Can a leo be introverted
Leo Traits & Personality - South Florida Astrologer
Self-conscious and self-aware, Leos care deeply about how people see them, so they over-analyze themselves trying to make sure they are at the very least, likable and accepted and at the most, attractive and popular. This introspection causes some people to see the Leo as self-absorbed. That's all right. They just don't understand what's going on in the Leo's mind. The fact is, Leos just care about how they are seen through other people's eyes, and they want people to like them. |
Regardless of how they choose to shine in this world, there are two types of Leos, the introverts and the extroverts. The more introverted Leos will shine. They will have some talent whether it's creative or intellectual. They won't be the dramatically dressed, life of the party Leos, but they will have their own arena where they show their talent. It could be anything from an advanced college degree, to painting or cooking. The extroverts are the ones who dress to catch attention, talk loudly, dish out compliments and flirt. Though no Leo will ever out-flirt a Libra, they will come close. While Libras flirt to be attractive and play the game of luring you for sport, Leos flirt to satisfy their egos. Leos also enjoy sex, which is often enjoyed as a result of the flirting, because it is the ultimate in being accepted and liked by another person.
After all, doesn't everyone want to be liked? To Leo, this truly universal goal just seems so obvious. Well, maybe Leo is just more honest about it. Honesty is highly valued by Leo. It is very difficult for them to lie. This isn't to say they are above it, but it causes extreme discomfort for them, and truly goes against their grain. |
Although some of the more confident, extroverted Leos can be a little overwhelming with their big hair, loud voices and sometimes dramatic fashion sense, they are genuinely nice people. To achieve their primary goal of being liked, they try hard to be nice and make other people happy. Their honest nature is refreshing and they want to have fun. They are generally lighthearted and don't take things too seriously. Leo is happy when everyone is getting along and enjoying life. This is especially true with the men, while the women can be somewhat more serious.
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The Difference Between Leo Sun & Moon. ..
Prod a Leo sun. Antagonize them, and challenge them. Unless you are an obvious threat, it takes some effort to get a reaction from them. First, they will assume you're being playful or just kidding. Press them harder. You'll see a seriousness develop in their eyes. Press harder yet, and finally, they roar. Try this with a Leo moon, and notice the difference in reaction time. The Leo moon doesn't mess around. They react quickly. The defensive, self-protective nature of the moon in the sign symbolized by...(Click to read article)
This Is The Kind Of Introvert Every Zodiac Is – Collective World
(March 21st to April 19th)
You are an adventurous introvert. You actually dislike being called an “introvert” because you don’t relate at all to the weak stereotype of being a wet blanket. You are strong and you can handle yourself. You love people and being out and doing stuff, you’re just extra independent and need your alone time to recharge when the night is over.
(April 20th to May 21st)
You’re an independent introvert. You really don’t seem to need people the way other people do. You could care less what people think about you and you’ve never needed a crutch — you’re totally fine doing whatever you want to do by yourself. When people are in your life, it’s because you truly love them as people and they add value. No one is in your social circle as a filler.
(May 22nd to June 21st)
You are the passionate introvert. You have hundreds of hobbies and you haven’t been bored in about seven years. Every day you wake up and feel like this world is an exciting place to be. You draw people to you with your joie de vivre and you’re happy to have them along for the ride as long as they don’t slow you down.
(June 22nd to July 22nd)
You are the loving introvert. It’s difficult to love people as much as you do but also need so much time alone. You’re constantly worried about hurting people’s feelings by withdrawing from them. You should know that worry is in vane, no one experiences a deeper feeling of being wholly loved than when they are with a Cancer.
(July 23rd to August 22nd)
You are the selective introvert. You’re awesome with people — you just don’t like to be around them very much. And when you are with people, your always sure to make sure you’re getting what you need from your relationships. No one will walk all over you because you can always walk away.
