How long can you leave newborn puppies unattended
How Long Can You Leave Newborn Puppies Unattended?
You need to know how to take care of a dog when she gives birth. While the newborn puppies stay with their mother for the first few weeks, they soon start to move out of the pen or crate. So, you need to take extra care of the puppies as well as the mother dog.
It depends on many factors, like how well the puppies are doing on their own and how old they are. In general, a couple of hours is not too long. However, if you leave the pup for longer, it could be risky for your puppy. Even though the mother dog takes care of the pups, you should not leave them unattended. You should monitor them from time to time to avoid any problems.
If you want to know the answer to how long can you leave newborn puppies unattended, continue reading this article.
Table of Contents
Can I Leave My Dog Alone With Her Puppies?While newborn puppies are not dangerous to the general public, they still need constant attention. Even if they’re only left alone for a few minutes, they can become distressed or even sick if they’re not properly cared for. As you can imagine, the first few weeks of a puppy’s life are filled with new and exciting challenges.
Yes. However, you need to take a few precautions when leaving your dog with puppies. Ensure that she is comfortable with your absence. Small puppies can be easily worked up by noises such as a doorbell, a leaf scuttling across the patio, and the sound of a knocking shoe. Place her in a quiet room in the house or use heavy curtains to keep out outside noises.
Leaving your puppy alone for a couple of hours can help your newborn pup develop social skills. It’s also important to understand that puppies develop negative traits during this time period. So, make sure you don’t leave a newborn puppy unattended for a long time.
It is safest to leave your dog alone with her puppies for hours or so. Newborn puppies need their mother, and their natural maternal instinct will make them want to be with her at all times. If you leave them in an unfamiliar place, they may show signs of stress or physically move away from the mother.
Ideally, you should leave them with their mother for at least a week, and even longer if you have a special need for her.
When leaving your dog alone with her puppies, you should make sure she has adequate rest and exercise. She will feel safe and comfortable leaving you alone with her pups if she is physically and mentally stimulated. During the first few days, leave your dog alone with her puppies.
Watch out for signs of distress or illness. After the first week, you can leave her alone with her pups for up to six hours.
How Long Can a Mother Dog Be Away From Her Puppies?If you are planning to take your dog away from her pups for an extended period of time, make sure you do it when the puppies open their eyes and start eating on their own. It is cruel to separate the puppies from their mother during the puppies for the first few weeks.
The best time for puppies to be separated from their mother is between eight and twelve weeks old. During this time, puppies begin testing the limits of their independence and learning to interact with other animals, and it’s crucial to keep this timeframe in mind when taking your dog away.
Although most dogs don’t experience problems with a delivery, it’s important to know how to monitor your pet’s behavior during the birth process. The dog’s breathing will likely be affected, and it will be best for you to be away for no longer than the first few days.
Once one or two puppies have been born, the dog should have minimal stress, and further attendance can be determined by the pet.
If it’s too early, however, you’ll risk behavior problems. If you decide to separate your pup from its mother, you should do it in stages.
How Long Can You Leave Newborn Puppies Unattended?If you are planning to leave your newborn puppies alone, you need to consider various factors. The age of the puppies plays a very important role.
You need to know how to take care of a dog before you leave the puppies alone with the mother.
- Whelping Phase
When a mother dog gives birth to her puppies, she goes through a process known as whelping. Leaving puppies unattended during this phase is not a good idea, especially if you have more than one puppy. While most dogs give birth without any trouble, a few complications can arise, which means you should keep an eye on them.
Even if you cannot stay at home to supervise the puppies, there are several things you can do to make the process easier for your puppy. During this phase, puppies spend most of their time sleeping or nursing, so you may be able to leave them unattended for longer periods before returning for nursing.
- Nursing Phase
The nursing phase of your puppy’s life is a crucial time. Your puppy needs consistent milk and rest, so you should make sure to watch over them at all times. Leaving your puppy alone for extended periods of time can be dangerous.
Whether you leave your puppy alone for a few minutes or several hours, you must be available to care for the pup. First of all, it’s important not to disturb the mother.
Make sure she’s getting plenty of food and water, and only leave your puppy unattended for a short time. It’s important to check on your puppy’s temperature every few hours, too.
- Weaning Phase
During this time, puppies start to test their independence. They need to bond with their mom and their littermates to become sociable and learn how to socialize with other puppies. If they are separated from their mother too early, behavior problems will occur.
As soon as your puppy is four weeks old, it will begin to walk on its own and start socializing with other puppies. This will also allow your puppy to begin training and learning basic manners. Vaccinations should be started at this time as well. Leaving puppies unsupervised is not recommended until the pups have learned to walk.
