Should i be with him quiz
Do You Really Want to Be in a Relationship?
Image: Shutterstock
Sometimes we're in relationships for all the wrong reasons. Maybe it's because we don't want to be lonely or because all our friends are doing it. Or maybe it's because you and your partner look great together or that you've been together forever. Whatever the reason is, something has led you here, so we think it's time that you find out if you really want to be in a relationship, or not.
Often times, it's not until something goes wrong that we begin to see the cracks in our romances and the self-examination begins. Then, you start to question what it is that's keeping you in that relationship and if it really is worth saving. If you don't want to go that deep or you don't know where to begin, this quiz is perfect for you. It takes into consideration the good, the bad and the ugly and will let you know where your head is at right now ... or where it should be if you have love blinders on.
Are you secretly dreaming of being single, or are you as happy as a clam in your relationship? Doing this quiz is the easiest and most fun way to find out. So let's see if you'll still have a partner by the end, or if you'll be single, but not so ready to mingle.
What's your relationship status at the moment?
In a relationship
It's complicated.
How many relationships would you say you've had?
Less than three
Between three and six
Between seven and 10
Too many
And how many of them have failed miserably?
None of them
Very few of them
Some of them
Most of them
Do you ever feel tied down when you're in a relationship?
Too many times
What's the worst thing about being with someone?
The arguments
You can't flirt with anyone else.
Relationships with friends may suffer.
Having to answer to somebody
But what makes it all worth it?
The happy times
The affection
Not being lonely
The physical part
Is your partner cheating ever an issue in your relationship?
Yes, all the time
Often, yes
I don't worry about these things.
No, it's not.
But have you ever cheated?
I was tempted to.
I didn't go all the way.
Yes, I have.
How soon after making it official would you move in together?
A month
Six months
A year
More than a year
What's the one activity you think you and your boo could do together?
Watching TV
Going to the gym
When's the best time for love?
Is PDA something that you're into?
Lay it on me!
Yes, it is.
A tiny bit
No, gross
Do you ever want a break from your partner?
All the time
What's your biggest fear in a relationship?
Being betrayed
Becoming too vulnerable
Losing focus
Losing myself
Do the pros of being with someone really outweigh the cons?
A million times over
I think it does.
It's about equal.
They don't.
If you needed to clear your head, where would you go?
The park
At a friend's
To my parent's house
Are you in a relationship or have you ever been in one just for the gifts/money you got out of it?
I thought about it but didn't.
Once or twice
Many times
Are you sometimes blinded by the physical aspect of your relationships?
Very rarely
A lot of the time
All the time
Do your friends agree with a lot of your relationships?
They like to full my head with doubts.
They ask all the right questions.
They let me make my own mistakes.
They're very supportive.
And does your family support you?
All the time
Most times
Tell us a bit about yourself. What word best describes you?
What quality do you look for in a partner?
What's your idea of a fun night?
Watching a movie and cuddling
Going to a comedy show
Dancing the night away at a club
Getting drinks at a cool bar
Where's your favorite place to go for date night?
Bowling alley
A wine bar
How do you react if you and your partner get into an argument?
I apologize, even if I'm wrong.
I try to compromise.
I get upset and start to shout.
I walk away and ignore them for days afterwards.
How quickly do you get over relationships?
It takes years.
Quite a few months
On average, how long do your relationships last?
About a year
And why do they end?
We grow apart.
We're incompatible.
I get bored.
Do you want to get married eventually?
I already am.
Yes, someday
I'm not sure.
Not at all
And lastly, do you believe in true love?
With all my heart
Yes, I do.
I'm hopeful, but also a bit skeptical.
No, I don't.
You Got:
Am I in Love or Lust? I Psych Central
Relationship Quiz: Am I in Love or Lust? I Psych Central- Conditions
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Medically reviewed by Karin Gepp, PsyD — By Psych Central Staff — Updated on May 23, 2022
Entering a new relationship can be exciting and bring up a bunch of positive emotions. If you’ve recently started dating someone, you may ask yourself: Is it love or just lust?
Lust is mainly sexual or physical, with no desire to bond with the person on a deeper level. Love, in contrast, involves feelings of intimacy, vulnerability, and putting in the effort to build a stronger connection.
Certain signs may help you figure out whether you’re feeling love or lust toward your new partner. This relationship test can help.
