Dream about jumping into water
#91 Jumping Into Water From Great Heights – Dream Meaning & Interpretation
Dreams that involve extreme physical activities or sport are actually pretty common. There is the rush of doing something you don’t usually do, and this is something that the dream affords for you – something fantastical that you are not used to in your waking life, but is easily accessible in your dreams.
This kind of dream represents the thrill, change, and emotions that course through you when you engage in such experiences.
Table of Contents
- What does a dream about jumping into water from great heights represent?
- Symbolic of something catching you by surprise
- Symbolic of a certain change
- Symbolic of getting out of your comfort zone
- Symbolic of fear
- Symbolic of release
- Symbolic of faith
- Symbolic of adventure
- Symbolic of courage
- Common Situations in Which You Dream of Jumping into Water from Great Heights
- Dream of jumping off a cliff
- Dream of being pushed off a cliff
- Dream of pushing someone else off a cliff
- Dream of jumping off a tall diving board
- Dream of jumping in a waterfall
- Dream of jumping off a bridge
- Dream of jumping into water
- Conclusion
You can jump from a cliff, a building, or even a multi-story house. Here are the possible symbolisms for that kind of dream.
There may be something in your life that will happen or has already happened that has caught you by surprise.
This could either be a negative thing or a positive thing, something that you have been anticipating but have probably forgotten, or something that has just been in the backburner of your mind for a very long time.
Suddenly, the event or change takes place, and you feel blindsided or caught off guard. You feel surprised and are taken aback by emotions and the changes that are taking place.
Symbolic of a certain changeA dream about jumping into water from great heights could symbolize changes that are happening in your life. You could be expecting these changes and actively working on these things on a daily basis.
It could be something you want or something that you’d rather not have experienced. Either way, if it has already happened, welcome it as if you created and expected it. This will help you accept it easier and adjust in a more lighthearted manner.
Jumping into water from great heights is something that could be very scary. If you were to do this in your waking life, it would be classified under the things that would make you scared and would push your limits. Dreaming about this could mean that something in a similar vein is going to happen for you.
This is a good thing that you should actually welcome – stretching yourself and your limits is always a life-expanding experience that will help you grow.
Symbolic of fearDreaming of jumping into water from great heights could also be symbolic of fear. Maybe you have been on the edge recently and you have been wanting to get relief.
This dream may be about your fear and about how you have been wanting to release it but don’t know how.
Maybe holding it in for so long is giving you more anxiety than release. Try to see how best to handle your fears so you can let them go and be more constructive in your day to day.
Symbolic of releaseSimilar to the previous symbolism, a dream about jumping into water from great heights is also symbolic of release. Maybe there’s something you need to let go of.
Maybe you have to be able to do this in order to become happier in your life. Whatever it is that you are holding onto, it is better to just drop that baggage in order that you may live more lightheartedly.
Symbolic of faithJumping is also a symbolism of faith. You trust the water to be able to cushion your fall and not let you get hurt.
Jumping into water from great heights is a symbolism of the great trust and faith that you have in yourself, in the people around you, in the current life situation that you have, and the path that you are currently taking. This is actually a very good sign for you.
Jumping into water from great heights is such an adventurous thing to do. This dream could be pertaining to your penchant for extreme supports, the adventurous spirit that you have, or even the fact that you are the life of the party and are able to delve into difficult, challenging, and unconventional conversation with your friends.
This is also a great thing that holds positive affirmation for you and the way you are living your life.
Symbolic of courageIt always takes courage to jump. Jumping into water from great heights could be symbolic of great courage.
The fact that the jump is from a great height means that great risk is involved – and acts that involve great risk always involve great courage.
This dream could be talking about your courage towards particularly challenging endeavors or encounters in your life.
Common Situations in Which You Dream of Jumping into Water from Great HeightsDream of jumping off a cliffA dream of jumping off a cliff symbolizes the urge in you to do something you’ve always wanted to do.
