How to lose weight while on antidepressants

How To Lose Weight Gain Due To Antidepressants

  • Overview
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
  • How to lose weight after antidepressants
  • The lowdown

Depression is a serious illness that can affect many people. Around 13% of Americans over age 12 were prescribed antidepressants between 2011 and 2014, and in 2019, 7.8% of American adults were diagnosed with major depressive disorder¹ ².

One of the mainstays of treatment for depression is a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). These are highly effective in depression management but, unfortunately, one of the side effects can be weight gain.

If you are struggling with weight gain as a result of antidepressant medication, read on to find out how you can limit or reverse this problem.

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SSRIs are among the most commonly prescribed antidepressants in the US. They are used to treat moderate to severe depression and are generally safe and well tolerated³.

SSRIs increase serotonin availability in your brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that carries messages between the neurons in your brain and is necessary for your brain to function optimally.

Examples of widely-used SSRIs are:

  • Lexapro

  • Zoloft 

  • Prozac 

  • Paxil 

  • Celexa

Weight gain is a recognized side effect of long-term SSRI use⁴.

Different SSRIs cause varying degrees of weight gain, but a review of multiple studies found that most SSRIs (Lexapro, Zoloft, Prozac, and Paxil) caused, on average, weight gain of around 4.5lbs during clinical treatment⁵.

The reasons for SSRIs causing weight gain are not clearly understood, although there is some evidence that they may stimulate appetite⁶. In addition, Citalopram has been shown to cause carbohydrate cravings, which can lead to weight gain⁷.

Weight gain may not always be entirely due to SSRI treatment. One of the symptoms of depression can be decreased appetite and resulting weight loss. Once the depression is treated, appetite returns to normal and weight can return to what it was. Some people might inaccurately attribute this weight gain to the medication instead of the fact that their depression is resolving.

If you have gained weight after taking antidepressants, it’s very important that you don’t just stop your treatment. It can be dangerous to suddenly stop taking SSRIs rather than gradually weaning off the treatment. Untreated depression is also dangerous. Instead, consider one of the following options: 

1. Change medication

Some antidepressants aren’t linked to weight gain. It may be possible for your doctor to prescribe an alternative one, if appropriate. If your weight gain is really bothering you, talk to your doctor about trying a different brand.

2. Look at your lifestyle

One study on SSRI use and weight gain found that weight gain was more likely in people who also had a Western diet, were sedentary, and smoked⁸. Making some changes to your lifestyle could limit the weight gain caused by your antidepressant.

Western diets are characterized by a high daily intake of saturated fats and refined carbohydrates. Interestingly, a Western diet has also been suggested to cause symptoms of depression through its disruption of the gut microbiome⁹.

Switching to a Mediterranean diet - one which includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and fish - may not only reverse the weight gain caused by your antidepressant but also help to treat the symptoms of your depression.

3. Get active

Starting an exercise routine may have a double benefit: not only might it help you get rid of any extra weight, but it might also help manage your depression.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 225-420 minutes of physical activity per week to achieve clinically significant weight loss and 150-250 minutes per week to prevent weight gain¹⁰. Aiming for these exercise goals while you are on antidepressant medication may help to negate the weight gain side-effect of your medication.

Exercise not only benefits the body but also benefits the mind. A 2011 review found that exercise is equivalent to antidepressant medications as a first-line treatment for mild to moderate depression. It has also been shown to improve depressive symptoms when used in conjunction with antidepressant medications¹¹.

4. Get a good night’s sleep

Chronic sleep disruption has been linked to weight gain and obesity¹². Practicing good sleep hygiene and focusing on getting eight hours of good quality sleep each night will help to ensure that you don’t pack on extra pounds.

Since sleep disruption has been linked to depression¹³, getting a good night’s sleep will not only help you with weight control but also with managing your depression.

Depression is relatively prevalent in the US and is commonly successfully treated with antidepressant medication.

The most widely prescribed antidepressants are SSRIs. Unfortunately, mild to modest (average 4.5lbs) weight gain has been associated with the use of SSRIs.

You can limit the weight gain side-effect of SSRIs by following a healthy diet high in unprocessed foods, keeping active, and getting a good night’s sleep.

How can I lose weight while on antidepressants?

I am exercising and eating well and still can't seem to shed the pounds. I am on antidepressants. What can I do?

Losing weight is often a struggle, especially when a person is also living with a mood disorder. The causes are multiple. Increased appetite and carbohydrate craving, along with reduced activity level, are common symptoms of depression. And yes, certain antidepressants and other medications may increase appetite. However, most medications do not alter metabolism, per se. Thus, weight loss can still occur when attention is given to other factors, including the composition and timing of dietary intake.

Eating more frequently and smaller amounts, increasing the relative amount of protein eaten (people generally feel more “full” when eating high protein content foods), reducing breads and starches, eating a healthful breakfast, and avoiding large meals or snacks late in the evening can provide a more balanced diet throughout the entire day.

