Can angels talk to you
7 Shocking Ways Angels Speak To You Every Day
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Angels. The very word conjures up mental imagery of translucent beings attached to wings. But are angels real?
If you have followed this blog for any amount of time, you likely know that I will write about topics that touch upon the supernatural. Thats because there exists an intersection between human spirituality and general psychology.
Recently, I had the opportunity sit down with a Native Indian healer named Ben who regularly infuses elements of spirituality into his practice as a shaman.
He explained to me that while the term angel may subjective, its meaning is universal.Heres how he defines an angel. Your definition may or may not be the same.
A messenger from a higher power that some call God. Angels are sent to guide us and teach important life lessons. Angelsspeak to us each day.
Intrigued, I asked him to tell me more.What Ben shared was fascinating!In fact, I was so caught up with his insight that I decided to jotit all down.
What follows are 7 shocking ways angels speak to you every day.
Check this out.
Angels very often come to you in your dreams, but you may not recognize them or remember the dreams upon waking. To heighten your awareness of dream time communications from your angels, spend a few minutes speaking to your angels before you go to sleep.
Ask your angels to visit you in your dreams and share important insights that you may need to know. Keep a notebook and pen by your bed, and upon waking try to recall your dreams. Jot down any details you can remember, even if they don’t seem to be related to angels
Over time, you may start receiving messages from your angels while you dream, and you will improve your ability to recall anything of importance.
For example, if you have been dreaming about someone with brown eyes, it may be a message from beyond that suggests you need to become warmer and more open to someone you love.
Sometimes your angels will try to get your attention through physical sensations like tingling, a feeling of warmth spreading over you, a light touch on your hand, a feeling of someone gently stroking your hair, or even a tangible presence in the room with you.
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This often happens when you are frightened or sad about something and your angels want to comfort you. When you feel sensations like these, be sure to acknowledge them.
Say, “Thank you angels, I can feel you here with me and I’m grateful for your love and support.”
Your angels may also communicate in more obvious ways, like speaking directly to you. You may hear a voice, either inside your head or a voice that seems to come from outside of you, even when no one else is around.
Very often this will happen when your angels need to share some vital information to keep you safe. They may say things like, “Obey the speed limit,” or “Don’t take the freeway today.” This kind of communication can be difficult to believe at times.
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You may wonder if you are just imagining the voice, and you may even be tempted to dismiss it. Even if you have doubts about whether your angels are really speaking to you, it’s a good idea to follow the advice you hear because most of the time it will help you avoid some unpleasant experiences.
Angels can also communicate with other sounds besides voices. You may hear faint vocalizations that sound like angels singing, soft bells chiming, or music with no apparent source. When this happens, acknowledge it and ask your angels to make it clearer.
You might say something like this: “Angels, I think I hear you, but it’s very faint. Can you make it a little bit louder?” Then sit quietly and concentrate, and most often you will be able to tune in better.
If you are a visual person, you may see mental visions while meditating or in the last few minutes before you fall asleep. You may see swirling colors, sparkles of light, or even a clear image of one of your angels standing before you.
It is also possible to see visual phenomena in your surroundings as you go about your daily routine. You may see little flashes or streaks of light, or catch a quick glimpse of a glowing figure that looks like an angel, but it disappears when you turn to look directly at it
This usually means that you are becoming more sensitive to the presence of your angels. They are always around you, but you may not have been tuned in enough to notice it before.
Your angels may also communicate by giving you little signs or symbols throughout the day. These signs can vary widely, and they will usually be very personal to you.
Some examples might be finding white feathers wherever you go; seeing a bumper sticker that reads, “You Are Loved” just when you needed such a reminder; or a perfect flower growing in a place you least expected it.
The best way to tell whether these experiences are truly signs from your angels or mere coincidence is to pay attention to how you feel. A sign from your angels will always have a strong feeling attached to it, like a heightened sense of awareness or a strong feeling that someone is trying to tell you something.
