Dream that husband is gay
Dream about husband is gay (Fortunate Interpretation)
Dream about Husband Is Gay points at advice that some of their songs may offer in some situation. You like feeling wanted. Something is eating you up inside. The dream is a message for your need to release and channel your emotions. There is an important lesson that you and only you need to learn.
Husband in your dream is a clue for regret in some decision you made or in some action that you took. You need to make the best out of a bad situation. You need to let your mind and body to rejuvenate. Your dream is a hint for a need for self-renewal and escape from everyday problems. There is something just under the surface that you need to acknowledge.
Be dream is a premonition for your concerns about your appearance. You may have been given a second chance to regain what was previously thought to be lost. Perhaps your time is running out and you need to come to a decision about some issue. This dream is a symbol for a regression to an earlier state.
You are feeling overburdened and do not know whether you are coming or going.
Gay in this dream is a portent for your anxiety over money matters and financial security. You need to get more rest. You feel that you do not have the time to do all the things you want to do. Your dream points at your need improve your communication skills or learn to express yourself more clearly. You need to be aware of developing heath problems.
Dream About Husband Being is an omen for your rights. You need to step up and be more confident. Some choice or gift comes with strings attached. The dream points at your understanding of your relationship with others and how your presence affects them. You are adverse to change.
Husband and Gay is a harbinger for your spiritual guidance, beliefs and spiritual self. Things are going well in your relationship or some aspect of your life. Influence, power and wealth will give you access to almost anything you want. This dream denotes freedom and emotional release. You need to incorporate some important qualities in your life.
Dream About Being Gay means victory, success or peace. Something or someone is slowly draining the energy and strength out of you. You are receptive to change. Your dream indicates a general betterment of your life and an improvement in your financial situation. History repeats itself.
Dream about Husband Is Gay is a symbol for changes or challenges in your life. You are keeping your temper in line. You are looking for respect and guidance. This dream is a metaphor for the minor details of life and how you deal with them. There is something that you can no longer keep inside and have to express.
Sometimes, dream about husband is gay is your lack of privacy. You feel trapped in a situation or condition. You are feeling violated or conflicted in some way. Your dream is unfortunately a warning alert for someone who is dumb or stupid. You may be biased in your judgment and opinion.
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I Dreamt My Boyfriend Was Gay
The dream starts out in the bedroom of my boyfriend (of three years).
I just stopped by to give a kiss before I went home. When I get to his room, he is sitting on his bed in a T-shirt and white boxer shorts. He says hello. I ask what’s wrong and he says he doesn’t know how to tell me this without hurting my feelings. I plead with him to tell me. So he confesses to me that he has been kissing someone else.
I feel stunned by this information and then he proceeds to tell me that he has been having oral sex with this person. At that moment Josh, one of my friends from school (who in real life is gay), comes out of Stephen’s, my boyfriend, closet with the same t-shirt and underwear as Stephen. I was baffled.
Then the dream changes. I am at this park for a party which I could back out of and Stephen kept following me around trying to tell me he was sorry, and chasing behind him was Josh trying to get him back (think Julia Roberts in My Best Friend’s Wedding.)
I finally agree to talk with Stephen; and we are all three sitting on the top of a picnic table. I see this spider-bee-thing fly at me and it stings me on the neck. I swat at it and it lands on Stephen’s cheek and stings him on his hip. The sting leaves this red/purple wax-like boil. Then someone comes and tells us that the bee was poisonous, and that there was nothing anyone could do — we were going to die. When I woke up I was crying.
–holly, age 19, single, female, morgantown, WV
Hi Holly,
I am sorry to learn of your disturbing dream. It had a gloomy ending, but I’m not sure that’s how it will end in real life!
Your dream reflects concerns that Steve, your boyfriend of three years now, may be hiding something in his “closet.” When he opens the door and Josh emerges (who is gay in real life), Steve’s dilemma is exposed. Steve is attracted to men, in addition to being attracted to you!
A simple interpretation of your dream is that you have recognized, at a subconscious level, that Steve really is gay, and that he is keeping this information from you (hidden in the closet). Continuing on this theme, you may suspect Josh is Steve’s lover in real life, or he may simply represent (because he is gay) a general fear that Steve is attracted to men.