Some of My Favorite Products For Dog Owners
I hope this article has helped you just a bit in everyday life as a dog owner. Being a dog owner for more than 25 years myself, I’ve tried an abundance of different products with varying success, but these products below are some that I can highly recommend to every dog and their owner without hesitation!
These links are affiliate links, so if you do end up using the links, I will earn a commission. But it’s products that I use daily myself, and I have nothing but praise for.
Dog Food: Every dog needs to eat correctly, and finding the best food for your dog can be hard, as the market is absolutely flooded with products. But since 2015 when the company was founded, I’ve been using Ollie Petfood. With their product being tailor-made to suit every dog’s specific needs, and as my dogs absolutely love the product, I’m pretty sure I’ve found a product I will continue to use for many years more. If you use my link you can get 50% off your first order.
Dog Training: If you’ve ever owned a puppy, you know that they require a lot of training to grow into a well-behaved adult. Brain Training for Dogs has helped me immensely with the mental training part of raising a dog, and it’s something I strongly recommend you consider.
Grooming: If you have a dog in your home, you’re going to need a brush, and for this, I recommend a Hertzko Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush. For that price, you simply can’t beat this brush for everyday grooming.
If you’re looking for the most up-to-date recommendations, check out my recommended products section that I’ve created to help every dog owner!
How Long Can You Leave Newborn Puppies Unattended?
by Jacob Hawthorne
If you are a new pet owner, you may be wondering how long you can leave your newborn puppies unattended. The answer to this question depends on a few factors, such as how old the puppies are and how well they are doing on their own. In this blog post, we will discuss the guidelines for leaving puppies alone and how to create a safe environment for them.
How Long Can You Leave Newborn Puppies Unattended?
If you are thinking of leaving your newborn puppies unattended then it is important to understand that their exact age will let you know how long you can leave the puppies alone. In general, you can leave puppies alone for a certain amount of time based on how old they are and the relationship they have with their mother and littermates.
Below are the different guidelines based on the age of your puppies:
Leaving Puppies Unattended During The Whelping PhaseThe whelping phase is the term referring to the process in which the mother dog gives birth to her litter of puppies. The whelping phase typically starts a few days before the puppies are born and can last up to two weeks. During this time, it is best not to leave the puppies alone for any extended period of time as their mother is still recovering from giving birth and may need help taking care of her litter.
It is important to understand that should not disturb or stress out the mother or the puppies during this time period. If the puppies are being bottle-fed, it is important to make sure that they are getting enough food and hydration. If you are thinking about leaving newborn puppies unattended then it should only be done for very short periods of time. Newborn puppies can get incredibly cold during this period and you should always make sure they are close enough to the mother and the littermates to stay warm.
Puppies that are not nursing may need to be given a supplemental feeding every few hours in order to ensure they are getting the nutrition they need. As always, it is best to consult with your veterinarian to get their professional advice on how to care for newborn puppies. Since this phase requires you to monitor the health of the puppies, it is best to make sure someone stays with the mother and the puppies so you don’t have to leave them unattended.
The nursing and suckling phase of a puppy’s life is incredibly important as they require consistent milk and lots of rest. This phase will require you to monitor the health and mood of the mother and to make sure all of the puppies are getting enough milk. For this reason, you shouldn’t plan on leaving the puppies unattended for extended periods of time.
The average nursing phase for puppies is around two weeks but can last up to four weeks. As long as you are attentive and make sure the puppies are fed and healthy, there’s no reason why you can’t leave them unattended during this time period for short periods. Just be sure to have a contingency plan in place in case of an emergency. This is why it is recommended to take shifts watching and monitoring the litter.
Leaving Puppies Unattended During The Weaning PhaseThe weaning phase of a puppy’s life is the time period where they begin to switch from their mother’s milk to more solid food. This phase will typically begin roughly around the 4-weeks to the 6-week mark but can vary depending on the breed and growth of the puppies. Generally speaking, most puppies will be fully weaned by the time they reach their eighth week of life.
Even though puppies are typically weaned during this time period, there is still some leeway as to how long you can leave them unattended before returning to their mother for nursing. If all goes well and the puppies are being fed and are healthy you should be able to leave them alone for slightly longer compared to other phases of life. The puppies will be slightly more independent and the mother will be more rested when she isn’t nursing.
That said, it is always important to be mindful of how long you leave your puppies unattended. As they get older and are no longer nursing from their mother, they will become more adventurous and likely wander farther away from the nest. This could lead to them getting lost or injured if left alone for too long. So it is important that they are living in a safe environment and you still monitor their health.
