Laid back and easy going

Can a Person Learn to Be Laid-Back?

In the New Year, my husband and I will be moving across the country from New York to L.A. and I think it’s the perfect time to finally answer that question.

You see, I suffer from anxiety and depression and a 3,000-mile road trip is a big stressor. After years of therapy, I’m proficient at avoiding preemptive anxiety. I don’t take an “everything that can go wrong will go wrong” attitude and I don’t immediately wilt at the first sign of defeat. But in the moment, I have a lot of trouble pumping the brakes and applying coping strategies.

I tend to overplan and control everything. If things don’t go according to plan, I feel like I’ve failed. As the stress builds, I don’t remember to tell myself to stop what I’m doing and focus on my breathing. Instead I explode with anxiety and find the odds insurmountable. I don’t take the time to reorient my train of thought and, while I focus on the negative and feel overwhelmed, depression starts to drag me down like quicksand.

I know this pattern well. It makes it difficult for me to try new things. It made it very hard to settle in when I moved to Brooklyn eight years ago.

But I also know that situations like these are the perfect opportunity to sharpen coping tools, get into the habit of using new strategies and reacting to life differently. I’d like to be more laid-back. I no longer want to make time for worry and waste my life thinking about every bump in the road. I want to give up “stressing” as my hobby.

So what do I mean when I say laid-back? I like to think of it as being able to roll with the changes and embrace spontaneity.

laid-back /lādˈbak/ (adjective informal): relaxed and easygoing.

Synonyms: relaxed, easygoing, free and easy, casual, nonchalant, unexcitable, imperturbable, unruffled, blasé, cool, equable, even-tempered, nonconfrontational, low-maintenance, insouciant, calm, unperturbed, unflustered, unflappable, unworried, unconcerned, unbothered.

Antonyms: uptight.

I’m not laid-back. I never have been. I envy people who don’t go to pieces when they have to improvise. The funny thing is that I can improvise quite well, but instead of meeting it head on with confidence, I stress over it first and stress is a killer. Here’s a succinct explanation from LiveScience:

Stress causes deterioration in everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to illnesses ranging from the common cold to cancer, according to a review essay in the Dec. 2007 issue of the Association for Psychological Science’s magazine Observer.

If I follow the advice of self-help author Rosie Molinary instead of a steadfast New Year’s resolution, I should pick a single word to be my guide for 2015 and that word is laid-back.

I know it won’t be easy, but I believe change is possible. Sure, maybe some people are born with a laid-back temperament, but we can change the way we perceive and react to the world with practice. For instance, people would never describe me today as a shy person or a wallflower, but five to 10 years ago that’s just what I was. How did I change? I’ve found that the best way to get comfortable with something that makes me uncomfortable is to expose myself to it. If you strategically place yourself in the position you fear the most, you learn to be competent in that position. (No, I’m not a CBT guru, but it has worked wonders for me.)

So I’ll be exposing myself to a lot of potential stress in the coming year:

  • Packing up the apartment.
  • Selling most of our furniture.
  • Driving across the country, visiting family in three different states along the way.
  • Traveling with a French bulldog who is allergic to almost everything, including the very yeast that occurs naturally on his skin.
  • Subletting and then finding a new apartment.
  • Getting new furniture.
  • Trying not to spend all our savings.
  • Hoping my husband gets a job soon after we arrive.
  • Buying a new car — because people who don’t live in NYC have cars.
  • Getting new drivers’ licenses, health insurance, and voter registrations.
  • Learning a new city and a new way of life.
  • Making new friends!
  • And everything else I haven’t thought of.

It bears noting that I’m also traveling with my laid-back husband, who’s a pretty great model for optimism and rolling with the punches.

All the while, I plan on writing about my experience, both here on Psych Central (home to the most insightful audience in the world) and hopefully put a book together as well.

I think my first and primary goal is going to be learning to take a step back when I’m beginning to feel overwhelmed or unhappy, instead of letting it grow and fester. I want to ask myself two questions: Is this how I want to feel? and How did we get here? When in doubt, remember what Richard Carlson said in Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: “The truth is, in order to experience a feeling, you must first have a thought that produces that feeling.

