Laziest personality type
The Laziest MBTI I How To Be Less Lazy Using The MBTI |
Today, we are ranking the 16 MBTI personality types. Which is the laziest MBTI? And how to be less lazy using the MBTI?
First, let's define laziness as lacking in energy or motivation towards an activity. Laziness can be manifested as postponing or delaying action or doing an action more slowly or without conscious energy or interest. Laziness can fuel an autopilot like state. You might feel bored or lethargic. Nothing motivates you and you find yourself procrastinating on activities all the time.
Secondly, I have found that INFPs are the laziest personality type, and I will explain why and rank all the 16 personalities in this article.
In This Article
Table of contents
- How to be less lazy?
- What personality types are the most lazy?
- INFP: The laziest MBTI
- Other lazy personality types
- How to be less lazy
How to be less lazy?
Firstly, you don't have a laziness problem. You have a motivation problem. There is no inherently "laziest MBTI". Any type can be lazy if they are not properly motivated. Secondly, today's society focuses on motivating people using money and success, and not everyone finds that interesting.
You might be differently motivated and that's okay. Discover your own motivation and take my MBTI Personality Test.
As you can see in the above infographic, everyone is motivated differently. If you're told to do things for reasons that you don't find to be motivating or stimulating enough, you're going to lack the energy to get the task done properly. As an iNtuitive, use creativity and originality to keep your life fun and interesting. It will give you energy to make more progress in your work.
Another reason for being lazy is that your approach to work is not the right one for you. As an introvert, it's nice to take your time to reflect on a situation and to wait for as long as possible, but you do need time constraints to push and challenge yourself to improve at a task. Similarly, an extrovert needs to be aware of boundaries and restraints to make sure it gets done properly.
Finally, if you use the above infographic as a guide, you can learn how to motivate yourself and other personality types so that you can get more things done.
What personality types are the most lazy?
The personality types ranked by the most and least lazy
Today's society is always about work, money and those things just don't motivate an INFP. You're not inherently lazy, you just care about other things. Tune into your passion to get more energy and motivation.
When we're not obsessing about work and money, we're talking about investing, business, and projects. ISFPs are just not into that stuff.
You care more about efficiency than hard-work. You're always looking for a better way to do things.
You only want to put in the necessary amount of effort into a task, no more, no less.
The more people tell you to do something the less you want to do it.
You'll do it, but you just wanna have fun first.
You may spend more time arguing about a task than actually doing it.
You'd rather get someone else to do your home work for you.
You'd rather think about doing it than actually do it.
Sure, if it needs to be done. But first, let's take a break and eat some cookies.
You're hardly lazy, you just take a long time to get things done.
If it's on your list, you'll do it. You just don't add it to the list unless it absolutely has to be done.
Okay, fine, you'll do it, but first you have 1000 other interesting projects that are really cool.
You'll do it, and you'll come up with a nice song and dance while you are doing it.
You have a thousand minions that will get it done for you. B
You already did it.
Learn more about my rankings in this YouTube video. The 16 personalities ranked by laziness.
INFP: The laziest MBTI
Firstly, INFPs are the laziest MBTI. It's not that they can't put a lot of energy and hard work into something. There are INFPs that are amazingly talented, passionate people. They can put anything into their craft or their purpose. It's just that INFPs are not motivated by money or success in the traditional sense.
Other lazy personality types
Secondly, other close contenders are the ISFP and INTP personality types. ISFPs are easygoing types that like to take every day as it comes. You dislike pressure or the thought of doing something just because of doing it. You can be active, sportsy, and alert, but you just don't respond well to obligation.
Thirdly, INTPs are often cited as the laziest MBTI. That said, you can put a lot of work and effort into being smart. Coming up with ideas and finding ways to be more efficient is a calling for you. You can spend ten hours coming up with a method to solve a problem in ten minutes. People may call you lazy because, for the first ten hours, nothing is happening. At least not on the outside.
