How to stop someone from stealing your energy

5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires | by Sylvia Salow | Thrive Global

Recognize toxic people in your life and take your energy back.

Image courtesy of Unsplash

Knowing how to effectively and quickly protect yourself from energy vampires comes handy for all of us at some point or another. Each day we have a certain amount of energy to go by. When we feel of the balance and also tired then we might become more stressed and also sick. We also lack energy for our daily lives as well as energy for loved ones.

Who is an energy vampire?

Energy vampire (toxic person) is someone who has a long-term low energy and therefore he or she needs to replenish the energy from someone else. Most of the times, they do it unconsciously and unintentionally. You, yourself, might be energy vampire to someone you know without even realizing.

The important thing to keep in mind about energies is that we always pay back whatever we take. It’s also true the other way around, we receive a “positive interest on our energy investment” when we uplift someone.

How to simply read other people’s energies?

Think of someone you love and who is usually positive and nice. How do you feel when you’re at their presence? Light? Happy? Energetic? Positive people have a gift to naturally uplift others. They help you feel better when you lose hope and they inspire you when you want to give up. Positive people give you energy — but in this case of energy abundance which they have — it’s more like sharing and extending positive energy. Positive energy multiplies itself and it returns back to them.

Now think of someone who is complaining and always negative. How do you feel when you interact with them? Not so well? The feeling of unwell in their presence warns you that something is off and their energy has a negative impact on you. They’re lowering your own energy levels and trying to steal energy from you.

The moment you emotionally react to energy vampires, they begin stealing your energy.

Who are energy vampires in your life?

  • It’s your best friend who MOST OF THE Time talks about her difficult life and problems. She doesn’t care about you much, the only thing that she wants is you to feel sorry for her and try to uplift her (giving her energy). If you don’t do it, she accuses you of being selfish and not understanding her suffering. She might even stop talking with you completely if she sees that you don’t energetically invest in her drama. Just to be clear, I don’t talk here about situations when your friend is going through a difficult times and she needs your support — sometimes it’s alright and it’s human. But what I refer to is if she is constantly down and she actually doesn’t seek for tangible help but she just wants to complain about her situation.
  • It’s a boss who pushes you to the limits and minds if you stand up for yourself. He just wants your energy and obedience so he can do with you whatever he likes. If you set boundaries, he gets upset and makes hard times for you in the company. In the moment when you stand up for yourself, you refuse to give your energy to him and he — as an energy vampire — needs to find another source of energy instead of you.
  • It’s a partner who manipulates you to do what he or she wants. Instead of supporting your dreams, he or she pushes you down. When you need to hear that you’re beautiful, he tells you that you have a terrible lipstick. When she wants to “secure” your relationships, she gets pregnant. When you want change in your life, they tell you that it doesn’t make sense and it will not work out.
  • It’s a drama queen who always needs attention. She — but it can be also him — enhances even smallest things into extremes. She wants you to react and be emotional because only then you give her your energy. These people like to argue just for the sake of arguing. It doesn’t matter so much what the topic is.
  • It’s a victim who always feels like the whole world is against them. These people take everything personally. It doesn’t matter why people did something, they feel like it was directed against them. They can give you 1000 reasons why they have it more difficult than you and why they cannot change it. All of us has been at some point in the position of victim (it’s one of the four archetypes that we all share as Caroline Myss talks about) but if we stay feeling as victims we deprive ourselves of power to change it.

I could continue for a very long time but I want you to get the main idea who energy vampire is. It’s a very real thing and we all encounter them often. Therefore it’s very important to understand the dynamics between you and energy vampire.

How exactly energy vampire steals your energy?

I want to give you a little background about how this dynamics work. In our bodies we have energy centers called chakras (you can read about them in these 2 articles here and here). If chakras are balanced, we have balanced energy, we feel good, and we’re healthy. Yet if one of them doesn’t function properly then we feel the imbalance almost immediately.

If you say things like; today isn’t my day or I feel burdened, then it’s good time to check chakras first. In reality our feelings inform us very well about our energies. We feel energy all the time but the funny thing is that it’s so simple that we think that what we feel is stupid or we’ve made it up.

The energy vampires steal our energy mostly from first three chakras. Your second chakra located below your navel connects you with everyone in your life. It literally creates an energy tunnel between you and the person. When you interact with someone but also think of someone there is an energy exchange between you two through this tunnel.

Ideally, it’s more or less balanced. Your friends help you and uplift you and then you also support them when they need it. However, when it’s more like one way stream (one of you is mostly giving) then you’re very likely just losing your energy.

Guess how many people can you energetically feed before burning out or feeling completely exhausted?

This is the reason why it’s better to have few true friends than hundreds of not so good friends who only takes or gossip about you behind your back. Gossiping and envy part is easy in our times with perfect social accounts. Also your virtual friends can steal energy from you if they’re secretly jealous of you or envious.

If you’ve ever been in disharmonious relationship, you’ve probably felt unhappy, heavy, or perhaps like being caught in a cage. If there is manipulative or controlling energy or if one partner gives more than the other, the relationships cannot last long. At least it cannot be a happy relationship for a long time. One of the partners is literally sucking the energy of another one which makes the other person to lose self-confidence (3rd chakra) and makes them feel like it’s difficult to change the situation. They feel trapped because they’re leaking the energy which they need to change their situation.

Energy vampires take our energy from our chakras. The first chakra corresponds with social norms (you should study this and become this), the second chakra is all about money, work, sexual energies, and personal relationships, and the third chakra which is responsible for our self-confidence and our personal boundaries (inability to say no also leads to energy leakage).

You leak your energy when you have a negative emotional reaction to something.

How to protect yourself from energy vampires?

There is a lot of information about energy protection. I would like to share with you what I personally do and hope it can serve you.

  1. Learn to say no. When you say no to someone, you literally stop the energy flow between you two. They can only steal energy from you if you agree with it at some level (even unconsciously). Your energy always obeys your orders. Think about moment when you were proud of yourself for saying no to someone. Did you feel more empowered? The reason is that you stopped donating energy to them and instead stopped the flow. Having clear boundaries is very important for creating balanced life. When you say yes and you know that you shouldn’t have, you betray yourself.
  2. Become aware of your energies. The reason why I’ve written so long article is that I want you to become more aware of your energies. The moment when you know that someone is stealing your energy, you can change it. They cannot do it against your free will but it’s also true that they might have a stronger will so it can take a bit more effort to stop the flow. Yet it all begins with awareness.
  3. Your energy stays with you. When you feel that you’re leaking your energy, you can put your hands on one of the chakras and simply say in your mind that your energy stays with you. This will give the energy a clear intention to stay with you instead of leaking through the energy tunnel to the other person.
  4. Love is the strongest energy. Just like in fairy tales, love always wins. If you manage to feel love and get yourself into this highest vibrating energy then no one can affect you. I know that it’s difficult to stay there all the time but you can also feel love for some period of time when you’re consciously dealing with the energy vampire. They don’t want your love so they’ll fall away.
  5. Cord cutting. You can consciously cut off the energy tunnels — cords — connecting you and the other person. Imagine them right in front of you and envision the cord connecting you. Trust your inner guidance — whichever shape or form it comes to you is the best. And then imagine a big sword (or ax) and cut the cord. Sometimes you may have to repeat this exercise again.