This brief questionnaire is designed for anyone who might be wondering whether they’re feeling lust or love for the person they’re now dating.
This love or lust quiz is meant to help you answer questions like:
- Am I falling in love?
- How do I know if I’m in love?
- Is it lust?
This “am I in love quiz” is not meant to tell you if you should stay in your relationship long term or not. But you can use this lust or love quiz to find out how you might be feeling right now toward the person you’re dating.
Depending on your responses to this love test, you can also understand whether you’re in love with your partner or experiencing lust.
Keep in mind that every person approaches dating, love, and their unique love language differently. So be sure to trust your gut and deeply assess your emotions before deciding if you’re willing to commit to this person.
If you always ask yourself this question or you typically experience conflicting emotions in relationships, speaking with a therapist can help you navigate dating in healthier ways.
Answer the questions below honestly about the person you have feelings for, and we’ll score the quiz and let you know the likelihood of love.
This online screening is not a diagnostic tool. Only a trained medical professional, like a doctor or mental health professional, can help you determine the next best steps for you.
Ready to start therapy? Our Find a Therapist resource may help.
Last medically reviewed on May 23, 2022
Medically reviewed by Karin Gepp, PsyD — By Psych Central Staff — Updated on May 23, 2022
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Quiz: Do I love him
The line between falling in love and love is quite thin and barely perceptible. Therefore, having met a new man or feeling problems with a long-term partner, a woman may begin to doubt: do I love him? The test will tell you if you are experiencing true love or if this is a temporary attraction. What is the name of the feeling you are experiencing right now? How strong is it, resistant to life's difficulties and time?
1. Do you have secrets from your man?
Yes, everyone has skeletons in their closet.
Yes, you don't talk about certain things so as not to disturb your loved one.
No, you think you have to tell him absolutely everything, even though you let him have his secrets.
Not at all. If you didn’t say something, it means that you simply didn’t remember or there was no right moment.
2. Did you tell your parents about it?
Yes, but rather because you tell them everything.
Yes, you immediately said that you had met the man of your dreams.
Yes, but not immediately, but when your feelings become more serious.
No, and you haven't thought about doing it yet.
3. Can you remember how your feelings for him developed from the very first meeting?
At first you tried to get to know him better, but when feelings appeared, you went into these emotions with your head.
From the very first sight you felt that this is your man, and fell in love.
You looked at him for a while, trying not to rush things.
Nothing special, just got to know each other or you don't remember.
4. Who is this man to you?
Ideal, the best thing that could happen to you.
The source of your happiness.
An ally with whom you would like to overcome the difficulties of life together.
One of the many variants of fate.
5. Your man has bought glasses that he really likes, but clearly does not fit. Will you point it out?
No, you are very afraid of offending him.
Yes. You want to help him look his best.
No. Your man has impeccable taste.
Yes, you understand that you will be ashamed next to him in such glasses.
6. He swore he would call you at lunchtime. It's almost evening and still no call. Your thoughts?
Well, I didn't call, so I didn't call. You will quickly forget, as you have enough things to do.
Be offended because he didn't keep his promise.
You will be very worried. Did something happen to him? Or is he offended by you for something?
You'd think he just got busy and forgot. Call him yourself.
7. He had a bad day and took it out on you. What is your reaction?
You will justify him and try to please him so that he feels better as soon as possible.
You will burst into tears or start shouting at him in response, because you are offended.
Let it cool down and then calmly ask what's wrong.
Silently slam the door. You don't have to listen to it.
8. Your man has a bad cold, and you have to hand in an important project at work today. How will you do it?
You will go to work, but you will write or call all the time and worry about how he is there without you.
What job?! Of course, you will stay with your loved one and will court him all day.
Go to work. He's a big boy, he can heal himself.
Try to get time off from work. If it doesn't work out, then hand over the project, and then take off early and buy drugs on the way home.
9. You and your boyfriend have the only day off of the week. You want to go to the cinema to see the premiere of a new melodrama, and he wants to go to the decisive football match. You don't like each other's ideas. Where will you end up going?
For a football match. You really want to please your loved one and will do everything to make him feel good with you.
You won't go anywhere. If you can't come to an agreement, then it's better to spend time together at home.
Persuade the chosen one to go to the cinema, because you have wanted it for so long, and this is also a premiere!
Everyone will go where they want, and in the evening, devote time to each other.
10. Would you like children from him?
Yes, you think he will be a good father.
