Quality communication when dealing with different customer personality types

How to Handle 4 Different Personality Types of Customers

April 20, 2016 / Blog buying expectations, personality types, presentation, Rick Enrico, sales presentation, SlideGenius

Every person has a distinct personality type and buying decision behavior. Cultural traditions, race, and social status influence an individual’s decisions and actions. This is why sales professionals need to understand these key factors to determine a strategy that best fits them.

While it’s possible to cater to different audiences, it’s essential to know their needs and preferences, buying behavior, and expectations.

Here are four different customer personality types essential for your sales success:

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1. The Analytical

People with this personality look for facts and figures in a sales presentation. In a post written by HubSpot’s Leslie Ye, she explains that people with this personality type do advanced research on business contact before the initial interaction.

Analytics prefer to have more profound knowledge about the subject before getting convinced on a particular matter. They verify each piece of information and focus more on the brand’s features to ensure its quality and efficiency.

These customers use most of their logical thinking rather than their emotional side when making decisions.

How to handle:

Focus on providing information relevant to what your business can do for them. Use qualitative and statistical data that shows exact representations of facts to attract attention and stir interest. Since these people are information-oriented and have a keen eye for detail, you need to be specific and direct when delivering your pitch.

Expect questions and clarifications during the selling process. This indicates that they’re interested in knowing your business. Be patient because analytical customers are slow decision-makers.

2. The Amiable

The Amiable are respectful, friendly, and trustworthy. They’re good at listening to and forming relationships with others. Unlike analytical thinkers, amiable people care more about building rapport and establishing trust with other professionals.

They’re more interested in conducting business transactions with people who meet their buying expectations. Their decision relies on how the company values their interest in relationship-building.

How to handle:

Make yourself likable by creating a good impression and recognizing their presence. Asking questions that show your interest adds a personal touch to your pitch. This makes them feel valued, which nurtures your relationship with them. Provide relevant questions that allow them to share their personal experiences about a particular product. Address their needs based on answers to increase your chances of closing more sales.

You can also introduce some of your colleagues who can help and assist in their decision-making.

3. The Expressive

People with expressive personalities use most of their creative side to voice their opinions on a particular topic. They’d prefer to share their perspective when presented with facts rather than ask for additional information. However, they know how to show respect to others as much as they want them to be respected. Similar to those with an amiable personality, they give importance to relationships. They value the welfare of the people affected by their choices.

Unlike analytical and amiable customers, expressive individuals are fast decision makers.

How to handle:

Tell stories that are relevant to the topic and each concerned individual. You can also share your experiences to help them understand what’s being discussed. Focus on showing what your business can do for them while concentrating on a possible outcome they may encounter after the purchase. Connect with them and establish a deeper level of relationship by tapping into their emotions.

While facts and other data can help, these customers set their minds on making and fulfilling decisions that people will love.


The Driver

People with this personality are primarily self-centered and opinionated. They find pleasure in manipulating a pitch that identifies them as reasonable and authoritative.

According to speaking expert Rick Segel, drivers expect each information to be delivered in the quickest way possible because they’re goal-oriented. They’re commanding in nature and motivated to achieve their objectives. They want immediate answers and solutions. They also value competence as much as they love expertise and preparation.

Similar to expressive customers, drivers are fast decision makers.

How to handle:

Get straight to the point when expounding on your pitch. Be direct without compromising the clarity and quality of your performance. Provide facts and evidence to help them quickly understand your message and make quick decisions. Mentioning irrelevant or unnecessary information will only waste both your time and effort. So be careful to give only what’s needed in a particular discussion.

Highlight how your business will enable them to reach their goals and let them stand out from the competition.

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The Takeaway: Be Flexible

One of the famous sayings from Gregory Titelman’s Random House Dictionary says: “Different strokes for different folks.” Knowing these personalities enables you to strategize more effectively to meet their needs and solve their problems.

These traits will help you identify what type of customers you’re interacting with. Whether they’re analytical, amiable, expressive, driver, or a mix of these personalities, make sure to craft a compelling pitch specifically catered to their preferences. This will also allow you to improve your strategy and prepare for your presentation’s success.

