Irrational fear meaning
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What Is An Irrational Fear, And How Do You Deal With It?
It is common for people to have a personal goal, such as overcoming a fear of something. For some, it may be an irrational fear that’s bothered them for a long time. Irrational fears may interfere with daily living because they can be associated with high levels of anxiety. Such intense fear is also known as a phobia. A person may develop a fear of something as a child, but the same is possible in adulthood. Understanding what and how to deal with irrational fear is essential because it may affect how you live your life.
Understanding Aspects Of Fear
Are Irritational Fears Impacting Your Daily Decisions? Take Back Your Life In Therapy
There is scientific evidence that shows fear is a natural aspect of human existence. It is a significant element contributing to brain activity, such as our perceptions and emotions. It is why people common fears, such as a fear of flying or being alone in the dark. Fear is a signal that says you don’t want to be hurt or avoid pain at all costs. You know certain things may lead to physical harm. Therefore, the fear aspect leads to you taking action or precautions to avoid consequences. While most people have a fear of something, it is unclear why people experience different levels of fear of the same things.
When you feel scared or experience fear, your body is reacting to something. That something stimulated your brain to respond with fear. Sometimes fear is associated with an experience. Other times you’re thinking of the worst outcome or something that may not be true at all. A person may change their living habits or go to great lengths to avoid doing something because of fear. Once you understand what causes your fears, you can take appropriate steps to overcome it. It may include working with a therapist to learn more about your feelings behind your fear.
Normal Vs. Irrational Fear
Fear can be healthy, especially as a child. It contributes to one’s vulnerability and sometimes makes things interesting. You can experience fear considered normal, healthy, or lifesaving, depending on the situation. The body’s fight-or-flight response allows the body to be alert and ready to itself when you are fearful. A person may have a fear of something, but it may help keep them safe. At this point, this kind of fear may be healthy, even if it doesn’t seem positive. How you perceive things around you as you get older influences your fears. It is why some fears, such as the fear of flying, may become an irrational fear.
Some people deal with irrational fears that prevent them from living their lives or engaging in new experiences. Such fears result from exaggerated fear. A person may be afraid of something that isn’t true, or there is no evidence to be fearful in the first place. Sometimes being a victim of a crime or doing a task that raises your anxiety may influence the development of irrational fears.
Focusing on one aspect of something could make a person more afraid. For example, a person may have a fear of flying because they don’t want to be on a plane if something goes wrong. Someone with a fear of spiders may fear them just for the way they look. Someone with a fear of heights may avoid driving over bridges or being anywhere up high. In some cases, such fears are known as phobias when accompanied by physical and emotional symptoms. If you think you have an irrational fear that is interfering with your daily living, help is available through therapy or a mental health specialist.
Why Conquering Fears Is Crucial
Some people may think they can move forward and overlook their fears, or doubt it is anything they need to worry about, but that may not be the case. Fear has a way of taking over your life, leaving many crippled and powerless. People may not recognize how fear has been holding them back. They may not see how it has become a problem in their life. Others know what their fears are but rather hide behind them and instead of facing them head-on.
Facing your fears helps you grow, and you learn something. As you take action to face your fears, you learn what to do along the way. Unfortunately, not trying to face your fears may lead to regret later. It is important to start somewhere by doing something about it. Sometimes fearfulness leads to procrastination or putting things off. People purposely put things on hold because they are scared, but think they are doing something but putting things off until later.
Neglecting your fears can have a negative ripple effect. As mentioned, it may lead to procrastination, but with that, it also means your wasting time. You’ll lack good time management habits leading to poor planning of your time. Conquering fears lets you focus on why you have the fear in the first place. It’s an opportunity to turn a negative into a positive by thinking about what you want to accomplish if fear wasn’t holding you back.
Do you find it difficult to say “no” sometimes? Fear could be the reason. You may fear hurting someone’s feelings or coming off as weak or unreliable. A person may say “yes” to everything because they don’t want to miss out on something. For others, it could show a lack of trust in themselves. Saying “no” may allow for better things to come along with time.