I hope this article helped you to understand the basic energy dynamics. One thing that I wish you take away from this article is that you’re not weird if you feel like someone is stealing your energy — someone probably is doing just that. Listening more to our inner guidance can help us do smarter and healthier choices in life.

Feel free to share this article if it helped so more people can get the benefit as well.

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What Are Energy Thieves And How To Deal With Them

Either at our job or in our private life, we are always surrounded by energy thieves that break our balance. They work underground, so the stealing is hard to perceive. Let’s dive into the most frequent types of behaviors that steal people’s energy.

1. Surrounding with negative people

Complaining is one of the most dangerous attitudes because it is full of negative energy. Usually, complaining is toxic and it is not used to solve the problems, but to immerse into them, making people direct their energy in useless things. So, before adopting such an attitude, think about solutions. Don’t focus on problems, but on how to solve them.

Also, let go of people who only share complaints, fears, and problems. Negative people break off your emotional balance and induce negative vibes. They poison your atmosphere, sow discord or change your good mood.

Toxic people also push you to work harder to please them, making you compromise more and more. This drains your energy. Be more careful with what you will tolerate and what you won’t from the people around you, whether it is about your family, friends or colleagues. If you get a sense that something is not right in your interactions with someone, analyze the situation and take the necessary measures to create clear boundaries.

Let go of these people and surround yourself with loving people, who are part of you and love you sincerely. People who make you feel alive and free to be yourself have a positive influence in your life.

2. Postponing and avoiding decision making

Postponing continuously is not healthy because it provides unnecessary stress to your daily activities. It is more stressful to always remember something you have to do than to deal with it and carry it out. When you delay something from occurring, you hinder the progress or benefit that that action may bring to you. In specific situations, postponing things may help you better prepare or avoid doing something that lacked purpose in the first place. Postponing important decisions drains off our energy because turns us into a state of uncertainty and malaise. Get rid of your internal battles, take the best decision you can and assume it regardless of the consequences.

Make sure you won’t make decisions when you are in a bad mood, wait to be calm and objective so you can better analyze the situation. Also, assume that you can fail. In the end, it’s better to make mistakes and try to repair them than not to do anything at all and suffer for the indecision.

3. Working continuously

Offer to yourself time for rest. Daily routine, even if it doesn’t contain extraordinary activities drains off our energy. The day to day life is made up of time, but we often forget about our inner fullness, tending to become the slaves of the time. That’s why having time for rest is important, both physically and psychologically.

It is very important to know when to get out of the daily loop of activities to take a break and when to act. The ability to relax is essential in preventing stress and anxiety. If we don’t value ourselves and our inner essence, we lose our self-love. We open the door to states of anxiety and depression and block the door to the best version of ourselves. The stress makes our muscles tense, increases our respirations rates and affects our physiological systems.

4. Being disorganized

Being disorganized is unhealthy because it consumes your energy and time and gives us a feeling of uncertainty and disorganization in our brain, leading to exhaustion. To better use your energy, you need firstly a spiritual order. Think about a hierarchy of values and priorities in actions as they enhance harmony in your life.

You need to work on different levels, starting by organizing yourself mentally and then continuing by organizing your home and office life.

Determine the cause of your lack of organization and consider what needs to be organized. A good idea is to think about the most stressful things for you to accomplish. Consider your work life, friendships, and family life. Build up a to do list, choose one thing to focus on and then move on another thing. Make a relevant planning and track your evolution.

Another level is to better organize your space. Find a place for everything and keep track of a very specific location for everything in your home and office.

Get rid of things you no longer need. Sort through the things and determine how useful they are to you. If you haven’t used them for a long time, don’t use them frequently, don’t need them or don’t like them anymore, get rid of them. Also, avoid bringing in more unnecessary stuff. Organizing your stuff makes you feel better, clears your mind and provides you with positive energy.

After setting all these aspects, you may proceed further and organize your days, depending on your priorities. People tend to spend a lot of time on things that are urgent, but not important. In order to succeed, it is important to stay focused on important things and not waste your energy and time on anything else.

5. Fighting against things you cannot control

Accepting the things as they are is good for our mental and physical health. Resisting or fighting against situations that you cannot change involves an extra effort and consumes a high amount of energy. Be aware that you can overcome it and do all your best to adapt yourself to the new situation.

Of course, you don’t have to accept everything, you should do your best to change the things you have control over. Resign if you don’t have control over certain things and get rid of useless stones in your path.

6. Emotional dependence

Emotional dependence is a complex condition that most of the people are not conscious of. Behind the dependence is usually an extreme fear derived from how you perceive yourself and your abilities or how you relate yourself to others. Generally, there are three types of emotional dependence: of the family, of the couple and on the social environment. Persons who are emotionally dependent think that if they broke or lacked certain bonds, they would be in danger.

Overcoming emotional dependence is a matter of time and requires some effort. Practice the detachment of everything and everyone so you don’t suffer more than necessary. Detachment does not mean not to love. Love means leaving the other person free, knowing that at any given time that person might abandon you. Clinging to persons and things is unhealthy as it generates addiction and makes you lose your energy instead of directing it in self-improvement.

7. Excessive worries

Worry is a normal part of our life and can have the potential to help us make good decisions in specific situations. People often worry about things in their lives such as work, family, finances etc. People tend to react to the image that they themselves have created in their minds instead of reacting to the situation itself. So, they create scenarios about what might happen and that brings them useless stress and anxiety.

When you worry, your body responds to your anxiety the same way it would react to physical dangers. Your brain releases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol that get your body ready for action.

Excessive worries are unhealthy regardless of the context. If they are uncontrollable or irrational and last for an extended period of time, they may cause Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Excessive worry also disturbs your peace of mind and makes harder for you to focus on one task at a time. It translates into insomnia, loss of libido, depression and the list may go on. Chronic worrying affects our daily life and interferes with our appetite, lifestyle habits, relationships, sleep and job performance. Many people tend to seek relief in harmful habits such as overeating, smoking or consuming drugs or alcohol.

If you deal with excessive worries that may develop into Generalized Anxiety Disorder, it is better to seek professional help. The cognitive behavioral therapy has proven to get the most consistent and long-lasting improvements. It consists of teaching people some skills to manage their anxiety, taking responsibility for change and control over their thoughts, feelings, and behavior. It is based on identifying and dealing with worrying thoughts and practicing a relaxation training to control physical tension.

A good management of your worries consists of controlling the level of anxiety and solving the problem that is making you anxious. Focus on the here and now, create a concrete action plan and follow it step-by-step, without imagining negative consequences Avoiding threatening situations increases the anxiety, so the best solution is to confront the feared situation.

