How to find job you like
How to find a job you love
A person’s relationship with their job or career typically falls on a spectrum. Some people truly love their jobs. Others are much less fortunate and can’t even stomach the thought of showing up for work. The vast majority of people probably fall somewhere between those two extremes.
After spending several years exploring the world of work, I’ve never found a job search or career expert who suggests anything other than people spending time finding work they enjoy — and possibly love. I want to spend this edition of #GetHired exploring methods you can use to find a job that’s right for you.
I want to address two important points before we dive too far into this topic.
First, we need to talk about the elephant in the room. “Love” means different things to different people. You may not want to love your job or work, and that’s OK. As with any relationship in your life, you should set the terms. Similarly, a relationship — even with work — shouldn’t make you miserable.
I hope this discussion will help you find a dynamic that is right for you.
The second point that I want to make is that we’re talking about finding a job that you enjoy or love. While there is overlap between finding the right career and job, we’re mostly focusing on the latter in this edition. People who are interested in exploring their overall career can learn more about that in a previous edition of #GetHired by clicking here.
Now, let’s dive in!
Get to know what’s important to you
The hustle and bustle of today’s world can make it difficult for us to slow down and be by ourselves. Quiet moments are important because it allows us to better understand what’s happening around us and how we feel about those events. Exploratory thoughts can help us discover who we are and what we want.
For example, I take a walk almost every morning. I always dedicate the time — usually an hour — to asking myself how I feel about the past day and what’s ahead. Interviewing myself during those walks really helps guide what I do.
You need to find that time to be with yourself and explore what you want out of life and how your job can help make that possible.
“What makes your heart full,” asks Amy Boatright, who is a recruiting specialist. “What makes you feel fulfilled at the end of the day? It won’t be the same for everyone.”
For those of you who may not be comfortable asking yourself those questions, you can also find a trusted friend who can give you time to guide you through some self-discovery. People with access to mental health benefits may find it especially helpful to enlist the services of a therapist.
You’ll eventually want to build a realistic list of items that you want from a job. For example, a healthy work-life balance, the ability to be financially secure, supportive coworkers, and whatever else you decide is important for you.
Your list of must-haves from a job will help you figure out which roles are right for you.
Aligning with prospective jobs
The list of must-haves that you created can really help guide you through what’s next. Some people will decide to create their own businesses, for example. In those cases, they may feel they can check the list’s items off on their own. Others will take the more traditional route and turn to job ads and networking.
Obviously, the traditional rules apply when looking at job ads or when you hear of opportunities, but you also need to pay close attention to the employer.
You will need to dedicate time to researching the company to figure out if they meet your criteria. A previous edition of #GetHired can help you dive into a company’s background. You can read that edition by clicking here.
One of the most important items to pay attention to when examining potential employers is how you align with the company’s mission. To be clear, we’re talking about what the company actually does — not just what they write in their mission statement online. You can figure all of that out through some research.
“Does this company have a mission that speaks to you personally and a culture that you can really get behind,” asks Ed Cassas, who is a talent acquisition expert. “Find an industry, people, leaders and team camaraderie that excites you.”
Be realistic and keep the process going
Once you know what’s important to you and find a job that provides most — if not all — of those items, it’s important to remember that you should still expect an occasional bad day. A few bad days should not spoil what may be an otherwise wonderful job. The key is knowing when the bad days outweigh the good.
“Find out what is out there, the grass is not always greener, you really have to know what makes you happy before you embark in a new role,” wrote Julie Hagan-Belka, who is a staffing expert.
Finally, it’s important to keep evaluating your current job and what’s important to you. We all change over time and that may make us come out of alignment with our jobs. Perhaps you can recalibrate the job you have, but you may also want to look for something else.
What’s your advice for people looking to find a job they love? Join the conversation.
I go live every Friday at 11:00 a.m. ET from the LinkedIn News page to discuss important issues affecting job seekers and to answer your questions about looking for work. I recently spoke with Nii Ato Bentsi-Enchill, who is the founder of Avenir Careers, about the intersection of mental health and job searching. You can watch the episode below or by clicking here.
We’ll be back with a new Get Hired Live at 11 a.m. ET on Friday, August 27, with Jonathan Javier, who is the CEO and founder of Wonsulting. We’ll be talking about how to use social media to help with your job search. You can RSVP by clicking the image below or by clicking here.