When Should I Leave My Newborn Puppies Alone With The Mother Dog?
The first week of your puppy’s life will require a lot of monitoring to make sure your puppies are healthy. During the first week, puppies will spend most of their time nursing and sleeping. The mother dog will be very protective of her new litter and is usually more than capable of caring for them on her own. You can leave the puppies alone with their mother during this time as long as you check in on them frequently to make sure they are all safe and being fed on a consistent basis.
Much of this process comes naturally to mother dogs but you should always be on hand to assist and monitor the situation as your puppies grow older.
Dr. Jacob Hawthorne, DVM is a certified veterinarian who graduated from the University of California - Davis Veterinary School in 2012. He specializes in nutrition and veterinary medicine for companion animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits, and more. He has been featured in websites such as PetMD, Yahoo News, Hills Pet, Daily Paws, and more. Learn more about Dr. Jacob Hawthorne, DVM.
Newborn puppies - tips for care and feeding -
Newborn puppies care
August 03, 2022
With normal delivery and sufficient milk supply, care for newborn puppies in the first three weeks is more about looking after the nursing mother and helping her if necessary.
Preparing for the birth
About a week before the birth, prepare the place where the mother will be with her babies. An ordinary basket, a residential box will not work. You need a place where the dog will be comfortable, and the growing puppies will be able to move. nine0003
Usually arrange an arena. This is a box or fence of such a height that the dog can get inside without jumping, but simply by stepping over the wall. For small breeds, you can use a box made of hard cardboard; for the rest, the arena is made of plywood or durable plastic. Hardboard is completely unsuitable, as it releases phenolic resins.
The arena is made in such a size that the dog can lie down comfortably, stretched out to its full length. To prevent the dog from accidentally crushing the cub with its back, along the inside of the arena, a rail or bar should be attached around the entire perimeter. This ledge should be at a height of approximately the middle of the body of the lying dog. Then she will not be able to cling tightly to the wall of the arena and damage the puppy. nine0003
During childbirth, amniotic fluid will drain, a fairly heavy discharge will persist into the early postpartum period, and growing puppies will urinate many times a day. To maintain cleanliness in the arena, it is better to make it convenient for cleaning, including wet. The playpen should be placed on a sheet of plywood - this will save the floor in the room, the plywood itself is easy to clean and wash if necessary.
Put a bedding on top of the plywood, as babies have very delicate skin, they rub calluses on their paws especially easily. For bedding, you can use clean cotton sheets, short pile faux fur, special absorbent mats and diapers. nine0003
Do not put mattresses and diapers stuffed with cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, foam rubber into the playpen - puppies can swallow them and die. Do not use thick bedding. The dog will tear it to pieces and may accidentally roll the puppy into pieces. It is impossible to lay knitted fabrics in the arena, the puppies can get tangled in the loops pulled out of the fabric. Absorbent diapers are a good option, but they tear very easily and puppies can swallow the stuffing.
Get your dog used to the fact that now his sleeping place is in the arena. You can feed her there, put water nearby. The arena for puppies and a nursing mother is placed in a secluded place so as not to disturb the dog once again. Nevertheless, there should be a convenient approach to the arena so that you can clean up there, examine the puppies, take the mother for a walk. nine0003
The first decade of life of puppies
The first ten days after birth, the dog practically does not leave the puppies. She lies with them, feeds, warms with her own body, licks. Often you even have to take the dog for a walk using force. Having quickly recovered, the caring mother hurries back to the puppies.
This behavior of the dog is normal. Newborn puppies are completely helpless, they cannot see or hear because their eyes and ear canals are closed. Babies orient themselves with the help of their sense of smell, in addition, they have an innate reaction to move towards a heat source. It is these abilities that allow the cubs to find their own mother. nine0003
Thermoregulation of newborn puppies
Little puppies need a mother not only as a nurse, it is very important that she keeps the puppies warm. Newborns lack thermoregulation, they cannot maintain their own body temperature at a constant level. If the mother does not warm the babies, they freeze in the truest sense of the word. For a puppy in the first days of life, hypothermia can be fatal - it will no longer be possible to warm it up, and it will die.
