How many times can you masturbate
How many times can masturbation is limited in a day? If it is excess will it causes any...
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Excessive of anything is bad same applies with masterbation. 2 things happen when one masterbate excessively 1. Premature ejaculation you can correlate when you started mastrrbation what was time and check current timing. You will find time to ejaculate might hv reduced significantly. Some people even ejaculate while rubbing in bed 2. Second problem is weak erection. Over a period you will feel lesser or weaker erections. One may feel shrinking penis due to this. Consult to cure side effects of excessive masterbation. Results within 10 days once you start treatment.
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Masturbation twice per week is healthy excess leads to side effects. Some of the after- effects of masturbation are: a. The nervous system is affected the most. B. Besides the heart, the digestive system, the urinary system as well as the other systems are adversely affected and consequently the whole body becomes the museum of diseases with profound weakness. C. The eyes become sunken, the cheek bones protrude and there is a black rim round the eyes. D. Continuous headache and backache. E. Dizziness and loss of memory. F. Palpitation of heart on lightest exertion. G. Nervousness. H. Unable to perform any heavy physical or mental work. I. The person dislikes any company and activities and rather likes to sit in seclusion and suffers from weakness. J. All the senses are impaired. K. Vision becomes dim, the tongue begins to stammer and ears tend to become deaf etc. L. Lastly T.B. Or insanity or some other serious disease catch hold of the victim to lead his life to a close. M. Impotency/ erectile dysfunction / premature ejaculation ,reduced penis size, hardness etc Therefore, young men are advised to consult a qualified and honest homoeopathic practitioner for his expert advice and effective treatment instead of wasting his money with quacks.
Further, those young men who are or have been engaged in the regular habits of masturbation should not ignore the necessity to consult the qualified homoeopaths to avoid sexual embarrassment at the time of marriage.
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Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns, MASTURBATION IT the release of semen from your penis. Semen is made up of fluid and sperm. Many guys masturbate. In fact, one study of 15- and 16-year-olds found that 75% of boys said they masturbated. There are many myths IS ASORT OF SEXUAL PRACTICE NOT ONLY HUMANS BUT ALSO SEEN IN ANIMALS ALSO, IS PERFORMED When- you masturbate, you release sexual tension. You'll have what's called an ejaculation. Ejaculation is about masturbation. For example, some people say it will stunt your growth. But there is nothing wrong with doing it as long as it doesn't become a constant desire or get in the way of other things you want or need to do. See you r overdoing, means not normal. Its addiction not normal, try to control, by will power, make a schedule of masturbation first, stick to it. When you plan to masturbate, But if you have a little extra time, âedgingââalso called the stop-and-start methodâcan help you achieve more intense orgasms, I promise. Work yourself right up to the edge of ejaculation and then take a short breakâjust enough time for your erection to soften a bit. Then start the process over again. Do this three or four times before you orgasm, and youâll experience more profound, powerful ejaculations, will make you more satisfied ,hence you feel not to masturbate too often, avoid situation provoking you to masturbate, as being alone, watching porn, reading eroticâs, do physical exercise, be more active in social life, If you have additional questions or follow up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions.
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97% (24103 ratings)
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Dear Lybrate user. I can understand. Masturbation is normal, natural and never unhealthy. Even animals do masturbate. As a human being, you are an animal. Every animal has sexual instinct because they are designed to reproduce. Human being also has sexual instinct and therefore he needs to satisfy sexual instinct. Therefore, to satisfy sexual instinct, a man or woman, masturbates. In any case, masturbation is never unhealthy or will never affect your sexual health. You can masturbate upto 4 times a week. I suggest online sex counseling and therapy. Take care.
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What Happens if You Masturbate Too Much?
Looking back on the pandemic, when social distancing and stay-at-home orders took IRL sex off the table, you might have started masturbating more than you ever have before. (What else was there to do?) While there are clear benefits to masturbation—you’re not going to get a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or accidentally impregnate your partner—you may now be wondering if you're in the habit of masturbating “too much.”
