Dogs and personality types

Dog Personalities - What kind of personality does your dog have?



Just what kind of personality does your dog have?  This is a difficult question to answer because just as humans have different types of personalities so do dogs. The way a dog acts and behaves has as much to do with hereditary and breeding as it does with its upbringing and the training it receives.

However, as based on the list first compiled by the American Kennel Club Gazette in March of 1979, there are six general types of dog personalities you can expect to find when you begin working with any dog. 


The dog with this type of personality is extremely dominant and can easily be provoked into biting. The dominant nature of this dog makes him resist human leadership. This type of dog needs precise guidance and a consistent rigorous training program. These dogs are an excellent choice as guard or police dogs.


This pup is dominant and self-assured and can be provoked to bite. However, he readily accepts human leadership that is firm and consistent. This dog responds best to an owner that is determined and decisive and, in the right hands, the confident dog has the potential to be a fine working or show dog. He can easily fit into a household provided his owners know what they are doing.


A dog with this type of personality is friendly and sociable. He will be well adjusted if he receives regular training and lots of exercise. Outgoing dogs have a flexible temperament that adapts well to different types of environments provided he is handled correctly. They can be excellent family pets in the right type of household.


The adaptable dog is easy to handle and cooperative. His submissive nature will have him continually looking to his master for leadership. This pup is easy to train, reliable with children, and though he lacks self confidence makes a high quality family pet. He is usually less extroverted than an outgoing pup but his demeanor is gentle and affectionate.


The insecure dog is extremely submissive and lacking in self confidence. He bonds very closely with his owner and requires regular companionship and encouragement to bring him out of himself. If handled incorrectly the insecure dog will grow up very shy and fearful. For this reason he will do best in a predictable structured lifestyle with owners who are patient and not overly demanding.


A dog with an independent personality is uninterested in people. He will mature into a dog who is not demonstrably affectionate and who has a low need for human companionship.  To perform as intended these dogs require a singularity of purpose that is not compromised by strong attachments to their owner.

For more information about your dogs personality or to arrange for a FREE CONSULTATION with you and your dog, please contact Florida Dog Training School.

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Your dog learns all the commands learned in basic obedience but Off-leash. Hand signals are taught with training.


9 Dog Breed Personalities That Match Our Own

If you’ve ever heard a person say they like a particular type of dog, there could be a scientific reason behind it. Just as there are many different types of personalities, there are many different types of pet personalities, some of which are more compatible with yours than others. 
The good news is that it isn’t hard to find a dog that fits your personality. Many dogs are mixed-breeds (mutts), which means they have a combination of the best-of-the-best qualities from all of the breeds that influence their genetic make-up.
Use this guide to figure out what primary doggy personality traits to look for when you want to bring a new friend home. This guide also highlights a few breeds that possess those traits as well as breed-specific rescues, making it easy for you to meet lots of new friendly faces and personalities that are just right for you.

1. Inquisitive, Hardworking Orderly Types

While everyone likes to let loose and have fun, you’re at your happiest when things are in order. You appreciate traditional values and respect hard work (you’re not afraid of hard work either). You believe everyone has a role to play to keep society operating well. Quiet-time with a good book or a favorite podcast is how you recharge.

Dog personality matches:

Your ideal dog will be confident and self-assured. Though possibly difficult to train at first, your ideal match will be respectful, reliable and polite once trained.


Dogs with these qualities:

Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Tibetan Spaniel, English Toy Spaniel, Boston Terrier, Chinese Crested, Bull Terrier or Shih Tzu


2. Giving, Helpful Doer Types

You’re the first to volunteer, love giving back, and thrive on helping others. You try to observe what is going on around you and go above and beyond to fill in the gaps.

Dog personality matches:

Your ideal dog will be loyal, obedient, hardworking, intelligent, gentle, fond of human interaction and eager to please.


Dogs with these qualities:

German Shephard, Dutch Shephard or Belgian Sheepdog if you want a large dog; Bichon Frise, Maltese, Havanese or Bolognese if you prefer a small dog.


3. Ambitious, Social and Adaptable Types

You’re an optimistic achiever. You work hard but like to have fun. You naturally attract people, have a skill for reading others and can perform in whatever situation life throws at you. You have lots of people who want to be your friend and are well-liked.

Dog personality matches:

Your ideal dog is adventurous, playful, active and social. They are curious and crave stimulation and activity.


