Can learning disabilities be outgrown or cured
Frequently Asked Questions about Learning Disorders | Columbia University
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Lindsay Hardy, PsyD, and Meghan Tomb, PhD
What is the difference between having learning issues and having a learning disorder or disability?Everyone’s brain works differently, and we all have our learning strengths and challenges. Some people may read more slowly than others. One person can learn a musical passage by heart, while another person is a better visual learner. Some people master mathematical concepts very quickly. Others take more time. However, when a learning issue or difference becomes a significant obstacle, a child may begin to fall behind their peers despite putting forth significant effort and receiving extra assistance from parents and teachers. When a child continues to struggle despite attempts at remediation (i.e., tutoring or one-to-one assistance from parents at home), this could be an indication of a learning disability that may require specialized intervention and support.
It is important to monitor your child’s learning and academic achievement from an early age. Discuss your concerns with your child’s pediatrician and other healthcare providers, as they can help rule out other medical issues (hearing or vision loss, for example) and help you determine whether further evaluation might be necessary. Discussion with teachers and other educators may be helpful as well, since they see your child in an academic setting.
Is there a cure for learning disorders?There is no cure for learning disorders, but treatment and intervention can be very effective. Teaching style, academic structure, and information presentation may need to be tailored to a student’s learning and processing style in order to ensure successful learning.
Does a learning disorder mean that my child is less intelligent?No. The presence of a learning disability means only that your child processes information differently than his or her classmates, and supplemental accommodations may be required to help him or her master specific subjects and/or concepts. In fact, many influential people have struggled with learning disabilities. There is no doubt that children with learning disabilities have the same potential to succeed as other children without learning disabilities.
You do not have to inform other doctors or nonacademic after-school program coordinators about your child’s disability. It may help the professional give your child better care or services, but it is not a legal requirement. It is important to note that all of your child’s other providers within the same facility or medical center may be able to access his or her medical records, which may outline the diagnoses, but providers are unable to share these records to anyone outside of their institution or facility without a parents’ express written permission.
Whether your child chooses to disclose a learning disability to his or her employer in the future is up to your child.
It is important for children with learning disabilities to feel supported, understood, and appreciated for the effort they are putting forth at home and at school. Positive reinforcement, even for small tasks, can be a helpful way to boost a child’s self-esteem. Children should be reminded that their learning needs are only one aspect of who they are as a person, and their strengths should be highlighted as much as possible. Parents have the potential to be their children's strongest allies. By becoming informed about their children’s particular needs, parents will be better able to educate others and advocate for their children, both at school and among other family members and friends.
Was it something I did during the pregnancy that caused this?The development of learning disabilities, in general, appears related to numerous genetic and environmental factors. However, substance use during pregnancy can lead to increased rates of learning disabilities in children. Please see What Causes Learning Disabilities, from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, for more information.
Learning disorders are considered brain-based disorders that individuals do not typically “outgrow.” However, difficulties that children experience during school-age years may change as they grow older and different skills are required to succeed. Interventions for learning disorders should be consistently tailored to match the individual’s difficulties, as well as the expectations of the environment, including school, home, and work.
Lindsay Hardy, PsyD, is a clinical child and adolescent psychologist and neuropsychologist.
Meghan Tomb, PhD, is a child and adolescent psychologist and neuropsychologist. She specializes in comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations of children, adolescents, and young adults with learning, language, attention/executive function, and developmental disabilities.
Dr. Tomb is an Assistant Professor of Medical Psychology at Columbia University Medical Center, associate clinical director of PROMISE at Columbia, and a neuropsychologist at ColumbiaDoctor's Neuropsychological Evaluation Service.
Can learning disabilities be cured? — Progress Parade
5 minute read
Written by Tulin Akin
Illustration by Olga Gorbachyonok
Since we’re tutors for learning disabilities, we want to empower our families with a better understanding of this diagnosis! In this series, we've shared a learning disability primer, covered how learning disabilities are diagnosed, what to do when learning of a new diagnosis, and the difference between learning disabilities and ADHD.
In this article, we will answer a common question: Can learning disabilities be cured?
