Greek personality types test
Four Temperaments Test | Psychologia
This is a little helper for our Four Temperaments page. This short test was designed to help you figure out your classical personality type: Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric or Melancholic. The test consists of only eight questions; to avoid errors, think of your most typical behavior and answer accordingly. Your predominant temperament is the one where you have the highest score; your secondary temperament is where you have your second highest score (obviously!).
1. How do you feel about unpredictable situations?
I absolutely love them. They energize me and make me feel alive!
I am not sure. It depends.
I am neutral. They don’t make me feel uncomfortable but at times I get annoyed by unexpected surprises.
It makes me feel very uncomfortable. I love routines and enjoy planning everything ahead.
2. Are you spontaneous?
Yes! I enjoy doing things at the spur of the moment!
I wouldn’t describe myself as spontaneous. I am an emotional person which means I change my mind often.
I am not spontaneous but I can take a fast decision when I have to.
I am not spontaneous at all. I enjoy careful planning and preparation.
3. Are you getting bored easily?
Yes, I get bored very fast. I can’t take routine and familiarity for very long. I need to see new places, get to know people and do new things or I will go insane.
No, not really. I tend to get attached to people and places. This keeps me from getting bored.
No, I always do something interesting. I don’t depend on other people or circumstances to make me feel happy. I have my own goals and plans – there is no place for boredom in my life.
I never experience boredom. I can easily stay in a remote place with no entertainment without getting bored.
4. Your interests:
I have a wide range of interests. However, I don’t get deeply involved in any given subject.
I am really into communication and relationships. I am interested in people around me.
I have many interests but it’s hard for me to concentrate on many different subjects at once. I tend to study one subject in detail and then move on to the next one. I am especially interested in technology. I like to figure out things and understand how everything works.
I can’t say I have many interests but I am an educated person.
What makes you the way you are? Take THIS TEST to discover your personality type.
5. How emotional are you?
I am emotional, but I am not too sensitive to other people’s feelings.
I am very emotional and very sensitive.
I remain calm on the outside, even when I’m upset. In general I tend to hide my feelings and I am proud of my ability to solve problems without emotions getting in the way.
I am not emotional.
6. What’s your energy level?
Extremely high.
It depends on my mood and what’s going on in my life.
My energy levels are steady. If I feel down I can force myself to carry on as normal.
Energy level? What do you mean?
7. Your ideal weekend:
Do something new like traveling.
Have a quality time with my partner. If I am single I will read romantic books or watch romantic movies.
Take an advantage of this extra time to learn new things or acquire new skills that will help me achieve my goals.
I enjoy spending time with family and friends.
8. How do you spend your money?
I love luxury and special experiences. I tend to spend a lot.
I enjoy buying gifts for people I love.
I am good at money management. However I don’t mind spending for things that have a real value.
I always plan my spending and at times tend to be a little stingy.
Your results will be displayed below.
You can find detailed profiles for each pure type here:
- Sanguine
- Phlegmatic
- Choleric
- Melancholic
It’s very rare to have one pure temperament. If you are like most people, you have one predominant and one secondary temperaments, in which case you should read both profiles. Another thing you can do is to translate your temperament combo into a four-letter personality type Myers-Briggs style. For example, if your predominant temperament is Sanguine and your secondary temperament is Choleric, you are a Sanguine-Choleric. Sanguine-Choleric profile is very similar or close to the ENTP personality type. You can find all possible combinations and how they translate to 16 personalities theory on the main temperaments page. Happy reading!
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Phlegmatic Personality Traits – the Web Thinkers
People with phlegmatic personality are unassuming, agreeable, and intuitive. They possess the ability of “web thinking”, i.e., to see the relationship between many bits of data they collect.
Phlegmatic Skills
They have an incredible skill to gather facts, classify them into different categories, and then see the relationship between seemingly contradicting elements.
Essentially, it is the ability to read between the lines. Phlegmatic men and women don’t do very well at memorizing separate unrelated facts. They grow bored and annoyed. To be excited by the process, they need to be able to generalize.
It’s all about the estrogen!
Phlegmatic personality traits are linked to estrogen, which is present in both men and women. However, phlegmatic people are predominantly females.
Millions of nerve fibers connect the two hemispheres of the brain, and estrogen builds more nerve connections between the remote areas within each region. These connections assist the ability of “seeing a bigger picture” or “web thinking”.
– These people are imaginative; they like to think abstractly. For example, they will try to read your body language and tell you what you were thinking.
– Phlegmatics want to know other people’s deepest feelings and strive to build intimate attachments with about everyone in their lives.
