Don't keep up with the joneses

Why You Shouldn’t Try to Keep Up with the Joneses

Trying to keep up with the Joneses or wanting to maintain social status by having material things is a losing battle. The people who you may think have it all are likely still in pursuit of riches and status symbols themselves.

Using material items or looking to others to boost our confidence to give us any kind of security is only temporary. Things will never bring us happiness or contentment in the long run and you will have to keep spending to keep that buyer high going.

Here are a few reasons why you should stop looking at other’s lives and trying to keep up with the Joneses.

Grass is always greener

It’s easy to look at someone else’s life and feel envious. They may look like they have it all—the nice house, fancy cars, designer clothes, and landscapers and house cleaners to help them maintain it all. But the truth is, you really don’t know their financial situation. They could be drowning in debt from all of those material items. Many Americans live beyond their means and instead of saving for their kid’s college fund or building up their retirement, they are spending frivolously now. Look at your finances; set your spending to match your income, needs and priorities; and don’t compare your life to anyone else’s because your family has different financial goals than the family down the street.

Brings discontent

Comparing ourselves to others, whether it’s in social status, wealth, job stability or family life, breeds discontentment in our minds. We don’t really know what’s going on in the life of the Joneses—or the Smiths, Millers, Wilsons — for that matter. We can easily think they are picture perfect and compare how our life just doesn’t stack up to how their’s appears. Behind closed doors though, each family and individual has their own issues and struggles around money. Money and all that it affords doesn’t truly bring fulfillment, and constantly comparing ourselves to others only creates unhappiness in our lives.

Stay true to yourself

If you are emulating what someone else does or has, you aren’t taking your own values, goals and ideals into account. Do you really care if you have a fancy new car or do you just feel like you ought to fit in with everyone else on the block? Do you even want those designer jeans, or do you just want them because all your friends have a pair? Think about what your goals are for your life. If you have financial goals in place, then stay motivated to stick to them and not what everyone around you is doing.

You can never keep up with the Joneses

Trying to keep up with the Joneses is a losing battle. Every time you think you are close, someone else will set the bar even higher. As soon as you buy the latest gadget or device, a newer, cooler one comes out. Once you have your kitchen remodeled, a new home trend takes over and you’re slightly outdated. Make your financial decisions based on what you want and can afford, not on what you think you should do to keep up.

Make your life your life. Look at your financial situation and make your own goals about what you want your life to look like. By living within your means and you can find contentment with the things you do have rather than chasing what you don’t. Also, focus on what’s really important to you in life—family, friends, etc. If you stick to your own financial goals and the things that bring you joy, you won’t feel the need to keep up with anyone else.

Tired of Keeping Up With the Joneses?


7 Min Read | Jul 18, 2022

By Ramsey Solutions

By Ramsey Solutions

You’ve met them before. Actually, they’re the family living like no one else only a few houses down from yours. Mr. Jones drives the Bentley, and Mrs. Jones drives the Mercedes. Their house is picture perfect, their yard is the best in the neighborhood, and their children are so polite, they make the von Trapp kids look like heathens.

The Joneses are the envy of social media. They throw the best parties, drive the nicest cars, have big screen TVs in every room, sport the latest smartphones, and go on the most Instagram-worthy vacations. But the question is . . . how can they afford it? And even more important—is life just about keeping up with the Joneses?

The Truth About the Joneses

Want to know the truth? The Joneses are broke. That’s b-r-o-k-e with a capital “B.” And we’re not saying that so you can feel better about that old beater car (with the rusted-through floorboards) you’ve been driving around since Y2K. Remember—the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Sure, it may look greener, but are you willing to go into thousands of dollars of debt each year for the nicest lawn in the neighborhood?

Avoid the traps and manage your money the right way with Financial Peace University

Here’s the thing: 78% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.1 Basically, that means almost 8 out of 10 people probably can’t afford the home they’re living in and the car they’re driving. They might not even have the cash to cover the next emergency that pops up. Kind of crazy, right?

