Interpreting my dreams
Can You Analyze Your Own Dreams? Yes, and Here's How
Dream interpretation can offer new perspectives into the nature of your mind, but it isn’t backed by research and might be best practiced with the help of a psychotherapist.
Dreams may reveal information about your emotions and thoughts, although in ways open to interpretation.
A good starting place for dream analysis is identifying common symbols and understanding what they might mean for you specifically.
Interpreting your dreams is likely to result in better results when you work with a psychotherapist specializing in dream analysis.
To interpret your dreams is to identify specific elements and try to understand if they hold any significance to you.
Dream interpretation has been used as a therapeutic tool. It may serve as a self-awareness resource when digging deeper into your subconscious and emotional state, and when you’re working on finding peace of mind.
Both Jungian theory and Gestalt therapy, for example, have included elements of dream analysis in their therapeutic approaches.
Jungian dream analysis considers individual symbols of each dream to be of great importance. These symbols may relate to your childhood experiences, spiritual perspectives, or culture.
For example, dreaming of a red hat lying on the floor of your high school could represent a present concern about your appearance or a need for social appreciation, something that you may have also felt when you were a teen.
A large aspect of dream interpretation considers your associations and what each symbol means to you personally. In that sense, interpreting your own dreams can be very effective.
In Gestalt therapy, dreams may be considered messages from your subconscious mind. In this approach, dreams may be viewed as expressions of your personality that could require unification or attention.
Contrary to the Jungian analysis, Gestalt dream interpretation may not be about working with specific symbols but rather identifying the aspects of your personality that may need attention and bringing awareness to them.
Research on symbols or interpretations of dreams is limited and inconclusive, however.
The relationship between your mental health and what you dream about hasn’t been established yet, but some evidence suggests there is indeed a connection.
A 2018 study indicated that someone’s waking mental well-being might influence the content of dreams.
For example, researchers found that experiencing peace of mind before falling asleep was linked to a higher chance of pleasant dream experiences. On the other hand, anxiety typically led to negative dream affect.
Study authors suggested that based on these preliminary findings, dreams have the potential of being mental health markers, giving you insights into your mental well-being.
And since dreams do often involve emotional responses, it’s also been hypothesized that they may help you process and manage emotions. They would serve as a way to emotionally reset and could prepare you for any emotional challenges you may face the following day.
Some experts believe there’s a connection between the sleep cycle and your emotional state.
Lack of sleep may lead to mental health symptoms while achieving the REM cycle — a stage where you tend to experience vivid dreams — could be linked to mental health benefits.
In any case, more research on this topic may be needed.
You can explore dream interpretation by becoming familiar with common symbols. These symbols may mean many things, so keeping context and personal significance in mind is recommended.
Consider asking these questions when identifying symbols in your dreams:
- What was the symbol or object doing in your dream?
- What did it look like?
- Where was it?
- How did you feel about it while you were dreaming?
- How do you feel now when you think of it?
- What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of this symbol in your dream?
Here are some of the most common symbols in dreams and what they could mean:
House or room
Houses and rooms can represent unexplored aspects of yourself.
For example, if the house or room was frightening, it could represent an aspect of yourself that you may feel fearful about exploring.
Looking into other symbols in the same dream scene may help you develop possible personal meanings.
As a source of affection for many people in the waking state, dogs can represent a need for love or affection.
If you’re fearful of dogs or dream of an aggressive one, it may mean you’re sensing danger about a specific situation or person, or you may feel hurt by someone and haven’t yet become aware of it.
Teeth can be symbols of aggression, assertiveness, or your “bite.”
Dreaming of falling teeth may indicate you’re experiencing intense stress or anxiety. It could also mean you’re fearful or concerned about a lack of control and power in your life.
Weapons such as guns typically involve themes surrounding personal power or control.
Dreaming of using weapons may be linked to the desire to hurt someone or have them disappear from your life.
If you’re being hurt in the dream, it could mean you feel vulnerable in a situation or with a person.
Friends and family
People who appear in your dreams may reflect parts of your own personality. Analyzing these dreams may help to think about what the person was doing in the dream and what part of yourself you think may be shown to you through the other person.
Water may be a symbol of your emotions. If the water appears still and murky, it could represent a disconnect from your emotional state or the need to explore your own emotions.