(August 23rd to September 22nd)
You are the powerhouse introvert. You are the embodiment of a movie montage about someone kicking ass in their career. Whatever you care most about in life at the moment, you’re totally focused on it and you’re the last person to let other people get in the way. You don’t feel the need to dote on other people, they can keep up or they can go hang with someone else.
(September 23rd to October 22nd)
You are the charming introvert. You have the best social skills of all the introverts and you get a lot of happiness from all your relationships. But there’s always a little distance between you and the people you’re closest to — you need to maintain a little space and privacy in order to stay sane.
(October 23rd to November 22nd)
You are the fearless introvert. You’ve never lost a fight in your entire life. You’re far from a meek introvert and you don’t back down. When you’re close to someone, you become their protector, too, but you’re extremely careful to vet people before you let yourself connect with them.
(November 23rd to December 21st)
You are the partner-in-crime introvert. Even though you’re an introvert, you tend to always find yourself in close relationships with people. That’s because you make such an awesome partner. No one is a better travel companion, no one is a more fun person to walk through the aisles at Whole Foods with and laugh about nothing. You take your space when you can and avoid small talk and large groups like the plague, but you’re not the kind of person to shy away from relationships with people you can have fun with.
(December 22nd to January 20th)
You are the classy introvert. You’re an old soul who has a very strong sense of self. You’re absolutely sure who you are and what you like. You’re okay standing out from the crowd because you’re totally happy with the things you value, even if they aren’t for everyone. You recharge when you’re alone instead of being glued to your phone and social media and when you’re with people, you give them your complete attention. Of course, you demand the same from them.
(January 21st to February 18th)
You are the curious introvert. You see the world as full of infinite possibilities and you never lost your sense of childlike wonder. You ask a lot of questions. You read a lot of books. You’re only interested in being around people who can talk with depth about the things that interest you.
(February 19th to March 20th)
You are the artistic introvert. It’s totally natural for you to be on your own because you prefer to create your own world rather than exist in someone else’s. You’ve always done your own thing and your totally happy to be listening to great music and creating something by yourself. People are drawn to that and it’s a big of a lifelong struggle to carve out the life you want without being too influenced by those around you.
On Saturdays he drinks unfiltered beer with carefully filtered company. She considers any proposal to join a new party to be complete heresy.
He also furiously ridicules the very idea that a person needs a person, and that, in general, it would be time to get out of his hole.
I can't imagine how you managed to meet him, but if you need him, don't worry, we'll catch him!
Introverts. Why do we love them?
Such guys will not entertain the public with jokes about Varvara, but they can easily. Their strengths for women are just devilishly captivating!
In the eyes of an introvert there is some kind of mysterious, filled with meaningfulness.
Even when he does not understand something, he still does not understand very subtly, shrewdly and cleverly. If only because when you are silent, the chances of saying stupid things drop significantly.
They are slow. They know what they want and are steadily moving towards it. Well, women, airy and rushing creatures, are very calm next to those who are not sprayed and know how to look deeper.
Introverts do not like shallow water. If you have a huge unspent inner world, he will really appreciate it. It seems as if they have another personal space of their own.
What are introverts?
Male introverts are very different, but Carl Jung globally divides them (among other things) into emotional and logical subtypes.
Logic introvert
“Crackers” and “icebergs in the ocean”, which you can't get through with anything. The coldest type and, as a rule, such an introvert is closed quite consciously.
Often falling in love is not part of his plans, he does not need to loosen his nervous system. He likes to keep a sober mind and is frankly frightened when he covers: “What to do, how to be, where to run and who is to blame?”
How to attract?
We are all fascinated by opposites. Perhaps it is written somewhere deep in the genes. People with excellent gene pools have stronger and healthier offspring. Or maybe it's an eternal craving for what we don't have.
Therefore, cold introverts are usually attracted to optimistic, open and cheerful girls. Perhaps such a couple will be the most harmonious. Although it is more difficult for them to find a common language, they are very different.
