Question writing prompts
56 Writing Questions •
Journal Buddies Jill | | Writing
Writing Questions for Kids, Tweens/Teens, and Adults— Writing is a wonderful way to encourage creativity and critical thinking. It also offers mental health benefits to both kids and adults, giving individuals a place where they can release their feelings.
But every age group, from younger kids to adult writers, can find it challenging to decide what they want to write about.
That’s where a few writing questions and prompts can be helpful. Sometimes a good prompt or a thought-provoking question is all that is needed to get the brain going, which means you don’t waste time trying to decide what to write about.
We’ve put together a list of questions for every age group. From great questions for younger kids to questions for teens to questions appropriate for adults, you’ll find something for everyone in this list of writing questions.
Writing Question Lists Organized by Age (Young, Teen, Adult)
Questions Best for Younger Writers
- What is the scariest situation you’ve ever experienced?
- How would you describe your idea of a perfect day?
- If you could change anything about school, what would you change?
- What is your favorite memory from the past?
- What was the funniest thing you have ever seen?
- If you could have three wishes, what would your wishes be?
- What things are you really good at?
- What job would you like to have when you’re older?
- If you were invisible, what kinds of things would you do? Why?
- Why do you think that you need to be honest?
- If you had $100 and had to give it away, who would you give the money to?
- What is your favorite thing about your family?
- Have you ever made a mistake? What was the mistake, and how did you fix it?
- Who is your biggest hero? Why?
- If you could just wear one color every day for the rest of your life, what color would you pick?
- What movie or television characters to you wish were actually real?
- What is your hardest subject in school? Why do you think it is hard for you?
- If you could only listen to one song every day, what would that song be?
Writing Questions for Tweens/Teens
- What are the best and worst things about the internet?
- What would your best friends say is your best quality? Do you agree?
- What is your favorite day of the year?
- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live for the rest of your life?
- What are your top favorite songs? Why?
- Would you rather be smart, beautiful, or popular? Why?
- What are some of the biggest challenges that you face every day as a teenager?
- What is something that scares you that you’d like to give a try?
- Would you rather be respected or loved? Why?
- Do you think that social media represents people authentically? Why or why not?
- What things make you angry, and why do they make you angry?
- How do you feel when you do poorly on a test? Do you do anything to prevent it from happening again?
- What would you be doing if you were five years older right now?
- What things always make you laugh?
- Do you think that alcohol and cigarette advertising have negative effects on teens?
- What are the top three places in the world you would like to visit? Why?
- Do you believe that there should be dress codes at school? Why or why not?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of the internet?
- What is the possession you value the most? Why is it so valuable to you?
- How do you believe music impacts our lives today?
- How would you define beauty?
- If you had to live without one of your senses (touch, vision, taste, hearing, or smell), which one would it be?
Writing Question List for Adults
- If you could talk to your teenage self, what would you say?
- If you could have coffee with anyone, alive or dead, who would that person be? Why?
- If you could change one thing in your past, what would you change?
- What is your saddest memory?
- What makes you feel angry and how do you deal with anger?
- What is the primary emotion that you are feeling in your life right now?
- What are a few of the things in your life that make you the happiest?
- What do you wish other people knew about you?
- Who are the people in your life that you trust and that you feel genuinely support you?
- What things can you learn from the mistakes you have made in your life?
- What has been the biggest thing that has surprised you about your life?
- What do you remember most about your high school days?
- When you were a child, who was your favorite family member? Why?
- What did you do this month that helped you get closer to your life’s goals?
- Who was someone who believed in you even when you had a hard time believing in yourself? How did they impact your life?
- Who is someone you need to forgive in your life? What can you do to reach forgiveness and move on?
Writing Question Resources & Links
- 31 Questions to Get to Know Someone
- When a group of teachers noticed students avoiding questions because they feared they would look dumb, they designated “Ask a Stupid Question Day” to serve as a safe space for any and all questions to be asked.
- Ask questions to improve your writing.
