How well do you know me friend quiz
40 Questions to Ask Your Best Friend to Find Out How Well You Know Each OtherHelloGiggles
Real talk: How often do you talk to your BFF? Probably a lot, because they are your person, after all. This is the person who you confide in, giggle with, and let see you at your worst. You’ve spent countless hours discussing anything and everything – whether it be on the phone, over a glass of wine, on a hike, or whatever you two like to do together. You are constantly thanking your lucky stars that you have this person who just gets you, while also providing you with the wisdom and advice you couldn’t give yourself.
However, while your BFF likely knows what you wore on your last date, what you made for dinner, and what you’re bingeing on Netflix, we’re challenging you to go a little deeper. We want you and your BFF to find out just how well you know each other. Do you know their food preferences? How in tune are you with their hopes and dreams? How well do they remember your blunders? And more importantly, how well do you remember each other’s highest highs?
So text your person, make plans to meet up, and ask your best friend these questions to find out if you know each other as well as you think you do.
Worst case? You learn a little more about your platonic soulmate.
1. What am I most afraid of?
2. Where can you always find me?
3. What’s been my greatest accomplishment?
4. And my biggest disappointment?
5. Where would we go if we could go on any vacation?
6. Describe my perfect day.
7. Who would I invite to my fantasy dinner party?
8. When did we meet?
9. Back then, did you think we’d be friends for this long?
10. Sigh, what was my most embarrassing moment?
11. Which fashion decision was my biggest mistake?
12. Name the song I love singing to in the car with you most.
13. Who was my biggest crush when we were younger?
14. Why do you think we get along so well?
15. Which game or reality show would I do best on?
16. What do you do that makes me laugh the hardest?
17. Is there a smell that reminds you of me?
18. Name three things we completely, 100% agree on.
19. If I became president, what do you think I’d do first?
20. What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to me?
21. If I were a board game, which would I be?
22. What drives me crazy?
23. If we were stuck on a desert island, why would I be an asset?
24. Which two fictional BFFs are most like us?
25. What’s your favorite memory of us?
26. Am I a cookie, ice cream, or cake person?
27. When were you most impressed by me?
28. And when were you most disappointed by me?
29. What are the best and worst dates I’ve ever gone on?
30. What do I order at a bar?
31. What’s the first thing I would do if I won the lottery?
32. If I could be an animal, which would I be?
33. If I died, what would you want of mine?
34. What do I put on my pizza?
35. How do I comfort myself after a rough day?
36. We’re going to let a celebrity be in our group of friends – who would we ask?
37. Describe me in three words.
38. I have one hour to spend $5,000. Where would I go?
39. When we’re 85 years old, what will be doing together?
40. If we’d met earlier, what would our relationship have been like then?
This quiz has now ended.
How well do you know your best friend quiz? (5 minutes Read)
Even if you are not one of those trendy girls, you must have heard of the best friend quiz or the best friend challenge quiz, right?
Remember the time in the lockdown of Spring, you and your best friends shared that best friend challenge quiz among your group to find out who knows whom better?
We have all been there and done that. But what if I tell you that now you can make your own Bestfriend Quiz? Would you be surprised or excited or shocked or all at once?
Hold on best friend, let us go one step at a time and learn all about the best friend quiz using the best WordPress Quiz Plugin the Quiz and Survey Master.
Take a Bestfriend Quiz
What is a Best Friend Quiz?
So, as the name suggests, a best friend quiz is the one that your best friend plays for you, and then you get the results, which tell you if they are actually your best friend or not.
How well do you know your Best Friend Quiz- Best FriendSimple? And no this is not a litmus test, this is just a fun quiz game, which is very famous among young adults. A best friend challenge quiz is also a quiz that might find out some information about your best friend and you have to guess whether it is true or not.
Well, if you are a social media user, you must know that these quizzes come in many formats with different names.
For example, “Best Friend quiz for Snapchat” “What Percent friendship do you have with your best friend?” “Who is your best friend?” “How well do you know your best friend?” and the list goes on.
The fun fact is that all and every type of best friend quiz gets viral and honestly, we all enjoy it.
