Archer personality type
FX's Spies & Their Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
When it comes to animated comedies, you don't get much better than Archer. There are a lot of funny moments on the spy-series-turned-crime-series-turned-noir-series-turned... well, you get the picture. And probably the biggest reason for that comedy is the strangeness of characters the show contains. From Archer's tough-as-nails colleague Pam to his mother, the show that shares his name has quite the eccentric ensemble. However, even the weirdest, funniest of characters can't escape the Myers-Briggs® Personality test, which is why we've decided to apply it to the Archer cast. You're about to enter the danger zone, because here come the Archer Characters By Myers-Briggs® Personality Type .
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10. Barry Dylan - ESFP
For a guy who’s been mostly dead a couple times, Barry is pretty upbeat. The psycho cyborg and rival to Archer is a special kind of evil, a grinning goon who delights in everything he does, even the really bad stuff. Not all ESFPs are like that, but it’s ESFP qualities that are on display when Barry’s being his most honest self. Not only are ESFPs upbeat like him, they also share his adaptability to any situation. They can change to fit the moment, and usually get the most joy out of how they interact with people. In Barry’s case, he gets joy out of some pretty messed up interactions, but he’s a true extrovert all the same.
9. Cyril Figgis - INFP
Cyril’s character is pretty obnoxious, and no offense to other INFPs, but it’s the qualities they share that make him so. Cyril is sensitive to an absurd degree. Unlike the rest of the Archer cast, he takes offense to personal jabs from the people around him. He also has a difficulty committing to things in which he doesn’t find personal value, whether that’s his job, his relationship with Lana, or even his personality. One positive thing about Cyril and other INFPs, though, is that they tend to be realistic. If only he wasn’t just so damn annoying about it. ..
8. Katya Kazanova - ENTP
ENTPs are always up for a new adventure, and that can mean switching loyalties if need be. That describes Archer’s one-time fiancé to a T. Katya goes from the KGB to US Intelligence, from Archer to Barry in terms of relationships. She wants to find fun and challenges in life, and that means not locking herself down to another person or organization. Plus, ENTPs are comfortable taking risks to achieve their goals, and that’s certainly true of a person who is mostly robot parts at this point.
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7. Dr. Algernop Krieger - ISTJ
If you’re looking for an ISTJ in a piece of fiction, odds are that you should look for a scientist. ISTJs are typically very analytical. They approach life through a series of fact-collections and applications of logic. Because of this, ISTJs can slip into a kind of detached way of looking at people. They treat them as problems to solve rather than relationships to explore.
Dr. Krueger fits this bill pretty well, from his general sense of awkwardness around his coworkers to the cold, basically evil experiments he’s willing to attempt on other people. Or, more accurately, on other people-goat combinations.
6. Ray Gillette - ESTJ
ESTJs are never afraid to speak their minds. Heck, they can even be kind of rude about it, coming off as overly snarky or insensitive. And though we love him, this is true or Ray Gillette. Like other ESTJs, Ray will tell people exactly what’s wrong with a situation. In his firmly-held opinion, at least. Also like other ESTJs, Ray appreciates feeling comfortable with his circumstances. He’s fine with keeping things how they are, so long as they’re firmly inside his comfort zone. For all his complaining, Ray might be one of the most rational people on this list, frequently choosing the safe option over the gutsy one. Also on this page, Ray is only the third most mechanical, which is pretty impressive on a list for this show.
5. Cheryl Tunt - ESTP
In season five of Archer, Cheryl Tunt becomes a country music star. That fits right in with her status as an ESTP, as ESTPs are drawn to performance, especially to music. ESTPs also can be spontaneous, a characteristic that Cheryl displays to an almost erratic degree. Above all, ESTPs are true to themselves. They’re free spirits who delight in the things that bring them personal meaning, and that’s a quality to be admired. Hopefully, the things that bring you meaning aren’t the same things as those that bring meaning to Cheryl, but the point is that it’s good to be true to yourself.
Unless you’re Cheryl. Please don’t be like Cheryl.