How to be less lazy
- Be realistic about how much energy you can put into a project
- Focus your attention and energy into projects that matter to you
- Don't feel too guilty about not being able to do everything or not being able to be everywhere at once
- Give yourself time to recharge in between activities
- Make the time you spend recharging "self-care" time and try to enjoy it
- Find healthy ways to recharge by doing things that fuel your Introverted iNtuition
- Give yourself mini-breaks or timeouts during activities
- Don't spread yourself too thin
- Let go of things that you don't have the energy or attention for
- Push yourself to give your all into activities if they matter to you
Do you agree with the list? Are you the laziest MBTI? Share your feedback and thoughts in the comment's below!
What Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type is Lazy About
There’s a lot of talk in the type community about which Myers-Briggs® personality type is lazier than all the rest! Some people believe that Perceivers (types with a “P” in their type code) are the laziest, because they don’t like rigid structures and a highly planned-out lifestyle. Others say that Feelers are laziest, because they “allow their feelings to carry them every which way.” But the truth is much more nuanced than that. Every single personality type is bound to be lazy about some things, while quite productive about other things. Today we’re going to explore some of the things that each type is laziest about. Let’s begin!
Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTI® questionnaire.
Table of contents
- The Laziness of Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
- The ENFP
- The ENTP
- The INFP
- The INTP
- The ENFJ
- The ENTJ
- The INFJ
- The INTJ
- The ESFP
- The ESTP
- The ISFP
- The ISTP
- The ESFJ
- The ESTJ
- The ISFJ
- The ISTJ
- What Are Your Thoughts?
Estimated reading time: 14 minutes
The Laziness of Each Myers-Briggs® Personality TypeThe ENFPMentally energetic and creative, ENFPs move through life with a buzz of curiosity and excitement. Their enthusiasm, insight, and free-thinking nature can make them ingenious in the business world and innovative in any field that demands imagination. When it comes to laziness, ENFPs don’t typically look like slackers. But they tend to put off mundane, detailed tasks that have to do with upkeep and cautious preparation.
Many ENFPs struggle to do things like:
- Clean out the refrigerator when the food inside gets old
- Organize and pay their taxes meticulously
- Prepare for proverbial “rainy days”
- Show up on time for meetings or events that seem dull and uninspiring
- Stay on task during a project instead of getting distracted by another opportunity
- Return books to the library on time
- Pack everything they might possibly need ahead of a road trip
- Get their dental appointment done every six months
ENFPs typically become better at handling the upkeep and dull aspects of life as they hit their 30s and beyond. The more they work on attending to their bodily health, reflecting on lessons from their past, and considering their values and what will matter to them in the long run, the more they will overcome these challenges.
Innovative and skeptical, ENTPs enjoy having their hands in many different experiments and projects. Their curiosity, imagination, and skill with troubleshooting can make them just the types you need in a crisis. When it comes to laziness, their troubles tend to revolve around the smaller physical details of life. They wind up in crisis when they put off mundane tasks for so long that they blow up into major catastrophes as a result.
Many ENTPs struggle to do things like:
- Clean the stove regularly
- Wash, dry, and put away the laundry right away
- Replace dead smoke alarms promptly
- Talk to a significant other about a vulnerable but important issue
- File paperwork quickly and in an organized way
- Do nitty-gritty, detailed cleaning tasks on a regular basis (like dusting off ceiling fan blades)
- Stay on task with a project when it gets into the detailed phase instead of getting distracted with a “better” opportunity
ENTPs typically become better at handling the upkeep and dull aspects of life as they hit their 30s and beyond. The more they work on attending to their bodily health, reflecting on lessons from their past, and considering the personal logic of sticking with tasks when they get dull, the more they will overcome these challenges.
Idealistic and driven by a personal set of ethics, INFPs are the quiet dreamers of the personality community. They are in touch with their beliefs and values and strive to live a life that they feel good about in their heart at the end of the day. Their imagination, creativity, and conscientious nature make them excel as counselors, artists, or even humanitarian workers. When it comes to laziness, it ntends to show up when they are so focused on their dreams and ideals that they lose touch with the more mundane but essential aspects of life.