Perhaps, but not now.
Yes, but if he does not want children, then you will sacrifice your desire and refuse this idea.
11. Imagine that you don't like his friends. What will you do?
Say that you don't really like his friends, but he has the right to decide with whom he communicates and with whom he does not.
You will often point out to him that his friends are a bad influence on him, and you wish him the best.
You will say this directly and avoid meeting them.
You think that such a situation is impossible on its own, because he chooses the best.
12. Your former partner invited you to a business meeting and promises you a good job offer. Your current man doesn't like it. He asks you not to go. How will you do it?
Explain that this is a good chance and offer to go together so that your man is less nervous.
Don't go because you don't want to do anything that might upset your boyfriend a little.
Go to the meeting, but don't tell the guy so you don't upset him.
You will go no matter what. This is a very profitable meeting, and you are not going to lose the chance just because someone is too jealous.
13. You had an argument with a work colleague and now you are in a bad mood. Who will you first tell about the problem?
Not to my boyfriend. He has enough problems of his own and you don't want to bother him.
To my man. You always share things like that with him and tell each other about how your day went.
Either a man or a girlfriend, depending on who you see first or who calls first.
A friend or mother, because they understand you best.
14. He forgot about the anniversary of your acquaintance and came home without a present. What do you think?
Take offense. How could you forget such a day?!
A little upset, but remind him of the date and offer to decide together how to spend the rest of the evening to celebrate the anniversary.
Decide that it's your fault, because you didn't remind him, and he's been so busy lately and generally tired.
You are not particularly offended, because, to be honest, you yourself forgot about it.
15. Imagine that he has made the decision to leave you. How will you react?
It seems to you that life is over and no longer makes sense.
You will have a tantrum, you will try to do your best to keep him close to you.
It will be hard for you to come to your senses, but you will thank him for everything that was, and try to move on.
Get upset, but soon forget about it. The sea is still full of fish.
16. Can you think of cheating on your man?
Only if he changes you or hurts you very badly.
If you're in trouble, you'll be happy to try your luck with another guy.
No, you think that betrayal is below your dignity.
No, you are afraid to even imagine betrayal towards him. He's the very best.
17. Your best friend didn't like your man very much. She hints that it would be better for you to leave. What is your reaction?
Seriously think about her words and become more careful to look at a friend or move away from him.
Try to convince your friend that she is wrong, list the pluses of your chosen one.
Gently tell her that this relationship concerns only you and your man, and you will solve your problems yourself.
Quarrel with her, because your boyfriend is very good. And in general, she most likely just sunk into him herself and wants to beat him off.
18. What do you think about your man's shortcomings?
You are sure that your man has no minuses and he is always right.
You do not like some of the qualities of your chosen one, because of which you sometimes quarrel, but in general you are optimistic about everything.
You try to accept all the negative traits of a man, because no one is perfect.
You think that he will change for the better as soon as his feelings become more serious or you move on to the next stage of the relationship (cohabitation, marriage or the birth of a child, for example).
19. You went to the store together to buy you a dress. After inspecting the goods, it turned out that you and your chosen one chose two different options. And each of you is not satisfied with the choice of the other. How will you do it?
Buy both to please yourself and him.
Buy the dress he likes. You want to always be the most beautiful in his eyes.
Buy the dress you like best. After all, it's up to you to wear it.
Go to another store to find a dress that both of you will like.
20. There is nothing to eat at home, your man is hungry, and you are exhausted after work and do not want to cook dinner. How will you do it?
You're going to cook anyway. Your man should always be fed.
Offer to order takeaway or dine at a cafe.
Do nothing. If he is hungry, he may well cook something for himself.
Do something very easy on a quick hand so as not to disappoint your boyfriend.
Psychological tests about love online
Are we right for each other?
03/21/2021 18008
Have you met someone with whom you would like to start a family? This quiz will help you find out if you are a good match.
Are you jealous? Find out your degree of jealousy.
09/08/2016 17368
Do you think jealousy is the best indicator of love, or can an excess of this feeling lead to terrible and irreparable consequences? And how prone to jealousy are you personally? Take the test and do not let the ruthless feeling of unreasonable jealousy take over your mind and destroy your love in the future.
Do you have uncontrollable fantasies?
04/08/2017 33992
Maladaptive daydreaming is a form of dissociation, excessive daydreaming. This is when a person spends more time in their head (in the fictional world) and neglects the real world.