Partially fight against the imperfection of their own thermoregulation in babies allows an innate reaction called crowding. In the absence of the mother, the puppies get restless, begin to crawl in circles, and end up huddled together in one pile. This allows them to maintain normal body temperature for a short time. However, the puppies that are outside are more cold and tend to crawl into the middle. Experiencing discomfort, the babies begin to whine piercingly, prompting the mother to return as soon as possible. nine0003
A caring mother regularly licks her cubs. She uses such a “massage” already in the process of childbirth. This increases peripheral circulation, which warms the puppy, dries and cleans his coat, allows the mother to remember the smell of the newborn and understand that this is her "baby".
The main purpose of licking is to stimulate the emptying of the bladder and intestines. Until about 10 days of age, puppies lack the reflexes that allow the body to get rid of waste products. Actively massaging the stomach with the tongue, the dog causes the cub to urinate and defecate. The dog swallows the puppy's urine and feces, thus maintaining the cleanliness in the den. The dog continues to clean up after the puppies even when they already know how to go to the toilet. This behavior in most dogs persists until the start of complementary foods, that is, until the age of three weeks. There are also super-responsible mothers who “clean up” after children at the age of two or even three months. nine0003
Caring for a lactating dog
After giving birth, the dog gradually returns to its usual way of life, goes outside. With urban content, after a walk, do not forget to wash her paws with warm water. In order not to get dirty wool on the stomach and mammary glands, it is better to take the dog for a walk in overalls. If a nursing dog walks in dirty weather without overalls, then upon returning home, it is necessary not only to thoroughly wash all the milk lobes with warm water without soap, but also dry them thoroughly, especially the places where the skin comes into contact. If you do not do this, then diaper rash may occur. nine0003
In the first days of the puppies' life, bring the mother to the arena only on a leash; it is better to carry a small dog in your arms. In a hurry to get back to the children, the mother jumps into the playpen and may accidentally step on one of the puppies.
It is better to look after a young primordial dog when it is laid to feed. She does it clumsily, and one of the puppies may be behind her. The squeak of a crushed puppy usually greatly excites the dog, it begins to spin, scattering the rest of the puppies. As a result, one of the kids can get injured and even die. To avoid this, move the puppies to the side while the dog settles into place, and then move them to the nipples. Do not remove puppies from the arena at all. Not seeing the cubs there, the dog will begin to get very worried, and it will be very difficult to put him in an empty arena. nine0003
Drinking water must be placed next to the playpen so that the dog can drink whenever he wants. It is generally better to put a bowl of food in the arena. In a lactating dog, the need for food increases significantly, it is better to introduce additional feedings. This is especially important for dogs with abundant secretion of milk. During this period, it is best to use special food designed for lactating dogs or puppy food. They have all the necessary nutrients for the dog and its offspring. nine0003
Lactation in the dog and feeding of newborn puppies
It is very important for the good growth and development of puppies that they receive mother's milk in sufficient quantities.
In a dog, lactation begins already in the process of childbirth. A newborn puppy immediately tries to find milk, focusing on the smell. Some mothers help the cubs by pushing them with their nose to the chest, or even take them in their mouths and put them on the nipple. Others do not help newborns, leaving them to find their own source of milk. Having found the nipple, the puppy clings to it. The first attempts may be unsuccessful, but in the end the puppy grabs the nipple with the whole mouth and tongue so tightly that it can hang on it for a while if the mother gets up. nine0003
Most dogs have 4 pairs of nipples, of which the posterior lobes are usually the most milky. However, there may be more or less nipples. A dog feeds puppies without problems when there are at least one less of them than her working nipples. If there are more babies, early solids may be needed.
In the first days after birth, the dog's body secretes colostrum. It is a slightly yellowish substance, rather liquid compared to milk. Colostrum, in addition to nutrients, contains a huge amount of immune substances. A puppy receiving mother's milk is protected from the inherent diseases of the species until about the age of two months. nine0003
The secretion of colostrum is gradually replaced by the secretion of milk. Milk in a dog changes its composition during lactation, the peak of which occurs approximately 10-20 days after birth. It is possible to determine whether babies have enough milk by their behavior. If the puppies constantly squeak, crawl from nipple to nipple, they have sunken bellies, then they are hungry. In a dog with normal milk flow, when you press the nipple, the milk literally squirts in several streams. With low milk production, small drops appear on the nipple or there are none at all. nine0003
Lactating dog must receive a complete diet, the energy level of the food is increased by at least 50%. On a ready-to-eat diet, mothers are fed puppies.
Proper care of puppies at 1-2 months
Of course, the dog itself bears the overwhelming share of care for the offspring. Until the puppies are three weeks old, the breeder mainly controls the process of their growth. To do this, from the first day of life, each puppy is weighed daily and the result is recorded in a journal. In principle, the increase should also be daily. However, if this particular puppy does not gain weight today, it’s not scary, but if this persists for the next day, or if he loses weight, then a medical consultation will be necessary. nine0003
Puppies of most breeds normally double their body weight within the first week of life. If the mother does not have enough milk and all the puppies are malnourished, you need to start feeding them.