Many INFPs struggle to do things like:
- Check facts from multiple sources that might contradict a cause that’s important to them
- Stay on task during a project when an emotional or personal crisis is happening
- Hold people accountable even when they have excuses for why they failed to do something
- Finish a project they start, even when new and exciting alternatives present themselves
- Bring up a disagreement with someone directly, instead of mulling it over or putting it off to avoid a conflict
- Study for a school project and finish it in a methodical, steady way ahead of deadline
INFPs typically become better at handling these aspects of life as they hit their 30s and beyond.
Read this next: What Each Myers-Briggs Type Loves About INFPs
The INTPINTPs are driven to understand the key principles of life in a precise and thorough way. Their curiosity drives them to investigate, question, and refine their understanding of the world. They enjoy using multiple reasoning methods to objectively analyze problems, deduce, define, categorize, name, and navigate. Framing a problem from multiple angles and seeing various leverage points is something they excel at. While their penchant for clarity and accuracy is impressive, they can become lazy about some of the more physical or emotional aspects of life.
Many INTPs struggle to do things like:
- Actively listen when someone is confiding to them about a personal problem
- Give positive affirmations to people they care about
- Engage in chit-chat that could lead to deeper, more quality connections
- Attend to their own personal feelings and emotions
- Make their bed every morning
- Follow a to-do list precisely and on time
- Throw away old food in the refrigerator when it’s past the due date
- Stop investigating a subject of interest when something practical needs to be done
INTPs typically become better at handling the Sensing-Feeling aspects of life as they hit their 30s and beyond. The more they work on attending to their bodily health, sticking with a task even when it’s dull, or understanding their own and others’ emotions, the more they will grow in these areas.
Read this next: 21 Hobbies That INTPs Love
The ENFJENFJs tend to be productive, goal-focused, and energetic. They live with a long-term vision of what is possible and what they want to achieve in life. At the same time, they can appear lazy when it comes to the nitty-gritty investigative research that needs to be done for certain parts of life.
Many ENFJs struggle to do things like:
- Confront someone about a technical or competence failure
- Check facts that go against a belief or cause that’s personally important to them
- Ask for help for one of their own personal needs
- Do nitty-gritty, impersonal tasks like filing, untangling Christmas lights, or fixing a computer problem
- Read through a manual about how to use an object (like a vacuum, dishwasher, or car manual)
ENFJs typically grow into the Sensing-Thinking areas of life as they get into their 30s and start to mature and develop experience with their non-preferred functions.
Efficient and resourceful, ENTJs are probably the last types that you’d think of when you hear the word “lazy.” That said, everyone has blind spots and mental areas that they avoid focusing on. While ENTJs may indeed be task-focused and productive when it comes to practical matters, they can put off or avoid tasks that involve emotional labor and introspection.
Many ENTJs struggle to do things like:
- Reach out and affirm people emotionally
- Keep up with doctor check-ups or nitty-gritty physical upkeep
- Actively listen to people who are struggling with their lives
- Assess the human impact and emotional needs of others involved in their endeavors
- Ask for physical and/or emotional help
- Take leisure time with friends and family
Visionary and imaginative, INFJs have a unique ability to sense others’ inner potential. They are always looking for ways to improve and they thrive best when they can explore the future and anticipate possibilities. Where INFJs get lazy is with the practical realities of day-to-day life. Dealing with immediate practical demands can seem like a hassle that gets in the way of their penchant for ideating and analyzing.
Many INFJs struggle to do things like:
- Respond rapidly to an incoming bit of information (the phone ringing, a ball being thrown their way, etc,.)
- Make time for leisure, social activities
- Establish traditions or routines
- Communicate their abstract vision clearly and promptly
- Critique someone’s competency when it needs to be done
- Troubleshoot a complex technical problem relating to an object (like fixing a computer problem or repairing a household appliance)
- Prioritize physical upkeep (regular well checks, dental exams, etc)
Read this next: 7 Signs That an INFJ is Secretly Unhappy with Their Life
The INTJInsightful and complex, INTJs
are gifted at foreseeing the potential in the world around them. They have a unique inner vision of how things could be someday, and often have the stamina and aptitude to make their dreams a reality. They are always looking for ways to improve, and so they may balk at the idea of being “lazy.” That said, there are certain parts of their lives that they can procrastinate or put off embracing which can give the appearance of laziness to other personality types.