Maybe you have been holding off because you haven’t found the courage to just take the leap; maybe you aren’t sure of where your efforts will take you; maybe you just don’t have the guts to do it.
But this dream isn’t letting you off the hook so easily – it is reminding you that you really have to be true to yourself as it is the only way you can find fulfillment.
What you can do to massage your thoughts into more positive ones is to give yourself your own pep talks – realize that the only way you can grow is to get out of your comfort zone and push yourself even through the discomfort.
This is the best way to get over thinking about the jump, and find more meaning in your life.
Dream of being pushed off a cliffThis dream could mean that you are being pressured to do something you don’t really want to do. Maybe there is pressure from your parents, your peers, your close relationships, or people you work with.
If the pressure is good, and if you feel that they are pushing you towards things that will make you happy, then welcome them.
But if you feel that it is not helping you to be better, if in your heart you know you are better off not doing it, or if you just don’t feel that the time is right or you don’t feel ready yet, then you should tell them about this so that they can consider what you think and feel.
Dream of pushing someone else off a cliffThis dream could mean that you are putting undue pressure on someone else. You could be a parent pressuring your child, a boss or a professional putting stress onto your colleagues or subordinates, or even a friend pressuring another friend.
It really doesn’t help if you are guilty about it. The best thing to do is to assess your thoughts and see if this is something necessary or if you can just let go for a while.
Dream of jumping off a tall diving boardThis dream could be reminiscent of childhood memories. You may be going back to the places that you’ve always found comfort or happiness from, things that you just did because they made you happy, not because you were fulfilling external demands.
It may be high time for you to think about doing these things again as they can give you a more fulfilling day to day life.
Dream of jumping in a waterfallThis dream may be telling you to let loose and just let go in your life. You may be too strict and are letting yourself be too constrained with what is happening to you. It is better to just be lighthearted about it instead of overthinking these things.
Remember that the happiness you want to achieve could be achieved right now – you don’t need external manifestations in order to allow yourself to be happy.
Dream of jumping off a bridgeA dream of jumping off a bridge may mean you want to cut ties with a close personal relationship. Maybe this is a friend you’ve had for years. Maybe this is a person that you are romantically with. Maybe this could even be a family member.
Try to think about your motivations and why you feel this way. This could help you feel more convinced of what you feel you need or have to do.
This dream could indicate how much you are craving for release in your life. Maybe there is too much pressure in your work or in your family responsibilities right now, and you don’t really know how to maneuver through it anymore.
Maybe you need a breather as well from everything that’s happening. Make sure to take breaks and let yourself loosen up.
Being a workaholic and being so determined can be fulfilling, but it is also important to balance it with rest and recuperation.
ConclusionA dream of jumping into water from great heights could mean lots of profound things. This is a great way to also take a look into your life and see how things affect you, and how you take them all into consideration, so you can understand your motivations and the energy you attract better.
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What Dream About Jumping Into Water Means
What does it mean if you had to jump into the water in a dream? In reality, you will fall in love or begin to sort things out in the current relations, will start self-analyzing or a new business. What else does the indicated plot mean in a dream, the dream book will tell.
Did you dream how you decided to jump into the water? According to Miller, such dream means in waking life you will not control your emotions, and you will face big troubles.
Why do you dream about having to jump into the water from a bridge? Such dream means that because of your own fault, you will lose trust, respect or support from others.
The jump from the bridge also symbolizes the transition to another space in a dream. A more mundane interpretation of a dream says that you decide to break off your current relationship.
Did you have a dream of jumping from a bridge? The dream interpretation suggests that you will come to a complete dead end, for you will try to solve several problems at the same time.
In a night adventure did you happen to jump into the water
from a cliff? Beware: through your fault you risk getting into a tragic situation, an accident. You can see the indicated plot in a dream before a serious, possibly incurable disease.
