I keep dreaming about my teeth falling out

Why You Dream About Your Teeth Falling Out

Have you ever dreamt about your teeth falling out? Perhaps you’ve even had this dream more than once. It’s reasonable to feel a little disturbed after such a dream. You might wake up wondering if there’s a deeper meaning that your subconscious is trying to tell you. Perhaps this dream is accompanied by a feeling of a loss of control, or brings up worries about losing something or someone important to you. Perhaps the dream reminds you that it’s been a while since you’ve been to the dentist, and you’re feeling anxious about your dental health.

If you’ve had a dream like this, you’re not alone. Research exploring common dream themes tells us that 39% of the population has experienced dreams about their teeth falling out, rotting, or breaking, at least one time in their lives. Recurrent teeth dreams are reported by 16.2% of sleepers, and 8.2% report having teeth dreams regularly.

A particularly vivid dream of teeth falling out may naturally raise concerns about your health, well-being, or sleep quality. But whether you’re feeling alarmed after your own unsettling teeth dream or simply curious about why these types of dreams occur, it is important to know that teeth dreams likely do not mean anything serious.

Nevertheless, dreams about teeth trauma are strikingly common. Various cultures, religions, and individuals have offered frameworks for interpreting these types of dreams, but the topic has historically been approached with more superstition than science.

Why Do We Dream About Our Teeth Falling Out?

People have been guessing about the meaning of dreams for as long as humans have been around. From writers of Jewish texts like the Torah and Talmud to Ancient Egyptian and Greek philosophers, many thinkers originally believed dreams to be a means of communication from the divine. Dreams about teeth falling out were also thought to prophesy events, ranging from paying off debts to losing a loved one.

Over the course of history, these themes of loss and death have been consistent in many other interpretations. Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung both believed dreams to be symbols of deep psychological significance, and their influence has shaped many ideas about teeth dreams. It may come as no surprise that Freud believed dreams about teeth falling out were signs of subconscious sexual needs and fears. He did, however, recognize the possibility that they could be related to dental stimulation. From a scientific perspective, this seems much more plausible, but the idea was not scientifically pursued.

More recently, one aspect that puzzles scientific thinkers is that teeth dreams do not fit into the continuity hypothesis about dreaming. The continuity hypothesis asserts that the content of our dreams reflects the content of our waking thoughts and experiences. While dreaming about your teeth rotting or falling out can be a shocking experience, it isn’t something many people go through in waking life.

Currently, many ideas about teeth dreams are based on old superstitions that lingered. And, although these ideas have not been confirmed by science, they may still prime us to feel worried or anxious should we have a dream about our teeth falling out.


Is There a Scientific Explanation for Dreams About Losing Your Teeth?

Unfortunately, not many scientists have directly studied dreams about losing your teeth. In response to the lack of empirical evidence about teeth dreams, two researchers have delved deeply into the topic. Rozen and Soffer-Dubek from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, conducted a research study to better understand the potential relationship between teeth dreams, psychological distress, dental irritation, and sleep quality.

First, they recognized the two overarching themes of interpretation emerging from history and formed their hypotheses — are teeth dreams a symbolic manifestation of psychological distress, or are they a product of our brains incorporating dental stimulation into our sleep? To investigate, they enrolled undergraduate students to answer measures about dream themes, psychological distress, dental irritation, and sleep quality. The two key items they used to measure dental irritation were teeth tension, defined as a feeling of tenderness after waking, and teeth grinding during sleep.

The study found that teeth dreams correlated to teeth tension, but they did not correlate to teeth grinding. To interpret this finding, the researchers suggest that many people may not be aware that they grind their teeth during sleep, but they would still be aware of the tender feeling when they awoke. Interestingly, teeth dreams were not related to any problems with sleep or mental health. The study also did not find any correlation between teeth tension and other types of dreams.

This early research suggests two things: teeth dreams are related to dental irritation during sleep, and teeth dreams are uniquely related to dental irritation in a way that other types of dreams are not. While this particular study found no connection between teeth dreams and psychological distress, a previous study found that college students who had teeth dreams felt greater depression, anxiety, helplessness, and loss of control.

