Angel with you
Angel Signs | Signs of an Angel Watching Over You
Ever wonder if those little feelings or hunches may be the whisper of an angel? Have you found a feather or penny in your path and wondered to yourself if it might be the sign of an angel?
Angels are divine beings of love and light, sent here to protect, heal and guide us on our journey through life. They work for our peace and happiness and are here to help us fulfill our life's mission on earth.
They send us messages of inspiration and wisdom to guide us through difficult times in our lives or warnings to protect us from danger. The messages can be quite subtle - something as simple as a hint, nudge or feeling.
The messages or signs may seem out of the ordinary and can be repetitive or delivered to you over the course of time.
While Angels can communicate with us in many ways, you are always the expert on what the sign may mean and how it applies to your life. It is said that the Angels will always respect your free will; while they may offer you their guidance, it is always up to you to accept or reject their assistance.
Below is a list of what is considered to be the most common signs of Angels, in no particular order of importance:
Finding a white featherWhile any feather may be a sign, white feathers are often thought of as the "calling card" of the Angels. A feather may especially be an Angel sign if it appears in some unexpected place, such as in your purse or a shelf in your house, where its presence cannot easily be explained.
A white feather may be a message of encouragement and reassurance. It may be an angel's way of reminding you not to give up, to let you know that the end to your struggle is near. It may also just be a reminder that you are not alone and that your Angels are here by your side.
Finding coins
Have you ever heard of the phrase "pennies from heaven"? Pennies or dimes found in unusual places can be signs from the Angels, letting you know that they are here to love and support you.
Sometimes these coins may have a personal meaning that relates to some issue or question your have been pondering in your life. When you find one of these unexpected coins, it is suggested that you try to remember what or who you were thinking about when you encountered it.
Does it have any unique markings? Does the year or type of metal have any significance to you? It may just be an affirmation to something you have been wondering about.
Flashes of lightSometimes you may see unusual light effects, such as flashes, unexplained shimmers, sparkles in the corner of your eye, or shafts of light streaming around you.
Or perhaps, what appears to be the glint of a bright mirror when there is no sunlight around. Sometimes they are strange orbs, that may also appear in photographs.
These extraordinary light effects are often considered to be signs of an Angel's presence.
RainbowsA rainbow, especially when seen on a clear day when it hasn't rained, is often thought be to an Angel sign.
Rainbows are a symbol of hope and encouragement - a reminder that if you can just endure a little longer, you will make it through the storm and come shining through on the other side.
They are also a symbol to have faith in yourself - to believe that you have the strength, wisdom and creativity to succeed.
Direct messagesIt is said that Angels can sometimes give you both love and detailed guidance through the use of text.
For example, you may see a message on a billboard that seems to have a personal significance or be relevant to an issue you have been dealing with in your life. You may then see a same or similar message in a magazine, or a book may fall from a shelf, unexpectedly opening up to a page with a meaningful passage or phrase.
The repetition of this text might seem unusual or to strike a chord with you because it may contain the answer to a question you have been pondering. These messages might be a way for your Angels to reassure you that they are nearby and also to offer you some direct guidance.
Sometimes, the presence of an angel can cause physical sensations like chills, goosebumps or tingling sensations near the crown of your head, back of your neck, shoulders or upper arms. These feelings may also manifest as a feeling of sudden warmth or the tingling you feel when your foot falls asleep.
It is said that these sensations are caused by the Angels connecting with you and lifting your energy closer to their level, which can feel like a tingly or buzzing feeling.
These sensations may be an angelic confirmation that what you are currently thinking or feeling is on the right path. They may also be a call to raise your awareness, or to pay attention to what happens next.
The feeling of being touchedThe touch of an angel may feel like a soft brush across your arm or neck, a gentle hug or someone patting you on your shoulders or back.
Sometimes Angels may communicate touch by a sudden change in temperature.
It is said that if you feel a sudden warmth while you are praying or meditating, it may be that your guardian angel is nearby or has moved closer to you.