Driving can be thought of as a type of forward momentum. If the car doesn’t start, you may feel stagnant or stuck. If the car is running smoothly, maybe you feel you’re making good progress on your life path.
If you dream about falling, you may be dealing with control challenges in your life.
If you felt relieved about falling, or it was a pleasant sensation in the dream, you may be letting go of some emotional weight and may now feel relieved.
If you felt scared while falling in your dream, you could be having a hard time not being able to control everything around you. It could also mean that you feel you’re letting someone down.
Interpreting your dreams takes patience, practice, and an open mind. It may be a good idea to remember that you give meaning to your own dreams by identifying symbols and thinking about what they mean to you personally.
The same dream can mean different things to different people in this sense. The same dream could also mean different things to you, depending on when you dream it.
Here are some tips to start analyzing your dreams:
1. Try to recall your dreams every day
The best time to recall your dreams is as soon as you wake up, while the dream is still fresh.
If you tend to wake up during the night, it might help to have a notebook next to the bed to record your dream before you fall asleep again. Recording a voice memo on your phone may also help.
It’s natural to only remember fragments of your dreams at first. They may seem vague or meaningless. The more you practice recalling them, the more details you’ll remember from your dreams.
2. Consider keeping a dream diary
In addition to writing or recording aspects of your dreams as soon as you wake up, keeping a more in-depth diary may help you with dream interpretation.
Based on your notes when you wake up, try to write down as much detail as you can remember. As you write every aspect of the dream, include how you feel or felt about those symbols or scenes.
If any ideas or memories come to you while you write about your dream, make a special note. These ideas, memories, or emotions give you more clues about what the dream may mean to you.
3. Telling someone about your dreams can help
Sometimes, it’s about how you describe a dream more than the dream itself.
As you tell someone else about your dream, try to become aware of how you describe specific symbols that may not be as clear at first.
Talking about your dreams with a psychotherapist may be particularly beneficial when trying to analyze them. They may be able to give you feedback about specific words you used or facial expressions you made, which could also add to the dream interpretation.
4. Try to identify symbols and associations
Once you write details about your dreams, try to read your notes again to identify hidden symbols that you may have missed at first.
Maybe you dreamed about cooking with your grandmother, which you wrote in your notes.
On a closer look, you may remember it wasn’t your grandmother’s kitchen or that all the windows were open and the wind was blowing inside the kitchen.
These aspects of your dream may also hint at the possible meaning of the dream.
Dream analysis can become an interesting tool for exploring your mental and emotional health.
You can interpret your dreams by learning more about common symbols, keeping a dream diary, and trying to identify personal associations.
Dream analysis may be better achieved by working with a psychotherapist. They might be able to link different aspects of your dreams and ask you specific questions that could lead to more profound insight.
How to Interpret Your Dreams
By Katie Arnold-Ratliff
Photo: Kladyk/iStock/Thinkstock
During REM sleep, your subconscious puts on a fantastic show—but the plot can be tough to follow. (Why were you on a trampoline in Indonesia?) "A central function of dreams is to allow us access to thoughts and feelings we may not be aware of," says Mark Smaller, PhD, president of the American Psychoanalytic Association. We asked Smaller to explain the dream-deciphering process. Just grab a pencil and take a dip into your subconscious.
Step 1
As soon as you wake up, write down everything you can recall about your dream, recording as many objects, people and locations as possible. Says Smaller, "One of Freud's greatest discoveries was that tiny elements of your dreams can point to big issues. A lot of information gets condensed into a small detail."
Step 2
Write down the association each detail carries for you. For example, if the dream took place in your childhood home, consider what's significant about that place and how it might relate to the larger premise of the dream.
Step 3
Write down the emotions the dream sparked. Were you exhilarated, afraid, upset, giddy? How about when you woke up?
Step 4
Ask yourself what else in your life inspires these same emotions. For example, if your childhood home reminds you of being bullied by your older brother, think about what's happening in your life now that parallels that experience.
Step 5
Return to your list of associations and try to combine them into a single narrative. (Your childhood home reminds you of being bullied.... The orange you were eating reminds you of Florida. ... Your boss, who grew up in Miami, was pretty aggressive with you in that meeting yesterday....) Then go forth into your waking life armed with greater insight into what's going on in your head.