Does he love me? If a man has real feelings for you?
09/06/2016 45253
How to see love? How to feel it? And how do you know if you are loved? Do you want to know if a man loves you? This test will give you the opportunity to understand whether your boyfriend really loves you. Does he have true love for you, and is it 100% serious for him? Are feelings really hot? Or just warm up? Or does it have nothing to do with true love?
How do you communicate with men?
06/15/2017 5390 0
Is there trust in your relationship with your partner?
03/10/2016 6284
Trust is one of the most important parameters of relationships.
Harmonious and happy relationships are characterized by sincerity and trust.
Is your marriage successful? (questions to wife)
01/26/2017 4149
Do you understand each other?
03/06/2012 4232 0
The test will allow you to determine how partners understand each other. Partners must pass this test individually.
How do different zodiac signs fall in love?
04/03/2013 45394
Love is a strange thing.
To someone she comes very early, to someone a little later, and for someone she is generally unanswered. But in any case, everyone will fall in love sooner or later...
Socionics test to determine sociotypes and subtypes.
08/01/2017 9601
This test will allow you to fully understand your main sociotypes and subtypes.
What connects you with him (her): love or friendship?
03/06/2012 8624
This test will help you sort out your feelings if you are tormented by doubts about what connects you with your partner: true love or just friendship.
What goddess are you?
06/27/2017 9974
Do you want to know which of the ancient Greek goddesses you are most like? Maybe you are Athena, goddess of wisdom and strategist? Or Artemis - the goddess of the hunt, the moon and the wild? Or are your desires controlled by Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty? And what role do Hestia play in your life - the goddess of the hearth, the goddess wife Hera, the goddess mother Demeter and the young goddess Persephone? Take the test and you will find out which of the listed goddesses is closest to you.
Archetype * which of the goddesses is expressed in you brighter than all the others, and how this can affect your life. *Archetypes are images and patterns of behavior inherent in all people and stored in historical memory or the collective unconscious. They can have a significant impact on our daily lives. One of the classifications of female archetypes, proposed by the Jungian psychoanalyst Jean Bolen, includes a division into 7 main archetypes, which are named after ancient Greek goddesses.
Love does not love?
03/06/2012 18491
We will not use chamomile to test this statement-question. Let's turn to the test. You can offer this test to your husbands, wives, friends or just acquaintances if you want to find out how they treat you.
Are you in danger of cheating?
03/24/2017 4124 0
Are you the perfect couple?
03/06/2012 21171
The test allows you to determine how much you are an ideal couple.
This test should be taken with a partner.
How do you feel about love?
03/06/2012 2708
Are you an amorous person? What position in life do you choose: to wait for the prince on a white horse or actively seek your other half? This test will help you figure it out.
If you fell out of love with each other
03/06/2012 2425 0
The test asks you a few questions to see if you can leave your partner if you don't feel good about them anymore. Or maybe, fearing loneliness or out of habit, you will continue your relationship with him?
Is your marriage successful? (questions to husband)
01/26/2017 964
I have no doubt that you are happy with your marriage.
Although from time to time you probably have problems. And then, I hope, you will be interested to know what your marriage is like.
Test "Wife or mistress?"
02/21/2017 3515
Find out what type prevails when building a relationship with a man you like.
Test "Are you passionate?"
05.02.2013 3719
The test will help you answer the question "Are you passionate?". There are 20 questions in the test.
How to find your man and get married?
05/23/2017 6613
Test for women.
It will help you understand the situation: you do not have a personal life; you do not understand why a man does not propose marriage; ask yourself: “What is wrong with me, what am I doing wrong”, etc.; there is a relationship, but they do not suit you (or him), you are on the verge of parting (divorce). There are 7 questions to think about. Walking time approximately 10 minutes. Anonymously, without registration, for free.
Eniostyle. Panchenko test to determine the type of personality. Test the first North - South.
10/19/2020 3614
Determination of personality type according to Eniostyle system (Panchenko's test). The test is intended for express diagnostics of a person's personality type.
Socionics test First quadra (Alpha) Don Quixote, Dumas, Hugo, Robespierre.
08/06/2017 1888 0
This test will allow you to understand what sociotypes, from the first quadra, are inherent in you.
What is your future profession?