▶ The follow-upJob seekers can find a lot of advice online about getting noticed by recruiters and hiring managers. Some of that advice may seem too good to be true, because it is. Talent professionals shared the truth about getting the attention of potential employers in the last #GetHired. They say job seekers should make sure they’re qualified for the job. They should craft clear and concise resumes. Job seekers should network through traditional and non-traditional methods. Lastly, they should show that they’re eager to work for the employer. Here’s what people are saying about the advice.
So many things are competing for our attention nowadays. Your cell phone just lit up. Did your smartwatch just vibrate? Your smart speaker just made a noise. How can you possibly focus? Dave Crenshaw, who is an author and leadership coach, offers some advice on learning to focus in this LinkedIn Learning course. You can watch it below or by clicking here.
▶ Other news to help you #GetHired:How can you protect your mental health while job searching? Nii Ato Bentsi-Enchill, who is a career coach with a background in counseling, recently discussed on #GetHired Live some steps you can take to shield your mental health from the trials and tribulations of a job search. For example, he said it’s best to job search with others, such as with a friend or group. You should also monitor your internal narratives and how you talk about yourself. It’s also important to practice self-care by making time for what you enjoy. Finally, you should also consider seeking out professional therapy. Here’s what people are saying about the advice.
Can you work in retail and also work from home? Many people were forced to work from home during the pandemic, but they were almost exclusively office workers. People who worked in retail often had to continue showing up for work despite the risks. Bloomberg reports that Apple is willing to test whether some retail tasks can be done at home to extend the flexibility to its store workers. Here’s what retail workers are saying about the possible move.
Entry-level jobs often ask for years of experience. You likely know this to be true if you’ve looked for an entry-level job over the past few years, but LinkedIn’s latest Workforce Report found that more than a third of job postings over a recent 45-month span asked for at least three years of experience. Dive into the data and see what others are saying by clicking here.
Many of the lists that showcase in-demand jobs highlight roles in the tech industry. Unfortunately, many people lack the skills for these jobs. Companies in that sector know this is a problem — for the workforce and their bottom lines. As a result, many of the biggest technology companies now offer a variety of free training programs that allow people to pivot into the tech industry. We’ll be taking a look at some of these programs in the next #GetHired. Have you taken part in one of these programs or thought about it? Tell me about it by clicking here and leaving your comments.
Because 8 Hours Is a Long-Ass Time
For most people, staying above the breadline means spending 8 hours a day performing tasks for money.
Many of these people experience genuine dread at the thought of pushing through that revolving door at 8:55 a.m., latte shaking in hand. (To translate for 2020: Going downstairs, making yourself a cup o’ Joe, and slumping over the kitchen counter with your head buried in your arms.)
I haunted this swamp for a long time. Here are a few ways to recognize that your job is bringing you down.
Many of my years becoming a professional writer were spent selling credit card terminals, administering insurance, and standing in shops handing out discount cards on behalf of a lawyer.
Many people justify having a job that fills them with rage by distancing themselves from it.
“It’s just 9-to-5. I can cram my life with enriching things like friends and hobbies and the fact that the new Dora the Explorer movie isn’t terrible.”
But, for most people, a job eats up 33 percent of your day. You might find that to be a prolonged enough period of misery to eat away at the things that genuinely make you happy, like relationships and having the goddamn energy to do anything.
Taking proactive steps to make money doing what inspires happiness has completely transformed the way I approach life. I thought I might share what I learned to help you spring out of bed for work.
This piece breaks down the steps I took to avoid meeting my work alarm with an agitated Nicolas Cage impersonation every morning.
Your career is directly linked to your lifestyle, in terms of how well they cover your basics and how drained you feel after work for your relationships and passions.
The best way to start out thinking about your career ambitions is to think of the lifestyle you want and work backward.
Do you want to get paid for your hobby and do it non-stop? Are you trying to live the high life? Would you prefer stability for your family? Would you rather dedicate your life to fighting for causes you believe in?
There’s no right answer, but it will shape how you approach building your ideal career.
1. Start with self-awareness
You need to understand who you are, your lifestyle priorities, and what gets you out of bed every morning before you can lean into one career over another.