You may see the figure of an angel in the clouds, heart shapes, flowers or other symbols. Doreen Virtue, the founder of Angel Therapy, notes that Angels love to use clouds to send us messages because they are easy to shape in any way and are beautiful to look at. Clouds are a common way for Angels to send messages of love from Heaven.
Angel signs and symbols can also be present in places where it is easy for Angels to make shapes, such as shadows, bath foam, or tea leaves.
ScentsAngels sometimes make their presence felt through pleasant smells or aromas, like flowers, delicious food or perfume. This is especially the case when the smell suddenly fills the air and there is no easy explanation for its presence.
If you happen to be with a group of people, a striking situation may occur where some people notice the scent quite strongly and others not at all.
When the scent smells like the perfume or aftershave of a deceased loved one, it is said that the Angel may be accompanied by that loved one.
When you encounter an unexpected smell that fills the air, it may be useful to ask yourself, "What or who does the smell remind me of?" or "What was I thinking about when the scent filled the air?"
Music & televisionIt is said that the Angels may sometimes communicate with you through media like music or television. You may be driving in your car, changing the radio stations when you hear the words of a certain song that seem to hold the answer to a specific issue in your life. Sometimes those same lyrics will repeat themselves over and over in your head.
Or, you may be flipping through the stations on your TV when you come across a show that seems to relate to something that has been troubling you.
When you come across these situations, it might be a good idea to pay attention, as it may very well be a celestial message.
Sometimes the Angels want to give you useful information that you may not be ready to use yet. It is said that they will sometimes transfer the information to you as an angelic "download". While you may not be ready to use this information right away, it is something that may come in handy or become relevant later.
The sound signalling such an event can be nearly quiet, very loud, or like bells or buzzing. When the noise is too loud or distracting, it is always okay to ask your Angels to turn down the volume.
CoincidencesThese are those special moments when unexpected things seem to come together in just the right way. For example, my husband had been looking for an out-of-print book for many months online.
Every morning he goes for an exercise walk. On one of these mornings, he happened upon a box of items on the curb that someone was giving away. Lo and behold, while sorting through the box, he came upon the very book he had been looking for!
Perhaps these events that we think of as coincidences are not quite accidental, perhaps they are the work of Angels.
Have you ever been thinking about someone, perhaps an old friend you had been wishing to talk to again and suddenly the phone rings and it is them? These incidents are sometimes seen as the intervention of Angels.
It may be that the Angel caused that person to think of you just when you needed them the most. Or, the Angel may have given this person some wisdom or clarity to offer to you at just the right time.
Random moments of noticing beautyThese are those moments when everything is going wrong and you're feeling upset or frustrated - you're late for work, you forgot some important papers, your boss is upset with you - and then you suddenly notice something wonderful. It could be a gorgeous sunset, the sound of birds singing, the smell of roses or of some delicious food, like cinnamon rolls.
These random moments of beauty could be the work of the Angels trying to gently bring you out of your lower state of mind and back into a place of calm, happiness and peace.
Butterflies are often seen as gifts sent by lost loved ones as a reminder that they're watching over us or to let us know that they are doing okay.
Angel numbersIf you see certain numbers or number sequences repeated over and over to you again, it may be a sign of Angels trying to get your attention. For example, you may see the number 11:11 on a clock, then notice the amount $11.11 on a receipt, and then notice an unknown phone call coming from a number containing the digits 1111.
Or, you may find yourself waking up every morning at 4:44.
Angels are known to use numbers to communicate different messages. A great resource on Angel Numbers can be found here.
Solar Plexus
When you feel butterflies or a knot in your stomach, this could be a warning from the Angels that something is not right. Your Angels may be using your Solar Plexus chakra to remind you to be careful and become more aware of your surroundings.
When you feel tension in your stomach around a certain person, the Angels may be warning you to be careful around this person or to limit the amount of time you spend with them.