It is all fun and games, till the time your best friend actually gets annoyed when you fail to get that perfect score! (just kidding)
How to Make a Best Friend Quiz?
Making a best friend quiz for your WordPress website requires two things, first, some spicy questions to ask your best friend, and second, an awesome quiz plugin. And we know that the QSM quiz plugin is super awesome for making quizzes and surveys in minutes.
Let us make a best friend quiz step by step for your WordPress website!
Step 1: Planning out the Questions
so, what do you think your best friend would not be able to answer? Well, jokes apart, best friend quizzes are really open-ended. Its questions can range from anything to everything, because after all, you tell your best friend anything and everything, right?
Best friend quiz questions are also very sassy and spicy. You have to be open and ask real questions other than just “What is my favorite color?”
Some challenging best friend quiz questions are:
- What are three items your best friend always carries?
- What time does your best friend get up in the morning?
- What are three strengths/weaknesses your best friend has?
- What is one place in the world would your best friend most like to visit?
- What can your best friend cook?
- What is your best friend’s favorite school subject?
- Where was your best friend born?
- What superpower would your best friend want to have?
- What profession would your best friend most like to have?
- If they could be an animal, what would your best friend be?
- What is your best friend’s favorite form of physical activity?
- What is your best friend’s favorite animal?
- If your best friend got a tattoo, what would it be?
- What one person has influenced your best friend the most?
- What famous person would your best friend most like to meet?
- What is one thing your best friend cannot live without?
- What talent or ability does your best friend have?
- What is your best friend afraid of?
- What is the craziest thing your best friend has ever done?
- What is your best friend’s favorite season of the year?
- What is your best friend’s favorite dessert?
- What did your best friend want to be when they were a child?
- What is your best friend’s most embarrassing childhood memory?
- What does your best friend love most about his/herself?
- What is one thing your best friend would like to change about his/herself?
Step 2: Installing the QSM Plugin
Before making a quiz, you need to install the QSM quiz plugin. You can do that by going on the official WordPress website and searching for QSM or Quiz and Survey Master in the plugins menu.
Once you find the quiz and survey master plugin, you can download it by clicking on the “download” button and simultaneously “activate” it to use the plugin for your website.
How well do you know your Best Friend Quiz- Installing the QSM PluginOr you can download the QSM plugin with just a click from the button given below.
Download the QSM Plugin
Step 3: Creating the Quiz
Now that you are ready with your questions and answers are also set in your mind, you have to create the Quiz. For doing that, you have to scroll to the QSM menu on the website dashboard, then click on “Add new Quizzes/Surveys“
How well do you know your Best Friend Quiz- Creating the QuizOnce you have clicked on the Add New button, you will see a window, from which you can choose the themes from. This is where you can change the theme for your quiz as per your requirement.
Then you will be asked the name and type of quiz. For a best friend quiz, we can go for the title “How well do you know your best friend quiz” and the type can be “correct/incorrect” or both.
Now you have to add questions to the quiz. You can add questions and their choices, choose any one of them as your correct answer, and you are done. It is that simple!
How well do you know your Best Friend Quiz- Creating the QuizAs you can see, we can also put an image in the description of the question, which will look something like this in the quiz.
How well do you know your Best Friend Quiz- Creating the QuizSimilarly, you can add more questions and put images for references or in answers as well.
As you require, you can add a number of pages to your quiz as well, you can also host one question on one page to avoid confusion.
Step 4: Publishing the Quiz
Once your quiz is set up, you can also set up your results page.
You can probably add a conditional statement for a minimum score and anybody who scores more than that number can be declared as a good friend or good best friend.
How well do you know your Best Friend Quiz- Publishing the QuizThe sample quiz will be visible as seen in the given video. You can add and edit your results page using the template variables.
How well do you know your Best Friend Quiz- Publishing the QuizFAQs
Who is your true best friend?
A true best friend is the person with whom you can be yourself without having to think about being judged or embarrassed.
How well do you know your BFF questions?
How well do you know your BFF questions are:
1) What am I most afraid of?
2) Where can you always find me?
3) What’s been my greatest accomplishment?
4) And my biggest disappointment?
5) Where would we go if we could go on any vacation?