Did you dream of rushing down into water from a cliff? You will not be able to restrain the fit of rage and will say too much. Dream Interpretation also believes that a dive from a rock means the loss of authority, influence, but in some cases – it is a symbol of huge wealth.
Were you unfortunate enough to jump into the water from a precipice in a dream? A stable position will suddenly shake. To regain position, all the most important business qualities have to be demonstrated.
You can see a fall from a precipice in a dream before a serious fit of jealousy and danger of literally "breaking" in the manifestation of emotions.
Why do you dream of a jump into a waterfall? In fact, suddenly there will be a chance to go on a long journey. But the dream book warns: if you agree, then you will lose something more important.
- Did you have to jump into the waterfall? Expect difficulties with the chosen one. The indicated plot, according to the dream book, also means that you will come into conflict with yourself or the outside world. Moreover:
- Diving into the river – means a great celebration, possibly a family one.
- Jumping into a lake, pond – you will gain an enemy.
- Jumping into the sea – a fun trip, a dream come true.
- Jumping into a pit – a sign of debts, duties.
Did you dream of jumping into the swimming pool? In reality you will have to make a difficult decision. Moreover, the dream book insists: with any choice, this moment will be the beginning of cardinal changes.
If in a dream they dived into a pool with transparent water, then positive changes are coming in the real world. If you the water was dirty, then you will find yourself in very difficult conditions.
Why do you dream of being lucky to jump into the crystal clear water? A period of complete prosperity and abundance is coming. But the dirty liquid is interpreted in the completely opposite sense.
Diving into clean clear water in a dream can be used to successfully solve difficult problems. For lovers, a dream book guarantees the embodiment of expectations.
If one happened to see other characters jumping into clean water, then in reality there will be a journey with nice people.
If you dreamed that you decided to jump into cold water? You will find out the news that will shock you. A dive into a cold ice-hole symbolizes an unusual thing, an original hobby, a risky move.
If you find yourself in warm water, this means an incredible idea will be successfully fulfilled. Why do you dream of jumping into muddy liquid? Get ready for concern and minor losses. For a lonely girl, a dream book prophesies a very unkind, but beloved husband.
Diving into muddy waters in a dream warns of sudden changes for the worse and the need to participate in unpleasant things.
Why dream of JUMPING into the WATER
Mistakes are possible, try to moderate your emotions
Did you have such a vision? The interpretation of sleep depends on where and where they jumped from. If it was a clean river, and the jump was successful, everything will go well in the professional field.
When you saw in a dream that you hit some underwater object - according to the dream book, in reality you will make a mistake somewhere out of ignorance, because of your own stupid self-confidence.
Why dream of standing on a high bridge and jumping down? This means: the sleeping person is now in a difficult situation, he is guided only by emotions. It is necessary to take them under control - then he will find a way out.
Jump interpretation of the dream book
Miller's dream book
jump into the water in a dream There are also alternatives to this dream. It is necessary to think over your life decisions if you dreamed that you jumped from a high tower into the water. Success only harms relationships and business.
Vanga's dream book
dreamed of jumping into the water
A jump on Vanga's interpretations has the meaning of future torment that may befall. Water has the meaning of solving problems, changing, washing away sins, oblivion. Thus, jumping into the water in a dream tells you that soon you will either get rid of some problem, languishing, or you will long-awaited change what has been tormenting you for so long.
Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
why dream of jumping into water
Jumping into water in a dream - in this way your subconscious tells you that the business you have started will be successful. If you jump into the water from high, things will work out for sure, and in the very near future.
to jump into the water according to the dream book
To jump into clear water means you will soon feel joy and success. A jump into troubled water means sorrow and pity in the future.
Freud's dream book
Jumping into clean water and most importantly cold water is a good sign, success awaits you in all areas of activity. But jumping into dirty water gives a sign that you will have to pay for your mistakes, and you may also be punished.