A person’s thoughts could become exaggerated when fear and anxiety exist. It becomes challenging to reason. Fear may affect decision-making, and it could lead to making the wrong choice. It may also prevent the achievement of personal goals.
How To Recognize You Need Help
Irrational fears may not lead to disruptions in daily living or make things miserable. A person can have a fear of flying but never have a reason to get on a plane. However, a person could have a fear that influences decision-making. For example, you may fear crowds but opt to stay home instead of engaging in outdoor activities you enjoy. Personal fears or phobias with little impact on your daily activities is likely something you don’t have to worry about. But, if you find yourself avoiding situations or activities because of a fear you have, and it makes daily living uncomfortable, it’s time for professional help. Here are signs to recognize you should seek help for your fears:
- You feel panic or anxiety that’s intense
- You think your fear is unreasonable or too much
- You avoid doing things or going places because of your fear
- Your daily routines are affected by distress due to avoiding actions
- You fear lasted for six months or more
Treatment is available for managing anxiety and understanding your fears. Practicing self-help strategies and talking to someone, such as a therapist about your fears, is useful. There are different options to consider, which plays a role in determining what is best for you. People are encouraged to learn about self-help methods and focus on realistic actions you can see yourself taking to get results. Additional support is available if your fear or phobia leads to a panic attack or severe anxiety.
Ways To Cope With Your Fears
Are Irritational Fears Impacting Your Daily Decisions? Take Back Your Life In Therapy
Dealing with your fears includes taking steps to understand how it affects you and reviewing your options. Upon understanding irrational and healthy fear, you need to understand what is going onand how to navigate through it. Here are ways to help you overcome fears:
- What is it you are afraid of, and why? Identify your fear and start processing what you know. Where did it come from, and how long have you felt this way? Sometimes you need to explore your fears further to understand a possible origin. It could be from a negative experience you had in the past.
- Once you know what your fear is, make plans to tackle it head it. Some people make a list of their fears and choose one to start a plan. You can list things related to the fear and work on it one step at a time by talking about it or visualizing yourself completing the steps. The idea is to establish a goal of what you hope to accomplish when tackling your fear.
- Remember, other people have fears too. The concept of fear is nothing new to most people. Sometimes its how you look atfear, you gain motivation to face it.
Fear may signal you don’t want the truth about something. You may learn about something dangerous or evil. You may fear opinions or what people may say about you. In many cases, fear is a false perception without evidence that appears to be real.
- Find ways to practice and forgive yourself. As you get more familiar with your fear and why it exists, it may not bother you as much as before. Forgiving yourself keeps the situation in perspective while staying positive and looking forward to the future.
You can deal with your fears with self-help techniques and talk therapy options, including online therapy and support groups. The sooner you reach out to help, the easier and faster it will be to move on from fear so you can enjoy life.
Meaning, Definition, Suggestions . What is irrational fear
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The meaning of the word "IRRATIONAL"
In idealistic philosophy: not comprehended by reason, mystically hidden.
See all meanings of the word IRRATIONAL
Meaning of the word "FEAR"
Very strong fear, strong fear.
