Dreams falling down

Possible Interpretations and How to Stop Them

There’s a rush of air on your face as you plunge over the edge into nothingness. You flail about, frantic for something to grab before you hit bottom, but there’s nothing — and no one — to save you. Terror consumes you as the bottom comes into view, and then, slam!

You wake up in bed. Your heart is beating too fast, but you’re safe. It was just a dream.

Not that it makes them any less disturbing, but dreams about falling are not uncommon. Read on as we take a close-up view of dreams about falling, what they could mean, and whether you can do anything about them.

There’s no scientific consensus as to the psychology behind dreams.

Studies show that certain dream themes, including falling, are common. Researchers theorize that this may reflect feelings of helplessness or rejection.

You can have a one-off dream of falling simply because you went hiking near a cliff or rolled too close to the edge of your bed. But dreaming of falling could mean that you feel:

  • insecure or unstable
  • inadequate or inferior
  • anxious
  • overwhelmed
  • out of control

If you frequently dream of falling, you may want to figure out why. Nightmares can sometimes be a sign of:

  • sleep disorders
  • anxiety
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Some specifics may matter.

Being pushed off a cliff could mean that you don’t feel secure with others or with unseen forces. Tripping and accidentally falling off a cliff might say that you lack self-confidence. Either way, things are out of control or you’re trying to hang on to something.

Dreaming that you parachuted out of an airplane or took a graceful dive into a safety net isn’t so scary. This could be a sign that you’re letting go of something negative or setting yourself free.

Other details may not matter as much as the prevailing emotions the dream provokes.

Co-creative dream theory suggests that how we respond to what happens in the dream provides more insight than individual details.

Certain objects, people, or events mean different things depending on your culture and personal history. Particular details of your dream may be significant enough in your experience to provide context for your dream.

When trying to understand your dreams, write down as many details as you can remember before they fade.

Then consider how people, places, and objects from the dream fit into your waking life. Try to zero in on the emotions you felt and what real-life events mirror those emotions.

Just as you’re about to hit the surface, your legs jerk and you wake up with a start, a motion that saves you from the fall. It’s a discombobulating way to wake up.

Hypnic jerks are sudden, involuntary muscle contractions that usually occur just as you’re falling asleep. It’s something that affects 60 to 70 percent of us.

The exact cause isn’t clear, but one symptom of a hypnic jerk is the sensation of falling.

Sometimes, there’s an overlap between hypnic jerks and dreams about falling. This phenomenon probably has more to do with your body falling asleep than your mind trying to tell you something.

Jerking awake from a falling dream feels like you’ve been saved. It also makes it more likely that you’ll recall this dream later. But you don’t have to fear not waking up. Hitting bottom or dying in a dream won’t kill you.

There’s not much scientific research to explain the meaning of a dream where someone else is falling.

It’s possible that you’re deeply concerned about someone you know whose life is spinning out of control. Or maybe you’re worried that someone is leaving you, emotionally or physically.

Think about the person in the dream and what they represent to you.

You can’t totally control your dreams. Falling dreams may be stress-related, so there are some things you can do to transition to a more peaceful sleep.

  • Cut back on caffeine.
  • Do breathing exercises or other relaxation techniques to wind down before going to bed.
  • Avoid emotionally stressful or physically strenuous activities in the hour before going to sleep.
  • Remove work-related items and electronic devices from the bedroom.
  • If you wake up and can’t go back to sleep, leave the bedroom and do something relaxing until you’re tired again.

Nightmares tend to occur during stressful periods. Your dreams about falling may stop as you work through your problems.

Research suggests that evaluating dreams can be therapeutically valuable. If dreams of falling don’t subside or they continue to trouble you during the day, you may benefit from therapy. A qualified mental health professional can help you deal with your dreams and manage the stress that triggers them.

Persistent nightmares can be a sign of prolonged stress, anxiety, or sleep disorders. If you can’t improve sleep on your own, talk to your doctor.

Whether you remember the dreams or not, you probably dream four to six times a night, mostly during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep. During REM sleep, your brainwaves are nearly as active as they are when you’re awake.