Dogs with these qualities:

Beagle, English Foxhound, American Foxhound, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Harrier, Brussels Griffon, or Basset Hound


4. Individualistic, Creative Original Types

You sometimes feel like an outlier. You’re unique and often creative. You have a different way of seeing the world. You love to surround yourself with beautiful and meaningful things. You have a good sense of humor and can laugh at yourself.

Dog personality matches:

Your ideal dog is laidback, peaceful, relaxed and companionable. This dog knows how to mind his own business but is also alert, hardworking and bright.


Dogs with these qualities:

Shiba Inu, Australian Shepherd, English bulldog, Hokkaido, Akita, Kishu Ken, Shikoku, Border Collie, Miniature American Shepherd or Dutch Sheepdog


5. Intellectual, Investigative Thoughtful Types

When confronted with a challenge or a new topic, you don’t just find the answer¾you immerse yourself in the subject often becoming an expert. You love learning new things and can talk at length on topics you’re passionate about. Alone time doesn’t bother you.


Dog personality matches:

Dog personalities that suit you can be aloof and pensive…almost like a cat. They are smart and seemingly indifferent, but they enjoy intimate companionship with someone they trust. You might also enjoy a more energetic breed that is smart, self-sufficient and happy with alone time.


Dogs with these qualities:

Chow Chow, Chinese Shar Pei, Greyhound, Tibetan Mastiff, Jack Russell Terrier, Wire Fox Terrier, Rat Terrier or Parson Russell Terrier


6. Loyal, Trusting Security-Oriented Types

You are a faithful friend who believes in the virtue and the goodness of those you care about. You work well with others and are happy to do your part in group projects. You don’t mind labels and are happy to strongly identify with whatever political party, religious group or social cause you support.

Best personality matches:

Your best dog match will be good-natured, dependable, loyal, outgoing and curious.


Dogs with these qualities:

Siberian Husky, Akita, Samoyed, Pug, Greyhound, Alaskan Malmute or Chinook

7. Enthusiastic, Curious Adventurous Types

You are easily excited about new people, new things and new ideas. You might be a jack of many trades and a master of none because you quickly move from one new passion to another. You enjoy new experiences and have boundless energy.

Best personality matches:

Your ideal dog is playful, affectionate, smart, happy and curious.


Dogs with these qualities:

Pomeranian, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Dachshund or Teddy Roosevelt Terrier.


8. Challenging, Truth-Seeking Leader Types

You are quick to take up a cause when you detect an injustice. You aren’t afraid to lead the pack especially when it comes to seeking justice. You may not always stand up for yourself, but you speak out for friends and others. You are passionate and hardworking, often preferring to rely on your own resources.

Best personality matches:

Your best dog match is charismatic, confident, intelligent, strong-willed and a born leader. You are also well-suited for adventurous, warm, compassionate and playful dogs.


Dogs with these qualities:

Tibetan Mastiff, Tibetan Terrier, Maltese, Tibetan Spaniel, Papillon, Mastiff, Labrador Retriever and other retriever breeds


9. Peaceful, Easy-Going Non-confrontational Types

You are a go-with-the-flow type who really would prefer if everyone just got along. It is not hard for you to find joy in the world around you, and you are generally easy-to-please. Conflict exhausts you, and so you strive to avoid it in all of your relationships.

Best personality matches:

Your perfect dog match is loving and loyal, passionate, charismatic, social and is attuned to people’s needs and emotions.


Dogs with these qualities:

Golden Retriever, Cocker Spaniel, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Flat-Coated Retriever, Labrador Retriever or Curly-Coated Retriever
Again, many dogs have multiple breed influences, which means that the dog is likely to possess not only the great qualities of their primary breed but also of other breeds. This means that it is easy to find a dog that fits your personality. All you have to do is meet to know when you’ve found “the one”. 
Keep in mind that as you seek a dog with a personality that best suits you, in addition to reading about pet parenting in general (including nutritional needs), make sure to consider where you live, how big the dog gets and how much space your new best friend will have to play and to exercise.

To conclude, a new dog could be exactly what you need in your life. By getting one with a personality that goes paw-in-hand with your personality, you ensure that you two will have nothing but loving good times.
Every dog has a different personality, and every dog has different dietary needs, which is why Wellness Pet Food makes different natural blends ideally suited for all dogs, no matter their health, their size or their age.


Personality types in dogs | World of dogs

While it is true that specimens of the same breed may have certain characteristics, it is also true that each dog is unique in both appearance and character. This is influenced by factors such as their education, habits or experience. However, ethologists have made a rough classification of personality types that we can find in these animals, and we will summarize them below.