6) Describe my perfect day.
7) Who would I invite to my fantasy dinner party?
8) When did we meet?
How do you test a good friend?
Ask a friend to help you move some furniture or with your homework to test your friendships. See if they assist you or if they disappear when you need them. A true friend will listen to you and make an effort to help, so you might also try telling your friend about anything that is upsetting you.
Our aim of this blog was to ease your hand while making a best friend quiz for your WordPress website. You can also share your quiz on social media and platforms like Snapchat and Instagram through the link and have more and more people taking up your quiz!
Quiz and Survey Master is a great WordPress Survey plugin for making surveys, quizzes, polls, or other types of Question Answer Forms. You can collect your user’s information and engage with your visitors with some great customer satisfaction surveys.
QSM has many useful addons and third-party integrations that could help you in making the most of the Quizzes and Surveys. PayPal and Stripe Integration is one such addon.
Now that you know how easy it is to create surveys online, consider trying Quiz and Survey Master Pro. It includes many stunning addons that will enhance your customer satisfaction surveys by several times.
Explore all QSM Plans
How well do you know me? Friendship test, questions
📖 Content:
- 50 questions, how well do you know me?
- 50 funny questions, how well do you know me?
- How well do you know me? Questions for couples
- How well do you know me? Questions for friends
- How well do you know me? Family questions
- How well do you know me? Questions for boyfriend
How well do you know me
The following two lists of 50 "how well do you know me" questions are the perfect conversation starters for any occasion. Whether you're chatting with classmates, friends, or family, these questions from completely different categories are suitable for any situation. The first list contains general questions, while the second is full of fun "how well do you know me" questions.
Best Friend Quiz
Want to test your friendship? Create your own quiz about yourself and see how well your friends know you:
Which Game of Thrones character are you?
Westeros needs you! But which Game of Thrones character are you?
Start Quiz
Best Friend Quiz
50 questions, how well do you know me?
- Who has had the biggest impact on my life?
- What is my favorite drink?
- What 3 things would I like to have on a desert island?
- How many children do I want?
- What is my favorite movie?
- Did I have a favorite restaurant as a child?
- What is the longest book I have ever read?
- How much is my most expensive piece of clothing?
- Have I ever been to a summer camp?
- Who do I talk to most often on the phone?
- What was the best day of my life?
- Do I like to get up early or stay up late?
- What does my morning routine look like?
- When did I learn to ride a bike?
- Would I ever adopt a child?
- What was the last concert I went to?
- What languages do I speak?
- What should I be thankful for?
- What is my favorite series?
- When did I start swimming?
- Have I ever tried drugs?
- What do I love most about myself?
- What did I like to do as a child?
- Am I for Android or iPhone?
- Do I have an addiction?
- What is my favorite TV genre?
- What do I really hate?
- Did I have pets when I was growing up?
- What is my favorite food?
- What was my worst breakup?
- Do I enjoy meeting new people?
- Do I have nieces or nephews?
- What is my deepest fear?
- What does my name mean?
- Would I like to be a famous musician or actor?
- What do my parents do for a living?
- What is my zodiac sign?
- What is my favorite book?
- Where do my parents live?
- What do I think about drugs?
- What do I think about equality?
- What would I name my first child?
- If I were to receive a Nobel Prize, what would it be for?
- What would my ideal day look like?
- What is my full name?
- Where am I from?
- Will I ever join the army?
- What is my favorite sweet?
- What color are my eyes?
- Where do I live?
50 funny questions, how well do you know me?
- What is my opinion about pineapple on pizza?
- Would I eat a chocolate bar or a bag of chips in one sitting?
- What is the most embarrassing moment in my life?
- Would I be: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw?
- What was the most illegal thing I have ever done?
- Which movie or TV character reminds me of me?
- Would I ever go on a blind date?
- Which Disney character am I?
- What always distracts me when I study?
- What is my favorite chewing gum flavor?
- How often do I use social networks?
- What am I doing that makes me look really stupid?
- What always makes me smile?
- How much money do I spend each week?
- What word do I use too often?
- If my life were a movie, which actor/actress would play me?
- What is my least favorite genre of music?