More broadly, this research supports the theory that some somatosensory stimulation influences the content of dreams. In other words, physical stimulation to our body and senses during sleep can affect what we dream about.

What Should I Do if I Dream About My Teeth Falling Out?

If you’ve recently had a dream about your teeth falling out, breaking, or rotting, there is likely nothing serious to worry about. To date, there has been no evidence to support the idea that teeth dreams arise from subconscious problems or predict negative life events.

Preliminary evidence suggests teeth dreams may relate to dental irritation during sleep and may be more common in people with depression or anxiety. If you are having frequent teeth dreams and feeling anxious about them, consider talking to a doctor or mental health professional about your worries. If you notice you are grinding your teeth at night, waking up with dental pain, or experiencing other oral problems, talk to your dentist to help you understand and manage your symptoms.

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Dreams About Teeth Falling Out, Losing Teeth: 18 Meanings

Dreams About Teeth Falling Out, Losing Teeth: 18 Meanings

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Photo: Francisco Beaufrand/Getty Images

It’s one of the scariest dreams you can have: You’re going about your business, and all of a sudden, your teeth start falling out. Maybe they drop out one at a time, or they start crumbling in your hands, or they start splintering off. No matter what, having a dream where your teeth fall out is unsettling. If you’ve had a dream like this, you might be wondering what it means.

“The teeth dream will be connected to the way you’ve been communicating lately,” says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, professional dream analyst and author. “Any dream having to do with the mouth — the lips, the tongue, the teeth, the throat — is going to be about what you’ve been saying, how you’ve been saying it, et cetera.” Continue reading for Loewenberg’s interpretations of various dreams about teeth falling out, and how they might relate to what’s happening in your life when you’re awake.

If you dream that your teeth fall out at the dentist’s office … 
“The dentist would [represent] your ability to correct some form of communication you’ve had, or maybe just correct your typical way of communicating,” Loewenberg says. “Maybe you’re working on not cursing so much, maybe you’re working on thinking before you speak, maybe you’re working on being more polite.”

If you pull out a loose tooth in your dream …
According to Loewenberg, pulling out a loose tooth would symbolize a conflict that you need to speak up about or that you want to put an end to. “Maybe the tooth is just hanging there by a vein, and you just need to get this out. That thought process right there is exactly what the dream means. You’ve got to say what needs to be said here, you gotta force yourself to say it no matter how painful it may be.”

If you go to pick something out of your teeth, and the tooth falls out …There’s nothing like realizing you forgot to floss and now have a piece of spinach in your teeth, but it’s even more unsettling if your tooth falls out when you try to remedy it. However, Loewenberg says that this dream could be a sign that you’ve cleared up a miscommunication. “It’s also really important what is stuck in your teeth. If you’ve got gum stuck in your teeth, this would likely be connected to something you would consider a sticky situation. And that may be why you’re stuck in this communication issue because it’s sticky and you’re not sure how to say the correct thing.

If you dreamed that your teeth begin crumbling …
“The one where your teeth crumble is connected to weak speech. You’re typically going to get that dream when you maybe had an argument or you feel like you didn’t get your point across, or you just didn’t say it correctly, that what came out of your mouth was weak. It had cracks in it, it wasn’t solid.”

If you dreamed that your teeth started falling out slowly or one by one …
“When they come out on their own, that’s usually connected to allowing something out of your mouth that you wish you could put back in. Saying something without thinking about it first, gossip, things that should have stayed in there. When the teeth come out one at a time, then look at your communication the day before. Did you start maybe leaking information about someone or something? Did you say little trickles of things that maybe you shouldn’t have said? It’s connected to just saying little tidbits here and there.”

If you dreamed that they all fell out at once …
Loewenberg says that this happens when you said a lot of information all at once. “That usually comes people who are talkers and who just talk way too much and don’t know when to stop talking. These people that have this personality trait are typically aware of it. They get that dream, it’s a lot of things come out of their mouth all the time. But it can also happen when you’ve allowed something big out of your mouth. Like the more teeth that come out, the bigger the deal is of what you said. So if you’re trying to hold it in or you’re trying to catch the teeth, then that is connected to your realization of Oops, I shouldn’t have said that.”