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4. Pam Poovey - ISFJ
Loyalty is a pretty uncommon thing to find in Archer. Except, of course, in Pam Poovey. She actually values her relationships with people and will occasionally put them above herself, which is a common trait in ISFJs. ISFJs really appreciate cohesive units, whether that’s in a family, an office full of coworkers, or just a group of friends. Also like other ISFJs, Pam takes a practical approach to problems. Not only can you count on her to have your back, you can count on her to be smart about it too. Pam is, at the end of the day, just a really good friend.
So what is she doing on this show?
3. Malory Archer - INTP
With the exception of one other person on this list, Malory Archer is the most qualified person for the job she holds on Archer. As head of a spy organization, Malory's INTP qualities have taken her far in life. She is a masterful orchestrator, with a plan always up her sleeve and close to her chest. She can come up with complex plans and follow them through, usually by manipulating others to do her work for her. She's also extremely resourceful, a trait that INTPs use to high effectiveness. Just watch the episode in which Malory is kidnapped to see what we mean.
2. Lana Kane - ISTP
ISTPs excel at what they do. They are masters of their craft, spending their whole lives perfecting talents they feel they can use. As the best secret agent on Archer, this definitely describes Lana Kane. Lana is everything a secret agent should be. Confident, dedicated, organized. She isn't afraid to take risks but knows when it's smarter not to. Not only are these great qualities for an agent, they're all traits of an ISTP. So I guess what we're saying is, if you're an ISTP and haven't considered going into science-fiction counterintelligence, maybe run an Indeed search or two.
1. Sterling Archer - ESFP
The only thing keeping Sterling Archer alive is the fact that he's the main character on his TV show. Otherwise, he's as dead a secret agent as there can be, all because of the unfortunate side of his ESFP traits. ESFPs don't like planning ahead, which has caused Archer to nearly lose his life a few times. They are also self-confident, which can lead to arrogance, the kind that can get a high-stakes secret agent killed. The one good thing about being an ESFP for Archer is that ESFPs are highly adaptable. And when you're fighting cyborgs, jumping out of super-sonic jets, and invading underwater spy bases, it's good to be able to roll with the punches.
Who's your favorite character on Archer? Which Myers-Briggs® personality type would you give them? Let us know in the comments section below?
NEXT: The 15 Best, Most Unforgettable Episodes Of Archer
Which Character Are, Based on Your MBTI®?
All of the characters in spy/comedy series, Archer, have extremely exaggerated personalities to make each of their characters all the funnier and to create a sense of total chaos. Many of the characters start the series as pretty mundane, save for Archer himself. Lana was a focused employee, Cyril was a pretty nice guy who got the girl, and Pam and Cheryl were just office employees that were occasionally roped into Archer's shenanigans.
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But as the series continued, the characters each quickly began to reveal their true colors. Because of their exaggerations, it's often easy to see which kind of personality trait of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® they would fall into.
Barry Dylan - ESTP
Barry Dylan is one of the main antagonists of Archer, and though he is a total jerk now, it kind of makes a lot of sense when fans look at why he became this way. He and Archer had an endless feud that still carries on today, and Archer has definitely taken it too far a handful of times, which has now prompted Barry to do the same. Barry is the best representation of an ESTP in this series. He is a lot like Archer, who would have been another good contender for this personality type. He is smart, perceptive, and knows how to get under people's skin.
Sir Arthur Woodhouse - ISFJ
Woodhouse just wants to be a good caretaker for Archer. He is pretty much the closest thing the young man has ever known to love since his mother is all over the place (which he constantly comments on throughout the series). Woodhouse is treated poorly all the time, but he doesn't let that stop him. He makes for a perfect ISFJ. Those with the ISFJ personality type are dedicated and warm to their loved ones, and always try to defend them in their time of need.
Raymond Gillette - ENFP
Ray is often times the voice of reason in the series. He goes along with the others' wild shenanigans, but he often sees that their plans are bad and awful. Because of this, he is a perfect ENFP. Ray is a free spirit and often likes to help the people he now considers his friends.
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Even though they are all crazy and he has been pretty badly affected by their lifestyles (he became part-cyborg after the countless times he became paralyzed due to Archer). But even so, he still helps when he can and just kind of goes with the flow of it all.