After all, excessive masturbation doesn’t have the best connotation. When we think of guys who masturbate every day, we think of pubescent boys hiding out in their locked rooms, attempting to break their daily “high record.” We don’t think of successful, grown men in loving relationships.
The truth, however, is there’s really no such “thing” as excessive masturbation. "Some people masturbate more than others," according to the International Society for Sexual Medicine. "There is no 'normal' frequency. Some do it daily, some weekly, and some rarely. Some never do." While 27 percent of 30-to-39-year-old men masturbate once a week to a few times a month, that number varies quite a bit by age, according to a 2009 survey of 2,500 American men.
“However often you masturbate, it’s not a problem until it starts affecting your life in negative ways,” says Dan Drake, MFT, LPCC, a certified sex addiction therapist and clinical counselor.
But that doesn't mean that it can't pose a problem, particularly if it interferes with your everyday life.
So when does a harmless masturbation habit turn into an issue? Here are the physical and psychological signs that you may need to give your boner a bit of a breather.
1) You hurt yourself.
Some guys masturbate so often that they actually hurt themselves, says Tobias Köhler, M.D., a urologist at Southern Illinois University. These injuries could be mild (e.g., skin chafing) or a more serious condition like Peyronie’s disease, or scar tissue buildup in the shaft of your penis that can result from using too much pressure while stroking, Köhler explains.
This may sound obvious, but if you’re masturbating so often that you're hurting yourself, you need to cut back, he warns.
2) Your job suffers.
If you can’t complete a work task because you can’t stop thinking about masturbating, that’s when it becomes an issue. If you’re consistently watching porn at work or are you’re late to a meeting because you were masturbating in the bathroom, then you likely have a problem.
3) Your friendships suffer.
Do you cancel on friends because you'd rather stay home and masturbate? Are they getting annoyed by your constant flakiness? Then your masturbation habits could potentially be an issue.
We want to be clear: There's nothing wrong with reserving a night to get down with yourself. That's all well and good, and in fact, feel free to mark that in the calendar now! The cause for concern is when your need to jerk off has a clear negative effect on your relationships.
4) Your sex life suffers.
Some guys who masturbate a lot use one specific type of stimuli—say, certain categories of porn coupled with specific hand movements. When it comes time for them to actually have sex, they find that they can’t recreate the same type of excitement, Dr. Köhler explains.
Basically, if you watch the same porn or use the same hand motions every time you masturbate, it teaches your brain and body to get off that way and that way alone. If you're having sex with a real-life partner, this could cause serious problems, both in terms of keeping it up and getting erect in the first place. “If that happens, you have a problem that needs to be addressed,” says Köhler.
5) You always think about masturbation.
You wake up wanting to masturbate. At lunch, your mind wanders to your favorite porn scene. Your commute home is almost unbearable, because you just want to sit on the couch with a beer and PornHub.
If any of this sounds familiar, and you often find yourself distracted by thoughts of when or how you’re going to yank it next, that’s a strong indication you have a problem, Drake says.
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If you realize you have a masturbation problem, what should you do about it?
“There’s nothing unhealthy or problematic with masturbating,” Drake says. “But if it becomes detrimental to your life, then you need to treat it like you would any other harmful habit.” That means doing one of two things: a) cutting yourself off cold turkey, at least for the time being; and b) adopting more of a “harm reduction” approach by setting limits for yourself—for example, making a rule to only masturbate at night.
Considering you probably don't want to give up solo orgasms for the rest of your life—masturbation is, after all, an integral part of any healthy sex life—you'll probably want to opt for the latter approach. Set rules for yourself and see if you can adhere to them. If you can't, and you find yourself slipping back into harmful old habits, consider seeing a therapist, as there might be a deeper psychological issue at play.
Bottom line? Indulging in a little self-love every now and then is fine. It's only when it gets in the way of your actual life—or your actual sex life—that it becomes a problem. But if it’s not negatively interfering with anything, then go ahead and masturbate to your heart’s content!
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Melissa MatthewsHealth Writer
Melissa Matthews is the Health Writer at Men's Health, covering the latest in food, nutrition, and health.