Miller's dream book
jump into the water in a dream what is it for
Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov
Did you happen to jump in a dream and wake up from the feeling of flying? Dream Interpretations offer various variations of the interpretation of this plot. If the answer to the question of why you dream of jumping is still relevant and important for you, then try to remember and analyze your dream in the smallest detail.
So, for starters, remember exactly where you jumped from, where you landed, and from what, in the end, you woke up. All these details will help you choose the most accurate prediction.
Where to jump
Why does a woman dream of jumping into a river in her dream? Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova interprets that in the near future she will have new relationships and feelings. There is a high probability that you will even meet your ideal and be able to create a strong union.
The esoteric dream book has its own opinion on why one dreams of jumping into the water. A similar plot in his interpretation reveals the essence of the sleeping person, his attitude to life and to the world, in general. Most likely, in reality you make rash decisions, which leads to undesirable consequences.
Did you have to jump into ice water in your dream? If the water turned out to be clear and clean, then in reality you can count on favorable events. But if the water turned out to be dirty, then you will be punished for each offense doubly.
Why dream of jumping into the sea? In fact, there are many changes waiting for you. The dream interpretation is sure that you will be able to quickly respond to changing circumstances, and all your projects and undertakings will be very successful. At the same time, according to the interpreter, you will quite like the new rhythm of life.
Did you have to jump into the pool from a special tower? Your life will change dramatically soon. Longo's dream book portends that you will have to choose which way to go. Try to make an informed decision.
If a woman dreamed of jumping over a fence in a dream, it means that she will be able to solve all the difficulties that stand in her way. This is what the dream book says. If you have set a significant goal for yourself, then waking traps will not be an obstacle.
Why dream of jumping on a trampoline almost to the very clouds? In reality, you will find rapid career growth. A modern dream book portends that all your merits will be noticed and appreciated.
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Freud is sure that if you dreamed of skydiving in a dream, then in everyday life you will find a very interesting and useful acquaintance.
The answer to the question of why one may dream of jumping down from a height is participation in the original case. According to the dream book, all everyday projects in which you take part will turn out to be extremely successful and productive.
Who should jump
Did you dream that a frog was jumping on you in a dream? Soon you will meet a person who will turn the gray reality into a real holiday for you. There is a possibility that you will want to spend your whole life with this character.
Do you want to understand why you can dream of jumping high? Miller's dream book is sure that in reality you will feel a surge of energy, strength and enthusiasm. And if you want, you can literally “move mountains”. The main thing is not to stay at home.
Kananita's dream book believes that jumping up is a symbol of torment that the sleeping person creates for himself. However, the exact prediction depends on the sensations that you felt in your night dreams. So, if making a jump, you rejoiced like a child, then in real life you can attend a fun holiday.
Do you want to understand why a jumping spider is dreaming? If in a dream he jumped in your direction and bit, then in reality you should be wary of deception from a stranger.
If a woman dreamed of seeing a cat jumping on her in a dream, then in reality you should be wary of selfless love. Most likely, you will fall in love with a married person or character that will deceive you. One way or another, but the new novel will not bring the desired feelings, only resentment.
Have you dreamed that a dog jumps on you and wags its tail? Soon you will meet a person who will become your true comrade and devoted friend. In addition, he will help you solve all the problems and difficulties that have fallen on you.
Esoteric dream book explains that the plot in which you had to jump in a dream identifies the energy that is contained in you. In addition, such a dream, as a rule, gives a hint - how best to use it. Also, the plot may portend a profitable business, which will require a lot of effort from you.
Did you dream about a cat jumping on a rat? The dream interpretation is sure that in reality you can get rid of all your enemies. However, for this you will need the help of an outsider. And if you have reached a critical point in your life path, then you should not reject the opportunity to eliminate all your competitors.
Dream Interpretation of the 21st century explains what a jumping snake is dreaming of. He believes that you need to evaluate your surroundings, in which too many enemies and ill-wishers are concentrated. Try to clear the circle of close associates from these persons.
