Dsm 5 test questions free

Free Practice Question: DSM-5-TR | Social Work Test Prep

If you've been closely following additions to the DSM that came with the new text revision, you may have an easy time with this free practice question:

A client who's wife died a little over a year ago reports "constantly thinking" about her. He says he's still "in denial" about her death and struggles with a sense that "life has lost its meaning." Which is the DSM-5-TR diagnosis for the client's condition?

A) Adjustment disorder, depressed type

B) Major depressive disorder

C) Prolonged grief disorder

D) Bereavement

What do you think?

One quick way to answer, if you know your earlier versions of the DSM, is to pick the only answer on the list which is a DSM-5-TR addition (that is, wasn't in earlier versions of the DSM). That rules out adjustment disorder and MDD, right? Then you just have to take a best guess at what the man's symptoms might be labelled as in the DSM-5 Text Revision. Is it bereavement or prolonged grief disorder? And, you might ask, is a little over a year long enough to be considered "prolonged" grief? Well, the answer is prolonged grief disorder-C-and yes, 12+ months is enough time for PGD to be diagnosed.

Read up about the newly minted diagnosis-once a  at psychiatry.org. Key information from there:

Symptoms of prolonged grief disorder include:

  • Identity disruption (e.g., feeling as though part of oneself has died).
  • Marked sense of disbelief about the death.
  • Avoidance of reminders that the person is dead.
  • Intense emotional pain (e.g., anger, bitterness, sorrow) related to the death.
  • Difficulty moving on with life (e.g., problems engaging with friends, pursuing interests, planning for the future).
  • Emotional numbness.
  • Feeling that life is meaningless.
  • Intense loneliness (i.e., feeling alone or detached from others).

In the case of prolonged grief disorder, the duration of the person's bereavement exceeds expected social, cultural or religious norms and the symptoms are not better explained by another mental disorder.

Now you're that much more ready go take and pass the ASWB exam. Practice is the best way to get ready. We've got five complete, up-to-date practice tests, 170-questions each, with thorough rationales for each answer of each question. Sign  up to get a free study guide and get started.

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  • practice
  • DSM

Friday April 15, 2022

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The Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) online

This Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5)—Adult is a 220 item self-rated personality trait assessment scale for adults age 18 and older.

The measure is completed by the individual prior to a visit with the clinician. Each item asks the individual to rate how well the item describes him or her generally. Please mark the following questions with the best of your knowledge. Base your answers on what you think of your own personality.

By taking this test, you agree to the terms and conditions mentioned in our privacy policy.

PS – This test may take around 15 – 20 mins to complete. Try to hang in there and get to the end !

The screening tests and other psychological self-tests provided on thevividmind.org website are intended for educational purposes only and should not be understood to constitute a medical diagnosis or healthcare recommendation. Do not diagnose yourself based on these tests alone. If you screened positive for a disorder, please do not panic. Remember that this is just a test you are taking on the internet and not an expert diagnosis. Please reach out to a health care provider for help if you are distressed.

Copyright © 2013 American Psychiatric Association. All Rights Reserved.

How old are you ? (optional)

What do you do ? (optional)

Why are you taking his test ? (optional)

The screening tests and other psychological self-tests provided on thevividmind.org website are intended for educational purposes only and should not be understood to constitute a medical diagnosis or healthcare recommendation. Do not diagnose yourself based on these tests alone. If you screened positive for a disorder, please do not panic. Remember that this is just a test you are taking on the internet and not an expert diagnosis. Please reach out to a health care provider for help if you are distressed. *

1.I don’t get as much pleasure out of things as others seem to. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

2.Plenty of people are out to get me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

3.People would describe me as reckless. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

4.I feel like I act totally on impulse. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

5.I often have ideas that are too unusual to explain to anyone. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

6.I lose track of conversations because other things catch my attention. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

7.I avoid risky situations. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

8.When it comes to my emotions, people tell me I’m a “cold fish”. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

9.I change what I do depending on what others want. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

10.I prefer not to get too close to people. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

11. I often get into physical fights. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

12.I dread being without someone to love me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

13.Being rude and unfriendly is just a part of who I am. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

14.I do things to make sure people notice me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

15.I usually do what others think I should do. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

16.I usually do things on impulse without thinking about what might happen as a result. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

17.Even though I know better, I can’t stop making rash decisions. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