The sad truth is that so many people have stomached an awful job for so long that they don’t remember what they wanted from work in the first place.
While sitting down and asking yourself these questions is a good start, it can be overwhelming to start digging solo. There are tons of resources that can help you ease the burden while developing your self-understanding.
Meditation may give you a leg up when it comes to being aware of your mental and physical needs. A classic book called “What Color Is Your Parachute?” is a great place to start. It provides information and exercises that help you learn about yourself while matching career paths.
Also, it might be a good call to consider taking a personality test, such as the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. This test also recommends certain careers based on your results.
These guides shouldn’t become your new Bible. However, they give you a new window into corners of yourself that you didn’t realize were there.
Caring for your happiness is essential. We found 25 scientifically-backed methods for taking control of your life.
2. Get a mentor
It really helps to feel like there’s someone on your team. Eminem had Dr. Dre, and Dora the Explorer has her talking map and backpack. (Look, it really wasn’t that bad, alright?)
Pick a person in your network who knows you and can act as your champion, such as a former manager, coach, or professor. I’ve had several guardian angels throughout my time as a stereotypical struggling writer, and they weren’t all from within the field.
People who care about your output, who push you, and inspire you are those you should hold close during times of proactive growth. They needn’t be a recognized figure from your ideal industry. They just need to provide advice and help you uncover your interests.
This person can potentially help you gain insight into your desired career, serve as a reference for you, look over your resume, or help you expand your network of opportunities.
Plus, they’re great to vent at in those lower moments.
If you’re in your twenties and struggling to find a suitable mentor, we’ve got you covered.
3. Mingle like the pro you are
This doesn’t mean diving into people’s DMs asking about openings. But you should talk to as many people as you can on LinkedIn about the best ways to get into their industry.
Before you begin applying for jobs, educate yourself about different career paths by talking to as many people as possible.
Use LinkedIn to seek out people who have your dream job and ask for an informational meeting. Find out more about their current role and the path that got them there — everyone’s journey is different, and people love to tell their story (case in point!).
Treat these interactions as interviews — your contact may be hiring or can provide a referral. However, keep the conversation casual and curious. You’re trying to learn the ins and outs, not crowbar your way into a job.
If you make a lasting impression, people may start letting you know about openings. On a site like LinkedIn, being part of the discussion is your way in. You only get one first impression, so it’s crucial to nail it.
Before these interactions, prepare an elevator pitch that succinctly tells people who you are, why you’re looking for a change, and your career aspirations in the long run.
Getting fired might give you a chance to delve into this world more. We explored why it might be 🔥 to be fired.
4. Gain real-world experience and qualifications
You’re likely going to have to graft outside your current working hours if you’re planning to switch careers.
Volunteer or intern for organizations where you can offer your time and expertise in exchange for an opportunity to learn more about an industry. Alternatively, many qualifications can help improve your standing in a particular field.
A night school or online course would be great options for getting a leg up.
If you are pressed for time or don’t know where to start, check out relevant Meetups on Meetup. com (once we’re all allowed to meet up again).
This site offers tons of different niche groups where you can meet and connect with like-minded individuals. Another route to further insight is to attend industry events or webinars.
There’s also plenty of sites like Udemy that have an amazing roster of courses to try.
However you absorb relevant experience or skills, it’s always helpful to start dipping toes into relevant networks of people and stay current in the industry.
A word of warning: Learning more about a particular career path might steer you away from a job or industry you thought you wanted to pursue. This is a good thing in the long run, but adjusting your ambitions always feels weird.
And your career isn’t everything. We looked at how to keep your identity separate from your work.
5. Get your personal brand out there
This is the final step after learning about yourself, your aspirations, and the industry in which you thought you wanted to work.
Rebrand yourself by revising your resume, cover letter, and social media profiles to reflect your updated career goals and to highlight new and relevant skills.
Maybe even have a few headshots like a hungry actor ram-raiding agents around LA. The slicker your image, the clearer your level of investment in your new career becomes. And companies like invested people.
Make sure your personal brand is authentic, consistent, and tailored to each specific position for which you apply. Your brand should just be you. Because you, my friend, are totally worth selling to the world.
I truly appreciate where my path to a rewarding career led me. However, most of it was about as fun as a vinegar enema.