Whole cow's milk should not be given . You can use milk substitutes, they are produced industrially. If puppies are reluctant to eat dog milk substitutes, then goat milk, which is very close in composition to dog milk, will be the best substitute for mother's milk. nine0003
If the puppy is completely bottle-fed, then in the first decade of life, he should eat a mixture per day in an amount of 25% of his own weight, then the daily intake is reduced to 20% of the puppy's weight. They feed the “artists” every two hours, be sure to record the amount of the mixture eaten and the weight of the puppy.
Fortunately, babies usually get enough breast milk.
When formula-fed, the mother may refuse to care for the puppies, and people will have to ensure the hygiene of the babies. After soaking a cotton pad in warm water, gently massage the puppy's tummy and the area around the anus until it is relieved. Puppies begin to recover on their own at the age of about 10 days. nine0003
Abnormal maternal behavior is common in dogs undergoing caesarean section.
First food
Transferring puppies from milk to solid food is called weaning. Usually puppies begin to feed at the age of three weeks. Until that time, they do not produce enzymes that allow them to digest any products other than milk.
Three-week-old puppies are already actively moving, they have normal vision and hearing. Thermoregulation has also improved, although strong cooling, as well as overheating, are still dangerous. nine0003
The mother now spends very little time with the puppies. She often does not lie down next to them, rarely feeds and leaves very quickly. Since the mother is standing, the cubs are forced to suckle milk while standing on their hind legs. This exercise strengthens the muscles well.
Puppies are already erupting milk teeth and can bite the dog very painfully while feeding. Even more unpleasant for her are the cuts that the sharp claws of puppies leave. It is necessary to monitor the length of the claws of puppies, cut them regularly and smooth the cut with a nail file. Such care will allow the dog to avoid unnecessary torment when feeding grown puppies. This procedure is also necessary to ensure the correct position of the limbs and the formation of the correct movements in the puppies themselves. Overgrowth of the claws forces the puppy to lean on the outside or inside of the paw. nine0003
During complementary feeding, the mother should be taken to another room, as the dog may well eat food intended for children. Some dogs may even drive puppies away from food. By the way, the dog itself should now be fed separately.
It is up to the breeder to decide whether to feed the puppies with natural food or ready-made food. To do this, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. If he chooses to feed with natural food, he must clearly know all the needs of the dog's body for essential nutrients. If he chooses the option with ready-made feeds, then in the product line you need to choose one that will be suitable for the age of the puppies and take into account their breed. The range of offered ready-made feeds PRO PLAN ® has all kinds of nutrition, depending on the size of the puppy, its breed and special needs.
The PRO PLAN ® OPTISTART ® range of ready-to-eat foods has been specifically designed to meet all the needs of small puppies. This food contains colostrum as a special ingredient, the bioactive components of which help to strengthen the natural defenses of puppies and improve the intestinal microflora. Therefore, such food will help in the most gentle way to support the proper development and growth of puppies during their weaning period .
It is necessary to introduce such complementary foods into the diet gradually: since the stomach of puppies is not yet accustomed to solid food, the food must be soaked at the first stage. You need to feed in small portions, several times a day. Each package of food must contain instructions that indicate how many times a day puppies should be fed. depending on age and how much food should be measured per puppy per day. The gradual introduction of dry food into the diet will allow the puppy's digestive system to better adapt to the change in nutrition. nine0003
It is most convenient to accustom puppies to solid food, feeding all the offspring at once. It is enough for one puppy to start eating, as the rest follow his example. For feeding, it is optimal to use dishes with a sufficiently high side, standing on a stand, or a special feeder for small puppies. The side prevents the puppy from climbing into the feeder. If you do not pay attention to the fact that the puppy puts its paws in a bowl, then this manner of eating can be fixed.
Puppies receive parentage documents at 45 days of age. By this time they must be chipped or have a tattoo (stamp) with an identification number.
From the age of 45 puppies are allowed to be handed over to their owners. Responsible breeders give puppies only after vaccination at the age of 2.5-3 months. By this time, the puppy is accustomed to cosmetic or hygienic manipulations, to walking on a leash.