If you enjoyed these Writing Questions for All Ages, please share on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest. I appreciate it!
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Tags All Ages, good prompts, list of writing, list of writing questions, questions, what to write about, write, writing, writing prompts, Writing Questions31 Questions to Get to Know Someone for Kids • JournalBuddies.

Journal Buddies Jill | | Journal Prompts & Writing Ideas
Questions to Get to Know Someone — Childhood is a time of exploration and self-discovery as kids learn who they are and how to navigate their places in the world. With that in mind, it’s little wonder that many elementary school kids are eager to tell people all about themselves and the things that interest them the most.
These 31 new journal prompts are made up of popular questions that students may use to get to know someone. Kids will have all sorts of fun writing about topics like their greatest talents, times when they helped other people, and their favorite animals.
The personal nature of these prompts is the perfect way to get kids interested in journaling—and the more they write, the better they’ll become at expressing their innermost thoughts and feelings in a confident, descriptive way!
For extra fun, have students share their answers to these questions to get to know someone after they’re done writing! Your class will love having the chance to share their own responses and to hear what their friends also had to say.
- What is the most interesting thing about you? Would it surprise people? Why or why not?
- What is the most memorable dream you’ve ever had? Describe it in as much detail as possible.
- What is your favorite place in the whole world? Is it a large place (like a city) or a small place (like a tree house)? What makes it so special to you?
- What do you remember about your first day of school? Would you go back and repeat it again if you could? Why or why not?
- If you could do anything in the world right now, what would you want to do?
- What do you think the best food in the world is? Why is it better than other, similar foods?
- What do you like most about your birthday?
- Write about how your parents chose your name.
- Who knows you better than anyone else?
- Who do you like to see when you’re sad? How does that person make you feel better?
- What is unique about your family’s home?
- Have you ever wished you could travel back in time? Where and when would you go?
- What is your greatest talent? How did you become good at it?
- Do you like working on group projects? Why or why not?
- Who is your favorite singer? What do you like best about his or her songs?
- Are you good at sports? Why or why not?
- Write about a time when you did something that you were proud of.
- Write about a time when you helped another person.
- What is your favorite animal? Why do you like it the most?
- Would you rather go camping or to the beach? Why?
- At what age do you think you will feel grown-up? Why?
- Who is your closest friend? How did the two of you meet?
- Do you want to have kids of your own one day? Why or why not?
- What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
- What is the most important quality for a person to have? Why?
- Write about your favorite thing to do and explain why you like it so much.
- Do you enjoy journaling? Why or why not?
- What is one thing that you wish everyone would do more often?
- What is your favorite month? Would you want to experience it year-round? Why or why not?
- Write about a time when you had so much fun that you didn’t ever want it to end.
- What is one thing you would like everyone to know about you?
- 30 What if Journal Prompts for Kids
- 32 Letter Writing Prompts for Kids
- 30 Fun Icebreaker Questions
Until next time, write on…
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Tags Elementary Journaling, elementary school kids, elementary writing, fun writing, Get to Know Someone, Get to know Someone for Kids, Getting to Know You, Getting to Know You Questions, Getting to Know You Writing Prompts, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, interested in journaling journaling, journal, journal ideas, journal prompts, journal topics, kids learn, more they write, new journal prompts, prompts, Questions to Get to Know Someone, topics, write, writing, writing prompts, writing prompts for kidsEnglish phrases, answers and vocabulary for job interviews
Victory lies in preparation
"Victory loves preparation": Preparing ahead of time for a job interview can make a huge difference in job interview results. And it's not just about learning English. For example, many HR managers complain that candidates come to interviews with little or no knowledge of the firm they are going to work for. Wouldn't it be better to study the possible answers for an English interview in advance and apply them during the interview.
Pay due attention to gathering information about the employing company. "Google" it, study the official website, mission, products, location, management team. Check out the latest company news, feedback from its employees, as well as the opinions of applicants who have already visited it for an interview (if you are applying for the position of a super spy, this will be a good test of your qualifications).