To kick-start your analysis, Smaller shares the meanings of three common dreams...
Dream: Your Teeth Fall Out
Possible meaning: "If in the dream you can't speak, you may be feeling in waking life that there's something you don't want to—or can't—say. If you can't eat in the dream, it may be about unfulfilled desires (in fact, some interpret this dream as inherently sexual). Perhaps there's something you're hungry for."
Dream: You Cheat On Your Partner, Or Vice Versa
Possible meaning: "First off, why now? What's happening in your relationship that's bringing this to the surface? The dream may be a measure of your anxiety about your partner—or it could also be that you saw someone attractive on the bus. Not all dreams have a deeper meaning."
Dream: Seeing a UFO
Possible meaning: "Maybe it sounds obvious, but the key word here is invasion. Is something unwelcome intruding on your space right now? And consider what we know about heavy machinery: It doesn't have feelings. Does that describe you—are you feeling dulled, like you're on autopilot?"
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From the September 2014 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine
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Dream interpretation | Vladimir Bibikhin.
Interpretation of dreams The complexity of the situation requires simplicity of approach. We seem to have gone too far with revelations, denunciations, schemes, interpretations, critical analyzes. Philosophy is closed to us by the conditions that we have set for it. We must return from all this to unbiased reading. So much that has been done in philosophy, we have not yet fully understood, but we have not even had time to at least briefly look around. She is a wealth, which, the closer we look into it, the more unexpected it turns out, and we are lost from not knowing how to take it, from the inability to embrace it. Professionals have developed methods for dealing with "philosophical literature." We do not envy them. The method will include everything in my system. In it, others are already mine, they either agree with me and confirm my correctness or, on the contrary, argue with me, which is also useful for me and which I can easily cope with, without much difficulty refuting. Read, extracting what we need, we have always read. To leave the other to the other (in both senses), can such reading be learned?
It is also true, of course, that a philosophical thing is not afraid of reinterpretation. It differs in this from the natural thing, which is destroyed by rough handling. Bad use does not spoil the philosophy, only the user gets worse. The word does not become less of an event when it is not understood. Philosophy is not an intellectual exercise; no one still really knows what it is. Anyway it's a great deal. We should not be afraid that we will ruin it. It does not depend on our manipulations with philosophy. Her word is so strong that it will not only contain us. When we trample it, we spoil it only for ourselves. She is not afraid of distortion. Fantastic, extreme interpretation sometimes works better than "authentic".
Professional interpretation returns from the event to the text and teaches not to go beyond it. In the best case, it will attract, in addition to the text, biographical evidence, memoirs of contemporaries, i.e. also texts. One must ask whether the event of the word is reducible to the text. At first glance, it boils down to the fact that the only thing the author seems to do is to hand us his manuscript, often without comment and hiding himself. He doesn't offer anything else. But is there something more going on than adding another one to the library of existing texts? It's hard to say why.
A book in the library is always one of the. We chose it from the catalog, and next to it lay others. What made it an event was not at all that - oh joy - there were only n books, but now there are n + 1 . A new thing comes as a long-awaited word about something that was not known before. It was created by listening to the new. In her expectation, the event had already taken place beforehand. A new word is eagerly awaited because all the former ones turned out to be texts.
The lexico-grammatical chain in itself is so non-event that, in the grip of the case, one almost does not notice it, reading a new book right through it and giving unaccounted meanings to the words. Text and event are different to the opposite. They want to explore, analyze, computerize the text, study its vocabulary, style, poetics when they no longer see the event, its scope.