8. Avoiding refusing others

Avoiding refusing others when you should do this is unhealthy and makes you feel unhappy. You overload yourself with tasks that affect you physically and mentally. You don’t have to feel embarrassed or feared to say “no”.

Saying “no” to others lets you define and protects your boundaries. Boundaries determine who you are and who you are not, what you will do and will not do. Having good boundaries helps keep yourself safe and protects your well-being. It also allows you to think about your values and priorities and make a right choice. Avoid making promises to people if the promise doesn’t appeal to you and refuse it from the start. Your time is precious and you should spend it wisely, without doing things that don’t fulfill your motivation.


Health is the basic pillar that propels our wellbeing and self-development. It involves both physical and emotional parts and manifests itself through our vital signs. Our energy is directly related to our body, that’s why our basic needs must be properly fulfilled. Learn to let go of everything without collecting negative emotions. Learn to forgive yourself and others, free yourself from the past and continue forward in a positive way. Take time for your wounds to be healed, but make sure that this time is not excessive. Live in the present, don’t lose yourself in future plans and take all the necessary changes to improve your life and boost your energy level.

Michael Schoeff

Michael Schoeff is a serial entrepreneur who has been involved in many projects. He dealt with ups and downs and found success where he least expected it.

Energy vampires. Signs and how to protect yourself.

Psychologist Maria Grovchenko / author of the article

Teacher of general and pedagogical psychology at the Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Southern Federal University.


  1. Who is this
  2. Energy vampires - signs
  3. People energy vampires signs
  4. Energy vampires and donors - how to figure it out?
  5. Donors
  6. Traits and habits
  7. Energy vampire at work: how to recognize?
  8. Energy vampirism at a distance
  9. Energy vampire in the family: how to help an energy vampire?
  10. How to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth?
  11. Energy vampirism test.
  12. What psychologists say
  13. Types of energy vampires
  14. How to restore lost energy
  15. A list of things that an energy vampire is desperately afraid of
  16. Causes of occurrence
  17. Topic keys

Who is this

Life energy allows a person to live, promotes the interaction of systems and organs, cells, tissues. At the moment, society is poorly aware of what vital energy is, why it is needed and how energy is exchanged. But many, without realizing it, harm each other, steal an invisible force - the vital energy of others.

In simple words energy vampires - these are individuals who, in the process of communication, improve their personal emotional state at the expense of the energy of others.

A person lives, accumulates, then spends energy. Excess, as well as lack of energy, negatively affects human life. In the process of communication, people exchange both information and energy. It happens that communication balances the energy of both partners, but often there is an unequal exchange.

Balance is always required, and if a person does not feel well after communicating with certain people, then it is likely that these individuals are energy vampires.

How to recognize an energy vampire? Psychologists have established that the behavior of an energy vampire is inherent in all people. Even if it seems to a person that he is constantly being slandered, offended, he is still also fueled by someone else's energy. The thing is, in what “doses” and what exactly happens to each participant in communication.

For example, small children, the elderly and sick people are energy vampires.

It is important for babies for their development, so there is a frantic fatigue in women on maternity leave. Increased round-the-clock attention to the baby exhausts women. They feel emptiness and not passing fatigue.

Elderly and sick people are exhausted in the same way, because they need to recover and maintain their vital activity at the expense of healthy people.

People who find themselves in difficult life situations also often draw energy from those around them to even out the emotional background.

The root cause of the emergence of emotional vampires is an imbalance of energy content. It directly depends on education, the level of spirituality, personal development, the ability to endure life's difficulties and the ability to understand oneself.

Individuals who have mastered autonomous energy filling and the laws of social communication are always attractive to society and rarely lose energy. However, there are individuals who are indifferent to their own development, they prefer to scandal, argue, spoil the mood, taking away energy from others.

Energy vampires - signs

  • The fact that you have just talked with an energy vampire can also be calculated by your own emotional and physical state. With a high degree of probability, drowsiness and apathy will suddenly roll over you. Feeling powerless, even if a few minutes before you seemed to be cheerful and cheerful.

Well, we have outlined the portrait of the “resource ghoul” as accurately as possible. Many readers of this article saw such people in their environment and understood “where the legs grow from” such destabilizing communication. But do not rush to start a "hunt for vampires." Cast silver bullets and put such people in disgrace.

  1. Just because, first of all, we repeat, the process of taking someone else's energy is completely unconscious.
  2. And secondly, almost every person can act as this very vampire in a different period of life. And ironically, most often the one that thinks they are “eating” it.

In order to explain this phenomenon, it is necessary to understand what drives the energy vampire subconsciously and induces him to resource parasitism. The answer is actually already hidden in the question itself. A person who feeds on the resource of another person, in fact, simply does not have his own. The charge of his "battery" tends to zero.

For this reason, he experiences an unconscious feeling of discomfort, but due to the fact that he does not have the skills to replenish “fuel” on his own, he is forced to “stick” to someone in order to simply survive.

People are energy vampires signs

With a high degree of probability, an energy vampire is a person with a still low level of awareness and spirituality. In view of this, he is full of fears on a variety of topics. I am not sure of life, of my own value, I am not calm. All this burns a hole in his energy system and drains his resource through the resulting gateway.

  • For some, this behavior is constant almost throughout life.
  • But someone "vampires" from time to time. And now it’s not at all difficult to guess what kind of situations these are.

Energy vampires and donors - how to figure it out?

  • Any person can become an energy vampire when he does not listen to himself for a long time. People are energy vampires, what are the signs? He does not feel himself, is not aware of his mental and bodily state "I feel bad." He does not try to pay attention to himself in order to correct, even out his own background by resting, switching, and harmonizing himself.
  • When he shifts responsibility for his "bad" to others and is in a state of unconsciousness. Then there is irritation, discontent, anger, anger and a desire to blame others for this. Or maybe there is a desire to “cry in a vest”, to whine on someone’s shoulder. “Ennobling” that at the same time with a long story in colors about their troubles.
  • But that's not all. Equally, a person in a state of unconsciousness can fall into the role of a “donor”. After all, there is a common truth - each "victim" has its own "tyrant". But no one is in these roles by accident and against their will. In the subconscious, there is necessarily a weighty reason to be on one side or another in one or another segment of life.
  • We seem to have figured out the motivation of the active participants in the game "energy vampirism". But what prompts "donors" to subconsciously attract resource-parasitic subjects? The answer is self-respect. "Vampire" is active in attracting attention, in the position of discontent expressed by him in life. Or even aggression, thus he demonstrates a thirst for life, even in such a non-trivial way.


"Donor", on the contrary, unconsciously broadcasts into space a signal that at this moment, as it were, does not want to live. He does not cling to life, does not value himself, and therefore gives himself entirely to someone else's "use". Often these are people with low self-esteem, and therefore they are afraid of authorities. They want to see themselves as “good” in the eyes of people, even through their own oppression.

Often they prefer to go with the flow, “keep a low profile”, not defend their rights. Keep silent, no matter what happens, if only there is silence and smoothness, if only not to be considered ill-mannered, not to become an object of discussion, condemnation, and so on.