Zachary Zane
Zachary Zane is a Brooklyn-based writer, speaker, and activist whose work focuses on lifestyle, sexuality, and culture. He was formerly the digital associate editor at OUT Magazine and currently has a queer cannabis column, Puff Puff YASS, at Civilized.
How many times a day can you masturbate? Urologist debunked men's myths
Anastasia Ospanova, a urologist and andrologist, doctor of the highest category, winner of the "Altyn dariger" award, maintains a popular blog on Instagram, where she shares tips on men's health.

- In The Wolf of Wall Street, Matthew McConaughey's character advises a newcomer, the character playing Leonardo DiCaprio, to masturbate twice a day so he doesn't "get his threads off." But in the CIS there are entire "online sects" calling for refraining from masturbation. So how do you deal with this thorny issue?
– Yes, indeed, there are such myths that masturbation can lead to male infertility, blindness and other diseases, says Anastasia Ospanova. Some people think it's a big sin. As for doctors, we consider this the norm during certain periods of puberty. That is, when the boy begins to mature and hormones boil in the blood, he begins to masturbate. And this is the absolute norm. There are no specific limits on how many times you can do this, and how many you can’t. It depends on temperament and hormonal activity. Over time, masturbation should be replaced by sex, when the boy becomes a guy. In some cases, when sexually mature men do not have the opportunity to have sex, we allow and even recommend masturbation. But, of course, when a mature man lives with his wife in the same house and is fond of masturbation, then this is not normal.
In general, masturbation is the norm for a certain period of a man's life. Basically, this is a youthful period and when there is no permanent partner.
- In the latest ranking, Kazakhstan ranked 63rd in the world in terms of the size of the genitals. The average length of our penises was 13.46 cm when erect. Do urological problems depend on the size of the "little brother"?
– In 2012, the average length of Kazakhstani penises was 12.7 cm. What can I say that we have grown a little in nine years. This, of course, pleases, but Asians in general cannot boast of the large size of their genitals than, say, citizens of African republics. But I want to assure you that there is no difference whether it is very long or less long; this does not affect urological diseases in any way. Equally often or rarely, both large manhoods and small ones get sick. Therefore, whatever the size, the main thing is that the sexual organ be healthy.
- We live in Nur-Sultan and it's quite cold here. I personally spent the whole winter in two underpants. Am I doing the right thing? Because there are men who reject them, supposedly it makes them fat.
- Regarding the cold season. My main recommendation is to always dress appropriately for the weather. If it's -25 outside, and you are wearing light sneakers and thin jeans, then there is a very high risk of chilling your manhood.
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And the majority of patients who come with complaints of prostate disease sin that hypothermia has taken place. Therefore, those who do not wear underpants in winter should understand that there is a high risk of developing prostatitis. Therefore, do not look at fashion, but look at the weather. Dress warmly.
- You blog a lot about problems with premature ejaculation. Does such a problem exist?
- Yes, indeed I write about this on my blog a lot, because this is a very popular question. The duration of sexual intercourse worries many men and young guys. This is a very important factor in the development of a guy as a man who begins to have sex. The fact is that by the duration of sexual intercourse, women judge the experience of men.
Premature ejaculation is divided into three categories. The first is when a guy is just starting to have sex, of course, there is a factor of excitement. Firstly, the head of the penis is very sensitive, plus he has little experience. I always compare this to the fact that when you are hungry, you immediately pounce on food. The same thing happens in sex - young guys very quickly reach orgasm due to an overabundance of sensitivity. In the process of regular sexual life, the duration of sexual intercourse will increase.
It also happens that the duration of sexual intercourse suits you, but suddenly at some point it becomes short. This is due to external factors. It can be stress, worries, inflammatory diseases, for example, of the thyroid gland. Therefore, it is worth considering when everything was fine with you, and suddenly it became very fast. Then you need to see a doctor.
And the third option is when, regardless of experience, sexual partner and the regularity of sexual life, sex, alas, is short-lived. This suggests that the glans penis is a very erogenous zone. One has only to touch it - and it turns out an orgasm. In such cases, urologists intervene and carry out a number of certain procedures in order to reduce the sensitivity of the head and increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
– There are very few public toilets in the capital. Isn't it bad for men and women to endure home?