If only a few of your teeth fell out in the dream …
“If it’s just a few teeth that come out instead of all of them, then again it would reflect a level of how much you’ve said.” Loewenberg urges you to look at the day before, because dreams will always be connected to something that happened the day before the dream. “Did you not give a whole truth? Did you only say half the story, so to speak?”

If all but one or two teeth fell out …
“If there’s just a little bit left, then you may still feel you have a little bit of dignity left after whatever it was you vomited out.

If you dreamed that they fell out with a light tap …
“That little tap suggests that perhaps someone gave you just a little nudge to get this information out of you rather than you offering it up freely. For example, when you have a secret, or someone’s told you something, some kind of juicy gossip, you’ll hold it in. But if someone kind of brings it up, ‘Do you know anything?,’ gives you a little nudge, and then you spill the beans, that’s tapping.”

If they started splintering and splitting apart in the dream …
Like crumbling teeth, Loewenberg warns that this might also have to do with weak speech. “Then again, there’s a reason why it’s splintering or splitting as opposed to crumbling. The splitting could be compared to what you said the day before in an argument with someone where you were to the point [of] just splitting hairs. If you’re getting down to way too much detail that’s unnecessary at that point.”

If pieces of your teeth started chipping off …
Out of all the dreams of teeth falling out, Loewenberg says this is the one that she personally gets most frequently. “That would also be about not giving enough information. For example, I think I get it a lot because I go on the radio a lot and I explain dreams a lot. But I’ll get that teeth-chipping-off dream when I feel like I haven’t given enough information, like I feel like I didn’t explain myself well enough. I don’t feel like the person I was talking to fully understands what I was trying to explain to them.”

If you dreamed that your teeth started to grow crooked and push themselves out of your mouth …
“In this case, this will really affect how you look. A lot of times in these dreams when the teeth are coming out or whatever’s going on with the teeth, we’ll look in the mirror because we have concern about how we look now. So that one would very much be you having anxiety about how you may now appear to others after what has been said. The crookedness also could be connected to lies.”

If they started to rot …
“Rotting teeth can be one of two things. It can be connected to something that’s old, a kind of argument or grudge or situation that you’ve been discussing the previous day that’s old, and you’re getting tired of it. You’re subconscious is expressing that in the form of rotting teeth. It’s like we’ve gone over this a million times this is getting old. But it can also be connected to guilt over saying something that was really rotten and nasty.”

If you dreamed that your teeth started retreating back into your gums …
“That one is big-time connected to really wishing you could take back what you said. You wish you could just erase it. ‘Ugh, I can’t believe that I said that, what can I do to take this back?’ That one also can be fear of speaking up. I’m afraid to speak up about whatever this issue is. So instead of letting it out, I’m like pulling back completely.”

If your mouth was full of loose teeth in your dream …
“That one is where there is something that you need to speak up about but you haven’t yet. It’s like, I need to say this, I really need to speak up about this, I really need to confront this person about this, but you haven’t done it yet. You’re like on the verge, you’re so ready to. That’s why they’re loose. But you haven’t done it yet. At this point, your subconscious is presenting it to you in this way, so you can decide, Okay, is it best to go ahead and speak up about this or to keep my mouth shut? What is the best way to approach this?”

If they started falling out while you were in the middle of a difficult task …
“Of course, it would also depend on the task you’re doing, because every little detail matters. But if you’re in the process of doing something difficult and your teeth fall out and they’re not the entire focus of the dream, this could also be connected to not just communication but also action in real life that you’re having difficulty with. A lot of times when we face difficult issues, we don’t do anything. When you’re actively trying to tackle that difficult situation in real life — hence you’re dealing with something difficult in a dream — you’re actively trying to fix it and your teeth fall out, [it] could be a message from your subconscious to keep this to yourself, just work on this alone and don’t be complaining and gossiping about it.”

If they fell out in your dream and you couldn’t find them …
Loewenberg says that this could mean you’re having trouble finding the right words. “You know there’s something you need to say but you don’t know how to say it. How can I say this? Let me find the right words. Since the teeth have already come out, this could be trying to find the right words to correct what you’ve messed up by speaking without thinking.