When Nietzsche's first books appeared, they were only welcomed as additions to the library of philosophy. Another smart, educated, knowledgeable German wrote another thoughtful book. There were already a million books, the first million deserved a millionth share of attention. They rushed to Nietzsche when they guessed: he is about what everyone is captured by; when they recognized fate in him. Then in vain Vladimir Solovyov still tried to assure that Nietzsche was nothing more than a compiler of texts, a philologist. It was too late. I have finally been found, said Nietzsche, now it will be difficult to lose me. A whole imitative literature grew very quickly at that time, and we still need to see how much diluted Nietzscheism flowed through Merezhkovsky and Minsky to Leonid Andreev and Maxim Gorky, and from them to Nikolai Bukharin, how much Nietzsche charge, repeatedly mixed with other influences, remained in the managerial mood of the mass of ideological Bolsheviks . Those who ordered, among many other things, what they ordered, Nietzsche should be removed from the libraries. That the fascination with Nietzscheanism led to the banning of Nietzsche is not at all strange. Rather, inverting and splitting enter into the essence of the event. The event is always too new. The word is not information, so that it is easy to check how things really are with it. What for Nietzsche was an intellectual provocation - nihilism, the will to power - then became the banner of revolutionary activism, and what was sacred for Nietzsche, poetry, then the Nietzschean Bukharin irritates, teases, and he tramples Yesenin along the way in a campaign of iron will; iron will will find something to stomp.
The old idealism was also turned upside down in the ideology of the revolution. Plato's idea is brighter than the whole world, it outshines everything earthly with its brilliance and blinds us too . In revolutionary idealism, the idea is also the brightest of all, it cancels the old world, but illuminates the revolutionary reformer! Gives him clairvoyance and insight; it overshadows everything, but it does not embarrass the one who has mastered it, on the contrary, it charges him with managerial cheerfulness. He rises above the whole world, sees in the light of his idea its imperfection, poverty, poverty, and plans, constructs, rebuilds. The world in the light of a bright idea faded, especially since it was blind by nature, the organizer is not only sighted, but the only one left in the world who is able to change it. Here is the continuation of Platonism and its inversion. In Plato, when meeting with an idea, a person does not become armed, on the contrary, he is disarmed. He goes blind, and twice: first he goes blind from the brilliance of the idea, losing the ability to see anything at all; then, when he gets used to the brilliance of the idea, he begins to see new, lofty things, not all and not at once, but for the shadows of the underground, which until then constituted his whole world, he becomes so irrevocably blind that he not only disposes of his former environment, but he can no longer even simply somehow navigate in it, to the indignation of his former comrades.
What reversals without changing the texts occur with the event of the Christian revelation, everyone can think for himself.
Flips do not cancel events. Simplified Plato lives, he is the air that we breathe when we begin to change the ideology or educate ourselves, seeing that we do not have culture, and clearly seeing how and what needs to be done to make it. The main thing that is happening in modern times, the spread of technical civilization, is the continuation of the kingdom of the inverted Platonic idea. The givenness of things is not enough to be accepted; it is necessary that they be put in one way or another, introduced into the system of representation and presentation. Postav subordinates all things and all people to himself by the obvious need to remake them. The nearest installations are clear, this is the establishment (inventory) of everything, the distant ones are not; it is not clear to what, in the final analysis, the technological civilization will provide all that it establishes. A person, for whose sake everything seems to be, must first also place himself in such a way as to be able to do more, more fully, without a trace of himself and things through himself to provide - to whom? This is a difficult question. The screen is increasingly faster, more perfect, more fully delivering the world and humanity for viewing - to whom? the world itself and its humanity? the future for which records are kept? Characteristic name of magazines and programs: View , Eye , View ; as if there is an absolute infinitely absorbing gaze before which everything must be exposed. The system draws into its whirlpool and gives back the whole world to the put back. We live between two Platonic realities, one hardly acceptable, the other is about to be realized. We wearily look at the local boring world, all inert, but we carry in our heads the light of its restructuring.
There is nothing constructive, establishing, organizing in Plato's idea. Nevertheless, our Platonism is a continuation, a stretching of Plato's events. We didn't read his idea the way he wrote it. We haven't actually read Plato at all. This did not in the least prevent Plato's idea from appearing, to help us in our activity, to show the way to our managerial planning. Even unread, and above all, unread philosophy leads us out of our perplexity, and not necessarily Platonic or Nietzsche, but in general any one leads us out of perplexity - in what way?
Always in a general fail-safe way: supposedly allowing us to think about this world of ours, that it is subject to our judgment; what else needs to be seen, is it really what it should be. We are taught: Plato says that this world is not real, but there is another real one. Or again: look, Nietzsche declared that the essence of things is the will to power, i.e. my true essence is my will to my power. Or vice versa: just look at what this Nietzsche says, that the essence of things is the will to power; Yes, nothing like that, just in no case should this be, listen to me and Dostoevsky, the essence of things is clearly different.