RobinsRobins are sometimes associated with visits from deceased family members or friends. They will often visit the same garden year after year, letting loved ones know that they are always near.
Babies and animalsIt is said that babies and animals do not yet have the sames filters that we as adults have that block our ability to see Angels. You may notice your baby looking at what appears to be nothing and smiling. Or, you might notice your dog or cat following with their eyes something invisible that seems to be moving around the room.
It is possible that their attention is drawn towards an Angel. In the presence of an Angel, babies or pets will seem relaxed and happy, but also filled with excitement.
The feeling that you are not aloneYou may feel that there is someone else in the room, even though no one is there. Or, you may feel that there is an invisible presence sitting next to you on a couch or bed. These angel signs are said to be accompanied by feelings of warmth and safety or of unconditional love.
When you encounter an Angel sign, it is said that you should stay aware and be present in the moment, allowing yourself to be open to receiving divine messages. You should also send the Angels gracious thanks for their help.
Experts say that your intuition acts similarly to an antenna that can pick up angelic communications. It is through your willingness to open your mind that you can accept these messages.
While the Angels may offer you guidance, they do respect that you have a free will and it is always your choice to accept or reject their assistance. It is also important to remember that you are the expert on the meaning of any signs you receive and to interpret them in a way that is appropriate for your life.
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Photo credits: The photo of the shimmering pink angel lights is by Evelyn Flint. The photo of the ear is by Trevor Isaacs. Here is a link to the license.
Being Visited by Angels? Here Are 14 Angel Signs that You Are! — The Angel Writer
As a kid, sleep terrified me. I had nightmares. For years. Like pajama-soaking-wake-up-gasping nightmares. I would tuck in my legs and arms tightly under my blankets, making sure there were no missed openings. No legs or hands hanging over the edge of the mattress. Ever. In my child’s mind, I believed that if I was completely covered, nothing could get me. On the really bad nights, I covered my head, too, like a cocoon. Even in the heat of summer. And I didn’t come out until I could see the morning light.
Waking up was only a little better than the nightmare. I’d startle awake…shakened. It seemed so real. Wait – was it real? I’d lie there in total stillness with eyes clenched, trying to silence my breaths so if it was real that “something” or “someone” wouldn’t hear me. Throughout the day, flashes of the nightmare would play back in my mind.
There’s one particular nightmare that’s stayed with me. I was eight years old when it happened. To this day, I can recall the details vividly. In it, I was standing in my childhood home wearing jeans and a blue top with tiny pearlescent buttons dotting a scalloped white collar. It was raining. Hard. And I was in harm’s way. Suddenly, a small, sparkly orb whisked by me, gradually growing into a six-foot tall, brilliantly glowing being. One by one family members who had passed appeared alongside the orb. They spoke in unison, though I couldn’t make out the words. I knew they were there to help. That was one of my earliest memories of an Angel visiting me.
The Angels have many, many ways to show you that they’re around. Sometimes, these Angel signs appear during unexpected or difficult life events when you’re in special need of hope, comfort, encouragement and connection. These highly vibrational beings are always with you to guide you safely on your path. And they’ll send little clues to let you know they’re by your side. All you have to do is ask for help and keep a lookout for these signs so you can fully appreciate their Angelic messages.
Here are the 14 most common Angel signs
1. Dreaming of Angels
Some say dreams are windows to the soul. Others argue that the soul is more “awakened” when you’re dreaming. In the dream state, you’re more receptive to receiving messages and premonitions. That’s because we don’t have the blockages and distractions that we do when we’re wide eyed.
Having Angel dreams? These divine beings may be sending reassurance that they are indeed watching over you. They may also be delivering important messages or guidance you may be seeking or needing.
Tip: Can’t remember your dreams? Before you go to sleep, ask your Angels to visit in your dreams and for their assistance in helping you remember their message. Say to yourself or out loud:
Angels, please come to me tonight in my dreams and allow me to be open to receive the divine insights I need to help me with [current situation]. Please help me recall this message upon waking and give me the guidance, courage and confidence to apply in my life. Thank you for your ever-loving support.