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Leck, Lorna. “Different strokes for different folks.Sales Activator. March 23, 2015. www.salesactivator.com/resources/blog/different-strokes-for-different-folks
Segel, Rick. “4 Types of Customers (and How to Sell to Each of Them).” Business Know-How. n.d. www.businessknowhow.com/marketing/personalities.htm
Ye, Leslie. “How to Sell to Different Personality Types.” HubSpot. April 15, 2015. blog.hubspot.com/marketing/sell-different-personality-types

Featured Image: “Diversity” by Angie Garrett on flickr.com

How to Ensure Effective Communication with Different Personalities

Communication is critical to our relationships, whether personal – with friends, spouses, and children – or professional – with peers and team members. It isn’t enough to just communicate, however. I’ve worked in customer-facing positions for over 25 years – starting as a cashier at the local grocery store in high school and summers as a waitress at the local country club – and have learned that effective communication with a customer is 10% the message being delivered and 90% how the message is delivered.

In a client-facing industry, we deal with many different personalities, each of whom may react differently to the same message. Whether answering an email or a phone call, or meeting face to face, you never know what the next request will be, who it will come from, or what personality will come with it. How you react could make or break a deal.

We provide our teams with the tools and skills to be prepared to handle any circumstance using these three strategies:

Lead with Excellence

The top priority should be customer experience and satisfaction. For example, we focus on cultivating close relationships, being responsive, and working as strategic partners, because when our customers grow, we grow. When you make excellence the goal, it’s easier to eliminate the noise, identify the objective, and accelerate reaching a positive outcome. Lead with a focus on working collaboratively toward a mutual goal and make sure a task is seen through until the customer is completely satisfied.

Leverage Active Listening

There is not a one-size-fits-all answer to every question, and active listening is a critical tool customer service teams can rely on to be successful. It's important to take the time to listen, make sure the person knows they are heard, understand the source of their stress, and follow the issue through to resolution.

Each of these active listening techniques can help you understand not only what the customer’s question is, but what their problem is – even if the problem isn’t what they’re asking. Open-ended questions help you gain a better understanding of what the customer is looking to achieve and help you provide the best options to help the customer solve their problem.

Understand Personality Types

The third, and most critical skill in customer service, is understanding the personalities you may encounter. Knowing your personality type is valuable to understanding how you communicate best, understanding how others may communicate differently than you while saying the same thing, and how you communicate effectively with different personality types.

To learn more about personality types, consider taking the infamous Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. It may sound familiar; many completed it at some point in college, or upon arriving at a new company. Based on your responses, the MBTI provides you with one of 16 different personality types that categorize you as extrovert/introvert, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. There is also the Merrill-Wilson test, a simplified model that categorizes people into four different personality types: Analytical, Driver, Amiable, and Expressive.

Understanding how different personality types prefer to communicate when you’re in a customer service role helps to avoid misunderstandings and roadblocks. Rather than becoming frustrated when the message doesn’t seem to be getting through, we encourage a pause. Ask yourself if the person is being difficult, or if their communication style is different from yours. This pause can help defuse tense conversations, direct the conversation positively, and accelerate reaching the desired outcome.

In customer service, you won’t always know who your next call or ticket is from, which makes understanding different personality types, and how to communicate with them, critical to success. Utilizing active listening techniques to help tune into personality type cues help you determine how best to handle individuals differently. It allows the customer service teams to pivot faster and avoid unnecessary cycles of back and forth by communicating in a way that is easy for the receiver to understand.

By adjusting how they interact, your customer service team can save themselves from the cycle of stating and re-stating, clarifying, and convincing and accelerate delivering results, simply by adjusting their communication for the audience.

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Chapter 6 . Types of clients and features of relationships psychologist

This issue has been addressed by many authors. Obozov N.N. [1993] allows identify five bases for classification clients and relationship advice with them:

Let us now consider these reasons more in detail.

