Conduct disorder cause
Conduct Disorder | Johns Hopkins Medicine
What is conduct disorder in children?
Conduct disorder is a type of behavior disorder. It’s when a child has antisocial behavior. He or she may disregard basic social standards and rules. He or she may also:
- Be irresponsible
- Skip school or run away (delinquent behavior)
- Steal or do other things to violate the rights of others
- Physically harm animals or other people, such as committing assault or rape
These behaviors sometimes happen together. But one or more may occur without the others.
What causes conduct disorder in a child?
Experts believe that many factors play a role in conduct disorder. These are:
- Brain damage
- A traumatic event
- Genes
- Child abuse
- Past school failure
- Social problems
Some children with conduct disorders seem to have a problem in the frontal lobe of the brain. This interferes with a child’s ability to plan, stay away from harm, and learn from negative experiences.
Some experts believe that a series of traumatic experiences occurs for a child to develop a conduct disorder. These experiences then often lead to depressed mood, behavior problems, and involvement in a deviant peer group.
Which children are at risk for conduct disorder?
A conduct disorder is more common in boys than in girls. It is also more likely to develop in children or teens who come from homes that are:
- Disadvantaged
- Dysfunctional
- Disorganized
Children with these mental health problems are also more likely to have conduct disorder:
- Mood or anxiety disorders
- Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Substance use disorder
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Learning problems
Children or teens who are considered to have a difficult temperament are more likely to develop behavior problems.
What are the symptoms of conduct disorder in a child?
Most symptoms seen in children with conduct disorder also happen at times in children without this problem. But in children with the disorder, these symptoms occur more often. They also interfere with learning, school adjustment, and sometimes with the child’s relationships.
Each child’s symptoms may vary. But the 4 main groups of behaviors are:
Aggressive conduct
- Intimidating behavior
- Bullying
- Physical fights
- Cruelty to others or animals
- Using a weapon
- Forcing someone into sexual activity, rape, or molestation
Destructive conduct
- Intentionally destroying property (vandalism)
- Arson
- Lying
- Theft
- Shoplifting
- Delinquency
Violation of rules or age-appropriate norms
- Not going to school (truancy)
- Running away
- Pranks
- Mischief
- Very early sexual activity
These symptoms may look like other mental health problems.
Make sure your child sees his or her healthcare provider for a diagnosis.
How is conduct disorder diagnosed in a child?
A child psychiatrist or qualified mental health expert can diagnose a conduct disorder. He or she will talk with parents and teachers about the child’s behavior and may observe the child. In some cases, your child may need mental health testing.
If you notice symptoms of conduct disorder in your child or teen, you can help by seeking a diagnosis right away. Early treatment can often prevent future problems.
How is conduct disorder treated in a child?
Treatment will depend on your child’s symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend on how severe the condition is.
Treatment for conduct disorder may include:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy. A child learns how to better solve problems, communicate, and handle stress. He or she also learns how to control impulses and anger.
- Family therapy.
This therapy helps make changes in the family. It improves communication skills and family interactions.
- Peer group therapy. A child develops better social and interpersonal skills.
- Medicines. These are not often used to treat conduct disorder. But a child may need them for other symptoms or disorders, such as ADHD.
How can I help prevent conduct disorder in my child?
Experts don’t know exactly why some children develop conduct disorder. Things such as a traumatic experience, social problems, and biological factors may be involved. To reduce the risk for this disorder, parents can learn positive parenting strategies. This can help to create a closer parent-child relationship. It can also create a safe and stable home life for the child.
How can I help my child live with conduct disorder?
Early treatment for your child can often prevent future problems. Here are things you can do to help your child:
- Keep all appointments with your child’s healthcare provider.
- Take part in family therapy as needed.
- Talk to your child’s healthcare provider about other providers who will be involved in your child’s care. Your child may get care from a team that may include counselors, therapists, social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists. Your child’s care team will depend on his or her needs and how serious the disorder is.
- Tell others about your child’s conduct disorder. Work with your healthcare provider and schools to develop a treatment plan.
- Reach out for support. Being in touch with other parents who have a child with conduct disorder may be helpful. If you feel overwhelmed or stressed out, talk with your healthcare provider about a support group for caregivers of children with conduct disorder.
When should I call my child’s healthcare provider?