Can Learning Disabilities be Cured?The short answer to this is: no, learning disabilities cannot be cured. Like all neurological disorders, it is lifelong. But that definitely does not mean your child is fated to a lifetime of low academic performance, an insecure future, or a low-paying job. In fact, you’ll see in our examples later that the opposite can be true! Forbes even recently pointed out that many characteristics of learning disabilities in reading (aka, dyslexia) will help businesses to function in a changing environment!
The way a learning disability expresses itself may change over an individual’s life, depending on the relationship between the demands of the environment and their strengths and needs. With the right supports and interventions, some children with learning disabilities may “grow out” of special education, but many will need academic support through their entire educational career. The accommodations and strategies that children learn in school will help them be successful in college and work.
While a learning disability won’t be diagnosed until a child is of school age, its effects aren’t limited to the school years. Calculating bills or a bank balance, reading street signs, filling out forms, and keeping oneself organized are daily activities for all adults, but may pose particular challenges for persons with learning disabilities, which can affect processing speed, working memory, and the input and output of information. There are lots of strategies which support ongoing success and independence like putting to-do lists or reminders in their phone, making estimates in math or listening to an auditory version of reading material. These are some of the many strategies available to help those with learning disabilities be successful in adulthood. Many students with disabilities learn these strategies at a young age, but even “neurotypical” adults often rely on them in their busy adulthoods!
Having a learning disability doesn’t make a child “bad” at school. It means they learn differently and need to be supported in that way. Then they can still develop confidence in themselves as learners, which will carry them far in life. Remember, a learning disability is something someone has, not who they are.
“Many students with disabilities learn these strategies at a young age, but even “neurotypical” adults often rely on them in their busy adulthoods!”
Learning disabilities and turning learning challenges in life changing achievementsThere are plenty of examples of famous people who have opened up in interviews about their learning disabilities when they were children, and how it still impacts them as adults. For many adults, working through a learning disability in their early years guided the careers they chose and is part of the reason that they are successful.
When school is easy or one can get by on “listening and memorizing” or “cramming,” they don’t learn functional study skills and will ultimately hit a limit sometime in high school or college when those approaches no longer work. We’ve seen students that breezed through many grades and then hit a year where academics required more of them, and suddenly, they thought “I’m dumb now. ” Students with learning disabilities, for whom school was never simple, already have years of practice of slowing down, re-reading, re-framing, repeated practice, and different methods of studying – for them, adjusting how they approach a subject or project isn’t new and they don’t face that learning cliff the way other students do. As Tim Tebow, former NFL quarterback who has been open about his dyslexia, has described in interviews, finding out how he learned made all the difference. He has said, “I’m not somebody that opens a playbook and just turns and reads and reads. So I just made flashcards. I take each one…when I’m traveling, I just flip through it. That really helped me. Writing it down, flipping through and quizzing myself, that was a great way for me to do it.”
Because it is a neurological disorder, people with learning disabilities have brains that see the world differently, and that can work to their advantage. Paul Orfalea, who founded the Kinkos copy shops, has described his learning disability and different learning style as helping him to see the big picture and not worry about tiny details, something that has helped him be successful in his business.
Students with learning disabilities learn early on to keep trying. Patrick Dempsey, actor, was diagnosed with dyslexia at age 12, and has stated in interviews that he continues to struggle with reading his scripts. But, he also says, his struggles with reading have made him who he is: “it’s given me a perspective of ‘you have to keep working.’ I have never given up.” While it can’t be easy to be an adult who struggles with reading, it’s also helped him build strengths that make him a hard worker, a positive quality it would be good for all of us to emulate.
“ Students with learning disabilities, for whom school was never simple, already have years of practice of slowing down, re-reading, re-framing, repeated practice, and different methods of studying.”
Learning disabilities: part of a diverse world
Given that anywhere from 5-9% of the population has a learning disability, there are a lot of successful adults out there who are living daily with the understanding that their brains work differently. Many people with learning disabilities find that they are broad thinkers and intuitive because they have to approach learning differently, which can boost their creativity.