Once you learn that Josh and Steve “wear the same clothes,” a “spider-bee-thing” flies along and stings you both. Spiders in dreams often are associated with “creepy” people and feelings — things we wish to avoid in our waking lives. Similarly, bees tend to “bug us,” and they carry a sting. If the creepy feeling that has been bugging you is your suspicion that Steve is gay, your dream suggests this suspicion may “kill” your relationship, represented by your deaths at the end of the dream.
Before you worry too much about the meaning of this dream, it’s time to do a feelings check. If you genuinely are suspicious of Steve’s sexual orientation, this dream is a sign that it is time to bring the topic “out of the closet” and “onto the table.” If Steve tells you he is attracted to other men, your dream suggests his interest may be a “deal breaker. ” (Translation: Break-up time!)
If Steve is uncertain of his feelings, you both may want to take a break, to allow each other to explore your emotions. Finally, if you think the only reason you had this dream is because you are worried about losing Steve, and because some of your other male friends are gay (Josh), it may be time to bring some of your own fears out of the closet. Just because Josh and Steve are friends, doesn’t mean Steve also is gay, or that Josh is trying to steal him away!
What’s the message of this dream? It’s time for you and Steve to talk. You may end up saying good-bye, but you also may wind up having a very good laugh!
Charles McPhee is a graduate of Princeton University and holds a master’s in communication management from the University of Southern California. He received his board certification to perform polysomnographic testing for the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders in 1992. McPhee is the former Director of the Sleep Apnea Patient Treatment Program at the Sleep Disorders Center of Santa Barbara, California; the former coordinator of the Sleep Disorders Center at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA , and the former coordinator of the sleep research laboratory at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, MD. Please visit his website for further information.
What does a gay dream about - the meaning of a gay dream according to the dream book
What does a gay dream about
Gay most often dreams on the eve of trouble. A conflict with the boss is likely, the failure of an important business transaction, the discovery of a major loss, the receipt of a subpoena, the loss of an additional source of income, or the exposure of the betrayal of a loved one. Together with the events of the future, your hopes will fade.
Do not rush to give up. Draw conclusions from what happened and move towards new successes and achievements.
Gay according to the Modern Dream Book
Seeing homosexuals in a dream - such a dream means that you are in big trouble.
But if homosexuals do not disgust you, it means that troubles and hardships will bypass you.
A young woman to see a homosexual in a dream - to the betrayal of her beloved.
Participating in homosexual intercourse is a sign that you will be tormented by remorse.
If you dreamed that your son is a homosexual - this dream is a harbinger of the fact that your happiness will be broken by unexpected grief.
Gay according to the Eastern dream book
Homosexuals, blue - an unfavorable sign that warns of possible betrayals of loved ones.
Gay according to the Idiomatic dream book
Blue (homosexuals) for a person with a normal sexual orientation - when attempting sexual intimacy, such a meaning is possible to “lower”, humiliate, insult.
Gay according to the dream book for the whole family
Homosexual - you are in big trouble associated with the inability to keep your thoughts to yourself. Especially if a homosexual causes you persistent disgust.
If a homosexual flirts with you, it is likely that you yourself will break your own happiness with a rash act.
If you do not feel disgust towards a homosexual, all troubles and hardships will bypass you, you will be able to cope with your problems.
If you see yourself as a homosexual - fate gives you a sign that you will be tormented by remorse.
Gay according to V.Samokhvalov's Psychoanalytic dream book
Homosexuality - when the Ego is unable to realize its masculinity, it seeks it in the outside world. The passive homosexual psychically disguises himself as a woman to cover up the lack of masculinity in heterosexual relationships. By choosing and preferring the feminine aspect, the homosexual is prone, thereby, to the suppression of masculine characteristics in himself, which can later manifest themselves in an inferiority complex. During the formation of homosexuality, expressed frustration is detected, which is overcome in displaced behavior, such as aggression. Homosexuality can be caused by a dominant mother and a submissive father. However, the homosexual no more than the heterosexual needs a connection with a man in order to cultivate the anima or the feminine in himself. On the whole, not a single man has passed the period of teenage homosexuality. Therefore, dreams of a homosexual nature may indicate a regression to the specified period. In addition, in a broad sense, homosexuality should include male / female friendship, a lower degree of trust in the opposite sex.
Suppression of heterosexuality - replacement of incest.
If an individual in a dream has a male role or traits of masculinity - a victory over an opponent.
If an individual plays a female role, depending on the context, either fear or desire for castration in order to assume a transsexual role.