Signs and habits

An energy vampire can be recognized by certain signs and habits in behavior.

  • The first sign can be considered the ability to bring everyone to negative emotions. In this case, there may not be a reason for a scandal. They humiliate the interlocutor in public, joke evil on him - all this is done on purpose to cause irritation.
  • Energy suckers are dubious bores and egoists who are not able to hear the interlocutor. They are simply not moved by the feelings of people who are not connected to their precious persona.
  • These are jealous and vengeful individuals. Energy vampire protects his donor from any influence. He does not like his communication with other people, tries to protect him from the outside world.
  • These people can take your time for hours on the phone without even thinking that the person might have other things to do. Often after such a conversation there is a feeling of fatigue and emptiness. In this situation, the only way to get rid of the vampire is to turn off the phone.
  • Energy vampires do not like animals, and pathologically. They don't have houseplants in their house - they just don't grow in a negative environment.
  • These people try to constantly be in a large crowd of people. They are especially comfortable in queues, at demonstrations and rallies - where a scandal can arise.
  • If a person's mood is constantly changing, this may be a sign of energy vampirism: if he is saturated with energy - cheerful and cheerful, there is no donor nearby - angry and irritable.
  • An energy vampire is dissatisfied with everything, everything is bad for him, he constantly complains about life, causing pity for others.
  • These people try not to communicate with cheerful and merry people, because they fail to break into a strong aura.
  • The need for constant tactile contact - it is at this moment that energy flows. The vampire is constantly striving to touch the interlocutor, or step on the foot, to push someone in the crowd, while evoking inactive emotions.
  • Energy vampires are often very deceitful people. They will listen to your advice, but they won’t even think about resorting to it - they don’t want to change. These individuals are much more interested when people close to them quarrel with each other. They will slander and be hypocritical in both directions, pushing their foreheads together.

Making a person feel guilty is the first sign of an energy vampire attack.

  • They do not trust anyone, because they are constantly haunted by a paranoid fear that everyone wants to use their life energy.
  • Energy vampires, if these are your friends, never make themselves known if they are doing well in life. They won't call and inquire about your health. But as soon as they have troubles, they are right there.
  • But it is impossible not to mention the fact that there are mixed types of people who behave differently in certain situations and can act both as donors and energy suckers.

Energy vampire at work: how to recognize?

If your boss is a vampire, he will drain your energy from a position of strength, provoking you to the following emotions: fear, self-doubt, annoyance, unfair resentment, and so on.

If a vampire is your colleague, he will cause you negativity, creating discomfort in your environment: excessive chatter that is not relevant, quarrels over trifles, complaints to management, gossip.

If a vampire is your subordinate, he will find an excuse to take as much of your time as possible, and thereby cause your irritation and negativity in the team: he will complain about colleagues, provoking you into scandals; something will constantly interfere with him at the workplace; or he will be too active a social activist, pestering you with suggestions and ideas.

Energy vampirism at a distance

It rarely feels like a vampire is sucking your energy even at a distance. For example, you do not physically contact a person, but you feel a certain connection with him, an oppressive feeling and negative memories do not leave you.

  • Perhaps something reminds you of this person - some kind of, even trifling, gift from him, or vice versa, you left something that belongs to you with the vampire.

In this case, you must try to get rid of the gifts and return the items that belong to you, or mentally say goodbye to them, and thus cease to be their owner.

  • It is also possible to steal your energy through non-verbal communication: letters, messages in social networks and forums. You can provoke you to a surge of energy not only through personal contact, but also in virtual space.
  • Do not enter into correspondence with trolls, add people who irritate you to the "black list" of contacts, this will prevent further donation.

Energy vampire in the family: how to help an energy vampire?

  • The most frequent vampires in the family are children and elderly relatives - that is, those with whom we cannot divorce, cut off contact or go to different corners. Both of them often experience energy hunger: children have not yet learned how to replenish their resources on their own; older people have energy weakened by age, and are also not always able to make up for the lack without outside help.
  • A seriously ill person or one who is under stress can also be a vampire. In this case, you can help them replenish their energy without harming themselves by sharing love and showing care, since love is a very powerful emotion in terms of energy. As a rule, several manifestations per day are enough for your loved ones to make up for the deficiency.
  • If the pet vampire requires too much of your energy, try replacing yourself with another donor. For example, put a large flower or an aquarium with fish in a relative’s room, take him out to nature more often, organize communication for him according to his interests.

How to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth?

The level of energy reserves is a relative value and individual for each of us. It depends on many factors, including the date of birth. If, according to numerology, your energy level is low, you may be an unconscious vampire.

Energy vampirism test.

You will need: pen, paper, calculator.

  • Write down your date of birth in the format dd-mm-yyyy, for example: 14-09-1972.
  • We sum up all the digits of the record until we get a number less than 10: 1+4+0+9+1+9+7+2 = 33=3+3=6.
  • If the total number is less than 5, the person has low energy, he constantly needs to be recharged.
  • If the total number is in the range from 5 to 7, the person's energy is normal, he does not need additional sources, but he needs to avoid energy donation.
  • If the total number is greater than 7, the person has excess energy and can share it without harming himself.

What psychologists say

Psychologist's comment - such individuals are quite common. Of course, this person should be listened to without emotions and regretted, but you need to be very careful with him.

There are certain recommendations of psychologists that will help you resist the psychological attack of energy vampires:

  1. Take responsibility for your desires. If you are not satisfied with communication with a person, then you just need to stop it, and not allow yourself to be used.
  2. Don't try to change a person who is negative, just start smiling about it.
  3. Try to become independent both morally and materially so that no one can make you feel guilty.
  4. Do not spray on complaints from the person, but offer him a solution to the problem - he refused, do not return to this conversation anymore.
  5. Appreciate what you have and be happy with it, otherwise the energy vampire will constantly arouse negative emotions in you, indulging in what is not currently available.
  6. You shouldn't constantly live in the past, merge the conclusions and move on.
  7. Mind your own business and pay less attention to the problems of relatives and friends.
  8. Insulted - agree. This will not only discourage the vampire, but also discourage him from any desire to repeat the energy attack.
  9. If an energy vampire starts pointing out your shortcomings in whatever it is, turn the conversation to his person, reminding him of his mistakes - this helps in 99% of cases.
  10. One must live by constantly controlling one's psychological state, then no vampirism is terrible.


It is worth learning two things like a mantra: “I am self-sufficient and this does not require proof”, and “There is nothing terrible in conflict, the main thing is not to support it”.

Types of energy vampires

  • complainant (feeds on the pity of the “rescuers”)
  • Sadist (practices sarcasm, quilted humor, enjoys the pain of its victim)
  • The manipulator , and the screaming, a hypnocrisy lies, drives the victim to despair)
  • Gossip (feeds on the envy and anger of people involved in the spread of gossip)
  • Brawler (expresses open claims in accusatory form)
  • Critic (breaks down the appearance, interests, tastes, undertakings, values ​​of the victim)
  • Narcissus (feeds on the attention of others, demonstrative).