18.My emotions sometimes change for no good reason. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

19.I really don’t care if I make other people suffer. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

20.I keep to myself. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

21.I often say things that others find odd or strange. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

22.I always do things on the spur of the moment. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

23.Nothing seems to interest me very much. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

24.Other people seem to think my behavior is weird. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

25.People have told me that I think about things in a really strange way. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

26. I almost never enjoy life. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

27.I often feel like nothing I do really matters. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

28.I snap at people when they do little things that irritate me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

29.I can’t concentrate on anything. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

30.I’m an energetic person. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

31.Others see me as irresponsible. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

32.I can be mean when I need to be. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

33.My thoughts often go off in odd or unusual directions. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

34. I’ve been told that I spend too much time making sure things are exactly in place. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

35.I avoid risky sports and activities. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

36.I can have trouble telling the difference between dreams and waking life. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

37.Sometimes I get this weird feeling that parts of my body feel like they’re dead or not really me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

38.I am easily angered. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

39.I have no limits when it comes to doing dangerous things. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

40.To be honest, I’m just more important than other people. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

41. I make up stories about things that happened that are totally untrue. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

42.People often talk about me doing things I don’t remember at all. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

43.I do things so that people just have to admire me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

44.It’s weird, but sometimes ordinary objects seem to be a different shape than usual. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

45.I don’t have very long-lasting emotional reactions to things. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

46.It is hard for me to stop an activity, even when it’s time to do so. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

47.I’m not good at planning ahead. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

48. I do a lot of things that others consider risky. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

49.People tell me that I focus too much on minor details. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

50.I worry a lot about being alone. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

51.I’ve missed out on things because I was busy trying to get something I was doing exactly right. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

52.My thoughts often don’t make sense to others. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

53.I often make up things about myself to help me get what I want. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

54.It doesn’t really bother me to see other people get hurt. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

55. People often look at me as if I’d said something really weird. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

56.People don’t realize that I’m flattering them to get something. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

57.I’d rather be in a bad relationship than be alone. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

58.I usually think before I act. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

59.I often see vivid dream-like images when I’m falling asleep or waking up. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

60.I keep approaching things the same way, even when it isn’t working. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

61.I’m very dissatisfied with myself. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

62. I have much stronger emotional reactions than almost everyone else. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

63.I do what other people tell me to do. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

64.I can’t stand being left alone, even for a few hours. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

65.I have outstanding qualities that few others possess. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

66.The future looks really hopeless to me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

67.I like to take risks. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

68.I can’t achieve goals because other things capture my attention. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

69.When I want to do something, I don’t let the possibility that it might be risky stop me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

70.Others seem to think I’m quite odd or unusual. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

71.My thoughts are strange and unpredictable. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

72.I don’t care about other people’s feelings. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

73.You need to step on some toes to get what you want in life. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

74.I love getting the attention of other people. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

75.I go out of my way to avoid any kind of group activity. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

76.I can be sneaky if it means getting what I want. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

77. Sometimes when I look at a familiar object, it’s somehow like I’m seeing it for the first time. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

78.It is hard for me to shift from one activity to another. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

79.I worry a lot about terrible things that might happen. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

80.I have trouble changing how I’m doing something even if what I’m doing isn’t going well. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

81.The world would be better off if I were dead. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

82.I keep my distance from people. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

83.I often can’t control what I think about. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

84. I don’t get emotional. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

85.I resent being told what to do, even by people in charge. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

86.I’m so ashamed by how I’ve let people down in lots of little ways. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

87.I avoid anything that might be even a little bit dangerous. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

88.I have trouble pursuing specific goals even for short periods of time. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

89.I prefer to keep romance out of my life. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

90.I would never harm another person. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

91.I don’t show emotions strongly. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

92.I have a very short temper. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

93.I often worry that something bad will happen due to mistakes I made in the past. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

94.I have some unusual abilities, like sometimes knowing exactly what someone is thinking. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

95.I get very nervous when I think about the future. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

96.I rarely worry about things. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

97.I enjoy being in love. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

98.I prefer to play it safe rather than take unnecessary chances. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

99. I sometimes have heard things that others couldn’t hear. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

100.I get fixated on certain things and can’t stop. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

101.People tell me it’s difficult to know what I’m feeling. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

102.I am a highly emotional person. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

103.Others would take advantage of me if they could. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