I’ll discuss this more in a follow up article, but there are lots of things parents and teachers can do to encourage their children’s confidence and interests outside their area of disability. We’ll also talk about how to continue to encourage your child even in the area of difficulty – learning strategies and approaches to reading even when one has a learning disability in reading is important for success, confidence, and daily activities.
While there are many adults out there who are not interviewed about their learning disabilities, or choose not to be open about it, we can use what we do know from people’s experiences and how they contend with their disability on a daily basis, to look to their success to inspire our children to persist in not letting the challenges of a learning disability stop their growth.
EducationGuest Userlearning disabilities, learning disability, college and learning disabilities, diverse learners, special ed, special education tutoring, special education, special education tutoring online, dyslexia
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Difficulties in teaching younger students
home > Symptoms of childhood illnesses: information about the section > Difficulties in teaching schoolchildren
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U F X C H W Shch E Yu Ya
Sometimes it is difficult for a child to learn. This does not mean that he is less intellectually developed than others: it is simply more difficult for him to learn. Failure at school, snowballing, can lead the child and the whole family to more and more frustration and frustration. Sometimes it is learning difficulties that underlie behavioral deviations, attention deficit disorder, or emotional outbursts. In this case, the behavior usually returns to normal when the cause is recognized and eliminated.
Sometimes it becomes difficult for a child to learn after a head injury or brain infection. Often the cause is hereditary. Some children find it difficult to read, count, write, others - listening and understanding the text, memorizing and retelling. Some children struggle with skills that require the coordination of perceptual systems and muscles; balance, coordination of movements. Such children often find it difficult to communicate. They misunderstand and react inadequately to parents, friends, teachers. Psychological and social problems such as learning difficulties require an immediate response on your part. Trouble in this regard may become apparent even in a preschooler, or may manifest itself only in the middle grades of the school. The role of the teacher in the classroom and your actions at home are equally important here.
Ask your doctor and teacher at school if:
- the child has difficulty reading and counting
- the child lags behind peers in studies
- the child has emotional outbursts and deviations in behavior
- the child looks depressed
- avoids school attendance
If a child has learning difficulties, a qualified specialist should help him. Therefore, before undertaking anything, consult a child psychologist.
Does the child speak poorly? Does he find it difficult to find words and express his thoughts? Is it not always easy for him to understand you? Does he have difficulty remembering? | Delayed development: impaired attention and / or memory; speech development disorder | Consult a pediatrician : he will examine the child and determine if treatment is needed |
A school-age child speaks well but has difficulty writing? Is he struggling with written school assignments? Asking someone else to do them for him? | Difficulties with writing; movement disorders | Contact a child psychologist - he will suggest ways to solve the problem. |
Is it difficult for a child to understand the text when reading independently, although he understands well if they are read to him? Is it difficult for him to remember what he read? | Poor perception of visual information; poor vocabulary; difficulty understanding content; attention problems | Make an appointment with a child psychologist , he will tell you how to solve the problem |
Is it difficult for a child to remember? Is it difficult to correctly retell the heard text? Poor memorization of mathematical formulas or theorems? | Violation of memory / thinking; attention disorder | If it is difficult for a child to learn, examination and qualified assistance are necessary. Consult a child psychologist how to improve your child's memory, attention and organization skills Ask the teacher at school to tell |
Are you worried about your child's behavior? Is he aggressive towards peers or teachers? Falling behind others in studies? | learning difficulties; deviations in behavior; attention disorder syndrome; depression | Ask the teacher at school to tell you what exactly worries him about the child. |
Gifted children also need help
Children with special abilities in reading, languages, mathematics, sciences, arts or sports are called gifted. Such children are usually interested in many things, read more (and more complex books) than their peers, and from an early age can work independently. Such children have more opportunities to develop themselves and achieve significant success in the future. Children with learning difficulties need special help; gifted children should be trained according to a special program that contributes to the development of their talent. The usual school load does not correspond to the potential of such a child. Not getting emotional satisfaction at school, children lose faith in themselves and feel more and more unhappy and lonely, bored - and then deviations in behavior may appear.