The event continues to operate through reversals that happen to it actually immediately. An event comes, but does it go? It does not seem that events had an end to themselves; they are not the kind of things that have a measured lifespan. We do not see Plato becoming obsolete as quickly as his interpretations. The event continues to grow. It doesn't make much sense to say that his move could have been different, that goes without saying. It is useless to walk around with the texts of Plato in your hands and prove that they are misunderstood, your understanding is still not final. And yet: isn’t there something creepy in the fact that we use Plato’s goodness at every step, we have our guidelines from him, but we haven’t tried to read it to the fullest possible clarity?
Platonic goodness is interspersed in our lives, it is the milestones that mark our path. We say for example: platonic love. We rarely think that it is good and we should have such love, more often we think on the contrary that it is not for us. In any case, we somehow relate to platonic love, it is included in our guidelines. Having them, there is something to reach for or something to push off from. What exactly to do, we will somehow decide for ourselves, we will manage without outside guidance. But what is platonic love, it seems to us that we at least know. Or, if we hear such words for the first time, we will look in the explanatory dictionary; there will be explained briefly and for some reason always immediately clear. And then another of the Platonic goodness: beyond. Somehow we immediately know what it is. Again: an idea. Clear again. We have enough care to form our attitude to this and to this, we are not up to going into the subtleties of understanding Plato's speeches.
We are filled with ready-made knowledge. Why do we have so much of it? We actually do not take a step without knowledge, which goes without saying. Therefore, if I ask what an idea is, they will look at me with surprise as they run. I did not study at the Faculty of Philosophy, did not listen to university lectures on Plato, otherwise I would have known like everyone else. In a good case, a kind person will open an encyclopedia for me to test himself. It says that an idea is a concept about a thing. But in Plato the idea is not a concept of a thing, but a thing, moreover, the first and, above all, not such as could be understood by our concepts. Therefore, not from Plato, everyone knows well what an idea is. We know things, a lot of things from nowhere; well, just the devil knows how we know a million things. All this our knowledge is not ours, God knows whose it is. And we look at Plato not at all in order for him to correct our knowledge for us.
Plato could really be useful to us as the one who earlier did this work for us, ahead of us and warning us: he noticed the mysterious nature of our knowledge that came from nowhere. Ah, truly mysterious. We still do not read Plato at all when we subtract from him new knowledge in addition to what we already have a lot of, expecting that after his rhetoric he will lead us, a skilled maeutic, to the birth of an idea, so that in the last resort we would at least know how people thought. in ancient times. To really read Plato for the first time, one must first have a taste for wonder, whence we have so much knowledge; a taste for recollection of what happened to us, what event has already happened to us - such that after it we know so much, choose, decide, act, take measures; who pushed us or what touched us so much that we now make more movements than would be necessary for our peace. One must have sadness for the simple thing that always, in any case, manages to happen so early that we wake up and are left with a mass of words and pictures. We woke up, the event woke us up, and now we are entangled in dreams. That event of events that is world, that is people happened before we could observe it. We see it happen. And now it’s not so important whether we decide, for example, that God created everything, or that everything arose by chance, or that we ourselves created everything in a dream - all these are interpretations in the wake of an event that happened too early for a person to have time to be present at it. Let's say we created ourselves. Now we know an exorbitant mass of details about ourselves, about our structure, about how we should or should not behave in the world, about how people behaved in it, how they will behave in it. All this mass of information is reaching out for us, just accept or not accept this or that, choose, decide.
Philosophy recalls an early event. In this sense, and not in the sense of repetition, all philosophers say the same thing. No text will help us if we are looking for encouragement in our exhausting activity of shoveling ideological rubbish in the fantastic hope that some kind of rearrangement of our lexical combinations will click the magic latch and everything will fall into place. How are we still not tired?
Philosophy is not an intellectual activity. Therefore, none of our interpretations will reinterpret Plato. There can be no such thing as a victory for a wrong or a right interpretation of Heidegger. The philosopher is not to enter one way or another into our picture of the history of philosophy. He is in order to show us where our pictures are, our dreams and where is the missed, what dreams are about. There is a big difference between early and late.