By the nature of the request among customers the following can be distinguished types:

  • Insecure client. Many reflects on the situation weighs but cannot accept solution, get rid of doubts. Target appeals to a psychologist - to remove from oneself responsibility in taking the necessary life decision. For such people decision making is a complex process not sure of themselves. From the point of view of N.N. Obozova, psychologist-consultant, working with such a client, should be maximally collected, clear, even categorical in statements and behavior. He must create a pole of confidence in issues to be resolved. Persuasiveness and the credibility of what the psychologist says considerations should naturally "weigh one of the scales", on that are filled with doubt. nine0003

  • Confident client. Draws to validate your ready-made understanding of the difficult provisions, From a psychologist he needs information confirming the already prepared, his point of view. The question arises: if this person so sure of himself, why would he then does he see a psychologist at all? Answer could be: Although this man is confident in himself and more than once independently took life solutions, lately it has become more and more subconsciously feels that something is going wrong. His activities are not as successful as it could be. Him subconscious mind prompts him to ask for help. But his proud consciousness refuses to accept it. Appeal to a psychologist and the nature of the request reflect the compromise between two sides of the internal conflict. By towards such a client. counseling psychologist should assume the role of a follower who only hints, suggestions helps find a solution. Should be detailed discuss and analyze all possible options for the consequences of actions that the client is going to commit. Necessary ask the client about the probabilities of occurrence of those or other desirable and undesirable options for the development of the situation. So way we will contribute constructive resolution of the internal conflict with the client and not cause psychological defense reaction rejection. nine0003

  • A client who knows everything and trusts only yourself. This type of client exposes everything doubt, contradictory, but at the same time convinced that he is right. Not stupid, but problem in character. prone to run their problems. To such people, by virtue of their resonant features, not easy sometimes find communication partners in real life. Trying to find the interlocutor often leads them to consultation. benevolent participation in relation to the clients of this type and ignoring those features which usually repel others from these people, creates favorable opportunities to mitigate pronounced negative character traits. People speak out, relax, they have mood rises. Much of what what they were obsessing about before, recedes to the back. This creates the preconditions for constructive work. nine0003

  • A client with a need to "speak out" "seeking sympathy", "vent". AT difference from the previous type of clients, the problem here is no longer in character. Highly often these are people with a difficult life, lonely, sensitive, kind, and suffering because of their kindness. Advice in relation to such people are not obligatory, they can even push them away, scare them the fact that they are not just spoken to as with people, but begin to "provide them psychological help." go over to provide this assistance is possible only in case of special request. The main thing, what these types of clients need, - love, acceptance, empathy. But the main - Listening. It doesn't always happen easy, because communication with such a client easily adopts the structure inherent natural conversation, and consultant psychologist, of course, I want to "insert my word", to share and your opinion. Doesn't mean that this cannot be done. But you have to make sure that the client spoke more. If the client active, says don't follow him interrupt. When consulting on the helpline, this group includes numerous disabled people - people who sometimes for years they cannot leave their room. Communication with them can be very interesting and enrich the psychologist-consultant. They have a unique opportunity read, follow various kinds information coming through the channels radio, television, which is the majority of people forced to earn, deprived. They readily respond at the request of the consultant to track necessary information for him. nine0003

According to the peculiarities of perception of mental phenomena among customers can be identified following types:

  • rationalistic, realistic, pragmatically oriented client. Strives for accurate knowledge about yourself and others, the reverse side such aspiration is that, he tend to underestimate, ignore everything to do with mental life a person who is difficult to objectification, rational analysis. These aspects of reality disorganize the existing warehouse personality in such a person, so he tend to ignore them he is skeptical, as if not to notice them, defend against them. This kind the client is interested in quantitative personality characteristics, facts, obtained as a result of rigorous scientific experiments. He is especially inclined trust the results highly standardized test methods, such as the MMPI, the 16 Personality factors" by Raymond Cattell. Him interested not only in what is said in currently a consultant, and on the basis of what is he saying. All this is necessary take into account when working with such a client, to avoid negative attitude to counseling. nine0003

  • intuitively oriented emotionally refined, aestheticized client. Considers a person to be unique mysterious education. attract quality, figurative, artistic characteristics of the personality and its life way. Interested in deep mechanisms psyche, subconscious nature person. The other side of personality focus on intuitive knowledge is the rejection of the rational. Rational, objective, received through rigorous scientific experiments knowledge appears to such a person superficial, limited, clumsy, shallow, of little use and of little interesting. Tends to trust information obtained using methods, more focused on qualitative analysis - test of Hermann Roscharch, Luscher color choice test. This client appreciates what the consultant says while listening to your inner voice, and, as it were, weighing on their deep inner scales, what is close to the truth and what is not. This must be taken into account when dealing with by this client. nine0003

How to deal with your problems Clients include the following types:

  • A client who is in a difficult situation seeks to change their behavior style of activity, way of life, but not knows how, faces challenges in this plan. This is the most desired for counseling psychologists type clients.