Psychic energy is necessary for the realization of any plan, therefore it has such a high value for all living things. But if a person receives physical energy from food and water, mental energy - from spiritual food. At the same time, one can extract energy from the contemplation and creation (creativity) of the beautiful.

But there is another way - to steal this energy from someone else who is most inclined to lose this energy.

An energy vampire is used to extracting energy from other people's negative emotions. Often sick people and old people engage in vampirism because of the nature of the situation of helplessness in which they find themselves.

But sometimes, vampirism is practiced by healthy adults who are guided by the principles of parasitic existence.

An energy vampire is used to extracting energy from other people's negative emotions.

Bioenergetics believe that the cause of manifestation of energy vampirism is larvae or entities of a lower order, which "stick" to a person's energy cocoon and feed on his vices, constantly inciting him to evil deeds. Larva feed on weaknesses: various addictions and manias, as well as attachments, resentments, jealousy, despotism, envy, lies, gossip.

It can be difficult for a person to get rid of larvae alone. In addition, the cleansing of the energy body requires certain efforts of will from a person, determination and heroism.

How to restore lost energy

There are several ways to get rid of negativity:

  • Visit nature. She, like no other, replenishes energy, improves overall well-being and mood.
  • Make time for pets or houseplants.
  • Play your favorite music. It will help at least temporarily distract from obsessive thoughts.
  • Take a shower. Water, as you know, perfectly copes with the negative impact from the outside.
  • Activities that bring joy and pleasure will help protect yourself from the loss of vital energy. Let it be shopping, meeting friends, watching an interesting movie, etc.

A list of things that an energy vampire is desperately afraid of

Living next to an energy vampire is not easy. But, like any other person, he has weaknesses. With their help, you can give him a tough rebuff.

There are several vulnerabilities:

  • feelings of loneliness, uselessness;
  • fear of bullying by others;
  • fear of becoming a victim of a manipulator;
  • betrayal;
  • impotence;
  • feelings of inferiority;
  • absence of romantic relationships for a long period of time;
  • refusal in any form;
  • invasion of personal space;
  • inability to manage pain on their own;
  • addiction of any kind.

Here you can add the fear of not completing the tasks or making a mistake.

Energy vampirism is not fiction. In fact, there are people who feed on someone else's life energy. After meeting with them, weakness, loss of strength, apathy and other unpleasant symptoms are felt.

In order to protect yourself from vampires, you need to limit communication with them, maintain neutrality in quarrels and disagreements, and also avoid touching.

Causes of occurrence

The destruction of one's own energy shell leads to the search for energy sources for its restoration. This can happen after prolonged stress or prolonged depression, due to or after a serious illness, from difficult and responsible work, and so on. Energy hunger makes a person involuntarily go in search of ways to replenish energy and vitality.

In some cases, the tendency to vampirism may be due to hereditary factors.

Sooner or later, emotionally unstable and psychologically weak people who get used to solving their problems using relatives, friends, become vampires.

Vampires strive to climb the career ladder as high as possible, because a prestigious position requires submission and obedience. This is exactly what is needed in life for such subjects. Hangouts, demonstrations, rallies are events for those who feel a craving and desire for someone else's energy.

Vampires can be completely invisible, having a stable circle of victims around them, from which they receive a sufficient amount of energy.

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Topic keys

  1. how to recognize an energy vampire by external signs
  2. emotional vampire signs0001

    Numerology attracts people with the ability to recognize fate with the help of numbers. Their numerological schools and systems were still in Ancient China, Greece, Egypt, Japan. It was believed that the date of birth of a person - the day, month and year, has a direct impact on his character and actions, predetermines the qualities of his personality and twists of fate.