So, why are so many people going into so much debt? To be honest, it’s about comparison. Rachel Cruze talks about this in her book, Love Your Life, Not Theirs:

“I had to come to terms with the fact that I was caught up in comparisons. I was chasing someone else’s life instead of enjoying my own. I was letting someone I had never met influence not only how I was going to spend my money, but how I was going to live my life.”

—Rachel Cruze, Love Your Life Not Theirs

We want what we don’t have to impress people we probably don’t even like. In the world today, a fancy car and a big house are the standards of success. But is that what it’s really about? Not a chance. It’s about contentment. If you’re really content with what you have, you’re likely not going to be on the lookout for the next best thing that will bring you “happiness.

What Does It Mean to Live Like No One Else?

Live like no one else now, so later you can live and give like no one else. But what does that even mean? It means no more comparing your house with the neighbor’s house, not going out to eat four times a week, and sticking to a budget.

It all comes down to two words: focused intensity. If you want to live like no one else, you have to stay focused on your goal. And if your goal is debt freedom, the sacrifices are worth it. But living like no one else looks a little different for everyone. For most, it looks like cutting out all of the extras, selling so much stuff the kids think they’re next, and not seeing the inside of a restaurant unless you’re taking orders.

If you want to live and give like no one else later, you have to learn how to live a little . . . weird now. Sure, your family and friends will wonder what came over you. And the word no will be your new best friend when it comes to all those expensive social outings.

Just like Dave Ramsey says, “No one accidentally wins at anything. You have to pay a price to win, and you don’t win if you don’t pay a price.” And the price of getting out from under those chains of debt might seem high now, but in the end, it’ll be well worth it.

Benefits of Living Like No One Else

If you’re like some people, you might make a pro/con list when you’re about to count the cost of your next big decision. But let us assure you, if you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, the pros will far outweigh the cons when it comes to deciding to get out of debt. Here are some of the benefits of living like no one else:

1. You’ll gain more self-control.

You may have heard this before, but adults make a plan and follow it. Children do what feels good. When you’re living like no one else, you’ll be following your plan with ease. No longer will you be swiping that credit card at the mention of the word sale.

2. You’ll radiate confidence.

When you’re not focused on keeping up with the Joneses, you’ll be surprised to find that you’ll stop caring what other people think and even pinpoint the people who are keeping you in debt. It’s about chasing your goals and building a financial legacy for your family, not about the car you drive or even if you’ve got a fancy gold card.

3. You’ll become more goal-driven.

Listen, you’ve already made the best goal ever: to get out of debt. So once you’ve achieved that, making and setting goals for yourself just gets easier and easier. You’ll learn how to set smart goals that you can measure and then run hard to achieve them. And it all starts with becoming debt-free.

4. You’ll give generously.

The best part of living like no one else is the fact that you can start giving like no one else. When you’re no longer throwing your paycheck to your past, you’re freed up to start living and giving the way God intended.

5. You’ll leave a legacy.

Imagine leaving an inheritance for your children, your grandchildren—and heck!—maybe even your great grandchildren! When you’re living like no one else, you have the ability to set yourself up for the retirement of your dreams, give generously, and make plans to leave a legacy that will change your family tree.

How to Live Like No One Else

So now that you’re sold on living like no one else . . . what does that even look like? It starts with counting the cost. Like Dave said above, you have to pay a price to win. And that price is different for everyone. But the best thing you can do is decide to change. That’s exactly what Keith and Emily did.

Keith and Emily were trying to be the Joneses. “We couldn’t do anything halfway. We couldn’t just have any apartment—we had to have a downtown loft apartment. We couldn’t just have any car—we had to have a convertible, a brand-new convertible,” Emily recounted.

“Just like Dave says, everything that took our parents 30 years to achieve, we wanted it right then,” Keith said.