What makes you the way you are? Take THIS TEST to discover your personality type.
They are interested in cooperation and interpersonal harmony, and this is why they preserve their family ties and friendships. When there is a conflict, they seek to agree and to satisfy the needs of everyone involved.
– These men and women are very empathetic and compassionate. They try to understand what the other person is thinking and feeling, then to respond accordingly, which allows them to connect with that person. People with a phlegmatic personality are very agreeable.
– Phlegmatics could be described as cooperative, considerate, charitable, sympathetic, trusting, and warm. They like to express their feelings, sometimes dramatizing their experience, which is the evidence of high estrogen activity.
– Phlegmatic men and women seek to contribute to society at large. They strive to fight cancer, donate to orphanages, and help the poor. They also strive to greater self-knowledge, which they see as a must.
On the negative side, people with a phlegmatic personality can be indecisive and unable to focus on essential details. They keep ruminating on the bigger picture while ignoring the crucial aspects.
Their talkativeness can be annoying, and because they seek connection, they may appear needy, constantly demanding reassurance.
They may be trying to understand you, but they also may assume that you see and feel the world the same way they do.
They might take criticisms as an insult and pout for days, weeks, and months. Finally, they are very prone to depression.
Find out all about how Phlegmatic people behave in love and relationships here.
Go to the main Temperaments page.
The Phlegmatic personality type is very similar to the INFP personality type.
Quiz: What is your Enneagram personality type?
in Psychological tests, Personality and character tests
published Psychologist
The Enneagram is one of the widely used methods of introspection today. It was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by mystic philosopher George Gurdjieff and later refined in the 1960s by psychologist Claudio Naranjo.personality types, identified on the basis of careful observation of human behavior.
The peculiarity of this method lies in the fact that the personality typology is considered not static, but dynamic. In this sense, the result that you get when you pass the enneagram test is like a photograph: it captures the current moment, reveals the enneatype that is characteristic of you right now. Over time, results can change – just as our beliefs, behaviors, feelings change…
Do you know what psychotype you are? This test will help us look into your subconscious and determine your psychotype.
I can move forward only when peace reigns in my soul
When others need my help
Thirst for Justice
When there is an opportunity to express yourself
When I see great success in front of me
When I plan the future
When I am the only one on whom the result depends
Supporting others
At work or at the beach!
On the sofa, watching TV
At the volunteer center
In bed or at a desk
Anywhere, as long as with family
At the bar
Sincere and sincere
A man of action
Calm and balanced
Cheerful optimist
Prudent and prudent
Discreet and polite
Generous and open
Constant and fair
Delicate and reliable
To be joyful and enjoy life
Help others
Be "highly effective" and get things done
Diligently perform one's duty
Be strong and defend what is right
Try to do your best
To be different from everyone else, to be different from the masses
Learn as much as possible about what is new
Give yourself a break and remember that life flows smoothly
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Socionics: how do personality tests work and why do they believe?
A person's personality is defined as a unique combination of thought, emotion and behavior. The concept of human personality is not so simple - it is complex and changeable. Despite the complexity, for more than two thousand years people have been trying to analyze and classify them. This desire to understand personality has given rise to a variety of modern personality tests.
Our new material will help you understand why personality tests are so popular and profitable, what we can learn from their results and how to apply this knowledge in real life.
History of personality testing
The earliest personality tests were based on the ancient medical "humoral" theory. According to her, the human body is filled with four different fluids: blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile. Each of these liquids corresponded to the natural element and state (dry / wet; warm / cold), and the predominant value of a certain liquid in a person determined temperament, that is, character.
Humoral theory links together the physical, mental and emotional aspects. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates improved on this concept by creating the theory of four temperaments: melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic and sanguine.
In 1921, Carl Jung published Psychological Types, identifying four personality functions: sensation, intuition, thinking, and feeling. Each function depended on the person's tendency to be an extrovert, focused on external objects and people and receiving energy from them, or an introvert, focused on their own thoughts and loneliness.
Some time later, Katherine Cooke Briggs, a teacher and aspiring writer from the United States, began work on her own personality classification system. She built on the ideas of Carl Jung, modifying the categories and developing ways to define them. Briggs, along with her daughter Isabelle Briggs Myers, worked on her personality theories for decades, writing questions and categories on index cards.
Finally, in 1942, they developed a questionnaire that classifies people's personalities into 16 types. The Myers-Briggs Typology or MBTI has become one of the most widely used personality tests in the world. Today, personality testing is a multi-billion dollar industry used by various organizations, schools and companies.
How do the different tests work?