Call your healthcare provider right away if your child:
- Feels extreme depression, fear, anxiety, or anger toward him or herself or others
- Feels out of control
- Hears voices that others don’t hear
- Sees things that others don’t see
- Can’t sleep or eat for 3 days in a row
- Shows behavior that concerns friends, family, or teachers, and others express concern about this behavior and ask you to seek help
Call 911 if your child has suicidal thoughts, a suicide plan, and the means to carry out the plan.
Key points about conduct disorder in children
- Conduct disorder is a type of behavior disorder. It’s when a child has antisocial behavior.
- Both genetic and environmental factors may play a role.
- Children with other mental health problems are more likely to have this disorder.
- Symptoms are divided into 4 main groups. They are aggression, destruction, deceitfulness, and violation of rules.
- Therapy that helps the child interact better with others is the main treatment. Medicines may be needed for other problems, such as ADHD.
Next steps
Tips to help you get the most from a visit to your child’s healthcare provider:
- Know the reason for the visit and what you want to happen.
- Before your visit, write down questions you want answered.
- At the visit, write down the name of a new diagnosis, and any new medicines, treatments, or tests. Also write down any new instructions your provider gives you for your child.
- Know why a new medicine or treatment is prescribed and how it will help your child. Also know what the side effects are.
- Ask if your child’s condition can be treated in other ways.
- Know why a test or procedure is recommended and what the results could mean.
- Know what to expect if your child does not take the medicine or have the test or procedure.
- If your child has a follow-up appointment, write down the date, time, and purpose for that visit.
- Know how you can contact your child’s provider after office hours. This is important if your child becomes ill and you have questions or need advice.
Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment
What are Conduct Disorders?
Conduct disorder refers to a group of behavioral and emotional problems characterized by a disregard for others. Children with conduct disorder have a difficult time following rules and behaving in a socially acceptable way. Their behavior can be hostile and sometimes physically violent.
In their earlier years, they may show early signs of aggression, including pushing, hitting and biting others. Adolescents and teens with conduct disorder may move into more serious behaviors, including bullying, hurting animals, picking fights, theft, vandalism and arson.
Children with conduct disorder can be found across all races, cultures and socioeconomic groups. They often have other mental health issues as well that may contribute to the development of the conduct disorder. The disorder is more prevalent in boys than girls.
What Symptoms Should Parents Look for?
There are four basic types of behavior that characterize conduct disorder:
- Physical aggression (such as cruelty toward animals, assault or rape).
- Violating others’ rights (such as theft or vandalism).
- Lying or manipulation.
- Delinquent behaviors (such as truancy or running away from home).
Conduct disorder is characterized by aggression toward others and a callous disregard for their rights and needs. Adolescents and teens with conduct disorder can find acts of aggression, deceit and coercion to be gratifying. Your child may meet the criteria for conduct disorder if you find them engaging in several of the below behaviors:
- Bullying or threatening behavior
- Physical aggression
- Cruelty toward people or animals
- Fire-setting
- Breaking curfew
- Truancy from home or school
- Trespassing
- Lying
- Cheating
- Stealing
- Vandalism
- Emotionally or physically abusive behaviors (such as wielding a deadly weapon or forcing sex)
Many young people with conduct disorder will have trouble:
- Feeling and expressing empathy or remorse.
- Showing emotion toward others.
- Performing well in the school or community and blaming others for poor performance.
They often misinterpret the actions of others as being hostile or aggressive. They respond by escalating the situation into verbal or physical conflict.
In adolescents and teens, conduct disorder may be associated with other difficulties, including:
- Substance use.
- Risk-taking behavior.
- School problems.
- Physical injury from accidents or fights.
In younger children, it can be more of a challenge to distinguish signs of conduct disorder from more typical “acting out".
At times, these same symptoms can be seen in children without the disorder. The difference is frequency, intensity, and duration, as well as to what extent it impacts their functioning. In children with conduct disorder, these behaviors happen much more frequently.
What Causes Conduct Disorder in Children?
Many factors seem to contribute to this disorder. Research has found that children and teens with conduct disorder seem to have an impairment in the frontal lobe of the brain. This interferes with their ability to plan, avoid harm, and learn from negative experiences.
In addition, these factors seem to put children and teens at a higher risk to develop conduct disorder:
- Having experienced abuse, parental rejection or neglect.