We refer in our knowledge to the philosopher. He was right and confirms us, or he was wrong, and we say the opposite and are right. The philosopher was a materialist and taught that matter is primary, but he was wrong, because he was not familiar with the achievements of modern science. We are right, we say and teach that consciousness is primary. Or vice versa. But no, philosophy is not about that; it is about how strange it is that we teach about the primacy of consciousness and matter; it is to return from doctrines to things; to remember the early; to end the divination in words. The difference between philosophy and sciences: they build themselves, philosophy is called upon to dismantle themselves like scaffolding after building a house.
October 1991
interpretation of dreams about food according to the dream books of Miller, Vanga, Freud, Astromeridian
Even the most inconspicuous and seemingly unimportant detail in a dream can become a key and radically change the meaning of a dream. General interpretations give only a vector of analysis. For example, a large amount of food may indicate that a serious conflict situation will soon arise in life. But exceptionally tasty food on the table predicts a joyful, auspicious event. As you can see, everything is individual. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the interpretations of the most popular dream books and find out what food is dreaming of.
Food in Astromeridian's dream book
If in a dream you see a set table with food, this is a favorable sign. Such a dream predicts an important meeting soon, which can happen both at an event and on the street, in a store. Also, such a dream can talk about new interesting acquaintances and exciting communication.
If you dream of a table with a lot of food, then a conflict may loom on the horizon. In addition, you may soon have to choose which side you are on, especially if it concerns your inner circle.
The food found in different cuisines of the world often speaks of the dreamer's personal preferences. For example, if you dream of French or Italian cuisine, this may indicate your interest in these cultures, countries in real life.
A dream about delicious food is a harbinger of the fact that soon there will be many pleasant guests in your house. But if you dream about how you cook food - this, on the contrary, can talk about possible troubles.
If in a dream you eat tasteless food, you probably have an inner resentment. It can also speak of disappointment, which will soon overtake you or your loved ones.
Do you dream that food is sorely lacking? This dream book interprets this as a lack of vitamins in the body.
Food in the Wanderer's dream book
Food in the Wanderer's dream book means that soon you will gain new valuable experience, gain vitality and energy that will help you cope with the tasks and solve all the problems and difficulties both at work and in personal life.
If you dream of food on the table, such a dream is interpreted depending on the overall picture. For example, if the table is full of goodies, then your business will go well. If the meal is meager or tasteless, difficulties and problems may arise.
If you are cooking, it symbolizes trouble. They will be especially serious if you fry it. Eat in a dream - to disappointments and obstacles that can overtake. Eating with greed speaks of annoying delays and dissatisfaction.
Food according to the Wanderer's dream book means that soon you will get a new valuable experience. Photo: pixabay.comFood in Danilova's dream book
Seeing delicious food in a dream means being completely satisfied with your current life. If you dream of spoiled or foul-smelling food, this may indicate an upcoming unpleasant communication with ill-wishers.
If you dream of a poor table with food, you are probably very unsatisfied with your personal or work relationships. In a dream, you share food with other people - it means that soon new ways of solving problems will open for you. Perhaps career advancement and good luck in your personal life.
Food in Freud's dream book
The abundance of food in Freud's dream book symbolizes that in real life your sexual appetites are quite large and flare up quickly, making it impossible to dwell on a specific woman / man. It also means that you are in demand with the opposite sex and one glance is enough for you to interest a person and fall in love with yourself.
A meager amount of food on the table is a sign of an imminent meeting with a partner who will not bring satisfaction both emotionally and sexually.
Food in Furtsev's dream book
A large abundance of food in a dream for a man indicates that he cannot restrain his excitement. And an empty table, on the contrary, prophesies a meeting with a partner who will not arouse sexual interest.
In general, dreams about food symbolize a successful life. If you dream of a meager meal, then small losses are coming in life. If you eat in the company of your relatives or friends, this means that fate will be most favorable to you. In a dream, strangers or servants take away your food - this indicates future grievances and serious losses.
If you are cooking, then soon you need to be prepared for a breakdown in relationships and even a break with a close friend or soulmate. In a dream, food is taken away - get ready for news of treason or betrayal. Exotic food is a profitable original offer that you will receive in the near future.