Gay according to the 21st century dream book
Very often dreams about homosexuality mean unproductive work, useless connections and relationships.
A homosexual dreaming about you is a harbinger of troubles and obstacles; having an intimate relationship with him is a sign that you should reconsider your attitude to the surrounding reality.
In a dream, having some kind of affair with a lesbian, not necessarily sexual, means that a profitable commercial offer or a new job awaits you.
For a man to be a homosexual in a dream is a dream indicating that you suffer from mental loneliness, lack of communication or attention from the opposite sex.
Seeing your child as a homosexual or a lesbian in a dream is a sign that you have problems in the family, in particular, you devote little time to communicating with children.
For a woman to be a lesbian in a dream or to have a close relationship with her means that you yourself are to blame for your loneliness and lack of male attention.
If in a dream you communicate with a lesbian, discussing various issues with her or just chatting about life - such a dream can be a harbinger of good changes in your life that will make you think about the future; several interesting offers may appear at once, and you will not know what to choose.
To dream of several kissing lesbians means that you will soon face a serious test or you will find yourself in a situation where you will have to make a choice between what is beneficial for you and your conscience.
Gay according to Danilova's Erotic Dream Book
Blue perceived as deviations from the norms accepted in society, blue, appearing in a dream, symbolize an acute form of your rejection of the elements of reality. This dream indicates a high degree of your tension in relation to others. If you do not get out of mental balance, your mood and well-being will become much better. Your conflict relations with others have already crossed a certain line and threaten with quite tangible consequences, so try to calm down. Even if, in the words of Shakespeare, "something is rotten in the Kingdom of Denmark", do not try to turn the tide: act covertly, avoiding direct head-on collisions.
If you dreamed that you were gay, the dream means the following. Each person is partly characterized by a split personality, which is expressed in the fact that very often deep down you are completely different than you imagine yourself to others. This duality can have dire consequences for your psyche. The suppression of spiritual impulses does not pass without a trace: being suppressed, they pass into the sphere of the unconscious, from where they sometimes make themselves felt in dreams and (in the worst case) in neuroses. The mask you put on interferes with life, leads to the fact that reality and illusion are mixed, and you are no longer able to distinguish truth from lies in yourself and in others. Relationships at home and at work are becoming more difficult and stressful day by day. You are completely entangled in the maze of everyday situations. You can remove the burden from your soul by tearing off the mask that hides your sincere feelings and emotions. Having done this, you, like the mythical Phoenix bird, will again be reborn from the ashes of non-existence into which you yourself have plunged. The harmonious existence of the conscious and the unconscious, which is the goal of all psychoanalytic practice, is inconceivable without a sincere desire of a person to know himself.
But if a dream informs you through its symbolism of the impossibility of continuing to wear a mask, you should listen to the voice coming from the other side of the spiritual world. Interestingly, the adjective “blue” has a sexual connotation only in Russian, while, for example, for the British and Americans, homosexuality is denoted by the word “gay”, that is, “cheerful”, and for the French by the word “pedal”.
Dreams today
November 9,
Waning Moon
15 Lunar day
Moon in the Zodiac Taurus
Sleep execution:
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What does the subconscious not present during a person's night sleep. Even quite adequate people can sometimes be in a stupor from their own vision. This makes you tense for some time and look with some suspicion at those whose image surfaced in a dream. It is worth turning to collections of interpretations of dreams in order to find the answer to the question of what gays dream of.
Miller's Dream Book
Now in the dreamer's life everything goes smoothly and safely. However, it is worth preparing yourself for the imminent very unpleasant incident. Of course, it doesn't have to be dangerous. But, of course, will leave indelible feelings.
According to the dream book, a gay seen by a woman in a night story indicates an incorrectly chosen person with whom the lady decided to connect her own life. Even if it will be the next time period.
Men who show atypical tenderness towards each other in your dream are harbingers of a hypocritical environment.
Here, any dream about a gay man is considered even a bad sign. Changes in personal life will be unpleasant, according to Sonarium. Conflict moments in most cases will be associated with the inability of the dreamer to keep his mouth shut. According to the dream book, a gay person promises as much trouble as a sleeping person in reality has hostility towards people who have a non-standard orientation.
Apply force to a gay (beat him). This dream promises an improvement in the situation in the professional field. The dreamer will endure some difficulties with dignity and get rid of problems very soon.