  • A client who is in a difficult situation seeks to create diverse subjective-personal versions, designed keep him in good esteem in your own eyes and in the eyes of others of people. Versions do not succeed more often all associated with external circumstances or with low personal interest in this type activities. For example, a student, not passed the exams properly and expelled from the university, can explain it is an inability for him to learn due to the need to earn money or by the fact that the profile of the university did not suit his interests. Dissatisfaction with oneself, generated by low self-esteem, can complicate subjective version. This phenomenon is that subjective-personal version begins delaminate into several - "for oneself" (of which there may be many) and "for others". For example, if you fail an exam the student can explain to herself this bad luck by being caught bad teacher, and explain to the teacher his failure by physical ailment. At the same time, the inconsistency of the situation which often occurs when creation of subjective-personal versions, may not be noticed. You can speak about different methods of working with clients of this type. Sometimes it's useful use the interpretation to make knowledge about subjective-personal versions available to the customer. Can draw the client's attention to inconsistencies in his story: “Perhaps the teacher unsuccessful, but most of the students of your course passed his exam and even many got good grades. How do they did it succeed? Why it failed To you?". In the case of layered psychological defense when the state the client approaches the neurotic, there is no point in challenging the subjective-personal version. Layered psychological protection is usually associated with the fact that the client does not see ways of constructive resolving situations. Creation subjective-personal versions - the only one known to such a person way to deal with the situation. In that case, it is advisable to accept the version client, to identify with him. As do it pretty good show us Richard Bandler and John Grinder [1994, especially with. 99 - 100]. Then you can For example, use the technique of self-disclosure. Tell me about your similar experience what I felt then, about how succeeded in resolving the difficulties. Can bring not your own, but just a well-known psychologist-consultant experience. It must enrich the client with constructive skills behavior in the situation. In more severe cases require psychotherapy.

Influence of the gender of the client on the process counseling

According to data provided by Obozov N.N. [nineteen93], men and women have different expectations regarding psychological counseling. Respectively, counseling psychologists men and counseling psychologists women in different ways see themselves in the role of a counseling psychologist, prepare themselves for this role.

Women tend to be more "compassionate", "compassionate" communication style, focusing on turn, on responsiveness, sensitivity. At description of the consultant's standard they mention traits of character, temperament, that is, they are interested in features personal organization of a specialist, influencing. You can say that women are more oriented on empathic contact than men. nine0003

Men in counseling prefer emotionally neutral, working style communication. They are more focused on cognitive aspects of the situation, on psychological information. When describing the standard of the consultant they emphasize on such traits as seriousness, care, sense of duty.

It was found that male clients prefer to work with men. The position of female clients is more neutral, albeit with some preference too of their gender. But the main thing here is not gender, but the ability to empathize. nine0003

Female consultant when working with a man can recommend more focus on work style relationships, to provide information, to cognitive analysis of the situation.

Male consultant working with woman should strive for more empathy, sympathy, empathy empathy.

Obozov N.N. [1993] provides information according to which most of the problems in men is formed in the sphere of their activities, for women - in family and marriage relationships.

Influence of body features client for the counseling process

Athletic people usually tend to dominate in communication and relationships. Their noisy and self-confident behavior either puts others down or causes aggression on the part of just like them. All this can create personal and business problems contacts.

Persons with an asthenic physique are more likely to have difficulties in social and interpersonal contacts through concentrated, hidden, subjective thinking, his introversion. nine0003

These are usually people with a high level development of self-awareness, intellect, unlike most. Hence and their difficulties in personal and business life. First, they can be obscure for most people around. Secondly, they are atypical, unique, therefore they harder to find a way to another person.

In psychological counseling (as, indeed, in life) with people asthenic physique you need to be extremely precautionary. Interpersonal distance and trust they prefer to regulate communication themselves, so they should ask questions very careful. nine0003

Women with a picnic physique with cope with the problems of their personal lives easier and themselves, since ease of handling and externally expressed feelings simplify relationships with other people.