- Being diagnosed with other psychiatric disorders.
- Biological parents diagnosed with ADHD, alcohol use disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia.
- Poor nutrition.
- Living in poverty.
- Maternal psychopathology.
- Poor parenting / lack of parental involvement.
- Inconsistent, overly harsh, or otherwise ineffective discipline.
- Exposure to violence.
- Peer delinquency.
- Having been subjected to physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse.
- Lack of adequate parental or other adult supervision.
How is Conduct Disorder Diagnosed and Treated?
A child psychiatrist, psychologist, or other qualified mental health professional usually diagnoses conduct disorders in children and teens by completing:
- A detailed history of the child's behavior, as well as relevant biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors, which are identified during a clinical interview with the child and caregiver(s).
- A review of historical data such as school records, court/child welfare records, past treatment records, and interviews with collaterals.
- Additional information can also be obtained via the following:
- Observations of the child's behavior.
- Psychological testing.
Treatment can be complex and challenging. And it can last for several months. Children with conduct disorder tend to be uncooperative with others. They often fear and distrust adults. And adding to the complication is the fact that conduct disorder is often (but not always) diagnosed along with a number of other psychological conditions.
Treatment for conduct disorder may include:
- Multisystemic therapy: Intensive, often home- or community-based interventions to promote positive behavior change in the youth’s environment. Treatment relies heavily on family and school involvement.
- Family therapy.
- Medication.
Conduct disorder can be difficult to overcome. But it is manageable. The earlier the treatment is started after symptoms appear, the more successful it is likely to be.
As with many psychiatric disorders, early intervention is key.
Treatment of conduct disorders in Moscow. Symptoms, causes, methods
I tried spice and got hooked. When the parents found out, they immediately sent him for treatment. The clinic treated me very kindly. They quickly and clearly explained how quickly I could lose my health. Now I understand how careless and stupid I was. I am very grateful to the doctors and my family.
This spring, a tragedy happened in my family. For a long time and constantly drinking, her husband began to become an inveterate drunkard catastrophically quickly. This threatened the loss of a job, the loss of everything that was earned by a long and successful service - authority, respect from colleagues, friends, family, and most importantly, physical and mental health. We turned to the Unika+ clinic to get him out of the binge. They put the spouse in the clinic and prescribed a course of treatment. He has not been drinking for three months, he is in a good mood, he fulfills all the prescriptions of our doctor. Many thanks to the specialists of the clinic!
A close friend suffered from hard drinking for quite a long time - several years. There was no one closer to me. His wife left a long time ago, he did not communicate with the children. Barely managed to persuade to be treated. They called a doctor to the house, who advised to go to the clinic. I had to be transported to the clinic by hospital transport, accompanied by a narcologist. Thanks to the staff. Treatment has not yet been completed, but strong progress is visible.
I am very grateful to the Lord God, my family and the staff of the clinic. It happened - I became a different person. But already at work they threatened with dismissal, and my wife endured my drinking with the last of her strength. They brought me here in a semi-conscious state. He left as a cheerful and self-confident person.
My niece is addicted to spice. Parents didn't notice right away. Were in shock. She persuaded me to go to the clinic. The doctors persuaded me to lie down, clean myself, and a psychologist, Safarov Rustam (a specialist and just a good sympathetic person), joined in the process. After discharge, she herself asked to be like an outpatient monthly program. Everyone is happy. The girl was cured, thank you!
For a long time I did not want to admit to myself that I was addicted to alcohol. We often celebrate birthdays at work. I did not want to break away from the team. And rolled down the slope. Schoolchildren began to be ashamed of me. The wife signed up for a family consultation at the clinic. Finally, I came to my senses and realized: this should not continue. He stayed in the clinic for 5 days, and went on an outpatient basis for 3 days. Many thanks to the staff - Natalya Aleksandrovna Koshel, Rustam Zelemkhanovich and all the junior staff for their professionalism and goodwill. The conditions are excellent.
Wonderful clinic, attentive, pleasant staff, very helpful to people who find themselves in a difficult situation. The conditions in the clinic are comfortable. I express my gratitude to Mikhail Vasilievich, he is a doctor from God, I recommend!
I would like to express my gratitude for the warm attitude of doctors and staff to our patients, I am very grateful for the comfort and good care of my brother, whom we sent to you for treatment. Many thanks to his doctor Natalya Anatolyevna, for saving me, you give a second life. Thank you!
