Does he really like me quizzes
Does He Like Me Test (Free Quiz- 100% Accuracy)
Practical Psychology
“He loves me, he loves me not…” Whether you are relying on the petals of a flower or taking an online test, you’re not the first person who wondered whether a guy likes them more than a friend. Men have been taught to be unemotional and elusive. Expressing feelings is usually not a guy’s forte. But there are ways to determine, from his actions, that he is interested in a more serious, romantic relationship.
Of course, this quiz won’t give you the right answer every time. Guys may act a certain way to earn affection in the moment, even if they do not have any interest in a committed relationship. The best way to determine whether a guy wants to date you is to ask him yourself. Nervous? Afraid of rejection? These are all normal feelings that bubble up when you are facing uncertainty. Use this post and the advice throughout the Practical Pie page to prepare for this conversation and the results!
Signs That He Likes You
The Best Way to Find Out If He Likes You? Ask!
How to Ask a Guy if He Likes You
Signs That He Likes You
- He introduces you to his friends and family.
- He goes out of his way to do nice things for you.
- When you talk, he listens.
- His body language is open when you’re with him (eye contact, arms open, leaning toward you, etc.)
- The way he shows affection is the same in public as when you are alone.
- His compliments are about more than just your looks.
- He posts about you on his social media pages.
- He isn’t afraid to be vulnerable about his feelings, hopes and dreams, goals, etc.
The Best Way to Find Out If He Likes You? Ask!
You can take all the tests in the world, but nothing will give a more accurate picture of his feelings than an honest conversation. Ask this guy how he feels about you. If you trust him to be an honest person, he will tell you honestly about his feelings. If you don’t trust him to be honest about his feelings, do you really want to date him in the first place?
Rejection is tough, but don’t let the fear of the “wrong answer” hold you back. If he does like you, this will be the first of many tough conversations you will have as a happy couple. If he doesn’t like you, you will have more space to date, explore, and find a person who does like you in the way you deserve. You deserve a relationship with a guy who can honestly tell you that he likes you!
How to Ask a Guy if He Likes You
Tell him you want to have a serious conversation. Let him know ahead of time that you’re interested in having a chat about your relationship. If he is hesitant to engage with you, take it as a sign that he is not interested (and let him know!) Avoiding these conversations could be a sign that he does not want to commit or hurt you. If he is open to the conversation, great!
Talk without distractions. Don’t have a chat over text or when you could be focusing on other people. A pool party or a club is not the proper setting to have an open and vulnerable conversation. Find a time when the two of you can put away your phones and just focus on each other.
Again, if he is hesitant, he might not be that into you. Let him know that you want to have a one-on-one conversation if you would like the relationship to progress.
Be open and vulnerable. You cannot expect him to be open and vulnerable if you don’t reciprocate. Since you are starting the conversation, let him know how you feel and what you intend to learn from the conversation. Be very clear with how he has made you feel through his actions.
Then, ask him if he likes you as more than a friend!
What Happens If He Does Like You?
Congratulations! If the two of you have expressed mutual, romantic feelings for each other, you’re on the right track. Now it’s time to figure out where to go on your journey together. Continue to share your feelings openly and honestly. Are you ready for a romantic relationship? Do you want to be exclusive? Do you need to have conversations with other people before you can be exclusive?
Your relationship may not begin the moment you both declare that you have feelings for each other, and that’s okay. Allow your relationship to start on your timeline when both of you are ready. If there is a disconnect on when your relationship should start, talk about it. In these conversations, you may discover that you may be best off as friends, and that’s okay, too. Leave yourself open to any and all possibilities.
What Happens If He Doesn’t Like You?
This news isn’t probably what you want to hear. Give yourself time to process your emotions, and know that your emotions are valid. If this means taking a step back from your friendship, that’s okay. Be honest about your expectations and how he should best approach your relationship as you move on. You can still be friends, but only if you feel comfortable with that.
Letting go of someone is hard, especially if you had expected to grow with them in the future. Feelings of grief are normal. Take as much time as you need to heal from this change in your relationship. Reach out to friends and family or indulge in some self-care.
This time should be a reminder that, single or not, you are a great person who deserves a great, healthy relationship. Healthy relationships begin with two people who are excited to be together. This guy may not have been excited to be in a romantic relationship, and that’s okay. With this knowledge and experience, you can find someone who is excited to be with you.
Best of luck on your dating search!
- Has this person told you directly that he likes you?
- No, I don’t know how he feels about me. – 2
- No, he told me that he’s not interested in me. But maybe he’s playing hard to get, right? – 1
- Yes, he told me he likes me! – 3
- Has he introduced you to his friends?
- No, he has not brought up introducing me to his friends yet. – 1
- I know his friends through school, work, or other introductions not made by him. – 1
- One or two friends! – 2
- Yes, I know a lot of his friends. – 3
- Does he talk to you about his girl problems or romantic life?
