Contacting an angel
I am frequently asked how to communicate with a guardian angel and the answer is simple: all you have to do is ask.
Your guardian angel is there all the time, waiting and hoping for you to start to listen to it. It has in fact, been touching you all along, willing you to realize that it is there.
As you read this, acknowledge the fact that there is an angel by your side. If you find this hard to do, just suspend your disbelief for a short time and imagine it. Have a little faith and be open to the possibility that there is someone there beside you who never leaves you even for one second, who wants to help you. Even if you are very afraid to do it, acknowledge your guardian angel and welcome them in. This is the first step.
Angels go to great lengths to try to communicate with humans. I have seen angels pulling people’s clothes or make them drop things to try and get their attention. We have so much help available, so many angels wanting to guide us but many of us don’t want, or are too busy, to listen. We believe that we can do everything ourselves.
Consider for a moment how often you have had an experience like this. You are heading off somewhere and you go right instead of left.
Deep inside you knew that you should have gone left and you kick yourself. That would have been your guardian angel telling you telepathically, or whispering in your ear, that you should go left.
Each time something like this happens remind yourself to listen the next time. So many times we ignore our guardian angel or do the complete opposite and then we complain that things do not work out for us. God wants us to be happy and to enjoy our lives but we need to listen to our guardian angel.
Angels love to teach and are brilliant teachers. If you are willing and open to learn, they will teach you how to communicate with them. One of the great things about angels is that they never give up. Even if we give up on ourselves, the angels never will. I don’t know where they get the patience from.
In the early stage of teaching you how to communicate, the angels will teach you using trivial things. Perhaps you have left your house when suddenly you get a feeling that you have forgotten something, but you know you have everything with you. Well go back in and check – this is how the angels teach people. More than likely you will find that there is something that you hadn’t thought of that you had forgotten or there is something that needs to be done. The angels use ordinary, everyday things as teaching tools. They are trying to get through to you, they want you to respond. We humans go around looking for meaning in everything. Stop looking for meaning all the time. Don’t over complicate matters. The angels will tell you when to look for meaning.
Angels are very good at giving signs. If you are only starting to develop your communication then ask for a small sign. Keep asking too. Perhaps you might ask for a particular friend who you haven’t been in contact with for a while to ring you, or you might ask for the lights in your room to flicker when you are thinking of, or talking to your guardian angel.
Be alert for signs, often we miss them. A person asking for help may feel a gentle breeze flowing across the room, sometimes an angel might touch your hand or you might feel a sensation of pins and needles out of the blue. These little signs are your guardian angel’s way of telling you that they are there and that they can hear you.
A sign from the angels, no matter how trivial it may seem at the time, is a symbol of hope that reminds us that we are not alone, no matter what may be happening in our lives.
We need signs because we are only human and we need reassurance. We need to know that God and his angels are there. God gives us many signs and if we keep our eyes, ears and hearts open we will see them and they will help to fill our lives with hope, joy and laughter.
Reposted with permission from
7 Shocking Ways Angels Speak To You Every Day
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Read more about our vetting process.Angels. The very word conjures up mental imagery of translucent beings attached to wings. But are angels real?
If you have followed this blog for any amount of time, you likely know that I will write about topics that touch upon the supernatural. Thats because there exists an intersection between human spirituality and general psychology.
Recently, I had the opportunity sit down with a Native Indian healer named Ben who regularly infuses elements of spirituality into his practice as a shaman.
He explained to me that while the term angel may subjective, its meaning is universal.Heres how he defines an angel. Your definition may or may not be the same.
A messenger from a higher power that some call God. Angels are sent to guide us and teach important life lessons. Angelsspeak to us each day.
Intrigued, I asked him to tell me more.What Ben shared was fascinating!In fact, I was so caught up with his insight that I decided to jotit all down.
What follows are 7 shocking ways angels speak to you every day.
Check this out.
Angels very often come to you in your dreams, but you may not recognize them or remember the dreams upon waking. To heighten your awareness of dream time communications from your angels, spend a few minutes speaking to your angels before you go to sleep.
Ask your angels to visit you in your dreams and share important insights that you may need to know. Keep a notebook and pen by your bed, and upon waking try to recall your dreams. Jot down any details you can remember, even if they don’t seem to be related to angels
Over time, you may start receiving messages from your angels while you dream, and you will improve your ability to recall anything of importance.
For example, if you have been dreaming about someone with brown eyes, it may be a message from beyond that suggests you need to become warmer and more open to someone you love.
Sometimes your angels will try to get your attention through physical sensations like tingling, a feeling of warmth spreading over you, a light touch on your hand, a feeling of someone gently stroking your hair, or even a tangible presence in the room with you.
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This often happens when you are frightened or sad about something and your angels want to comfort you. When you feel sensations like these, be sure to acknowledge them.