It will be easier to pass an interview and it will be easier to make a choice when several companies are interested in your candidacy at once.
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Take a lesson, find out about the school and get a promotional code for English classes
Define the goals of the employing company and be ready to meet them
The secret of a successful interview is to prove to the employer that your knowledge, skills and experience are exactly what he is in dire need. To do this, carefully study the description of the vacancy and select from the arsenal of your merits those that will come to the court in this company: during the interview, you will put special emphasis on them.
Google yourself, improve your online image
To find out what your web employer can find out about you, do your own self-investigation.
If something doesn't look perfect somewhere, try to either fix it (for example, replace a provocative Facebook cover with a neutral one), or prepare a decent answer about why this or that information discrediting you appeared on the network.
At the interview, it is not recommended to dwell on such points in detail - do not be embarrassed, briefly describe the situation and move on to the next question.
Try to stand out from the crowd
Before each interview, ask yourself: “Why am I applying for this job?”. Determine which of your qualities will make you stand out from the crowd of candidates.
Are you incredibly talented? Brilliantly educated? Extraordinarily hardworking? Whatever your superpower is, it's up to you to boldly declare it. But be prepared to show proof! Brightly, but not vulgarly describe yourself, your achievements, successes, skills, English vocabulary for an interview will help.
Be friendly and positive at an English-language interview
During the interview, try to build your story in such a way as not to drag the interlocutor into the abyss of hopeless pessimism, even if you have an unusually black streak in your life.
Optimism conquers hearts! If cats are scratching their hearts, well, a positive attitude will have to be played (at least for those 40 minutes, which, according to statistics, an interview lasts on average).
And never - never! Don't talk bad about previous employers. A story with a hint of resentment and aggression tells the interviewer more about your attitude than about the personality of your former boss.
And besides, what if the HR manager sitting opposite you is the best friend of your angry and picky former boss? The world is small, and "Silence is golden" ("Silence is golden").
Make a list of likely interview questions and prepare answers to them
It’s not that difficult: articles on the ten, twenty, or even a hundred questions that you will most often hear in an interview can easily be found on the net (further in In this article, we offer a selection of similar popular questions - both serious and not so).
You don't have to memorize the answer to every question, but you should definitely memorize the general meaning and strategy of the answers.
The best answers to the 7 most important interview questions
Phrases in English that can be used by a potential employer during an interview, sometimes make you get confused and give a completely wrong answer, which adds to the chances of employment. In order not to spoil the “negotiation”, get acquainted with the following groups of questions, answers and possible situations:
- Tell me about yourself
- Tell us about yourself
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
We have analyzed the answers to these questions in detail in the article Preparing for an interview: a story about yourself in English.
- Where do you want to be five years from now?
- Where would you like to be in five years?
In fact, this question replaces several at once: How realistic are your expectations for our vacancy? Have you considered your career in the long term? Or maybe in a year or two you are going to quit?
Show that you have planned your career and are realistic. Of course, no one can predict the future, but personnel officers do not need a 100% reliable forecast: it is important for them to understand how much you associate your future with your profession in general and with this company in particular. If you make it clear that the current vacancy is just a temporary solution for you, you are unlikely to get a job.
- Please give me an example of a time when you had a problem with a supervisor/co-worker and how you approached the problem
- Please give an example of how you dealt with a problem that arose while communicating with a supervisor/employee
Sad but true: conflicts in a work team are quite common. And the way a person approaches the resolution of such conflicts characterizes him very accurately.
And if you can describe a real example of a successful solution to a problem that arose in the team (between you and your boss, for example), your chances of success will increase significantly.
- What are your salary requirements?
- What are your salary requirements?
The employer wants to know if your requests are within their capacity. At the first interview, it is better to answer this question vaguely. Say that you will only be willing to discuss salary in more detail if the first interview goes well.