Dreams have no logic. Though they contain snippets of our daytime experiences, they’re random and nonsensical. They often have a surrealistic quality, especially when it comes to space and time.

Though many types of dreams are easily forgettable, it can be difficult to shake vivid dreams, such as those in which we fall.

Does dreaming have a purpose? Though there are many plausible theories as to why we dream, there’s a lot we can’t say for certain.

Dreams may help us form memories, work through problems, or help us practice various scenarios. Perhaps dreams serve multiple functions.

Science has yet to determine exactly why people dream or what specific dreams mean. Dreams about falling tend to occur as you fall asleep and sometimes coincide with involuntary muscle spasms.

There are some good theories about dreams and the emotions they convey. Because we’re all different, you should interpret the details of your dreams by what they mean to you personally.

Dreams about falling may reflect feelings of inadequacy or a sense that your life is out of control. Dealing with your stressors may encourage less frightening dreams.

Persistent nightmares may be due to an anxiety or sleep disorder. If dreams are affecting your physical or mental health, talk to your doctor.

Possible Interpretations and How to Stop Them

There’s a rush of air on your face as you plunge over the edge into nothingness. You flail about, frantic for something to grab before you hit bottom, but there’s nothing — and no one — to save you. Terror consumes you as the bottom comes into view, and then, slam!

You wake up in bed. Your heart is beating too fast, but you’re safe. It was just a dream.

Not that it makes them any less disturbing, but dreams about falling are not uncommon. Read on as we take a close-up view of dreams about falling, what they could mean, and whether you can do anything about them.

There’s no scientific consensus as to the psychology behind dreams.

Studies show that certain dream themes, including falling, are common. Researchers theorize that this may reflect feelings of helplessness or rejection.

You can have a one-off dream of falling simply because you went hiking near a cliff or rolled too close to the edge of your bed. But dreaming of falling could mean that you feel:

  • insecure or unstable
  • inadequate or inferior
  • anxious
  • overwhelmed
  • out of control

If you frequently dream of falling, you may want to figure out why. Nightmares can sometimes be a sign of:

  • sleep disorders
  • anxiety
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Some specifics may matter.

Being pushed off a cliff could mean that you don’t feel secure with others or with unseen forces. Tripping and accidentally falling off a cliff might say that you lack self-confidence. Either way, things are out of control or you’re trying to hang on to something.

Dreaming that you parachuted out of an airplane or took a graceful dive into a safety net isn’t so scary. This could be a sign that you’re letting go of something negative or setting yourself free.

Other details may not matter as much as the prevailing emotions the dream provokes.

Co-creative dream theory suggests that how we respond to what happens in the dream provides more insight than individual details.

Certain objects, people, or events mean different things depending on your culture and personal history. Particular details of your dream may be significant enough in your experience to provide context for your dream.

When trying to understand your dreams, write down as many details as you can remember before they fade.

Then consider how people, places, and objects from the dream fit into your waking life. Try to zero in on the emotions you felt and what real-life events mirror those emotions.

Just as you’re about to hit the surface, your legs jerk and you wake up with a start, a motion that saves you from the fall. It’s a discombobulating way to wake up.

Hypnic jerks are sudden, involuntary muscle contractions that usually occur just as you’re falling asleep. It’s something that affects 60 to 70 percent of us.

The exact cause isn’t clear, but one symptom of a hypnic jerk is the sensation of falling.

Sometimes, there’s an overlap between hypnic jerks and dreams about falling. This phenomenon probably has more to do with your body falling asleep than your mind trying to tell you something.

Jerking awake from a falling dream feels like you’ve been saved. It also makes it more likely that you’ll recall this dream later. But you don’t have to fear not waking up. Hitting bottom or dying in a dream won’t kill you.

There’s not much scientific research to explain the meaning of a dream where someone else is falling.

It’s possible that you’re deeply concerned about someone you know whose life is spinning out of control. Or maybe you’re worried that someone is leaving you, emotionally or physically.

Think about the person in the dream and what they represent to you.