Where to jump from
Did you happen to jump out of the window in a dream? The interpreter claims that in reality you sometimes do drastic and thoughtless actions, which sometimes lead to disastrous results.
Dreamed of jumping from a bridge? According to the dream book, in reality you will not be able to avoid major losses. You should take off your rose-colored glasses and start looking at life adequately.
If you dreamed of falling from a roof, which is in fact an imminent death, then you do not need to immediately panic. If you happened to jump of your own free will, it means that in real life you have taken all your thoughts, desires and needs under strict control.
Did you have to jump off a cliff in a dream? The dream interpretation is sure that circumstances in life will take away your self-confidence. According to the interpreter, you should not give up. Still ahead.
Did you manage to jump from a balcony in a dream? In reality, you are too self-confident, which sometimes leads to undesirable consequences.
Do you dream of jumping from a train? The dream interpretation is sure that this plot is a very unfavorable symbol. Those who are married should be doubly careful and considerate. Perhaps your significant other will change or betray.
Did you dream of jumping off a cliff? According to the forecasts of the dream interpreter, in reality you are wasting your own strength. You need, first of all, to reconsider your attitude to life and not to waste on trifles.
Did you have to jump from a mountain? You are destined for incredible success in life. However, the dream book warns: if you want to fulfill your cherished dreams, you need to take advantage of your own opportunities and not see with folded arms.
A difficult situation is ahead - carefully consider ways to overcome it
Did you dream of jumping into the water from a height - from a big rock at night? The dream interpretation warns: some kind of incident will lead to a strong shock. The sleeper will even question his own strengths, as well as his ability to influence the outcome of the case. However, do not despair - you should think about ways to overcome difficulties.
A jump from a great height into the sea in a dream portends: a hasty decision may turn out to be wrong. Try to conduct a detailed analysis of the situation and only then decide something.
The dream book also indicates: instead of doing something interesting, you will have to do routine daily activities. But if you dreamed that the water was clean, you will solve the accumulated cases quickly, so you will soon do what you would like.
Jump into the water
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do not rejoice ahead of time, because the whole truth will soon be revealed. By the way, after such a dream, you should not carry out any risky transactions - they can end very badly and even tragically.
Find out why: Dream interpretation of a dead kitten why a dead kitten is dreaming in a dream Jump over an obstacle - the struggle for the fulfillment of one's desires; fall when jumping - some difficulties; jumping down from the wall - reckless acts that bring disappointment; anxiety;
What does it mean in a dream Jumping - into the air - to lose a position, through stones - difficulties will be left behind, through a ditch, moat - to get rid of debts and promises.
You dreamed of Jumping to what it is - You will achieve the fulfillment of desires. Imagine that you are jumping high and far. Jumping is easy for you. You seem to be flying above the ground.
You dreamed of Jumping to what it is - through something in a dream - to avoid danger.
Why dream What does it mean in a dream Jump - in a dream you seem to be jumping over some object - success awaits you in good deeds, better not to take on bad deeds. You seem to be unable to jump over some object - you will have minor difficulties in business, but you will not get out of the plan.
You seem to jump off from somewhere - you will soon commit a reckless act that will later surprise you. A young woman dreams that she is jumping over something - this woman has to fight for her future; in order to achieve something, she will have to sacrifice something; she will not find without losing.
Jumping, for example, into the pool in general means that you will plunge into the usual activities in which you feel like an expert. The height of the springboard from which you jumped indicates the level of the tasks ahead.
So, this is what it means to jump into water in a dream:
- Jump into water in a dream. The interpretation is almost literal: a jump into the pool of significant events or feelings.
- If you entered the water "beautifully", and it is clean and cool, then the dream portends a bright and successful streak in your life.
- If the water is cloudy and warm, the dream speaks of a series of problems that you can handle "easily".