It is not always easy to provide a gifted child with a learning program that suits his abilities. Without special training, it is difficult for a teacher to communicate with a gifted student. Most gifted children need such training that would combine elements of independent work, classes of an increased level of complexity, and the use of additional resources. For gifted children, there are special schools, such as music or mathematics.
A complete list of symptoms (more than 70) that require the help of a pediatrician can be found here.
The materials presented in the handbook are advisory in nature and do not replace a consultation with a doctor!
You can make an appointment or call a pediatrician at home by calling the Center in Moscow:
+7(495) 229-44-10, +7(495) 954-00-46
The rights of students and parents in family education in 2022
72% of schoolchildren do not like to study at school, and 19% attend it under duress.
Natalia Bogatyreva
Author profile
There is an alternative to regular schooling — family education. Parents can pick up their child from school and teach them at home: sign up for online courses, hire tutors, or do homework together. At the same time, you can take exams at school, and a certificate based on the results of training is given the same as everyone else. In law, this is called family education. And in ordinary life, they often talk about family education. There is no difference between these concepts.
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Homeschooling is not the same as homeschooling. Children with poor health are transferred to home care. Teachers come to their homes. At the same time, homeschooled children still remain school students. And children in family education are connected with the school only by an agreement on attestations, and even those can be taken in different places. At the same time, they are not students, and the school owes them almost nothing.
Employers' rights
- Do not explain the reasons for the transition to family education
- Go to family education in the middle of the year
- Select the Learning Register
- Not to report on the organization of study
- to pick up a personal file
- to choose a school for certification
- Attend school circles and sections for free
- Participate in olympiads and competitions
- Borrow textbooks from the school library for free
- Free to contact a school psychologist and speech therapist
- receive regional compensations
- Get a deduction for paying for training
- to work in the free time
- to return to the usual school
- after the ninth grade, go to self -education
- pass exams for free
- Set aside an attestation obtained elsewhere
- Obtain a state certificate
- Finish school earlier
If you are interested in family education or are already using this form of education, learn about your rights: where to get textbooks, how to get compensation, what about tests and who administers exams. All rights with links to laws are in the table and cards.
Do not explain the reasons for switching to family education
Reason. Federal Law on education art. 17 h. 1 p. 2, art. 44 h. 3 p. 2, art. 63 hours 5
How it works. The law allows homeschooling. This is the same legal way to get an education as attending a school, college or lyceum. There are no special conditions for the transition to family education. A child can be absolutely healthy, communicate well with peers - or vice versa. He can get along with the teachers - or not. To switch to family education, you do not need to collect certificates from the administration and psychologists. The desire not to attend school and gain knowledge on your own is enough.
In order for a child to transfer to family schooling, the parents must notify the municipal education committee. If you live in the city, it will be the city administration, and if outside the city, it will be the district administration.
There are no strict notification requirements. It is enough to write that the parents decided to transfer the child to family education, the child's opinion was taken into account. The reasons for the decision do not need to be stated. Most likely, the Education Committee will let you fill out a ready-made form - it is better to clarify this in advance and find out what other documents are needed.
For example, in Chelyabinsk, an application must be submitted to the city committee for education, and along with it, bring your passport and the child's passport or his birth certificate. At the reception, you need to sign a consent to the processing of personal data.
After filing a notification with the municipality, you can go to the principal of the school and apply for a transfer to family education.
See also:
- How I transferred my children to family education.
Switch to family education in the middle of the year
Foundation. Federal Law on education art. 17 h. 1 p. 2, art. 44 hours 3 p. 2
How it works. You can switch to family education at any time. You don't have to wait until September 1st, January 1st, or the start of the term. There are no restrictions in the law for this, which means that they should not be at the school level either. As soon as the parents have talked with the child and made a decision, you can submit a notification to the local education committee.
If the school says that this is not allowed, remind them that the decision to transfer is made by the parents, not by the school and not by the director. If you have already filed a notice with the Education Committee, the school has no reason not to let the child go somewhere. In extreme cases, send the director an application for deduction in connection with the transition to family education by registered mail.