104.I often feel like a failure. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

105.If something I do isn’t absolutely perfect, it’s simply not acceptable. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

106.I often have unusual experiences, such as sensing the presence of someone who isn’t actually there. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

107.I’m good at making people do what I want them to do. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

108.I break off relationships if they start to get close. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

109.I’m always worrying about something. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

110.I worry about almost everything *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

111.I like standing out in a crowd. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

112.I don’t mind a little risk now and then. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

113.My behavior is often bold and grabs peoples’ attention. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

114. I’m better than almost everyone else. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

115.People complain about my need to have everything all arranged. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

116.I always make sure I get back at people who wrong me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

117.I’m always on my guard for someone trying to trick or harm me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

118.I have trouble keeping my mind focused on what needs to be done. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

119.I talk about suicide a lot. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

120.I’m just not very interested in having sexual relationships. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

121.I get stuck on things a lot. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

122.I get emotional easily, often for very little reason. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

123.Even though it drives other people crazy, I insist on absolute perfection in everything I do. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

124.I almost never feel happy about my day-to-day activities. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

125.Sweet-talking others helps me get what I want. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

126.Sometimes you need to exaggerate to get ahead. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

127.I fear being alone in life more than anything else. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

128.I get stuck on one way of doing things, even when it’s clear it won’t work. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

129.I’m often pretty careless with my own and others’ things. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

130.I am a very anxious person. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

131.People are basically trustworthy. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

132.I am easily distracted. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

133.It seems like I’m always getting a “raw deal” from others. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

134.I don’t hesitate to cheat if it gets me ahead. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

135.I check things several times to make sure they are perfect. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

136. I don’t like spending time with others. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

137.I feel compelled to go on with things even when it makes little sense to do so. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

138.I never know where my emotions will go from moment to moment. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

139.I have seen things that weren’t really there. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

140.It is important to me that things are done in a certain way. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

141.I always expect the worst to happen. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

142.I try to tell the truth even when it’s hard. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

143.I believe that some people can move things with their minds. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

144.I can’t focus on things for very long. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

145.I steer clear of romantic relationships. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

146.I’m not interested in making friends. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

147.I say as little as possible when dealing with people. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

148.I’m useless as a person. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

149.I’ll do just about anything to keep someone from abandoning me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

150.Sometimes I can influence other people just by sending my thoughts to them. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

151. Life looks pretty bleak to me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

152.I think about things in odd ways that don’t make sense to most people. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

153.I don’t care if my actions hurt others. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

154.Sometimes I feel “controlled” by thoughts that belong to someone else. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

155.I really live life to the fullest. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

156.I make promises that I don’t really intend to keep. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

157.Nothing seems to make me feel good. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

158.I get irritated easily by all sorts of things. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

159.I do what I want regardless of how unsafe it might be. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

160.I often forget to pay my bills. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

161.I don’t like to get too close to people. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

162.I’m good at conning people. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

163.Everything seems pointless to me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

164.I never take risks. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

165.I get emotional over every little thing. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

166.It’s no big deal if I hurt other peoples’ feelings. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

167.I never show emotions to others. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

168.I often feel just miserable. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

169.I have no worth as a person. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

170.I am usually pretty hostile. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

171.I’ve skipped town to avoid responsibilities. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

172.I’ve been told more than once that I have a number of odd quirks or habits. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

173.I like being a person who gets noticed. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

174.I’m always fearful or on edge about bad things that might happen. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

175.I never want to be alone. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

176.I keep trying to make things perfect, even when I’ve gotten them as good as they’re likely to get. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

177.I rarely feel that people I know are trying to take advantage of me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

178.I know I’ll commit suicide sooner or later. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

179.I’ve achieved far more than almost anyone I know. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

180.I can certainly turn on the charm if I need to get my way. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

181.My emotions are unpredictable. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

182.I don’t deal with people unless I have to. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

183.I don’t care about other peoples’ problems. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

184.I don’t react much to things that seem to make others emotional. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

185.I have several habits that others find eccentric or strange. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

186.I avoid social events. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

187.I deserve special treatment. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

188.It makes me really angry when people insult me in even a minor way. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

189. I rarely get enthusiastic about anything. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

190.I suspect that even my so-called “friends” betray me a lot. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

191.I crave attention. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

192.Sometimes I think someone else is removing thoughts from my head. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