Ethic introvert
Usually calm, but more open and gentle. Ethics are much more comfortable, and in a good mood they can even entertain the company instead of an extrovert.
But in general, they also need peace and quiet, and crowds of people exhaust them. They are easier and easier to understand relationships, compared to introverted logicians.
However, when trying to quickly reduce the distance, they deftly dodge, while maintaining the inviolability of their territory.
How to attract?
Often, the economic and domestic introvert-ethicist needs a person who will pull him out of a safe harbor into the open world.
He could do it himself, but things are at home. Sat here, sat there. Computer, books, cat - well, you know, there is no time. Such introverts value inner subtlety in people most of all.
The ability to talk heart to heart, provide you with new interesting information will also be a bonus for him. But most importantly, do not ask for business advice. As a rule, they are not strong in this.
Introvert male capture strategy
Let's start with safety.
Do's and Don'ts:
Copy his behavior
Psychologists have proven that we feel sympathy for people like us. And if we - consciously or not - want to fall in love with someone, then we try to behave in the same way as the object of sympathy.
Not worth it. If the two of you keep silent and keep your distance, this will not lead to anything - take matters into your own hands, only carefully.
Climb into the soul
Contrary to popular belief, every introvert craves to find a person who would like to plunge into his deep and contradictory nature.
He devotes a lot of time to his inner world.
And usually very pleased with him. Even ready to share "acquired". But it's easier to hike Kilimanjaro than it is to get to this stage of a relationship with an introvert.
If you don't make tactical mistakes, over time he will begin to trust you.
Intrude into his space
What happens if you visit an extrovert without warning?
One can be subjected to stormy joy. Even being fed delicious treats prepared just in time for such an occasion.
If you suddenly swoop down on an introvert and be attentive enough, you can see how a spectrum of suspiciously gloomy emotions sweeps through his eyes.
Introverts don't like intruders.
They value personal things very much: things, time, space. Everything in the world for them has a very clear boundary between “mine” and “not mine”. And you can't cross the line!
Throw tantrums
What introverts hate with all their hearts is tantrums. Especially emotional, noisy, with special effects in the form of flying dishes. The raised tone literally plunges them into a stupor.
When you try to quarrel loudly, you may stumble upon an unexpectedly strong rebuff. And, perhaps, to become a witness to a unique phenomenon: the quantum teleportation of an introvert.
Here he was, but now he is gone! Only the cup remained. He'll take her later, by the way.
Tactical guide
Moving on to practice... These little nuances will help build a relationship with an introverted man.
Remember: there is no better, more effective and faster way to get close to an introverted man than to listen to him. It's the most important!
Find something he is really passionate about. Bring him out to talk about it and be an interested listener. Thus, you literally diagonally shorten the distance to the circle of the elect.
Listen, understand, be interested, do not interrupt in any case.
Do not be afraid to show and even say directly that you like him. Just not in a stressful way. Don't demand an answer, especially if it's a logic subtype.
It may seem that in such matters he slows down a little. Well, yes, it’s just that the introvert is trying to understand the sphere of relations with the mind.
He needs time to weigh, structure information, collect data, take into account nuances, etc. Give him that time. But start the process.
Do not limit
Actually, everyone needs freedom, but for an extrovert and an introvert, these are slightly different concepts. It is more important for an extrovert not to be limited in events, activities and communication.
Introvert - not to break into his world without knocking. Let him feel that you will not change his usual way of life. Such people are pleasant and safe for him.
The modern world is "imprisoned" for extroverts. They are brighter, it is easier with them, they are noticed.
Introverts know this. And, deep down, they themselves often consider themselves a little “out of shape”. Even if they like odes to extroverts or laugh that they simply do not want to spread the virus of show off and stupidity.
Do not allow him or yourself to believe in such nonsense.
Introverts are individualists, they think with their own heads and do not follow the crowd. They are generally less subject to social influence.