Thank you very much to the clinic for the individual approach to my son and professional treatment. I also want to thank the doctor Krasilnikov Dmitry Sergeevich. The son entered the clinic in poor condition, drinking alcohol for about 2 months somewhere. We received urgent professional and psychological assistance. We are 100% satisfied with the clinic. We will recommend you to our friends.
I would like to thank the doctors of the Unika+ clinic! Now that I'm all right, I want to leave a good review. In short: the first days I wondered why there is such a kind, homely attitude, it even surprised me. But the doctors really penetrate our problems, help, talk, I did not feel flawed, there was a desire to live. I completed the full course - 21 days. The days passed not so painfully, because you go for walks without any problems, talk with psychologists, get treatment and already start making plans. In general, undergo treatment and restore your life!
I am an alcoholic, yes I abused alcohol. Thanks to my relatives for getting me here on time, I would not have been able to stop it all myself. I have not regretted a single day that I went here for treatment. The experts were very helpful. Special thanks to psychiatrist Dadashev R.Kh. The doctor became like a family to me, as a person she is just wonderful, it was a pleasure to talk with her. She listened to me, asked questions, gave advice. If you want 100% results, then go see her!
Thank you very much Dr. Saakov! I visited Alexander Arsenievich for the third time. His professionalism is visible, a very competent doctor, he always listens and gives competent recommendations, I am pleased to communicate with him! I trust my doctor, not for a second doubting the recommendations and prescribed medications, thank you!
I was treated at this clinic because I had problems with alcohol. There were problems with my husband, he cheated on me and only alcohol helped me. I thought so then. As a result, my husband brought me to the clinic. When I entered the clinic, it was scary. But the doctor was very kind and told me everything and reassured me. They put me on drips, the medical staff here is excellent. The psychologist Anatoly Maletsky came to me, I am very grateful to him for the psychological support. Many thanks to the clinic and the doctor.
I want to say a huge thank you to all the medical staff, everyone treated our situation with understanding. Many thanks to Safarov Rustam Zelemkhanovich, because only thanks to his help we were able to save my husband. the doctor not only listened to me and my husband, but also helped us cope with our misfortune. People take care of yourself, do not use drugs! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!
Thanks to the UNIQA clinic, you helped pull my friend out of the bottom and set him on the right path. Wonderful job, doctors are professionals in their field! You do not just treat, you really set the brains! It's been about a year now, you can't recognize your friend, he's in a relationship, the wedding is coming soon, he's found a great job! Thank you from all of us!
causes, symptoms and treatment at the Family Doctor clinic in Moscow
Clinic doctors
Behavioral disorders (CD) in children are considered deviations from the age norm, expressed as a mismatch of behavior with accepted norms for a long time. This is one of the most common childhood psychiatric problems. It is found in 5% of children, more often in boys. Behavioral patterns of children negatively affect others. Family members, acquaintances, kindergarten teachers, school teachers suffer.
Pathology is considered incurable, but the diagnosis is made carefully, since along with the disorder there are also the usual periods of disobedience, which completely disappear as they grow older with proper upbringing. It is still not clear whether RP is considered a mental illness, but it is necessary to engage in correction and it is better to do this under the guidance of a psychotherapist.
Causes of conduct disorder in children
The development of pathology is based on hormonal and metabolic imbalance, which makes it difficult to transmit nerve impulses, disrupts the balance of the processes of inhibition and excitation. Proper upbringing can neutralize biological prerequisites, the intervention of risk factors increase the likelihood of developing pathology.
Table 1. Risk factors
Risk factor | Description |
Features of the psyche | Emotional lability, low self-esteem, tendency to blame, inability to analyze cause and effect relationships. |
Burdened heredity | At least one parent suffers from a mental illness, demonstrates antisocial behavior, has an addiction or neurosis. |
Strained family relationships | Parental quarrels, divorce, the appearance of a stepfather or stepmother, cold relations, distancing from children, severe discipline or lack of it. |
low intelligence | Inability to organize and plan their activities, adequately assess what is happening. |
Pedagogical neglect | Parents and teachers take insufficient part in the life of the child, give him little attention. |
Destructive social relations | Poor organization of the educational or educational process, bullying, ethnic disunity. |
Poverty, poor living conditions are not independent causes of violations of the behavior of children, however, in those areas where teenage groups encourage theft, robbery, violence, absenteeism, parasitism - RP is recorded more often.