See all meanings of FEAR
Irrational fear sentences
Cole's irrational fear of Silas pushes him to extremes. | |
Cole's irrational fear of Silas drives him to extremes. | |
So my irrational fear and I stay here. | |
And Pythagoras had an irrational fear of beans. | |
You know, the biggest danger we face is ourselves, our irrational fear of the unknown. | |
Why do you have such an irrational fear of loans? | |
Irrational fear shares a common neural pathway with other fears that involves the nervous system in mobilizing bodily resources in the face of danger or threat. | |
Chronic irrational fear is detrimental because the triggering stimulus is usually absent or perceived as delusional. | |
Irrational fear can extend to many areas, such as the afterlife, the next ten years or even tomorrow. | |
According to Pinsker, this irrational fear was a hereditary predisposition. | |
According to Pinsker, this irrational fear was a hereditary predisposition. | |
As a result, Ed develops an irrational fear of Johnny. | |
I think this is a good example of language's ability to create irrational fear. | |
I think this is a good example of language's ability to create irrational fear. | |
Fear of closed spaces is an irrational fear. | |
Other results | |
this is an irrational fear, because nothing sinister has ever happened in the real estate market. | |
But if they were afraid of lemon meringue pie, it would be an irrational fear, because lemon meringue pie is delicious and never hurt anyone in life. | |
This extreme fear in most cases becomes so strong that it leads to delusion or irrationality. | |
Thus, fear is assessed as rational or appropriate, as well as irrational or inappropriate. | |
Epicurus reasoned as follows: if there is an afterlife and immortality, then the fear of death is irrational. | |
She has a lot of irrational fear, Low self-esteem, she is vulnerable. | |
Irrational fear may have some starting point. | |
Someone who, apart from an irrational fear of automatic toilets, is quite normal. | |
Paranoia is an instinct or thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of delusion and irrationality. | |
A number of terms with the suffix -phobia are used non-clinically to denote irrational fear or hatred. | |
Most people understand that they suffer from irrational fear but are powerless to overcome their panic reaction. | |
He argued that much of the suffering people experience is caused by irrational fears of death, divine retribution, and punishment in the afterlife. | |
Irrational beliefs that are driven by unconscious fears can lead to abnormal behavior. | |
My subconscious expresses irrational fears that I prefer to ignore. | |
You don't want to be one of those mothers who pass on their own irrational fears to their children. |
This page provides the definition (meaning) of the phrase / expression "irrational fear", as well as synonyms, antonyms and sentences, if available in our database. We strive to make the English-Grammar.Biz explanatory dictionary, including the interpretation of the phrase / expression "irrational fear", as correct and informative as possible. If you have suggestions or comments about the correctness of the definition of "irrational fear", please write to us in the "Feedback" section.
A stranger among friends. How exactly does xenophobia prevent Internet trolls and each of us from living is completing a cycle of publications on the basic social concepts of a modern enlightened society. The first material was devoted to normality, the second - to sex and gender, the third - to sexual orientation. This time, Iolina Gribkova talked to experts who, by their line of work, know what xenophobia is, how normal it is, how it affects all of us, and what Internet trolls have to do with it.
Xenophobia (from the Greek xenos - "alien" + phobos - "fear") - intolerance, hostility towards someone or something alien. It can be ethnic (racism, anti-Semitism, Russophobia, etc. ), territorial and religious (for example, Islamophobia), social. The most widespread forms of social xenophobia are sexism and homophobia.
Xenophobia - what does it indicate?
Daria Aleksandrova
sociologist, graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Daria: Xenophobia, like any other fear, is an irrational fear. Experiencing irrational fears is not normal.
For example, I am afraid of insects. But my fear does not harm society, my cultural enrichment and development. But xenophobia is harmful both to society (limits opportunities for cooperation and mutual development) and to the person itself (holds back individual growth paths).
Xenophobia is a reliable indicator of tension in society. If a person is not limited in anything and is completely satisfied, it makes no sense for him to realize his irrational fears.
People don't express xenophobia when everything is calm in their lives. This hostility always has some reason, motives. For example, someone may be dissatisfied with their economic situation, but unable to do anything about it. And then there is a great temptation to show negativity in the direction of some minority or alien community. Because expressing negativity about a weak group is easier than changing your financial situation.
Elena Steshenko
clinical psychologist
Elena: Xenophobia is about not accepting what we have inside. Attributing some terrible, evil qualities to another person, "alien", is a projection of one's inner shadow aspects onto another person.
The contempt that underlies xenophobia is the weapon of the weak. Inside this feeling of hatred is a small child who was once humiliated. It is the legitimization of flight from oneself. People use xenophobia to not feel how bad they felt, because all the painful memories are repressed into the unconscious.