Select the training mode and schedule
Base. Federal Law on education art. 44 h. 4 p. 1, art. 58 h. 4, letter of the Ministry of Education and Science No. NT-1139/08
How it works. There is no class schedule, daily assessments, and tests at homeschooling. The family organizes learning in the way that suits them. You can enroll in an online school, hire tutors, or study on your own using textbooks that seem the most understandable and interesting. In general, you can study some subjects at school, and some at home. The law allows you to combine different forms of education.
Of course, it is impossible not to study at all. Even in family education, children need to pass certification and confirm their knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to organize training in such a way as to pass the school curriculum.
Attestation takes place at the school or on online platforms that have entered into an agreement with schools. How often depends on the school. Specific requirements and job options can also be found there. The general requirements for the school curriculum are the same for the whole country and are established by the Federal State Educational Standard, the federal state educational standard. It is different for each level of education:
- GEF for elementary school;
- GEF for secondary school;
- GEF for high school.
How to study the program and prepare for certification in family education is the business of parents and a child. The state does not interfere in this.
See also:
- 14 educational podcasts.
Do not report to anyone about the organization of studies
Foundation. Federal Law on education art. 44 hours 4 p. 1
How it works. The state does not control how parents organize family education. A child can wake up at ten in the morning, study subjects in any order and watch online lectures. No one will punish parents for the way they acquire knowledge. And they don’t even have to follow this: schools have no such obligation. They only check the knowledge of children for certification.
Family education is a normal practice provided by law. This is not a reason to come to the family with a check from guardianship or some other authorities. But this only works if you officially switch to family education. If you just take and not take your child to school, you can get a fine and be registered with the commission on juvenile affairs. Even if in fact the child is studying, and the parents help him.
One woman did not take her daughter to school, to the second grade. The Commission on Juvenile Affairs issued a fine to her. The woman appealed the fine and said that the child was in family education. But she did not submit any notifications to the local government. The court decided that the penalty was appropriate.
The fine, of course, is symbolic - from 100 to 500 R. But still unpleasant - and another reason for increased attention from controllers. Therefore, it is important to submit a notification to the municipality: this will confirm that the child is not skipping school, but studying at home.
See also:
- How to legally not take your child to school.
- Can guardianship punish a family for noisy children.
Pick up a personal file from school
Foundation. Admission procedure, approved. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 32, paragraph 20
How it works. Family education is education that a child receives outside organizations that carry out educational activities. That is what is written in the law. That is, the child leaves the school and is no longer its student. Therefore, when transferring to family education, the child is expelled. Then he will be able to attach himself to a school to pass the certification - the same or another, but this is a completely different relationship. The child will not become a student anyway.
You can pick up from school:
- The child's personal file with all the documents that are stored in it.
- Documents on progress in the current year - an extract from the class journal with current grades and results of intermediate certification.
- Medical card.
A personal file is started immediately upon admission and gradually supplemented. While the child is in family education, his parents keep his personal file. They put there certificates of attestation, copies of orders and other acts that schools take in relation to the child. A personal file must be kept: it will be needed if you decide to go back to school, as well as to fill out a certificate. The case should be brought to school only for certification.
See also:
- What parents of first graders can expect from a school.
Select a school for certification
Reason. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science No. NT-1139/08 p. 1
How it works. Children in family education need to attach to the school in order to pass the assessment and confirm their knowledge. The school may be public or private. It may not even be a school, but a university, if it teaches not only students, but also schoolchildren. The main thing is that the organization has state accreditation for general education programs: this gives the right to conduct certification. You can check the accreditation on the Rosobrnadzor website.
It is not necessary to choose a school by registration - you can live in Saratov and attach to a Moscow school. Moreover, certification in some schools can be done remotely.
Eligible schools must be reported to the education committee when parents go there to file a notice. But no one bothers to choose a school on your own.
It depends on the school how and when it will be necessary to pass certification: pass exams, tests, essays. The law does not require certification to be annual. Schools determine this for themselves, including for those who study at home. All this information should be available - they are posted on the school website.
In order to attach to the selected school, you need to submit an application to it for passing the intermediate and final certification. You can conclude an agreement with the school, but this is not necessary - it depends on the conditions of study. You can join for a year, for the entire time of studying in the school curriculum, or for only one assessment.