The classification is given in accordance with ICD-10.
Table 2. Classification of RP
Disorder | Characteristic |
Only in the family | The disorder manifests itself only in the family, with external contacts the child behaves adequately. |
Unsocialized | Aggression is directed at other people, more often peers. |
socialized | Offenses and antisocial actions as part of a group. At the same time, within the group, the person does not feel discomfort. |
Opposition | Expressed disobedience, the desire to do the opposite. There is no aggression or crime. |
Least severe behavioral disorders
The mildest forms of pathology include oppositional disorder and RP, limited to the family.
Oppositional RPs are often found in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. Children easily lose self-control, get irritated for any reason, are constantly offended. They blame others for their own failures, do not admit their mistakes. Prone to rudeness, deliberately annoy, do everything out of spite. They are considered rebels and provocateurs, but they are not characterized by antisocial actions, cruelty and aggression.
RPs within a family usually have a specific reason: divorce of parents, the appearance of a stepmother or stepfather, the birth of a younger child, adoption. Children become aggressive, act rudely and cruelly towards one or more family members. They spoil things, steal, fight, shout, they can organize arson or flooding. At the same time, they behave normally outside the family, so neighbors, educators, and teachers do not know about the problem.
Symptoms of conduct disorder in children
Three main symptoms
- aggressiveness;
- antisocial activity;
- unwillingness to listen to adults.
Short-term similar symptoms can appear in healthy children, we are talking about the disease only with prolonged and excessive manifestation of symptoms.
Table 3. Group of behavioral pathologies
Groups | Description |
Open destruction | Robbery, fights, scandals, intimidation, aggression towards animals and people, hooliganism. |
Hidden destruction | Arson, vandalism, lying, theft, self-harm, vagrancy, suicidal tendencies. |
Hidden non-destructive | Use of obscenities, drug addiction, absenteeism, alcoholism. |
Behavioral disorders in children are not character traits, they are deviations from the norm. They require systemic long-term treatment. Otherwise, they will turn into psychopathy, which will drastically lower the standard of living of a person, will not make it possible to achieve success at work and in the family.
Left untreated, RP leads to psychopathy. Young men become aggressive, lead an antisocial lifestyle, are prone to violence, alcoholism, drug addiction, and can commit crimes both alone and as part of a group. Girls can act in the same way as boys, lead a dissolute lifestyle. In most cases, these people cannot get an education, a profession, create a family or save it, often do not work, get a criminal record.
Diagnosis of child behavior disorders
With a problem, you need to contact a child psychiatrist or psychotherapist. The doctor will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, including a conversation with parents and the child, observation of behavior, psychodiagnostics.
Questionnaires are used for psychodiagnostics. Parents mark the points with which they agree, given the situation over the past six months.
1 questionnaire
The child often:
- argues;
- vicious, vengeful;
- purposefully annoying others;
- shows anger, indignation;
- "goes out of himself";
- does not obey the rules;
- offended;
- transfers the blame to others.
If at least four signs are found, behavioral disorders in the child are suspected.
Questionnaire 2
Child in the last 6 months:
- set fire to someone else's property;
- skipped classes;
- incited to sex;
- ran away from home at least twice;
- committed robbery;
- often did not spend the night at home and did not warn about it;
- abused animals;
- was cruel to people;
- lied;
- fought with weapons;
- participated in hacking cars, houses;
- provoked fights;
- threatened, intimidated;
- destroyed other people's things.
Conduct disorder is suspected based on three positive responses.
Conduct disorder in a child. Treatment at the clinic "Family Doctor"
Pathology is treated by a pediatric psychiatrist, psychotherapist. Treatment is selected individually. They use medications, behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, work with parents is underway.
Working with children: drug therapy, diet, behavior modification, psychotherapy sessions, training for teenagers.
Working with families: family psychotherapy, psychological support, parenting efficiency training.
Timely correction of violations of children's behavior usually leads to good results. The prognosis is negative with aggravated heredity, the inability of the family to comply with the doctor's recommendations.
You can sign up for a consultation with a child psychotherapist by phone number +7 (495) 775 75 66, through a special online appointment form or at the clinic reception.