You can’t totally control your dreams. Falling dreams may be stress-related, so there are some things you can do to transition to a more peaceful sleep.

  • Cut back on caffeine.
  • Do breathing exercises or other relaxation techniques to wind down before going to bed.
  • Avoid emotionally stressful or physically strenuous activities in the hour before going to sleep.
  • Remove work-related items and electronic devices from the bedroom.
  • If you wake up and can’t go back to sleep, leave the bedroom and do something relaxing until you’re tired again.

Nightmares tend to occur during stressful periods. Your dreams about falling may stop as you work through your problems.

Research suggests that evaluating dreams can be therapeutically valuable. If dreams of falling don’t subside or they continue to trouble you during the day, you may benefit from therapy. A qualified mental health professional can help you deal with your dreams and manage the stress that triggers them.

Persistent nightmares can be a sign of prolonged stress, anxiety, or sleep disorders. If you can’t improve sleep on your own, talk to your doctor.

Whether you remember the dreams or not, you probably dream four to six times a night, mostly during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep. During REM sleep, your brainwaves are nearly as active as they are when you’re awake.

Dreams have no logic. Though they contain snippets of our daytime experiences, they’re random and nonsensical. They often have a surrealistic quality, especially when it comes to space and time.

Though many types of dreams are easily forgettable, it can be difficult to shake vivid dreams, such as those in which we fall.

Does dreaming have a purpose? Though there are many plausible theories as to why we dream, there’s a lot we can’t say for certain.

Dreams may help us form memories, work through problems, or help us practice various scenarios. Perhaps dreams serve multiple functions.

Science has yet to determine exactly why people dream or what specific dreams mean. Dreams about falling tend to occur as you fall asleep and sometimes coincide with involuntary muscle spasms.

There are some good theories about dreams and the emotions they convey. Because we’re all different, you should interpret the details of your dreams by what they mean to you personally.

Dreams about falling may reflect feelings of inadequacy or a sense that your life is out of control. Dealing with your stressors may encourage less frightening dreams.

Persistent nightmares may be due to an anxiety or sleep disorder. If dreams are affecting your physical or mental health, talk to your doctor.

Shooting stars are dreams come true

“The light veil of the drawing is transparent and pure. ..” These lines are dedicated to Lyuba Makagonova by the young poetess Masha Karpova. A few years ago, the Khabarovsk branch of the Russian Cultural Fund published a small book of her poems, designed by Lyuba. Poetic images surprisingly harmoniously intertwined with the graphics of the then very young artist. nine0025

Today Lyuba Makagonova is a student at the University of Arkansas, where she is studying at the Faculty of Fine Arts. Once upon a time, fate gave her a wonderful gift. Lyuba got the opportunity to finish high school in America. There she lived with an American family for a whole year and studied at a school where art was the main focus. But at the end of the academic year, Lyuba Makagonova was offered to enter the University of Arkansas, and even received a scholarship. Yes, they noticed our talented girl in America and did everything to make her stay. For several years, the small town of Little Rock became Lyuba Makagonova's home. Here are her friends, her American family. When Lyuba turns twenty, she will receive a bachelor's degree. Lyuba dreams of staying to work in America in one of the design bureaus. It must be assumed that there will be no problems, because real talent, especially if it falls into fertile soil, will surely blossom and bear abundant fruit. nine0026

Lyuba Makagonova avoids talking about her own originality, although both at school and at the university she was the winner of many creative competitions. She simply accepts every day with gratitude, which gives her the opportunity to do the most important and exciting in life.

Lyuba has always been drawing for as long as she can remember. The first mentor was Alvin's mother. She gave her daughter brushes and paints, painted with her, comprehending the mystery of drawing, tried new visual techniques. And my mother discovered the beauty of the word for Lyuba, she read Russian fairy tales, myths of Ancient Greece to her. Perhaps that is why Lyuba Makagonova's works contain many fairy-tale plots, and her favorite hero is a fantastic dragon. Then the artist-teachers O. Timoshenko, M. Tatyanina, V. Chichkan appeared in Lyuba's life. Each of them gave Lyuba something of their own, helping her open up, feel her creative potential. At 19In 1992, the first regional festival "Far Eastern Talents" was held. It was then that the gifted girl was noticed, making her a scholarship holder of the Khabarovsk branch of the Russian Cultural Foundation.

