Dreaming for a better life

Dreaming Of A Better Lifestyle?! Living the healthy life - Dreams in Heels

Leave a Comment / By Dreams in Heels / March 29, 2019 March 31, 2019

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Everyone wants to live a better lifestyle, but our vision is often clouded when wondering how to get there. Most people will dream of living the lottery, because money solves everything… doesn’t it? Well, it doesn’t! You could have all of the things in the world with money, but you’d have all of the problems associated with having too much money, and trust us, it does happen. To have a better lifestyle, you have to think about everything to do with your life at the minute. From the job that you do, to the friends that you have, to the fun that you have. Most of you will have a couple of things that you’d love to change about your lifestyle right now, and this article is going to delve into a few of them. A better lifestyle is something you should definitely pursue if you’re just not happy with yours at the minute. You don’t want life to pass you by, like this year seems to be doing, without living the lifestyle that’s perfect for you! So keep on reading, and turn that dream of a better lifestyle, into a reality.

Your Working Lifestyle

Your working life is no doubt one of the biggest parts of your life at the minute. There will no doubt have also been so many times where you would have wished that you had a different job. But actually getting the motivation to find a passion, and then leave your comfortable job to go into something new, can be one of the scariest things in the world. So think about what might suit you. If you love problem solving and working with children, you might suit social work. Even more so if you love a challenge, and the chance of progression. You could take an advanced social worker degree online, and progress even further into your career and towards the money. If you think your life would be so much better with more money, then a solid career is what you need to go for. It can be anything that you think you’re going to get a passion for!

Your Social Life

Although some would argue that work is the biggest part of life, having a good social life is even more important. Your social life could be anyone from your partner, to meeting up with work friends outside of work. But social lives can go a bit stale as life goes on, so you need to put the spark right back into it. Think about things like escape rooms, or a highwire outdoor activity park. There are so many fun things you could be doing that you might not be doing now, which is better than just meeting up for a coffee, or going to the cinema.

Your Healthy Side

Your healthy side is the most ignored part of your lifestyle, but it has to be one that you focus on. If you’re someone who is always feeling really low, tired, and unhappy with your appearance, then sticking to a healthy lifestyle for just two weeks, will make a massive difference. Your mood will life, you’ll have more energy, and you’ll generally feel more happier within yourself!

What Are Your Dreams for a Better World? – Sunflower Seeds

The world needs dreamers, those individuals who see the world the way it is and envision a better one. What are your dreams for a better world? You might want to take a few minutes to reflect on that question before you read the rest of this post…Or you can read some of my dreams and then formulate some of your own.

Some of my dreams for a better world:

* that every baby would be welcomed and cared for.

* that every man, woman, and child would know how to read and write.

* that every marriage, friendship, or other committed relationship would be life-giving.

* that every community (whether family, parish, neighborhood, state, or nation) would help to support the weak and marginalized members in their midst.

* that all farmers would be able to make a decent living raising the food for the world.

* that all people would learn at least one language besides their own.

* that people would consistently choose to do the better thing; and if they failed, they would learn from their experience, apologize if needed, and make a better choice the next time.

* that everyone would be patient with the shortcomings of everyone else.

* that racism, sexism, and ageism would be so rare that the words would eventually be marked “obsolete” in the dictionary.

* that elderly individuals would be respected, cherished, and cared for.

* that, in addition to making a just profit,  all businesses would keep in mind the promotion of the common good.

* that everyone would begin each day by asking their Deity for wisdom, strength, and compassion. If they have no Deity, then they would ask all the positive forces of the universe for these three qualities.

* that all people would forgive all the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors.

* that armies would be used solely for activities such as these: global disaster relief, the distribution of toys for the children of the world, and the picking up of the world’s litter.

* that we humans would continue to use our ingenuity to figure out ways to use the earth’s resources responsibly without doing irreparable damage to our planet.

* that people would laugh more, watch sunsets more, talk to the birds more, smell the flowers more, and get to know their neighbors better.

