Dreams about no teeth
What Do Dreams About Losing Teeth Mean?
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One of the best parts of growing up is getting over the childhood fear that a monster is hiding under your bed. Sure, I still wake up in a sweat from time to time after dreaming about locking myself out of my apartment, but I can usually shake off the spooks by the time I’ve rolled myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth. But the dream that still rocks to me my very core is the one where—drumroll, please—I lose a tooth.
I’ve only had this nightmare (I’m a drama queen, not sorry) a handful of times, and when I do, my mouth actually hurts the next day. It’s a downright haunting experience to lose your teeth! Even if it’s not real! Which is why I need to know what my brain is thinking, and if there’s anything I can do to in my waking life to trick my subconscious into never dreaming about it again. Here, two experts explain what’s going on in your mind when you dream about losing your teeth.
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First of all, the “losing teeth” dream is super common, so know that you’re not alone.
Apparently, nearly everyone experiences this dream because we can all remember what it felt like to lose a tooth when we were kids. “We all have memories—conscious and unconscious—around our milk teeth falling out and having gaps in our teeth before our new teeth grew," explains Jane Teresa Anderson, a dream analyst and therapist. (By the way, milk teeth = baby teeth.)
“During those childhood years, we may experience all sorts of worries and concerns, perhaps being teased about having gaps in our smile, perhaps losing our confidence,” points out Anderson. Simply put, those feelings are returning, symbolically speaking, in your dream. Yikes!
But don’t freak out. “Halle Berry has this dream too!” Lauri Loewenberg, a dream expert who has worked with celebs, including Hoda Kotb and Kelly Pickler, tells Cosmo. Okay, fine, I’m feeling a bit less bad about my weird psyche. I guess?
But so what does the dream signify?
In non-shocking news, dreaming that you’ve lost a tooth has more than one meaning. According to Loewenberg, “Dreams involving the mouth or throat area are most often connected to communication issues in waking life. When your teeth fall out in a dream, it is usually because you have said something without thinking about it first.” In other words, your teeth are acting as a metaphor for words falling out of your mouth. Deep.
“If you dream that you have missing teeth, ask yourself where, over the past couple of days, you have felt a sense of something missing in your life,” recommends Anderson. “If, in your dream, you’re embarrassed to talk because one or more teeth are missing, you may be feeling—or fearing—a lack of confidence,” she added.
That’s the thing: Dream analyses all depend on what’s going on in your real life specifically. “Our dreams are unique.
While millions of people may dream about their teeth falling out, it’s the other details in the dream that help pinpoint the exact interpretation,” notes Anderson.
“To get a feeling for the meaning of your dream, focus on how you felt about your teeth falling out,” she suggests. Are you feeling afraid of that loss? Or could you be subconsciously reliving something embarrassing that happened in your waking life? Spend some time reflecting on your dream, even if it’s uncomfortable, in order to diagnose its meaning to you.
Photographer, Basak Gurbuz DermanGetty Images
Okay, so what should I do if I dream about losing my teeth
over and over again?If losing your teeth is a recurring dream, your mind is probably trying to tell you something. “Recurring dreams are often connected to an ongoing issue (the dream continues until the issue is resolved) or they can be connected to a recurring behavior pattern that needs correcting: Every time you exhibit the behavior, you have the dream,” Loewenberg explains.
Is there anything I can do to stop having this dream?
If you want to get rid of this haunting dental dream sequence, Anderson recommends confronting (eek!) the image of your teeth falling out—yep, even though it’s freaky. “When you wake up, reimagine the dream but with your teeth staying in place, firm and strong,” says Anderson. “Imagine yourself acting and feeling firm and strong too. This helps reprogram your unconscious mind to resolve the issue.”
And remember: There’s nothing to panic about.
While yes, losing your teeth in a dream is often uncomfortable, it’s not a reason to freak out. You still have those pearly whites, baby, and hey, maybe it has you thinking critically about an issue that’s been bubbling in the back of your mind. It’s called growth, y’all.
Samantha Grindell Samantha Grindell is a lifestyle writer based in New York City.
