How stoic are you quiz
Stoic Personality Test - Personality Quizzes
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Take this Stoic Personality test to find out your personality. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.
Stoicism was one of the Hellenistic period’s new intellectual movements. The name comes from the porch (stoa poikilê) of Athens’ Agora, which was covered with mural paintings and where the school’s lectures were given. Unlike the word ‘epicurean,’ the connotation of the English adjective ‘stoic’ is not completely deceptive in terms of its philosophical antecedents.
The Stoics did believe that feelings such as fear or envy (or strong sexual attachments or passionate love of anything) were or came from incorrect judgments and that the sage – a person who had gained moral and intellectual perfection – would not experience them. Seneca and Epictetus, later Stoics of Roman Imperial times, emphasize the beliefs (already important to the early Stoics’ teachings) that the sage is completely immune to misfortune and that virtue is sufficient for happiness.
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The private journals of one of Rome’s greatest emperors, the personal letters of one of Rome’s best playwrights and smartest power brokers, and the lectures of a former slave and exile who became an influential teacher. Against all odds, these remarkable documents have survived for almost two millennia. They contain some of the greatest wisdom in human history, and they form the foundation of what is known as Stoicism—an ancient philosophy that was once one of the most popular civic disciplines in the West, practiced by the rich and the poor, the powerful and the struggling alike in the pursuit of the Good Life.
If you’ve read Cormac McCarthy’s dark and beautiful novel All the Pretty Horses, you’ll remember Emilio Perez’s essential question to John Grady, one that gets to the heart of life and what we all need to do to live a life worth living. Also, you must try to play this Stoic personality test.
“The world wants to know if you’re brave. If you’re daring?”
The Stoics may have put it differently. Seneca would declare that he pitied individuals who had never suffered sorrow. “You have gone through life without an opponent,” he added, “and no one, not even you, knows what you are capable of.”
The world wants to know what category you belong in, which is why it will periodically throw you into difficult situations. Consider these not as annoyances or as tragedies, but as opportunities, as questions to be answered. Do I have guts? Is it true that I am brave? Is this a problem I’m going to address or one I’m going to avoid? Will I be able to stand or will I be rolled over?
Allow your acts to leave a mark on the record—and remind you why courage is the most important thing.
About the quiz
Stoicism is either unknown or misunderstood by all but the most ardent seekers of wisdom. This dynamic, action-oriented, paradigm-shifting manner of life has become shorthand for “emotionlessness” for the typical individual.
Given that the very idea of philosophy makes most people nervous or bored, “Stoic philosophy” appears to be the last thing anyone would want to learn about, let alone urgently require in their daily lives.
It’s difficult to think of a word that has been treated more unfairly by the English language than “Stoic.” Stoicism, in its proper position, is a tool for self-mastery, endurance, and wisdom: something one utilizes to live a wonderful life, rather than some arcane subject of academic investigation. Many of history’s great minds, including George Washington, Walt Whitman, Frederick the Great, Eugène Delacroix, Adam Smith, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Jefferson, Matthew Arnold, Ambrose Bierce, Theodore Roosevelt, William Alexander Percy, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, not only recognized Stoicism for what it is but sought it out. The Stoics were read, studied, cited, or admired by all. The ancient Stoics were no slouches either. The names you’ll see in our daily email meditations on this site—Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Seneca—belong to a Roman emperor, a former slave who triumphed to become a prominent lecturer and friend of the emperor Hadrian, and a famous playwright and political counselor, respectively.
What have all of these and countless more brilliant men and women discovered in Stoicism that others have overlooked? A lot of it. First and foremost, it provides much-needed strength, insight, and stamina for all of life’s problems.
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How to build resilience using stoicism – plus take our quiz
History is studded with stoics; those inspiring thinkers, inventors and leaders who adapted their perception, actions and will in order to succeed. Historians even believe that many of these people wouldn’t have risen to greatness at all without a whole load of woe to wade through.
Abraham Lincoln’s lifelong battle with depression is believed to have given him the tenacity and courage to fight slavery in the US. Edison’s commitment to hard work, epitomised in his famous remark, “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work,” made him America’s greatest inventor.
And Suffragettes, such as Emmeline Pankhurst, endured imprisonment, violence and ridicule to ultimately change history for women.