About a year ago, when Lyuba Makagonova came to her native Khabarovsk for summer holidays, her personal exhibition called "Kaleidoscope" was held in the art cellar of the creative center "Secrets of the Craft". Then Lyuba presented the drawings that she brought from America. These were amazing creative experiments, vivid images. nine0026

On the one hand, it is very sad that our Khabarovsk talent flourishes in a foreign land. But on the other hand (and there is no need to prevaricate) - it is unlikely that Lyuba Makagonova had the same opportunities for creativity in Russia. But talent, fortunately, knows no bounds. Lyuba, a modest and hardworking girl, lives in an American town. Her work is admired by teachers and friends, she is predicted a good future. But she never stopped loving her country, Khabarovsk, which became the beginning of all beginnings for her. Yes, her dream came true, which she, perhaps, did not suspect at one time. I just looked at the night sky and thought about something of my own. Once Lyuba said that she loves shooting stars very much. This bright moment, like a fairy tale, can fulfill the most cherished dream. Lyuba Makagonova believes in this. nine0026

Photos and reproductions from the archive of the Khabarovsk branch of the Russian Cultural Foundation

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Dreams achieved, fall and rise together. How Zhumagulov and Morozov motivated each other to win in UFC

Within seven days, two Kazakh fighters at once UFC , representing Arlan MMA Pro Team , got their debut wins in the promotion in Las Vegas (Nevada, USA). The correspondent of Vesti.kz spoke about the common mood of Zhalgas Zhumagulov (14-5) and Sergey Morozov (17-5), which brought success to both.

Zhumagulov and Morozov are two Aktobe fighters who achieved their dream by reaching the level of the UFC. In June, Sergei turned 32, and Zhalgas will be 33 in August. For the bantamweight and flyweight weight, let's face it, he is not young. But both have a championship core and character, otherwise they would never have been in the best league in the world. nine0026

The path of both to the UFC was long and difficult. But both of them deserve this challenge. Zhumagulov became the champion in the Fight Nights Global league, and Morozov was unmatched in the M-1 Global . But not every champion of these organizations immediately ends up in the UFC. Here an important role was played by the promotion's entry into the Kazakhstani market, as well as the professionalism of the manager of Sayat Abdrakhmanov .

Zhumagulov got into the league a little earlier than his friend. In July 2020, Zhalgas made his debut with a defeat, but Morozov was constantly next to him. Both in easy times and in hard times, these fighters are always there, and they are connected by fraternal support. In the UFC, this even shows up on the fight calendar. nine0026

Morozov made his debut in the promotion in January of this year, and Zhumagulov was going to fight his second fight there. Later, the organization divided the fights of Sergei and Zhalgas into two adjacent tournaments - Morozov fought on January 20, and Zhumagulov fought on January 23.

During Morozov's fight one of his seconds was Jaco, but then everything changed the other way around. Both lost, and both understood how insulting it was, because, as they said themselves, "the whole country was rooting for them."

Some time later, Zhumagulov went to the USA to train in Gym American Top Team (ATT). Then there was also Morozov. Both were in Brazilian coach Marcos Parrumpa's group. Training in one of the most famous gyms in the world was not in vain.

In July, a week apart, both Zhalgas and Sergey won their first UFC victories. And here again the Aktobe fighters were nearby. At a press conference after the fight, Morozov even challenged his former rival Zhumagulov to a duel, calling him a "cheater".

The position of both in the UFC is about the same. They are not young, but they are experienced and have a championship background. With almost one hundred percent probability, if there are no health problems, then next time they will again perform at one or neighboring events. This will likely happen in October. nine0026

Based on the results in recent fights, one can conclude that the results of one may affect the second. Zhumagulov's victory motivated Morozov to succeed even more, and in January, perhaps, it was psychologically difficult for Zhalgas to perform after Sergey's failure.

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