Dreams About Teeth Falling Out, Losing Teeth: 18 Meanings
Dreams About Teeth Falling Out, Losing Teeth: 18 MeaningsSubscribeGive A Gift
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Photo: Francisco Beaufrand/Getty Images
It’s one of the scariest dreams you can have: You’re going about your business, and all of a sudden, your teeth start falling out. Maybe they drop out one at a time, or they start crumbling in your hands, or they start splintering off. No matter what, having a dream where your teeth fall out is unsettling. If you’ve had a dream like this, you might be wondering what it means.
“The teeth dream will be connected to the way you’ve been communicating lately,” says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, professional dream analyst and author. “Any dream having to do with the mouth — the lips, the tongue, the teeth, the throat — is going to be about what you’ve been saying, how you’ve been saying it, et cetera.” Continue reading for Loewenberg’s interpretations of various dreams about teeth falling out, and how they might relate to what’s happening in your life when you’re awake.
If you dream that your teeth fall out at the dentist’s office …
“The dentist would [represent] your ability to correct some form of communication you’ve had, or maybe just correct your typical way of communicating,” Loewenberg says. “Maybe you’re working on not cursing so much, maybe you’re working on thinking before you speak, maybe you’re working on being more polite.”
If you pull out a loose tooth in your dream …
According to Loewenberg, pulling out a loose tooth would symbolize a conflict that you need to speak up about or that you want to put an end to. “Maybe the tooth is just hanging there by a vein, and you just need to get this out. That thought process right there is exactly what the dream means. You’ve got to say what needs to be said here, you gotta force yourself to say it no matter how painful it may be.”
If you go to pick something out of your teeth, and the tooth falls out …There’s nothing like realizing you forgot to floss and now have a piece of spinach in your teeth, but it’s even more unsettling if your tooth falls out when you try to remedy it. However, Loewenberg says that this dream could be a sign that you’ve cleared up a miscommunication. “It’s also really important what is stuck in your teeth. If you’ve got gum stuck in your teeth, this would likely be connected to something you would consider a sticky situation. And that may be why you’re stuck in this communication issue because it’s sticky and you’re not sure how to say the correct thing. ”
If you dreamed that your teeth begin crumbling …
“The one where your teeth crumble is connected to weak speech. You’re typically going to get that dream when you maybe had an argument or you feel like you didn’t get your point across, or you just didn’t say it correctly, that what came out of your mouth was weak. It had cracks in it, it wasn’t solid.”
If you dreamed that your teeth started falling out slowly or one by one …
“When they come out on their own, that’s usually connected to allowing something out of your mouth that you wish you could put back in. Saying something without thinking about it first, gossip, things that should have stayed in there. When the teeth come out one at a time, then look at your communication the day before. Did you start maybe leaking information about someone or something? Did you say little trickles of things that maybe you shouldn’t have said? It’s connected to just saying little tidbits here and there.”
If you dreamed that they all fell out at once …
Loewenberg says that this happens when you said a lot of information all at once. “That usually comes people who are talkers and who just talk way too much and don’t know when to stop talking. These people that have this personality trait are typically aware of it. They get that dream, it’s a lot of things come out of their mouth all the time. But it can also happen when you’ve allowed something big out of your mouth. Like the more teeth that come out, the bigger the deal is of what you said. So if you’re trying to hold it in or you’re trying to catch the teeth, then that is connected to your realization of Oops, I shouldn’t have said that.”
If only a few of your teeth fell out in the dream …
“If it’s just a few teeth that come out instead of all of them, then again it would reflect a level of how much you’ve said.” Loewenberg urges you to look at the day before, because dreams will always be connected to something that happened the day before the dream. “Did you not give a whole truth? Did you only say half the story, so to speak?”
If all but one or two teeth fell out …
“If there’s just a little bit left, then you may still feel you have a little bit of dignity left after whatever it was you vomited out. ”
If you dreamed that they fell out with a light tap …
“That little tap suggests that perhaps someone gave you just a little nudge to get this information out of you rather than you offering it up freely. For example, when you have a secret, or someone’s told you something, some kind of juicy gossip, you’ll hold it in. But if someone kind of brings it up, ‘Do you know anything?,’ gives you a little nudge, and then you spill the beans, that’s tapping.”