The most popular MBTI personality test categorizes people into 16 different personality types, determining which of four categories they fall into. Each of these is represented by a letter, so the test result will be shown as a combination of letters, such as ISTJ or ENFP. There are four categories:
- EI scale - type of energy: extrovert - introvert.
- Scale SN - type of thinking: sensory - intuitive.
- Scale TF - style of behavior: logician - ethical.
- JP scale - lifestyle: rational - irrational.
Each category describes the way a person prefers to interact with the world. The
MBTI contains 93 affirmative questions, such as: "You often get so lost in your thoughts that you don't notice or forget about the people around you." Here the user must answer the question by answering "agree" or "disagree" using a special scale. At the end, MBTI will analyze the responses and generate the appropriate personality type out of 16 possible, such as "Scientist" or "Consul". Then you can consider your result in detail and find out basic information about your type, your strengths and weaknesses, as well as possible options for suitable professions.
Another less popular personality test is the Big Five. Its design is similar to MBTI. During the test, users can also agree or deny various statements about themselves. The OCEAN formula used in the Big Five test evaluates a person's personality according to five characteristics:
O - Openness, a person's readiness for new information and experience, curiosity.
C - Reliability, desire to act systematically and according to plan, attention to detail and love for order.
E - Extraversion, a tendency to communicate, talkativeness.
A - Goodwill, friendliness and diplomacy.
N - Neuroticism, tendency to anxiety, increased susceptibility to stress.
The Big Five hasn't become as popular as the MBTI because it doesn't categorize people into "types" and returns results in OCEAN categories as a percentage. Unlike the MBTI, the results of the Big Five test are more difficult to interpret.
Why can't they be accurate?
The disadvantage of such online tests is that they are based on the concept of an innate, unchanging personality. Research increasingly shows that a person's personality is constantly changing at key periods of life under the influence of circumstances - for example, during school years or during the period of self-discovery. So, many personal traits of a person are malleable, formed by upbringing, life experience and age. Given this, test results may change over time. The study found that nearly half of users who retake the MBTI after just five weeks get a result with a different personality type.
Psychologists also criticize the MBTI for being self-reporting, that is, test results are directly dependent on users' answers about themselves. It is very difficult for many to objectively assess themselves from the outside, so the answers may be biased.
All of these aspects matter more or less depending on how the personality test result is used. Indeed, in individual use, the test has no harm - on the contrary, passing it and getting the result, users can learn more about themselves, as well as learn new terms and concepts of socionics.
However, in many countries the use of personality tests goes beyond self-knowledge. So, schools use them to advise students, analyze their interests. Companies use them to decide who to hire and for what positions.
The problem is that test scores do not predict how a person will perform a certain role. By using personality tests, institutions can deprive people of opportunities where they could excel, or discourage them from considering other areas of growth.
What is the secret to the success of personality tests?
Despite criticism of personality tests, they remain successful and profitable. Personality testing is widely used in counseling, hiring, and other areas. According to statistics, about 50 million people have taken the MBTI test, and approximately 2 million people take it every year. A Washington Post article reports that the MBTI and its various materials, certifications, and training sessions bring in $20 million a year. According to the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 13% of US employers use personality tests when hiring employees.
The widespread success and popularity of the MBTI test is due to its positivity. There are no wrong answers in the test, and the user does not feel bad about himself when receiving the result. On the contrary, the vast majority of those who pass the test are encouraged and evaluate the resulting personality type as a very accurate description of themselves.
Another reason for the popularity of the test is the simplicity of the idea of classifying people into categories and types. After passing the test, the resulting personality type, for example ENTJ, can be easily used in communication as a zodiac sign. By telling a person about his personality type, he can interpret it and understand what kind of person you are.
What do scientists think?
Different people have different opinions about the MBTI. Some believe that personality tests are false and biased, while others believe in socionics and use it to find themselves and their destiny.
Robert Hemmen, professor at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences for quora. com
The MBTI doesn't tell you who you are, it's just a measure of who you are. I don't understand why everyone is so obsessed with him. I think the personality is more multifaceted and unique. People cannot be divided into 16 types and have the same development paths and purpose. If you still want to know and understand your personality, then I believe you need the Enneagram. It will analyze you in depth and take into account the stages of personality development, unlike the MBTI, which will give you a "fixed" personality for the rest of your life. I believe that a person's personality grows and changes throughout life.
Ayana Bulatovna Kesikbaeva, numerologist, practices socionics and typing
I believe that personality testing and typing are reliable methods for analyzing a person's personality. If I did not think so, I would not be studying this direction. The more I go deep and type people, the more I am convinced that socionics is based on age-old observations and therefore is close to the truth.