Ideally, find out from the employer what level of salary this vacancy provides, so that later, if the question arises of choosing between several companies, you could agree to a better offer.
- Why are you leaving your current job?
- Why are you leaving your current job?
Maybe you are an uncomfortable and quarrelsome type (civilian appearance)? Or chased a long ruble? Or are you really “following your dream”, intending to dedicate your life to your chosen profession?
No matter what kind of trouble makes you “look for the best place”, at the interview the wording of the reason for your leaving should be softened as much as possible.
- For example, if you are bored at your current job, say you are looking for a more responsible position
- I am looking for a more challenging position
Describe the advantages of the current job, but emphasize that the proposed vacancy is more interesting for you (state why). And do not forget to mention that your candidacy, in turn, will bring considerable benefits to the employing company.
- If you were fired
- If you got fired
- If you left on your own
- if you quit
Don't burn bridges behind you and curse your previous boss and colleagues (at least not at the interview). Say that, unfortunately, you were forced to leave, but you understand that there were reasons for this. If you have something to blame yourself for, then assure the employer that you have drawn the conclusions and that you will not repeat the same mistakes at your future job.
Don't go into details. Instead, say that you appreciate the experience gained at your previous job, but it's time to look for new opportunities and grow as a specialist in a company that provides such growth.
- Why should we hire you?
- Why should we hire you?
This question may not be asked directly, but indirectly it runs throughout the interview.
You must prove your worth to the company: show all the enthusiasm you can to convince the employer that you are ready to make every effort, apply all your experience and knowledge, give your all to the good of the company. And the sooner you get that opportunity, the better.
Useful technique: write down 3-4 basic requirements for the vacancy and answer, point by point comparing these requirements with your professional qualities.
Frequently Asked Questions and Possible Answers for an English Interview
Here is a selection of the 50 most asked questions and answers for an English interview according to Forbes magazine. This list will help you thoroughly prepare for your upcoming interview by giving you time to think about your answers ahead of time.
What are your strengths? | What are your strengths? |
What are your weaknesses? | What are your weaknesses? |
Why are you interested in working for [company name]? | Why are you interested in working for [name]? |
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? | Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? |
Why do you want to leave your current company? | Why do you want to leave the company you currently work for? |
Why was there a gap in your employment between [date] and [date]? | What explains the gap in your career between [date] and [date]? |
What can you offer us that someone else can't? | What can you offer us that is unique, unlike other candidates? |
What are three things your former manager would like you to improve on? | Name three qualities that your previous supervisor would have advised you to improve. |
Are you willing to relocate? | Are you ready to move in? |
Are you willing to travel? | Are you ready for business trips? |
Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of. | Tell us about the accomplishments you are most proud of. |
Tell me about a time you made a mistake. | Tell me about a time in your life when you made a mistake. |
What is your dream job? | What is your dream job? |
How did you hear about this position? | How did you hear about this vacancy? |
What would you look to accomplish in the first 30 days/60 days/90 days on the job? | What would you like to accomplish in your first 30 days/60 days/90 days at work? |
Discuss your resume. | Let's discuss your resume. |
Discuss your educational background. | Tell us about your education. |
Describe yourself. | Describe yourself. |
Tell me how you handled a difficult situation. | Describe a time when you successfully coped with a challenge. |
Why should we hire you? | Why should we hire you? |
Why are you looking for a new job? | Why are you looking for a new job? |
Would you work holidays/weekends? | Do you agree to work on holidays/weekends? |
How would you deal with an angry or irate customer? | How would you deal with an irritated customer? |
What are your salary requirements? | What are your salary requirements? |
Give a time when you went above and beyond the requirements for a project. | Give an example of a time when you did more than what was required for a project. |
Who are our competitors? | Name our competitors. |
What was your biggest failure? | What is your most serious mistake? |
What motivates you? | What motivates/inspires you? |
What's your availability? | When can you start your duties? |
Who's your mentor? | Who is your teacher? (mentor, role model) |
Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss. | Describe a time when you disagreed with your boss. |
How do you handle pressure? | How do you deal with stress? |
What is the name of our CEO? | What is the name of our CEO (Chief Executive Officer)? |
What are your career goals? | What are your career goals? |
What gets you up in the morning? | What wakes you up in the morning? |
What would your direct reports say about you? | What would your direct reports say about you? |
What were your bosses’ strengths/weaknesses? | What were the strengths and weaknesses of your boss? |
If I called your boss right now and asked him what is an area that you could improve on, what would he say? | If I called your boss right now and asked him what area you still need to develop in, what would he say? |
Are you a leader or a follower? | Are you a leader or a follower? |
What was the last book you've read for fun? | Name the last book you read outside of work. |
What are your co-worker pet peeves? | What annoys you the most about your employees? |
What are your hobbies? | Tell us about your hobby.