Many INTJs struggle to do things like:
- Respond rapidly to incoming stimuli (like the phone ringing, someone cracking a joke, etc)
- Relax leisurely without a plan or agenda
- Respect and follow the conventional way of doing things
- Express emotions and vulnerable feelings in an important relationship
- Affirm the positive qualities of the people around them
- Prioritize physical upkeep; well-checks, dental exams, and other self-care
- Engage in chit-chat that could lead to deeper, more quality connections
Read this next: 26 Memes any INTJ will Relate to
The ESFPEnergetic and fun-loving, ESFPs are alert to their surroundings and quick to act in emergency situations. One wouldn’t immediately think “lazy” when they see these types. Their high energy and active lifestyle makes them appear to be always on the go. Yet where these types get “lazy” is with tasks that require long-term planning or a focus on intangible ideas. ESFPs like focusing on the present and get frustrated when they have to predict or do mundane tasks that only have a distant future reward.
Many ESFPs struggle to do things like:
- Map out their long-term goals
- Set aside money in savings or an IRA for their future
- Make a will or set up life insurance
- Stick with a boring project (like filing taxes or solving a computer problem)
- Slow down and think through the consequences when an exciting opportunity presents itself
- Talk about abstract or theoretical subjects
ESTPs are go-getters who value concrete, bottom-line results. They know how to think quickly on their feet and bring a sense of fun to any task, no matter how mundane. Practical and sharp-minded, they look for ways to make a visible impact in the world. These types aren’t slouches, but they can get lazy when it comes to tasks that have no visible immediate result. They tend to dislike hypothesizing about the future, and can get impatient with tasks that require sustained effort for a distant reward.
Many ESTPs struggle to do things like:
- Make a 10-year plan
- Organize life insurance policies or methodically put money in savings
- Think of the risks cautiously when an exciting or thrilling opportunity presents itself
- Project about future possibilities or plans
- Brainstorm
- Finish a task that requires sustained, long-term effort without incremental rewards or visible benefits
- Reflect on their own inner feelings and motivations
- Have heart-to-heart discussions in order to form deep connections with others
Living with conviction and purpose is the desire of the ISFP personality type. These types evaluate what’s important to them on a core level and strive to live in accordance with those deeply personal internalized values. When it comes to laziness, these types tend to put off or avoid tasks that require them to detach from their deeply passionate feeling side. As sensors, they also tend to feel uncomfortable hypothesizing about future scenarios or brainstorming.
Many ISFPs struggle to do things like:
- Come up with an efficient, sequential plan to complete a project in a timely manner
- Work through a project or task when they feel emotionally overwhelmed
- Work when their environment is gloomy, disorganized, or messy
- Continue on a project when it lacks personal meaning or significance
- Do their best work when they have to be surrounded by people a lot
- Confront their partners about an issue right away
- Brainstorm or entertain alternatives and arguments that oppose a cause or value
As with all personality types, ISFPs can transcend these issues. As they grow and mature and experience a variety of life’s challenges, they may become more skilled at the areas above.
Investigative and pragmatic, ISTPs thrive when they can find ways to optimize the world around them. Whether they’re an artist or an auto mechanic, they have a skill at understanding tools and mastering their craft in unique and precise ways. Where ISTPs can get lazy is with personal relationships and emotional connections. These types enjoy understanding how the things in the world work, but they can get baffled and overwhelmed by the plethora of human emotions out there.