Keep a small journal or notebook and pen by your bed so you can jot everything down. With practice, you’ll be able to improve your recall.
2. Angel orbs
Have you ever taken a photo only to discover later that there’s a strange-colored orb? Ever look up and see brilliant specks of light dancing around you (and you’re not staring into the sun)? It’s long been rumored that these glorious light phenomena are signs that your Angels are near.
3. White feathers
Finding white feathers on your path is a classic Angel sign. Now if you’re visiting the zoo, seeing feathers doesn’t count. The trick is finding an unexpected white feather in an unlikely location. Interpret its presence as a reminder that you’re not alone.
4. Sweet scents
If you happen upon a beautifully sweet smell (and a cupcake isn’t nearby), it may be confirmation that your Angels are here. The Angels will often use scents – such as food, flowers, perfume – to reach out to you.
5. Babies see something you don’t
Angels, babies and animals share a natural connection. Angels are said to comfort both. So, if you see little ones staring up at the corner of a room, clapping their hands and pointing, or smiling at something you can’t see, it could be an Angel.
6. Pets see something you don’t
Just like babies, pets can see and sense Angels around them. I’ve personally watched as Fiona, my Kerry Blue Terrier, followed a glowing orb with her head as it floated from one side of the room all the way to the other.
7. Angel clouds
As kids, we’ve all lain on the grass, trying to make out images in the clouds. When Angels are trying to communicate with us, they may send us meaningful symbols and shapes, like hearts, in the form of clouds. Or you could see wings – even a full Angel silhouette.

First you see 11:11 on the clock. Then a street sign, followed by an airline ticket and the license plate of the car in front of you. Well, your Angels may be trying to grab your attention. The Angels use repeated number sequences to alert you to their presence and communicate important messages to you.
There are endless Angel numbers out there, and each combination means something very different in your life. The one thing that every number has in common? They all suggest that the Angels are present and looking out for you. Pay close attention when you see repeating Angel numbers to discern their unique divine message meant just for you.
9. Sudden temperature changes
Did the room turn inexplicably cold? Warm? An Angel’s presence can affect room temperature. Unexplained and drastic fluctuations could indicate that your Angel entered the room or is by your side.
10. Angel voices
Yes, you can absolutely hear an Angel talking to you! The voice may sound like it’s coming from inside your head or outside of you, as though a physical person is speaking to you (but no one is around).
You may hear your name, helpful advice (“Take Oak Street instead of Spruce”) or just muffled voices.
Tip: If you can’t make out what they’re trying to communicate, simply ask your Angels to speak louder and clearer. Trust me, they don’t mind.
11. Physical sensations
If you’re experiencing tingling at the crown of your head, your Angels are close by. Some believe that the crown of the head is loosely correlated to an Angel’s halo, and that the Angels use this sensation to subtly communicate with us humans.
Or perhaps you notice a light touch on your hand. Or someone gently patting your hair when you’re feeling down. The Angels may be stopping by to reassure you that you’re not alone and they’re watching out for you.
Tip: What do you when you notice these sensations? It’s perfectly fine to acknowledge them. Say to the Angels:
Thank you Angels for revealing your presence and showering me with your never-ending love and support.
12. Music
Music is a popular vehicle the Angels use to communicate with us. Why? Humans are musical beings – we love songs. Have you ever heard anyone say they don’t like music? Me neither. That means we would be very open and receptive to messages sent via song. Sometimes a song may merely suggest the Angels’ presence. Other times, the Angels may be sending you a specific message you need to hear in the form of lyrics.
Funny story. I asked Archangel Gabriel to send me a message, a sign, that he was near. For one week straight, I heard Angel of the Morning by Juice Newton every single morning on different radio stations on my way to work. Well played, Archangel Gabriel…message received 😊.