- If I could have any thing, what would it be?
- Do I play any instruments?
- What do I hate?
- My dream travel destination?
- What superhero would I be?
- What is my most embarrassing childhood memory?
- What kind of animal would I be?
- What kind of food can I eat every day?
- What is my favorite computer game?
- Did I have an imaginary friend as a child?
- Which alcoholic drink best describes my personality and why?
- When and how did I find out that Santa Claus is not real?
- What will be my complete opposite?
- What era would I like to live in if I could?
- What is my opinion about hairy legs?
- What was the dumbest situation I almost died in?
- Do I prefer coffee or tea?
- How long will I survive the Zombie Apocalypse?
- When was the last time I peed/peed in my pants?
- What is my favorite board game?
- If I could live in a fictional universe, where would it be?
- What song would I choose if I had to sing in karaoke?
- Do I prefer swimming or running?
- Have I ever been in love with an animated character?
- Worst situation in which I laughed/laughed?
- Have I kissed anyone in the last five days?
- What do you think I was doing an hour ago?
- What strange habit did I have as a child?
- What do I love most?
- What fictional character would I like to marry / whom would I like to marry?
- Would I date a stupid or ugly person?
- What is my most annoying habit?
- What childish item do I still like?
How well do you know me? Questions for couples
Are you worried that your girlfriend doesn't listen to you? Or do you think that your boyfriend always forgets everything you said to him five minutes after the conversation? Or maybe you just think that you put a lot more effort and energy into getting to know your soul mate as opposed to him/her? Well, then these questions are perfect for you. Grab your partner and find out how well he or she knows you!
50 questions, how well do you know me? Questions for couples
- What was I like when we first met?
- Where would I like to spend my honeymoon?
- Are my parents still together?
- What always makes me smile?
- What was my least favorite subject in school?
- How do you know that I had a bad day?
- Name of my school where I went to primary school?
- What movie always makes me cry?
- What is my favorite place on earth?
- What is my mother's maiden name?
- How old was I when I had my first kiss?
- What is my father's name?
- What turns me on?
- What would make me jealous?
- Where did we first kiss in public?
- How many brothers and sisters does each of my parents have?
- What job would I never do?
- What is your opinion on how I deal with difficult situations?
- Do I have siblings?
- Do you think I fell in love with your thoughts or your body initially?
- Have I ever lived with a significant other before?
- What is my favorite subject at school?
- Did/did I play sports when I was growing up?
- My opinion about open relationships?
- Would I like my parents to live with me when they get old?
- My darkest secret?
- Who is too selective in food - you or me?
- What is my favorite scent?
- Is my family religious?
- What was the worst thing I did as a child?
- What is my most embarrassing sexual story?
- How much honesty do I need in a relationship?
- Am I more like mom or dad?
- Where do I want to live in the future?
- If I could erase one thing from my past, what would it be?
- What would my ideal day look like?
- What will my dream house look like?
- Do I believe that love can last a lifetime?
- Did I have a favorite teacher?
- What is my biggest nightmare?
- In which city did I grow up?
- What did we do on our first date?
- How often do I talk to my parents?
- Do I consider myself creative?
- What is my favorite word?
- If our life were a movie, what actors would play us?
- Who is my favorite family member?
- What is my mother's name?
- What always makes me angry?
- When did I start falling in love with you?
How well do you know me? Questions for Friends
Whether you're talking to an old friend or talking to a new acquaintance you've just met, we all like to think we know our loved ones well. The following questions are about personal dreams and hopes, childhood, family and loved ones. Grab your friends and take the opportunity to learn more about each other!
N e w !
50 questions how well do you know me? Questions for friends
- How many countries have I visited?
- Would I live in a big city or on a farm?
- What makes me nervous?
- Who was my passion five years ago?
- How old do I look?
- What was my first experience with alcohol?
- Do I like to dress up (eg in costumes)?
- What makes me feel most alive?
- Have you ever suspected that I was gay?
- What is my dream job?
- Do I have weaknesses?
- Who is my current favorite celebrity?
- What does love mean to me?
- How do I spend a typical Saturday evening?
- How did I lose my virginity?