Angels can also communicate with you through human or animal “helpers”. For example, you might ask your angels for advice on a particular subject before you go to work, and then one of your co-workers will utter the exact words you needed to hear.
Related: Do you have a spirit animal?
Or you might see an animal in nature and it seems to grab your attention very strongly, so you’ll look up the symbolism of that animal and find that it holds significance for you.
Your angels can communicate with you in endless ways, but the key is to simply pay attention. The more you work on heightening your awareness of your angels and following the insights and hunches you receive from them, you will become much more confident in knowing when your angels are trying to get your attention.
Below I have included a book below entitled Angels 101 by Dr. Doreen Virtue. Sheexplores the topic of angels in detail. What’s great about this read is the non-denominational approach the author takes in exploring this topic.
The question of rather whether angels are real or not is up to you. If you are a person who likes to include elements of Jungian psychology and psycho-spirituality into your daily wellness routine, this might be something you want to check out.
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Can We Speak with Angels?
Audio Transcript
Welcome back to the Ask Pastor John podcast. Today we have an email from an anonymous listener: “Hello, Pastor John! All through the Bible we see angels speaking to believers. They speak sometimes in person and often in dreams. In that light, the worship pastor at my church recently mentioned to others that he had regular talks with one angel. I don’t see that dynamic so evident in Scripture — of ongoing conversations between believers and angels. It tends to be more of a monologue, mostly. Someone else in my church suggested the worship pastor is likely speaking to a demon!
“In APJ 1618, you addressed the ministry and purpose of angels today, but not how the angels interact with believers today. Do they? Are angels involved in our daily lives to this degree? Should we expect to hear from an angel? And would it even be possible to have an ongoing dialogue with an angel? Could a believer, claiming to talk with angels, actually be talking to a demon?”
Yes, it is possible that a person who claims to be talking to an angel may be talking to a demon. And the reason I say that is because the apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 11:14, “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” In other words, it’s part of Satan’s very nature that he’s deceptive and would love to distract the saints (at best), and delude them and destroy them (at worst), by drawing off their focus from Christ to angels. It is also possible that a person who claims to be conversing with angels is simply conversing with images or voices in his own head that are not in fact either demons or angels.
Four Reasons for Caution
But my main concern with people who claim to be conversing with an angel is not primarily that they are experiencing demons or hallucinations but that they are being drawn away from Christ and his provision of all that we need in our communication with God and our getting help from God. So, let me give four reasons from the Scriptures for why I think pursuing conversations with angels is a mistake.
Groping for the Supernatural
First, the Old Testament gives repeated warnings against turning away from the revelation of God revealed in Scripture through his appointed prophets to alternative means of communication with the supernatural. For example,
There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. (Deuteronomy 18:10–12)
Now, I know that angels are not listed in that group, but the question we should be asking is this: “Why is God so resistant to our seeking means of communication with the supernatural other than himself and his appointed means of discerning his will, his ways, and his character through his word by his Spirit?” The question is not simply whether that list in Deuteronomy is exhaustive. The question is, Why is it even there? And there seem to be at least two answers in the Old Testament context for why it’s there.
First, seeking to communicate with the supernatural in these ways puts us in the category of pagan nations who are constantly groping around for some medium by which they can find absolute truth so as to make life worth living. This is considered an abomination by God because of how badly it reflects upon God and his having revealed himself to Israel in his appointed ways, which is the other reason why these mediums are considered an abomination.
They don’t just put us in the category of pagan nations, but they give the impression that God’s not real, or that he’s begrudging in telling us what we need, or that he’s insufficient in himself to provide the truth we need to live by. So, I would say that there is good indication in the Bible that we should be very, very cautious about seeking out ways of communicating with the supernatural that give the impression that God and his provision of Christ and prayer and his word and Spirit are inadequate.