- Indeed, there is one big problem in the capital - a small number of public toilets, and in some places - their complete absence. To endure sufficient time is harmful for both men and women. Urine is a waste product of the body, it must be excreted on time, so this problem must be solved. Many women start going to the toilet in advance, because they know that on the way they will not meet a public toilet anywhere, which is quite harmful for their body. People should go to the toilet on call.
- Lately it has become very fashionable to talk about prostate massage. Glamorous women's magazines write about him, some dubious massage parlors provide such a service. Is it a panacea for men's ills?
- I want to say that back in 2005, the European Association of Urology issued a resolution in which it was clearly and clearly stated that there is no evidence base for prostate massage as a medical procedure. That is, the best and most effective for a man is when the prostate gland is completely emptied during intercourse. Therefore, the doctor's task is to establish the patient's sexual life. And now modern urologists no longer do prostate massage.
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Publication from ASTANA UROLOGIST-ANDROLOGIST (@urolog_androlog_astana_)
As for the prostate massage offered by various masseuses who do not have a medical education, this is a kind of sex service. I think that this is not necessary. Yes, it may be present as some kind of sexual game, but in moderation. You don't need to abuse it. It is possible to damage the rectal mucosa or the prostate gland by improper handling and doing it without indications. Moreover, this cannot be done during an acute inflammatory process.
A man who agrees to a prostate massage, even as a sexual foreplay, must be sure that his prostate is absolutely healthy.
Masturbation: what is normal and what is perversion?
Of course, all the myths about the dangers of masturbation have long been dispelled. Now everyone knows that masturbation is completely normal and safe. But at the same time, few people can clearly define the boundaries of what is permitted. For example, at what age is it "normal" to do this? And how often can you engage in self-satisfaction? Are there any taboos in masturbation? And what is a clear deviation from the norm?
Masturbation: naughty questions and honest answers
Question #1: When can I start masturbating?
It is difficult to answer unambiguously at what age it is normal to start engaging in self-satisfaction. There are people who never dare to try it all their lives. On the other hand, some begin to practice it at the age of ... 3-6 years. Yes, don't be surprised! Child masturbation is a very common occurrence. During this period, the child simply begins to explore his body with the curiosity of the discoverer.
He makes no distinction between his sexual organs and other parts of the body. Therefore, it is difficult for a child to understand why you can touch yourself in some places and not in others. There is nothing perverted or unhealthy here! This does not mean that the child will grow up dissolute. This is a normal developmental stage that usually happens quite naturally. Problems can arise only if parents react incorrectly to the behavior of the child. For example, they will scold, punish or inspire that "in shorts - fu, what a thing." It is precisely such attitudes (and by no means childish masturbation) that can seriously overshadow the further sexual life and provoke the child's intimate problems.
Question #2: How often can you masturbate?
Another question that often torments people: how often can you engage in self-gratification? What regularity is normal and what is excessive? Here again, everything is individual. After all, all people have a different libido, which means that everyone has a different need for relaxation. Someone needs seven times a week, and someone once a year is more than enough.
Masturbation is normal in any periodicity and frequency, but only on condition that it does not interfere with a normal intimate life. If self-satisfaction completely replaces sex for a person (and not just for a certain period when there is no partner, but in principle), this is no longer quite normal. And it is worth contacting a psychotherapist with such a problem.
For example, if one of the partners in a couple refuses to have sex, but at the same time constantly masturbates, this indicates that there is some imbalance in the relationship and it is time to work on it in order to restore harmony. Another alarming symptom is if you absolutely do not want to enter into an intimate relationship with anyone, and you don’t understand why you need to look for a boyfriend when you “can do everything yourself”.
Question #3: Is your orgasm in your hands?
Do you easily bring yourself to orgasm by yourself, but at the same time you cannot finish with your partner? You should not be complex. It's quite normal. After all, you know and feel your body better, and it’s easier for you to stimulate yourself in this way in order to get maximum pleasure.