193.I have periods in which I feel disconnected from the world or from myself. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

194.I often see unusual connections between things that most people miss. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

195.I don’t think about getting hurt when I’m doing things that might be dangerous. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

196. I simply won’t put up with things being out of their proper places. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

197.I often have to deal with people who are less important than me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

198.I sometimes hit people to remind them who’s in charge *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

199.I get pulled off-task by even minor distractions. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

200.I enjoy making people in control look stupid. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

201.I just skip appointments or meetings if I’m not in the mood. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

202.I try to do what others want me to do. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

203. I prefer being alone to having a close romantic partner. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

204.I am very impulsive. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

205.I often have thoughts that make sense to me but that other people say are strange. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

206.I use people to get what I want. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

207.I don’t see the point in feeling guilty about things I’ve done that have hurt other people. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

208.Most of the time I don’t see the point in being friendly. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

209.I’ve had some really weird experiences that are very difficult to explain. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

210. I follow through on commitments. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

211.I like to draw attention to myself. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

212.I feel guilty much of the time. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

213.I often “zone out” and then suddenly come to and realize that a lot of time has passed. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

214.Lying comes easily to me. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

215.I hate to take chances. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

216.I’m nasty and short to anybody who deserves it. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

217.Things around me often feel unreal, or more real than usual. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

218. I’ll stretch the truth if it’s to my advantage. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

219.It is easy for me to take advantage of others. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

220.I have a strict way of doing things. *

Often true

Sometimes true

Very False

Sometimes False

Validation of a screening test based on DSM-5 criteria by digital phenotyping in the Russian population

Validation of a screening test based on DSM-5 criteria by digital phenotyping in the Russian population

Website of the publishing house "Media Sfera"
contains materials intended exclusively for healthcare professionals. By closing this message, you confirm that you are a registered medical professional or student of a medical educational institution. nine0006

Kasyanov E.D.

National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology named after N. N. V.M. Bekhterev” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Verbitskaya E.V.

First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University. acad. I.P. Pavlova

Rakitko A.S.

Genotek LLC

Ilyinsky V.V.

Genotek LLC

Rukavishnikov G.V.

National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology named after N.N. V.M. Bekhterev” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Neznanov N.G.

National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology. V.M. Bekhtereva

Kibitov A.O.

National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology named after N.N. V.M. Bekhterev” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology named after N.N. V.P. Serbian Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Mazo G.E.

National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology named after N.N. V.M. Bekhterev"

Validation of a screening test based on DSM-5 criteria by digital phenotyping on the Russian population G. V., Neznanov N.G., Kibitov A.O., Mazo G.E.

More about the authors

Magazine: Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. S.S. Korsakov. Special issues. 2022;122(6‑2): 64‑70 nine0006

DOI: 10.17116/jnevro202212206264

How to quote:

Kasyanov E.D., Verbitskaya E.V., Rakitko A.S., Ilyinsky V.V., Rukavishnikov G.V., Neznanov N.G., Kibitov A.O., Mazo G.E. Validation of a screening test based on DSM-5 criteria by digital phenotyping on the Russian population. nine0055 Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. S.S. Korsakov. Special issues. 2022;122(6‑2):64‑70.
Kasyanov ED, Verbitskaya EV, Rakitko AS, Ilinsky VV, Rukavishnikov GV, Neznanov NG, Kibitov AO, Mazo GE. Validation of a DSM-5-based screening test using digital phenotyping in the Russian population. Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova. 2022;122(6‑2):64‑70. (In Russ.).
https://doi.org/10.17116/jnevro202212206264 nine0006

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To assess the ability of the depression and anxiety screening test, based on DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, to detect cases of these conditions, assessed using the validated Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), in a population sample through digital phenotyping.


This cross-validation study included 5116 respondents (mean age 36.9(9.8) years), of which 49.4% (2526) were women. The study screening test for depression and anxiety was created based on the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder electronically. The validated HADS scale was used as a standard test. Categories of depression (HADS-D) and anxiety (HADS-A) phenotypes were formed with a cut-off of ≥8 and ≥11 points. The main indicators of the validity of the study test were calculated, including accuracy (Ac), sensitivity (Sn) and specificity (Sp) with 9 of them5% confidence intervals (CI).