- What is my favorite song?
- What is my favorite winter activity?
- Who is the man/woman of my dreams?
- What is my greatest talent?
- The story of my first kiss?
- How different was my life a year ago?
- What was the last movie that made me cry?
- Would I kiss on the first date?
- What do I like to do on a hot summer day?
- Have I ever lost someone close?
- What was the name of my first pet?
- Who do I hate?
- How old was I when I started dating?
- Have I ever cheated on someone?
- Would I rather spend the day with my parents or your parents?
- How long was my longest romantic relationship?
- Do I have brothers and sisters? What are their names?
- Have I ever had to repeat a year at school?
- What is my favorite piece of clothing?
- The worst date I've ever had?
- What do I think about politics?
- Where do I see myself in 5 years?
- Have I ever dyed my hair?
- What is the length of my longest romantic relationship?
- Am I for dogs or cats?
- What celebrity would I like to meet?
- Who was my first true love?
- Would I like to be taller or shorter?
- Am I right handed or left handed?
- Who was my first crush?
- What is my best solution?
- Where would I like to go?
- What is my favorite music?
- How did my last relationship end?
- The scariest moment of my life?
How well do you know me? Questions for the family
Are you close to your family? Not sure about the answer? Time to find out! The following questions are perfect for your parents, siblings, or even grandparents. Use the list and find out how well you know your family members and vice versa.
🤓 We offer you: The game "20 Questions" to start a conversation
50 questions, how well do you know me? Questions for the family
- Where do I want to live in 10 years?
- Will I date someone who doesn't like music at all?
- Who is my favorite actress?
- What is my favorite flavor of ice cream?
- What is the most beautiful picture I have ever painted?
- What can I talk about all day?
- What do I think about climate change?
- How did/did I deal with my feelings and emotions as a child?
- Will I date someone who doesn't have books in the house?
- If I had to move to another country, where would I go?
- What am I afraid of?
- Name three things I did today.
- Do I take home leftover food from restaurants?
- How old am I?
- Would I like to lose or gain five kilos?
- Who is my favorite author?
- Am I satisfied/satisfied with my life?
- How did I meet my best friend/girlfriend?
- How much do I earn?
- What is my favorite restaurant?
- When do I usually brush my teeth?
- What is your oldest memory of me?
- What is my favorite color?
- Where do I want to live when you retire?
- How late did I go to bed last night?
- Do I prefer jeans or sweatpants?
- Who is my secret hero?
- What is my favorite weather?
- What was my favorite toy as a child?
- If I had to rename myself, what name would I choose?
- What took me too long to figure it out?
- How could I save the world?
- What would I order from McDonald's?
- What is my favorite city?
- Do I believe in the signs of the zodiac?
- What do I like to do on weekends?
- What are my hidden talents?
- Have I ever been in a fight?
- Have I ever received awards?
- What do I like - rain or snow?
- If I could work anywhere, where would it be?
- What is my favorite sport?
- How tall am I?
- Who is my best friend/best friend?
- What was my favorite TV show as a child?
- What is my favorite restaurant?
- What is my favorite season?
- Do I believe in aliens?
- Who is my favorite actor?
- Who was my first best friend?
How well do you know me? Questions for boyfriend
Do you think that you and your boyfriend know everything about each other? Even every little detail of your life? It's time to find out. These questions are about your first memories together, your family and friends, and your future dreams and hopes.
🤓 We offer you: 250+ questions to get to know someone
50 questions, how well do you know me? Questions for boyfriend
- What would be the perfect birthday present for me?
- Was I brought up in a particular religion?
- Who has more appetite - me or you?
- Which celebrity did I like when I was growing up?
- What is my middle name?
- What are my lifelong dreams?
- What do you think was the first thing I noticed about you?
- How many boyfriends did I have before you?
- What makes me special and unique?
- Do I believe in supernatural things?
- What was my least favorite part of my childhood?
- How many former partners do I have?
- How much time do I spend in front of the mirror each day?
- Who was my role model as a child?
- What is my favorite part of your body?
- How did my last relationship end?
- Do I have allergies?
- My dream date?
- What is my great-grandmother's name?