- When the jump was made from an excessive height, the "entry" turned out to be unsuccessful, and the water was muddy and dirty, the dream warns against taking part in an adventure, which will be followed by a series of troubles.
To jump out of a window in a dream is to commit a drastic act, without considering further consequences. The impulsiveness of the dreamer in this case can lead to the most unexpected consequences, up to a fatal outcome.
Dream Interpretation predicts major losses of material values if in a dream you had to jump from a bridge. You are in the clouds, and do not control the reality around you, make hasty conclusions, which ultimately lead to rash actions.
According to the interpretation of the dream book, a fall from the roof is inevitable death, and what one dreams about jumping from the roof in a dream of one's own free will is complete control over one's physical condition and capabilities.
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Jumping from a cliff in a dream is a bad sign. An event awaits you, as a result of which you will lose all self-confidence. Whatever happens, the dream book advises not to despair, and to improve oneself in spite of all the obstacles set by fate.
The dreamer is too confident in his abilities if he managed to jump from the balcony in his dream. Such overconfidence can lead to unpredictable consequences - think before you act.
Jumping from a train is a bad symbol for those who are tied by marriage. The second half is hiding something from you, it is possible that betrayal or betrayal will follow from the partner. Jumping from an airplane in a dream is a completely different, positive interpretation of the dream book.
Jumping off a cliff in a dream indicates that you are wasting your life energy in vain. All your recent activities are nothing more than a waste of time. Look at life from the other side, and do not waste your strength on trifles.
A dream book promises incredible success if you had to jump from a mountain. Only in order to get good luck, you will need to try very hard, invest all your mental and moral abilities. The same interpretation can be attributed to a dream in which you have to jump from a tower - you will achieve the fulfillment of your cherished desires.
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in the Women's Club!
Why dream of jumping? Scrolling through one dream book after another, we find the main meaning of the interpretation: a jump is overcoming or avoiding something. But what exactly, you can find out by remembering in detail the plot of the dream.
Step into the abyss
1. Why dream of jumping off a cliff? Scientists can speculate and hypothesize about this, but the fact remains that the height beckons, despite the fact that you are well aware of the danger. For many, the fear of heights is associated with the fear of succumbing to the temptation of heights.
The interpretation of the dream is as follows: in reality, a risky event is planned. You will be perfectly aware of the risk, but there is nothing you can do about it. If the plan succeeds, you will be visited by an unprecedented feeling of confidence and happiness.
However, jumping off a cliff is not only about adventure. If earlier there was not enough spirit to approach the person you liked, if you need to express an opinion to the authorities or speak to the public, a dream can also portend these decisive events.
2. A dream in which you make a jump from a window is interpreted as an unexpected deliverance from a situation that weighs you down. Images of a window, vents are symbols of a fresh and unexpected decision, and a jump means action without hesitation
3. Jump down from the bridge. In this case, the dream book speaks of your difficult current situation. A jump from the height of a bridge means thoughtlessness of actions, actions on emotions.
The big bridge symbolizes the importance of sleep, you can't just dismiss it and forget it. We must heed what the dream book warns about: be careful in words and deeds, do not act rashly.
Jumping into the water
Jumping, for example, into a pool in general means that you will plunge into a familiar activity in which you feel like an expert. The height of the springboard from which you jumped indicates the level of the tasks ahead.
- Jump into water in a dream. The interpretation is almost literal: a jump into the pool of significant events or feelings.
- If you entered the water “beautifully”, and the water is clean and cool, then the dream portends a bright and successful streak in your life.
- If the water is cloudy and warm, the dream speaks of a series of problems that you can handle "easily".
- When the jump was made from an excessive height, the "entry" turned out to be unsuccessful, and the water was muddy and dirty, the dream warns against taking part in an adventure, which will be followed by a series of troubles.
Other meanings
A dream in which you jump on rooftops. Such stories are usually dreamed of by notorious daredevils. The body needs adrenaline. It is possible that you love extreme sports and your body misses the thrill.