What do you think about my plan? Do you suspect a series of meltdowns are in my future? Do you think people can cultivate their own temperament? Where would you start?

The Common Behavioral Traits of a Type B Personality

People belonging to personality type B are best described as being relaxed and easygoing. They are not stubborn, and adapt according to situations. Studying the traits of type B, in contrast to type A, will help in better understanding of the subject.

Personality tests are undertaken as a part of employee selection process. This is because it is believed that people belonging to certain personality types are more suited to specific fields like marketing, sales, management, administration, etc.

The personality type theory is based on the behavioral pattern portrayed by an individual. Personality types classify people broadly according to their behavioral traits, attitudes, preferences, way of life, etc. According to one of these personality theories, people are broadly classified into type A and type B personality.

Individuals belonging to type A and B personality are completely opposite to each other. In order to understand the traits of a particular personality type, it is essential to have brief information about the other. Knowing your personality type will help you know whether you are at a risk of suffering from coronary heart disease or not. People belonging to the B type personality can deal with stress, usually do not suffer from anxiety, and hence, are not at the risk of suffering from heart diseases.

It is essential to note here that the comparisons between personality types A and B are simply made for better understanding. It is in no way intended to prove that one is better than the other.

One of the major traits of type B personality is that these people do not get irritated or angry easily. They are laid back and relaxed. They rarely tend to be aggressive or frustrated. They are very calm as compared to their highly strung counterparts (type A). They are very patient and usually have a lot of self-control.

They are not obsessively competitive. Their competitiveness is often productive. These people tend to be productive under stress. People of B type personality tend to plan things in advance before executing them. They rarely complain or fret. They do not obsessively wish to lead the group or be in control of all the situations. They can easily face things and situations as they come.

People belonging to type B personality are very much tolerant and flexible. They can comfortably adapt to situations and changes. They may even let go of their habits, routine much easily than their counterparts. They do not mind waiting in a line or waiting to get their work done. They do not suffer from anxiety or extreme temper in these cases.

They are social and love to be part of a large group. As they are fun loving, people love being in their company. They are emotional, tend to express their feelings and are not indifferent towards others. They usually have a good social life. Relaxation, enjoyment, fun comes very naturally to them. They spend their free time socializing, shopping or having a good time.

People of type A personality often wish they were working rather than spending their time in leisure; but, the type B individuals are just the opposite. People with B type personality have controlled eating habits and lifestyle. They usually do not have any obsessive compulsive habits.

On the other hand, people belonging to this type may also be criticized for not following time schedule. They often tend to procrastinate things and do their work at the last moment. Even then, they do not get stressed.

Due to their excessively relaxed attitude, these people are also, sometimes, criticized for being too casual in their approach. Secondly, they may even be overly emotional and lack the ability to take decisions.

Type A and type B personality theory was proposed in the 1950s when studies were carried out to identify behavior pattern that could, possibly, lead to heart diseases. One of the negative aspects of this theory is that the characteristics mentioned for personality types A and B are often limited to middle-aged people. They are also very broadly classified, and hence, may not be applicable in all cases.

Also note that there has been no direct link between personality type and heart diseases. But, studies definitely prove that showing characteristic traits of certain personality type may have a negative effect on your overall health and also on your chances of developing any physical or mental illness. For e.g., being constantly nervous, anxious, stressed or high strung can be detrimental to your health.

The traits mentioned above broadly describe the type B personality traits. They will help in knowing whether you belong to this personality type or not. However, for more detailed and personalized result, you can consult a counselor or a psychologist and undertake a personality test.

Lastly, remember that although the personality type A and type B theory is one of the most popular theories in psychology, it cannot be taken as a foolproof basis to determine whether you suffer from heart diseases or not. Belonging to a particular personality type is not the only reason to induce or avoid heart diseases. Good luck!