Say, “Thank you angels, I can feel you here with me and I’m grateful for your love and support.”
Your angels may also communicate in more obvious ways, like speaking directly to you. You may hear a voice, either inside your head or a voice that seems to come from outside of you, even when no one else is around.
Very often this will happen when your angels need to share some vital information to keep you safe. They may say things like, “Obey the speed limit,” or “Don’t take the freeway today.” This kind of communication can be difficult to believe at times.
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You may wonder if you are just imagining the voice, and you may even be tempted to dismiss it. Even if you have doubts about whether your angels are really speaking to you, it’s a good idea to follow the advice you hear because most of the time it will help you avoid some unpleasant experiences.
Angels can also communicate with other sounds besides voices. You may hear faint vocalizations that sound like angels singing, soft bells chiming, or music with no apparent source. When this happens, acknowledge it and ask your angels to make it clearer.
You might say something like this: “Angels, I think I hear you, but it’s very faint. Can you make it a little bit louder?” Then sit quietly and concentrate, and most often you will be able to tune in better.
If you are a visual person, you may see mental visions while meditating or in the last few minutes before you fall asleep. You may see swirling colors, sparkles of light, or even a clear image of one of your angels standing before you.
It is also possible to see visual phenomena in your surroundings as you go about your daily routine. You may see little flashes or streaks of light, or catch a quick glimpse of a glowing figure that looks like an angel, but it disappears when you turn to look directly at it
This usually means that you are becoming more sensitive to the presence of your angels. They are always around you, but you may not have been tuned in enough to notice it before.
Your angels may also communicate by giving you little signs or symbols throughout the day. These signs can vary widely, and they will usually be very personal to you.
Some examples might be finding white feathers wherever you go; seeing a bumper sticker that reads, “You Are Loved” just when you needed such a reminder; or a perfect flower growing in a place you least expected it.
The best way to tell whether these experiences are truly signs from your angels or mere coincidence is to pay attention to how you feel. A sign from your angels will always have a strong feeling attached to it, like a heightened sense of awareness or a strong feeling that someone is trying to tell you something.
Angels can also communicate with you through human or animal “helpers”. For example, you might ask your angels for advice on a particular subject before you go to work, and then one of your co-workers will utter the exact words you needed to hear.
Related: Do you have a spirit animal?
Or you might see an animal in nature and it seems to grab your attention very strongly, so you’ll look up the symbolism of that animal and find that it holds significance for you.
Your angels can communicate with you in endless ways, but the key is to simply pay attention. The more you work on heightening your awareness of your angels and following the insights and hunches you receive from them, you will become much more confident in knowing when your angels are trying to get your attention.
Below I have included a book below entitled Angels 101 by Dr. Doreen Virtue. Sheexplores the topic of angels in detail. What’s great about this read is the non-denominational approach the author takes in exploring this topic.
The question of rather whether angels are real or not is up to you. If you are a person who likes to include elements of Jungian psychology and psycho-spirituality into your daily wellness routine, this might be something you want to check out.
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Four ways to contact your Guardian Angel
Many people around the world believe in Guardian Angels. Some think that each person is assigned one angel. Others believe that there are two Angels: one for the day and one for the night. Still others argue that people do not have permanent guardian angels, but God can send them at the right time.
Although the existence of Angels has not been proven, many try to contact them through meditation and prayer. Here's what you need to do to get in touch with your Guardian Angel.
1. Listen to your intuition
Pay attention to how developed your intuition or "sixth sense". This is the main way the Angels communicate with us. If you have an important decision to make, mentally ask your Angel what to do. The correct answer will pop up in your head. This is your Angel giving the clue.
2. Write down your thoughts
Everything that suddenly appears in your head, your Angel tells you. Ideas and inspiration come for a reason. Over time, you can forget them, and a written book will help you save everything. If you have goals and desires, write them down on paper. The guardian angel will help you in every possible way in achieving and implementing them.
3. Meditate
Meditation clears the mind and helps you focus on the important things. Take a comfortable position and try not to think about anything. Greet your Angel and thank him for helping you. Then share your concerns and ask for advice. The guardian angel will definitely give you a sign. For example, you will hear a noise, see a fleeting image in your mind, or feel warmth.
4. Believe
Remember that your Angel is always with you. Think of him standing right behind you when you're having a hard time. This will not only give strength and confidence in difficult times, but will also let your Guardian Angel know that you need his help.
Angels help people without direct appeal to them. But, if you are not sure that your Guardian Angel is nearby, then ask him to give you a sign. Turning to the Higher Powers is a personal spiritual experience that depends on your faith, so these methods may not work for everyone.
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How to establish a connection with a guardian angel?
If you establish a connection with the guardian angel, you can get answers to any questions and always know in advance where to lay the straw! Read how!