After taking Financial Peace University, everything changed. They knew they had to make some big sacrifices if they wanted to get out of debt and change their future. So that’s exactly what they did. “All of the tears, all of the frustration, all of the anger—it was so worth it because now there’s just peace and freedom,” Keith and Emily said. Talk about living like no one else.

Keith and Emily learned how to save, budget, and pay off debt after they took their first Financial Peace University class. Now, they’re debt-free and changing their future. Are you ready to stop keeping up with the Joneses and start living like no one else? Start Financial Peace University today!

About the author

Ramsey Solutions

Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners. Learn More.

"Keeping up with the Joneses" - Elena Lvovna's Thought Tap — LiveJournal

Keeping up with the Joneses is such a typical American expression, but I think every country and every culture has this principle in one way or another. In recent years, I think I have already grown up to be equal to the "Jones" too. There was one little thing left - to understand who they are, my "Jones".

On Labor Day we again visited our American friends (they invited us and 2 other families, also from school), this time even I climbed into their pool, and besides, I actively participated in my mother's conversation about our school. This time I managed to look inside their house - it turned out that there were only three living rooms, or something. In one of them there is a half-wall TV, I have never seen such. :) nine0003

Then, at home, she shared her impressions with her husband. They are not even super-rich people (I said, yes? They also receive a discount from the school), but what a luxurious house they have, how well-groomed and beautiful everything is. Only one thing, I say, I did not like it. In none of the living rooms (by the way, maybe you can already say "salon" in Russian ???), and so in none of the salons there was a bookcase. No one. There were only some sideboards and bookcases with Judaica, all sorts of knick-knacks and lots of framed photographs. To which my dear husband says to me: so what? But your beloved R. and A. in Jerusalem have a whole house littered with books and other rubbish, they huddle in a small apartment in the center of the city, and this is how it all looks. I say, oh, R. and A., these are intellectuals! They have a rich cultural and spiritual life! They constantly go to theaters and exhibitions (and just to have fun, when they visited us, they dragged us into the city to cut through "pubs", it was so great), yes, they organize all-night teachings on every Shavuot, they study both Kabbalah and the Talmud, it’s so interesting and fun with them, and then, their fourth child was born_but_we_don’t_compete)! . ..But they are THERE, so what's the point? If we had at least a little similar friends here - two families that we also wanted to be equal to, then they also went back. nine0003

And yet, I decided not to wait until next summer (when something might be decided - or maybe not), and not even wait until I find the local Joneses! and start as I can pour into local life.
I haven't even made up my mind, but apparently it's heading towards it. First of all, as I said, we got to a festive dinner in our synagogue. After that, for the first time in 7 years here, I made a membership (!). Then, since Moshik begged me for some kind of utter gun, my condition was that we go to a cultural event every 2-3 weeks (repair the damage). The first time, however, was a complete failure. We went to La Jolla Arts & Wines festival and they nearly killed me from boredom. Moreover, it turned out that you can drink wine and beer only in a specially fenced place where children are not allowed, and live music was there, in short, a bummer. Next time we're going to see Petya and Volk at our Symphony, I hope it won't be so disastrous. :) In addition, I invited a designer to ennoble our modest abode, but it turned out that I was completely unprepared for drastic changes, so apparently I'll get by with painting the walls and rearranging furniture ... Tomorrow we're going to Chabad for a barbecue, since we are "members ". And our American friends will be with us on Thursday, I once told them, let's go to Sukkot, because then it seemed so not soon - but here it is! I don't even know how they fit into our sukkah. :))) But of course I'll hide our TV. :) nine0009

And you? Do you have Joneses you look up to? If so, is it material or spiritual? If not, do you feel a lack?

UPDATE . Here everyone says that they do not have such, but it turns out that sociologists agree with me and call it a reference group.

Tags: America, money, dubr, people, our kibbutz, the meaning of life, me

Joneses - translation into Russian | English-Russian

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EnglishSpanishFrenchPortugueseRussianTurkishEnglishSpanishFrenchPortugueseRussianTurkish / English → Russian / [ J ] / Joneses

42 parallel translation

Our whole life was dedicated to keeping up with the Joneses.