13. Coins
Coins are a super-fun way for the Angels to pop into your life. Have you been asking for financial help? The Angels may place money, especially coins, in your path to let you know that they’re on the job and abundance is on its way. Finding a group of coins that include an “11” is an extra special blessing (think 11 cents, $1.11). The Angel number 11 is considered to be one of the most profound of all the Angel numbers. It’s associated with higher purpose, enlightenment and intuition.
So next time you find coins in the parking lot, pick ‘em up and thank the Angels for working their magic.
14. Unexpected interactions with animals
Animals such as hummingbirds, butterflies and dragonflies are commonly associated with the Angels. If one of these winged beings crosses your path unexpectedly, it could be a sign from the Angels. Each creature conveys a powerful spiritual meaning for your life. Like the white feather, it’s important to keep perspective. If you’re visiting a butterfly preserve, seeing a butterfly doesn’t necessarily denote an Angelic connection. However if a bevy of butterflies creates a unique formation before you, well now we’re on to something. Read more about the spiritual meaning of butterflies.
How many of these Angel signs have you encountered? Share stories of your Angel experiences below.
With love and light,
SpiritualityHope – The Angel WriterAngel Signs, Angel dreams, Angel orbs, white feather, Angel babies, Angel pets, Angel clouds, Angel numbers, Angel coins, Angel voices101 Comments
0 LikesGuardian - Orthodox Encyclopedia "ABC of Faith"
- Guardian Angel Theological and Liturgical Dictionary
- Guardian Angel Encyclopedia of Sayings
- Guardian angels of individuals Dogm. theology. Met. Macarius
- Guardian Angels of St. K. Parkhomenko
- Reflections on the Guardian Angel for each day of the month
- When is a guardian angel given to a person? archim. Cleopa (Ilie)
- About Guardian Angels archbishop. Alexy (Rzhanitsyn)
- Canon to the Guardian Angel
- Akathist to the Guardian Angel
- About guardian angels (sermon) Fr.
Georgy Maksimov
Guardian Angel - An angel assigned by God to a person at baptism to protect from evil and help in good deeds.
To whom and when does God give a Guardian Angel?
A Guardian Angel is given by God to a person in the Sacrament of Baptism: “ To those who have been vouchsafed baptism and ascend to the height of virtues, angels are given from God, caring for them and assisting them. The Lord assures us of this when He says that there are Guardian Angels for everyone who believes in Him " (teacher Anastasy Sinait).
An unbaptized person is under the control of fallen spirits - demons. The Guardian Angel stays next to the believing Christian, unless we drive him away with sinful deeds, since “ as smoke drives away bees, so sin drives away the Guardian Angel from us ” (St. Basil the Great).
“Since everything, except God, has its beginning, it is required to find out: when, according to the teaching of the Church, is a Guardian Angel assigned to a person? The final prayer of the canon to the Guardian Angel says quite unequivocally: "from holy baptism" - a new birth with water and the Spirit . .. Moreover, song 7 of this canon indicates for how long: "from God given to us forever" , that is, the Guardian Angel accompanies every Christian from St. baptism and before the end of the earthly journey, but also after, "in the terrible hour of death, be relentless, my good guardian, ‹ ...> when the imam passes the air ordeal" (prayer of the akathist to the Guardian Angel), since the deceased "is usually accompanied two angels ‹…›. The duty of these angels (the Guardian Angel and the counter angel) is to accompany the soul of the deceased on his way to the afterlife. And at the Last Judgment, the Guardian Angel will intercede before Christ, praying for the forgiveness of the person he keeps, and in case of forgiveness, he becomes the last inseparable friend in eternity.
What does Angel Day mean?
There is an opinion that the Guardian Angel is a saint whose name we bear. From here, they say, the name day is called the day of the Angel. This is a clear misconception. It is easily refuted by the morning rule: one prayer is addressed to the Guardian Angel - a completely different one - to the saint in whose name the Christian was baptized.
