employees are hired for one project or task), which has made the labor market even more unpredictable. There are no exact statistics that would compare the current percentage of American workers employed in freelancing with the percentage of people working in permanent jobs.