Jumping rope. Such a dream is a dream for the future acceleration of the course of events. If you can jump rope easily, then you will have time everywhere, despite the unusual intensity of events. If the rope is constantly tangled, then somewhere there will be a hitch.
Jump over a crevice or ravine. Such a dream indicates a successful way out of a difficult situation.
Remember how you felt when you looked deep into the crevice in a dream: fear, embarrassment or overexcitation. These are the very feelings that you have to overcome in reality. Looking down is like looking into the hidden corners of the soul.
Jump up. If you jump then to grab onto the bar of a horizontal bar or a branch of a mighty tree, then the dream book interprets this as follows: soon your social status will increase.
But if you have to jump up a tree to escape the chase of an angry beast, then the dream carries a different meaning. In this case, the dream book announces a favorable outcome for you of unexpected and formidable events.
Dreaming that you are jumping over some kind of obstacle:
- Dream Interpretation considers such a dream positively if you deftly overcome the obstacle.
- If you stumbled, got caught without calculating your strength, remember what exactly prevented you. The dream warns what you should pay attention to, what to beware of.
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Did you happen to jump into the water from a height in a dream? A dream has several meanings, according to the dream book. It can warn of a difficult situation, a possible mistake. But the plot also portends the successful implementation of plans, career growth. Why is he dreaming? You will find the answer if you remember its details.
Mistakes are possible, try to moderate emotions
Did you have such a vision? The interpretation of sleep depends on where and where they jumped from. If it was a clean river, and the jump was successful, everything will go well in the professional field.
When they saw in a dream that they hit some kind of underwater object - according to the dream book, in reality you will make a mistake somewhere out of ignorance, because of your own stupid self-confidence.
Why dream of standing on a high bridge and jumping down? This means: the sleeping person is now in a difficult situation, he is guided only by emotions. It is necessary to take them under control - then he will find a way out.
Difficult situation ahead - carefully consider ways to overcome it
Did you dream at night to jump into the water from a height - from a big rock? The dream interpretation warns: some kind of incident will lead to a strong shock. The sleeper will even question his own strengths, as well as his ability to influence the outcome of the case. However, do not despair - you should think about ways to overcome difficulties.
A jump from a great height into the sea in a dream portends: a hasty decision may turn out to be wrong. Try to conduct a detailed analysis of the situation and only then decide something.
Dream Interpretation also indicates: instead of doing something interesting, you will have to do routine daily activities. But if you dreamed that the water was clean, you will solve the accumulated cases quickly, so you will soon do what you would like.
Miller's dream book: changes may occur
Why dream of jumping and diving from a height into a river? The value depends on what the water was like. If it is clean, the difficult task will end successfully. Muddy - the dreamer will anticipate a change in the business field and worry.
Where did you jump from?
The dream interpreter takes into account the various details of the jump in a dream from:
- towers - major changes are coming soon;
- break - you can make an impulsive decision that you will regret;
- high coast - you have to make a difficult choice that affects your personal life;
- sides of the ship, escaping - to loneliness.
You will be able to realize the planned
Why dream of seeing that they stood on a tower, jumped and entered the water smoothly, like an athlete? The dream book tells you: nothing prevents you from realizing your plans.
In a dream I had a chance to jump into the water from a height, but did you hit the water surface? You feel fear of what is to come. You need to act more decisively so that fears do not interfere with fruitful work - then you will achieve what was planned.
The dreamed vision reflects the dreamer's desire to have a child. He is already ripe for making such a decision, future responsibility.
Successful undertakings, but be careful
Seeing your jump into the water, which was a success in a dream, promises the successful completion of current affairs at work. The dream interpretation is encouraging: career growth is possible.
Jumping into the water from a height, when you do it yourself, means: upcoming undertakings will be successful. If you were pushed, you will succeed only if the water was clear. Do you feel like you're choking? Risky trades can fail.
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