Many ISTPs struggle to do things like:
- Affirm others emotionally on a regular basis
- Make chit-chat and small talk in order to forge deeper connections with others
- Introspect about their own feelings and values to find out what’s meaningful to them
- Work with sustained effort on a project that only has a distant, long-term benefit
- Brainstorm and generate theoretical possibilities
- Hypothesize and make predictions with confidence
Warm and pragmatic, ESFJs combine friendliness and a down-to-earth, steady nature. These types don’t typically seem lazy because they are usually busy taking care of other people. But they can put off tasks that require a lot of impersonal analysis and troubleshooting. The world of the ESFJ is typically directed towards people, therefore tasks that have no immediate human impact tend to seem overwhelming to them.
Many ESFJs struggle to do things like:
- Read a technical manual in order to troubleshoot a problem
- Give criticism about someone’s work performance
- Entertain arguments or hypotheses that lie in opposition to their causes or beliefs
- Prioritize the relative long-term importance of their tasks
- Determine causal links between different events in their environment
ESTJs strive to tackle the problems of life in an efficient and timely manner. These strong personalities ground themselves in a down-to-earth, practical headspace. They take life as it comes and are objective even when faced with difficult decisions and chaotic surroundings. While these certainly aren’t the types you would immediately deem “lazy,” there are certain areas of their lives that tend to collect weeds and cobwebs as they focus on other things. As Sensor-Thinker types, anything in the area of Intuition-Feeling can be ignored, put off, or dismissed as “unimportant.”
Many ESTJs struggle to do things like:
- Give positive affirmations regularly to the people they care about
- Make time for quiet introspection about one’s own values and the meaning of one’s own life
- Get in touch with their emotions and the underlying causes of those emotions
- Actively listen to someone express their emotions and feelings
- Hypothesize about a new, innovative way to accomplish a task
- Contemplate the abstract areas of life
Patient and gentle, ISFJ personality types strive to live a tranquil yet meaningful existence. These types seek to be comfortable and secure by working steadily, relying on proven facts, and creating a consistent routine for themselves. They are usually very dependable and consistent, but as Sensing-Feeling types they can put off tasks that require them to do a lot of Intuiting-Thinking (although thinking can provide relief when it’s relied on in a low-pressure, creative way).
Many ISFJs struggle to do things like:
- Experiment with new ways to accomplish tasks
- Take risks or try things that don’t have very specific instructions
- Imagine the long-term potential of something
- Extrapolate alternatives or brainstorm possibilities
- Critique someone’s job performance
- Troubleshoot a complex technical problem (like a computer error or a programming issue)
Patient and cautious, ISTJs believe in accomplishing their goals in a methodical, timely manner. These types are extremely detail-oriented and meticulous, valued for their ability to stay attentive and focused and finish tasks without getting distracted. Laziness tends to not be an issue for them at work, but as Sensing-Thinking types they can struggle to prioritize tasks that involve a lot of Intuitive-Feeling capabilities.
Many ISTJs struggle to do things like:
- Brainstorm new possibilities and ideas
- Sense the hidden potential of something
- Try things in new, unconventional ways
- Emotionally affirm the people close to them on a regular basis
- Enjoy spontaneous leisure activities or surprises
- Express their feelings or vulnerabilities to others
As you can see, we all have certain areas of our life that we can get lazy about. But at the same time, with growth, maturity, and practice, we can learn to be more practiced in these areas. The more we’re aware of our weaknesses, the more we can learn to transcend those weaknesses.
Do you have any thoughts or insights you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments!
Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type, The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, The INTJ – Understanding the Strategist, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!
- More
What type of personality is the smartest? –
Who is the smartest person?
- The most intelligent of the average type - measured by pure intellectual power - is INTP. …
- Second, what type of personality do you hate the most? …
- Of the 2 million testers each year, INFJ is the rarest, followed by ENTJ.
Accordingly, what type of personality is the most attractive?
Which type of MBTI is the most attractive?
23% of ENFPs indicated that they are most attracted to INTJs.
- INFP. 20% of INFPS indicated that they are most attracted to ENFPS.
- ENFJ. 15% of ENFJs indicated that they are most attracted to INTJs.
Moreover, what type of personality is the kindest?