Working with the above types clients psychologist can use different role positions. Samoukina Natalia Vasilievna [1997] singled out and described five acceptable positions counseling psychologist in counseling dialogue in relation to various types clients:

  • Psychologist-programmer. Psychologist develops a program for the client: "What to do", "How to do", "When do", for example, the mode of life of a schoolboy.

  • Psychologist-listener. As a result "talking with a good and smart person" the client receives relief, satisfaction and, having calmed down, independently finds solving your own problem.

  • Mirror psychologist. The psychologist explains what is objectively happening, draws for client objective reflection of the event, helps to understand his role in these events, as well as the positions of the people associated with it and influencing it. As a result, the client understands what is happening to him, to him comes calm and the ability to decision making, action. nine0003

  • The psychologist is a "catalyst". For people, who understand everything, but nothing do, take on the role of losers. It is necessary to create an impulse for activation attitude to the situation, to the beginning of the activity inclusion in unfolding events his own life, for example, through strengthening his self-confidence his "good forces", his ability to event management for your personal life, waiting for the desired positive result.

Samoukina N. V. [1997] believes that the positions neutral adviser or programmer suitable for cases where the client is smart, strong, intelligent person. Position mirror and the programmer is more suitable for a person whose emotions are usually prevail over reason.

The position of a psychologist-listener is suitable for a person who is excited or saddened by any sudden the events that have happened. Position psychologist-"catalyst" is suitable for indecisive or rigid clients, prone to compulsive, stuck behavior. nine0003

Belskaya E.G. [1998, p.70 - 73] singled out and described the special type of clients that she called "difficult clients".

From the point of view of Belskaya E.G. exists three prerequisites for the emergence of normal advisory relations:

Difficult clients tend to verbal (verbal) level to agree with the above prerequisites, and metacommunication level they reject at least one of them.

Metacommunication level - level background, what lies behind the words, what exists in reality, apart from words. nine0003

Belskaya E.G. [1998, p.70 - 73] highlights in metacommunication level of communication three aspects:

  • expressive aspect. This is what partners express in addition to verbal, the way they want to be understood.

  • attribute aspect. How they understand each other, what they see the image in another, what qualities tend to attribute to each other.

According to these aspects, identify three possible types of denial prerequisites for normal advisory relationships:

  • "It's not my problem". In this case the client tends to behave like your consultant's boss. To tell, he is more inclined about other members of the organization or families who, in his opinion, have problems or which these problems create themselves. He calls for a consultant "do something" without specifies what changes wants, everything is vague. characteristic phrase: "I don't want to be involved in this, That's why we hired you." That is, the client assumes the role of "responsible outsider." If problems arise still because of the customer, the process problem solving can come to a standstill. nine0003

  • The client always knows the situation better consultant. Talks a lot, basically, abstractly, exact meaning of words remains unclear. When the consultant tries to summarize his statements, such a client usually seeks it correct: "You do not understand . ..". Wherein its correction is either trivial (contains that it is so, of course) or includes too much shades and meanings. Later the client makes it clear that he values ​​“theoretical contribution" of the consultant, but does not think that it applies to this situation. nine0003

  • The client tends to formulate his messages to the consultant in terms of by which he expresses disrespect consultant's assumptions. characteristic saying: “Look, we are here we are engaged in production and do not need ... so we expect something different from you.” The consultant is periodically placed in such a position that he must all the time prove he's better than about him think.

  • It's hopeless, there's nothing to change here it is forbidden. During the consultative conversations the client prefers to agree with a consultant. Weapon vs. consultant here - helplessness client, He seems to be trying to do everything, but the result is always expressed characteristic phrase: "I've tried everything on your advice, but everything turned out inactive. " There are also "double messages" - the client requests advice and at the same time makes it clear that he, in fact, does not expect it and does not want it, to get something out of it. For in order to make it clear he can use a joke, non-verbal means of communication. nine0003

Dealing with Difficult Clients various techniques are used counterparadox:

  • consent and support. Main principle here - stop fighting with the client. Take a position: “Yes, you are an expert”, “Yes, You know better." The consultant is not assumes a leadership role, exhibits "upscale" behavior expert. Main form of response - friendly surprise and sincere joy in understanding complex client statements. Can be used also the following tricks:

  • Avoidance of importance. For example, if the client tells us: “I don’t have problems”, then we tend to answer him: "Then let's talk and nothing more".