No New Testament Examples
Second, I would point out that in all the epistles of the New Testament, which give us guidance for how the church is to live, there are no instances of ordinary Christians or apostles conversing with angels. Now, I know that doesn’t amount to a prohibition, but it certainly does amount to a caution and to an indication that such conversations are not essential for maturity in Christ. Indeed, they may be a sign of immaturity because it takes certain measure of maturity to benefit fully from the beautiful paths of communication God has provided in his word, in prayer, and by his Spirit.
‘Not Holding Fast to the Head’
Third, listen to Colossians 2:18–19:
Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God.
“When people begin to crave visions and to communicate with angels, something has gone wrong.”
Now, I can imagine that one person might respond to this text and say, “Nobody’s talking, Piper, about worshiping angels — just conversing with them.” Well, right, I know that, but here’s the point of the text: When people begin to crave visions and to communicate with angels, something has gone wrong with the way they are holding fast to the Head, Jesus Christ, and his all-sufficiency in nourishing the body of Christ, holding the body of Christ together, growing the body of Christ.
Paul is concerned not simply with people who are worshiping angels, but they’re replacing Jesus as the Head, esteeming angels more significant than the paths of nourishment and strength and help and encouragement that God has appointed through the Head, Jesus Christ.
God’s Open Throne
The fourth pointer away from conversations with angels, toward God, simply builds on what I just said in number three — namely, that God has provided such a precious, sure, and solid pathway to mercy and grace and help that it is an insult to him to act as though we need paths into the supernatural besides what he has taught in his word.
And I’m thinking here especially of Hebrews 4:14–16, which go like this:
Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then [in view of this amazing high priest that we have, in view of his amazing capacities to sympathize with us] with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
“It is an insult to God to act as though we need paths into the supernatural besides what he has taught in his word.”
Now, what the writer to the Hebrews is laboring to do here is help us feel the wonder and the solidity and the sufficiency of the way God has made mercy and grace available to us — namely, at the throne of grace (this is God’s throne, not angelic intermediaries), through the finished work of the great high priest, Jesus Christ, in prayer, by faith, with the help of God’s Spirit.
Maturity in Ordinary Means
So, for those reasons, I would strongly discourage anyone from seeking to communicate with angels. I would regard the claim that one does such a thing to be a mark not of maturity but of immaturity in thinking that something more glorious, more satisfying, more amazing, more helpful, could be found through angel conversations than through the glory of God’s word and prayer by the Spirit in the fellowship of God’s church.
How to know that you have been visited by a guardian angel
The very thought that a guardian angel is watching over us can bring great comfort.
Some believe in him as a spiritual being, while others believe that he is the soul of a deceased loved one who helps us through life. But even if a person believes in angels or assumes that they can exist, it can be very difficult for him to know when he is around.
As you know, there are simple ways to find out the name of your guardian angel. In the same way, there are quite a few signs that point to his visit.
These signs have been observed by many believers over the years. Now you can also learn how to determine that a guardian angel has visited you. You may not be a believer at this moment, but these signs that appear day after day throughout your life will help you find the answers to the questions you have been looking for.
Guardian Angel comes to you in a dream
Many people believe that dreams are windows into our souls. But they can also talk about the presence of a guardian angel. Believers say an angel can visit you in a dream. This is how he lets you know that he is watching you. He may leave you some kind of message or simply declare his presence.
You see strange colored balls
If you see an inexplicable light or a strange ball, you may think that vision problems are starting. However, believers say that such balls and lights are the way angels move. You can see such a ball in everyday life or find in photographs that it floats around you. Many claim that these unique lights are a sure sign that you are under the protection of an angel.
You smell a sudden fragrance
If you can't explain an unexpected smell, it could be a sign of an angel's presence. Believers believe these pleasant sweet scents may be your angel's way of reaching out and letting you know he's with you. You may smell delicious food, flowers, or perfume that your loved one used frequently.