If one believes their current efforts to lose weight should be more productive, a consultation with a nutritionist may be helpful. If that isn’t possible, keeping a written log of one’s consumption may provide clues to problem areas and reinforce better dietary habits. In particular, check out the nutritional content of commonly eaten foods and foods believed to be “healthy”.

Several readily available websites and phone apps list nutritional information for prepared and restaurant food items, and provide logs for recording consumption. We are often unaware of the hidden calories in many foods we eat. Even so-called “low fat” or “no fat” foods may be loaded with empty carbohydrates. Soft drinks, sport drinks, energy bars, restaurant salads and salad dressings may contain excessive amounts of sugar. Alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer are also loaded with carbohydrates and are a source of excessive calorie intake for some individuals.

Another critical ingredient for weight loss is exercise. Increasing both aerobic exercise and strength training, ideally four times a week for a minimum of 30 to 45 minutes, can increase muscle tone and metabolism and reduce fat stores. Regular exercise has also been shown to reduce risk for depression relapse when combined with a stable medication regimen. If one is already exercising regularly, changing up your routine and challenging your body in novel ways with repeated bursts of exertion can make your work-outs more efficient.

Chronic, low-grade sleep deprivation is another contributor to obesity. Skipping sleep leads to persistently elevated levels of the body’s stress hormone, which can cause elevated blood sugar levels and increased fat stores. Staying up late may also make one more prone to late night snacking.

Lastly, a person carefully tending to all the above yet still gaining weight should consult their physician. Certain medical conditions such as thyroid abnormalities can cause weight gain as well as complicate depression.

How to lose weight while taking antidepressants?

How to lose weight with ...

43 answers




don't understand that the pills have blown you up to the size of a ball. here you gain 2 kilos and that's it - depression and heaviness. therefore, you need the usual advice: the right fuel that gives energy, but not fattening and a lot of activity every day. 20 thousand steps of activity should wind up every day. in six months - a year the fat will go away.




The drug is good, copes with depression.



Good afternoon. I have been taking antidepressants for three years now. On the contrary, I lost 20 kg. Antidepressants do not have the side effect of weight gain. I asked my psychotherapist.



The author, I'm sorry for the question. What is the name of the drug?





# 11



You need to switch to another drug. Some drugs promote weight gain such as remeron, amitriptyline, paxil. nine0113 And some for weight loss such as Fluoxetine, Ixel, Cymbalta.
Talk to your doctor about switching to another antidepressant.


Guest .
True, it costs somewhere around 3900 for a month of admission.



What is your dosage of amitriptyline? How much per day do you take? November 16, 2020 He (the doctor) really does not like amateur performances terribly. His opinion is the only true)




50 mg, tablet in the morning and evening. nine0003




Then change the doctor, this is unacceptable for a serious weight gain on the Aristiptiline and does nothing. If you take it, you will definitely earn type 2 diabetes for yourself. Then you will take metformin all your life and go on a diet. November 16, 2020 Are they not accepted by the course? nine0003



We have the only psychiatrist on campus. I must go to Nizhny Novgorod. My mom is diabetic and it's scary. November 16, 2020
At such dosages, it has a very weak effect.
If it helps you in such ultra-low dosages, then you have mild depression. nine0113 Normal doctors prescribe amitriptyline only for severe depression. The dosages there are appropriate.
In your case, you need to change this drug, any antidepressant in therapeutic dosages will be stronger than 50 mg of amitriptyline.
But I would change the same doctor, because 50 mg of amitriptyline and without first trying drugs of the SSRI class could only be prescribed by a not very competent doctor

Woman. ru experts

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  • Maxim Sorokin

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  • nine0002 Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh


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  • Letosheva Tati

    Expert in Eastern practices

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  • nine0002 Anna Antonchik

    Female psychologist

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  • Ekaterina Golikova


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In general, when taking amitriptyline, a patient prone to weight gain should adhere to a strict diet.
You need to count calories and not exceed your daily requirement. And it is better to have a small deficit (200-400 kilo calories). It is necessary to completely exclude foods with a high glycemic index and limit foods with an average.
Preference should be given to lean meat, fish - you need more protein less carbohydrates. From carbohydrates - buckwheat, cabbage, brown rice (normal should be severely limited). nine0113 No sweets, bread, potatoes, sweet fruits, sugar, sweet drinks, honey, etc.



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Good afternoon. I have been taking antidepressants for three years now. On the contrary, I lost 20 kg. Antidepressants do not have the side effect of weight gain. I asked my psychotherapist.






I PIS ANTIDEPESSENTS WITH THE more 10 years and more than 10 years and more than 10 years and more I can say for sure that they are recovering from them and all of my friends have encountered this. It's just that everyone has their own set of weights. Personally, I have 7 kg for all these years. Gradually. nine0003



Interesting, and the weight gain from the tricyclics is true? in yourself? or some other reason, don't you think?



The therapist told me that the weight gain is not from the drugs themselves, but from food, and when taking certain antidepressants, appetite increases. It seems to me that in addition to appetite, the metabolism also slows down and it is more difficult to lose weight, so it is important to monitor nutrition. And regular physical loads never interfere, they also help to cope with depression, if it is not too strong. nine0003



Good afternoon. I have been taking antidepressants for three years now. On the contrary, I lost 20 kg. Antidepressants do not have the side effect of weight gain. I asked my psychotherapist.



