Should i seek therapy
10 Signs You Might Need A Therapist – Georgia HOPE
10 Signs That You Might Need a Therapist
You’ve hit the wall. A tragedy has occurred. Nothing is going right.
“Pick the kids up from school. Keep it together for them.”
You vent to your spouse. They take your pain personally and feel defeated in helping relieve it. Now you feel guilty for burdening them.
The to-do list keeps getting longer and your energy is already depleted.
“Ah, sweet coffee…”
You call your friend. All she does is compare your suffering to hers – like it’s a competition. Now you feel invalidated.
“I’ll just have one more glass of wine…”
You decide to just veg out and watch some Netflix. Instead, painful memories and intrusive negative thoughts begin to creep in. Now your mind is more frightening and confusing as the last season of Stranger Things.
Sound familiar? Many of us are walking around with unsurmountable suffering that no one can see.
- Childhood trauma.
- Broken families.
- Crippling debt.
- Workplace drama.
We try our best to hide this from the world. But instead, our pain begins to manifest into emotional outbursts, strained relationships, physical illness, etc. How do we begin to heal? How can we change the never-ending cycle of chaos?
Therapy is the first line of treatment in getting un-stuck. Whether you are going through a major life transition, feeling down, having relationship trouble, experiencing anxiety, or problematic usage of substances – therapy can help.
A survey released in May of 2004, “Therapy in America 2004,” and co-sponsored by Psychology Today magazine and PacifiCare Behavioral Health, found that an estimated 59 million people have received mental health treatment in the past two years, and that 80 percent of them have found it effective.
So, here are some signs that you should consider therapy…
- Your eating and sleeping habits have changed.
Either you’re getting too much or not enough of either. Either can be detrimental.
- You no longer enjoy the things that you used to. Maybe you aren’t so zen in yoga class anymore and start skipping them. Or Sunday tee-time just isn’t giving you the joy it did before.
- Your emotions are turned up to 12! Find yourself crying in the bathroom at work (more than usual)? Or instead of just murmuring curse words at the driver who cut you off, you actually try to start a fight with them.
- Social situations are a no go. You don’t want your friends to stop inviting you to get-togethers, but every RSVP is left unchecked.
- Unhealthy habits are becoming problematic. We automatically think of drinking and drug use when this comes up. But this could also involve excessive shopping, excessive dieting, risky behaviors, etc.
- Your relationships aren’t being nurtured. Arguments with your spouse. Snapping at your children. Ignoring your friend’s phone calls and texts.
- Something horrible happened.
You’ve experienced a trauma that has shaken you to your core. Trauma isn’t just for combat soldiers. A car accident, affair, loss of a loved one, or anything you feel is traumatic – is trauma.
- You’re unsure of who you are. Understanding ourselves better can help us break maladaptive patterns of behavior or allow us to give ourselves more grace.
- Your support network is diminished or nonexistent. Everyone needs someone to talk to and process with. Therapy is a great place to receive the validation and support that you deserve.
- Nothing else has helped. You’ve tried exercising. You’ve tried meditation. You even tried reading that crazy self-help book your Aunt recommended. But, nothing seems to give you relief.
If any or all of these are ringing a bell, then you should consider finding a therapist.
Georgia HOPE offers in-home and online therapy for a multitude of presenting problems including:
- Anxiety
- Depression & other Mood Disorders
- Relationship Troubles
- Substance Use
- Eating Disorders
- And more!
Do I Need Therapy? — Should I See a Therapist Quiz
This online screening is not a diagnostic tool. Only a trained medical professional, such as a doctor or mental health professional, can help you determine the next best steps for you.
We all have experienced moments of stress and anxiety in our lives. Many of us are no strangers to the emotional and mental challenges brought on by problems at work, financial worries, issues in our relationships, or grief over the loss of a loved one.
Sometimes we can handle these challenges on our own or with the help of friends and family members we trust.
But what about when these feelings become so overwhelming that they seem to weigh you down? Who do you turn to then?
Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is a common treatment for a number of mental health conditions, but it can also help with day-to-day challenges and concerns.
Not all psychotherapy is the same, and not all therapists offer the same services in the same way. And, contrary to popular belief, not all therapists have a chaise lounge or couch in their office for you to lie on.
Therapy can be one-on-one, in a group setting, or done as a family. If face-to-face therapy isn’t the best option for you, there are options for online therapy.