You have found a white feather
The feather is a safe and reliable way for your angel to show you his presence. This sign is considered the most common among those that angels can leave. A white feather can appear in your path even in the most unlikely place and appear at a time when you most need support. This is how your angel lets you know that he is there and you are not alone.
The child sees what you cannot
Children and pets can see guardian angels even when others do not notice. Angels are said to bring children and animals a state of peace. You may see that the animal is looking at a certain place in the room, or the child is smiling at someone, although he cannot see anyone at that moment. If you notice that the child seems to be communicating with someone, and you do not see anyone, then the angel is now with you.
You see an angel in the clouds
As a child, you may have spent a lot of time trying to recognize certain figures in the clouds. But some people claim that the shape of some clouds can be a sign of the presence of a guardian angel.
Clouds can actually look like an angel, or they can take on other pleasing shapes, such as a heart or other symbol that is meaningful to you personally.
Do you see angel numbers in public places
A really common way an angel will try to get your attention is through numbers. These can be numbers that are important to you personally, such as birthdays or anniversaries, or magical repeating numbers such as "333" or "11:11". These numbers appear in everyday situations and can be your keeper's way of getting noticed.
You feel an incomprehensible change in temperature
Like inexplicable smells, a change in temperature may indicate the presence of an angel. People feel these changes in various forms. You may feel a strange coldness or a sudden warmth. In this way, your angel gives you a soothing hug.
You hear muffled voices
You cannot literally speak to the guardian angel. However, this does not mean that he does not try to communicate with you. Those who believe in angels claim that they hear muffled voices in peaceful surroundings. This distant muffled sound could mean that your angel is trying to talk to you. Or maybe it's just a way of reassuring you that he's close.
You feel that you are not alone
Every person feels from time to time that he is not alone. It could just be a sixth sense, or it could be the wiggling of the hair on the back of your head. Many believers really feel when a guardian angel is with them. They say they are aware of the presence of angels even when they are alone in an empty room.
You feel tingling at the top of your head
Another specific sensation that many believers report is tingling at the back of the head. It can take the form of sudden heat. Many people talk about the powerful connection between the crown of your head and your guardian angel. This tingling may indicate that your angel wants to communicate with you.
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Guardian Angel is at your side to help you fulfill your life duties in this life. Its job is to make sure you are in the right place at the right time. He is the one who helps you meet the people who are supposed to meet you on your life journey and much more. From all this comes his name - Guardian Angel. In order for him to complete his task through you, he will always find ways to contact you. He does this when you need to get a message, distract you, or encourage you at a time when you lack courage. Because of all this, there are times when you may receive strange signs or messages that are thrown your way in life. Sometimes these messages can appear very often, but sometimes less often. It all depends on whether you can listen to him or whether he will have to work hard to clarify something for you. The signs are often visible even when you are asking the Guardian Angel to reveal himself and give his guidance.
I have previously written extensively about angelic messages in which the angels create opportunities to communicate with you through numbers. In addition to the world of numbers, there are other ways in which Angels communicate with us. However, if you are interested in Angel's messages sent to the numbers, you can find all my interpreted messages HERE . But in addition to numbers, there are other signs that Guardian Angels use to communicate the most. I will write down for you the most widely known ways that the Guardian Angel will hint to you.
1. Touch or sudden cold air behind the back of
Your personal guardian can touch you so that you feel this. Maybe you have felt a knock on your back, you are watching and there is no one there. For example, you have felt a cold wind when it is not possible, or you feel that someone is hugging you. Such things are experienced and not in vain. Your Guardian Angel wants to send you a message.
The moment you feel a gentle touch, you may receive a message from your Guardian Angel that everything is fine, don't worry, I'm here! However, if you are under pressure, you may be in danger, and the Guardian Angel will want to warn you in advance. The moment you feel an inexplicable cold wind, know that it was at that moment that the Guardian Angel entered your Aura field. Do you also know that the Guardian Angel is not with you all the time? This is also the reason why he is not always in the right place at the right time and why you cannot reach him at any time. But you can make this connection stronger and invite him to the Aura field more often. Tips on how to do this are at the end of the article.