If they started splintering and splitting apart in the dream …
Like crumbling teeth, Loewenberg warns that this might also have to do with weak speech. “Then again, there’s a reason why it’s splintering or splitting as opposed to crumbling. The splitting could be compared to what you said the day before in an argument with someone where you were to the point [of] just splitting hairs. If you’re getting down to way too much detail that’s unnecessary at that point.”
If pieces of your teeth started chipping off …
Out of all the dreams of teeth falling out, Loewenberg says this is the one that she personally gets most frequently. “That would also be about not giving enough information. For example, I think I get it a lot because I go on the radio a lot and I explain dreams a lot. But I’ll get that teeth-chipping-off dream when I feel like I haven’t given enough information, like I feel like I didn’t explain myself well enough. I don’t feel like the person I was talking to fully understands what I was trying to explain to them.”
If you dreamed that your teeth started to grow crooked and push themselves out of your mouth …
“In this case, this will really affect how you look. A lot of times in these dreams when the teeth are coming out or whatever’s going on with the teeth, we’ll look in the mirror because we have concern about how we look now. So that one would very much be you having anxiety about how you may now appear to others after what has been said. The crookedness also could be connected to lies.”
If they started to rot …
“Rotting teeth can be one of two things. It can be connected to something that’s old, a kind of argument or grudge or situation that you’ve been discussing the previous day that’s old, and you’re getting tired of it. You’re subconscious is expressing that in the form of rotting teeth. It’s like we’ve gone over this a million times this is getting old. But it can also be connected to guilt over saying something that was really rotten and nasty.”
If you dreamed that your teeth started retreating back into your gums …
“That one is big-time connected to really wishing you could take back what you said. You wish you could just erase it. ‘Ugh, I can’t believe that I said that, what can I do to take this back?’ That one also can be fear of speaking up. I’m afraid to speak up about whatever this issue is. So instead of letting it out, I’m like pulling back completely.”
If your mouth was full of loose teeth in your dream …
“That one is where there is something that you need to speak up about but you haven’t yet. It’s like, I need to say this, I really need to speak up about this, I really need to confront this person about this, but you haven’t done it yet. You’re like on the verge, you’re so ready to. That’s why they’re loose. But you haven’t done it yet. At this point, your subconscious is presenting it to you in this way, so you can decide, Okay, is it best to go ahead and speak up about this or to keep my mouth shut? What is the best way to approach this?”
If they started falling out while you were in the middle of a difficult task …
“Of course, it would also depend on the task you’re doing, because every little detail matters. But if you’re in the process of doing something difficult and your teeth fall out and they’re not the entire focus of the dream, this could also be connected to not just communication but also action in real life that you’re having difficulty with. A lot of times when we face difficult issues, we don’t do anything. When you’re actively trying to tackle that difficult situation in real life — hence you’re dealing with something difficult in a dream — you’re actively trying to fix it and your teeth fall out, [it] could be a message from your subconscious to keep this to yourself, just work on this alone and don’t be complaining and gossiping about it.”
If they fell out in your dream and you couldn’t find them …
Loewenberg says that this could mean you’re having trouble finding the right words. “You know there’s something you need to say but you don’t know how to say it. How can I say this? Let me find the right words. Since the teeth have already come out, this could be trying to find the right words to correct what you’ve messed up by speaking without thinking. ”
If you dreamed that they fell out while you were hooking up with someone …
“You know how they say less is more? This type of dream could happen when you’ve talked way too much in a conversation. For example, sex in a dream actually isn’t about the physical act of sex, it’s more about connecting with someone on an emotional or psychological level. So this could indicate that you’ve had some kind of connection with someone with intimate conversation. But now you’re overthinking it, and thinking, Oh, maybe I shouldn’t have said this, oh, I said too much of that, but your dream is trying to reassure [you that] you guys connected, don’t worry about it.”