If you dreamed that they fell out while you were hooking up with someone …
“You know how they say less is more? This type of dream could happen when you’ve talked way too much in a conversation. For example, sex in a dream actually isn’t about the physical act of sex, it’s more about connecting with someone on an emotional or psychological level. So this could indicate that you’ve had some kind of connection with someone with intimate conversation. But now you’re overthinking it, and thinking, Oh, maybe I shouldn’t have said this, oh, I said too much of that, but your dream is trying to reassure [you that] you guys connected, don’t worry about it.”

The takeaway: If you’re having dreams where your teeth are falling out, Loewenberg says that your subconscious is trying to help you improve your communication skills. That said, there are some exceptions. “Sometimes, the loss of teeth or something happening to your teeth can also be about you feeling you’re losing power somewhere in your life,” Loewenberg says. “In the animal kingdom, your teeth are your ability to survive, to protect yourself, and to eat. Loss of teeth can, for some, mean they’re feeling like they’re losing their means to survive in some way.”

To start tackling the root of the dreams, Loewenberg advises keeping a dream journal. “I recommend writing your day-journal part on the left side of your journal and your dreams on the right side so you can have them next to each other and more easily connect the dots between what happened in your day to see how that affected what you dreamt that night.” This is a way for you to track patterns in your behavior and how your communication may be affecting your dreams.

The bottom line? “If you’re getting the teeth dream a lot, really examine how well or how poorly you’re communicating with others,” advises Loewenberg. “Do you need to listen more? Do you need to work on expressing yourself more? Do you need to speak up more? Do you need to be more confident in what you say? Do you need to be more tactful? All these little clues in your dreams are going to tell you that.”

Read more about dreams on the Cut, including why you dream about your ex.

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18 Reasons You Dream About Teeth Falling Out, Losing Teeth

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interpretation of dreams about tooth loss

Tooth loss in Miller's dream book

Any dream in which you remain without a tooth is a harbinger of trouble, even if it is removed by a dentist - in this case, get ready for serious and long-term health problems. Spitting out teeth in a dream also speaks of illnesses (yours or loved ones). You just lost a tooth - it means that your pride will not stand under the yoke of circumstances, and your labors will be in vain. It matters how many teeth fell out: one - to sad news, two - to a series of failures due to their neglect of business, three - to very big troubles, all - to grief.

Loss of teeth in Vanga's dream book

The soothsayer associated the loss of teeth in a dream with the sudden death of a person from your environment (if with blood, then the closest relative). Worse, if a tooth is pulled out, your friend will be overtaken by a violent death, and the criminal will go unpunished. In this case, Vanga advises not to reproach yourself, you need to accept that this is fate. Left completely without teeth? Tune in to an interesting life, but a lonely old age, as you will outlive your loved ones and friends.

Loss of teeth in the Islamic dream book

Interpreters of the Koran can find directly opposite explanations for the meaning of dreams about teeth falling out. Some believe that this is an indicator of life expectancy. The more teeth you lose, the longer you will live (life will be rich if the teeth fall into your hands). Others warn that such a dream may be followed by the death of a loved one from illness. Who exactly? The upper teeth symbolize men, the lower teeth symbolize women. The canine is the head of the family, the right incisor is the father, the left is the father's brother. If one of them is no longer alive, then it may be their closest relatives or friends. But if all your teeth fall out, then this is a good sign, the longest life in the family awaits you.

For debtors, a dream about teeth falling out means a quick repayment of the loan.

Loss of teeth in Freud's dream book

The psychoanalyst correlated dreams about teeth with a craving for masturbation and fears that others would become aware of this. The loss of a tooth (whether it was pulled out or it fell out on its own) reflects the fear of punishment in the form of castration for masturbation. If you deliberately shook the tooth so that it fell out faster, then you like self-satisfaction more than sexual contacts with the opposite sex.

Loss of teeth in the dream book of Nostradamus

Do you have some serious goal, but did you dream of a lost tooth? Get together, otherwise, due to your own inaction and confusion, you risk disrupting all plans. If an empty hole remains after a tooth falls out, then you will grow old earlier than expected, as you will quickly lose vitality.

Loss of teeth in Loff's dream book

Agree that being left without teeth is an awkward situation. Therefore, the psychoanalyst associated such dreams with the fear of losing face in public and situations in which you will have to feel embarrassed.