* that we would think in terms of “us” and “ours” instead of “me” and “mine.”

* that before every decision, the leaders of government, businesses, and churches would ask this question: how will what we do here today affect the seventh generation (taken from the Oneida Native Americans)

* that no one would die alone.

As I drew these up, I thought: they sound a lot like the dreams Jesus had for a better world, dreams encapsulated in his words such as these: love one another…forgive one another…turn the other cheek…take no extra sandals for the journey…share your treasure with the poor…fear not…Behold the birds of the air and the lilies of the field…follow me.

I also thought: I can’t just sit around and dream. I must do something  to help make my dreams come true. I ask myself: What small step can I take today to make one of my dreams more of a reality? After all, a better world starts with a better me. Sarah Ban Breathnach, the author of Simple Abundance, said it well: “The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do.”

What are some of your dreams for a better world? What steps can you take to make your dreams a reality?

PS: I will be directing a weekend retreat at Berakah Center in Pittsfield, New Hampshire July 12-14. Please say a little prayer for the retreatants–and for me. Thank you very much!

Read the book "Dreams of a Better Life" online in full 📖 - Ekaterina Ostrovskaya - MyBook.

© Ostrovskaya E., 2015

© Eksmo Publishing Company, 2015

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Tatyana Ustinova

Certainly fascinating reading

Ostrovskaya's new book "Dreams of a Better Life" is an amazing and certainly fascinating read. Pure adrenaline, like going down a roller coaster. Completely dizzying - to ringing in the ears - falls into the void of the unknown and lightning-fast take-offs to hitherto unseen peaks. There is no time to look around and take a breath! .. And it will definitely not be possible to make out what will happen to the heroes who are already so close and beloved in the next second, after the next plot twist.

The novel "Dreams of a Better Life" contains many reminiscences - one can unmistakably guess "The Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri, the stories of Setton-Thompson and even - you won't believe it! - old Hollywood action movies. It is not easy to deal with such a mixture: it is extremely explosive if mishandled. The slightest miscalculation - and the author runs the risk of being accused of bad taste at the very least. Yes, only a truly talented, courageous and self-confident person who knows exactly what he is doing can write such a detective story.

Ekaterina Ostrovskaya succeeded! Her new detective is by no means an empty potpourri. Dreams of a Better Life is a very eclectic book, but it is absolutely devoid of any vulgarity! On the contrary, this is a fantastic, detective and a bit naive story, designed to intrigue, lead by the nose, captivate us readers, and at the same time, it can tell a lot about the author himself. And this is an absolute sign of honest literature. Ostrovskaya again shows her remarkable talent as an alchemist, masterfully fusing together seemingly incompatible components - realism and fantasy, suspense and comedy, prayer and farce - and in the end, maybe not a philosopher's stone, but certainly an exciting detective story.

In the "Moral Code of the Builders of Communism" - we were once seriously forced to learn it - it was written that man is a "friend, comrade and brother" to man, and not a wolf at all, as it turned out several decades later, when the nineties broke out. We can safely say that Ekaterina Ostrovskaya did much more to put this principle into practice than the vast majority of the participants in any CPSU congress! . . And the point, of course, is not in planting a controversial communist morality or in following the precepts of the fathers of Marxist-Leninist theories. The heroes of the new detective Ostrovskaya unite, help each other, come to the rescue in the most difficult moment and together overthrow the universal evil!

Ostrovskaya is generally famous for her ability to work with characters: she is not afraid to provide them with absolutely fantastic biographies, reward them with rare talents and place them in extraordinary circumstances. But at the same time, the heroes of Ostrovskaya always remain people. In the novel "Dreams of a Better Life" they think, doubt, worry, fall in love in a very human way. That is why we, grateful readers, follow with such interest, sympathize and lament in a whisper: “Don’t go there, don’t go there, don’t go!..”