Why do gay men dream of being beaten by heterosexuals? Such a sign from the universe should be read as a hint from someone from the inner circle of the dreamer. If you have been tormented by some problem for a long time, it will be resolved with the advice of a friend.
According to the dream book, a gay who has caused you an acute feeling of hatred or disgust is dreaming of conflicts that leave behind a heavy feeling of guilt and discontent in the person who saw him.
Loyalty to gay people in night illusion promises a quiet life. You are not afraid of conflicts and troubles: they will bypass you for a long time.
Interpretation according to Hasse
Seeing gays kissing, according to a dream book, prophesies the failure of an old dream come true. No matter how the sleeper tries, no matter what attempts and steps he takes, all this will not lead to a positive result. The same is said about the sexual intercourse that occurs between gays, in a night dream.
A quite decent and brutal man can wake up in a cold sweat if he imagines that he has changed his "pole" and began to adhere to a different orientation. Don't panic. Seeing a man who has become gay, according to the dream book, indicates the wrong behavior of the sleeping person. Probably, the dreamer slandered the innocent or framed someone for his own benefit. To live with this, or maybe go and confess, so that nightmares do not torment him - it's up to the owner of an unpleasant dream.
Family interpreter
Seeing a close gay friend, according to the dream book, means that there is a high probability of non-agreed moments in the relationship between you. Moreover, the interpretation is true for both men and women. A close person (friend), who appeared in your dream not in the best light, is a clear sign of hidden negativity addressed to him. This issue needs to be dealt with. Naturally, you should not hint to a dreaming friend in real life that he had the dubious honor of appearing before you in a similar light. Discuss the omissions as if in between times. Everything will be resolved for the better.
Did any of your close friends or relatives become gay in a night dream? The dream promises family quarrels or skirmishes with friends.
Modern interpreter
In a dream, did the dreamer turn out to be the subject of advances and signs of all kinds of attention from a male representative who has a not quite typical orientation? The dream says that the lady (or man) will personally break her dreams of happiness. Hot temper and a tendency to make final decisions without deliberation can lead to this tragedy.
A gay-dominated plot can also warn of your useless efforts and hopes. You keep painful connections and difficult relationships in vain.
In a dream, having an intimate relationship with a representative of non-traditional orientation, in reality means the need to change your attitude towards those people who surround you in real life.
A homosexual who did not cause negativity in a dream promises a prosperous course of affairs.
Lunar interpreter
Seeing in a nightmare that your husband is gay. The dream book advises to calm down. Your fears do not carry a real threat in the way in which your subconscious has illuminated them. There is a high probability that some conflict will occur between your husband and you. The quarrel will escalate into resentment and, most likely, will make you cry. In order to avoid an unpleasant situation, you should control yourself. Do not conflict over trifles and surround your husband with care, attention and patience. As a reward for this, the dreamer will be rewarded with family well-being and support from her husband.
What does a gay guy mean in this dream book? If this is an outsider young man, and you did not react very emotionally to him in a dream, everything will go on as usual. Even some improvements in personal life and in the field of finance are possible.
Your young man, who in reality does not give a hint of "natural failure", may turn out to be gay in a dream before a grand quarrel. Be careful. If you want to keep the relationship, and everything suits you, just close your mouth in time. Yes, perhaps your loved one will piss you off, but do not give in to provocation. Only patience will help in maintaining the relationship between two lovers.
Dream Interpretation of the 21st century
Convict your son of non-traditional orientation in your dream. Such an alarming scenario portends problems in reality. It is worth asking your loved ones to be more attentive, distrustful and cautious for forty days. Also, don't forget about yourself. The dreamer also needs to be more attentive to the warning signs.
Seeing yourself as a gay - to awakened exhortations of conscience.
Seeing a parade of homosexuals in a night dream. Such a dream can warn of a worsening life situation.
Kissing men. Probably, the dreamer will have to violate his own principles here and there. A deal with conscience will save the situation.
Not responding to courtship and signs of attention from a homosexual in a dream means that in reality everything will please. However, such a prediction is valid only when the dreamer really has neutral feelings towards the object. There should be no aggression or disgust.
Did you find that your brother, who is heterosexual in reality, became a representative of non-traditional sexual orientation in your dream? A dream of this nature may hint at disappointment in loved ones. Perhaps you will learn an unpleasant secret. The revealed secret will not necessarily concern his orientation, most likely the secret has nothing to do with his brother.