The participation of the Guardian Angel in the life of a Christian
If there were no Guardian Angels and mentors for good, pious people, then the demons would have exterminated the entire human race - if, that is, the Lord had allowed them to do what they please with people: for the malice of demons towards people is immeasurable and their envy towards man has no limits, for man is created in the image of God and is destined for the inheritance of eternal life in the place of the fallen angels.0033 (Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt) .
Close and kindred to people by their spiritual nature and by the graciously wise purpose of God, Angels in general and Guardian Angels in particular take a lively and active part in our destiny. Guardian Angels do for us everything that serves our true good and salvation. Invisibly staying with us constantly, they, guiding us to salvation, not only according to our desire mysteriously instruct us in everything good and useful, not only raise our prayers to God, but also protect us from ourselves and protect us from enemies visible and invisible. and intercede for us before God. That is why the Orthodox Church teaches us to honor and call upon our Guardian Angels in prayer as our closest spiritual guides and patrons. But, as appointed to a person as invisible mentors, guardians and defenders by God Himself, we do not know the private name of each Guardian Angel individually, and since the Guardian Angel is a good spirit who did not live a human earthly life, the Orthodox Church cannot appoint to each Guardian Angel of a separate day of public remembrance of his holy charitable, spiritual life, but obliges us to turn to his patronage and protection privately, in our daily prayers at home.
Prayers to the Guardian Angel
Troparion, tone 6:
Angel of God, / my holy guardian, / keep my belly in the fear of Christ God, / establish my mind in the true path, / and wound my soul to the love of heaven / May I be guided by you / I will receive great mercy from Christ God.
Kontakion, tone 4:
Appear mercifully to me, / holy Angel of the Lord, my guardian, / and do not leave me filthy, / but enlighten me with untouchable light / and make me worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.
From the morning prayer rule:
“Holy Angel, stand before my accursed soul and my passionate life, do not leave me, a sinner, depart from me below for my intemperance. Give no place to the crafty demon to possess me with the violence of this mortal body; strengthen my poor and thin hand and guide me on the path of salvation. To her, the holy Angel of God, the guardian and patron of my damned soul and body, forgive me all, insult you with great insults all the days of my stomach, and if I have sinned this past night, cover me on this present day, and save me from every temptation of the opposite Yes, in no sin will I anger God, and pray for me to the Lord, may he confirm me in His fear, and show me worthy of His servant of goodness. Amen".
From the evening prayer rule:
“To the Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me all, fir-tree of sin this day: and deliver me from every wickedness of the enemy that is against me. yes, I will not anger my God in any sin: but pray for me a sinful and unworthy servant, as if you are worthy of me, show the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ, and all the saints, amen.
Canon to Guardian Angel
The Canon to the Guardian Angel is usually read on the eve of Communion.
Guardian Angel
Archimandrite John (Krestyankin)
Guardian Angels are servants of our salvation, so we are not alone in our earthly life, in our labors for the salvation of our immortal soul. We firmly know that our helpers are with us, protecting us from all sorts of troubles encountered on the path of life, and from the wrath of God deserved by each of us. Our Guardian Angel is an infinitely loving being. He loves us with all the fullness of his love. And his love is great, and its action is strong, because, contemplating God, he sees eternal Love, which desires our salvation.
Our Guardian Angel is like our second mother. He has the same concern for us, and even more. Mother takes special care of us while we are in infancy and childhood. Our Guardian Angel, from the moment of our baptism until the last days of our life, is our caring tutor. And, if we ourselves do not push him away from us during our earthly life, he will lead our soul to worship God when the time comes for the soul to part from the body.
Our Guardian Angels are powerful in their personal virtues, powerful in the strength they receive from God, powerful in the prayers that they send for us to the Most High God.
Everything that is good, pure, bright in us: every good thought, every good movement of the heart, our prayer, repentance, good deeds - all this is born in us and is done at the suggestion of our invisible Guardian Angel. Acting through our conscience and our heart, it is he, our Angel, who keeps us from sin and temptation, it is he who helps us fight temptations, it is he who inspires us with fear of a serious fall into sin.