Using adversity as a source of strength can be seen in the triumphs of our modern paralympians and injured military heroes too, and closer to home in our own empathetic responses to humanitarian crises and terrorist incidents. It seems we all have the ability to respond to even the worst of events with something powerfully constructive.
How stoic are you? Take our personality test
What surfing can teach us about resilience
Jon Kabat-Zinn, the mindfulness expert, said of life, “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf”. We can’t splash out into the sea and ride right back to shore first time. First we must develop our core muscles and balance, build resilience to going underwater and shake off any bruises and wet sand we endure. Stoicism is like surfing.
It takes persistence and practice. We face both big waves and no waves in life, we go under and we come up again gasping. With determination, we get back on the board. Sometimes the waves are violent, we are hurt and it takes us time to recover.
But each time we clamber up again we’ve learned something new. Perhaps something practical, but more likely something about ourselves. And, like the determined surfer, we can pick up our board, wiser, ready for the next wave.
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Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.
Serenity prayer
Put stoicism into practice
It’s natural to feel rattled by life’s problems. After all, our survival on this planet is down to ancestors who were hardwired to fight or flight when danger was imminent. We’re still geared to respond to any threat like startled pheasants.
However, it’s worth remembering that pheasants often run out into the road. We don’t have to – instead, we can switch to stoic. In his inspirational book, The Obstacle is the Way, media strategist Ryan Holiday, (whose ideas are used by Twitter and Google) distils the philosophy into three practical steps that anyone can apply in their everyday lives.
3 steps to stoicism
However much you might flap and yap, the problem really hasn’t arisen from fate, bad luck, destiny, the ‘fact’ that this sort of thing always happens to you, or the alignment of the stars in the sky. It’s an event, making it as indifferent as the rain. And as soon as you ditch your diva and start to see it that way, your options increase.
Once you’ve taken that first healthy step back by changing how you look at the crisis, Holiday emphasises choosing the ‘right action’ to deal with it. Simply put, that’s doing something that is actually likely to help.
Next time you’re faced with frustration, think through the problem logically. ‘Would swallowing my pride lead to a better outcome? Can I break the problem down into smaller steps? Should I try again? Could I settle for something short-term in order to achieve my long-term goal?’
Once you’ve considered all of these things, you’ll know which is the right action to take. And, remember, even deciding to do nothing may be the best option.
Perception and the right action often lead to success when things go wrong, but sometimes the problem is bigger than we are. And this is where the stoic’s third, and perhaps most valuable, step comes in. Will – the ability to accept that there are times when you can’t make things better and that simply wishing with all your heart that you could isn’t going to change a thing.
Everyone has problems like this. That’s life. But, as Holiday points out, it is in accepting our limitations and adjusting to them that we are able to learn and keep going.
Take this test and find out how strong your character is
in Psychological tests, Personality and character tests
published Psychologist
Each person chooses his own path in life. And the success of the path depends on the strength of character. Are you strong or soft? Or maybe in your character there is a balance between strength and softness? Answer the test questions and find out.
When there is time
I don't work at all
Never say never.
Did not skydive
Would not take in a homeless animal
Could not hit someone in the face
I wouldn't call my mother and say: "I love you"
Would not show tears to other people
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1.1k Points
Yes No
singlepagepsychologystrength of charactertestcharacter
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You see that your colleague is sad. How to cheer him up?
I will offer my help, I will do things for him
I will compliment him and say something funny
I will joke about his mood. Better with sarcasm
You play chess with your younger brother, but he plays badly. Will you give in to it?
Yes, don't upset him!
No, but I will explain the rules to him and help him
No way! I will enjoy my triumph!
You were unexpectedly given a bonus. What will you spend it on?
I will give something valuable to my parents or relatives
I will spend part on myself, part I will spend on gifts to relatives
I will enjoy life!
When someone starts to share their problems with you, how do you feel?
I understand that everything possible must be done to help the person
I will listen and give advice, but no more than
I'm not interested in other people's problems
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I'll clean up, let my partner rest
Help with cleaning
Like what? Rest, of course!
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I will calmly do my job. Maybe they will notice me
I will actively propose initiatives
Anything. You can, for example, lie
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I avoid them because I don't like to swear
It's a way to sort out differences and become better
I avoid them because these people might still be useful to me. Don't ruin relationships
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Of course I will help. I will do my best
I will help, but not to the detriment of myself
What else? I just don't forgive offenses
Can you play a joke on someone to make others laugh?
No, that's wrong
Maybe if the joke is kind