Attestation can be taken remotely and not go to school at all. To do this, sign an agreement with an online service that provides such a service. The platform has already concluded an agreement with the school, and parents interact only with the online service.
Remote certification is paid and costs from 3,000 R to 15,000 R per year.
See also:
- 9 family schools in Moscow
Attend free school clubs and sections
Founding. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science No. NT-1139/08 p. 2
How it works. In homeschooling, it is important that children communicate with their peers. Since they do not go to school, this can be done while visiting circles and sections. According to the law, this is called additional education. The Ministry of Education specifically notes that children in family education can receive additional education in schools to which they are attached for certification. Therefore, if there are free circles in the school, they can be attended by children who are attached to this school, but study at home.
Even in Russia, a system of state certificates for additional education is being introduced: parents choose where their child will go to study, and the state pays for it within the limits of the certificate. So you can go to paid classes and not spend your money on it. Children in family education have the same rights here as everyone else.
See also:
- How to issue a certificate for additional education of a child.
- Parents' rights at school.
Participate in olympiads and competitions
Foundation. Federal Law on education art. 33 h. 1 p. 9, art. 34 h. 1 p. 22
How it works. When a child is attached to a particular school, he receives the same rights as children who go to this school to study. For example, he can participate in competitions, olympiads, exhibitions and reviews that this school organizes. Including in the school stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.
Participation in olympiads and competitions is an opportunity to simplify your admission to a university. You can also win a scholarship. And in general, this allows you to test yourself in comparison with other students. The fact that a child studies at home is not a reason to restrict him in such rights. At some Olympiads, you need to get keys in order to register. You can do this through the school administration or use a special option for children in family education, if the organizers have provided for it.
Finding the right Olympiad and organizing the participation of a child in it in the case of home schooling is the task of parents. If you attach to the school in time, there should be no problems with participation.
See also:
- What students can get for good studies.
- 8 Olympiads that guarantee a budget place in a university.
Borrow free textbooks from the school library
Foundation. Federal Law on education art. 35 h. 1, letter of the Ministry of Education and Science No. NT-1139/08 p. 3
How it works. Municipal and state schools must provide textbooks free of charge. This also applies to those children who switched to family education. They can get textbooks and teaching aids at the school they are attached to.
Moreover, this can be organized in the region in different ways: textbooks can be issued not by the school itself, but by a special library created in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipality. If you need textbooks, but they are not provided, contact the municipal education committee. They have to figure out how to provide them to the child.
This rule does not apply to private schools. If there is no free provision of textbooks, they will have to be bought.
See also:
- How not to go broke on your child's education.
Contact a school psychologist and speech therapist free of charge
Reason. Federal Law on education art. 33 h. 1 p. 9, art. 42, letter of the Ministry of Education and Science No. NT-1139/08 p. 4
How it works. Schools should have specialists who help schoolchildren solve problems with studies, families and peers: educational psychologists, social pedagogues, speech therapists. Children who are attached to the school to pass the certification can also contact them.
If there are no such specialists in the school, you can contact the centers of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance. Where exactly to go for help and advice, they will tell you at the school or at the municipal education committee.
For example, a psychologist can help develop an individual study plan and build relationships with parents who have taken on the role of teachers. Moreover, a psychologist can consult not only the children themselves, but also their parents - for free.
See also:
- Is it possible to get a deduction for visits to a psychologist?
Receive regional compensation
Reason. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science No. NT-1139/08 p. 6, Federal Law No. 184-FZ art. 26.3.1 s. 2 s. 24, paragraph 3.1
How it works. When parents pick up a child from school, they kind of agree to spend more time on his education. At the same time, the state saves something on such a child: you can not pay teachers for him, you can not provide a room for classes, you don’t even need to provide hot meals.
Therefore, in some regions, additional compensation payments are introduced for parents who have transferred their child to family education. There are no such compensations at the federal level. The regions themselves decide on what conditions to introduce these payments and whether to introduce them at all. You need to clarify this in the department of education when submitting a notice of the transition to family education.