90,000 calm | it's... What is calm?



adj. , used very often

Morphology: calm , calm , calm , calm ; calmer ; ext. calm ; tale. calmly

about people

1. Calm is a quiet, obedient person who does not disturb anyone.

Calm child. | Our life is very good - the lake is nearby, the house is three-story, the neighbors are calm.

2. Calm is a person who is not worried.

I am completely calm, and there is no need to shout.

3. A person who knows how to control his feelings is called calm .

This usually absolutely calm and confident person suddenly exploded.

4. If you do something with a calm soul (conscience) , then this means that by this moment you have already done something that calmed you down, added confidence to you.

With a clear conscience, he said to himself: everything that could be calculated and foreseen, I calculated and thought through. | He's doing very well, I added; if it goes on like this, by the end of the summer I can safely call him a very competent naturalist.

5. The sea is called calm if there are no big waves, storms.

Calm ocean.

6. Calm is a life, work, place where no unpleasant events occur, no serious problems, no noise.

Quiet and comfortable existence. | Calm lifestyle. | Quiet duty. | Calm quiet corner, office, house. | Here is the quietest, most peaceful place to relax - like in a village.


7. If your communication with other people proceeds easily, naturally, then it is called calm .

Calm business conversation. | Calm conversation over a cup of tea. | Calm discussion. | The conversation has returned to a calm course. | I recalled Masha's calm speech, the accuracy of her judgments, her enviable composure.

8. Saying goodbye at night, people wish each other good night .

Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003.

Antonyms :

restless, fussy, noisy, restless, stormy, restless, anxious

  • calmness


%d1%81%d0%bf%d0%be%d0%ba%d0%be%d0%b9%d0%bd%d1%8b%d0%b9 The organization provided training and equipment to strengthen the base of four community radio stations in


Caribbean (Roots FM, Jamaica; Radio

[...] Paiwomak, Guyana; "Radi o e m ba M a ng o", Dominica Radio [...]

Muye, Suriname).

The Organization also provided training and equipment to reinforce the capacity of four community radio

[. ..]

stations in the Caribbean (Roots FM, Jamaica; Radio Paiwomak, Guyana;

[...] Radio e m ba Ma ngo , Dominica ; and Radi or Muye, [...]


Trucks can be fitted with foreign


Perkins diesels 65 hp (base

[...] engine) and D eu t z BF 0 4 L [...]

79 HP or domestic Vladimir


VMTZ D-130T, 65 hp Drives from the power take-off shafts front and rear allow you to attach various additional equipment.

The trucks can be equipped with foreign

[. ..]

Perkins 65 hp diesel (Base engine) and Deutz BF 04L 2011 with

[...] an out pu t of 79 hp or do mest ic V MT [...]

developes 65 hp.

RFLQ _S 0 0 7 BA R ac liquidity account: [...]

Transfer actual data to new. business area.

R F LQ_ S00 7BA Liq uid ity C al cululation: [...]

Transfer Actual Data to New Business Area .

Parameter bf with contains a file that [. ..]

client must receive via TFTP; see details in Sec. 4.5.4.

T he “bf” op tio n spe ci fies the [...]

file a client should retrieve via TFTP; see Section 4.5.4 for more details.

BD v yp is strictly in accordance with the specifications, all audio can be decoded output, see l e B D RI P, B D ISO t racks were pe rfect t he next generation of source output

R M 0 6 BA 0 0 Ex inspection of the application list.

R M06BA00 List D isplay of Purchase Requisitions .

For on-load tap-changers with more than 15,000 operations per year we


We recommend using OF100 oil filter unit (instruction for

[...] maintenance and and BA 0 1 8) with paper [...]

replacement filters.

If the number of on-load tap-changer operations per year


is 15,000 or higher, we recommend the use of

[...] our s ta iona ry oil0172 lter un it OF [... ]

100 with a paper filter insert (see Operating Instructions BA 018).

At the Institute for Agricultural Technology and Livestock Breeding of the Bavarian State Agricultural Office for many years


forced incubators are used

[...] air circulation ser and and BF about t BINDER, thanks [...]

which the quality of research remains


unchanged high.