  • 1 Aggressive personality
  • 2 Shy-aggressive personality
  • 3 Shy personality
  • 4 Independent personality
  • 5 Outgoing personality
  • 6 Can we change our dog's personality?

Aggressive personality

Aggression can be caused by many reasons, the most common of which is poor education. If we notice this problem in our dog, we must take certain measures. Ideally, you should hire 9 services0005 professional trainer , as well as the implementation of some tricks. For example, offer your dog large doses of exercise, reinforce basic training commands often, and work on discipline. Remember that aggressive behavior carries a serious risk for both the dog and the people and animals that cohabitate with it, so we must address the problem as soon as possible.

Shy-aggressive personality

This is aggressiveness motivated by fear and mistrust. We must make an effort to eliminate such behavior, since an animal can react to any stimulus that irritates it, attacking people or animals that surround it. In many cases, professional help is needed.

Shy personality

Dogs that have spent the first months of their lives in isolation often exhibit this type of personality. Although in principle this should not affect him negatively, sometimes such extreme shyness leads to difficulties in communication. With patience and delicacy, we can make our dog grow in self-confidence.

Independent personality

In this case, the dog will not show interest in relationships with others and will not feel the need to maintain constant contact with his own. These dogs love to spend time alone and enjoy their space, so they are ideal for those who spend little time at home. However, they also need daily care and attention.

Sociable personality

These are dogs with a good character, which often require the attention of others. He is comfortable around strangers, loves dating and is always the center of attention. While walking, they approach everyone who walks near them in a friendly manner. For all these reasons, this class of dog is ideal for homes with children and frequent dates.

Can we change our dog's personality?

Each dog has a certain genetic predisposition to one or another type of personality. However, according to correct education We can control certain impulses by setting the necessary limits to avoid problematic behavior. We insist that in serious cases, it is best to turn to a professional trainer.

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5 different personality types in dogs

Just like humans, dogs have behaviors that define their personality. This can be very helpful for the various personality types dogs to know, especially when it comes to choosing the ideal race.

An animal's temperament can tell a lot about its behavior. for example, how the fur nose reacts to certain stimuli from the environment and how they adapt to your new home accustomed.

If we know the nature of the dog, then we can also easily tell in advance if he will understand himself with his new owner. dog and gentlemen must complement and accompany each other. in this way, coexistence becomes calm and satisfactory.

5 personality types in dogs

there are five different personality types that are often found in dogs. They usually determine the behavior of the animal.

even though most dog personality types are genetically determined, so you can use discipline and training nevertheless, improve and control impulses.

  1. The aggressive dog is naturally bold and impulsive.

    This character type can especially be found in Rottweilers, Dobermans and German Shepherds.

There are also two other factors that are important for an aggressive dog. first, you should notice that this is really his character and not learned behavior .

Another factor is the owner. Aggressive dogs tend to be very dominant, so they need an owner with a strong personality who will give them direction. it is important that he can prove to the animal who is the Lord in the house.

education is very important for this type of personality. through them aggressiveness can become worse or softer. And it really depends on the environment and the holder. this type of dog requires a lot of physical activity and a nose, so that it can dump excess energy .

  1. shy. shyness is commonly studied in dogs. Even if there are genetic factors, therefore, most dogs are likely to be shy due to injury or lack of socialization.

this character is often found in dogs that live in isolation, or have had little human contact. Dogs kept with more dominant breeds also often show this behavior on.

  1. passive-aggressive. If the dog behaves impulsively in anxious situations, then we are talking about a passive-aggressive personality.

Shy dogs usually run away when they feel fear. A passive-aggressive animal wants to react. For this kind of character, aggressiveness is their way of fear to finish.

this type of personality may arise from bad crossbreeding. breeders with little experience sometimes make the mistake of crossing a dominant animal with a very shy one.

Attitude towards the environment

  1. just like other personality types of dogs also inherited sociability. is due to the breed, so you can well anticipate how friendly and cuddly the Beast is.

dogs show their character both in fighting people, as well as with dogs and other animals. such dogs have their own character because they are ideal for households with children or the elderly.

  1. independent dogs are not particularly attached to caresses and care. you are not very interested in living together, so you also do not need so much attention from their owners. Usually seek only attention if you want something, the rest of the time you like to spend alone.

these personality types are not particularly common in dogs, but there are holders who prefer it. The are ideal dogs for people who go out during the day or travel frequently.

How to choose from the best personality types?

if we have a dog to adopt want, then we must pay attention to his personality.

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