- Yes, he complains about girls that he’s been seeing.
– 1
- We don’t really talk about that kind of stuff. – 2
- No, because I am his romantic life! – 3
- Yes, he complains about girls that he’s been seeing.
- Does he make an effort to see you or are you asking him to hang out?
- It’s split 50/50. – 2
- He is usually asking me to hang out. – 3
- I’m usually asking him to hang out. – 1
- Is he single?
- Yes. – 3
- Not really, but it’s complicated. – 2
- No, but there’s still hope for me! – 1
- Have you met his family?
- Yes. – 3
- Yes, but he wasn’t the person to introduce me to them. – 2
- No. – 1
- How often do you catch him looking at you?
- Very often! – 3
- Sometimes, but he’s hard to read. – 2
- Rarely. – 1
- What do his friends know about your relationship?
- He likes to keep relationships private. – 1
- I’m not sure what his friends know about us! – 2
- He tells them everything, so they likely know what’s going on between us.
– 3
- Do your friends think that he likes you?
- Yes, they keep encouraging me to ask him out! – 3
- They don’t know him well enough to make a judgment call. – 2
- They are just worried that I’m going to get my feelings hurt. – 1
- How does he prefer to communicate with you?
- We typically text unless we’re together. – 1
- He will call or FaceTime me. – 3
- All of our time is spent together! – 2
- Has he expressed wanting to be in a relationship?
- Yes, he wants to be in a relationship. – 3
- Yes, but I don’t know if he wants to be in a relationship with me. – 2
- I don’t know if he is looking for a relationship or not. – 2
- He is very clear that he does not want to be in a relationship. – 1
- Does he ever send you a message just because he’s thinking about you?
- Yes, all the time. – 3
- Sometimes, but it’s usually late at night. – 2
- No.
– 1
- Do people generally say that he’s shy or reserved?
- Not at all! – 1
- Sometimes, he doesn’t open up to people easily. – 2
- Yes, he’s known for being super shy. – 3
- Do you have any reason to believe that he doesn’t like you?
- He’s told me. – 1
- No, but he hasn’t given me a reason to believe that he does like me. – 2
- No, I’m just curious. – 3
- Has he ever bought you gifts?
- Yes, all the time! – 3
- For special occasions like birthdays and holidays, yes. – 2
- Not yet! – 1
- Does he post you on his social media stories?
- Yes! – 3
- No, but he doesn’t post much. – 2
- I don’t follow him on social media. – 1
- Does he offer any public displays of affection?
- Yes! – 3
- No, but he knows I don’t like that. – 2
- No, he prefers to keep our relationship between us. – 1
- Does he ever talk about your future?
- Yes, and it’s very sweet.
– 3
- It hasn’t really come up. – 2
- No, he would hate talking about that. – 1
- Yes, and it’s very sweet.
- Has he asked about your feelings toward him?
- He doesn’t seem that interested in my feelings. – 1
- Occasionally, but he doesn’t reciprocate. – 2
- He asks me all the time! – 3
- When he makes plans, what do they usually look like?
- Going over to his place to watch a movie or play video games. – 1
- Going out to eat at a nice restaurant. – 2
- It varies! Hanging out with friends, going shopping, you name it! – 3
All Signs Point to Yes!
50-60 Points
Based on his actions, it sounds like this guy likes you as more than a friend! Keep in mind that this quiz can’t tell the future. Be confident when you ask him about his feelings, but know he could still not want to enter a relationship right now. Allow you and him both to be open and honest about your feelings. Best of luck!
It’s Time to Have a Conversation.

36-49 Points
It’s hard to say for sure whether he likes you as a friend or more. Sit this guy down and be honest about your feelings for him. If he’s not willing to open up, let him know that you’re taking it as a sign that he doesn’t like you and you are going to move on. Set clear expectations for your relationship moving forward whether he likes you as more than a friend or not. Good luck!
This Might Not Be Going in the Direction You Think It’s Going…
20-35 Points
Unfortunately, his actions don’t appear to show that he likes you as more than a friend. If this changes the way you want to approach your relationship, have a conversation. Tell him that you don’t think the relationship is moving forward in a romantic direction, but give him space to share his view. He might just be shy or nervous to show affection. Know that a healthy relationship begins with two people who enthusiastically show affection for each other. Even if you do not enter a relationship with him, you can find a relationship with a guy that likes you for you – and isn’t afraid to show it!
Practical Psychology
Practical Psychology began as a collection of study material for psychology students in 2016, created by a student in the field. It has since evolved into an online blog and YouTube channel providing mental health advice, tools, and academic support to individuals from all backgrounds. With over 2 million YouTube subscribers, over 500 articles, and an annual reach of almost 12 million students, it has become one of the most popular sources of psychological information.