2. Messages through music
A Guardian Angel who does his job well always finds ways to reach you. One way is to direct you to listen to music/songs that contain the message you need to know. Another way is that if you are deliberately not listening to anything and somewhere in the background, for example, a radio is playing, you will hear certain lyrics. The Guardian Angel helps to get your attention. It seeks and selects the thoughts you need to know. To me, this is one of the most common ways that a Guardian Angel reacts to my thoughts. Maybe you've been in a situation where you're thinking about something and then you hear a song on the radio talking about the same topic. In this case, this is confirmation from your Guardian Angel.
3. Energetic circle or light
Guardian Angel can get into your photo, there is a strange glow or light around you when you take a picture. He can also save himself in a photograph as a strange collection of light. Many people have their Guardian Angel in the picture. It always looks strange, inexplicable and raises questions. This is a sign that the Guardian Angel is very active around you and wants to contact you. When creating such a photo, be especially active in communicating with the Guardian Angel himself. Send him your thoughts and at the same time listen to your intuition. Intuition is his channel through which he can contact you.
4. Man without a face in a dream
One of the most common ways for a Guardian Angel to contact you is to visit you in a dream. He will appear without a face, or you will not be able to remember his face in a dream. In this case, your personal Guardian Angel most likely appeared in your dreams.
In this dream, he must give you an important message. Usually this dream haunts you so that you can interpret it for yourself.
If your Guardian Angel contacted you in a dream, remember if you remember his message word for word or if it confused you. It all depends on how open you yourself are to the world of dreams. I recommend keeping Celestine Geode and Labradorite in your bedroom to better connect with the Guardian Angel in your dreams. To see feathers For example, every time you go for a walk, a feather flies in your path. The feathers will find their way to you if the Guardian Angel wants to contact you. For example, he wants to send you a message so that you know he is there. Seeing the feather constantly, be thankful that it is by your side and will help you on your journey. I also recommend that you send him messages at this point, ask him for something, and be sure to ask him for protection. At the same time, you should listen more to your intuition. Through it, he communicates with you, and when you listen to your voice, you also hear his messages in this voice.
6. Letter messages
The Guardian Angel will find any way to contact you if he needs it. So he can write messages on your way. How can he do it? It either uses thoughts that have already been written down or draws your attention to something that resembles a particular word or symbol. Guardian Angels always stand out when they talk to you for some inexplicable reason. For example, you may notice how the word "yes" is made up of clouds, or you may see an angelic image there as you search for the message supported by the universe. You may also find yourself in a situation where you are focused on love, you have lost hope and wonder if love is meant for your life. After that, when you go shopping, you only notice books about love. Guardian Angel finds ways to communicate messages to you through objects that have text about you or remind you of certain messages.
Make your Aura field the best place for your Guardian Angel to be, so he can contact you more often and help you more if needed!
Guardian Angel can reach the Aura field faster and more often if your Aura field is more favorable for Angels. This is facilitated by faith in the Angels, in oneself and in the Guardian Angel. Faith opens doors for Angels and should not be underestimated. There are energies that you can discover and create using your own power of thought.
If you want to establish contact with the world of angels, I advise you to light a blue candle at home. Use it so that you hold it in front of a mirror. If you have Angelite , Opalite or any angel crystal at home, use it for this as well. So you open the portal of angels in your house! This will help you get in closer contact with the world of angels, and in this way they will protect your home and your family!
Wearing Angel crystals as jewelry helps a lot. For example, long-term wear Serafinite , Iolite , Blue Lace Agate , Opalite , aura crystals and other crystals that promote contact with Angels. They will open the door for Angels in your Aura field.
It is also very useful to burn Heavenly incense, which will help cleanse the field of your Aura from the energy blocking the connection with the Guardian Angel.