05/09/2020 956
The world is rapidly changing, and professions that were relevant only yesterday remain only on the pages of books and photographs, while those that seemed like science fiction 10 years ago are more and more confidently taking their place: more and more often, HR workers are looking for web designers and programmers, bloggers earn millions , environmentalists appear at every enterprise, teachers conduct online lessons around the world. How will the world change in the next 5-10-15 years? How far will technology go? How many new opportunities and professions will open up for people in the near future? And how will the requirements for specialists change in existing fields? What will the world look like and what professions will appear, how will the specialists familiar to us - teachers, doctors, builders, farmers - change?
Socionics test Second quadra (Beta) Zhukov, Yesenin, Hamlet, Maxim Gorky.
08/06/2017 4205 0
This test will allow you to understand what sociotypes, from the second quadra, are inherent in you.
Eniostyle. Panchenko test to determine the type of personality. Test the second East - West.
11/16/2020 2452 0
Determination of personality type according to Eniostyle system (Panchenko's test). The test is intended for express diagnostics of a person's personality type.
Which wedding suits you?
08/04/2014 3194
For a wedding to become a real holiday, it must correspond to your character and desires.
The test will help you decide which scenario suits you best.
Your ideas about family life
02/16/2018 728
Lovely girls! Do you want to know how ready you are for your future family life? This test will help you understand what you expect from your future spouse and from your future family life with him.
Does your partner really love you?
01/26/2019 1452 0
Sometimes it is very difficult to understand your feelings, especially if you are also not sure of the sincerity of your partner's feelings. But who does not dream of big and pure love? Answer the questions of our test, and you can determine with relative accuracy whether your partner is somewhat sincere with you and whether he really loves you.
Test "Do you love yourself"
11/19/2019 740
Only if you love yourself, you can love others. The main thing is not to go to extremes - from excessive self-love is not far from narcissism. As they say, everything is good when in moderation. You can find out if you love yourself with the help of this test. Shall we start?
Is it easy for you to be faithful to each other?
03/06/2012 1356 0
Each person has his own understanding of fidelity. How do you feel about this quality? And what is cheating for you?
ABC of jealousy
08/29/2012 2402 0
The test will help you determine whether this feeling is characteristic of you - jealousy?
Is your relationship with your partner toxic?
03/24/2022 489
You will be able to identify the first signs of toxicity in your partner's behavior.
Understand if you have problems setting personal boundaries. Determine who exactly brings aggression into everyday communication. Find out what hidden dangers are in your relationship. Everyone who passes the test will receive a gift by email. mail indicated in the questionnaire! Free access to the online lesson "How to find an approach to any person". You will learn to determine the type of personality, understand which communication style to choose in different situations in order to better understand the interlocutor. This webinar will help you build rapport with your spouse, children, parents, boss, subordinates and just acquaintances in everyday life. You will understand how to properly convey information and ask questions. How to express your emotions without hurting loved ones.
Socionics test Fourth quadra (Delta) Stirlets, Dostoevsky, Huxley, Gabin.
08/06/2017 2107 0
This test will allow you to understand what sociotypes, from the fourth quadra, are inherent in you.
Are you satisfied with your relationship with your partner?
02/12/2019 572
This test will help you figure out how perfect you think your relationship with your loved one is, and what you don't like about it.
Test "Longing for tenderness"
01/23/2013 1693 0
People, openly or subconsciously, yearn for tenderness, feel need for it, and it seems to them that they themselves are able to bestow it. However, this is difficult to assess on its own.
Can you be trusted?
02/16/2017 1383
What awaits you during the year on the love front?
01/23/2022 461 0
As you know, love relationships are not stable! Therefore, it would be nice to know what will happen to you during the year on the love front.
In order not to run to fortune-tellers and not use dubious rituals, take our simple test and find out about upcoming events in your relationship with your loved one.
How promising is your union?
03/06/2012 1186 0
Each of us, tying up a serious relationship with the opposite sex, thinks about how promising this union can be and whether it is worth thinking about it at all. And how do you feel about this, and do you have such doubts? Our test will help you figure it out.
Family test (for the wife)
01/19/2017 2684
Jealousy Test
11/18/2013 2719 0
Moderate jealousy can even add some variety to family life.
But when it becomes excessive, it turns into a nightmare. Painful jealousy destroys the spiritual connection of the spouses and even affects the work. So, are you jealous?
Does he/she really love you?