At the Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Animal Husbandry at the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture,


incubators with mechanical convection of the BF

[. ..] series fr om BI NDE R have s upp orted t he consistently [...]

high quality of research for many years.

This menu option will be available after installation0171 d into o r attached to your NMT.

humidity, W; — coefficient of waste biodegradation at the stage

[...] total methanogen s а Bf ( s а depends on the morphological [...]

composition of the biodegradable part of MSW).

factor of biodecomposition of waste products at the stage of complete

[...] format io n of met ha ne Bf (d ep end s on mor ph [. ..]

structure of biodecomposing part of MSW).


[...] Me.410 superior and L Bf . 1 1 0 for flight technical [...]

characteristics, primarily in terms of speed and flight range, but all


was inferior to him in the versatility of use.

Although the Me.410 was

[...] Superio r to th e Bf 1 10 in i ts performance [...]

characteristics, most of all in its speed and flight range,


it was inferior as far as versatility was concerned.

Quick release

[. ..] connections S P H / BA with with [...]

Leakage Disconnect and Quick Disconnect DMR Full Flow Couplings for


cooling systems: oil systems and water/glycol systems.

S PH/BA cl ean br eak a nd DMR full [...]

flow quick release couplings for cooling applications such as oil and water glycol connections.

Another popular tourist destination in 2010

[...] year will be, according to n o BA , C t ambuls in Turkey.

Among other popular destinations for 2010 will be,

[. ..] accordion ng to t he BA,

The company also supplies the landing gear system for the world's first civilian tiltrotor "Tiltrotor"

[...] [...] (aircraft equipped with tilt rotors): Messier-Bugatti-Dowty supplies equipment d l i BA 6 0 9 f from Bell/Agusta Aerospace, a combination of aircraft speed and maneuverability [...] [...]

vertical takeoff helicopter.

It also supplies the landing gear for the Bell/Agusta Aerospace BA609, the world’s first civilian tilt-rotor aircraft, combining the flexibility of vertical flight with the speed and range of a conventional aircraft.

Financial strength rating

[. ..] "D-" (which displays e t Ba 3 p o BCA evaluation) assigned [...]

Ardshininvestbank as one of the largest


Armenian banks (being the second bank in Armenia in terms of assets with a market share of 12.2% in 2007, Ardshininvestbank became the leader in this indicator in March 2008), a wide branch network, good financial performance, especially growing profitability, high capitalization and performance indicators above average in the context of the Armenian market.

According to Moody's, ASHIB's "D-" BFSR -- which maps to a Baseline

[...] Credit As sess ment o f Ba3 de rive from its s [...]

good franchise as one of Armenia's largest

[. ..]

banks (ranking second in terms of assets with a 12.2% market share as at YE2007 -- reportedly moving up to first place by March 2008) and good financial metrics, particularly, buoyant profitability, solid capitalization and above-average efficiency ratios, within the Armenian context.

It weighs 13 tons and can carry up to 2 tons


cargo with

installed [...] diesel engine D eu t z BF 6 L 9 [...]

HP or GM 4-53T with 175 hp Wheels


amphibians have a diameter of 2.96 m and a width of 1.5 m. The speed on land is 8 km/h, on water - 5 km/h. A small helicopter can land on the deck of the amphibian, and so that the amphibian does not roll over from the air currents created by the helicopter blades, a system of 4 anchors is provided that fixes the VARF.

Weighing a total of 13 t, 2 t payload, it was powered by a

[...] Deutz BF 6 L 9[...]

with wheels of 2.96 m diameter and


1.5 m wide. Speed ​​of 8 km / h on land and 5 in water.

Add to o d BF to to corresponding numbers [...]

orders for couplings and nipples.


of the sockets and the plugs.

LEDs " R" , " BF " , "F " are not "DO" and [. ..]

elements of the security system and must not be used in


as such.

T h e "R 9[...]

and may not be used as a safety device.

