Female psychopaths in relationships
What to Expect if You Fall in Love With a Female Psychopath
Source: yurgo/Shutterstock
When we think of the heart, we think of love, warmth, and acceptance. We may also think of Cupid, the icon of Valentine’s Day and of love. Roman myth equipped Cupid with two types of arrows: the first, tipped with gold, brings love; the second, tipped with lead, destroys relationships.1 Why would Cupid shoot a lead arrow that would force its target to flee from his or her lover? No one could ever read the mind of Cupid, but in light of modern psychology, the lead arrows may be intended to protect against heartless victimization, especially at the hands of a psychopath.
Heartbreakers with irresistible charm
Psychopathic females may be heartbreakers with irresistible charm and smooth talk. They often use seduction as a lure and may mimic words of love, but do not feel them. They are emotionally impoverished and cannot relate to the strong emotions of love by people who fall in love with them.
2 They have a hollow nature and lack insight, making bad decisions. Female psychopaths have an “incapacity” for love and trust and are unable to care about their partner.3
No expectations, no peace, no love
The female psychopath’s partner can have no expectations of her. She is willful and her nature is erratic and unpredictable. If she helps you at all, there is most likely something in it for her, or perhaps she is having a dull moment and is looking for entertainment. Her reliability is questionable at best, depending on her mood, which can be impulsive and changeable. There is no peace around a female psychopath and her household is filled with strife, argument, and chaos. She can become obsessive, vengeful, and violent.4 Love does not exist in the psychopath’s life—only sex—and that can be used as a tool or weapon to get what she desires. The partner’s sole purpose is to serve her needs.
Female psychopaths victimize their partners
Marriage to a female psychopath is loveless, and she will often victimize her partner. If the spouse stays with her, he may find that money goes missing or is somehow redirected into her personal account.5 She schemes and strategizes to hide her tracks so as not to arouse his suspicions. She has no loyalties to her partner, and will cheat with anyone who delights her and can serve her at the moment.
The female psychopath views her spouse as her tool, or her property, that she can use and discard. The spouse is not accorded any special status. Friends come first, as she animatedly talks on the telephone or entertains them. Her laughter entices those who listen, drawing in outsiders who serve her purposes. Effusive hugs and kisses are for those who she plans to use in the future.
Living on the edge, avoiding affection while pursuing personal gain
The female psychopath perceives "affection, dependency, trust, and love as fetters or traps which must be avoided at all costs.”6 Spouse and children suffer. She wants to live a carefree life.
“Psychopaths have an ongoing and excessive need for excitement—they long to live in the fast lane or 'on the edge,' where the action is. In many cases, the action involves breaking the rules.” 7
If she seeks you as her lover, her seductive eyes and body language signal she will do anything and everything for you. This could be a spur-of-the-moment desire, or a more persistent need to break up your relationship with someone else. In that case, she may pursue you until she ensnares you, especially if she sees a rise in status or monetary gain. Her motive is to gain control of your assets and take control of your life. While you are not aware of her intentions, you may find that, over time, your business and reputation are ruined. The female psychopath’s trademark is a trail of destruction.
If you are in a relationship with a female psychopath, hopefully Cupid will take pity and launch a lead arrow in your direction. Then, take heart, flee as fast as you can, and move on.
1. The Metamorphoses of Ovid. (A. Mandlebaum, Trans.).(1993). (Original work published 8 AD). 21.
2. Smith, Jason M., Gacono, Carl B. & Cunliffe, Ted B. (2021). Understanding Female Offenders: Psychopathy, Criminal Behavior, Assessment, and Treatment. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press. 461.
3. Yochelson, Samuel & Samenow, Stanton E. (1989). The Criminal Personality, Volume I: A Profile for Change, Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson Inc. 91.
4. Smith et al. 147, 148.
5. Smith et al. 462.
6. Halleck, Seymour. (1966). Psychopathy, Freedom, and Criminal Behavior in J. Reid Meloy (Ed.), (2001), The Mark of Cain: Psychoanalytic Insight and the Psychopath. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press. 160.
7. Hare, Robert D. (1990) Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us (New York: The Guilford Press). 61.
Psychopathic Women in Intimate Relationships - Neuroinstincts
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Women, Psychopathy and Intimate Relationships
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Intensity, fluctuating emotions (dysregulation), anger, and contempt are not atypical for women with strong psychopathic traits.
These emotional displays and behaviors are often demonstrated within her closest relationships (i.e., marriage, parenting, significant other). With her partner, she is prone to rage, often with jealousy as the underlying driving force.
Similar to males with psychopathy, her aggression is often instrumental (i.e., goal directed | for a reason). She abuses her partners emotionally and/or physically. If primary psychopathy is present, she is likely to be narcissistic, manipulative, deceitful, and prone to aggression when slighted.
Many women with psychopathy like to be seen through their chosen mask (e.g., sweet girl, caring wife, helpless victim, independent leader, generous neighbor, loving mother), however their core is callous, non-empathic, and selfish. Her mask is typically in complete opposition to who she really is. Maintaining a favorable image and remaining in a ‘one-up’ position in all interactions is extremely important to her.
She will correct, belittle, or berate others in order to demonstrate her perceived superior stance.
There are some women with strong psychopathic that will present this disorder in the same manner as exhibited by men (e.g., physically aggressive, intimidating). However, there are a considerable number who present with psychopathy ‘mixed’ with borderline features – particularly displayed within her intimate relationships. These borderline features likely cause her to appear emotionally unstable and labile in her romantic relationships. Her symptoms rarely are fully reflective of borderline personality.