I would say isfj and infj are definitely the kindest. isfj are genuinely dedicated and warm, very loyal and just <33 pure. infjs are all about understanding and empathy, so it's only natural that they're incredibly kind as well. While I think infps and enfps are good too, I guess it depends on the person.
Also Which personality types have the highest IQ?
It turns out that in terms of pure numbers, a person with a genius IQ is more likely to be ENFP . In a conference room with 100 Mensa members, you are likely to encounter sixteen ENFPs, eleven INTPs, eleven ISTJs, and ten INFPs.
What type of personality is the kindest?
I would say isfj and infj are definitely the kindest. isfj are genuinely dedicated and warm, very loyal and just <33 pure. infjs are all about understanding and empathy, so it's only natural that they're incredibly kind as well. While I think infps and enfps are good too, I guess it depends on the person.
Which personality type has the highest IQ?
It turns out that in terms of pure numbers, a person with a genius IQ is more likely to be ENFP . In a conference room with 100 Mensa members, you are likely to encounter sixteen ENFPs, eleven INTPs, eleven ISTJs, and ten INFPs.
What is your favorite MBTI?
If we're talking about the MBTI Internet Community, the MBTI is probably the one we like the most ENFP , and most disliked by ESTJs and ESFJs, for basically the same reasons they are most liked by IRLs.
Which MBTI is the most evil?
the most evil mbti type
17 Votes - 5.82%
- 44 Votes - 15.07%
- ESFP. 16 Votes - 5.48%
- 35 Votes - 11.99%
- 32 Votes - 10.96%
- 111 Votes - 38.01%
- 37 Votes - 12.67%
- 52 Votes - 17.81%
Which personality type is the laziest?
INFP : The laziest MBTI.
Which personality type has the lowest IQ?
And oh well, there is a slight correlation between MBTI and IQ, there are numbers, the highest ratio is for INTP INTJ and INFP in that order, and the lowest is ESFJ . It is also associated with the trait of openness and to some extent with neuroticism. IQ means something if you have 60 IQ, sorry, but you're done.
Which personality type has the most psychopaths?
Based on this information, it is clear that ESTP is most likely to be a psychopath. This makes sense since ESTPs are primarily focused on logical thinking at the moment. They also have secondary introverted thinking, which means they are spontaneous analyzers.
Which type of MBTI is the most romantic?
This is the type of partnership you are most likely to succeed in, depending on your Myers-Briggs personality type.
- ENFP: passionate, growth-oriented relationship.
- INFJ: complex, intellectually complex relationship.
- INFP: deeply romantic and intimate relationship.
What is the rarest enneagram?
The rarest type of enneagram is the fourth individualist type . One of the reasons you don't date Type Fours is because they tend to keep to themselves. They are often introverts. You are more likely to encounter the fourth type in a small group or one on one.
What is the strangest personality type?
info are probably the strangest as they seem to be the rarest type in the general population.
What type of personality is the most dangerous?
Slot machine INFP may be the most difficult personality type to understand. They seem easy-going and carefree, but when it comes to their values, they can suddenly become uncompromising.
Which type of MBTI is the laziest?
INFP : The laziest MBTI.
Which MBTI is the most intrusive?
xSFJ is the most intrusive . People answering ENFP questions are probably referring to the mistyped ESFJ.
What type of personality are serial killers?
ENTP and ISTP are two types that we often see among serial killers. Next on the list are INTJs and ESTJs.
What type of enneagram is the most evil?
drunk driver - enneagram 9. now 9s are your most evil types.
Who is the laziest person in the world?
The universe wants you to be lazy: meet the laziest person in the world - Sia Mohajer .
What is the strangest personality type?
info are probably the strangest as they seem to be the rarest type in the general population.
Which type of MBTI is the most evil?
the most evil mbti type
- ENFP. 17 Votes - 5.82%
- 44 Votes - 15.07%
- ESFP. 16 Votes - 5.48%
- 35 Votes - 11.99%
- 32 Votes - 10.96%
- 111 Votes - 38.01%
- 37 Votes - 12.67%
- 52 Votes - 17.81%
Do psychopaths laugh?