Many of my non-editorial jobs have been grinding, miserable experiences. On top of these, writing in my spare time meant that I was often working 15-hour days just to fit everything in.
But there was no balance whatsoever. My friends didn’t hear a peep from me. My wife found me excruciating to live with. I comfort ate like a hyena, reaching obesity within months.
If you’re in the same situation, you don’t need telling that it can suuuuuuuuuck. Boy, did those 8 hours a day stretch. As they warped and extended, so too did my spiraling depression and anxiety.
I’ve lost jobs I hated and still felt crushed and worthless after. Bouncing back after a knockdown is all part of the challenge, and handling rejection is a painful but necessary part of reshaping your life.
However, it’s important to know that not all crappy jobs are on the same level. I’ve had terrible jobs and terrible jobs. You can find yourself getting comfortable and even enjoying parts of a job that doesn’t suit you.
That steam will run out.
I took pretty much every job that made me miserable out of necessity, and going into any long-term situation without a strategy is a recipe for disaster. Doing so without knowing what you want can have even worse consequences.
Even if you’re not interested in a particular type of role, there might be a field you’d enjoy working in.
I was lucky. I’ve known I wanted to write since I was first able to. But even with that certainty, what did I want to do with words? Editing? Writing? Proofreading? Marketing? Communications? News?
It’s very easy to get hit by option paralysis when you’re digging to find work you’d love, even for people like myself who already thought they knew. Here’s how I paved my own road to career contentment.
Unless you’re willing to take an internship of some kind, plunging headlong into your preferred industry without experience is going to take either a lot of extracurricular work or a small miracle.
Finding the perfect job takes work, but it also takes time, patience, and a lot of blagging.
That doesn’t mean crowing about achievements that haven’t happened or lying about your qualifications. Every single job has elements that you may enjoy or that allow you to surprise yourself with how good you become at them.
If you’ve no idea what your ideal job looks like, slowly build a FrankenJob. Taking an example from my own life, I sold ad space for a food industry publication for 2 months and got fired for… well, being sh*t at ad sales.
However, I knew that I didn’t want my next job to involve outbound calls and convincing people to buy stuff they didn’t need. That landed me in insurance, and the job met those requirements.
During my 3 years in medical insurance, I started writing whimsical Christmas e-mails and took over the newsletter. I also grew to love the world of medicine and the notion of helping people feel better.
It wasn’t journalism, but it was something I could say I did in an interview. With this said, the job was brutal and the public unforgiving. It was the final straw, but it wasn’t for nothing.
I stayed there until I saw a role come up at Medical News Today, one of Greatist’s sister sites. I managed to combine just enough clinical knowledge and just enough freelance writing experience to warrant an interview.
Three years later, I’m still there and haven’t dreaded waking up once since starting. It took 7 years and nearly as many roles to filter out what didn’t bring me joy.
It may also make each day easier to get through. (These 34 ways to bust a bad mood could help too.)
A job can make you happy for many reasons. It might afford you a lifestyle you like. The task itself might fill you with warmth and inspiration. You might love the effect the role has on the world, or you may just be fascinated by a particular industry.
Whatever your reasoning, there can be stark differences between what you think you want at 15 years old and what you know you’re happy doing after solid time in the workplace.
Applying for jobs is not only about getting the job.
The feeling a person gets when they’re carrying out a task they want to do is markedly different from that which comes from performing obligations when they CBA.
Apply for as many jobs as you can, and not only for practice. You should take full stock of your emotions while you apply. Does it feel like a chore? Are you just applying for the sake of it? Complete the whole thing. Does it feel good afterward?
If you have these doubts and hang-ups during the application, imagine what 5 days of this every week would feel like. And then throw it in your bulging sack marked “Nope” and set it on fire.
Applying for a job, especially if you already have one you despise, should feel like an opportunity. You should want to get the application to the employer with the eagerness of a toddler showing off a finger painting, just to be able to start in the role sooner.
People often protect themselves from this excitement to temper expectations and cushion against fear of rejection and disappointment. However, it’s important to really feel that excitement.
It’s a taste of what a job you love feels like. Your gut will know what you’re after, you just have to listen to it at the right point in the application process.
Work might feel horrible right now, but it won’t always.
The main reason I recommend planning and being proactive about building your career is that it makes your current employment feel way more bearable.