A table with food in a dream indicates how your affairs are arranged at the moment. If it is full of delicious food, things will go well. If the table is scarce or the food is tasteless, then problems and difficulties await you.
Food in Rick Dylan's dream book
According to Dylan's dream book, it is believed that seeing food in a dream means maintaining life in the body. If you dream that you are eating at the table with your friends and relatives, it means that good and winning ideas for joint ventures and entrepreneurship will soon open up.
According to Rick Dylan's dream book, the food you like speaks of improved health and financial well-being.![](/800/600/http/
If a woman cooks food in a dream, then great fun and joy are coming. If a man prepares it, then soon serious quarrels and misunderstandings may arise in life.
Food that smells delicious or you just like - speaks of improved health and financial well-being. If in a dream you eat and do not eat up, this may indicate dissatisfaction with your current life.
By refusing food, you thus try to avoid changes in your life. Also, such a dream can signal dissatisfaction with one's physical condition.
Food in Stepanova's dream book
For those born from January to April. If in a dream you see a large amount of all kinds of food, this promises stomach problems.
For those born between May and August. If in a dream you eat in the company of your friends, relatives and loved ones, this predicts successful business and money matters.
For those born from September to December. Seeing a large amount of food in a dream means an impending deterioration in the material condition. Also, such dreams can talk about numerous guests who will visit you soon.
Food in Miller's dream book
If in a dream you see a small portion or a little food that stands alone from another, this means that losses are coming in life, and you are driven by despondency. If you are in the circle of guests - soon you will receive personal benefit, you will be accompanied by good luck and success in money matters.
To dream of your food being taken away by a waiter, friend, or relative means that you will soon be deeply offended or disappointed, which will deeply hurt you and from which it will be difficult to recover.
Seeing food in a dream and not touching it means a careless attitude to work, documents, because of which many things in your business may decline and bring losses.
If you eat in a company that is pleasant for you, then great benefits and success are coming, which will accompany you in all your endeavors.
Food in Vanga's dream book
According to Vanga's dream book, food can indicate that you are careless about documentation, and this can negatively affect your business and lead to losses.
If in a dream your food is taken away, this means that soon people close to you will offend you. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings. Also pay attention to distant and less pleasant connections, as troubles can also come from ill-wishers to whom you previously did not attach importance.
If you eat in a circle of other people, this is a good sign and indicates the benefits and success that will accompany you both at work and in personal affairs.
To dream that food is being taken away from you by force is a bad sign. Such a dream may indicate a person nearby who is waiting for time to hurt you. Therefore, you should not tell a lot about yourself to unfamiliar people and completely trust them.
Food in the dream book of Arnold Mindell
If you dream of a beautifully set table with an abundance of dishes, this may mean that you are careless about working documentation and can cause serious problems with work and superiors.
If you are tasting food all alone in a dream, this means that soon you will expect small, but very unfortunate losses. If you have a meal in the company of friends or acquaintances, then you are wisely using your position in society and will be able to achieve great success and achieve material well-being.
To look at the food that other people eat means to get some kind of elevation above them in real life. Not having time to finish eating food that is already being taken away indicates that people unworthy of you may offend you.
Expert's comment
Dreams are the soul's way of talking to a person in the language of images.
And how great everything would be if in a dream we were just shown a movie about ourselves, our loved ones and, ideally, also the future. Isn't this a dream? But not everything is so straightforward, and this is also for our good,” says Tatyana Klishina.
Dreams reflect the reality of the one who dreams, but not all and not every night. A person tends to seek support and clues, so turning to the interpretation of dreams is a normal, natural behavior.
Popular questions and answers
Tatyana Klishina, an motivating psychologist, answered the most frequently asked questions about what dreams about food:
Why dream of tasteless food?
If you dream about food, this is a good sign that speaks of profit. Not necessarily financial, but definitely about something that will enrich you. In a dream, all the details that you fixed visually are important. But feelings are secondary. There is a difference between eating bad food in a dream and seeing it. Pay attention to the size of the dish or product, who gave it to you or is it a set table? Your associations with a person or a place are a direct reference to where enrichment awaits you. If you ate in a dream, then you are on the right path of developing your personality, the expert explained.
Why dream of food from different countries?
Look at your personal associations with the countries of origin of the food you dream about.