Based on self-reports of 233 adults, psychopathic personality traits were identified. is strongly associated with the enjoyment of laughter in others who are most strongly associated with a manipulative/impulsive lifestyle and callousness.
What type of enneagram is the most successful?
why Peacemaker Type 9 Truly the most powerful type of enneagram. When you think of the powerful types within the Enneagram, it is tempting to focus on Type 8, Leader or Type 3, Successful. These externally oriented, action-oriented people easily attract the attention and often admiration of those around them.
What type of enneagram is the most difficult?
Enneagram Fours are self-aware, sensitive, and withdrawn, and can be the hardest to understand. They are deeply in touch with their emotions, as well as empathize and understand the feelings of others.
What is the most unique type of enneagram?
Poll results show that the rarest enneagram is Type 8 Challenger followed by Type 5 and Type 2. Type 9is the most common type of enneagram, accounting for 14.4% of the population surveyed.
Last update: 11 days ago - Authors: 12 - Authors: 24 - Links: 30 interviews and posts; 4 Video.
QUIZ: Answer 4 short questions and find out your personality type
August 13, 2020Tests
Get a brief but concise description, spending no more than 2 minutes on the test.
0This test does not claim to be scientific or 100% accurate. It is based on the Myers-Briggs questionnaire, which is used to identify the individual characteristics of a person. Such testing in an extended version is sometimes taken when applying for a job and before entering a university. We offer you its abbreviated version.
Remember that this test only helps to roughly outline the brightest sides of your personality, so do not take its results too seriously. :)
How to take the test
- If your memory fails you, stock up on a small piece of paper and a pen.
- When answering questions, choose the option that seems most attractive.
- In each answer option, a letter is given at the end. Write it down or memorize it.
- When you answer all four questions, you will have a letter combination. Find it in the results and find out interesting details about yourself.
- Share in the comments what combination you got and how the results match reality.
1. You had a day full of setbacks and disappointments. How will you spend the evening?
- Need a distraction! I’ll call my friends and invite them somewhere, it’s more fun to experience sorrows together. (E)
- I will be alone with myself: I will turn on my favorite series, cook some delicious treats, or think of some other pleasant activity. (I)
2. You have come to a psychologist. He asks the question, “Which of the two statements best describes you?” Choose.
- I prefer to live in the present: what is important for me is what is happening here and now. I am distinguished by practicality and attention to detail. (S)
- I often have my head in the clouds: I like to dream and make great plans for the future. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in myself that I don't notice anything around me. (N)
3. You have been asked to move to a metropolitan area. Now you are thinking. There are more opportunities in a large city, but where you live now, your loved ones and a cozy home. How will you make a difficult decision?
- I will surf the Internet, consult with knowledgeable people, and calculate an approximate budget for the move. I will carefully weigh the pros and cons, then I will make a decision. (T)
- I will do as my heart tells me. My intuition has never failed me. (F)
4. In a month you have a long-awaited vacation, hooray! How are you preparing for it?
- Tickets have already been bought, insurance has been issued, a plan to conquer the sights has been drawn up. I like to prepare everything in advance. (J)
- Spontaneity is my middle name. A couple of hours before the flight, I will throw everything I need into my suitcase, and I will ask the locals about the sights. (P)
Find your unique letter combination
ESTJ - Executive
Hard work and dedication are your best qualities. You love order, you know how and love to plan, you take on the most difficult tasks without fear, because you are sure of success. You tend to have a rational view of things, you trust facts much more than sensations. You are cheerful, good-natured and love company. Thanks to organizational talents, you can easily incite others to any adventure.
ENTJ - commander
You are always on the crest of the wave: you know everything about the latest trends and tendencies. You do not take courage, you like to take risks and are always open to new things. You are dynamic, productive and love to overcome difficulties. Your whole life is a struggle in the name of achieving a cherished goal. You have excellent leadership qualities: charisma, authority and the ability to think strategically attract people to you.