Lena has lost her beloved husband and a good job, but she does not intend to give up. Life goes on! .. Having gone to the village to take a breath, she mysteriously falls into the sphere of interests of a very influential person - Leonid Chagin. Who is he? What does he need? Can he be trusted? Right before Lena's eyes, some kind of game with exorbitantly high stakes begins, the winner of which takes all.

When a murder occurs, it becomes obvious that the cold-blooded, calculating killer is one of her neighbors. But who? Will there be a tracker brave enough to follow the trail of the black wolf, fight him and come out victorious? And who is actually the local anchorite Nikolai, what secrets does his dark past keep?

You have an amazing detective in your hands, dear readers! Unfortunately, I have already read it. Well, now I will fall asleep again with the Strugatskys and wait for a new adventure from Ostrovskaya.

Part one

Wow, yesterday it rained, usual for the beginning of October, but today it's frosty in the morning. The puddles were covered with a thin white crust, which reflected the sky and which broke with a crunch under the feet of passers-by, and under the wheels of cars with a crash. During the day, all this was supposed to melt and turn into a muddy autumn mud, in which nothing would be reflected but a bad mood. It won’t be long before winter, rare yellowed leaves were still trembling on the trees, desperate mushroom pickers were still trampling suburban forests in search of stumps with mushrooms, but now, the north wind breathed hoarfrost, and on the morning glass there were fingerprints of the first frost peering through the windows.

However, it did not become warmer during the day, on the contrary, the mercury column of the thermometer dropped to -5 in the evening.

Nikolai Sergeevich warmed up the remnants of yesterday's dinner for breakfast and looked out the window, where a white bull terrier, standing on the frozen clods of a black lawn, turned its head in search of at least one surviving yard cat. Next to the dog stood the owner, a square short-haired man - a neighbor from above. Six months ago, he bought two apartments on the second floor, combined them, and now not many people live in three apartments in their entrance: Nikolai Sergeevich and Varvara Petrovna - her door is opposite, as well as the same man with his bull terrier. By the way, before the appearance of new neighbors, Varvara Petrovna had cats, but all three of her favorites disappeared one after another, being ambushed on the way to her native window. The small cottage-style house built after the war by captured Germans was more than half a century old, but over the years it has not lost its tenants as quickly as it has in the past six months. The building had only two entrances, and the old women from the second, seeing a square man with a dog in the courtyard, bypassed the couple, believing that after the cats their turn would come. Even the quiet and almost intelligent Varvara Petrovna once said to Nikolai Sergeevich, meeting him on the landing:0003

- This one, - the elderly woman pointed at the ceiling with sticky burnt matches and switched to a whisper, - he will feed us all to his dog, and then he will grab the whole house.

Complete nonsense, of course. Nikolai Sergeevich himself had nothing against the new tenant, he always politely greeted him. A little later, having learned that the neighbor from below was a veterinarian, the man began to enter the apartment of the animal doctor already in his own way - for a consultation. At the beginning of summer, a one-year-old bull terrier caught enteritis, and Nikolai Sergeevich injected him with interferon and vitamins. After the illness, the dog became so thin that the healthy owner persuaded the veterinarian to conduct a course of treatment with nerobolil, which Nikolai Sergeevich did very reluctantly - anabolic after all. The bull terrier quickly gained muscle mass, and now two square creatures were walking around the yard: a short-haired neighbor and his smaller copy - a four-legged bodybuilder.

Actually, Nikolai Sergeevich also moved to this house not so long ago, having changed his one-room apartment in Petrogradka for a two-room apartment here. True, it takes almost an hour to get to work, but Nikolai Sergeevich did not regret the perfect exchange: although it was the outskirts of the city, there was a forest nearby, which makes the air here such that you can breathe, and not suffocate. The veterinarian drives to work and to clients, as before, in an old Niva, bought in the distant past, when Nikolai Sergeevich was married. By the way, about divorce. Yesterday's shop cutlets, of course, are not the best dinner, but every evening there are dumplings, albeit cooked by the wife, too, sooner or later you get bored. And no one from that time forbade him to watch football. You can even lie down on the sofa, put a chair next to it, put a bottle of dry red wine on it and enjoy the spectacle for a long time, diluting the wine with sparkling water. Like today, for example.