There are many therapeutic approaches depending on your unique needs. A few common psychotherapy approaches include:
- cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- acceptance and commitment therapy
- dialetical behavior therapy (DBT)
- psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapy
- family therapy
- interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)
People seek therapy for many reasons — from needing help dealing with a mental health condition to just needing someone to talk with.
Therapy can be effective for a variety of situations. A 2019 review found that psychotherapy was helpful across several problem areas. The review also suggested that routine psychotherapy was especially helpful for those who had severe distress.
How effective therapy is for you will depend on you, your unique needs, and how much work you do between and during sessions. You can also see a therapist for just a few sessions or longer, depending on your needs.
No matter the topic, there’s no reason to be ashamed of seeking additional help and support. Therapy can offer a safe space for you to talk and just be yourself.
Finding the right therapist can be crucial to your decision on whether therapy is the best option for you and your needs. It can take some time but it will be worth it.
If you’re considering therapy but not sure where to start, you can check out Psych Central’s hub for finding mental health support.
This brief, time-saving questionnaire is designed for anyone who thinks they may benefit from therapy.
Psychotherapy has the ability to benefit everyone.
Anyone can attend therapy to improve or work through any concerns — from improving relationships at home to getting tools to improve focus and concentration.
This test consists of 12 questions that relate to how you’ve felt and behaved during the past month. For each question, try to respond as honestly as possible to get an accurate assessment.
Your responses will help determine whether you may need additional help and professional support for a concerning life issue.
A mental health professional can also help figure out if your issues might be a symptom of a mental health condition and recommend treatment if needed.
This online screening is not a definitive tool. It will not conclusively guarantee that you will benefit from therapy.
However, it can be useful if you’re thinking about therapy and want to determine whether therapy is the right option for you.
Only a trained medical professional, such as a doctor or mental health professional, can help you determine the next best steps for you.
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Finding your own
psychologist is difficult
Not every psychologist works
with your problem. And if it works,
is not the fact that it is quite effective.
Alter will help.
We will select a professional
specialist who works
exactly with your request.
Not every psychologist works
with your problem. And if it works,
is not the fact that it is quite effective.
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We will select a professional
specialist who works
exactly with your request.
Find your
psychologists are difficult
Andrey Breslav, co-founder of Alter
on how the selection algorithm works.
25,000+ people have already contacted Alter.
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Olga Kitaina, co-founder of Alter
, about how we select psychologists.
2. Choose a psychologist
that you like.
All of our specialists are
carefully selected - only 13% of
gets into the Alter database.
✔️ Anonymous selection of a psychologist
✔️ Work in accordance with the code of ethics
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in a dark room without windows
and doors. There is always a way out, believe me.
Olga Kitaina,
co-founder of Alter and psychologist
“Psychotherapy is the most effective way
known to me to change myself
for the better. ”
Andrey Breslav,
ALTER co -founder and programmer
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from the ALTER
Catalog Catalog
Self -esteem
Releases 9000 9000 2 more0021 psychologists with different specializations
And they also write about us:
Psychotherapy is just a tool,
which helps to live better
Psychologists online at Yasno - a service for selecting a psychotherapist and consulting with a psychologist.
Regular sessions with
psychologist improve the quality of life
Establish harmonious relationships with loved ones
Cope with anxiety and feel calm
Accept yourself and increase your self-esteem
Get energized and stop procrastinating
Find your calling and start doing what you love
Learn to say “No” and stand up for your boundaries
Want to discuss my situation
We strictly select
psychologists and work only with the most experienced
Higher psychological, humanitarian and additional psychotherapeutic
We check education first.
There are many failures in the market. We weed them out
From three years. During this time, good practical experience is accumulated
Then - work experience: from three years. During this time, good practical experience is accumulated
Checking the most important: skills and successful case studies
And at the end - an interview. Checking the most important: skills and successful cases from practice
And it is important for masters to learn. We develop through seminars and supervisions
Even professionals need to keep learning.
We develop specialists through supervision and seminars
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Do psychologists or psychotherapists work at Yasno?
There is often confusion between the words "psychologist" and "psychotherapist". And Russian legislation, alas, does not clarify this issue
Our specialists can be called non-medical psychotherapists. They received higher education in the field of psychology and additional education in one of the psychotherapeutic areas
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