Dr. Algernop Krieger - INTP
Krieger is definitely the mad scientist of the series. He is constantly looking to create new things and experiment on the people he works with. Because of this, Krieger makes for a perfect INTP. He is a constant hunt of knowledge and always attempting to discover something new, even if it's at the expense of others. His mind is always trying to figure out the next thing he can create or discover and he typically gets involved with the others' chaos in order to use them in some way, shape, or form.
Cyril Figgis - ISTJ
Though Cyril is really just as bad as the rest of them, he often likes to pretend that he is the only same member in the workplace. Cyril has a lot of issues and often likes to downplay them as if they weren't big deals, like his raging sex addiction which caused him to cheat on Lana time and time again while they dated. Cyril is an excellent ISTJ because he likes to work based on facts. He is calculated and likes to think that his way is the best way.
Cheryl Tunt - ISFP
Cheryl is a total enigma. First off, no one really even knows what her real name is, at least not anymore. She is by far the strangest character in the series and no one around her can tell if she's just weird, or if she is deeply neurotic. Either way, Cheryl is the best ISFP. She is always looking to experience something new, no matter how demented it may be. She finds dying incredibly hot and always throws herself into pretty interesting situations. She is an artist the continuously makes up new personas and characters for herself.
Pamela Poovey - ESFP
Pam is an excellent ESFP. Though she is a bit rough around the edges and gets teased by all those around her, she constantly comes to the aid of others and is incredibly social. Pam is probably the closest to each character in the series because she often genuinely cares about how the other characters are.
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Pam is always eager to help, no matter how dangerous the tasks they are completing may be. She has jumped into gunfights, carried her friends away from danger, and has gone absolutely ballistic on her enemies.
Malory Archer - ESTJ
Mallory is the best ESTJ. She is the executive of the company, even after it goes under. No matter who is their actual boss, Mallory will always act like the ruling figure over the agency. Mallory is excellent at managing things, including people, and likes to get her way in every situation. ESTJs, though they act as the leader and the one in charge, often don't work alone. They are the ones who send others to do the tasks they need to get done. Mallory fits this perfectly.
Lana Kane - ENTP
Lana is another voice of reason on the series, and although she also has done some pretty wild things, she remains pretty consistent when it comes to being the character with the best head on her shoulders and knowing when the rest of the group has gone too far. However, Lana also ends up falling for the wild antics time and time again. She makes an excellent ENTP due to the fact that Lana is always challenging people. She makes sure the others realize what the consequences of their actions may be if they continue to act recklessly.
Sterling Archer - ENTJ
Archer, despite all things, is a pretty great leader. He makes for a perfect ENTJ, also known as the commander. Archer just wants to be cool, he wants to be the best, and that desire to do so has made him come up with some pretty creative ways to achieve his goals. He has done the impossible time and time again. Archer is incredibly strong-willed and will stop at nothing to get to the top and get what he wants.
NEXT: Archer: 10 Things Only True Fans Know About Sterling
☾˚୨୧⋆。Which ancient Greek patron matches your personality type?。⋆୨୧˚☽ - Tricky - tests for girls
Who are you, what are you?
344427.04.2022 at 15:30
24 185
The test is based on the Myers Briggs typology and information from the Internet about the correspondence between the personality type and the ancient Greek patron. Most of the information is taken from riordan.
There are 16 results in the test, as well as personality types
All photos of the test are taken from pinterest
Question 1.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
More extrovert than introvert
More introvert than extrovert
Question 2.
What statement about you?
I prefer organization over spontaneity. I always have a spare in case something doesn't go according to plan
Can't select / depending on the situation
I prefer spontaneity to organization. I like to improvise.
Question 3.
Are you more inclined
Imagine possible developments - those exciting "maybes" that can be both real and unreal
Consider facts, learn and learn something new
I like both
Question 4.
How do you feel about planning?
Planning ahead can often limit a person as you never know what might happen. Although sometimes I can rush from one task to another through this way of thinking. I feel really comfortable only when I can directly control the situation.
Depends on the situation
Planning is a necessary thing that directly affects my comfort and confidence. Although through this mindset I can sometimes miss good opportunities that were right under my nose, I only feel really comfortable when I plan everything in advance.
Question 5.
What statement about you?
I am a dreamer who tends to be guided only by guesses
I am a realist who is endowed with common sense
Question 6.
Everything we do in this life will echo in eternity. Why would you prefer to be remembered?