  • Banality. If the consultant's answers will be meaningless and only create the illusion of an atmosphere of trust conversation, then over time it's still encourage the client to start dramatizing the situation and then the problem denial model collapse. An example of a banal answer: "Yeah, sometimes it's the best thing you can do do". nine0003

  • Extrapolation. The essence of this technique is that instead of to block unconstructive the client's behavior is amenable to it. The client is encouraged to continue behave as before, he came to logical and final end, after which he will feel the need soften, weaken their "denials". The extrapolation effect increases with using positive sticking labels when a special the client's contribution to the work. For example, a taciturn client is encouraged for capacity and brevity of its characteristics. The verbose client is offered develop your thought in a certain aspect. nine0003

  • Problem assignment. Consultant he resists everything options for solving the problem. client not only asked to do what he does, but it is also implied that (according to at least for a while) no choice. If the client expresses belief that nothing can be changed and his problem is insoluble (negation the third prerequisite for the emergence normal consultative relationship), the consultant takes seriously this statement and answers: “Yes, now nothing can be changed. There is only two possibilities: either learn to live with your problem, or confess that it is not easy to solve." Occupying such position, the psychologist makes the client make your own choice, that is, what the client claims, then he and receives. nine0003

Sometimes the psychologist is faced with consultation with a client who very prone to criticism. It may prevent constructive the interaction of a psychologist-consultant and client. Belskaya E.G. [1998, p. 74 - 76] described several constructive methods counseling psychologist's responses to criticism:

  • Ask the person a few questions to better understand what he means, while avoiding the role of a judge or protector. Need to collect as much as possible more information to appear opportunity to see the world through the eyes criticism. Questions should be asked with empathy, even if the client is unfair. nine0003

  • Disarmament of criticism. Regardless from the correctness of the critic's statements, you have to find a way to agree with him. When the critic meets no resistance, he usually loses all his ardor. If the critic calms down, then comes in more suitable state for communication. The main mistake in the situation of criticism is dominant tendency to protect oneself from any unfair attacks. Each trying to protect yourself only fuels enemy dust.

criticizes persistently, but is incompetent in what criticizes, not delve into the presented material;

not well received in social circle;

his style of criticism is overwhelming, degrading nature.

How to respond to such a critic:

Thank you immediately for your comments.

Emphasize that the issues raised are important enough.

Highlight the need for knowledge questions - let it inspire him to independent work. nine0003

Offer to discuss this topic after study.

I. Event. Situation should be described objectively to the client. This helps the client to see their action in a new light.

II. Response psychologist. Show what impact the actions of the client have had on you. This should push him to reconsider his behaviour.

III. Statement client version of intended outcome. This is done in order to to enable the client experience freedom of choice. Necessary offer several versions of development situations and leave the outcome option open. You can offer your client course of action in the current situation. nine0003


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What is Customer Service? | Microsoft Dynamics 365

Customer service is customer interaction and support before and after you purchase a company's products or services.

To analyze service, you must first examine the customer journey. It covers all the stages a new customer goes through, from getting to know your brand to becoming a loyal customer.

Service means interaction with the client and support at all stages of his journey. Great customer service is an ongoing process that goes beyond just communicating about the initial sale of a product or service. nine0003

Why is customer service important to your business?

Customer service is important because it determines the relationship between your company and your customers and ultimately the success of your business. Customer service is an opportunity to confirm your values, mission and declared quality of a product or service.

Good customer service strengthens their loyalty to your business. Many companies form teams of account managers to keep them coming back, a process called customer retention. Since retaining existing customers is usually less expensive than acquiring new ones, this has a positive effect on the company's finances. If your company cares about customers, they feel important. In this case, they are likely to share their positive experience and recommend the company to potential customers. nine0003

What are the different types of customer service?

Customer service can be divided into modes of communication, each of which performs different tasks. Companies can use these methods to attract customers, interact and maintain relationships with them.

There are four types of customer service and communication:

1. Reactive customer service

Reactive customer service is based on customer requests and wishes. In such a case, the company provides products or services depending on the needs of customers. nine0003

2. Proactive customer service

Proactive customer service means your company anticipates what customers want and interacts with customers without waiting for them to contact you. Proactive maintenance helps increase sales, avoid customer churn, and build good customer relationships. Examples of proactive service are discounts on future purchases, please leave a review, or sign up for customer accounts.