For example, memories of abuse, bullying can be repressed into the unconscious. But, growing up, such a person begins to destroy what is around us: mistreat children and loved ones, showing physical or emotional abuse. Or finds an enemy who belongs to a national, social or any other minority.
© Photo by William White,
And if, at the same time, propaganda of patriotism or the ideology of social purification comes from outside, then such a person has an excuse for his actions. When a person justifies his cruel deeds with a good purpose - this is simply the protection of the psyche. The persecution of Jews, the Ku Klux Klan - history is full of tragic examples in which the aggressors felt they were the arbiters of justice.
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When there is inner support, confidence, then there is also a healthy self-awareness. A person who is in harmony with himself does not need to look for enemies and fight them. People who are different from us are just different people with their own individuality. Otherness should not be perceived as something negative.
How to respond to Internet trolls and online insults?
Elena: On their part, this is communication of the level “I hate it so much that I just can’t tear myself away.” In their remarks, we see part of their internal conflict. And, as a rule, it is they who need help in this case.
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The projection mechanism is triggered — people project onto others a part of the shadow content of their psyche, for example, anger, aggression, resentment. But all this brings us back to the understanding that inside a person there are long-forgotten feelings of a small child about his helplessness, otherness, rejection and rejection by a loved one. And everyone who is different, who is endowed with the concept of “alien”, “other”, activates the rise of these feelings. And since such feelings are repressed into the subconscious, a person does not perceive them as his own and attributes them to the one who activated them.
© Photo Burdun,
A commentator who gives an assessment, brings a lot of personal material into it, demonstrates what exactly touches him so much. And in order to get rid of this internal tension, it will be useful for the commentator to realize what are its causes.
Where does the desire to put everyone under the same brush come from?
Elena: This is a matter of acceptance of otherness. About whether we can admit the possibility that the world is not ideal and consists of people completely different from you. About whether you can live with this, or do you need to “cure” everyone around and bring to a common denominator. And how to cure something when there is no fact of the disease?
The world is diverse, it combines many shades of any of the qualities. And to think in terms of "white/black" means to remain at the level of children's consciousness. For example, in relation to parents: “You scold me, so you are bad. And if you buy gifts, then it’s good.” This is normal for the period of childhood, but when we get older, we understand that there is no such unambiguous division. Anyone who appears to be bad has many good qualities, and vice versa. This is the principle of the duality of being. This is how the world and each of us works.
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People stuck in the childhood period and the position of the contrasting division of the world proclaim their intention to eradicate "evil" in "others" or "cure" them, making them conditionally "good".
The mechanism of non-acceptance of otherness is well shown in Andersen's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling": a baby, unlike the others, hatched, other birds rejected him, and the mother duck, under pressure from public opinion, expelled the cub from the flock. It is especially sad that the duckling grew up with a complete sense of its disgust.
© Photo by Jonathan Kemper,
This story ends well: the hero met a flock of wonderful relatives who welcomed him joyfully. But in life, the ending may be different: for example, a new flock may turn out to be radical, absolutely intolerant of those who rejected them, and wanting to take cruel revenge on society. What identification can the duckling get in this case and how can its life path continue?
What is the best way to respond to trolling?
Elena: It is important to understand that there is a lot of rigidity in our world and in the Internet space. But you need to seek protection by any means. Especially when it comes to bullying (this is especially common among children and adolescents). It is very important for a parent to intervene in this process, to be on the side of the child, not to tell him that he must solve his problems himself. The task of the parent is to help the child find safety, stand up for him. There are a huge number of sites and resources to explore this issue in more detail. It is enough to enter the Internet request "Stop bullying!"
What to do if you feel a surge of xenophobia inside you?
Elena: If a person is able to trace aggressive reactions and intentions within himself, then this is a fairly high level of self-understanding. Most often, we are faced with unconscious aggression and attack, when a person is captured by these feelings and does not realize why this is happening. Of course, if he thinks about his feelings, this is a great opportunity to understand the basis of these reactions together with a specialist, to find the origins and root causes, to establish logical connections.