Good afternoon. I have been taking antidepressants for three years now. On the contrary, I lost 20 kg. Antidepressants do not have the side effect of weight gain. I asked my psychotherapist. nine0003



Hello. This is an excerpt from the annotation - "On the part of the digestive system: nausea, heartburn, vomiting, gastralgia, increased or decreased appetite (increase or decrease in body weight), stomatitis, change in taste, diarrhea, darkening of the tongue; rarely - impaired liver function, cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis. " You just got lucky apparently)

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Good afternoon. I have been taking antidepressants for three years now. On the contrary, I lost 20 kg. Antidepressants do not have the side effect of weight gain. I asked my psychotherapist.



Good afternoon. I have been taking antidepressants for three years now. On the contrary, I lost 20 kg. Antidepressants do not have the side effect of weight gain. I asked my psychotherapist.



Good afternoon. I have been taking antidepressants for three years now. On the contrary, I lost 20 kg. Antidepressants do not have the side effect of weight gain. I asked my psychotherapist.



What is your dosage of amitriptyline? How much per day do you take?



Good afternoon. I have been taking antidepressants for three years now. On the contrary, I lost 20 kg. Antidepressants do not have the side effect of weight gain. I asked my psychotherapist. nine0003







also fired at 200002

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Lose weight while (or after) taking antidepressants

Lose weight while (or . ..) Remove





Angel, Fluoxetine?



9000 2012, 23:37




Alena! for me now the main thing is to stop drinking this muck, I have depra and insomnia without them. nine0003




I accept neuroleptics and antidepressants for 2 years by 35 kg !!! I tried everything - not to eat, a gym, a swimming pool, all sorts of massages, thermotherapy and pressotherapy - NOTHING HELPS. because these pills increase the hormone prolactin, now I drink dostinex to reduce prolactin. then I'll try to lose weight again .... and the best way to NOT DRINK these fucking pills is all the fat from them !!! nine0003





2222222 Alena! I have the same problem, I gained 30 kg! Let's lose weight together and share successes! But for me now the main thing is to stop drinking this muck, I have depression and insomnia without them. when extra 30 kg? nine0003



On the contrary, there are antidepressants that make you lose weight because they contain substances that satisfy hunger, that is, if you want to eat, you drink a pill and hunger disappears, checked for hunger In my experience, I lost 4 kg in three days, this is bad, I don’t advise them to drink for weight loss, I just have a life situation that forces them to drink



Please tell me what they are called? September 25, 2019 I have gained 30 kg from them in a month. I drank different ones and dripped, caloli. I still drink. I still can’t quit. but the weight is neither minus nor plus. that's how I scored 30 and that's it. let's look for something, let's look for it together. The doctor advised me SIOFOR-850 for diabetics to drink it. but since we gained weight, she said too. It's easier to speak in the water. nine0003



what if the doctor insists?? I have been taking antipsychotics for 4 years, now I have an extra 15 kg, and nothing helps either!



if the guest insists

? I have been taking antipsychotics for 4 years, now I have an extra 15 kg, and nothing helps either!




On the contrary, there are antidepressants that make you lose weight, because they have substances that make you hungry, because they contain substances a pill and hunger disappears, tested on my own experience in three days I gave up 4 kg, this is bad, I don’t advise them to drink for weight loss, I just have a life situation that forces them to drink

Experts Woman. ru

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    Expert in Eastern practices

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  • nine0002 Anna Antonchik

    Female psychologist

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  • Ekaterina Golikova


    48 answers



You may need to change your antidepressant to fix your problem. I will recommend you good medicines. For depression, I use Phenibut from the USA from SNS Smart Powders or Fluoxetine from the same company. I bought without a prescription in sports nutrition. Phenibut is available in dosages of 300 and 500 mg. Fluoxetine 20 mg. Both drugs work well. If you buy, then take them. 04 November 2021 nine0003



Evchik, I read that it is extremely difficult to lose weight while taking antidepressants, because the metabolism changes and the metabolic syndrome develops, i.e. Your body is gearing up to store fat. I gained 8 kg in two years of taking it, although I try to follow the diet ... I really hope that I will be able to lose weight after stopping the antidepressant.



What kind of nonsense, I am from antidepressi in front of my eyes))

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There are antidepressants from which you are losing weight because there are substances that quench hunger, that is, if you want to eat, drink a tablet with a tablet and hunger disappears, tested on my own experience in three days I threw 4 kg, this is bad, I don’t advise them to drink for weight loss, I just have a life situation that forces them to drink



On the contrary, there are antidepressants that make you lose weight because they contain substances that satisfy hunger, that is, if you want to eat, you drink a pill, it is checked and hunger disappears in my experience, I lost 4 kg in three days, this is bad, I don’t advise them to drink for weight loss, I just have a life situation that forces them to drink

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