Being able to file your job under “stepping stone” rather than “all I’ll ever know before death” will help you feel a little less suffocated. That’ll give you a clearer headspace for career hunting.
It also shows the company to which you’d like to commit that you don’t always flit about between jobs and can return the investment they put into developing your skills.
The journey never ends. But you’ll enjoy it a heck of a lot more once you sort out a job that makes you proud and content.
Finding balance takes time and planning. A job you’re passionate about can go some way to supporting the overall balance of your life and contribute to real, ongoing wellness. I know mine has.
Do what you can to find satisfaction and meaning in the activies in which you spend your days. If you can get paid for them too, all the better.
Can you say “transferrable skills?”
9 ways to find a job you love if you don't know what you want to do
It's okay not to know what you want to do in life. Since childhood, limiting beliefs have been imposed on us, calling our dreams frivolous. As a result, we refuse those professions that really attract us, and suffer from a lack of understanding of where to direct our potential.
If you are confused about yourself and your desires, you can use several methods below to help you find a job you love.
1. Don't listen to other people
This is perhaps the most important point if you really want to realize your potential and take place in your favorite profession. People around you will not tell you how to find your calling - they will only criticize your choice and confuse you even more. The same applies to close people: they want the best for you, and therefore they will advise you to choose a profession based on its simplicity and salary level.
Focus only on your feelings. Think about everything you wanted to do, even if you think these activities are stupid and useless. The main thing is that the work brings you pleasure and allows you to realize your ambitions.
2. Make a list of what you can do
You can open yourself up to new professional opportunities simply by making a list of everything you know. Perhaps you are an excellent swimmer, you know how to convey complex information to other people, you understand the exact sciences, you like to write content on social networks, you take pictures of your friends, or you often go on independent trips with a rich cultural program. Any knowledge and skills can be monetized if you have such a desire.
You don't have to be a professional at anything - if you like what you do, you can take courses, master classes or get an internship. The main thing is not to sit back and not look for excuses.
3. Remember what personal qualities you have
When choosing a profession, personal characteristics are as important as knowledge and skills. For example, it will be extremely difficult for a non-communicative person to build effective relationships with clients, but a sociable and loving person will find it difficult to work that excludes interaction with other people.
Think about what personality traits and behaviors would make you an ideal candidate for a job. Maybe you are stress-resistant, initiative, analytical, or you have leadership qualities that you want to show. It is easier to choose a profession when you know what you can offer the employer.
4. Analyze what you like and dislike in different professions
At this stage, after making a list of your knowledge and skills, as well as analyzing personal qualities, you should already identify several professions for yourself. If not, don't worry. Try to do it now by identifying what attracts and repels you in various specialties.
Divide the sheet into two columns: in one you will write what you like about work, and in the second - what you would not like to do. Try to list as many points as possible and make them as specific as possible. For example, in the “dislike” column, you can include sedentary work, irregular hours, floating holidays, informal employment, working more than eight hours a day, etc.
5. Try to understand what your main goal in life is
In fact, there may be several targets. Your task is to calculate exactly those goals that resonate in your heart. If you do not understand how a life goal is connected with the choice of a profession, we will explain: directly. The purpose of life is what you attach great importance to and strive for, despite external circumstances or the opinions of other people.
You can make it your goal to help people around you, access to passive income, the opportunity to see the whole world, etc. When you have a clear goal in life, it is much easier for you to navigate and choose a profession that will help you achieve what you want.
5 questions that will help you understand the purpose of your life
6. Choose a job that does not contradict your beliefs and values
them. Otherwise, the work will only take away your strength and make you disappointed in yourself. Take time to think about what you can't do because of your values and beliefs.
7. Get rid of the fear of change
Many people are unable to find their dream job because of fear of change - fear that you are already too old to change profession, that you will lose stability or that you will not have enough experience in a new place. Fear is perhaps one of the most dangerous deterrent forces. But try to think about this: if you think it’s too late or dangerous to change jobs now, then what will happen in five or ten years. Most likely, you will continue to suffer from a feeling of unfulfillment, convincing yourself that you should have looked for another profession much earlier.
If you are currently working but do not feel that you have really found your life's work, then you need a change. And the sooner the better.