Specific recommendations on feeding, keeping, caring for a puppy are given by the breeder in accordance with the breed characteristics. nine0003
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nine0000 Puppy in the house - adaptation in the first daysFirst days of the puppy in the house
June 02, 2022
The appearance of a puppy in the house is a bright event, but it should be borne in mind that the pet has just been separated from its mother and for him a change of scenery is stressful. How to make the puppy quickly adapt and get used to the house? Think over all the stages of the move in advance so as not to spoil the first impression of meeting with new owners.
Best time to adopt a puppy
It is not recommended to pick up a puppy earlier than 45 days from birth. Up to a month and a half, he feeds on mother's milk, which cannot be replaced by any food. The optimal age for moving is 3-4 months, when the pet has already received the first vaccination and has passed the quarantine. By this time, he eats on his own and even knows a few basic commands. If you want to buy a service dog, then you need to wait another 2-3 months, when you can evaluate not only the physical and external data of the puppy, but also its character. nine0003
When it comes to choosing a pet - a puppy that belongs to the pet class, the breeder is unlikely to agree to take care of him for up to 4 months. As a rule, they are sold at the age of 1.5-3 months. It is advisable not to buy the first one that comes across, but to look at his brothers and sisters from the litter. This will help to objectively assess the quality of the dog. They try to pick up puppies of show and breeding classes no earlier than 10-11 months from birth. By this time, disqualifying signs of the breed appear, which cannot be determined in the first months of life. nine0003
How to prepare for the arrival of a puppy in the house
It is better to pick up a puppy on weekends or during holidays. You will have time to be with him and help to cope with fear. To reduce stress levels as much as possible, take a toy or bedding on which the puppy slept on from the breeder. This item will play the role of a comforter - a children's toy that keeps the smell of mom.
Think about choosing a place for the puppy in advance. It is desirable that it be in the living room, and not in the pantry or hallway. Put a soft bed or mattress and some of your personal items in this place, this will help him get used to the new smell. nine0003
Make sure there is puppy food in the house. Before selling, the breeder tells what diet was used for feeding: natural or industrial. If you want to change the food, then do it gradually so as not to cause digestive upset in the puppy.
Immediately explain to the household that it is impossible to feed the animal with food from the table. If a puppy has been fed industrial food since birth, then you should not transfer it to natural food. A few weeks after the move, you should not drastically change the diet, so as not to increase the level of stress experienced by the puppy. nine0003
From the first day, the puppy should have its own dishes for water and food. It is very good if you immediately purchase a special stand that can be adjusted in height as your pet grows. Determine the place where the dishes will stand. It is advisable not to change it so that the pet gets used to the order.
Keep your puppy safe. Remove small objects from the floor that he can accidentally swallow, electrical and telephone wires, buy special toys, warn children that the puppy must be handled with care. In the early days, try not to lose sight of it. nine0003
Order an individual dog tag for your pet with name and contact details.
Hang it on your collar when you go for your first walk. If a pet is lost, it will be easier for people who find it to contact you.
From the moment you enter the house, teach your puppy to be in order. Show him right away what can and cannot be done, and do not change the rules in the future. Dogs are very fond of waving books, newspapers, photo albums, and chewing on slippers. Make sure that these items do not lie on the floor when the puppy appears in the house. nine0003
Adaptation to new conditions does not always go smoothly, so try to prepare thoroughly for the arrival of the puppy: buy more diapers, collect a first aid kit, choose a suitable leash and collar. All this must be bought in a specialized store, and not adapted for the puppy with unnecessary things from home. In particular, this applies to toys. Ordinary children's toys for a dog are not suitable and even harmful, because they contain a lot of small objects, various mechanisms, and artificial wool that it can swallow. nine0003
As a rule, the decision to buy a pet is made jointly by all family members. If you have children, then you need to have an explanatory conversation with them and talk about how to behave with a puppy so as not to harm him. Explain that everyone must keep order, define the responsibilities of each child and adult, tell how loud noise, grabbing hands or tail can affect a pet. Do not forget to prepare other pets, rodents and birds for a meeting with a puppy, it is better to keep them in closed cages for the time of adaptation. nine0003
How to transport a puppy from a breeder
An animal should be transported in a special carrying bag. Sometimes an ordinary shopping bag is used instead, but this is an unfortunate solution. The puppy, not being able to see what is happening, will be nervous and whine. During the trip home, the carrier must be kept in hand. To keep the pet calm, take from the breeder a piece of diaper or rug on which the puppy slept. This method is good for both short and long trips. If the pet feels comfortable, he will simply fall asleep and calmly endure the road even for 200-300 km. nine0003
It is undesirable to take a puppy home in public transport. It is better to follow him in a private car or call a taxi. On a bus or minibus, it is impossible to protect an animal from various noise and fuss. The pet will receive additional stress, which will complicate adaptation in a new place.