The takeaway: If you’re having dreams where your teeth are falling out, Loewenberg says that your subconscious is trying to help you improve your communication skills. That said, there are some exceptions. “Sometimes, the loss of teeth or something happening to your teeth can also be about you feeling you’re losing power somewhere in your life,” Loewenberg says. “In the animal kingdom, your teeth are your ability to survive, to protect yourself, and to eat. Loss of teeth can, for some, mean they’re feeling like they’re losing their means to survive in some way.”
To start tackling the root of the dreams, Loewenberg advises keeping a dream journal. “I recommend writing your day-journal part on the left side of your journal and your dreams on the right side so you can have them next to each other and more easily connect the dots between what happened in your day to see how that affected what you dreamt that night.” This is a way for you to track patterns in your behavior and how your communication may be affecting your dreams.
The bottom line? “If you’re getting the teeth dream a lot, really examine how well or how poorly you’re communicating with others,” advises Loewenberg. “Do you need to listen more? Do you need to work on expressing yourself more? Do you need to speak up more? Do you need to be more confident in what you say? Do you need to be more tactful? All these little clues in your dreams are going to tell you that.”
Read more about dreams on the Cut, including why you dream about your ex.
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18 Reasons You Dream About Teeth Falling Out, Losing TeethThings you buy through our links may earn New York a commission
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interpretation of dreams about tooth loss
Tooth loss in Miller's dream book
Any dream in which you remain without a tooth is a harbinger of trouble, even if it is removed by a dentist - in this case, get ready for serious and long-term health problems. Spitting out teeth in a dream also speaks of illnesses (yours or loved ones). You just lost a tooth - it means that your pride will not stand under the yoke of circumstances, and your labors will be in vain. It matters how many teeth fell out: one - to sad news, two - to a series of failures due to their neglect of business, three - to very big troubles, all - to grief.
Loss of teeth in Vanga's dream book
The soothsayer associated the loss of teeth in a dream with the sudden death of a person from your environment (if with blood, then the closest relative). Worse, if a tooth is pulled out, your friend will be overtaken by a violent death, and the criminal will go unpunished. In this case, Vanga advises not to reproach yourself, you need to accept that this is fate. Left completely without teeth? Tune in to an interesting life, but a lonely old age, as you will outlive your loved ones and friends.
Loss of teeth in the Islamic dream book
Interpreters of the Koran can find directly opposite explanations for the meaning of dreams about teeth falling out. Some believe that this is an indicator of life expectancy. The more teeth you lose, the longer you will live (life will be rich if the teeth fall into your hands). Others warn that such a dream may be followed by the death of a loved one from illness. Who exactly? The upper teeth symbolize men, the lower teeth symbolize women. The canine is the head of the family, the right incisor is the father, the left is the father's brother. If one of them is no longer alive, then it may be their closest relatives or friends. But if all your teeth fall out, then this is a good sign, the longest life in the family awaits you.
For debtors, a dream about teeth falling out means a quick repayment of the loan.
Loss of teeth in Freud's dream book
The psychoanalyst correlated dreams about teeth with a craving for masturbation and fears that others would become aware of this. The loss of a tooth (whether it was pulled out or it fell out on its own) reflects the fear of punishment in the form of castration for masturbation. If you deliberately shook the tooth so that it fell out faster, then you like self-satisfaction more than sexual contacts with the opposite sex.
Loss of teeth in the dream book of Nostradamus
Do you have some serious goal, but did you dream of a lost tooth? Get together, otherwise, due to your own inaction and confusion, you risk disrupting all plans. If an empty hole remains after a tooth falls out, then you will grow old earlier than expected, as you will quickly lose vitality.
Loss of teeth in Loff's dream book
Agree that being left without teeth is an awkward situation. Therefore, the psychoanalyst associated such dreams with the fear of losing face in public and situations in which you will have to feel embarrassed.
But dreams about teeth falling out can also have a purely physical component - teeth grinding in a dream or their high sensitivity.
Loss of teeth in Tsvetkov's dream book
The scientist advises to pay attention to the method of losing a tooth: pulled out - an annoying person will disappear from your life, knocked out - expect a series of failures. If any of the processes is accompanied by bleeding, then one of your relatives will die.