- Who is a guardian angel?
- Are there really guardian angels?
- An amazing story of communication with angels!
- Now I regularly communicate with my angels and receive help from them
- What can give you a connection with a guardian angel?
- How to get in touch with a guardian angel?
- Meditation for communication with higher powers
Who is a guardian angel?
It is believed that each person has his own spiritual mentor.
For Buddhists, these are antaryamins, for Jews - ophanims, Christians call such guardians guardian angels. A spiritual mentor is a higher being who, according to religious beliefs, accompanies a person through life, protects him and helps him in difficult situations.
Are there really guardian angels?
Or is it just a figment of human imagination, and all the wonderful stories about help from above are a game of our consciousness? This experience of the reader casts doubt on the arguments of convinced materialists.
An amazing story of communication with angels!
“Somehow, being interested in esotericism, I got into a club whose leader told me how to get in touch with spiritual beings and establish contact with guardian angels.
Entering into meditation, I tried to call my angel, and the name Uriel¹ came to my mind. But I didn’t hear such an angel, I thought that it was probably some kind of mistake. Continuing the tuning, I realized within myself another name - Raphael². I knew this angel, and decided that he was my guardian angel.
After this incident, I began to see angels in my dreams…
But they were not at all like they are depicted in the pictures. I even tried to sketch, but I'm not much of an artist. Then the head of the club spoke about the cards with the image of angels, made by Ph.D., practicing psychologist and American writer Doreen Virtue.
When I found these cards on the Internet, I was simply amazed!
The first card I drew was the angel Uriel card! When I took out the second card, Raphael was depicted on it! All my skepticism after that just disappeared) And later I found out that a person can have several guardian angels who help him through life.
Now I communicate with my angels regularly and get help from them
I just go into meditation, tune in to my angel and ask a question.
And that's what's interesting!
Sometimes I do hear a voice, but more often than not, I get some feeling of what to do. Once I really wanted to buy a chic dress, but there was no money for it.
I thought to ask the guardian angel for help. I never received an answer that time and decided to try later - I had to get ready for work. And imagine! Leaving their house, I found a thick gold chain with a pendant right next to the door! Gram 10, no less! I don’t wear gold, so after work I went to the pawnshop and handed over this chain along with the pendant. The money I received was completely enough for the dress, and even left!” Julia
What can give you a connection with a guardian angel?
Strong contact with the guardian angel allows:
- to avoid many mistakes and troubles;
- get advice or hint;
- find help in some business;
- protect yourself from danger;
- restore health;
- and even come back to life after clinical death!
Real user stories about what contact with the guardian angel gave them, read here >>>
How often miraculous situations arise in people's lives that literally save them from death!
- Someone misses the plane that is taking off and suffers a plane crash.
- Someone transfers to the bus and a truck crashes into the same place...
- Someone falls into the heights and remains safe and sound...
Not it is important how, but the guardian angel saves a person from trouble or tries in every possible way to prevent and help it.
How to get in touch with a guardian angel?
A special meditation will help you establish contact with your guardian angel.
During meditation, the spiritual mentor can appear in any form - a person, a bundle of energy, or something else.
But before conducting such a meditation, it is recommended to clear the energy-information field, because not only good beings live in the subtle world. Prayer will help with this >>>
Meditation for communication with higher powers
- We need to find a calm, quiet place where no one will disturb.
- Create a meditative environment - turn on relaxing music, light candles and incense.
- Get into a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax your body.
1. In a relaxed state, you need to focus on your guardian angel.
2. When the presence of some kind force is intuitively felt (this can be felt as warmth and joy, elation, or a pleasant image may appear before your eyes, or someone's voice can be heard internally ...), you can turn to it in your own words.
3. During the first communication, the name of the guardian angel should be asked. Then you can ask him for advice or help.
* When mentally communicating with a guardian angel, it is important to allow yourself to receive a spiritual message, you just need to trust your feelings, and not evaluate them logically. There should be no resistance or fear (if there is fear, then a dark entity has probably come into contact, and meditation should be interrupted).
4. After meditation, you should thank your guardian angel and ask him to always be there, protect you from danger and guide you on the right path.
5. Before returning to normal activities after meditation on communicating with higher powers, it is recommended to stay in a relaxed state for some time and analyze the information received.
An important point!
With each such meditation, the connection with the spiritual mentor will become stronger and stronger.
Advanced practitioners do not even need to enter a meditative state, they can contact the guardian angel at any time when necessary.
Read more: How to communicate with the Guardian Angel? Proven Method!
Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material
¹ Uriel or Uriel is one of the seven archangels in the Christian tradition (Wikipedia).
² Archangel Raphael - according to the apocrypha - one of the archangels. According to the apocryphal Book of Enoch, Raphael is considered the second in a row in a row of archangels (after Michael) (Wikipedia).