    Vedic numerology differs from Pythagorean (Western) in that it has a closer connection between numbers and planets (numerology and astrology). Each number from 1 to 9 has its own vibration that cannot be avoided. These vibrations exist whether or not we feel them. You can take advantage of their positive attributes and curb the negative ones by knowing when they will manifest. But Vedic astrology not only includes the calculation of the movements of the planets and their interpretation, but also many other prediction techniques, such as shakunishastra (reading omens), swapnashastra (interpretation of dreams), numerology, etc. Numerology, the simplest of them, does not require complex calculations and can be applied anywhere and anytime. In Indian numerology, nine numbers correspond to nine planets in astrology: 1 - Sun 2 - Moon 3 - Jupiter 4 - Rahu 5 - Mercury 6 - Venus 7 - Ketu 8 - Saturn 9 - Mars Rahu and Ketu are the lunar nodes. Rahu is the ascending lunar node, Ketu is the descending lunar node. They are the points of intersection of the orbits of the Sun and the Moon. In Hindu astrology the sign of the Moon is the sign of the Soul . In the Western tradition, people try to understand the Soul through the sign of the Sun. Numerology almost does not concern the signs of the Sun, Moon or other planets, it is directly related to the personality of a person through numbers. But the numbers themselves are associated with the influence of the planets and only in a certain combination affect a person’s behavior, his desires, needs and ambitions. Vedic numerology believes that a person has three main numbers: Soul, Fate and Name . The Soul Number is your birthday. It is believed that the figure of a person's life, composed of two numbers, carries their influence too. For example, the dates 8, 17 and 26 form the number 8. But these eights are slightly different. If you were born on the 8th of any month, then your number is a pure eight. If the 17th and 26th, then your eight is formed by adding the numbers - 1 + 7 and 2 + 6. These figures also carry their influence. The number of the Soul is the strongest of the vibrations of a person. The Personal Number of the Soul reveals the path that a person chooses for himself. It plays an important role for friendship, marriage, ambitions and desires, for choosing a sexual partner. This number remains in effect throughout human life and especially shows its strength at the age of 35-40 years. After 40 years, another number comes into play, which is called the Number of Destiny. A person begins to feel certain changes in his destiny. The number of the Soul, however, does not lose its importance. People with an odd Soul Number are restless, well trained, love to travel, constantly striving for change. For them, their own life experience has more weight than extraneous advice and teachings. They are ruthless to others, but carefully weigh their decision in the situation. They have great self-control, have a craving for antiques and sensual pleasures. Such people are liked, but not always loved. People with an even Soul Number are explosive in nature. They have a pronounced inclination towards management and planning. Always ready to step forward and take what is theirs. Each "number of life" carries a characteristic influence and endows its owner with certain properties. Soul Number 1 Character traits and abilities. Soul number 1 belongs to those who were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th. People with Soul Number 1 are ruled by the Sun, which gives them clarity of purpose and thought. They are just full of new ideas, especially when they are convinced that they are on the right track. They are very difficult to convince to change their behavior, opinion or decision. They collect ideas from everywhere and create their own way of thinking. They always care about the impression they make on others. Egoism, a desire for leadership are characteristic, individual people are almost not amenable to outside influence. As a rule, they have a clear, own idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife and others. In general, a unit is a unit. These people always strive to be the first and independent. They love to argue and are very stubborn. These are quite energetic and ambitious individuals with a creative mindset. Few can be good journalists. and scientific workers. They are charming and erudite, free from hypocritical and religious prejudices, nevertheless they can be believers. Units steadfastly meet the ups and downs in their lives, without losing courage and without unnecessary nervousness. They do not like criticism, but they love to criticize others. They are alien to laziness, slowness, false pride, false promises, idleness. They want unlimited freedom. They are clear about everything related to self-expression and like short answers to their questions. Number 1 people are very kind and easy to work with. Like the Sun, they are a source of light and joy and are meant to serve all mankind. Number 1 people join religious and social organizations, but if they are not given key positions there, then they easily part with them. As a rule, number 1 people are noticed and loved by members of the opposite sex. The most active years of their lives are 35–39years. Basic vibrations of number 1: independence, individuality, achievement, leadership, guidance. Warnings. People with Soul Number 1 should be very careful about their finances. They should be careful to spend money and not participate in financial fraud. They should not make hasty judgments because that will bring them bad luck. They must not be: • too ambitious • too independent • careless • wasteful • too powerful • overly sensual • too critical Also, people should not demand attention to their person all the time, show off, fight alone and refuse help. Soul Number 2 Character traits and abilities. Two is the Soul Number of people born on 2, 11, 20, 29. Two is ruled by the moon. She is changeable and adaptable, but sometimes indecisive. This is an important representative, mediator, diplomat and peacemaker, because unity can only be achieved by combining different opinions and compromise. Two accumulates and assimilates energy. Its slogan is loyalty and partnership, as it maintains a balance between the opposition forces. Unity is her goal, so she is submissive and responsive to others. Above all, she values ​​harmony and assimilation. It is more of a follower than a leader. Twos are idealists and romantics. Also dreamers. They have developed imagination and intelligence. You like order and punctuality. You are attentive and purposeful. You like interesting and unusual people. You are also prone to travel that satisfies your rich imagination and brings positive emotions. You are a contemplative and can admire the beautiful view from the train window for a long time. You are also a born peacemaker and came into this world to resolve disputes and reconcile opponents. You do this very well thanks to your natural gift for influencing people. Twos are attractive, versed in art and know how to turn the head of others. They have a good heart, they are gentle, loyal and always ready to help. They consider friendship sacred and sacrifice everything they have for the sake of others. Such people are sociable and easily socialized. They are emotionally connected with other people and adhere to the philosophy of peaceful existence: "Live and let live." Twos are secretive, but never lie or tolerate lies from other people. And these qualities are sometimes used by dishonest people who seek to exploit them and, on occasion, denigrate them. If the Moon is not too well placed in the birth chart of twos, they become easy prey for people who flatter them. If the Moon is well placed in the birth chart of twos, then they have good intuition and are well aware of the intentions of those who flatter them. But they are silent and allow themselves to be deceived, because they are polite and love flattery. The good placement of the Moon in their birth chart also makes deuces good conversationalists and outstanding speakers. Their mind is sharp and clear, and the mind and intuition work together. Basic vibrations of number 2: cooperation, intimacy, sensitivity, balance and harmony, benevolence. Caveats. People with Soul Number 2 should cultivate self-confidence, will and certainty, maintain independence, avoid haste, control their actions, and also stick only to their own decisions. They need to avoid swimming or boating in deep places, avoid food unsuitable for the stomach and heart. They should not: • lose courage or fall in love quickly • postpone their work for the sake of others • rely on someone to help them with their work • leave work unfinished due to loss of interest in it Twos should avoid people suffering from infectious diseases due to their susceptibility to infections and a weak immune system. To strengthen the immune system, they should take morning walks and massage. They need to protect their throats. Number 2 people should be involved in sports that can be practiced outdoors. They should constantly take care of keeping their body in proper shape. Soul Number 3 Character traits and abilities. Soul number 3 belongs to those who were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th. If you were born on one of the above days of the month you are: A creative and bright person. You have a sharp mind and natural intelligence. You also have an excellent sense of humor and charm. Possessing a penetrating mind and remarkable intuition, you know how to see people "through". But sometimes you are too harsh in your assessments and expressions, which can accidentally offend someone. You should not resist fate and from time to time allow it to carry you with the flow in order to come to success and prosperity. Number 3 people are independent, firm, active, and love hard work. They are reliable, disciplined, self-confident, enterprising, ambitious. They like to be the first always and everywhere. They dream of doing something great in life so that their descendants will remember them. Therefore, they constantly think about the future. A career is not given to them without a struggle, but it is the struggle that inspires them and has a beneficial effect on their growth. Troikas do not like to obey and prefer freedom, therefore they strive to create their own business in which they would be absolute masters. They direct their energy to create comfortable conditions in life, try to make it more joyful and more attractive. Their innate sharp instinct and logic help them achieve success. They very quickly understand what is profitable for them. Such people become good teachers, speakers and writers. Number 3 people are friendly and expansive, and they thrive due to their gregariousness and versatility. Never sit idle, work