3. Synchronous communication

With synchronous communication, the company engages customers in real time, for example during telephone conversations. Synchronous communication can be used for both proactive and reactive customer service.

4. Asynchronous communication

Communication that allows a break in time is called asynchronous. Asynchronous communication between the company and customers occurs in stages, depending on the convenience of interaction. Helpdesk messages, emails and chats are a good example. Asynchronous communication continues where you left off. At the same time, the entire context of your interaction with the client is preserved. Asynchronous communication can be used for both proactive and reactive customer service. nine0003

Customer service is support for the people who interact with your brand. Naturally, suitable methods may be different. Most successful companies use several types of customer support. Thus, each method has its own advantages. To understand the different types of communication and service, study customer needs, industry, and company capabilities.

What is good customer service?

Quality customer service is an ongoing process that puts the customer and customer satisfaction first. The quality of service affects the opinion of customers about the company and complements its marketing activities. Achieving a high level of service is impossible without skills and actions that correspond to eight basic principles:

1. Empathy for customers

Quality service is impossible without empathy. Be attentive to your customers, treat them with warmth and understanding, and also let us know that we share their feelings. This will show customers that the company values ​​them, and does not perceive them only as a source of income. Increase empathy in customer service: Find employees who have qualities such as sensitivity and responsiveness.

Employee training that uses client scenarios and empathetic communication standards also develops a caring attitude towards clients. Phrases such as "I understand," "I'm here to help you," "I hear you," help convey empathy to the client.

2. Active listening

Active listening involves paying close attention to the client's words throughout the communication in order to more effectively meet his needs. By noticing details such as dates, times, issues, funny stories, and customer preferences, you can accurately identify and meet customer needs. nine0003

By offering clients multiple channels of communication, you ensure that you actively listen to their needs. If your company is using a multi-channel strategy, develop active listening guidelines for different channels.

3. Knowledge of services and products

To provide the highest level of service, account managers must have a thorough knowledge of the products and services that the company offers. Tell employees about your products and services and conduct regular trainings. Seeing that your specialists have information about the properties of the goods and the range of services, customers will know that they will be taken care of and their problems will be solved. nine0003

4. Technical knowledge

A tech-savvy employee has more in-depth knowledge of the features of products and services, can provide real use cases and is familiar with different business scenarios. Customers regularly have needs, questions, and problems that just don't have a basic understanding of products, which is why technical knowledge is so important. Usually they are owned by developers and product managers, industry experts and narrow specialists. nine0003

Hire a professional in a particular area or seek advice from them. Don't forget to provide technical experts with important analytics and host workshops where they will learn about new discoveries and advances in the industry.

5. Strong interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills—the ability to interact and communicate well with customers—is an integral part of quality service. If you apply interpersonal skills, the interaction from your company becomes more human and people are more likely to turn first into new and then into regular customers. High-quality interpersonal communication will distinguish your company from competitors, because it is very difficult to fake it. nine0003

To improve the quality of interpersonal communication, conduct trainings, collect customer feedback, analyze the purpose of the conversation with the buyer, try to sound positive and restrained, and follow the appropriate instructions. Remember that the employee must be able to deviate from the instruction, taking into account the peculiarities of his speech, tone and personality.

6. Clear Communication

Express yourself clearly so that customers understand your company, products and services. Let customers understand how you and your company can be useful. With clear communication, you won't waste time troubleshooting and leave a great impression on your customers. Provide multiple channels of communication to make it easier for buyers to interact with your company. It can be chats, video calls, text messages, social media conversations, etc. Different communication channels will give you the opportunity to provide quality customer service. nine0003

7. Multitasking

Multitasking skills allow you to serve multiple clients at once and perform different actions to meet their needs. Customer Service Representatives must be able to alternate, and often simultaneously, perform different tasks and communicate with different customers. However, in the pursuit of multitasking, employees should never sacrifice the quality of their work. To improve multitasking and avoid a drop in productivity, the company and staff must monitor workload and set deliberate, achievable goals. nine0003

8. Further interaction

Further interaction with customers is an opportunity to build long-term relationships with them. It helps the company to keep abreast of the interests, plans and problems of customers.