What is your favorite website? | Name your favorite website. |
What makes you uncomfortable? | What causes you anxiety, anxiety? |
What are some of your leadership experiences? | Have you had leadership experience? |
How would you fire someone? | How would you approach the issue of firing a subordinate? |
What do you like the most and least about working in this industry? | When it comes to working in this industry, what do you enjoy most and least of all? |
Would you work 40+ hours a week? | Do you agree to work more than 40 hours a week? |
What questions haven't I asked you? | What questions did I not ask you? |
What questions do you have for me? | What questions would you like to ask me? |
Indeed, you can also ask your interviewer some questions, for example: | |
If you were to offer me the job, how soon would you want me to start? | If you were going to offer me a job, how soon would I have to start? |
When could I expect to hear from you? | When can we expect your reply? |
Let's practice interviewing in English (Practice makes perfect)
"It's hard to learn - easy to fight" - this is how one of the most famous English proverbs can be translated into Russian.
In other words, do not be lazy to practice answers to the main interview questions (which will be discussed below) with friends, colleagues, relatives, a Skype teacher. In the meantime, you can do it with a fun "Interview Simulator".
Interview Simulator
We offer you a kind of interview simulator that will help you tune into the atmosphere of a job interview and formulate answers to the most common questions when applying for a job.
The "employer" asks you a question and gives you time to answer - you try to mentally prepare for a similar situation and practice answering the interviewer's tricky questions.
Non-serious interview question in English
Don't be surprised if, along with the usual logical questions, there are not quite ordinary questions in the interview. For example:
What do you think of garden gnomes? | What do you think of garden gnomes? |
How would you get an elephant into a refrigerator? | How would you put an elephant in a refrigerator? |
Name five uses of a stapler without staples. | Name 5 ways to use a stapler without staples. |
What's your favorite song? Perform it for us now. | Name your favorite song. Sing it for us. |
What would be written on your tombstone? | What would be written on your tombstone? |
If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you, and why? | If a movie were made about your life, who would play your role and why? |
If you were a Microsoft Office program, which one would you be? | If you were one of the Microsoft Office programs, which would it be? |
How do I rate as an interviewer? | How many points do I deserve as an interviewer? |
Why is a tennis ball fuzzy? | Why does a tennis ball have a hairy surface? |
Why is a manhole cover round? | Why are manhole covers round? |
The last question is the undoubted favorite of the interview. In fact, the interviewer is not so much interested in the correct answer as your willingness to solve the task, no matter how absurd it may sound. Your calmness in a non-standard situation and a sober logical approach to resolving the issue will be appreciated.
In addition, if you can find an original answer, you can successfully stand out from the crowd of candidates, and this alone sometimes decides the matter in your favor.
Well, we hope that if you get an interview in English, you will feel confident! Learn English - and good luck in your career!
Check if you know the words on the topic
Key phrases for writing an essay in English
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How often do you have to write something in English? Whether it's an essay, a short note or a full article, you can't do without key phrases in English. They help us to express our thoughts clearly and competently, don't they?
Today I bring to your attention the most necessary English phrases that will be useful not only when writing an essay, but also in business correspondence in English.