For example, in Perm, compensation is paid after the child successfully passes the next examination. Success is threes, fours and fives. Of the money that the organization receives from the budget for the education of the child, it keeps 20% for itself, and gives 80% to the parents.
You can still receive payments after your child turns 18 if they are still in general education. Even if the regional act refers to children in home education. There is a court decision where it is justified.
See also:
- Benefits for low-income families.
- Payments and benefits for a child in 2020.
- New conditions for benefits for children from 3 to 7 years old.
- Payments for the first and second child in 2020.
- Benefits and payments to large families in Moscow.
Get a tuition deduction
Reason. Tax Code of the Russian Federation Art. 219 p. 1 subp. 2
How it works. On the one hand, family education allows you to save on school expenses: at least you do not need to buy a uniform and do not have to donate anything for the needs of the class. On the other hand, parents often spend money on paying for online lessons and online schools. Passing intermediate certifications in schools can also be paid. Parents can attach their child to a local school and not pay for certifications, or they can choose a convenient school and take everything remotely. These will be paid educational services.
In this case, parents can save money by using a tax deduction. You can return a maximum of 6,500 R per year - if you pay 50,000 R for tuition. This amount is for two parents at once. That is, for each child, mom and dad together can return a maximum of 6500 R of the paid personal income tax. If less is actually spent on education, then the deduction will be less.
The deduction cannot be received if the parents work as individual entrepreneurs in a special regime, self-employed or unofficially. And also - if they paid for the education with the mother's capital: this is possible, but the deduction is not allowed in this case.
See also:
- How to claim your tuition tax credit.
- How to get a deduction and return personal income tax for the education of a brother or sister.
- How much money can be returned for a child's education at a university.
Work in your free time
Establishment. Labor Code of the Russian Federation Art. 63
How it works. You can be in family school and work at the same time at any age, but you must follow the restrictions:
- Work should not interfere with studies.
- Do not carry out heavy or dangerous work.
- Parental and guardian consent may be required.
- You can't work all day.
How can I work in family education
Child's age | What kind of work is allowed | Working day | The role of parents | Role of guardianship authority |
Under 14 | Athlete, actor, entertainer | How the guardianship authority decides | Signing an agreement | Gives permission |
14 years old | Light work | 2.5 hours | Give consent | Gives consent |
15 years old | Light work | 2.![]() | - | - |
16 and 17 years old | In conditions not harmful to children | 4 hours | - | - |
to 14 years old
athlete, actor, artist
The amount of tax per year
as the guardianship authority
decides with a deduction of contributions
Signed a total of
. permit
At 14
Light work
Tax per year
2.5 hours
Less contributions
Total for the year
gives consent
at 15 years old
Light labor
2.5 hours
with a deduction of contributions
-Total to pay for the year
at 16 and 17 years old
in conditions not harmful to children
The amount of tax per year
4 hours
with a deduction of contributions
Total payable for the year
Work must be paid, full-time work cannot be paid less than the minimum wage. If children work 4 hours a day, they must receive at least ½ minimum wage. In 2022, this is 6945 R, since the minimum wage is 13,890 R.
See also:
- Children's rights.
- Who pays taxes on the earnings of minors.
- How a teenager can earn extra money on vacation.
- How to raise a millionaire.
- Do your children know how to manage money properly
- How to give money to children.
Return to regular schooling
Founding. Federal Law on education art. 17 h 4, art. 44 h. 3 p. 2, art. 63 hours 4
How it works. At any moment, parents and their child can change their mind and return to school. You can start attending scheduled classes even from the middle of the school year.
The opinion of the child must be taken into account. Perhaps he did not like family education and he misses the class and teachers. Or, on the contrary, does not want to go to school for anything. The law obliges parents to take this into account.
You will have to return to school if the child has not passed the intermediate or final assessment and has not paid off debts on time. In such cases, children must be educated in an educational organization: this is required by law. Even if the parents are against it, it will no longer be possible to resist. Either you pick up the child and he masters the school curriculum, or return him to school so that the state takes care of education. Information on the procedure and terms for attestation and repayment of debts should be posted on the school website.