03/06/2012 6258
Sometimes it is very difficult to understand your feelings, especially if you are also not sure about the sincerity of your partner's feelings. But who does not dream of big and pure love? Answer the questions of our test, and you can determine with relative accuracy whether your partner is somewhat sincere with you and whether he really loves you.
Husband and wife, one of Satan? (for wife)
03/06/2012 1927 0
He will help you figure out how you fit together.
consists of two parts: one for men, the other for women. This one is for the wife.
Are you satisfied with the relationship that develops between you?
03/06/2012 574 0
How ideal do you think your relationship with your partner is, and what you don't like about it, our test will help you figure it out.
How addicted are you to love?
03/06/2012 877 0
The feeling of affection can be called harmful if a person begins to live the life of his other half, forgetting about his own. Do you follow the measure in this regard? The results of this test will help you find out the answer to this question.
How have you improved your personal life over the past year?
02/27/2015 851 0
If you want to know where your relationships and personal life are at the moment and what you can do to improve it, take this simple quiz!
"The Right Man"
04/27/2015 8314
If your novels end with a growing feeling of irritation and rejection of your partner, you should not finally and irrevocably list yourself among the "love losers". Use this quiz to determine if you are sending signals that attract the wrong men to you.
Dating art.
Are you able to interest a man?
10/20/2016 9644
Dating is also an art. Check if you know how to charm a man on a date. Take the test and get tips on how to behave so that he does not want to let you go.
Husband and wife, one of Satan? (for husband)
03/06/2012 872 0
He will help you figure out how you fit together. consists of two parts: one for men, the other for women. This one is for my husband.
Can you seduce?
04/25/2015 2911 0
The main female magic, the secret of women's success lies in their innate or acquired ability to seduce.
To determine whether you are capable of this and to what extent, the proposed test will help.
What do you expect from your partner?
03/19/2016 554 0
How confident do you feel in a man's company? How do men behave around you? The test will help you understand how your ideas about men affect relationships with your partner. Will men feel awkward, irritated and disappointed next to you, or vice versa easily and naturally? Much depends on you!
Are you ready to devote your whole life to him (her)?
03/08/2019 177 0
Some may call this question provocative, while others will unequivocally say: “Yes!”, And someone will not be so categorical and plunge into serious thoughts.
And what do you think about this? This test will help you figure it out.
Are you often jealous of each other?
03/06/2012 492 0
Jealousy, according to some people, is an integral part of the love relationship between two people. If he is jealous, then he loves. What do you think? By answering the test questions, you can find out how jealous you are and figure out what this feeling means to you.
Are you ready to devote your whole life to him (her)?
03/06/2012 893 0
Some may call this question provocative, while others will unequivocally say “Yes!”, while others will not be so categorical and plunge into serious thoughts.
And what do you think about this? This test will help you figure it out.
Which spouse are you?
03/06/2012 540 0
This test will help you determine how patient and enthusiastic your spouse is.
Married - do not attack!
03/06/2012 823 0
Those who are looking for family happiness will find this test useful. It is useful for those who have already sealed their union by marriage, and for those who are just preparing for this decisive step, as well as for those who do not make immediate plans for marriage. He will make some people think about something, others, perhaps, will warn against hasty conclusions, well, and the third, who knows, will save them from reckless actions.
But if this does not happen, it does not matter, because the test is not a theorem with strong evidence, but just an exciting game. True, with a rather serious hint...
Love: Equality or Slavery?
08/29/2012 553 0
According to foreign scientists, self-sacrifice in love is a "disease" of the psyche. This test can determine the degree of "love slavery".
In mistresses or in spouses?
04/27/2015 2661 0
The overwhelming majority of women see the creation of a family hearth as the ultimate goal of meeting a man. However, a considerable number of them are “destined from above” to be also excellent mistresses.
Although, alas, not every one of them is given the ability to combine the qualities of Cleopatra with the properties of a homemaker. And if you, dear readers, want to figure out which category of women you belong to, it is YOU, the test offered here can help with this. By answering frankly all his questions, you can learn something new about yourself, and perhaps unexpected.
What kind of bride are you?
10/06/2017 190
AAAA! You are getting married!!! Calm down, darling, it's all right) Fill out our short test, determine what type of bride you are and listen to our useful tips :)
Determine the degree of "love slavery"
11/12/2017 319 0
The American scientist Bernard Green argues that self-sacrifice in love is perhaps the most common "disease" of the psyche.
Learn more