hard throughout their lives. Even if they feel the need to rest, they simply cannot relax. They can sleep fitfully at work. If the task becomes tedious for them, they switch to another, but always finish what they started. Thus, they make and simultaneously receive money from different sources. Often they receive patronage and help from relatives who occupy a good position in society. They always follow the given word and keep the promise, therefore they are very reliable. They value order and discipline. They follow the orders of only those who are respected, and dream of surpassing them. This desire sometimes turns them into dictators. Threes have good health and are full of strength. They make friends easily and have a wide circle of acquaintances. They are lucky in love. Always surrounded by members of the opposite sex. This often creates problems for them. But in general they are chaste and pure, faithful to family vows and loyal to their partners. They treat their relatives well and are strongly attached to the family. They happily observe family responsibilities, sacrifice their personal comfort to maintain an atmosphere of love and harmony in their own family. They are always ready to help their loved ones, even enemies, but only when they are asked. Basic vibrations of number 3: cheerfulness, enthusiasm, optimism, creativity, sociability. Warnings. Threes should carefully spend money, control anger, passion, sensitivity, temperament. They should not brag about their achievements and lose their heads at the slightest difficulty. They can be hindered in life by: • impatience • optimism and ambition • dictatorial inclinations • disrespect for their life partners • pride • illegal fraud with finances Such people need to correctly assess their strengths and not take on more work and responsibility than they can deal. Otherwise it will cause stress. If they begin to feel that the situation is unfavorable for them, they should take a break for rest. Soul Number 4 Character traits and abilities. Soul Number 4 people were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st. You are a fairly decent and honest person who knows how to keep other people's secrets and be a reliable friend. By the way, you don't have many friends, but they are for life. You do not like to take risks; rather, you prefer to carefully weigh and think over everything. But this can sometimes interfere with your life, because due to excessive caution, you may miss a profitable chance. You cannot stand squabbles, intrigues and envy. You can be too tyrannical with loved ones. In a relationship, you lack romance. Sometimes you look at things too realistically. You are an excellent organizer and manager. You are destined to do everything thoroughly and reliably. The number 4 is ruled by Rahu, which is constantly changing - it never stands still, it always moves either forward or backward. The influence of Rahu brings 4 sudden changes into people's lives. Fours will constantly experience ups and downs. Because of this, they develop some duality of nature, distrust. Constant uncertainty forces them to seek advice from others and act in accordance with their recommendations. Fours are stubborn and persistent. Rahu gives them firmness, courage and patience, so they can endure pain and any suffering. They accept any changes, ups and downs with ease and unprecedented patience. Throughout life, fours will be criticized. However, their intentions are honest and by nature they are not quarrelsome. They are reliable and patient people who can adapt to any conditions. They often feel lonely and abandoned. Fours do not have a passion for the accumulation of treasures. If they receive money, they immediately spend it. Their lifestyle makes others think that they are rich. But they don't give out money because they have a lot of it, but because of their ability to be compassionate. Their friendships last throughout life, although they have few true friends. Fours are very secretive. They do not divulge their secrets even to those who are dear and close. This brings them heart problems, but they like to bear all their suffering alone. They are very selfish and will go to any lengths to fulfill their selfish desires, even if it harms others. Able to make false promises and make many opponents in their lives. At the end of their lives, number 4 people achieve success and fame. They can also get rich by getting an inheritance. Basic vibrations of number 4: love of order, stiffness, diligence, practicality. Warnings. Fours should avoid unnecessary disputes, waste of money, learn to appreciate other people. To keep calm, they need to drink water from a silver goblet and eat food from a silver dish. It would do well for such people to be less judgmental of others and less likely to make false promises. They should not blindly trust others. Soul Number 5 Character traits and abilities. People with Soul Number 5 were born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd. Fives are very energetic and need adrenaline. Easily excitable and emotional. You often make spontaneous decisions following an inner impulse. Fives can easily learn a foreign language. Earning money for you is not a big problem, it is much more important to save them later. Pretty indifferent to material wealth. By nature a player. To others, you seem self-confident and maybe even arrogant. But they often do not suspect that internally you are quite timid. You must choose a dynamic and interesting profession. Because routine and passivity are not for you. Your purpose is to encourage other people to action, to show others that it is possible to develop spiritually without losing your love of life and enthusiasm. In personal life, they should strive to pacify their restless and changeable nature. Since the number 5 is the middle of the number series from 1 to 9, this position allows her to make decisions instantly. She quickly receives the necessary information and is a natural patron and adviser to many people. Number 5 people have a gentle and vulnerable nature and try to learn something every minute. They love entertainment and try to create a cheerful and happy atmosphere around them. They do not make long-term plans (which require patience), although they are always busy developing new ways to get money. The constant desire to earn money pushes them to gambling. And if they get involved in these games, they can lose everything. Fives are very easy to make friends with any number. But due to the fact that they are fickle, such friendship is short-lived. They have great intuition and can accurately understand the intention of any person and are able to anticipate the maneuvers of their competitors. They give answers before they even listen to the question. They do not like change and do not tolerate when people touch their things or change the order in which they are located. Fives can easily make their enemies friends and make them accept their point of view. They are economical and able to save money for a rainy day, but sometimes they become extravagant. In general, they always manage to get money. They have no source of income. They cannot sit idle and love to develop various methods for making quick money. They always invest money in business and succeed in it due to their adventurous nature. These are partners you can rely on. Fives are punctual and always in a hurry somewhere. Fives sometimes prefer to live away from their families in other countries, enjoy life and study. Fives are very health conscious and careful about their food choices. They take care of their appearance, have a strong physique, and they remain healthy and active into old age. They usually live long. Since Mercury gets exalted in its own sign, Virgo, the two fives are best friends. Basic vibrations of number 5: constructiveness, love of freedom, progressiveness. Warnings. People with Soul Number 5 should not: • lose their sense of humor • use their caustic, stinging and sharp tongue • be too critical • succumb to depression, experience heart and nervous stress • avoid children and avoid entertainment • rush somewhere all the time • constantly be stubborn • strain your eyes when reading at night, watching television • it is wrong to judge people, instead they should create an atmosphere of trust in relation to their friends and well-wishers • make false promises • get annoyed over trifles It is recommended not to impose your ideas on others, to be inattentive when traveling and not to trust strangers. Fives should: • take long morning walks • drink more juices and take care of the purity of the blood, because they easily pick up skin and heart diseases • take short trips, avoid the company of losers and pessimists • to strengthen the nerves and improve metabolism twice a body massage using olive oil for a week • learn to be content, grateful to friends and appreciate others Soul Number 6 Character traits and abilities. Six is ​​the Soul Number of those born on the 6th, 15th or 24th of any month. Their keywords are family and social responsibility, service, love, compassion, healing, creativity. Frank, honest, but rather delicate people. A great friend and people feel your positive, warm energy. You are hospitable and sociable and have a lively and cheerful disposition. You can give your close people your endless care and friendship, feel that you are able to make the life of your loved ones convenient and comfortable - it gives you special pleasure. Always strive to convey your experience to others, disinterested and not prudent. Such people attract others, they are courteous, artistic, have a delicate taste. Easy to spend money. They love to travel and often go abroad. They care too much about their appearance and try to always dress presentably. People with Soul Number 6 are smart, tactful. They do their work very slowly, but they consider that this is their advantage, not a disadvantage. When speed is expected of them, they get nervous and spoil everything, making a lot of mistakes. They do not tolerate when someone acts against their will and can hide their feelings and anger behind a sweet smile. Do not tolerate disorder, neat. Decorate their homes, rooms, offices, workplaces. These are universal friends, good family members. Caring and considerate towards their own. Friends love them for their refined taste, good manners, courtesy and gentleness. Sixes are quite lucky and are able to get all the benefits and all the luxury of modern life at a fairly young age. Basic vibrations of number 6: responsibility, love, favor, peace, help. Warnings. They need to learn to test people before they have business with them. And women, before entering into financial or personal relationships, need to check what others have said. It is contraindicated for people of the number 6 to be lazy and succumb to persuasion and avoid