Women with psychopathy will quickly and easily direct her aggression at any rivals to her relationship or even toward her intimate partner if she feels she has been hurt (e.g., rejected). She might attempts to destroy (emotionally, financially, socially, or physically) whoever she feels threatens her intimate relationship – even if that includes the object of her desire. She tends to be abusive, disrespectful, callous, and manipulative in her relationships. Sex, seduction, and threats of self harm are commonly used manipulative tactics of control.
Psychopathic women will hurt and relentlessly target others via confrontations, stalking, slander, cyberbullying, smear campaigns, and verbal/ physical aggression.
They require minimal or no provocation to ignite their wrath.
Her Relationships
In intimate relationships she can be emotionally labile/ unstable (highly emotional). However, she can also present as emotionally detached from others, uncaring, neglectful, and abusive toward her own children and partner.
Individuals with psychopathy do not genuinely care about others, regardless of the relationship they should share with them. Unfortunately, if the condition is present, they are unable to generate this level of connection.
They enjoy the stimulation of conflict and have a low threshold for aggression. Psychopathic women usually feel justified for antisocial behaviors and given that they have psychopathy, there is no remorse, guilt, or shame.
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By Milena 11/01/2021 Relationship Psychology 0 Comments further with her. Although in the beginning everything turned out just fine for them. I think a lot of guys have had relationships where everything seemed perfect to them. You wanted to spend every free minute with her, gave flowers, gifts, and "carried on hands" . However, over time, everything changes.
You start noticing small signs that the lady of your dreams is becoming different. She begins to behave strangely, regularly arranges quarrels and scandals from scratch. He starts to be jealous of everyone, does not trust and does not give a moment of peace. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, today I have collected the main "symptoms" that you should pay attention to in order to determine whether your girlfriend is a potential psychopath or not.
Contents of the article
- 1. Jealousy and suspicion
- 2. She always wants to know where you are
- 3. Many missed calls
- 4. Your friends are not suitable for her
- 5. Regular emotional swings 90 022 Everything quickly bothers her
- 7. "Devil's charm"
- 8. Authority and despotism
- 9. Aggressiveness and anger
- 10. Disagreement
1. Jealousy and suspicion
A little bit of jealousy in a relationship is absolutely normal, and even great. But when she goes beyond the normal, then you should carefully evaluate your partner, and think about whether you need such a relationship? Because there is a fine line between healthy and unhealthy jealousy. Which as a result can lead to serious quarrels, conflicts, distrust and a break in relations.
2. She always wants to know where you are
There is nothing wrong with knowing your loved one's schedule. Everyone knows what time their partner goes to work or school, and what time he returns home. We all know well where he can be at a certain time. But if your girlfriend is a psychopath in a relationship, then of course this will not be enough for her.
She will want to know why it took you 30 minutes instead of 20 to get home from work when it usually only takes 20 minutes. How many calls did you make today, and what were these people. She is interested in all your colleagues at work, especially the fair sex. How old are they, are they in a relationship, how often do you communicate with them, and so on. She may ask for access to your email, phone, and social media accounts. In doing so, he can use the following excuse: "that you have nothing to hide from me" .
View browser history and reread your social media conversations. These are all signs that your girlfriend is a psychopath and you need to be wary of her.
3. Many missed calls
A large number of messages and missed calls should also alert you. After all, instead of leaving one voice or text message, she frantically calls again and again until you answer. Although at this point you may be really busy with work. And each time it will more and more disturb and annoy you.
4. Your friends don't suit her
This is a rather complicated topic, because sometimes our friends can behave really strangely, and it is not always pleasant for a woman to be in such company. But the problem with the psychopath is that she hates anyone you hang out with. She may not like your friends, acquaintances, colleagues and even relatives, just like that, without good reason.
5. Regular emotional swings
If your psychopath girlfriend reacts negatively and violently to some of your mistakes, or to something that does not go according to her plan. If she does not know how to restrain emotions, she becomes hysterical or reacts aggressively to what does not suit her. Then all these are signs that it is better to part with her.
6. She gets bored quickly
I know many cases where men pay their wives' tuition fees because they think they need it. But as a result, they do not even finish one semester. Because they just get bored. She was fascinated by something else, but this occupation still quit. This is quite often manifested in cases where she does not need to work or earn her living.
"Devil's Charm" A psychopath girl can almost at the snap of a finger "put on one mask after another", and behave unnaturally. Here she is sweet and pleasant, there she is a strict business lady, in another place she is modest and shy. But as soon as he gets what he wants, he immediately becomes different. Such people can take revenge cruelly and hold anger for a long time.
8. Power and despotism
Most often these qualities are inherent in people who have already achieved something in life and occupy high positions. But we can also see them in those who are in the status of a housewife or cannot fully provide for themselves. They like everything to be theirs. Very often they formulate their proposals in an orderly manner.
These are really "difficult" people for relationships, and it will be almost impossible to change them. They are very cunning and unpredictable. They like to go on various adventures, but they do it consciously. They like to do something risky and illegal.
9. Aggressiveness and anger
Such ladies can easily attack someone in the truest sense of the word. They can take actions without thinking about the consequences. This also includes the desire to humiliate others or avenge something. They are very vindictive and vindictive. Regularly do something in defiance and to the evil of others. At the same time, they are quite artistic, and they know how well "play" . They know how to present themselves beautifully or hide emotions. That is why not all men can immediately identify such insidious women.
10. Stubbornness
Aggressiveness and despotism can also be attributed to quarrelsomeness. In certain situations, the girl can simply shut up and not continue the dialogue. Or vice versa, it can repeat the same thing. Often manipulates others, or slanders everyone. She has practically no girlfriends, and even if she does, their relationship is not very friendly. She is very fond of various gossip, drama, set-ups, or initiate conflict situations.
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