- When is my father's birthday?
- What is my favorite childhood memory?
- Am I still friends with any of my exes?
- Who is my oldest friend?
- How do I feel about your parents?
- What is my great-grandfather's name?
- My opinion about marriage?
- Would I rather have a successful career or be a housewife?
- Where would I like to go with you?
- What would my dream house look like?
- When is my mother's birthday?
- What is my shoe size?
- How do I drink coffee?
- What are my favorite flowers?
- What was my childhood nickname?
- Where was I born?
- Have I ever gotten into any stupid, embarrassing situations?
- What is my natural hair color?
- Who in my family can't get along with?
- Can I cook?
- What's the nicest thing I've ever done for you?
- What do I think about toys in the bedroom?
- What are my life goals?
- In what position do I sleep?
- What do I love most about you?
- What is my favorite breakfast food?
- Where did we take our first photo together?
- Is it easy to make me jealous?
- How would you describe me in three words?
- If I could witness something past, present or future, what would it be?
- What do I like most about my childhood?
We offer you: Who knows me better?
How well do your couples know each other | SoftTeco Blog
SoftTeco Team continues to share interesting activities for February 14!
Do you think you know your significant other well? It's time to check it out! Take the 40 question test and find out how close you are ;)
How the test works
You will need four sheets of paper and two pens. You will take the test in turn. One asks a question aloud, both silently write down the answer, without looking at each other's papers. For example, a guy asks a girl: "What am I most afraid of?" She writes down her answer: "Heights." In the meantime, you write down your correct version: "Giant Spiders". And so you report on all twenty-five questions. Then turn the papers over and set aside.
Take the next two pieces of paper and follow the same procedure, but with the girl as the defendant. The girl asks: "What am I most afraid of?" You write down your answer, and the girl writes down hers, the correct one. And so on for all questions.
When you have finished asking each other, turn over the papers and compare the results (but first, of course, be horrified by the answers;)). Count the number of exact matches. Accurate in semantic meaning, and not in the form of a statement. For each correct answer - 1 point.
- Where was I born?
- What is my mother's maiden name?
- How old is my mother?
- What was my childhood name? Did I have a nickname?
- What pets did I have when I was young?
- Name my most embarrassing childhood memory
- What musical instruments did I learn to play?
- Name one of my childhood hobbies? What did I collect?
- Did I have chickenpox?
- In which institute, school did I study?
- What subject did I dislike the most at the institute/school?
- What was the name of my best friend / childhood best friend?
- Name my first job.
- What is my favorite spectator sport?
- What kind of sport do I enjoy doing the most?
- What would I like most for dessert?
- Which soft drink do I prefer?
- Name my favorite restaurant, favorite cafe.
- What do I like best on pizza?
- Which actress/actor do I dislike the most?
- Which one do you like best?
- Breakfast, lunch, dinner - what do I like best?
- Name my favorite movie/series.
- Which advertisement annoys me the most?
- Name my favorite singer/singer or band.
- My favorite holiday? And the least favorite?
- What is my favorite color?
- What is my favorite headdress to wear?
- What do I like to read for recreation?
- What social network do I stick to the most?
- Give me my passport number.
- What is my shoe size?
- What is the name of my boss?
- What is my work phone number?
- Have I ever had broken bones?
- Am I allergic to anything?
- What is my blood type?
- How tall am I?
- What gift would I like best?
- What am I most afraid of? Continue the phrase "You hate it when I.
0-10 points:
You are very far apart
How often do you communicate? It may be worth looking up from your phones while spending time together and paying attention to each other. Or ask each other 50 questions for lovers to get to know each other better .
11-20 points:
Hello, strong middle peasants!
You know just enough about each other to sleep well and not embarrass yourself at a family dinner. You certainly can't call you strangers. But you still have an amazing, full of discoveries, magical way of getting to know each other. Walk carefully ;)
Your relationship is to be envied!
And surely many do. But even in this realm of mutual understanding and harmony there is a subtle point: you need to monitor the protection of your personal space. In addition, you can periodically surprise each other with unusual surprises and dates!
You are very, very close
A similar degree of closeness occurs in people who have lived together for decades.