Another good transportation option is under the bosom. Some breeders recommend using it in order, on the one hand, to reduce the level of stress from parting with the mother, on the other hand, to give the opportunity to smell the new owner. The warmth of the human body warms and soothes the puppy, so in his bosom he will easily endure a trip over a long distance. Wrap it in a waterproof diaper so that it does not stain you, and do not forget to take a blanket from the breeder on which the pet slept. nine0003
If you are considering adopting a puppy that is several hundred miles away from where you live, talk to the breeder. Perhaps he has options for delivering a puppy "to the door." The more comfortable and calm the move is, the faster the puppy will get used to you and the new environment.
Upon arrival at home, give your pet a rest, protect it from the attention of strangers and children.
How to choose a nickname for a pet
When choosing a nickname for a dog, it is customary to follow several rules. It should be short, sonorous and appropriate to the breed. Such requirements are not accidental, since in a puppy his name is associated with a team that brings up certain qualities of character in him: courage, confidence, complaisance, friendliness. nine0003
If there are no restrictions on the choice of a name for pet-class animals, then the necessary formalities will have to be observed with pets of breed and show classes. You can choose a second name for such a puppy, which you will call him at home, but for official registration, the breeder usually offers his own version. The puppy's name and the name of the nursery where he was born are entered into the puppy's metrics. It is not possible to change the name later. Animals from the same litter receive nicknames starting with the same letter. Such rules allow you to trace the pet's pedigree and correctly determine its age and characteristics. They are mainly applied to show dogs, however, the ban on changing the nickname, which is recorded in the metric and pedigree, also applies to pets. nine0003
Puppy getting to know the house and its inhabitants
Stage 1. The first hours in a new family are psychologically the most difficult, since a whole range of new smells, sounds and impressions falls upon the animal. The puppy should have everything you need - bowls for food and water, toys, a bed, a tray or a diaper for the toilet. On the day the new "tenant" arrives, do not invite guests to the house, restrict access to it to other pets. Some puppies after the move sleep for several hours in a row: physical fatigue and nervous strain affect. When he wakes up, he will definitely want to go to the toilet. Try not to miss the moment of awakening and immediately take the pet to the tray or put it on a diaper. The puppy can make a puddle as soon as you lower him from your hands to the floor. Prepare for such a "surprise" by entering the house, give him the opportunity to go to the toilet. nine0003
If you come across a pet with a stable psyche, he will immediately go to inspect the premises. At 2-3 months, puppies already easily gnaw on wires and furniture, so do not leave your pet unattended even for a minute, so that if necessary, besiege him with the “No!” command.
Stage 2. In the first days, it is advisable to keep the puppy in the same room. To do this, you can install barriers in the doors. In a new place, he should feel comfortable and safe, so try not to make too much noise, do not turn on loud music. If he quickly gets used to the new environment, then you can begin to acquaint him with the whole apartment. Before vaccination, do not take your pet outside so as not to put his health at risk of contracting the virus. nine0003
It is advisable not to leave a puppy in the house alone, not only in the first days after the move, but also in the next 1-2 months. In the absence of the owners, he may be overwhelmed by anxiety and, in order to get rid of fear, he will make a mess in the apartment. If it is not possible to be around all the time, do not leave the animal for the whole day. 2-month-old puppies can be left for no more than 4 hours, 3-month-old puppies - for 5 hours. It is necessary to accustom to independence gradually so as not to inflict psychological trauma on the animal. If the puppy whines, then even more so, do not leave him alone. There are many reasons for whining, and this is not only fear of an unfamiliar environment and longing for mom. A puppy can do this out of pain, hunger or boredom, and some pets try to manipulate the owner in this way. Watch your pet, and if you notice that he is whining for attention or treats, try to teach him the right behavior. nine0003
Getting used to the rules
Constant monitoring during the first days and weeks of the pet's stay in the house will provide a good basis for its upbringing. The more knowledge he receives during this period, the easier it will be to train and socialize.
Rules and commands to be taught from day one
The ability to go to the toilet in a certain place is the first and one of the most important skills. For impatient or too busy owners, this process can take an indefinite time. The dog can be taken outside only after the end of the post-vaccination quarantine, which means that for about a month it will go to the toilet at home. nine0003
Notice where the puppy made the first puddle and put a diaper in that place. Watch him, and when he starts to sit down or sniff the floor, take him to the "toilet".