Loss of teeth in the Esoteric dream book
Painless loss of a tooth indicates that connections that did not play a special role in your life will disappear by themselves. If at this moment blood flowed, then the separation will turn out to be painful.
Painful loss of teeth portends that people who did not play a significant role in it will soon disappear from your life. Photo: globallookpress.comPsychologist's comment
Maria Koledina, psychologist:
Loss of teeth in dreams has an archaic character and is often accompanied by a feeling of fear or horror. Because in ancient times, being left without teeth meant hunger, and this is tantamount to death.
In men, the loss of teeth in a dream may be related to the actualization of the fear of death, first of all, as a man, associated with the loss of his sexual activity and aggression. Losing teeth symbolically means losing competition to another male, lowering in status, getting a blow to self-esteem. For example, such a dream may occur after a situation where a man could not defend himself.
A dream about the loss of teeth in women can also be related to the topic of sexuality, aggression and fear for its manifestations. Loss of teeth in such dreams may be the result of a strong sense of guilt and a form of punishment. Such a dream can also occur after a situation where a woman, instead of “showing her teeth”, was silent, that is, she suppressed her aggression.
What does toothless dream about - the meaning of sleep toothless according to the dream book
Toothless according to Miller's dream book
If you dream that you have no teeth, this means that you are unable to arrange your career, and the disease will destroy your plans.
If you see someone else without teeth, it means that your enemies are powerless to discredit you.
Toothless according to the Family Dream Book
If you dream that you have no teeth, then in reality you are unlikely to be able to make a career. Probably, some kind of illness will prevent the achievement of the goal.
If you see someone else without teeth, the enemies are not able to discredit you.
If you dream of a toothless person who is trying to attack you, your competitors will not be able to harm you, you are stronger than ever.
Seeing yourself toothless - in the near future you will feel powerless when faced with the illness of a relative or close friend.
To see a toothless woman - probably a person who is not very pleasant to you will try to entangle you with the sacred bonds of Hymen. But she won't succeed.
Toothless old man or old woman - long-forgotten circumstances that you are ashamed of will become public.
Toothless according to the Spring Dream Book
Seeing a toothless man in a dream - wait for news of the deceased.
Seeing yourself without teeth is a tragedy.
To see a toothless spouse, a spouse - to theft.
Toothless in a dream book from A to Z
To see a toothless person in a dream - to the loss, loss of a valuable and expensive thing for you in order to discredit your reputation, however, the intrigues of those who set up the loss will be in vain.
If in a dream it seems to you that you have lost your teeth, it means that you are unable to arrange your career, moreover, a serious illness will interfere with the implementation of your plans.
Artificial teeth in the mouth - you should expect severe trials, to overcome which you will have to exert all your strength.
If in a dream your teeth are pulled out or knocked out - the work to which so much time and energy has been given will be crossed out, therefore you should take your affairs more seriously, which your enemies are so eager to upset.
If your teeth are destroyed in a dream, it means that your work or health will take an undesirable turn.
If you dream that you are spitting out your teeth, it means that the disease threatens you or your family.
If you see that every one of your teeth has fallen out, then a period of misfortune sets in for you.
Toothless according to Azar's dream book
toothless - to theft
Toothless according to the Modern dream book
If you dream that you have no teeth, you will lose some jewel or some part of your property. Perhaps you are unable to arrange your future, your career. Your plans can be destroyed by illness.
If you dream of someone else, your enemies will not be able to harm you, they will be powerless before you.
Toothless according to the dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy
loss of jewelry.
Toothless according to the dream book of Catherine the Great
Toothless man - you dream of a toothless man; he says something, perhaps threatens you; or in the image of a toothless person you dream of someone you know, a relative - in real life you have enemies; and thank God - it means that you are a normal strong person; your enemies are up to something unworthy against you, but they will not succeed, they will not burn out to discredit you - they are toothless; near you they are spiritual midgets. You dream that you look in the mirror and see that you are toothless - in reality, dangerous situations await you; perhaps you will be slandered, but you will not be able to adequately resist; you will be "stabbed with hairpins", and you will be helpless to answer; perhaps your enemies will triumph; let the truth be your consolation: whoever acts in unworthy ways will not long triumph.