pressure, so as not to spoil their projects. They must forget the people who wronged them, and not waste their energy in vain, embarking on the path of revenge. They should avoid: • heavy physical work • the use of drugs because they are addictive • excessive love affairs • sweet foods, oils and fats, and very spicy foods They need to: • take regular morning walks • organize their lives properly, schedule and not spend too much time on water sports • save money for a rainy day Soul Number 7 Character traits and abilities. Seven is the Soul Number of people born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month. The vibration of this number gives people diligence, a penchant for analysis, rich imagination, developed intuition. These are born philosophers, interested more in questions of thought and spirit than in the material side of life. Representatives of this number are most often people who seek to know and penetrate the essence of everything unknown and mysterious. Usually they are gifted with intuition and psychic abilities, they love solitude and loneliness. These people are independent and individualistic, it is difficult to understand them, because they are silent and reserved. Therefore, they often go through life alone, loneliness is never a burden for them. They like to be in the company of only a small circle of true friends who share their interests with them. These people are original, proud and independent to such an extent that they are very reluctant to accept advice and help from others. They have magnetism, as well as insight and intuition, often bordering on clairvoyance, so nothing is hidden from their attention. They do not believe what they do not know, and in order to believe in something, they must first study and understand it. Many of them are gifted poets, artists, thinkers, orators, judges, numerologists, reformers and scientists. Number 7 people have a good heart. They are romantic, sentimental and noble. They are distinguished by originality in their self-expression and independence in their approach to life. The philosophical view of things gives them a unique individuality. They find new meaning for old values ​​and old truths, they do not tolerate injustice. They have the ability to convince people so much that even their opponents are forced to accept their point of view. Sevens do not like crowds and try to spend in touch with nature. She seeks friendship among equals in spirit. Despite their uncertainty, inside they are well-organized people with constancy of life principles, with the help of which they maintain physical and mental health. They are good at making plans. Many of them are frugal and quickly find a use for unnecessary things, even those thrown away by other people. They love change and love to travel. They go on a trip with the hope of learning something new and earning money. And they do it better than other numbers. They are brave and take risks easily. They try to learn something from everyone and are very interested in the occult sciences. These are true scientists of life who are able to bring many discoveries to life. Sevens are peaceful, but do not tolerate when they are commanded. They can do a lot of good for the person with whom they are friends, and also cause a lot of trouble when they break friendships. In any job, as a rule, they achieve a high position. They usually settle down in their lives closer to the age of 34, and they achieve real success and wealth quite late. They are attractive, pleasant and charming. They are not easy to deceive because they can read other people's minds but don't know how to understand their own. Basic vibrations of number 7: analysis, understanding, contemplation, search for truth, spiritual understanding. Warnings. Before accepting any projects, sevens should carefully delve into their essence, weigh the positive and negative aspects of the work, evaluate the time and labor that will be required to complete the tasks. They are encouraged to: • not waste energy or take on impossible tasks • welcome change and not cling to your own thoughts • work independently, try to be self-sufficient and bravely start your own projects • remain vigilant, be sincere and dedicated to your own work and not get carried away by fruitless fantasies • do not be too sentimental • do not rush and make decisions quickly Sevens must be very careful and avoid meeting people who abuse alcohol and drug addicts, as they themselves can be drawn into this lifestyle. They should have flowers and green plants around them and look at them every morning in order to be filled with inner strength. It is better for people of the number 7 to avoid water sports, deep water and travel by boats and ships. Soul Number 8 Character traits and abilities. Eight is the Soul Number of people born on the 8th, 17th and 26th of any month. Eight is the sign of infinity. Therefore, people - eights are two-faced and can go from one extreme to another, surprising others with such drastic changes, sometimes five times a day. Eights are distinguished by a pronounced sense of justice and a desire to help less prosperous people. Eights are magnates. If you are an Eight, then you can achieve a lot in material terms, you just have to want and make an effort, although not particularly big. Money loves you and willingly comes to you at the right time. You have an amazing ability to turn your dreams and ideas into reality. Your charisma and individuality can attract the opposite sex like a magnet. Number 8 people are diligent workers. They prefer to do everything themselves and do not accept help from others. Secretive, patient, assertive, serious, melancholic, thoughtful, sincere, cheerful; have inner peace and balance. Their life is full of struggle, but they do not give up until they reach the desired goal. They have very few real friends who are able to recognize their tender and vulnerable nature. They boldly face any difficulties and stand up for the interests of their friends, save them in any situation, but in this way they make even worse enemies for themselves. Eights are very vindictive, do not forgive insults and harbor anger in their hearts until the end of their lives, patiently waiting for the right moment to attack offenders. They do not rest until they have defeated their enemies. They meet defeat with a smile and change their strategy, but do not calm down until they take revenge. These are extremists who go to extremes in both friendship and hatred. In their profession they are not satisfied with small successes, but strive for the greatest honors. Being very honest, practical and smart, they hate hypocrisy and deceit. For eights, there are no norms and rules, they do not like to obey and often conflict with government officials. Eights primarily care about their financial security, although they do not chase after money. For the sake of money, they do any work. Until the age of 35, they do not know how to save money at all and face several financial crises in their lives. But after 35 they have savings. They enjoy watching their account grow and stop throwing money around. Basic vibrations of number 8: satisfaction, achievement; striving for success, power, recognition. Warnings. They should not take on work that exceeds their capacity. They must trust their relatives and subordinates, expand the circle of their friends and acquaintances. They should not rely on the gratitude and help of relatives. Eights must discard vindictiveness, throw off the mask of gloom, seriousness, sobriety. They need to learn to smile and try to be happy. They need to: • cultivate tolerance, friendliness, prudence and not get irritated so easily • follow the advice of wise people who know more than themselves; • get rid of the habit of reflecting on the past and try to cope with imaginary fears • respect your life and business partners • do not get involved in love affairs • travel more often • stop spreading rumors • refuse canned, old food and fast food; they should eat more coarse grains, drink more fresh juices to avoid constipation and other problems Soul Number 9 Character traits and abilities. Nine is the Soul Number of people born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of any month. Mars is the planet of fire and heat, it creates a strong flow of energy that is not easy to cope with. It makes people with Soul Number 9 restless. They do not rest until they succeed in achieving their desired goals. Their keywords are compassion, patience, versatility, selflessness. The number 9 has the qualities of all other elementary numbers, it is the most powerful of them. You are very sensitive and loving. Your rare penchant for other people's problems makes you a great friend. You are prone to mysticism and the unknown. You would like to be free as the wind and travel to different countries, continents, and maybe even planets… Romantic love plays such a significant role in your life that it can spread to many people at the same time, without dissipating at all. Your life is full of bright and interesting events and this attracts the attention of others. A person with a Soul Number of 9strong imperious character, high ideals. Nines are born with leadership qualities and can easily control the stubborn. People with the number 9 are born to succeed: they have all the necessary qualities for this. Nines, like athletes, are no strangers to rivalry. They are very brave and love adventure. Ambition and strong will allow them to quickly achieve their goal. They quickly react to any situation and go into a state of readiness at the first signal, they are always able to repel an attack. Nines are not particularly burdened by their own problems and do not waste energy. Nines are optimists, independent, free, sincere, fearless, impulsive; they have an inexhaustible source of energy. They do not like to be obliged to someone, they are not afraid of anything. Such people are full of enthusiasm, inspiration, and are always in a hurry to achieve the intended goal. They do not tolerate interference in their work, they hate criticism, they always act in their own way. They have a very developed sense of responsibility. In their youth, they experience many difficulties in communicating with other people, so it can be difficult for them to achieve a worthy place in society, at home, at work. But after 40 years they succeed. Nines are outwardly firm, disciplined, unshakable, but in their souls they are soft and compassionate. Good organizers and capable administrators. If they are given full power, then the organization they lead will always make a good profit. They spend a lot of time and energy to keep their homes and workplaces in an unprecedented cleanliness and order, but they are not able to create order and peace in their family life.

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