The attitude of an extrovert is volatile, like the currency exchange. But the attachment of an introvert is stable and deep. Appreciate it and never forget why you fell in love with him.
What's next?
And so it happened! You slipped through the world of your beloved introvert man and even got to his Saturday gatherings. What to do now?
Develop, hear each other, love, respect, understand. Nothing new.
Just one last secret: spend cozy evenings together. Hugs are sometimes so effective that the rest of the psychology may not be needed.
The first meeting and even a short period of time spent together do not give a complete picture of the essence of a person's character. But falling in love at first sight, the first meeting can be almost every representative of the fair sex.
How should a woman behave when she falls in love with an introverted man? How to keep warm relations with these "cold icebergs" without disturbing their shaky inner world, and at the same time find happiness or even build a family?
Psychological portrait
Introverts are not experts in showing their feelings. To some, not very observant, it may even seem that such a person is completely deprived of them. However, in fact, external calmness, impartiality and indifference simply mean that the emotional component of their psyche is very developed and all experiences are much deeper and hidden from philistine views.
Creating a psychological portrait of an introverted man, first of all, you need to highlight his stability in relationships , taciturnity and ability to listen. He is conservative, secretive, does not immediately let a woman into his personal space, as if testing her for strength. Such men, as a rule, do not recognize the concept of “candy-bouquet period” in a relationship, slowly giving their chosen one gifts and tenderness. Rather, on the contrary, only over time, if trust appears in the relationship, the introvert becomes more friendly and allows the woman to become part of his life.
Such a man cannot be called a talker or windbag. He always keeps all his promises, is not prone to deceit and does not like being lied to. Laconic. Even in a trusting relationship, long conversations prefer joint activities without further ado.
Secrets of a happy relationship
An introverted man does not like noisy companies, preferring to spend time alone with his beloved woman. It is at such moments of solitude that the fair sex can study the vulnerable soul of such a man and pick up the treasured key to his heart.
But, even being in love and completely trusting his chosen one, he always has his own inner world, which belongs only to him . Introverts share their experiences, emotions and feelings very reluctantly, even with the closest people. However, this does not mean that they do not know how to love. This is wrong. Many introverts are generally monogamous and carry feelings for one woman throughout their lives. It's just that their love is expressed not in loud words, but in silent care, loyalty and honesty.
An introvert really dislikes being asked questions about his feelings, for example: “Do you love me?”, “Are you okay with me?”, “Do you think we will always be together?” and others. As a rule, he answers them with silence. But this is not at all a sign of disrespect or lack of feelings. It's just a character trait. Do not ask a man questions - and you will be comfortable together.
An introverted woman must learn to “read her eyes”, because sometimes, not wanting to scatter hot declarations of love, this man can warm her eyes so much that you will have no doubts about his feelings. It’s just that a person of this psychological type does not seek to notify everyone and everyone about his love, he keeps his feelings and proves them only to the woman he loves. And this is much better than empty words about unearthly love and unfulfilled promises to get stars from the sky. There is nothing better for a woman when there is a man nearby who can turn life into a fairy tale with a happy ending without words.
Introverts do not like to be criticized, responding with a long and stubborn silence to any reproaches from a woman. It is very difficult to convince them or impose their point of view. They do not recognize "templates" in relationships. Phrases like “you shouldn’t look at others”, “you were supposed to call”, etc. cause them irritation, since such a man believes that he does not have to prove anything to anyone, therefore, he does not consider it necessary to follow the generally accepted norms.
You should not control the actions of a man of this type, at least openly. He perceives such actions as a betrayal, because a woman thus demonstrates her distrust of him, which means she doubts his love. In this case, a vulnerable introvert can withdraw into himself and never again let such a suspicious lady get so close to him.