The Guardian Angel given to us is, as it were, our conscience expanded and revealed. He strives with all his might to save us, and we have no right to interfere with him in this. We must help him in his efforts to save us. We must ask him to enrich our minds with an abundance of holy thoughts, to strengthen in us the habit of pious reflections. We are obliged to love him as our elder and strong brother. But in fact, we so often forget about him, do not pray to him, offend his shrine with our sins, and he again and again shows his concern for us. He intercedes for us before the mercy of God, he pleads with God for our needs, and the Heavenly Father will never refuse his requests.
But why do the Angels of God show such concern for people?
First, because they are God's servants and have been commanded by God to protect and save people. Secondly, they themselves are the creations of God, and the words apply to them, just as to people: Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful (Luke 6:36). They understand this and try, imitating their Creator and God, to show both their mercy and their long-suffering towards people..
What joy it gives them to save the souls that Christ has redeemed with His own blood, and who (with their help) will share with them their glory and their blessedness!
If we were a little more sensitive, we would notice how carefully our Guardian Angel helps us return through repentance to the path of salvation. He not only encourages us to repent, but he also promises to remind us of all our sins, all life's mistakes and oversights.
Our Guardian Angels, messengers to us from God, make their way from God to us and from us to God without hindrance and quickly (if only our deeds do not interfere with this). They come from God to us to bring us His grace; they also ascend from us to God in order to convey to Him our prayers and thanksgiving.
How close our Guardian Angel should be to each of us! What confidence we must have in him! During our lifetime, we can tell him the most intimate secrets of our souls. Those secrets that we would not entrust to the closest people. And this is because in the Guardian Angel we see the most wise in advice, the most disinterested in love and help, tender in affection for us, caring in our needs.
Book "Angel of Prayer"
Guardian Angel of the Lord we ask
Archbishop Pitirim of Volokolamsk
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!
Today, brothers and sisters, we are celebrating in honor of the Archangel Michael of God and other incorporeal Heavenly Forces. In the magnificence of the holiday, naming the Archangels and Angels, Cherubim and Seraphim, praising the Lord, we remember, among other Heavenly Forces, the incorporeal and our Guardian Angel. Let us think about how easy it is for us to meditate on the examples of the saints, examples from the Holy Gospel and receive edification, and how difficult it is to constantly turn with prayer to the one who is closest to us, who constantly watches over our salvation, to meditate and talk about the holy angels.
For many years I have been serving God in the church. How many prayers have been performed over the years to the saints of God, to whom our parishioners turn both with prayerful gratitude and with a request for grace-filled help, how many notes about health, salvation, and the sick have been read ... And literally single requests to pray to the Guardian Angel. But the holy Guardian Angel relentlessly abides with us. Like all Angels, God's servants, he was made a servant of our salvation. Let's think about it, brothers and sisters, let's remember an example from the Holy Gospel.
Once the disciples asked the Lord: Teach us to pray (Luke 11:1), and the Lord in His sermon left us all a sacred prayer, which each of us knows by heart. It contains the words: Our Father Who art in Heaven… Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven (Luke 11:2). We ask God that His holy will, carried out unquestioningly and in fullness by the holy Angels in Heaven, be also fulfilled by us here on earth.
The Lord also said to the people around Him: Look, do not despise any of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the Face of My Heavenly Father (Mt.18:10). This means that the lesser, humble ones have the greatest boldness before God, because their Guardian Angels constantly intercede before the Face of God for them. If you are not like children, that is, if you are not “lesser”, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Even Nicodemus, a wise old man, a teacher of the Jewish people, asked the Lord Jesus Christ: is it really necessary to be born a second time in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Christ answered him reproachfully: you are the teacher of Israel and you cannot understand that it is necessary to be reborn in spirit in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (John 3:3-11). And now, brethren and sisters, let us combine these three examples into one. So, we pray, we want that here, on earth, it would be like in the Kingdom of Heaven. But the Lord says that only those who become like the “lesser ones” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, which means that you need to be reborn, as if born again, to become as pure, as sincere as children. The one who comes to this state will receive great boldness before God through the intercessions of his Guardian Angel.