If you want your pet to go to the tray, then soak a piece of diaper in his urine and put it in a container with filler. Whenever the animal expresses a desire to go to the toilet, take it to the tray. In the first days, urges arise very often not only because of a physiological need, but also from fear or cold. That is why it is not recommended to leave your pet unattended. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to keep perfect cleanliness in the house during the puppy's adaptation. Do not be nervous and do not punish him, very soon he will learn the right behavior and will only relieve himself on the street. nine0003
You need to learn to respond to the nickname from the first minutes of acquaintance. The dog is able to learn commands from 10 weeks, therefore, when the owner takes the puppy, he is quite ready to remember a new name. Come up with a short, sonorous and effective nickname for your pet. Say it as often as possible, praise the puppy when he responds.
The ability to come and sleep in one's place is not developed in one day. On the first night, the puppy will probably whine. Move his bed closer to your bed. The puppy will not follow the command if children play on its rug or it lies in a passageway. Explain to all family members that this is the dog's territory, where he wants to be alone. Make sure that the door to the room where the bed is installed is always open. There is no need to disturb the puppy when he is lying on his mattress or rug to comb his coat or clean his ears. It is better to do this in another place, for example, in the bathroom. nine0003
First walk
After the second mandatory vaccination and quarantine, which usually lasts 3-4 weeks, the puppy is allowed to walk outside. While he is at home, accustom him to a leash and a collar, make sure that by this time he has already completed the basic commands: “No!”, “Fu!”, “Come!”, “Next!”.
Do not forget about the rule that must be observed at all stages of education: any innovation must be "introduced" gradually. For the first walk, you can take the puppy in your arms, it is advisable to find a secluded place where there will be no strangers, children and other people's pets. In the first days, a 10-15 minute walk 4 times a day is enough. Let the pet look around, run around, if he goes to the toilet, be sure to praise him and give him a treat. Let him return home on his own, and you will control him with a leash. With an interval of several days, the duration of walks should be increased, but go outside less often. Train your dog to go to the toilet outside and always encourage it. nine0003
For the first weeks, one should stick to one route so that the puppy gradually gets used to the environment. Never let him off the leash: even a very obedient and disciplined pet can suddenly get out of control. Make sure that the puppy does not pick up anything from the ground, besiege if he reacts aggressively to children or other animals.
Walking is an important part of the animal's socialization. Gradually lengthen your walking route, walk along highways, near children's and sports grounds. If you see that some situations frighten your pet, try to calm him down with petting and treats. Make sure that the puppy behaves calmly and obediently, wherever you are. nine0003
How to properly organize puppy nutrition
Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of a pet's health, so from the first days you need to pay special attention to it. When choosing a diet, the breed is of great importance, but in general, the nutritional rules for all puppies are the same.
- If you want to change the diet, then start this no earlier than the puppy adapts to the new home.
Change to the new food gradually. Within 10-12 days, add part of the new product to the old diet, changing the ratio day by day. nine0003
Nutritional standards are determined based on the manufacturer's recommendations. Each package has a table that makes it easy to calculate the daily portion.
Feed the puppy at the same time. Compliance with the regime contributes to the good functioning of the digestive system, the proper formation of teeth and bones.
The frequency of eating is gradually reduced. Make sure that none of the family members feed the pet in between feedings. In industrial feeds, the nutrient content is precisely balanced, so the daily allowance is enough to meet the needs of a growing organism. Indiscipline in nutrition will lead to overeating, digestive and behavioral problems. nine0003
From the first days, teach your pet to take treats only from the hands of the owner, not to pick up food from under the table or from the ground. Make sure that he does not gnaw on children's toys, the details of which can injure the walls of the stomach.
Take him for a walk before feeding to work up an appetite.
Instill the right eating habits from the first days, and then your pet will feel energetic and cheerful throughout his life. A high-quality diet contributes not only to physical health, but also to stress resistance of the puppy. Irrational nutrition, on the contrary, has a bad effect on the pet’s mood, provokes hair loss, allergic reactions, and mental disorders. nine0003
If the puppy, despite your best efforts, remains restless, whines, does not eat enough food, or, conversely, actively requires supplementation, consult your veterinarian. It is very likely that the cause of inadequate behavior is an unbalanced diet or improper selection of food.
The appearance of a dog in the house somewhat changes the usual rhythm of life, but if all family members are attentive and patient, then communication will quickly develop into a strong friendship. If you have children, involve them in care and training, but be sure to let them know that the puppy is not a toy, but a living creature that needs respect. Carefully following all the rules described above, you will help your pet quickly adapt to a new environment and gain useful experience for the further education of the dog. nine0003
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