Habits of an introverted man
Extravagance is alien to such a man. He is restrained in everything. This applies to both emotions and style in clothing. Sometimes introverts are very slow. But this is not due to laziness, but to regularity and thoroughness. Do not try to rush him, because he always keeps everything under control. And even if you are terribly annoyed that, for example, he picks up socks under a suit for a very long time or brushes his teeth for 10 minutes, be sure that it is better to remain silent. After all, every step is calculated for him, and interference in his usual course of life can turn out to be more disappointing for you than a long wait.
An introvert's true companion is loneliness . Even when his heart is filled with love, he must communicate with himself from time to time. Wanting to spend his whole life next to a woman, he remains his own best friend. He does not need noisy parties, night discos and "mass festivities", he prefers quiet evenings with his beloved woman. The maximum that he can do for a woman is rare spiritual meetings with a couple of friends. A large number of people have a depressing effect on him, he gets irritated and can completely close in his "shell".
The characteristic qualities of a person also include practicality, thrift, and thrift. So, buying a bouquet of flowers seems almost absurd to him, because the flowers will wither. An introvert would rather give a houseplant in a pot than a basket of roses. And he himself does not like useless gifts, and if you have a general budget, he can even scold you for squandering if he receives some impractical thing or an expensive trinket as a gift.
As far as intimate life is concerned, here the introvert behaves quite reservedly. He prefers some set of poses and does not really like it when a woman dominates. Too domineering behavior of a partner can push him away, so passionate natures will have to adapt to a phlegmatic introvert.
Despite all these aspects of the nature of introverts, these are the most reliable, faithful and caring husbands, who then perfectly cope with the role of a father, responsibly approaching the upbringing of children. And their silent support and a strong shoulder are a guarantee that a woman is really “behind her husband, like behind a stone wall!”.
Dine with your parents on Wednesdays, and meet friends on Saturdays, Aquarius will not last even a month with you. He needs spontaneity. He can wake you up at night to go for a walk under the stars. Or at the last moment, when you already have tickets to St. Petersburg, he will offer to give up on Baikal. Life hack: try to look happy and inspired, even if his proposal annoyed you. Believe me, he comes up with all this for you.
He does not know how to show emotions
Happiness, despondency or disappointment are written on the face of Aquarius in approximately the same colors: he looks cold and distant, which makes you suspect that he does not feel anything. This is wrong. It's just that most of his feelings are hidden under a thick layer of introspection, and only the strongest experiences break through to the surface. So don't intentionally provoke his wrath unless you want to see him transform into a fire-breathing dragon.
This is his main advantage, which many people ignore. You can turn to him for advice, cry, ask for help - he will never refuse. If you once dropped that you like an emerald ring (and said without a hint), then be sure: Aquarius will remember and give it. For this reason, your man believes that you should be as attentive to him as he is. Therefore, in the store, remember what things he hugs for a long time and cannot let go of.
He wants to be friends
Love for him is a synonym for friendship. Common interests, long conversations, frankness are important to him. You will be surprised, but sex for him is in second place after companionship. Therefore, put all your efforts into speaking the same language with him, then the situation in bed will improve.
He needs to be alone
You will never suspect him of being an introvert. Aquarius is able to arrange a cool hangout in line at the store. He knows how to please in three seconds and talk to any silent person. And at the same time, he needs several hours a day to be alone with himself. Because of this, he returns late in the evenings - he travels in a car through empty streets. Or he locks himself in a room for "cool projects" but actually listens to music and relaxes. Do not disturb him at such times.
If you had to convince Aquarius of something, then you already know from your own experience that this is a waste of time and nerves. He will do it anyway. Moreover, his stubbornness will be proportional to the strength of your resistance. By default, you will have to agree, because if you are against his decision, then he will see this as a disdain for him. And here you need a trick. When you want to get a certain decision from your man, then offer him several options and most of all praise the one that is opposite to your desire. Aquarius will want to prove to you that he is the boss in the house, and will choose the option that you like deep down.