But dreams about teeth falling out can also have a purely physical component - teeth grinding in a dream or their high sensitivity.

Loss of teeth in Tsvetkov's dream book

The scientist advises to pay attention to the method of losing a tooth: pulled out - an annoying person will disappear from your life, knocked out - expect a series of failures. If any of the processes is accompanied by bleeding, then one of your relatives will die.

Loss of teeth in the Esoteric dream book

Painless loss of a tooth indicates that connections that did not play a special role in your life will disappear by themselves. If at this moment blood flowed, then the separation will turn out to be painful.

Painful loss of teeth portends that people who did not play a significant role in it will soon disappear from your life. Photo: globallookpress.com

Psychologist's comment

Maria Koledina, psychologist:

Loss of teeth in dreams has an archaic character and is often accompanied by a feeling of fear or horror. Because in ancient times, being left without teeth meant hunger, and this is tantamount to death.

In men, the loss of teeth in a dream may be related to the actualization of the fear of death, first of all, as a man, associated with the loss of his sexual activity and aggression. Losing teeth symbolically means losing competition to another male, lowering in status, getting a blow to self-esteem. For example, such a dream may occur after a situation where a man could not defend himself.

A dream about the loss of teeth in women can also be related to the topic of sexuality, aggression and fear for its manifestations. The loss of teeth in such dreams may be the result of a strong sense of guilt and a form of punishment. Such a dream can also occur after a situation where a woman, instead of “showing her teeth”, was silent, that is, she suppressed her aggression.

What does the dream mean: “I am losing my teeth”

30 079

Know yourself

Dream of Margarita, 30 years old

“I am in a brightly lit room. A woman in a white coat leans towards me, shines a lamp in my face, and says something quickly. She has a harsh, unpleasant voice. I can't make out the words, but I guess she's telling me to open my mouth.

I spit three or four teeth into the tray. They are too large, and with my tongue I feel for huge holes in the gums. But there is no pain, no blood. I often dream that my teeth are falling out, and the feeling of these dreams is always disturbing, as if I have to do something, but I don’t understand what.


“A dream about falling teeth evokes strong feelings. The interpretation of dream books is well known: this is for the illness or death of loved ones. Where does this interpretation come from? When we lose teeth, we lose part of our body. Loss of a tooth is concrete, palpable, real.

For our distant ancestors, the loss of teeth meant that they would starve and were unlikely to survive. Today, thanks to the achievements of civilization, we do not associate the loss of teeth with death. But the archaic metaphor continues to operate in us. As if the psyche uses the language of our ancestors.

Teeth in the mouth may resemble a large family gathered together. Then the loss of a tooth is the loss of one of the relatives, the loss in our ranks. But in your case, this is not the case.

Your dream is more about psychological losses

In your letter you write about your father who left the family when you were 10 years old. This is one loss, the other is your divorce. Although the ex-husband continues to communicate with his son, you are worried that the boy grows up in an incomplete family and does not see his father more often.

Three or four teeth that you lost in a dream symbolize significant losses. There is no blood in the mouth, but the teeth and holes are too big. Perhaps your spiritual wounds do not bleed, but continue to feel like empty spaces.

Psychologists pay a lot of attention to coping with losses and the work of grief. If such work is not done, the losses are not accepted and mourned, they continue to disturb, they can interfere with living and developing further.

Aggression is another topic related to teeth

Animals show their teeth when showing aggression. From your letter, it seemed to me that you were suppressing your aggression, not allowing yourself to be angry with those who abandoned you. You may have had your teeth "taken away" as a child, being told that it's not good to be angry.

Mom or another woman, as in your dream, suggested that you shouldn't be aggressive. Girls are shamed for aggression much more often than boys, which leads adult women to direct aggression at themselves. This leads to depression and the “I am the victim” attitude.

A dream about teeth, although it does not speak of the imminent death of relatives, reminds one of the inevitability of death someday. Often we postpone life until later, fantasizing that it is endless.

But death in white clothes shines into our eyes and makes us feel the great value of every moment. Acceptance of one's death can be a cure for boredom and depression, it can significantly change both the person and his relationship with others.

Photo Source: Getty Images

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