The match started, the screen was reflected in a bottle of cheap Moldovan cabernet - and then the phone rang.

“Nikolai Sergeevich,” a voice rang out over the receiver, “could you jump up now?

- Who is this? the vet didn't understand.

- Edik Khokhlov gave me your number. He said that you are a good specialist.

Lord, Edik! Nikolai Sergeevich had not seen him for a hundred years, since he left the circus, where he worked in tandem with Khokhlov. Eduard liked to take a drink, and not all animals like the smell of fumes. The authorities warned Khokhlov more than once, but they did not dare to fire him - as a veterinarian, he was beyond praise. In addition, Edik was a witty man, and many clowns used his jokes in the arena.

Young specialist Kolya Rebrov, having started working in the circus, often replaced Khokhlov, who was tired by the end of the day, so he would come home, bringing on his soles not only the smell of wet sawdust, but also ... how to put it mildly ... the remains of what sometimes lies on the floor in elephant enclosures. His wife Mila frowned, and when her friends asked her where her husband worked, she answered: "In the circus as a clown's assistant."

Now Nikolai Sergeevich was surprised to hear the words of the interlocutor: it is not clear how Khokhlov found out the telephone number of this apartment? Although the world is small, he immediately explained to himself, it is not worth paying attention to such trifles.

“I’m busy today,” Rebrov tried to dissuade, looking at the screen where Spartak scored the first goal. - Tomorrow, please.

“Tomorrow Edik will be able to,” the caller objected. - But you understand: a sick animal will not wait, you can’t explain to him that the doctor went over, and the other has football.

“He is right, of course,” thought Nikolai Sergeevich. - Go, right? In the end, again, the fee.

- Where are you located? Rebrov asked, almost agreeing. And when he heard the answer, he exclaimed: - What?

“Kilometer fifty-four,” repeated the voice on the phone. And then, guessing that the veterinarian might refuse, the man added: - Two bucks for every kilometer round trip.

Two hundred and sixteen dollars for a visit? Must go. Wow, Edward's clients! You just need to find out what is wrong with the dog and what breed it is.

- Who do you have? - Nikolai Sergeevich asked, holding the receiver with one hand, and with the other pulling off his home trousers, in order to then pull on his jeans.

- Akhal-Teke, - came in response.

Dreams of a better life (Ekaterina Ostrovskaya)

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Husband left Lena unexpectedly. And not just quit, but went to her best friend! But this is not enough: Roma and Christina took away her apartment, offering in return a wrecked house outside the city! .. Lena was so crushed by the betrayal of her closest people that she agreed to this obviously unequal exchange. In addition, the place where her new house was located turned out to be wonderful: there is a river and a forest nearby. In the forest, Lena met her new neighbor Nikolai, immediately imbued with sympathy for him. But what is this strange man hiding, who prefers to communicate with forest animals, and not with people? .. The girl was distracted from her thoughts on this topic ... by the visit of the police! As it turned out, one of the richest and most influential residents of the village, businessman Leonid Chagin, was killed. And this happened right after he left the Lenin House in a rage that she did not give in to his harassment ...



Husband left Lena unexpectedly. And not just quit, but went to her best friend! But this is not enough: Roma and Christina took away her apartment, offering in return a wrecked house outside the city! .. Lena was so crushed by the betrayal of her closest people that she agreed to this obviously unequal exchange. In addition, the place where her new house was located turned out to be wonderful: there is a river and a forest nearby. In the forest, Lena met her new neighbor Nikolai, immediately imbued with sympathy for him. But what is this strange man hiding, who prefers to communicate with forest animals, and not with people? .. The girl was distracted from her thoughts on this topic ... by the visit of the police! As it turned out, one of the richest and most influential residents of the village, businessman Leonid Chagin, was killed. And this happened right after he left the Lenin House in a rage that she did not give in to his harassment ... 9No reviews yet Make an order in the online store


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