The frequency of current depression and anxiety on the screening test was 7.8% ( n = 400) and 12.5% ​​( n = 639), respectively, the frequency of depression during the lifetime was 25.9% ( n =1327). On the HADS-D depression subscale for cutoffs of ≥11 and ≥8 points, the frequency of depression was 3. 4% ( n =174) and 15% ( n =766), respectively, for the HADS-A anxiety subscale for cutoffs in ≥11 and ≥8 points, the frequency of anxiety was 8.9% ( n =456) and 31.8% ( n =1628), respectively. At a cut-off of ≥11 points for HADS-D and HADS-A, current depression scores were Ac=92%, Sn=47% (95% CI [39-54]), Sp=94% (95% CI [93-94]) ), lifetime depression — Ac=75%, Sn=63% (95% CI [56-70]), Sp=75% (95% CI [74-77]) and current anxiety — Ac=88%, Sn=54% (95% CI [50–59]) and Sp=92% (95% CI [90–92]). At a cut-off of ≥8 points for HADS-D and HADS-A, current depression rates were Ac=86%, Sn=30% (95% CI [27–33]), Sp=96% (95% CI5% [95-97]), lifetime depression - Ac=74%, Sn=51% (95% CI [48-55]), Sp=79% (95% CI [77-80]) and current anxiety — Ac=75%, Sn=31% (95% CI [29-33]), Sp=96% (95% CI [95-97]).


The high accuracy and specificity of the study test allow it to be used for screening purposes to detect (but not exclude) cases of depression and anxiety in the population. However, further research is needed to validate the study test using a diagnostic interview with a physician. nine0006


digital phenotyping







Kasyanov E.D.

National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology named after N.N. V.M. Bekhterev” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Verbitskaya E.V.

First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University. acad. I.P. Pavlova

Rakitko A.S.

Genotek LLC

Ilyinsky V.V.

Genotek LLC

Rukavishnikov G.V.

National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology named after N.N. V.M. Bekhterev” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Neznanov N.G.

National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology. V.M. Bekhterev

  • SPIN RSCI: 9772-0024
  • Scopus AuthorID: 35593613200
  • ORCID: 0000-0001-5618-4206

Kibitov A. O.

National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology named after N.N. V.M. Bekhterev” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology named after N.N. V.P. Serbian Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Mazo G.E.

National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology named after N.N. V.M. Bekhterev"


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Test Borderline Personality Disorder Online • Psychologist Yaroslav Isaikin

The technique is a personality questionnaire developed on the basis of diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder according to DSM-III-R and DSM-IV in 2012 by a team of authors (T. Yu. Lasovskaya, S. V. Yaichnikov, Yu. V. Sarycheva, Ts. P. Korolenko). This questionnaire is just a convenient and valid tool for screening, daily diagnosis and verification of the diagnosis in psychiatric, general clinical and non-medical practice. nine0006

The respondent is likely to have borderline personality disorder if they score more than 25 points .

In this case, a consultation with a psychiatrist is required to clarify the diagnosis.

Another Borderline Personality Disorder (ZAN-BPD) symptom questionnaire here

Read more about the symptoms, signs and diagnosis of BPD here
Probability Test for Bipolar Spectrum Disorders

Depression Severity Test

1. I am often disappointed in people who seemed ideal to me



2. I can be called a "risk person" - I like everything that helps to feel the brightness of the world - driving at high speed, spending big money, experimenting with alcohol or drugs



3. I experience an unprecedented high of mood if I manage to win at least a small amount of money (for example, in cards or a casino)



4. I have episodes when I can eat a large amount of food (sweets, cake) and everything in the refrigerator in a short time



5. My mood is often good, even and stable



6. Others notice that my mood can be very changeable - sometimes several times a day



7. If I am really angry, I can easily insult a person or provoke a fight



8. Sometimes I get very angry, which is difficult to contain



9. At moments of severe emotional distress, I have thoughts of suicide or self-harm



10.Sometimes I suddenly want to do something that may or may not end in my death, such as taking a large dose of medication



nine0002 11. At times such bad thoughts come into my head that it is better not to talk about them



12. There were episodes in my life when I hurt myself (cut my hand with a razor, burned my skin with a cigarette, etc.)



13. Others notice that I can sometimes do rash things



14.Sometimes it happened that I didn't finish almost finished work because it ceased to interest me



15. Sometimes I feel such a feeling of melancholy and boredom that I am ready to die




Learn more