One of the effective ways to further interaction is personalized marketing: personalized emails, promotional messages and other types of communication, taking into account the characteristics of the client. Personalized marketing lets customers know that they are unique and valuable to your company. nine0003

Elevate your service with these five ingredients

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What are some methods of customer service?

Today, customer service is evolving, and changing the way your business interacts with people. Here are examples of traditional and emerging customer service methods:

Customer nurture

Customer nurture entails regular engagement of your customers after they purchase your product or service. Reaching out to check for customer satisfaction, offering valuable services, and communicating any upcoming product changes, helps to foster a sense of community among your customers. With an effective customer nurture strategy, your customers will be more likely to recommend your business to other people and choose your services rather than flock to your competitors. nine0003

Personalized service

Personalized service has revolutionized how customers interact with businesses. Today, customers receive recommendations, guides, and marketing content based on their individual customer profiles and preferences, like their location, buying history, and interests.

Personalized service gives your business a competitive edge, by providing an experience to your customers that’s hard to re-create. Personalizing your customer experiences to fit their specific needs and tastes helps your business retain customers. nine0003

Timely response

In your business, challenges are sure to arise. Using soft skills like good interpersonal communication to address customer needs and solve challenges in a timely fashion, builds confidence in the capabilities of your business among your customers. Resolving your customers’ issues quickly and accurately helps keep them loyal to your brand and is an opportunity to differentiate your business from competitors.

Multichannel service

Multichannel service is a continuously expanding example of customer service. Today, your customers expect to communicate with your business via social media, email, text, phone, and in person. As the channels for communication and service increase, your business should consider offering services via multiple channels. Increasing channels of communications and service gives your business more opportunities to expand your brand and customer base.

nine0378 How does technology enhance customer experience?

Modern technologies significantly improve the quality of service. With their help, you can find new customers, increase sales and increase income. The technologies that facilitate this are described below.


AI is used to strengthen customer relationships. It improves the communication between the company and the client and also offers useful statistics. Thanks to AI technology, you can use tools such as language, sentiment and voice analysis, as well as chat bots. nine0003

AI is able to determine the tone of written and spoken speech, informativeness, friendliness and seriousness. Your company can provide a high level of service by using AI to provide guidance, correspondence, and collect valuable customer information.


Automated technologies significantly increase the availability of customer service by providing them with self-service tools. By entrusting routine actions to automation services, employees will be able to concentrate on higher priority customer requests. This will also reduce staff turnover, as this approach ensures optimal workload and does not make staff bored due to repetitive tasks. Automation technologies, such as help desk software, can send quick messages to customers and accompany them to payment platforms. You can automate processes such as processing and scheduling payments, providing account information, and scheduling appointments. nine0003


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technology can organize and manage customer accounts, targets, and leads. With CRM, you can track how customers interact with your company, identify and predict marketing opportunities, expand your reach, generate additional sales, and identify potential customer churn.

CRM allows you to write sales scripts and track their effectiveness among different segments of partners and customers. CRM platforms are compatible with other technologies and systems such as email, video chat and accounting software. AI and automation technology allows CRM to send notifications to sales and support professionals if customer behavior data matches certain parameters. nine0003


Personalization technology provides personalized customer service based on their preferences and enables the company to better understand its customers. You can track the habits of your customers: someone purchases complementary products, someone makes purchases on a certain schedule, and someone prefers the same products.

Personalization makes it easier for you to find upsell opportunities and avoid cannibalization, a phenomenon in which several company products that satisfy the same need compete with each other. You will also be able to complement your service strategy with what your customers value most. nine0003

Data analytics

Data analytics helps you predict customer needs, troubleshoot service issues, measure sales results, and track marketing performance. You will receive analytics and data on almost all customer interactions with your company. With data analytics, you can generate reports on page views, clicks, and sales, as well as predict seasonal fluctuations in demand.

Data from analytical reports and dashboards will allow you to draw conclusions about the activities of your company. With the help of analytics, you will be able to develop strategies and tactics for doing business, such as deciding when to give discounts, launch service promotions, and stop the production of products that do not sell well. nine0003

How software can enhance your customer service

Customer service software enhances your business's ability to meet customer needs by increasing productivity, communication and customer knowledge. When choosing customer service software, keep your business goals and customer needs in mind. Find out which channels customers use the most and look at the respective capabilities of different technologies.

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