Does He Like Me? Quiz - Clear Your Doubts!
You may find yourself in a dilemma when a boy you like is giving you mixed signals. He might be interested in you or just is somewhat inclined to know more about you. On one hand, you may find him caring for you and trying to spend some time with you. Does he like me quiz is the perfect one for you to check if your crush is really into you.
However on the other hand you might at times feel that he does not care that much for you. Either way, it is worse to not know anything. To come out of this dilemma, you should take does he like me quiz. This might help you to get an idea about his true feelings and interpret his signs better.
Start Quiz
When Should You Take This Quiz?
You should take this quiz if you have met a guy and have a soft corner for him and find him reciprocating your feelings. If you are getting the following signals then think about taking the quiz.
He treats you differently than others
If he is treating you differently then you have a special place in his heart. For instance, if he loves to talk a lot and is a social bird but around you, he is quiet and shy then there is a strong chance that he has a soft corner for you. However, if he flirts with everyone and with you too then you might be normal for him. To clear such doubts you should take the quiz.
He is trying to spend time with you
If a guy is always busy then take the hint that he is not keeping you high on his priority list. However, if he is going out of his way to find out time for you then this is also a sign that he is interested in you, and spending time with you makes his day.
He laughs when he is with you
Laughter is directly associated with feeling good. If he is laughing a lot when he is around you then it is a sign that he is feeling very good. He might even try to make you laugh and share the positive vibe. If he tries to be funny around you and cracks jokes to make you laugh then this is a sign that he likes you.
He tries to get close to you
If a guy is really into you then he will find chances to get close to you. He may lean his body towards you when you are showing him something on your phone. He will try to help you with your jacket. However, you need to watch out for players. If a boy is genuinely into you he will look for signs to get close to you.
Quiz Questions And Their Purpose
You will have to answer some questions to know what are the chances that a guy is really into you. These questions mostly come in the multiple-choice form and based on your choices the quiz presents the likelihood that a boy likes you.
If it turns out that your crush is really into you, that's very great news! You have a bright future ahead of you, a wedding, children. Together with your ideal partner, you should solve the next quizzes important for your future relationship. Perhaps you don't have to wait and you should marry him now?
What about the kids? A woman definitely needs children to be fully fulfilled in her life, preferably several. Check how many kids you should have with this quiz.
Does He Like Me Quiz - How to Play?
The does he like me quiz rules are simple. You will have to answer a few questions. Each question will apply to you and the person you are thinking about. After answering all the questions you will finally find out if he likes you.
Start this super accurate quiz and you will find out if the boy you are thinking about is really interested in you.
Here we go! Let the quiz begin!
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Quiz: Does a guy like me? : Suzzy
Author Pokrovskaya 3 comments
Maybe you think day and night about: “How do I know if a guy likes me or not?”. Perhaps he is not indifferent to you, but is afraid to express his feelings? Or just using you?
Take this very simple and quick test and find out if this guy really likes you . Be sure to read each question carefully and think before answering in order to get the most accurate result online. Good luck, I hope you get the result you're looking for!
Sometimes, but only if I laugh and enjoy it
Yes, and he really hurts my feelings and upsets me
His conversations with me are rather harsh and dry.
Although he is polite
No, I think he is too shy or afraid to talk to me
He doesn't seem interested in anything other than having sex with me
He seems to be interested in me but doesn't make the first move
I feel that I am much more interested than he is...
No, I'm sure he loves me
I … don't know what he's interested in
Yes, we have some common interests
We have so much in common, it's crazy!
We don't really talk about his hobbies or interests
They think it's possible!
They think he only likes my body
Well, they don't give me a direct answer to that question.
Yes. They think I should make the first move!
29 Rate
Yes Against
What is your reaction?
- Wicked
- Cute
- Cry
- Super
- Funny
A man likes a woman: how to understand it
The best way to find out what emotions and desires overcome a man you care about is, of course, to ask him about everything directly. But if first you want to understand if you are not mistaken in your feelings, pay attention to the signs that are described in this article. Thanks to them, you can quickly determine whether he likes you or not.
Love and relationships
first date
Love Correspondence
Getty Images
Many people are afraid to admit their feelings to others. And this is normal: we are afraid to face misunderstanding, rejection or even criticism from the object of our sympathies and wait until the last moment before we speak openly about anything.
Experts believe that both women and men behave in the same way when it comes to romantic situations. Both sexes have common patterns of behavior that show interest in someone else. And knowing the approximate signs of such models, we can assume that a man likes you.
Are you in love now?
A proven fact: if one person feels sympathy for another, he imperceptibly for himself constantly leans towards him during communication. If the guy you like listens carefully and brings his face closer to yours when answering, this is a sure sign that he cares about you too.