See also: How to teach your child to get to school safely
Start self-education after the ninth grade
Foundation. Federal Law on education art. 63 hours 2
How it works. The Law on Education distinguishes two forms: family education and self-education. In the first case, the family helps the child with the lessons, in the second, he does everything himself. You can switch to family education in any grade, to self-education - only in the 10th and 11th.
In general, self-education practically does not differ from family education: the child studies at home, and comes to school only to pass tests and exams. But there are two important differences:
- The decision to switch to self-education is made by the child himself. Parents determine the form of education only until the child passes the OGE.
- It is not necessary to notify the local government about the transition to this form of education. That is, it is enough to apply to an educational organization.
See also:
- 5 stories about career change and earning from scratch
Pass exams for free
Foundation. Federal Law on education art. 17 h. 3, Art. 34 h. 3, order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1015 p. 20
How it works. The state checks the knowledge that children receive in family education and self-education. To do this, you need to pass intermediate and final certifications in organizations with state accreditation. Since this is a state requirement, such exams can be taken free of charge.
Here's what you need:
- Join an accredited educational organization.
- Agree with her on how and in what terms the certification will take place.
- Successfully pass the midterm assessment - according to the schedule agreed with the school.
- Come to the final certification. In the 9th grade - write the OGE, and in the 11th - the Unified State Examination.
Schools cannot charge money for assessment. If your school refuses to work for free with children who have switched to family education, contact the Department of Education for clarification. Either the school changes its mind, or you will be offered another one.
cm. Also:
- How to prepare for the Russian language
- How much it costs to prepare for the exam
- How to appeal on the USE
Clean certification, which was received in another place
The foundation. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science and Education No. 845/369
How it works. Intermediate certification can be taken at different locations. For example, if a child goes to a sports school, a language center, or programming courses, he can receive documents confirming certification in physical education, Chinese language and computer science there. And again, at the school to which the child is attached, you will not need to take these items.
In order to credit an attestation passed in another place, you need to submit an application and show a document on training - a certificate or something else. If the child is under 18 years old, one of the parents submits the application.
The school decides how to evaluate results. But if it decides not to count the results from another organization as an interim assessment, the school must report this in writing and explain the reasons within three days. All tests must be free of charge for the student and his parents.
If the school denies you credit for midterm assessments, ask for an explanation of the denial in writing. Then check with the education committee what the reason is and how to overcome it. But this, most likely, will not be needed, because the procedure for offsetting subjects by different organizations is established by law. Sometimes it is easier for a school to refuse than to do something unusual. But this does not mean that she is right and the child should run cross-country at the school stadium.
See also:
- How much do ballroom dancing classes cost
Obtain a state certificate
Foundation. Federal Law on education art. 60
How it works. After studying the school curriculum, you can pass the final assessment and receive a state certificate. This is an official document on education - it is no different from those that are issued when attending a school. The form of study is not indicated in the certificate. With such a document, you can enter a college, technical school, university or get a job.
After the 9th grade, a certificate of basic general education is issued, and after the 11th grade, a certificate of secondary general education is issued. Both certificates must be issued free of charge.
The certificate is issued by the school to which you are attached. It indicates grades in basic school subjects. They are put on the basis of the results of intermediate certifications that were passed earlier. If they were taken in different organizations, the results will need to be confirmed with certificates. For example, you can pass an intermediate certification at an online school, and then attach yourself to the nearest school to pass the exam. From certificates of intermediate certification, the data will be transferred to the certificate.
See also:
- How much does it cost to enter Moscow State University on a budget.
Finish school early
Founding. Federal Law on education art. 34 h. 1 p. 3
How it works. Children in family education take exams externally. This is not a separate form of training, but a way to pass certification. You can choose a convenient pace and take exams in parallel with the whole school. But if you wish, you can pass certification in one year for several years at once, if the program has been studied. If you finish school earlier, you will be able to enter a university or get a job you love earlier.
There are no restrictions on the speed of the program. That is, in a year you can pass exams in one year, and in two, and in three. The main thing is that the child is satisfied with this pace, and teachers with the knowledge gained.
See also:
- Educational loans at 3%.
- How to travel to Poland for free under the Study Tours to Poland program.