Our church practices provide one very instructive testimony. In ancient times, when they were tonsured monks, they gave a monk a rounded, tight-fitting cap, similar to the one worn by children. Now only in the attire of the Patriarch of Moscow, the so-called puppet, this ancient tradition has been preserved. It is precisely monastic repentance that becomes evidence of a second birth, it is precisely such attire that is more customary to see on children, which is an outward expression of the fact that, first of all, it is necessary to acquire a pure and peaceful spirit. And although none of us can say that we have reached such a state, everyone should remember that we are called to attain it. And so we pray: An angel is peaceful, faithful, mentor, guardian of our souls and bodies, we ask the Lord.
Twice during the Liturgy, when the great sacred Sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated, we ask for it. During Vespers and Matins, during home morning and evening prayers, we ask the Lord to give us a Guardian Angel. For what? In order for us to be reborn, for there to be peace and gentleness, purity and joy in our soul, and for these feelings to be manifested sincerely, directly from the heart. And then, brothers and sisters, our prayer: Thy will be done, like in Heaven and on earth - it will be strong, the Lord will hear it. Let us now pray to the zealous and formidable guardian of the Throne of God, Archangel Michael, to all the invisible incorporeal Forces, and above all to our Guardian Angel, that a pure heart, a peaceful spirit, and fiery strong faith be given to us. Amen.
Journal of the Moscow Patriarchy. 1986. No. 1. S. 41–42.
Quotes about the Guardian Angel
If you wake up earlier than the appointed hour, then, without getting lazy, get up and pray a little to your God and the holy Guardian who awakened you. Believe for sure that your Keeper excites you to this, therefore you should not be lazy. Pray that you do not drive him away from you, but, having prayed, lie down again, praying until the touch of sleep.
ex. Varsonofy Optinsky
How to know that your guardian angel is protecting you: 10 signs of his presence
November 13, 2020, 16:27
difficult times in life. But perhaps it is! There are 10 signs that your guardian angel is somewhere nearby...
1. Figures in the clouds
There is a theory that loved ones who left us become our guardian angels. And if looking at the sky, you see in the clouds the outlines of a loved one who is no longer around, perhaps this is no coincidence. Thus the spirit gives you a sign that he is with you…
2. A certain color
Bioenergetics say that each angel has its own color, which determines its energy. If you suddenly start to see the same color around, pay attention to it. Perhaps your guardian angel is sending you a sign that he is nearby.
3. Music
Music is a universal language, it is able to unite people, and also convey messages from the spirit world. If there is a melody that is connected with the person you have lost and you hear it often, or you just can't get a certain song out of your head, or you notice that everywhere you go, the same music plays everywhere - it is possible that this is a sign from your guardian angel.
4. Ringing in the ears
If you experience ringing in your ears that has no physical explanation, be careful. Sometimes higher beings try to convey some information to us and “download” it into us in this way.
5. Butterflies
In many beliefs and cultures, butterflies are associated with another world, with those who came before us and who take care of us. With the help of butterflies, our guardian angels reach out to us and let us know that they are there.

In moments of emotional or physical exhaustion, we often notice an animal or bird sitting nearby or trying to approach us, as if offering support. You should not drive them away from you - perhaps this is a sign from the guardian angel.
7. Angelic Intervention
There are times when the angelic presence becomes most apparent. You must have heard of people who, at some point in their lives, found themselves in a hopeless situation and were saved by a sudden miracle. For example, they missed the bus and missed the plane, which later crashed. This means that their guardian angel kept them under his wing ...
8. White feathers
White feathers are not in vain considered a sign of purity, peace and light associated with the presence of angels. If at an important moment you see a feather lying on the ground, consider that this is not just a coincidence.
9. Flashes of light or candles
We cannot physically see spiritual beings, but sometimes we can feel their energy.