ENFJ - mentor
You are very perceptive: you trust your intuition and it never fails you. You are observant, have a genuine interest in people and their emotions, and are able to catch the slightest mood changes. People around you often turn to you for advice and support, and you are always happy to help them, and sometimes inspire them.
ESFJ - Enthusiast
You get along well with people, always ready to help, sometimes even to the detriment of your own interests. You are responsive and open. Love and appreciate the praise, the approval of others is necessary for you like air. If a conflict arises somewhere, you feel out of place and try to restore peace and harmony at any cost. You are like a ray of light in a dark kingdom - you are able to charge people with positive and lead.
ENTP Inventor
People like you are often referred to as inspirations. You are curious, mobile, love to be on the move and easily adapt to change. You are a real generator of ideas, constantly inventing and questioning something. You hate routine and do your best to avoid it. You will be captivated by the new and unknown, so you often change your hobbies. You think that in life you need to try, if not everything, then a lot.
ESTP - fidget
The phrase "I see the goal - I see no obstacles" perfectly describes you. You strive for victory at any cost, sweeping away all obstacles in your path. You are determined and daring, live in the moment and love to be the center of attention. The thirst for life boils in you, you strive to learn everything in practice and not lose a single valuable minute.
ENFP - champion
You are a creative person with a boundless imagination and a great imagination. You are open to the world, freedom-loving, stress-resistant and not afraid of change. It is important for you to constantly take the initiative, offer original solutions, actively interact with people and empathize with them. Routine tasks for you are sheer torture and punishment.
ESFP - Politician
You live in the present and enjoy the pleasures of the moment. Planning and strategizing makes you tired. When doing something, you often rely on luck, and in case of failure, you quit work without finishing. You are spontaneous and unpredictable, hate procrastination and strive to get everything at once. You like to impress others and make useful contacts.
ISTJ - administrator
“Measure seven times, cut once” is about you. You love rigor and order, carefully think through and analyze your actions. You are result-oriented, so you only take on tasks that you can definitely complete. You are neat and patient, do not like empty talk. You value honesty and hard work, and attempts to shirk responsibility cause you the same resentment as poorly done work.
INTJ - strategist
You are independent, erudite and able to set priorities correctly. You do not like noisy companies, but you draw inspiration and breakthrough ideas from within yourself. You are a perfectionist to the core, and your cherished dream is to make the world around you more perfect. You hate retrograde rules and stupid restrictions and try to fight them with your innovative ideas, which you often succeed in.
INFJ — humanist
Helping others is an integral part of life for you. You believe that love and compassion can save the world. If one of your loved ones needs help, then he will definitely turn to you, and in return he will always receive a clear guide to action. You are vulnerable, value loyalty and do not forgive betrayal.
ISFJ — defender
You smell falseness from a mile away, so keep strangers at a distance, and stand behind your loved ones. You do everything to make people dear to you happy, and every day you try to surprise them pleasantly. You are diligent, often making incredible efforts to fulfill your goals. True, you are slow and like to put it off until later. Despite this, you can be relied upon because you never give up what you started.
INTP - architect
You have a philosophical mindset. You constantly put forward hypotheses, argue with yourself, notice important details and strive to get to the bottom of things. From the outside, it looks like you are distracted and in the clouds. This is partly true: domestic issues do not bother you at all. You are focused on important thoughts and do not feel much interest in others. You value coziness and comfort, and you are extremely negative about change.
ISTP is a virtuoso
You experience the world through sensations, are able to deeply empathize with people and value sincerity. You are quite open, but in case of lies or hypocrisy, you withdraw into yourself. You carefully consider every step before you do anything. You are punctual, objective and moderately curious.
INFP — lyricist
The meaning of life for you is harmony with yourself and the world around you. You are an impressionable person and react sharply to any injustice. Self-expression is important for you: you not only do great work on your inner world, but also do not forget about your appearance. You are dreamy and immersed in yourself, but you always find an opportunity to pay attention to loved ones.
ISFP — composer
You are that rare person who is not afraid of routine and monotony.