Our whole life was devoted to being no worse than others.

The Laportes, the Joneses and Wally, so far. nine0003

The Laportes, the Joneses and the Wallys, only them so far.

Do you like the Joneses?

Did you like the Joneses?

Have you ever heard the expression "Keeping up with the Joneses"?

- Do you know the expression "Look up to the Joneses"?

But it's the wolf part that joneses you.

But that wolf part, it really suits you.

jones 1267
jonesy 154

It means different things to different people. In suburbia, it means keeping up with the Joneses. nine0003

In the suburbs, it means trying to keep up with the Joneses.

That'll keep up with his joneses.

He will help him cope with the "pulls".

Just to keep up with the Joneses.

To keep up with others.

I bet you're on first name terms with them Armstrong-Joneses?

Surely the first on this list are the Armstrong-Jones?

So you just crashed there? The Joneses didn't drug you or kidnap you?

Did the Joneses kidnap you or give you drugs? nine0003

I don't buy that our three young Indiana Joneses just stumbled into it for a school project.

I don't buy it that our three young Indiana Jones just stumbled upon her on a school assignment.

Table for the Joneses?

Jones table?

Last call for the Joneses!

Jones table, last announcement! We are here.

What are you doing? We're the Joneses, the two of us.

- The Joneses are us, the two of us. nine0003

We just - - we need to get back to the Joneses' - -

- But we. .. - We're going to the Joneses.

We know you aren't the joneses.

We know you are not the Joneses.

You know, the Joneses may have gotten made, but they had no idea what they were getting themselves into.

You know, maybe they were fake Joneses, but they didn't know exactly what they were getting themselves into.

They're supposed to be a cheap-and-cheerful way of embarrassing the Ruperts and the Joneses in their Ferraris, but this is as near as makes no difference ã50,000, and with all that turbo lag, all you're going to embarrass really is... yourself. nine0003

They're supposed to be a cheap and fun way to embarrass the Ruperts and Johnnys in their Ferrari, but its price is close to £50,000, and with all those turbo lags, all you're really embarrassing is yourself.

It's almost as if the Mr. Jones mythos has a life of its own, constantly striving to survive by feeding on our imaginations and in the process occasionally transforming people into additional Mr. Joneses.

It's almost the same as if Mr. Jones lived his own life and tried to survive, taking all our fantasies and dreams and in the process accidentally transforming a person, making him dependent on these Mr. Jones ...

Give it up for the joneses!

Applause for the Johnsons.

My dueling Tommy Lee Joneses.

My Tommy Lee Jones are dueling competitors.

I loved the Joneses, but they had their problems.

I liked the Joneses, but they had their problems too.

We're the Joneses!

We are the Joneses!

Have you ever seen a couple move into a neighborhood so nicely as the Joneses?

Have you ever seen such nice new neighbors as the Joneses? nine0003

You know, if the Joneses seem a little bit more affectionate than we do, it's because they haven't had to mute their passions the way we have'cause the kids have been around.

If the Joneses seem a little more loving than we are, it's because they don't have to dampen their passion because the kids are around.

And take it from me, somebody who has had 16 years of human resource experience, that the Joneses are perfectly nice, normal, everyday people.

And trust me, someone with 16 years of experience in human resources, that the Joneses are just very nice, normal, ordinary people. nine0003

Remember I told you something was off about the Joneses?

Remember when I said there was something wrong with the Joneses?

The point is, the Joneses are not who they say they are.

In general, the Joneses are not who they say they are.

Isn't she out with the Joneses?

Isn't she having dinner with the Joneses?

The Joneses aren't who they say they are.

The Joneses are not who they say they are.

The Joneses are spies.

The Joneses are spies.

Who are the Joneses working for?

Okay. Who do the Joneses work for?

It's the Joneses!

It's the Joneses!

I think the Joneses are going to be just fine.

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