2. His body is relaxed
Open body language also indicates that the young person enjoys spending time with you. Pay attention to the position of his body. If a man is relaxed and seizes the opportunity to turn to you more often, this is a good sign. But if he is tense and deviates his body from you, this can indicate both a lack of sympathy and strong excitement.
3. He finds the slightest reason to compliment
When a man is inspired by feelings, he finds even non-obvious reasons for compliments. If a young man sincerely praises everything about you - from the color of your eyes to your undertakings in work, this may be a sign that he really likes you.
4. He looks into your eyes
Eye contact is both a sign of attraction and a psychological device of people who consider it important to look into the eyes of each interlocutor, afraid to show them indifference during a conversation. Pay attention to how the man looks into your eyes. If he lingers on your face even after you take your eyes off him, it could mean something significant.
5. He steals a glance at you
Even if he makes eye contact with everyone he talks to, it's a different story if you keep noticing him looking at you even when you're on the other side of the room. Such secret glances are a classic sign that he is fascinated by you.
6. He makes you stand out from the rest
When you are in a big company, and he still finds a way to spend time alone with you, it says a lot. But pay attention to the less obvious ways a man gets close to you: for example, when he raises topics in the company that are somehow related to you, tries to answer your questions that you ask everyone, and also laughs at your jokes.
7. He wants to be alone with you
If your crush is a friend, colleague, classmate, or someone you occasionally run into at a fitness club or at parties and he's looking for ways to spend one-on-one time, this is a clear sign that he is trying to connect with you on a personal level. Of course, this could just be the beginning of a friendship. But it can also mean that he likes you romantically as well.
8. He finds ways to gently touch you
An occasional hand touch, an attempt to fix your hair, or a playful shoulder thrust—he can come up with different ways to make physical contact with you. But the main thing is that you like it.
9. He actively schedules dates
If you meet a guy on a dating app, it's especially hard to know if he has strong feelings for you or is just trying to charm you into sex. The key point here is how actively he initiates your further meetings and plans for the future. Usually this is a sign that he sincerely likes you and wants to continue communication.
10. He maintains a special connection after a date
After a personal meeting, it is difficult to find an interesting topic for conversation and not slide into complete romance. But if a man is interested in you, he will find something to talk about. He can say that he had a particularly fun yesterday, or send you a meme about the topic that you discussed yesterday, and then, as if by chance, set up a date again.
11. He keeps in touch with you on social networks
Someone who is really interested in you will not disappear from view for a long time, but will appear when he needs something from you. But if he himself initiates a conversation on social networks, likes and comments on your photos, posts and stories, this indicates that he is trying to get closer to you.
12. He responds quickly to messages
Of course, some of us are very busy at work or do not have the habit of constantly checking instant messengers. But if a young man quickly responds to your messages, this may indicate that he is intentionally waiting for them and wants to communicate with you as much as possible.
13. He keeps up the conversation
This sign is especially noticeable during correspondence, if he asks you additional questions, pays attention to new topics, gives detailed answers. If he answers in monosyllables or just sends emoji and after a while does not become more verbose, he is unlikely to be interested in communicating with you.
14. He blushes next to you
Did you notice that a blush appears on his face? This is due to the release of adrenaline associated with excitement. People feel "caught" when they are attracted to another person.
15. He is a little nervous
If a guy is usually noisy and cheerful around his friends, but next to you he is constrained and confused in words, this can be a sure sign that he likes you and he is a little carried away, trying to impress you.
16. Does he laugh a lot next to you
Does he laugh sincerely, as if from the heart? Or maybe he often smiles next to you - that warm, intimate smile that seems to come from his eyes? Laughing and smiling are the best ways to connect and connect with other people, so keep that in mind!
17. Nothing distracts him from you
When you are around, he never steals a glance at the phone or TV screen. He gives you all his attention, or even deliberately eliminates distractions that might prevent you from being together.
18. He takes the initiative
There are common cultural scripts that people use to show their liking. Of course, most of them are related to gender stereotypes and ideas of patriarchy regarding the fact that men actively show interest, and women do not like to be proactive. But nevertheless, all this can still play into your hands if you are afraid to take the first step and want the man to invite you on a date.
19. He reacts positively to your initiative
If you are strong, independent and courageous with regards to making dates, this does not mean that you must necessarily wait for the man to take the initiative himself. Relationships in which a man and a woman are equal are most appropriate today. If a young man likes you and he is not inclined to follow masculine stereotypes, he will only be happy if you ask him out, kiss him first, or even hint at something more.
20. He is frank with you
Alas, some people do not know how to openly express their interest. And others, on the contrary, are too prone to tactile contacts and can mislead you. That is why, if you are afraid of getting confused in feelings, ask him directly what he feels for you. Yes, it sounds scary. But thanks to this step, your love story can begin! Find the right words that are easy to pronounce and act. For example, tell him that he is cool-funny-cute and you start to like him.