Abilities and skills
Wisdom and justice
Caring for others
Question 7.
When you have to make an important decision, what guides you?
I am learning to listen to my heart. If you know how to listen to your emotions, then you make the right decisions
Depends on the situation / can't choose / try to use both heart and common sense
I try to think with my head. In such questions, logic is important
Question 8.
Choose what is closer
Wit, victory, tactics
Love, beauty, pleasure
Home, comfort, heart
Rainbow, hope, colors
Death, hell, dungeon
Olympus, thunder, power,
Luck, happiness, luck
Family, marriage, love
Earth, nature, fertility
Sea, water, trident
Hunting, self-sufficiency, bow
Trade, trick, deal
Blacksmithing, craftsmanship
Justice, wisdom, impartiality
Light, sun, art
Pomegranate, underworld, queen
More tests:
What a meme about the blunder with Clint Barton from the trailer for Hawkeye
oversight. The reaction of the character, who touchingly pursed his lips and seemed to say with his whole appearance, “Oh, I didn’t do it,” prompted the associations and the creation of funny pictures of memes.
The trailer for the first season of the Marvel Cinematic Universe series Hawkeye premiered on September 13. The show will show the adventures of a special agent-archer, whose plans are to lead an ordinary life, and not chase criminals around the world, which he has been doing in recent years. The hero will have a successor, Kate Bishop, whom he will teach the skill of catching villains.
Archer with his partner From the trailer it becomes clear that the adventures of the heroes will begin on Christmas Eve, Barton and his partner will get into various troubles: they will be kidnapped by criminals, they will participate in the chase. Judging by the comments on social networks, some Marvel fans are already excited and waiting for the premiere. And also in the Medialeaks material, you can find out what kind of reaction the trailer for the fourth part of The Matrix caused - the film has not yet been released, but the fans have already divided into two camps.
It was the episode with the chase of the archer and his partner that became memetic. The footage shows that Barton and the girl are driving in a car, but they are being pursued, presumably by the villains, who, in addition to everything, shoot at the car of the heroes. Since the archer is driving, the partner has to fend off the pursuers - Clint looks for an arrow in the quiver and hands it to Kate so that she attacks the enemies.
- This one is definitely too dangerous, but this one is definitely not.
- You might as well not say "definitely" in that tone.
Keith takes aim and fires at a car full of enemies, and a truck explodes behind them. The shocked girl turns to her partner, frightened by the consequences.
So the other [arrows] are even more dangerous than this one?
To which Burton purses his lips and looks away in embarrassment, probably realizing that he made a mistake in choosing an arrow.
Some Marvel fans on Twitter, who paid attention to this moment, hurried to share their opinion about what they saw with subscribers, as a result of which memes about Clint Barton's oversight appeared.
For example, Twitter user firin ausa saw in the archer's facial expression a reference to the Monkey Puppet meme, a surprised monkey puppet toy that is often used to emphasize maximum discouragement.
Meme with an archer and a monkeyWell, like:
And a girl with the nickname Ulya Iero sneered over Burton's expression, suggesting that this is what a person who gave a child a dangerous weapon looks like.
Still from the Hawkeye trailerLadies and gentlemen, I present to you the face of a man who just gave a child an arrow that makes a fuck-bang, and now he pretends that he had nothing to do with it.
And according to a Twitter user registered on the platform with the nickname Cinderella_Sammy I love you 3000 HERE AND 18, compared Clint's emotions with children. Indeed, sometimes children react in this way when their parents notice them for some kind of prank.
A shot from the Hawkeye trailerSuch a child, I can't.
The shot with the archer inspired the girl with the nickname Im_Not_YourDear to come up with a nickname for Barton - she suggested that Clint was trying in every possible way to show that it was not his fault that Kate was caught with an explosive arrow.
Shot from the Hawkeye trailerClint *no, I didn't give the kid the explosive arrow* Barton.
The collage from the girl with the nickname 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐲 ʷʰᵃᵗ ⁱᶠ rest, who juxtaposed a shot of a surprised Kate and an embarrassed Clint. The facial expressions of the characters can be the perfect meme for a situation where, for example, a sister discovers that her brother has eaten all the sweets in the house.
Are there arrows more dangerous than this one? Lord, my [fools].