Toothless according to the Combined Dream Book
If you imagine that you have no teeth, you will suffer the loss of part of the property, possibly significant. You are probably very concerned about your future.
If you dream of a strange toothless person, your ill-wishers will be powerless, nothing threatens you.
Toothless according to the Folklore dream book
To see a Toothless mouth in a dream - Loss, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.
Toothless according to the Electronic Dream Book
Toothless - the loss of a jewel.
Toothless according to the Big Dream Book
Toothless - Seeing a toothless person in a dream - to the loss, loss of a valuable and expensive thing for you in order to discredit your reputation, however, the intrigues of those who set up the loss will be in vain. If in a dream it seems to you that you have lost your teeth, then you are unable to arrange your career, moreover, a serious illness will interfere with the implementation of your plans. Artificial teeth in the mouth - you should expect severe trials, to overcome which you will have to exert all your strength. If in a dream your teeth are pulled out or knocked out, the work to which so much time and energy has been given will be crossed out, so you should take your affairs more seriously, which your enemies are so eager to upset. If your teeth are destroyed in a dream, it means that your work or health will take an undesirable turn. If you dreamed that you were spitting out your teeth, it means that the disease threatens you or your family. If you see that every one of your teeth has fallen out, a period of misfortune begins for you.
Toothless according to O. Smurov's dream book
Toothless - If you dreamed that you were toothless in a dream, this is a sign of your own weakness and loneliness. You do not have anyone who could support in difficult times.
If you dream that others are toothless, this is a good omen, which means that your enemies will not be able to harm you.
See also: why do you dream of teeth, why do you dream of false teeth, why do you dream of a prosthesis.
Toothless according to the dream book of V. Melnikov
Toothless - If you dreamed of a toothless person - this is a loss, loss of a valuable and expensive thing for you in order to discredit your reputation, but the intrigues of those who set up the loss will be in vain. If you dreamed that it seemed to you that you had lost your teeth, it means that you are unable to arrange your career, moreover, a serious illness will interfere with the implementation of your plans.
If you dreamed of artificial teeth in your mouth, then you should expect severe trials, to overcome which you will have to exert all your strength. If you dreamed that your teeth were being pulled out or knocked out, then the work to which so much time and energy has been given will be crossed out, so you should take your affairs more seriously, which your enemies are so eager to upset.
If you dreamed that your teeth were decaying, it means that your work or health will take an undesirable turn. If you dreamed that you were spitting out your teeth, it means that the disease threatens you or your family. If you dreamed that every one of your teeth fell out, a period of misfortune begins for you.
Toothless according to the Christian dream book
Toothless person - In the near future, career growth is impossible for you, Imagine that a toothless person has grown teeth. Or he inserted prostheses for himself, as the Toothless Man interprets the dream book.
Toothless according to the Explanatory Dream Book
To dream Toothless to see in a dream - A sign of the loss of real estate and the loss of something precious from your property.
Toothless according to the Psychotherapeutic dream book
Toothless is a sign of the loss of real estate and the loss of something precious from your property.
Toothless according to the Men's Dream Book
If you see in a dream a toothless person who is trying to attack you, your competitors will not be able to harm you, you are stronger than ever. To see yourself toothless - in the near future you will feel powerless when faced with the illness of a relative or close friend. Seeing a toothless woman is likely that a person who is not very pleasant to you will try to entangle you with the sacred bonds of a hymen. But she won't succeed. Toothless old man or old woman - long-forgotten circumstances that you are ashamed of will become public.
Toothless according to the Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams
Toothless is a sign of the loss of real estate and the loss of something precious from your property.
Toothless according to the dream book for the whole family
If you see in a dream a toothless person who is trying to attack you, your competitors will not be able to harm you, you are stronger than ever.
Seeing yourself toothless - in the near future you will feel powerless when faced with the illness of a relative or close friend.
Seeing a toothless woman - probably a person who is not very pleasant to you will try to entangle you with the sacred bonds of Hymen.