He takes everything to heart
If, in the heat of a quarrel, you told him that you no longer want to communicate with him, then know that communication between you will actually stop until you apologize. He is the kind of person who takes everything literally, which means that if you show a whim and say that you do not want to go to a party, then he will not beg you and go himself. Therefore, watch your tongue and keep in mind that he remembers any insults forever.
Signs of an introvert
PsychologyBeing an introvert is great! The myth that these are quiet, modest and shy people has been dispelled to the wind. The fact that sometimes you need to be alone is not bad at all. This is the main difference between an introvert and an extrovert: everyone draws energy from the environment as he can.
Someone needs a noisy company to feel full of vitality, and someone chooses loneliness as a life-giving source. If you are close to the things that will be discussed below, your personality is dominated by traits of an introvert . And you are very lucky!
- You don't like crowds
You don't feel comfortable in crowds, and that's understandable. Where there is a crowd, everyone merges into one, individuality is lost. The herd instinct disgusts you, the screaming enthusiastic crowd seems monstrous to you, and all because you are used to thinking with your own head, and not succumbing to influence. - You are careful with new acquaintances
You approach people very carefully, old friends please you more. This does not mean at all that it is difficult for you to communicate with strangers: you just realize the complexity of each person and can foresee what to expect from him. Introverts are great with people. - You are eloquent
In public, introverts can often speak fluently and be surprisingly eloquent: a toast, a speech, a report are the trump cards of an educated introvert. But contests, parties and friendly parties are incomprehensible to an introvert, he instinctively chooses entertainment of a different kind. - You like extroverts
There are many active, talkative, extremely energetic extroverts in your environment. Opposites are drawn to each other, and such a union is incredibly fruitful. - You get nervous before important meetings
Unknown people and places make you nervous: you need to show yourself! Can I? This is such a responsibility ... But once you get used to it, it costs you nothing to hit the interlocutor to the core. Introverts know how to present themselves.
- You are a true friend
You are honest because you don't care what others think of you. The greatest value is to be honest with yourself. The pangs of conscience that haunt an introvert are terrible, so he avoids situations that can cause them. - You are a Buddha
Sometimes you want to be lazy to such an extent that you have no desire not only to do nothing, but also to think becomes an unnecessary undertaking. Laziness, emptiness, complete relaxation are the resources that feed the introvert's system and enable him to continue to live a happy life. The introvert is lucky - he is fully self-sufficient, he does not need anyone and nothing for happiness, he is perfect. This restless extrovert is always looking for something to fill his void. - You are not in a hurry
Introverts are not in a hurry, but they manage to do everything.You won't put off what you're doing to respond to a sudden message: you can learn from an introvert about proper prioritization.
- You are distrustful
Your distrust means that you perceive life in a complex way, taking into account all factors. You are disappointed in everything in advance, but this gives you the strength to endure in any situation, and also the ability to prevent terrible events. - You are a creative person
Creativity is freedom, all introverts know about it. Their inner potential is expressed in art, whatever they do. An introvert will turn any business into an act of creativity, whether it is cooking dinner or choosing your clothes. Introverts love to draw, take pictures, sing and dance, and they do it not for the attention of the public, but for the soul. - You are polite
Introverts judge people by themselves, so they tend to be sensitive and empathetic.They are very attentive to details, and this is so captivating ...
- You are planning
Thinking through upcoming things and planning are important activities for any introvert. You know how to come up with a plan that will be winning from all sides. The future does not scare you at all - you have your own plans for it. - You are wise
At least that's what people think of you. The time spent alone has done you good - you have become a mature person earlier than others, your experience is reinforced by internal introspection. - You know what you want
It's just a treasure, not a trait! An introvert is different from people who have seven Fridays a week - he is always clear in his desires and beliefs, which means he is reliable for others. - You are a dreamer
You love to dream, and this opens up great prospects for you: no limits, everything is possible in life…
Introverts are able to maintain a balance between communication and work on themselves, therefore they are in harmony with the world.