Insurance type a " Bf " and " Cf" prepared by EGAP [...]

in close cooperation with the banking sector to enable banks to promptly


to respond to the needs of their customers, and allow exporters to receive funds from the sale of export receivables for the implementation of subsequent contracts.

The insuranc e of th e t ype s "Bf" a nd "Cf " has b een prepared [. ..]

by EGAP in close cooperation with the banking sector with aim


of enabling banks to react flexibly to the needs of their clients and helping exporters to acquire financial funds for the realization of further contracts by selling of their export receivables.

EL SR - M - BF / A F o light [...]

self-regulating heating cable including an outer sheath that is safe


for use with food and drinking water.

E LS R-M-BF/AF is the lig ht version [...]

of a self-regulating heating cable featuring an outer jacket which is KTW-proofed and

[. ..]

suitable for use in potable water.

In 2000, after working for about a year as Head of Service and Sales at Olympus France, he returned to Olympus Medical Systems Europa GmbH in Hamburg as Head of GI /E U S / BF and p service marketing divisions.

In 2000, after spending about a year as Department Manager, Service & Sales Management with Olympus France, he returned to Olympus Medical Systems Europa GmbH in Hamburg to take on the role of Department Manager GI/EUS/BF and Service Marketing Division.

In January 2009, as part of the annual review of credit ratings, Moody’s rating agency

[... ]


[...] assigned in 2007 an international credit rating of n e Ba 3 / П forecast according to the national [...], indicating


on the stable financial position of OGK-1.

In January 2009 as part of annual revising of credit ratings, the international rating agency Moody’s


confirmed the international

[...] cred it rating at the level Ba3 with Stable outlook attributed in 2007 and the nat io nal s cal e rating A a3. ru, w hi ch is [...]

an evidence of OGK-1’s stable financial position.

In our

[. ..] In the catalog you will find a description of all the advantages, specifications and part numbers of connections S P H / BA .

Discover all the advantages, technical features and part numbers of the SPH/BA couplings in our catalog.

Inquiries and bookings related to Rewards (including Rewards from Partner Companies) can be made at c o m or at the Member's local service center in accordance with the procedure for processing Rewards, which may be in force from time to time, as indicated on sai c o m .

Requests and bookings relating to Rewards (including Service Partner Rewards) may be made onl in e at ba. co m or t hr ough the M ember's local service center in accordance with such procedures that may be in force from time to time for the issue of Rewards, as set out on ba .com.

A project for the manufacture of pilot


portable media player samples using a variety of

[...] audio interfaces, on processor Blac kf i n BF 5 4 8 .

The project for the pilot samples production of the portable


multimedia players that use different audio interfaces and

[...] are base d on B lack fi n BF54 8 proc esso r was [. ..]



[...] use V A V BF t un a low noise [...]

wind chassis is mainly used for various air conditioners, air


curtains, heating and cooling, fan, etc., can also be used in industrial and mining enterprises, public places, indoor ventilation.


chassis is mainly used for a variety of air conditioning units, air curtain, heating


and cooling fan, etc., can also be used in industrial and mining enterprises, public places, indoor ventilation.

To put the car on alert and show strength, 3-inch canopies and special

were used [. ..]

matt black wheels and

[...] mud tires M / T BF G o od rich was added [...]

large front bull bar, restrictive


bar and roof rack.

To be fully armed and show the impact, 3 inch lift ups and


special mat black wheel and BF Goodrich

[...] mud te rr ain tire s, large fr ont gril l [...]

and tail guard and roof racks are added.

We also added black side sills, 2"


canopy, exclusive black wheels and all season

[. ..] mud shi o s BF G o od rich to give [...]

looks more fearless.

We also added black side tube step, 2 inch lift up, exclusive black color

[...] wheel a nd B F Goodrich m ud t er rain tire [...]

to make it with a look of fearless determination.

Since proportional

[...] counting pipes to a BF 3 b y children react [...]

only for thermal neutrons, polyethylene moderator,


which slows down random fast neutrons to thermal energies surrounds the neutron sensitive tube.


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