8. Remember the people you envy
Maybe you have a friend or acquaintance who periodically tells you about his work, even if not the most interesting and exciting stories that you always listen to with special delight. Perhaps his stories even make you feel envious, and you begin to think about how you would like to be in his place. If you are familiar with the described situation, then do not waste your time and try to try yourself in a new profession. Maybe this is the work of your life.
9. Don't put money first
Very often, when a person does not know what he wants to do, it is the money factor that plays the decisive role in his decision. You start looking not for the profession that realizes your inner potential, but for the one that will bring more income. This is the wrong approach to finding a job, because when you find the specialty of your dreams, you get the opportunity to monetize your knowledge and skills and start earning as much as you want.
Where does the money go: how to properly keep track of your finances
How to find a job you like and not screw up - Career on
My name is Anya, I'm 31, and I love my job guided in the selection.
Three legs
Three main questions I answered myself:
- What am I doing?
- Where do I do it?
- Why am I doing this?
What is a question about a function. What is usually called the word profession - manager / accountant / programmer.
Where do I do it - a question about the field of activity. You can be a manager in small aviation, and in IT, and in kindergarten. A field of interest adds a separate pleasure to the process.
Why am I doing this - a question about ultimate meanings and goals. It is important that the achievement of personal goals helps to achieve the goals of the company. These goals must be consistent, at a minimum - not contradict.
And now more.
What am I doing? Feature
The main mistake of people who are looking for their destiny is the search for activities that give pleasure. It is a big delusion to think that the work of a vocation will save you from pain, suffering and problems. And here's why:
Suffering is biologically useful. Pain in all its manifestations is an effective way to get a person off the couch.
Evolution will not allow a person to relax. Pain, suffering and problems are our companions until death do us part. Sounds like a sentence, but as old Mark Manson writes:
Happiness comes from solving problems. The key word here is decision. Not avoidance, not denial, not shifting responsibility. Deciding is the way to happiness. True happiness comes when you find problems that you enjoy solving.
In a world where problems cannot be avoided, the only freedom available to us is the freedom to choose problems to our liking.
Ask: What problems do I enjoy solving?
For example, I got the following list:
- I like to create order out of a mess
- I like to make the incomprehensible clear
- I like to make ugly beautiful
- I like to explain to others what they don't understand
The word "problem" can have different definitions. In this context, I was looking for tasks that many do not like to do (problem), but I like it. For example, cleaning up an apartment is a headache for many, and I don’t even notice how I’m putting it in order.
You can observe what processes are bad for people and good for you, and you will learn a lot about what you are good at.
This technique shifts the focus of attention from finding a profession to finding a problem, which leads to a new level of understanding of what is happening. We live in a world of fashionable professions, but in reality, no one hires a person to close a position in a company. A person is hired to solve a problem. By omitting the question of the name of the profession, you can immediately go to the point - it favorably highlights at the interview.
The problems that humanity solves have not changed for thousands of years. The way to solve them is constantly changing.
Like two hundred years ago, we need to move from point A to point B, exchange messages, look for housing, teach children. But look how differently we solve the same problems today.
Focus on what doesn't change and you'll never be out of a job. And it does not matter what this profession will be called in 10 years.
Where do I do this? Field of activity
Most businesses solve similar problems - look for customers, sell something, build teams and business processes. If you know how to solve problems, you will be useful everywhere, but you can choose what you like. Small aviation, cosmetology, retail, construction, space?
You can successfully solve problems in any area, but in your favorite one it is more pleasant to do it. I am a supporter of following my own interests. Then any conference or article on the topic is a joy, and the growth of expertise occurs organically.
Interests can change many times in a lifetime, which is great. Your core - the problems that you know how to solve - remains with you, but at the same time you can try so many new things.
Why am I doing this? Goals and values
Any action in life a person performs for himself. When it seems to us that we are unselfishly doing good for others, we still do it for ourselves: at least in order to enjoy helping another.
An important truth: every action at work is performed by us solely for our own benefit.
It's bad when the benefit is to avoid pain:
- so that I don't get fired;
- for the boss to fall behind;
- to pay the mortgage;
It's good when the benefit lies in having fun:
- I will learn something new;
- I will get a cool case in my portfolio;
- clients will feel better and I am happy about it;
Why do you go to work? What do you really want from your career? Not a single wind will be fair if the ship does not know where to sail.